SEXP _dots_unpack(SEXP dots) { int i; SEXP s; int length = 0; SEXP names, environments, expressions, values; //SEXP evaluated, codeptr, missing, wraplist; //SEXP seen; SEXP dataFrame; SEXP colNames; //check inputs and measure length length = _dots_length(dots); // unpack information for each item: // names, environemnts, expressions, values, evaluated, seen PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, length)); PROTECT(environments = allocVector(VECSXP, length)); PROTECT(expressions = allocVector(VECSXP, length)); PROTECT(values = allocVector(VECSXP, length)); for (s = dots, i = 0; i < length; s = CDR(s), i++) { if (TYPEOF(s) != DOTSXP && TYPEOF(s) != LISTSXP) error("Expected dotlist or pairlist, got %s at index %d", type2char(TYPEOF(s)), i); SEXP item = CAR(s); if (item == R_MissingArg) item = emptypromise(); if (TYPEOF(item) != PROMSXP) error("Expected PROMSXP as CAR of DOTSXP, got %s", type2char(TYPEOF(item))); // if we have an unevluated promise whose code is another promise, descend while ((PRENV(item) != R_NilValue) && (TYPEOF(PRCODE(item)) == PROMSXP)) { item = PRCODE(item); } if ((TYPEOF(PRENV(item)) != ENVSXP) && (PRENV(item) != R_NilValue)) error("Expected ENVSXP or NULL in environment slot of DOTSXP, got %s", type2char(TYPEOF(item))); SET_STRING_ELT(names, i, isNull(TAG(s)) ? mkChar("") : PRINTNAME(TAG(s))); SET_VECTOR_ELT(environments, i, PRENV(item)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(expressions, i, PREXPR(item)); if (PRVALUE(item) != R_UnboundValue) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(values, i, PRVALUE(item)); } else { SET_VECTOR_ELT(values, i, R_NilValue); } } PROTECT(dataFrame = allocVector(VECSXP, 4)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 0, names); SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 1, environments); SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 2, expressions); SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 3, values); PROTECT(colNames = allocVector(STRSXP, 4)); SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 0, mkChar("name")); SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 1, mkChar("envir")); SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 2, mkChar("expr")); SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 3, mkChar("value")); setAttrib(expressions, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("deparse"))); setAttrib(environments, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("deparse"))); setAttrib(values, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("deparse"))); setAttrib(dataFrame, R_NamesSymbol, colNames); setAttrib(dataFrame, R_RowNamesSymbol, names); setAttrib(dataFrame, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("data.frame"))); UNPROTECT(6); return(dataFrame); }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_sprintf(/*const*/ CXXR::Expression* call, const CXXR::BuiltInFunction* op, CXXR::Environment* env, CXXR::RObject* const* args, int num_args, const CXXR::PairList* tags) { int i, nargs, cnt, v, thislen, nfmt, nprotect = 0; /* fmt2 is a copy of fmt with '*' expanded. bit will hold numeric formats and %<w>s, so be quite small. */ char fmt[MAXLINE+1], fmt2[MAXLINE+10], *fmtp, bit[MAXLINE+1], *outputString; const char *formatString; size_t n, cur, chunk; SEXP format, _this, a[MAXNARGS], ans /* -Wall */ = R_NilValue; int ns, maxlen, lens[MAXNARGS], nthis, nstar, star_arg = 0; static R_StringBuffer outbuff = {nullptr, 0, MAXELTSIZE}; Rboolean has_star, use_UTF8; #define _my_sprintf(_X_) \ { \ int nc = snprintf(bit, MAXLINE+1, fmtp, _X_); \ if (nc > MAXLINE) \ error(_("required resulting string length %d is greater than maximal %d"), \ nc, MAXLINE); \ } nargs = num_args; /* grab the format string */ format = num_args ? args[0] : nullptr; if (!isString(format)) error(_("'fmt' is not a character vector")); nfmt = length(format); if (nfmt == 0) return allocVector(STRSXP, 0); args = (args + 1); nargs--; if(nargs >= MAXNARGS) error(_("only %d arguments are allowed"), MAXNARGS); /* record the args for possible coercion and later re-ordering */ for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++, args = (args + 1)) { SEXPTYPE t_ai; a[i] = args[0]; if((t_ai = TYPEOF(a[i])) == LANGSXP || t_ai == SYMSXP) /* << maybe add more .. */ error(_("invalid type of argument[%d]: '%s'"), i+1, CHAR(type2str(t_ai))); lens[i] = length(a[i]); if(lens[i] == 0) return allocVector(STRSXP, 0); } #define CHECK_maxlen \ maxlen = nfmt; \ for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) \ if(maxlen < lens[i]) maxlen = lens[i]; \ if(maxlen % nfmt) \ error(_("arguments cannot be recycled to the same length")); \ for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) \ if(maxlen % lens[i]) \ error(_("arguments cannot be recycled to the same length")) CHECK_maxlen; outputString = CXXRCONSTRUCT(static_cast<char*>, R_AllocStringBuffer(0, &outbuff)); /* We do the format analysis a row at a time */ for(ns = 0; ns < maxlen; ns++) { outputString[0] = '\0'; use_UTF8 = CXXRCONSTRUCT(Rboolean, getCharCE(STRING_ELT(format, ns % nfmt)) == CE_UTF8); if (!use_UTF8) { for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { if (!isString(a[i])) continue; if (getCharCE(STRING_ELT(a[i], ns % lens[i])) == CE_UTF8) { use_UTF8 = TRUE; break; } } } formatString = TRANSLATE_CHAR(format, ns % nfmt); n = strlen(formatString); if (n > MAXLINE) error(_("'fmt' length exceeds maximal format length %d"), MAXLINE); /* process the format string */ for (cur = 0, cnt = 0; cur < n; cur += chunk) { const char *curFormat = formatString + cur, *ss; char *starc; ss = nullptr; if (formatString[cur] == '%') { /* handle special format command */ if (cur < n - 1 && formatString[cur + 1] == '%') { /* take care of %% in the format */ chunk = 2; strcpy(bit, "%"); } else { /* recognise selected types from Table B-1 of K&R */ /* NB: we deal with "%%" in branch above. */ /* This is MBCS-OK, as we are in a format spec */ chunk = strcspn(curFormat + 1, "diosfeEgGxXaA") + 2; if (cur + chunk > n) error(_("unrecognised format specification '%s'"), curFormat); strncpy(fmt, curFormat, chunk); fmt[chunk] = '\0'; nthis = -1; /* now look for %n$ or %nn$ form */ if (strlen(fmt) > 3 && fmt[1] >= '1' && fmt[1] <= '9') { v = fmt[1] - '0'; if(fmt[2] == '$') { if(v > nargs) error(_("reference to non-existent argument %d"), v); nthis = v-1; memmove(fmt+1, fmt+3, strlen(fmt)-2); } else if(fmt[2] >= '0' && fmt[2] <= '9' && fmt[3] == '$') { v = 10*v + fmt[2] - '0'; if(v > nargs) error(_("reference to non-existent argument %d"), v); nthis = v-1; memmove(fmt+1, fmt+4, strlen(fmt)-3); } } starc = Rf_strchr(fmt, '*'); if (starc) { /* handle * format if present */ nstar = -1; if (strlen(starc) > 3 && starc[1] >= '1' && starc[1] <= '9') { v = starc[1] - '0'; if(starc[2] == '$') { if(v > nargs) error(_("reference to non-existent argument %d"), v); nstar = v-1; memmove(starc+1, starc+3, strlen(starc)-2); } else if(starc[2] >= '0' && starc[2] <= '9' && starc[3] == '$') { v = 10*v + starc[2] - '0'; if(v > nargs) error(_("reference to non-existent argument %d"), v); nstar = v-1; memmove(starc+1, starc+4, strlen(starc)-3); } } if(nstar < 0) { if (cnt >= nargs) error(_("too few arguments")); nstar = cnt++; } if (Rf_strchr(starc+1, '*')) error(_("at most one asterisk '*' is supported in each conversion specification")); _this = a[nstar]; if(ns == 0 && TYPEOF(_this) == REALSXP) { _this = coerceVector(_this, INTSXP); PROTECT(a[nstar] = _this); nprotect++; } if(TYPEOF(_this) != INTSXP || LENGTH(_this)<1 || INTEGER(_this)[ns % LENGTH(_this)] == NA_INTEGER) error(_("argument for '*' conversion specification must be a number")); star_arg = INTEGER(_this)[ns % LENGTH(_this)]; has_star = TRUE; } else has_star = FALSE; if (fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] == '%') { /* handle % with formatting options */ if (has_star) snprintf(bit, MAXLINE+1, fmt, star_arg); else strcpy(bit, fmt); /* was sprintf(..) for which some compiler warn */ } else { Rboolean did_this = FALSE; if(nthis < 0) { if (cnt >= nargs) error(_("too few arguments")); nthis = cnt++; } _this = a[nthis]; if (has_star) { size_t nf; char *p, *q = fmt2; for (p = fmt; *p; p++) if (*p == '*') q += sprintf(q, "%d", star_arg); else *q++ = *p; *q = '\0'; nf = strlen(fmt2); if (nf > MAXLINE) error(_("'fmt' length exceeds maximal format length %d"), MAXLINE); fmtp = fmt2; } else fmtp = fmt; #define CHECK_this_length \ PROTECT(_this); \ thislen = length(_this); \ if(thislen == 0) \ error(_("coercion has changed vector length to 0")) /* Now let us see if some minimal coercion would be sensible, but only do so once, for ns = 0: */ if(ns == 0) { SEXP tmp; Rboolean do_check; switch(*findspec(fmtp)) { case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': if(TYPEOF(_this) == REALSXP) { double r = REAL(_this)[0]; if(double(int( r)) == r) _this = coerceVector(_this, INTSXP); PROTECT(a[nthis] = _this); nprotect++; } break; case 'a': case 'A': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'E': case 'G': if(TYPEOF(_this) != REALSXP && /* no automatic as.double(<string>) : */ TYPEOF(_this) != STRSXP) { PROTECT(tmp = lang2(install("as.double"), _this)); #define COERCE_THIS_TO_A \ _this = eval(tmp, env); \ UNPROTECT(1); \ PROTECT(a[nthis] = _this); \ nprotect++; \ did_this = TRUE; \ CHECK_this_length; \ do_check = (CXXRCONSTRUCT(Rboolean, lens[nthis] == maxlen)); \ lens[nthis] = thislen; /* may have changed! */ \ if(do_check && thislen < maxlen) { \ CHECK_maxlen; \ } COERCE_THIS_TO_A } break; case 's': if(TYPEOF(_this) != STRSXP) { /* as.character method might call sprintf() */ size_t nc = strlen(outputString); char *z = Calloc(nc+1, char); strcpy(z, outputString); PROTECT(tmp = lang2(install("as.character"), _this)); COERCE_THIS_TO_A strcpy(outputString, z); Free(z); } break; default: break; } } /* ns == 0 (first-time only) */ if(!did_this) CHECK_this_length; switch(TYPEOF(_this)) { case LGLSXP: { int x = LOGICAL(_this)[ns % thislen]; if (checkfmt(fmtp, "di")) error(_("invalid format '%s'; %s"), fmtp, _("use format %d or %i for logical objects")); if (x == NA_LOGICAL) { fmtp[strlen(fmtp)-1] = 's'; _my_sprintf("NA") } else { _my_sprintf(x) } break; } case INTSXP: { int x = INTEGER(_this)[ns % thislen]; if (checkfmt(fmtp, "dioxX")) error(_("invalid format '%s'; %s"), fmtp, _("use format %d, %i, %o, %x or %X for integer objects")); if (x == NA_INTEGER) { fmtp[strlen(fmtp)-1] = 's'; _my_sprintf("NA") } else { _my_sprintf(x) } break; }
/* conditional linear Gaussian mutual information test. */ static double ct_micg(SEXP xx, SEXP yy, SEXP zz, int nobs, int ntests, double *pvalue, double *df) { int xtype = 0, ytype = TYPEOF(yy), *nlvls = NULL, llx = 0, lly = 0, llz = 0; int ndp = 0, ngp = 0, nsx = length(zz), **dp = NULL, *dlvls = NULL, j = 0, k = 0; int i = 0, *zptr = 0; void *xptr = NULL, *yptr = NULL, **columns = NULL; double **gp = NULL; double statistic = 0; SEXP xdata; if (ytype == INTSXP) { /* cache the number of levels. */ lly = NLEVELS(yy); yptr = INTEGER(yy); }/*THEN*/ else { yptr = REAL(yy); }/*ELSE*/ /* extract the conditioning variables and cache their types. */ columns = Calloc1D(nsx, sizeof(void *)); nlvls = Calloc1D(nsx, sizeof(int)); df2micg(zz, columns, nlvls, &ndp, &ngp); dp = Calloc1D(ndp + 1, sizeof(int *)); gp = Calloc1D(ngp + 1, sizeof(double *)); dlvls = Calloc1D(ndp + 1, sizeof(int)); for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < nsx; i++) if (nlvls[i] > 0) { dlvls[1 + j] = nlvls[i]; dp[1 + j++] = columns[i]; }/*THEN*/ else { gp[1 + k++] = columns[i]; }/*ELSE*/ /* allocate vector for the configurations of the discrete parents; or, if * there no discrete parents, for the means of the continuous parents. */ if (ndp > 0) { zptr = Calloc1D(nobs, sizeof(int)); c_fast_config(dp + 1, nobs, ndp, dlvls + 1, zptr, &llz, 1); }/*THEN*/ for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++) { xdata = VECTOR_ELT(xx, i); xtype = TYPEOF(xdata); if (xtype == INTSXP) { xptr = INTEGER(xdata); llx = NLEVELS(xdata); }/*THEN*/ else { xptr = REAL(xdata); }/*ELSE*/ if ((ytype == INTSXP) && (xtype == INTSXP)) { if (ngp > 0) { /* need to reverse conditioning to actually compute the test. */ statistic = 2 * nobs * nobs * c_cmicg_unroll(xptr, llx, yptr, lly, zptr, llz, gp + 1, ngp, df, nobs); }/*THEN*/ else { /* the test reverts back to a discrete mutual information test. */ statistic = 2 * nobs * c_cchisqtest(xptr, llx, yptr, lly, zptr, llz, nobs, df, MI); }/*ELSE*/ }/*THEN*/ else if ((ytype == REALSXP) && (xtype == REALSXP)) { gp[0] = xptr; statistic = 2 * nobs * c_cmicg(yptr, gp, ngp + 1, NULL, 0, zptr, llz, dlvls, nobs); /* one regression coefficient for each conditioning level is added; * if all conditioning variables are continuous that's just one global * regression coefficient. */ *df = (llz == 0) ? 1 : llz; }/*THEN*/ else if ((ytype == INTSXP) && (xtype == REALSXP)) { dp[0] = yptr; dlvls[0] = lly; statistic = 2 * nobs * c_cmicg(xptr, gp + 1, ngp, dp, ndp + 1, zptr, llz, dlvls, nobs); /* for each additional configuration of the discrete conditioning * variables plus the discrete yptr, one whole set of regression * coefficients (plus the intercept) is added. */ *df = (lly - 1) * ((llz == 0) ? 1 : llz) * (ngp + 1); }/*THEN*/ else if ((ytype == REALSXP) && (xtype == INTSXP)) { dp[0] = xptr; dlvls[0] = llx; statistic = 2 * nobs * c_cmicg(yptr, gp + 1, ngp, dp, ndp + 1, zptr, llz, dlvls, nobs); /* same as above, with xptr and yptr swapped. */ *df = (llx - 1) * ((llz == 0) ? 1 : llz) * (ngp + 1); }/*ELSE*/ pvalue[i] = pchisq(statistic, *df, FALSE, FALSE); }/*FOR*/ Free1D(columns); Free1D(nlvls); Free1D(dlvls); Free1D(zptr); Free1D(dp); Free1D(gp); return statistic; }/*CT_MICG*/
SEXP imputeObservations(SEXP R_forest, SEXP registered_data, SEXP new_data) { hpdRFforest *forest = (hpdRFforest *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(R_forest); int temp_leaf_count, leaf_count=0, num_obs = length(VECTOR_ELT(new_data,0)); hpdRFnode **temp_leaves, **leaves = NULL; void **new_feature_observations = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void*)*length(new_data)); bool* new_int_data = (bool *) malloc(sizeof(bool)*length(new_data)); void **old_feature_observations = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void*)*length(registered_data)); bool* old_int_data = (bool *) malloc(sizeof(bool)*length(registered_data)); double *temp_weights, *weights; for(int col = 0; col < length(new_data); col++) { new_feature_observations[col] = RtoCArray<void *>(VECTOR_ELT(new_data,col)); new_int_data[col] = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(new_data,col)) == INTSXP; } for(int col = 0; col < length(registered_data); col++) { old_feature_observations[col] = RtoCArray<void *>(VECTOR_ELT(registered_data,col)); old_int_data[col] = TYPEOF(VECTOR_ELT(registered_data,col)) == INTSXP; } for(int obs_index = 0; obs_index < num_obs; obs_index++) { for(int i = 0; i < forest->ntree; i++) { temp_leaf_count = 0; temp_leaves= treeTraverseObservation(forest->trees[i], new_data, forest->features_cardinality, obs_index, true, &temp_leaf_count, &temp_weights); hpdRFnode** temp = (hpdRFnode**) malloc(sizeof(hpdRFnode*)*(temp_leaf_count+leaf_count)); double* temp1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(temp_leaf_count+leaf_count)); double total_tree_weight = 0; for(int j = 0; j < temp_leaf_count; j++) total_tree_weight += temp_leaves[j]->additional_info->num_obs; for(int j = 0; j < temp_leaf_count; j++) temp_weights[j] = temp_leaves[j]->additional_info->num_obs/ total_tree_weight; if(leaf_count != 0) { memcpy(temp,leaves,leaf_count*sizeof(hpdRFnode*)); memcpy(temp1,weights, leaf_count*sizeof(double)); } if(temp_leaf_count != 0) { memcpy(temp+leaf_count,temp_leaves, temp_leaf_count*sizeof(hpdRFnode*)); memcpy(temp1+leaf_count,temp_weights, temp_leaf_count*sizeof(double)); } free(temp_leaves); free(leaves); free(weights); free(temp_weights); leaves = temp; weights = temp1; leaf_count += temp_leaf_count; } for(int i = 0; i < leaf_count; i++) if(isnan(weights[i])) weights[i] = 0; double sample_id = forest->ntree*((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX); int i = 0; while(i < leaf_count) { if(sample_id >= weights[i]) sample_id -= weights[i]; else break; i++; } if(i < leaf_count && leaves[i]->additional_info->num_obs > 0) { int index = (int) (sample_id*leaves[i]->additional_info->num_obs); index = leaves[i]->additional_info->indices[index]-1; for(int col = 0; col < length(new_data); col++) { if(new_int_data[col] && old_int_data[col]) { ((int **) new_feature_observations)[col][obs_index] = ((int **) old_feature_observations)[col][index]; } if(new_int_data[col] && !old_int_data[col]) { ((int **) new_feature_observations)[col][obs_index] = ((double **) old_feature_observations)[col][index]; } if(!new_int_data[col] && old_int_data[col]) { ((double **) new_feature_observations)[col][obs_index] = ((int **) old_feature_observations)[col][index]; } if(!new_int_data[col] && !old_int_data[col]) { ((double **) new_feature_observations)[col][obs_index] = ((double **) old_feature_observations)[col][index]; } } } free(leaves); leaves = NULL; leaf_count = 0; free(weights); weights = NULL; } return R_NilValue; }
static SEXP ExtractSubset(SEXP x, SEXP result, SEXP indx) //, SEXP call) { /* ExtractSubset is currently copied/inspired by subset.c from GNU-R This is slated to be reimplemented using the previous method in xts to get the correct dimnames */ int i, ii, n, nx, mode; SEXP tmp, tmp2; mode = TYPEOF(x); n = LENGTH(indx); nx = length(x); tmp = result; /*if (x == R_NilValue)*/ if (isNull(x)) return x; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ii = INTEGER(indx)[i]; if (ii != NA_INTEGER) ii--; switch (mode) { case LGLSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_LOGICAL) LOGICAL(result)[i] = LOGICAL(x)[ii]; else LOGICAL(result)[i] = NA_LOGICAL; break; case INTSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) INTEGER(result)[i] = INTEGER(x)[ii]; else INTEGER(result)[i] = NA_INTEGER; break; case REALSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) REAL(result)[i] = REAL(x)[ii]; else REAL(result)[i] = NA_REAL; break; case CPLXSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) { COMPLEX(result)[i] = COMPLEX(x)[ii]; } else { COMPLEX(result)[i].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i].i = NA_REAL; } break; case STRSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i, STRING_ELT(x, ii)); else SET_STRING_ELT(result, i, NA_STRING); break; case VECSXP: case EXPRSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, i, VECTOR_ELT(x, ii)); else SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, i, R_NilValue); break; case LISTSXP: /* cannot happen: pairlists are coerced to lists */ case LANGSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) { tmp2 = nthcdr(x, ii); SETCAR(tmp, CAR(tmp2)); SET_TAG(tmp, TAG(tmp2)); } else SETCAR(tmp, R_NilValue); tmp = CDR(tmp); break; case RAWSXP: if (0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER) RAW(result)[i] = RAW(x)[ii]; else RAW(result)[i] = (Rbyte) 0; break; default: error("error in subset\n"); break; } } return result; }
Result* nth_prototype(SEXP call, const ILazySubsets& subsets, int nargs) { // has to have at least two arguments if (nargs < 2) return 0; SEXP tag = TAG(CDR(call)); if (tag != R_NilValue && tag != Rf_install("x")) { stop("the first argument of 'nth' should be either 'x' or unnamed"); } SEXP data = CADR(call); if (TYPEOF(data) == SYMSXP) { if (! subsets.count(data)) { stop("could not find variable '%s'", CHAR(PRINTNAME(data))); } data = subsets.get_variable(data); } tag = TAG(CDDR(call)); if (tag != R_NilValue && tag != Rf_install("n")) { stop("the second argument of 'first' should be either 'n' or unnamed"); } SEXP nidx = CADDR(call); if ((TYPEOF(nidx) != REALSXP && TYPEOF(nidx) != INTSXP) || LENGTH(nidx) != 1) { // we only know how to handle the case where nidx is a length one // integer or numeric. In any other case, e.g. an expression for R to evaluate // we just fallback to R evaluation (#734) return 0; } int idx = as<int>(nidx); // easy case : just a single variable: first(x,n) if (nargs == 2) { switch (TYPEOF(data)) { case INTSXP: return new Nth<INTSXP>(data, idx); case REALSXP: return new Nth<REALSXP>(data, idx); case STRSXP: return new Nth<STRSXP>(data, idx); case LGLSXP: return new Nth<LGLSXP>(data, idx); default: break; } } else { // now get `order_by` and default SEXP order_by = R_NilValue; SEXP def = R_NilValue; SEXP p = CDR(CDDR(call)); while (p != R_NilValue) { SEXP tag = TAG(p); if (tag == R_NilValue) stop("all arguments of 'first' after the first one should be named"); std::string argname = CHAR(PRINTNAME(tag)); if (argmatch("order_by", argname)) { order_by = CAR(p); } else if (argmatch("default", argname)) { def = CAR(p); } else { stop("argument to 'first' does not match either 'default' or 'order_by' "); } p = CDR(p); } // handle cases if (def == R_NilValue) { // then we know order_by is not NULL, we only handle the case where // order_by is a symbol and that symbol is in the data if (TYPEOF(order_by) == SYMSXP && subsets.count(order_by)) { order_by = subsets.get_variable(order_by); switch (TYPEOF(data)) { case LGLSXP: return nth_with<LGLSXP>(data, idx, order_by); case INTSXP: return nth_with<INTSXP>(data, idx, order_by); case REALSXP: return nth_with<REALSXP>(data, idx, order_by); case STRSXP: return nth_with<STRSXP>(data, idx, order_by); default: break; } } else { return 0; } } else { if (order_by == R_NilValue) { switch (TYPEOF(data)) { case LGLSXP: return nth_noorder_default<LGLSXP>(data, idx, def); case INTSXP: return nth_noorder_default<INTSXP>(data, idx, def); case REALSXP: return nth_noorder_default<REALSXP>(data, idx, def); case STRSXP: return nth_noorder_default<STRSXP>(data, idx, def); default: break; } } else { if (TYPEOF(order_by) == SYMSXP && subsets.count(order_by)) { order_by = subsets.get_variable(order_by); switch (TYPEOF(data)) { case LGLSXP: return nth_with_default<LGLSXP>(data, idx, order_by, def); case INTSXP: return nth_with_default<INTSXP>(data, idx, order_by, def); case REALSXP: return nth_with_default<REALSXP>(data, idx, order_by, def); case STRSXP: return nth_with_default<STRSXP>(data, idx, order_by, def); default: break; } } else { return 0; } } } } stop("Unsupported vector type %s", Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(data))); return 0; }
void CallProxy::set_call( SEXP call_ ){ proxies.clear() ; call = call_ ; if( TYPEOF(call) == LANGSXP ) traverse_call(call) ; }
SEXP printNode(hpdRFnode *tree, int depth, int max_depth, SEXP classes) { #define tab for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf("\t") if(depth > max_depth) { tab; printf("Ommitting subtree\n"); return R_NilValue; } double prediction = tree->prediction; tab; int index = (int) prediction; if(classes != R_NilValue && TYPEOF(classes) == STRSXP && index >= 0 && index < length(classes)) printf("<prediction> %s </prediction>\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(classes,(int)prediction))); else printf("<prediction> %f </prediction>\n", prediction); tab; printf("<deviance> %f </deviance>\n", tree->deviance); tab; printf("<complexity> %f </complexity>\n", tree->complexity); double* split_criteria = tree->split_criteria; int split_var=tree->split_variable; if(split_criteria != NULL) { tab; printf("<split_criteria> "); for(int i = 0; i < tree->split_criteria_length; i++) printf("%f ",split_criteria[i]); printf("</split_criteria>\n"); tab; printf("<split variable> %d </split variable>\n", split_var); } if(tree->additional_info) { tab; printf("leaf_id: %d\n", tree->additional_info->leafID); tab; printf("num_obs: %d\n", tree->additional_info->num_obs); tab; printf("indices: "); for(int i = 0; i < tree->additional_info->num_obs; i++) printf("%d ", tree->additional_info->indices[i]); printf("\n"); /* tab; printf("weights: "); for(int i = 0; i < tree->additional_info->num_obs; i++) printf("%f ", tree->additional_info->weights[i]); printf("\n"); */ } if(tree->left != NULL) { tab; printf("<Left Child Node>\n"); printNode(tree->left, depth+1,max_depth,classes); tab; printf("</Left Child Node>\n"); } if(tree->right != NULL) { tab; printf("<Right Child Node>\n"); printNode(tree->right, depth+1,max_depth,classes); tab; printf("</Right Child Node>\n"); } return R_NilValue; }
SEXP R_tarExtract(SEXP r_filename, SEXP r_filenames, SEXP r_fun, SEXP r_data, SEXP r_workBuf) { TarExtractCallbackFun callback = R_tarCollectContents; RTarCallInfo rcb; Rboolean doRcallback = (TYPEOF(r_fun) == CLOSXP); void *data; gzFile *f = NULL; int numFiles = LENGTH(r_filenames), i; const char **argv; int argc = numFiles + 1; if(TYPEOF(r_filename) == STRSXP) { const char *filename; filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(r_filename, 0)); f = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if(!f) { PROBLEM "Can't open file %s", filename ERROR; } } if(doRcallback) { SEXP p; rcb.rawData = r_workBuf; rcb.numProtects = 0; rcb.offset = 0; PROTECT(rcb.e = p = allocVector( LANGSXP, 3)); SETCAR(p, r_fun); callback = R_tarCollectContents; data = (void *) &rcb; } else { data = (void *) r_data; callback = (TarExtractCallbackFun) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_fun); } argv = (char **) S_alloc(numFiles + 1, sizeof(char *)); argv[0] = "R"; for(i = 1; i < numFiles + 1; i++) argv[i] = CHAR(STRING_ELT(r_filenames, i-1)); if(TYPEOF(r_filename) == STRSXP) tar(f, TGZ_EXTRACT, numFiles + 1, argc, argv, (TarCallbackFun) callback, (void *) data); else { DataSource src; R_rawStream stream; = RAW(r_filename); stream.len = LENGTH(r_filename); stream.pos = 0; = &stream; src.throwError = rawError; = rawRead; funTar(&src, TGZ_EXTRACT, numFiles + 1, argc, argv, (TarCallbackFun) callback, (void *) data); } if(doRcallback) UNPROTECT(1); if(rcb.numProtects > 0) UNPROTECT(rcb.numProtects); if (f && gzclose(f) != Z_OK) error("failed gzclose"); return(R_NilValue); }
static jl_value_t *R_Julia_MD(SEXP Var, const char *VarName) { if ((LENGTH(Var)) != 0) { jl_tuple_t *dims = RDims_JuliaTuple(Var); switch (TYPEOF( Var)) { case LGLSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ret); char *retData = (char *)jl_array_data(ret); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) retData[i] = LOGICAL(Var)[i]; jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret); return (jl_value_t *) ret; JL_GC_POP(); break; }; case INTSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_int32_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ret); int *retData = (int *)jl_array_data(ret); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) retData[i] = INTEGER(Var)[i]; jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret); return (jl_value_t *) ret; JL_GC_POP(); break; } case REALSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_float64_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ret); double *retData = (double *)jl_array_data(ret); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) retData[i] = REAL(Var)[i]; jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret); JL_GC_POP(); return (jl_value_t *) ret; break; } case STRSXP: { jl_array_t *ret; if (!IS_ASCII(Var)) ret = CreateArray(jl_utf8_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); else ret = CreateArray(jl_ascii_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ret); jl_value_t **retData = jl_array_data(ret); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) if (!IS_ASCII(Var)) retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(translateChar0(STRING_ELT(Var, i))); else retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Var, i))); jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret); JL_GC_POP(); return (jl_value_t *) ret; break; } case VECSXP: { char eltcmd[eltsize]; jl_tuple_t *ret = jl_alloc_tuple(length(Var)); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ret); for (int i = 0; i < length(Var); i++) { snprintf(eltcmd, eltsize, "%selement%d", VarName, i); jl_tupleset(ret, i, R_Julia_MD(VECTOR_ELT(Var, i), eltcmd)); } jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(VarName), (jl_value_t *)ret); JL_GC_POP(); return (jl_value_t *) ret; } default: { return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; } break; } return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; } return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; }
SEXP R_initMethodDispatch(SEXP envir) { if(envir && !isNull(envir)) Methods_Namespace = envir; if(!Methods_Namespace) Methods_Namespace = R_GlobalEnv; if(initialized) return(envir); s_dot_Methods = install(".Methods"); s_skeleton = install("skeleton"); s_expression = install("expression"); s_function = install("function"); s_getAllMethods = install("getAllMethods"); s_objectsEnv = install("objectsEnv"); s_MethodsListSelect = install("MethodsListSelect"); s_sys_dot_frame = install("sys.frame"); s_sys_dot_call = install(""); s_sys_dot_function = install("sys.function"); s_generic = install("generic"); s_generic_dot_skeleton = install("generic.skeleton"); s_subset_gets = install("[<-"); s_element_gets = install("[[<-"); s_argument = install("argument"); s_allMethods = install("allMethods"); R_FALSE = ScalarLogical(FALSE); R_PreserveObject(R_FALSE); R_TRUE = ScalarLogical(TRUE); R_PreserveObject(R_TRUE); /* some strings (NOT symbols) */ s_missing = mkString("missing"); setAttrib(s_missing, R_PackageSymbol, mkString("methods")); R_PreserveObject(s_missing); s_base = mkString("base"); R_PreserveObject(s_base); /* Initialize method dispatch, using the static */ R_set_standardGeneric_ptr( (table_dispatch_on ? R_dispatchGeneric : R_standardGeneric) , Methods_Namespace); R_set_quick_method_check( (table_dispatch_on ? R_quick_dispatch : R_quick_method_check)); /* Some special lists of primitive skeleton calls. These will be promises under lazy-loading. */ PROTECT(R_short_skeletons = findVar(install(".ShortPrimitiveSkeletons"), Methods_Namespace)); if(TYPEOF(R_short_skeletons) == PROMSXP) R_short_skeletons = eval(R_short_skeletons, Methods_Namespace); R_PreserveObject(R_short_skeletons); UNPROTECT(1); PROTECT(R_empty_skeletons = findVar(install(".EmptyPrimitiveSkeletons"), Methods_Namespace)); if(TYPEOF(R_empty_skeletons) == PROMSXP) R_empty_skeletons = eval(R_empty_skeletons, Methods_Namespace); R_PreserveObject(R_empty_skeletons); UNPROTECT(1); if(R_short_skeletons == R_UnboundValue || R_empty_skeletons == R_UnboundValue) error(_("could not find the skeleton calls for 'methods' (package detached?): expect very bad things to happen")); f_x_i_skeleton = VECTOR_ELT(R_short_skeletons, 0); fgets_x_i_skeleton = VECTOR_ELT(R_short_skeletons, 1); f_x_skeleton = VECTOR_ELT(R_empty_skeletons, 0); fgets_x_skeleton = VECTOR_ELT(R_empty_skeletons, 1); init_loadMethod(); initialized = 1; return(envir); }
static jl_value_t *R_Julia_MD_NA(SEXP Var, const char *VarName) { if ((LENGTH(Var)) != 0) { jl_tuple_t *dims = RDims_JuliaTuple(Var); switch (TYPEOF(Var)) { case LGLSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); jl_array_t *ret1 = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH(&ret, &ret1); char *retData = (char *)jl_array_data(ret); bool *retData1 = (bool *)jl_array_data(ret1); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) { if (LOGICAL(Var)[i] == NA_LOGICAL) { retData[i] = 1; retData1[i] = true; } else { retData[i] = LOGICAL(Var)[i]; retData1[i] = false; } } JL_GC_POP(); return TransArrayToDataArray(ret, ret1, VarName); break; }; case INTSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_int32_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); jl_array_t *ret1 = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH(&ret, &ret1); int *retData = (int *)jl_array_data(ret); bool *retData1 = (bool *)jl_array_data(ret1); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) { if (INTEGER(Var)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { retData[i] = 999; retData1[i] = true; } else { retData[i] = INTEGER(Var)[i]; retData1[i] = false; } } JL_GC_POP(); return TransArrayToDataArray(ret, ret1, VarName); break; } case REALSXP: { jl_array_t *ret = CreateArray(jl_float64_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); jl_array_t *ret1 = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH(&ret, &ret1); double *retData = (double *)jl_array_data(ret); bool *retData1 = (bool *)jl_array_data(ret1); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) { if (ISNAN(REAL(Var)[i])) { retData[i] = 999.01; retData1[i] = true; } else { retData[i] = REAL(Var)[i]; retData1[i] = false; } } JL_GC_POP(); return TransArrayToDataArray(ret, ret1, VarName); break; } case STRSXP: { jl_array_t *ret; if (!IS_ASCII(Var)) ret = CreateArray(jl_utf8_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); else ret = CreateArray(jl_ascii_string_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); jl_array_t *ret1 = CreateArray(jl_bool_type, jl_tuple_len(dims), dims); JL_GC_PUSH(&ret, &ret1); jl_value_t **retData = jl_array_data(ret); bool *retData1 = (bool *)jl_array_data(ret1); for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ret); i++) { if (STRING_ELT(Var, i) == NA_STRING) { retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string("999"); retData1[i] = true; } else { if (!IS_ASCII(Var)) retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(translateChar0(STRING_ELT(Var, i))); else retData[i] = jl_cstr_to_string(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Var, i))); retData1[i] = false; } } JL_GC_POP(); return TransArrayToDataArray(ret, ret1, VarName); break; } default: return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; break; }//case end return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; }//if length !=0 return (jl_value_t *) jl_nothing; }
SEXP R_export2dataset(SEXP path, SEXP dataframe, SEXP shape, SEXP shape_info) { std::wstring dataset_name; tools::copy_to(path, dataset_name); struct _cleanup { typedef std::vector<cols_base*> c_type; std::vector<std::wstring> name; c_type c; //std::vector<c_type::const_iterator> shape; c_type shape; ~_cleanup() { for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) delete c[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.size(); i++) delete shape[i]; } }cols; shape_extractor extractor; bool isShape = extractor.init(shape, shape_info) == S_OK; //SEXP sinfo = Rf_getAttrib(shape, Rf_mkChar("shape_info")); // = df.attr("names"); tools::getNames(dataframe,; //tools::vectorGeneric shape_info(sinfo); //std::string gt_type; //tools::copy_to("type"), gt_type); esriGeometryType gt = extractor.type();//str2geometryType(gt_type.c_str()); R_xlen_t n = 0; ATLTRACE("dataframe type:%s", Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(dataframe))); if (Rf_isVectorList(dataframe)) { size_t k = tools::size(dataframe);; for (size_t i = 0; i < k; i++) { n = std::max(n, tools::size(VECTOR_ELT(dataframe, (R_xlen_t)i))); if ([i].empty())[i] = L"data"; } } else { n = tools::size(dataframe); ATLASSERT(; } if (isShape == false && n == 0) return showError<false>(L"nothing to save"), R_NilValue; if (isShape && n != extractor.size() ) return showError<false>(L"length of shape != data.frame"), R_NilValue; CComPtr<IGPUtilities> ipDEUtil; if (ipDEUtil.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_GPUtilities) != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"IDEUtilitiesImpl - CoCreateInstance has failed"), R_NilValue; HRESULT hr = 0; CComPtr<IName> ipName; if (isShape) hr = ipDEUtil->CreateFeatureClassName(CComBSTR(dataset_name.c_str()), &ipName); else hr = ipDEUtil->CreateTableName(CComBSTR(dataset_name.c_str()), &ipName); CComQIPtr<IDatasetName> ipDatasetName(ipName); CComPtr<IWorkspaceName> ipWksName; CComQIPtr<IWorkspace> ipWks; if (hr == S_OK) hr = ipDatasetName->get_WorkspaceName(&ipWksName); if (hr == S_OK) { CComPtr<IUnknown> ipUnk; hr = CComQIPtr<IName>(ipWksName)->Open(&ipUnk); ipWks = ipUnk; } if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"invalid table name"), R_NilValue; CComQIPtr<IFeatureWorkspace> ipFWKS(ipWks); ATLASSERT(ipFWKS); if (!ipFWKS) return showError<true>(L"not a FeatureWorkspace"), R_NilValue; CComBSTR bstrTableName; ipDatasetName->get_Name(&bstrTableName); CComPtr<IFieldsEdit> ipFields; hr = ipFields.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Fields); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"CoCreateInstance"), R_NilValue; createField(NULL, esriFieldTypeOID, ipFields); CComPtr<ISpatialReference> ipSR; if (isShape) { long pos = createField(NULL, esriFieldTypeGeometry, ipFields); CComPtr<IGeometryDef> ipGeoDef; CComPtr<IField> ipField; ipFields->get_Field(pos, &ipField); ipField->get_GeometryDef(&ipGeoDef); CComQIPtr<IGeometryDefEdit> ipGeoDefEd(ipGeoDef); ipGeoDefEd->put_GeometryType(gt); ipGeoDefEd->putref_SpatialReference(; } if ( {"data"); cols_base* item = setup_field(ipFields, dataframe,[0].c_str()); if (!item) return showError<false>(L"unsupported datat.field column type"), NULL; cols.c.push_back(item); item->name_ref = &[0]; } else for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].empty()) continue; const wchar_t* str =[i].c_str(); SEXP it = VECTOR_ELT(dataframe, (R_len_t)i); cols_base* item = setup_field(ipFields, it, str); if (!item) return showError<false>(L"unsupported datat.field column type"), NULL; cols.c.push_back(item); item->name_ref = &[i]; } CComPtr<IFieldChecker> ipFieldChecker; ipFieldChecker.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FieldChecker); if (ipFieldChecker) { ipFieldChecker->putref_ValidateWorkspace(ipWks); long error = 0; //fix fields names CComPtr<IFields> ipFixedFields; CComPtr<IEnumFieldError> ipEError; hr = ipFieldChecker->Validate(ipFields, &ipEError, &ipFixedFields); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"validate fields failed"), NULL; if (ipFixedFields) { ipFields = ipFixedFields; for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) { CComPtr<IField> ipFixedField; ipFixedFields->get_Field(cols.c[c]->pos, &ipFixedField); _bstr_t name; ipFixedField->get_Name(name.GetAddress()); cols.c[c]->name_ref->assign(name); } } } CComPtr<IUID> ipUID; ipUID.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UID); if (ipUID) { OLECHAR buf[256]; ::StringFromGUID2(isShape ? CLSID_Feature : CLSID_Row, buf, 256); ipUID->put_Value(CComVariant(buf)); } CComQIPtr<ITable> ipTableNew; CComBSTR keyword(L""); hr = E_FAIL; if (isShape) { CComPtr<IFeatureClass> ipFClass; hr = ipFWKS->CreateFeatureClass(bstrTableName, ipFields, ipUID, 0, esriFTSimple, CComBSTR(L"Shape"), keyword, &ipFClass); ipTableNew = ipFClass; } else { hr = ipFWKS->CreateTable(bstrTableName, ipFields, ipUID, 0, keyword, &ipTableNew); } if (hr != S_OK) { std::wstring err_txt(isShape ? L"Create FeatureClass :" : L"Create Table :"); err_txt += bstrTableName; err_txt += L" has failed"; return showError<true>(err_txt.c_str()), R_NilValue; } CComVariant oid; CComPtr<ICursor> ipCursor; CComPtr<IRowBuffer> ipRowBuffer; hr = ipTableNew->Insert(VARIANT_TRUE, &ipCursor); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"Insert cursor failed"), R_NilValue; hr = ipTableNew->CreateRowBuffer(&ipRowBuffer); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"Insert cursor failed"), R_NilValue; //re-map fields CComPtr<IFields> ipRealFields; ipCursor->get_Fields(&ipRealFields); for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) { ipRealFields->FindField(CComBSTR(cols.c[c]->name_ref->c_str()), &(cols.c[c]->pos)); CComPtr<IField> ipField; ipRealFields->get_Field(cols.c[c]->pos, &ipField); VARIANT_BOOL b = VARIANT_FALSE; ipField->get_IsNullable(&b); if (b == VARIANT_FALSE) { esriFieldType ft = esriFieldTypeInteger; ipField->get_Type(&ft); switch(ft) { case esriFieldTypeInteger: cols.c[c]->vNULL = 0;//std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); break; case esriFieldTypeDouble: cols.c[c]->vNULL = 0.0;//-std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); break; case esriFieldTypeString: cols.c[c]->vNULL = L""; } } } CComQIPtr<IFeatureBuffer> ipFBuffer(ipRowBuffer); for (R_len_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { //ATLTRACE("\n"); for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) { if (cols.c[c]->pos < 0) continue; CComVariant val; cols.c[c]->get(i, val); if (val.vt == VT_NULL) hr = ipRowBuffer->put_Value(cols.c[c]->pos, cols.c[c]->vNULL); else hr = ipRowBuffer->put_Value(cols.c[c]->pos, val); if (FAILED(hr)) return showError<true>(L"insert row value failed"), R_NilValue; } VARIANT oid; if (isShape) { ATLASSERT(ipFBuffer); CComQIPtr<IGeometry> ipNewShape; hr =, &ipNewShape); if (hr != S_OK) return R_NilValue; hr = ipFBuffer->putref_Shape(ipNewShape); if (FAILED(hr)) return showError<true>(L"insert shape failed"), R_NilValue; } hr = ipCursor->InsertRow(ipRowBuffer, &oid); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"insert row failed"), R_NilValue; } return R_NilValue; }
SEXP R_dataframe2dataset(SEXP dtaframe, SEXP path, SEXP shape_columns) { if (!Rf_isFrame(dtaframe)) return showError<false>(L"argument 0 is not a data.frame"), R_NilValue; //same as narray_tools.cpp std::wstring dataset_name; tools::copy_to(path, dataset_name); struct _cleanup { typedef std::vector<cols_base*> c_type; std::vector<std::string> name; c_type c; //std::vector<c_type::const_iterator> shape; c_type shape; ~_cleanup() { for (size_t i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) delete c[i]; for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.size(); i++) delete shape[i]; } }cols; // = df.attr("names"); tools::getNames(dtaframe,; if ( return showError<false>(L"data.frame has 0 column"), R_NilValue; if (tools::size(dtaframe) != return showError<false>(L"unknown"), R_NilValue; CComPtr<IGPUtilities> ipDEUtil; if (ipDEUtil.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_GPUtilities) != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"IDEUtilitiesImpl - CoCreateInstance has failed"), R_NilValue; HRESULT hr; //cols.c.resize(, NULL); bool isShape = false; if (shape_columns != R_NilValue) { std::vector<std::string> shapes; tools::copy_to(shape_columns, shapes); if (shapes.size() < 2 || shapes.size() > 4) return showError<false>(L"shape expecting 2 strings"), NULL; isShape = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(,, shapes[i]); if (it == return showError<false>(L"cannot find shape in data.frame"), NULL; size_t pos = std::distance(, it); cols.shape.push_back(new cols_wrap<double>(VECTOR_ELT(dtaframe, pos))); //cols.shape.[i] = cols.c.begin() + pos; it->clear(); } } CComPtr<IName> ipName; if (isShape) hr = ipDEUtil->CreateFeatureClassName(CComBSTR(dataset_name.c_str()), &ipName); else hr = ipDEUtil->CreateTableName(CComBSTR(dataset_name.c_str()), &ipName); CComQIPtr<IDatasetName> ipDatasetName(ipName); CComPtr<IWorkspaceName> ipWksName; CComQIPtr<IWorkspace> ipWks; if (hr == S_OK) hr = ipDatasetName->get_WorkspaceName(&ipWksName); if (hr == S_OK) { CComPtr<IUnknown> ipUnk; hr = CComQIPtr<IName>(ipWksName)->Open(&ipUnk); ipWks = ipUnk; } if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"invalid table name"), R_NilValue; CComQIPtr<IFeatureWorkspace> ipFWKS(ipWks); ATLASSERT(ipFWKS); if (!ipFWKS) return showError<true>(L"not a FeatureWorkspace"), R_NilValue; CComBSTR bstrTableName; ipDatasetName->get_Name(&bstrTableName); /* CComQIPtr<IWorkspaceSchemaImpl> ipWSchema(ipWks); if (ipWSchema) { VARIANT_BOOL b = VARIANT_FALSE; ipWSchema->TableExists(bstrTableName, &b); if (b != VARIANT_FALSE) return ::Rf_error("table Exists"), NULL; }*/ CComPtr<IFieldsEdit> ipFields; hr = ipFields.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Fields); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"CoCreateInstance"), R_NilValue; //if (!createField(NULL, esriFieldTypeOID, ipFields)) // return NULL; if (isShape) { long pos = createField(NULL, esriFieldTypeGeometry, ipFields); CComPtr<IGeometryDef> ipGeoDef; CComPtr<IField> ipField; ipFields->get_Field(pos, &ipField); ipField->get_GeometryDef(&ipGeoDef); CComQIPtr<IGeometryDefEdit> ipGeoDefEd(ipGeoDef); ipGeoDefEd->put_GeometryType(esriGeometryPoint); CComQIPtr<ISpatialReference> ipSR(g_lastUsedSR); if (!ipSR) { ipSR.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UnknownCoordinateSystem); CComQIPtr<ISpatialReferenceResolution> ipSRR(ipSR); if (ipSRR) FIX_DEFAULT_SR(ipSRR); } ipGeoDefEd->putref_SpatialReference(ipSR); } for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].empty()) continue; const char* str =[i].c_str(); cols_base* item = NULL; SEXP it = VECTOR_ELT(dtaframe, i); switch (TYPEOF(it)) { case NILSXP: case SYMSXP: case RAWSXP: case LISTSXP: case CLOSXP: case ENVSXP: case PROMSXP: case LANGSXP: case SPECIALSXP: case BUILTINSXP: case CPLXSXP: case DOTSXP: case ANYSXP: case VECSXP: case EXPRSXP: case BCODESXP: case EXTPTRSXP: case WEAKREFSXP: case S4SXP: default: return showError<false>(L"unsupported datat.field column type"), NULL; case INTSXP: item = new cols_wrap<int>(it); item->pos = createField(str, esriFieldTypeInteger, ipFields); break; case REALSXP: item = new cols_wrap<double>(it); item->pos = createField(str, esriFieldTypeDouble, ipFields); break; case STRSXP: case CHARSXP: item = new cols_wrap<std::string>(it); item->pos = createField(str, esriFieldTypeString, ipFields); break; case LGLSXP: item = new cols_wrap<bool>(it); item->pos = createField(str, esriFieldTypeInteger, ipFields); break; } ATLASSERT(item); cols.c.push_back(item); item->name_ref = &[i]; } CComPtr<IFieldChecker> ipFieldChecker; ipFieldChecker.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FieldChecker); if (ipFieldChecker) { ipFieldChecker->putref_ValidateWorkspace(ipWks); long error = 0; //fix fields names CComPtr<IFields> ipFixedFields; CComPtr<IEnumFieldError> ipEError; hr = ipFieldChecker->Validate(ipFields, &ipEError, &ipFixedFields); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"validate fields failed"), NULL; if (ipFixedFields) { ipFields = ipFixedFields; for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) { CComPtr<IField> ipFixedField; ipFixedFields->get_Field(cols.c[c]->pos, &ipFixedField); _bstr_t name; ipFixedField->get_Name(name.GetAddress()); cols.c[c]->name_ref->assign(name); } } } CComPtr<IUID> ipUID; ipUID.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UID); CComQIPtr<ITable> ipTableNew; CComBSTR keyword(L""); hr = E_FAIL; if (isShape) { if (ipUID) { OLECHAR buf[256]; ::StringFromGUID2(CLSID_Feature, buf, 256); ipUID->put_Value(CComVariant(buf)); } CComPtr<IFeatureClass> ipFClass; hr = ipFWKS->CreateFeatureClass(bstrTableName, ipFields, ipUID, 0, esriFTSimple, CComBSTR(L"Shape"), keyword, &ipFClass); ipTableNew = ipFClass; } else { if (ipUID) { OLECHAR buf[256]; ::StringFromGUID2(CLSID_Row, buf, 256); ipUID->put_Value(CComVariant(buf)); } hr = ipFWKS->CreateTable(bstrTableName, ipFields, ipUID, 0, keyword, &ipTableNew); } if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"validate fields failed"), R_NilValue; CComVariant oid; CComPtr<ICursor> ipCursor; CComPtr<IRowBuffer> ipRowBuffer; hr = ipTableNew->Insert(VARIANT_TRUE, &ipCursor); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"Insert cursor failed"), R_NilValue; hr = ipTableNew->CreateRowBuffer(&ipRowBuffer); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"Insert cursor failed"), R_NilValue; //re-map fields for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) ipCursor->FindField(CComBSTR(cols.c[c]->name_ref->c_str()), &(cols.c[c]->pos)); R_len_t n = tools::size(VECTOR_ELT(dtaframe, 0)); for (R_len_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { //ATLTRACE("\n"); for (size_t c = 0; c < cols.c.size(); c++) { if (cols.c[c]->pos < 0) continue; CComVariant val; cols.c[c]->get(i, val); hr = ipRowBuffer->put_Value(cols.c[c]->pos, val); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"insert row value failed"), R_NilValue; //ATLTRACE(" [%i]=%f",cols[c]->pos, (float)val.dblVal); } VARIANT oid; if (isShape) { CComQIPtr<IPoint> ipPoint; ipPoint.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Point); CComVariant valX, valY; cols.shape[0]->get(i, valX); cols.shape[1]->get(i, valY); ipPoint->PutCoords(valX.dblVal, valY.dblVal); CComQIPtr<IFeatureBuffer> ipFBuffer(ipRowBuffer); ATLASSERT(ipFBuffer); hr = ipFBuffer->putref_Shape(ipPoint); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"insert shape failed"), R_NilValue; } hr = ipCursor->InsertRow(ipRowBuffer, &oid); if (hr != S_OK) return showError<true>(L"insert row failed"), R_NilValue; } return R_NilValue; }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_mapply(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { checkArity(op, args); SEXP f = CAR(args), varyingArgs = CADR(args), constantArgs = CADDR(args); int m, zero = 0; R_xlen_t *lengths, *counters, longest = 0; m = length(varyingArgs); SEXP vnames = PROTECT(getAttrib(varyingArgs, R_NamesSymbol)); Rboolean named = CXXRCONSTRUCT(Rboolean, vnames != R_NilValue); lengths = static_cast<R_xlen_t *>( CXXR_alloc(m, sizeof(R_xlen_t))); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { SEXP tmp1 = VECTOR_ELT(varyingArgs, i); lengths[i] = xlength(tmp1); if (isObject(tmp1)) { // possibly dispatch on length() /* Cache the .Primitive: unclear caching is worthwhile. */ static SEXP length_op = NULL; if (length_op == NULL) length_op = R_Primitive("length"); // DispatchOrEval() needs 'args' to be a pairlist SEXP ans, tmp2 = PROTECT(list1(tmp1)); if (DispatchOrEval(call, length_op, "length", tmp2, rho, &ans, 0, 1)) lengths[i] = R_xlen_t( (TYPEOF(ans) == REALSXP ? REAL(ans)[0] : asInteger(ans))); UNPROTECT(1); } if (lengths[i] == 0) zero++; if (lengths[i] > longest) longest = lengths[i]; } if (zero && longest) error(_("zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length")); counters = static_cast<R_xlen_t *>( CXXR_alloc(m, sizeof(R_xlen_t))); memset(counters, 0, m * sizeof(R_xlen_t)); SEXP mindex = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, m)); SEXP nindex = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, m)); /* build a call like f(dots[[1]][[4]], dots[[2]][[4]], dots[[3]][[4]], d=7) */ SEXP fcall = R_NilValue; // -Wall if (constantArgs == R_NilValue) ; else if (isVectorList(constantArgs)) fcall = VectorToPairList(constantArgs); else error(_("argument 'MoreArgs' of 'mapply' is not a list")); PROTECT_INDEX fi; PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(fcall, &fi); Rboolean realIndx = CXXRCONSTRUCT(Rboolean, longest > INT_MAX); SEXP Dots = install("dots"); for (int j = m - 1; j >= 0; j--) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(mindex, j, ScalarInteger(j + 1)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(nindex, j, allocVector(realIndx ? REALSXP : INTSXP, 1)); SEXP tmp1 = PROTECT(lang3(R_Bracket2Symbol, Dots, VECTOR_ELT(mindex, j))); SEXP tmp2 = PROTECT(lang3(R_Bracket2Symbol, tmp1, VECTOR_ELT(nindex, j))); REPROTECT(fcall = CONS(tmp2, fcall), fi); UNPROTECT(2); if (named && CHAR(STRING_ELT(vnames, j))[0] != '\0') SET_TAG(fcall, installTrChar(STRING_ELT(vnames, j))); } REPROTECT(fcall = LCONS(f, fcall), fi); SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, longest)); for (int i = 0; i < longest; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { counters[j] = (++counters[j] > lengths[j]) ? 1 : counters[j]; if (realIndx) REAL(VECTOR_ELT(nindex, j))[0] = double( counters[j]); else INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(nindex, j))[0] = int( counters[j]); } SEXP tmp = eval(fcall, rho); if (NAMED(tmp)) tmp = duplicate(tmp); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, i, tmp); } for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) if (counters[j] != lengths[j]) warning(_("longer argument not a multiple of length of shorter")); UNPROTECT(5); return ans; }
SEXP R_tarInfo(SEXP r_filename, SEXP r_fun, SEXP r_data) { gzFile *f = NULL; const char *filename; char *argv[] = {"R"}; TarCallbackFun callback = R_tarInfo_callback; RTarCallInfo rcb; Rboolean doRcallback = (TYPEOF(r_fun) == CLOSXP); void *data; if(TYPEOF(r_filename) == STRSXP) { filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(r_filename, 0)); f = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if(!f) { PROBLEM "Can't open file %s", filename ERROR; } } if(doRcallback) { SEXP p; PROTECT(rcb.e = p = allocVector(LANGSXP, 6)); SETCAR(p, r_fun); p = CDR(p); SETCAR(p, allocVector(STRSXP, 1)); p = CDR(p); /* file */ SETCAR(p, mkString("a")); p = CDR(p); /* type flag */ SETCAR(p, allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); p = CDR(p); /* time */ SETCAR(p, allocVector(INTSXP, 1)); p = CDR(p); /* remaining */ SETCAR(p, allocVector(INTSXP, 1)); p = CDR(p); /* counter */ data = (void *) &rcb; } else { data = (void *) r_data; callback = (TarCallbackFun) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_fun); } if(f) { tar(f, TGZ_LIST, 1, sizeof(argv)/sizeof(argv[0]), argv, callback, (void *) data); } else { DataSource src; R_rawStream stream; = RAW(r_filename); stream.len = LENGTH(r_filename); stream.pos = 0; = &stream; src.throwError = rawError; = rawRead; funTar(&src, TGZ_LIST, 1, sizeof(argv)/sizeof(argv[0]), argv, callback, (void *) data); } if(doRcallback) UNPROTECT(1); if (f && gzclose(f) != Z_OK) error("failed gzclose"); return(R_NilValue); }
static void extractItem(char *buffer, SEXP ans, int i, LocalData *d) { char *endp; switch(TYPEOF(ans)) { case NILSXP: break; case LGLSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 0, d)) LOGICAL(ans)[i] = NA_INTEGER; else { int tr = StringTrue(buffer), fa = StringFalse(buffer); if(tr || fa) LOGICAL(ans)[i] = tr; else expected("a logical", buffer, d); } break; case INTSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 0, d)) INTEGER(ans)[i] = NA_INTEGER; else { INTEGER(ans)[i] = Strtoi(buffer, 10); if (INTEGER(ans)[i] == NA_INTEGER) expected("an integer", buffer, d); } break; case REALSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 0, d)) REAL(ans)[i] = NA_REAL; else { REAL(ans)[i] = Strtod(buffer, &endp, TRUE, d); if (!isBlankString(endp)) expected("a real", buffer, d); } break; case CPLXSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 0, d)) COMPLEX(ans)[i].r = COMPLEX(ans)[i].i = NA_REAL; else { COMPLEX(ans)[i] = strtoc(buffer, &endp, TRUE, d); if (!isBlankString(endp)) expected("a complex", buffer, d); } break; case STRSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 1, d)) SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, NA_STRING); else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, insertString(buffer, d)); break; case RAWSXP: if (isNAstring(buffer, 0, d)) RAW(ans)[i] = 0; else { RAW(ans)[i] = strtoraw(buffer, &endp); if (!isBlankString(endp)) expected("a raw", buffer, d); } break; default: UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("extractItem", ans); } }
Rboolean Rf_isReal(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == REALSXP; }
/*! @decl int bind(int|string port, void|function accept_callback, @ *! void|string ip, void|string reuse_port) *! *! Opens a socket and binds it to port number on the local machine. *! If the second argument is present, the socket is set to *! nonblocking and the callback funcition is called whenever *! something connects to it. The callback will receive the id for *! this port as argument and should typically call @[accept] to *! establish a connection. *! *! If the optional argument @[ip] is given, @[bind] will try to bind *! to an interface with that host name or IP number. Omitting this *! will bind to all available IPv4 addresses; specifying "::" will *! bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. *! *! If the OS supports TCP_FASTOPEN it is enabled automatically. *! *! If the OS supports SO_REUSEPORT it is enabled if the fourth argument is true. *! *! @returns *! 1 is returned on success, zero on failure. @[errno] provides *! further details about the error in the latter case. *! *! @seealso *! @[accept], @[set_id] */ static void port_bind(INT32 args) { struct port *p = THIS; PIKE_SOCKADDR addr; int addr_len,fd,tmp; do_close(p); if(args < 1) SIMPLE_WRONG_NUM_ARGS_ERROR("bind", 1); if(TYPEOF(Pike_sp[-args]) != PIKE_T_INT && (TYPEOF(Pike_sp[-args]) != PIKE_T_STRING || Pike_sp[-args].u.string->size_shift)) SIMPLE_ARG_TYPE_ERROR("bind", 1, "int|string(8bit)"); addr_len = get_inet_addr(&addr, (args > 2 && TYPEOF(Pike_sp[2-args])==PIKE_T_STRING? Pike_sp[2-args].u.string->str : NULL), (TYPEOF(Pike_sp[-args]) == PIKE_T_STRING? Pike_sp[-args].u.string->str : NULL), (TYPEOF(Pike_sp[-args]) == PIKE_T_INT? Pike_sp[-args].u.integer : -1), 0); INVALIDATE_CURRENT_TIME(); fd=fd_socket(SOCKADDR_FAMILY(addr), SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(fd < 0) { p->my_errno=errno; pop_n_elems(args); push_int(0); return; } #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT if( args > 3 && Pike_sp[3-args].u.integer ) { /* FreeBSD 7.x wants this to reuse portnumbers. * Linux 2.6.x seems to have reserved a slot for the option, but not * enabled it. Survive libc's with the option on kernels without. * * The emulated Linux runtime on MS Windows 10 fails this with EINVAL. */ int o=1; if((fd_setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (char *)&o, sizeof(int)) < 0) #ifdef ENOPROTOOPT && (errno != ENOPROTOOPT) #endif #ifdef EINVAL && (errno != EINVAL) #endif #ifdef WSAENOPROTOOPT && (errno != WSAENOPROTOOPT) #endif ){ p->my_errno=errno; while (fd_close(fd) && errno == EINTR) {} errno = p->my_errno; pop_n_elems(args); push_int(0); return; } } #endif #ifndef __NT__ { int o=1; if(fd_setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&o, sizeof(int)) < 0) { p->my_errno=errno; while (fd_close(fd) && errno == EINTR) {} errno = p->my_errno; pop_n_elems(args); push_int(0); return; } } #endif #if defined(IPV6_V6ONLY) && defined(IPPROTO_IPV6) if (SOCKADDR_FAMILY(addr) == AF_INET6) { /* Attempt to enable dual-stack (ie mapped IPv4 adresses). * Needed on WIN32. * cf */ int o = 0; fd_setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&o, sizeof(int)); } #endif my_set_close_on_exec(fd,1); THREADS_ALLOW_UID(); if( !(tmp=fd_bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addr_len) < 0) ) #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN tmp = 256, setsockopt(fd,SOL_TCP, TCP_FASTOPEN, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)), #endif (tmp = fd_listen(fd, 16384) < 0); THREADS_DISALLOW_UID(); if(!Pike_fp->current_object->prog) { if (fd >= 0) while (fd_close(fd) && errno == EINTR) {} Pike_error("Object destructed in Stdio.Port->bind()\n"); } if(tmp) { p->my_errno=errno; while (fd_close(fd) && errno == EINTR) {} errno = p->my_errno; pop_n_elems(args); push_int(0); return; } change_fd_for_box (&p->box, fd); if(args > 1) assign_accept_cb (p, Pike_sp+1-args); p->my_errno=0; pop_n_elems(args); push_int(1); }
Rboolean Rf_isSymbol(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == SYMSXP; }
void CallProxy::traverse_call( SEXP obj ){ if( TYPEOF(obj) == LANGSXP && CAR(obj) == Rf_install("local") ) return ; if( TYPEOF(obj) == LANGSXP && CAR(obj) == Rf_install("global") ){ SEXP symb = CADR(obj) ; if( TYPEOF(symb) != SYMSXP ) stop( "global only handles symbols" ) ; SEXP res = env.find(CHAR(PRINTNAME(symb))) ; call = res ; return ; } if( ! Rf_isNull(obj) ){ SEXP head = CAR(obj) ; switch( TYPEOF( head ) ){ case LANGSXP: if( CAR(head) == Rf_install("global") ){ SEXP symb = CADR(head) ; if( TYPEOF(symb) != SYMSXP ) stop( "global only handles symbols" ) ; SEXP res = env.find( CHAR(PRINTNAME(symb)) ) ; SETCAR(obj, res) ; SET_TYPEOF(obj, LISTSXP) ; break ; } if( CAR(head) == Rf_install("order_by") ) break ; if( CAR(head) == Rf_install("function") ) break ; if( CAR(head) == Rf_install("local") ) return ; if( CAR(head) == Rf_install("<-") ){ stop( "assignments are forbidden" ) ; } if( Rf_length(head) == 3 ){ SEXP symb = CAR(head) ; if( symb == R_DollarSymbol || symb == Rf_install("@") || symb == Rf_install("::") || symb == Rf_install(":::") ){ // Rprintf( "CADR(obj) = " ) ; // Rf_PrintValue( CADR(obj) ) ; // for things like : foo( bar = bling )$bla // so that `foo( bar = bling )` gets processed if( TYPEOF(CADR(head)) == LANGSXP ){ traverse_call( CDR(head) ) ; } // deal with foo$bar( bla = boom ) if( TYPEOF(CADDR(head)) == LANGSXP ){ traverse_call( CDDR(head) ) ; } break ; } else { traverse_call( CDR(head) ) ; } } else { traverse_call( CDR(head) ) ; } break ; case LISTSXP: traverse_call( head ) ; traverse_call( CDR(head) ) ; break ; case SYMSXP: if( TYPEOF(obj) != LANGSXP ){ if( ! subsets.count(head) ){ if( head == R_MissingArg ) break ; if( head == Rf_install(".") ) break ; // in the Environment -> resolve try{ Shield<SEXP> x( env.find( CHAR(PRINTNAME(head)) ) ) ; SETCAR( obj, x ); } catch( ...){ // what happens when not found in environment } } else { // in the data frame proxies.push_back( CallElementProxy( head, obj ) ); } break ; } } traverse_call( CDR(obj) ) ; } }
Rboolean Rf_isComplex(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == CPLXSXP; }
SEXP do_edit(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) { int i, rc; ParseStatus status; SEXP x, fn, envir, ti, ed, t; char *filename, *editcmd, *vmaxsave, *cmd; FILE *fp; #ifdef Win32 char *title; #endif checkArity(op, args); vmaxsave = vmaxget(); x = CAR(args); args = CDR(args); if (TYPEOF(x) == CLOSXP) envir = CLOENV(x); else envir = R_NilValue; PROTECT(envir); fn = CAR(args); args = CDR(args); if (!isString(fn)) error(_("invalid argument to edit()")); if (LENGTH(STRING_ELT(fn, 0)) > 0) { filename = R_alloc(strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(fn, 0))), sizeof(char)); strcpy(filename, CHAR(STRING_ELT(fn, 0))); } else filename = DefaultFileName; if (x != R_NilValue) { if((fp=R_fopen(R_ExpandFileName(filename), "w")) == NULL) errorcall(call, _("unable to open file")); if (LENGTH(STRING_ELT(fn, 0)) == 0) EdFileUsed++; if (TYPEOF(x) != CLOSXP || isNull(t = getAttrib(x, R_SourceSymbol))) t = deparse1(x, 0, FORSOURCING); /* deparse for sourcing, not for display */ for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(t); i++) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(t, i))); fclose(fp); } ti = CAR(args); args = CDR(args); ed = CAR(args); if (!isString(ed)) errorcall(call, _("argument 'editor' type not valid")); cmd = CHAR(STRING_ELT(ed, 0)); if (strlen(cmd) == 0) errorcall(call, _("argument 'editor' is not set")); editcmd = R_alloc(strlen(cmd) + strlen(filename) + 6, sizeof(char)); #ifdef Win32 if (!strcmp(cmd,"internal")) { if (!isString(ti)) error(_("'title' must be a string")); if (LENGTH(STRING_ELT(ti, 0)) > 0) { title = R_alloc(strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(ti, 0)))+1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(title, CHAR(STRING_ELT(ti, 0))); } else { title = R_alloc(strlen(filename)+1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(title, filename); } Rgui_Edit(filename, title, 1); } else { /* Quote path if necessary */ if(cmd[0] != '"' && Rf_strchr(cmd, ' ')) sprintf(editcmd, "\"%s\" \"%s\"", cmd, filename); else sprintf(editcmd, "%s \"%s\"", cmd, filename); rc = runcmd(editcmd, 1, 1, ""); if (rc == NOLAUNCH) errorcall(call, _("unable to run editor '%s'"), cmd); if (rc != 0) warningcall(call, _("editor ran but returned error status")); } #else if (ptr_R_EditFile) rc = ptr_R_EditFile(filename); else { sprintf(editcmd, "%s %s", cmd, filename); rc = R_system(editcmd); } if (rc != 0) errorcall(call, _("problem with running editor %s"), cmd); #endif if((fp = R_fopen(R_ExpandFileName(filename), "r")) == NULL) errorcall(call, _("unable to open file to read")); R_ParseCnt = 0; x = PROTECT(R_ParseFile(fp, -1, &status)); fclose(fp); if (status != PARSE_OK) errorcall(call, _("an error occurred on line %d\n use a command like\n x <- edit()\n to recover"), R_ParseError); R_ResetConsole(); { /* can't just eval(x) here */ int j, n; SEXP tmp = R_NilValue; n = LENGTH(x); for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) tmp = eval(VECTOR_ELT(x, j), R_GlobalEnv); x = tmp; } if (TYPEOF(x) == CLOSXP && envir != R_NilValue) SET_CLOENV(x, envir); UNPROTECT(2); vmaxset(vmaxsave); return (x); }
Rboolean Rf_isEnvironment(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == ENVSXP; }
SEXP _do_subset_xts (SEXP x, SEXP sr, SEXP sc, SEXP drop) { SEXP result; int i, j, nr, nc, nrs, ncs; int P=0; SEXP Dim = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol); nrs = nrows(x);ncs = ncols(x); nr = length(sr); nc = length(sc); SEXP oindex, nindex; oindex = getAttrib(x, install("index")); PROTECT(nindex = allocVector(TYPEOF(oindex), nr)); P++; PROTECT(result = allocVector(TYPEOF(x), nr*nc)); P++; j = 0; double *real_nindex=NULL, *real_oindex, *real_result=NULL, *real_x=NULL; int *int_nindex=NULL, *int_oindex, *int_result=NULL, *int_x=NULL; int *int_sr=NULL, *int_sc=NULL; int_sr = INTEGER(sr); int_sc = INTEGER(sc); copyAttributes(x, result); if(TYPEOF(x)==LGLSXP) { int_x = LOGICAL(x); int_result = LOGICAL(result); if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } } else /* branch into INTSXP and REALSXP, as these are most common/important types for time series data */ if(TYPEOF(x)==INTSXP) { int_x = INTEGER(x); int_result = INTEGER(result); if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); /* loop through remaining columns */ for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) int_result[i+j*nr] = NA_INTEGER; else int_result[i+j*nr] = int_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } } else if(TYPEOF(x)==REALSXP) { real_x = REAL(x); real_result = REAL(result); if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) real_result[i+j*nr] = NA_REAL; else real_result[i+j*nr] = real_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) real_result[i+j*nr] = NA_REAL; else real_result[i+j*nr] = real_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) real_result[i+j*nr] = NA_REAL; else real_result[i+j*nr] = real_x[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } } else if(TYPEOF(x)==CPLXSXP) { /* real_x = REAL(x); real_result = REAL(result); */ if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) { COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].i = NA_REAL; } else COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr] = COMPLEX(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) { COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].i = NA_REAL; } else COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr] = COMPLEX(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) { COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr].i = NA_REAL; } else COMPLEX(result)[i+j*nr] = COMPLEX(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } } else if(TYPEOF(x)==STRSXP) { if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, NA_STRING); else SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, STRING_ELT(x, int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs))); } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, NA_STRING); else SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, STRING_ELT(x, int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs))); } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, NA_STRING); else SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nr, STRING_ELT(x, int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs))); } } } else if(TYPEOF(x)==RAWSXP) { /* real_x = REAL(x); real_result = REAL(result); */ if(TYPEOF(nindex)==INTSXP) { int_nindex = INTEGER(nindex); int_oindex = INTEGER(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); int_nindex[i] = int_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = 0; else RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = RAW(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } else if(TYPEOF(nindex)==REALSXP) { real_nindex = REAL(nindex); real_oindex = REAL(oindex); for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sr[i] == NA_INTEGER) error("'i' contains NA"); if(int_sr[i] > nrs || int_sc[j] > ncs) error("'i' or 'j' out of range"); real_nindex[i] = real_oindex[int_sr[i]-1]; if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = 0; else RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = RAW(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } copyAttributes(oindex, nindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), nindex); for(j=1; j<nc; j++) { for(i=0; i<nr; i++) { if(int_sc[j] == NA_INTEGER) RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = 0; else RAW(result)[i+j*nr] = RAW(x)[int_sr[i]-1 + ((int_sc[j]-1) * nrs)]; } } } if(!isNull(Dim) && nr >= 0 && nc >= 0) { SEXP dim; PROTECT(dim = allocVector(INTSXP,2));P++; INTEGER(dim)[0] = nr; INTEGER(dim)[1] = nc; setAttrib(result, R_DimSymbol, dim); if (nr >= 0 && nc >= 0) { SEXP dimnames, dimnamesnames, newdimnames; dimnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol); dimnamesnames = getAttrib(dimnames, R_NamesSymbol); if (!isNull(dimnames)) { PROTECT(newdimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2)); if (TYPEOF(dimnames) == VECSXP) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(newdimnames, 0, ExtractSubset(VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0), allocVector(STRSXP, nr), sr)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(newdimnames, 1, ExtractSubset(VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1), allocVector(STRSXP, nc), sc)); } else { SET_VECTOR_ELT(newdimnames, 0, ExtractSubset(CAR(dimnames), allocVector(STRSXP, nr), sr)); SET_VECTOR_ELT(newdimnames, 1, ExtractSubset(CADR(dimnames), allocVector(STRSXP, nc), sc)); } setAttrib(newdimnames, R_NamesSymbol, dimnamesnames); setAttrib(result, R_DimNamesSymbol, newdimnames); UNPROTECT(1); } } } setAttrib(result, R_ClassSymbol, getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)); if(nc == 1 && LOGICAL(drop)[0]) setAttrib(result, R_DimSymbol, R_NilValue); UNPROTECT(P); return result; }
Rboolean Rf_isExpression(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == EXPRSXP; }
SEXP extract_col (SEXP x, SEXP j, SEXP drop, SEXP first_, SEXP last_) { SEXP result, index, new_index; int nrs, nrsx, i, ii, jj, first, last; nrsx = nrows(x); first = asInteger(first_)-1; last = asInteger(last_)-1; /* nrs = offset_end - offset_start - 1; */ nrs = last - first + 1; PROTECT(result = allocVector(TYPEOF(x), nrs * length(j))); switch(TYPEOF(x)) { case REALSXP: for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { /* Rprintf("j + i*nrs + first=%i\n", (int)(INTEGER(j)[i]-1 + i*nrs + first)); Rprintf("i=%i, j=%i, nrs=%i, first=%i\n", i, INTEGER(j)[i]-1, nrs, first); */ if(INTEGER(j)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { for(ii=0; ii < nrs; ii++) { REAL(result)[(i*nrs) + ii] = NA_REAL; } } else { memcpy(&(REAL(result)[i*nrs]), &(REAL(x)[(INTEGER(j)[i]-1)*nrsx + first]), nrs*sizeof(double)); } } break; case INTSXP: for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { if(INTEGER(j)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { for(ii=0; ii < nrs; ii++) { INTEGER(result)[(i*nrs) + ii] = NA_INTEGER; } } else { memcpy(&(INTEGER(result)[i*nrs]), &(INTEGER(x)[(INTEGER(j)[i]-1)*nrsx + first]), nrs*sizeof(int)); } } break; case LGLSXP: for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { if(INTEGER(j)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { for(ii=0; ii < nrs; ii++) { LOGICAL(result)[(i*nrs) + ii] = NA_LOGICAL; } } else { memcpy(&(LOGICAL(result)[i*nrs]), &(LOGICAL(x)[(INTEGER(j)[i]-1)*nrsx + first]), nrs*sizeof(int)); } } break; case CPLXSXP: for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { if(INTEGER(j)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { for(ii=0; ii < nrs; ii++) { COMPLEX(result)[(i*nrs) + ii].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[(i*nrs) + ii].i = NA_REAL; } } else { memcpy(&(COMPLEX(result)[i*nrs]), &(COMPLEX(x)[(INTEGER(j)[i]-1)*nrsx + first]), nrs*sizeof(Rcomplex)); } } break; case RAWSXP: for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { if(INTEGER(j)[i] == NA_INTEGER) { for(ii=0; ii < nrs; ii++) { RAW(result)[(i*nrs) + ii] = 0; } } else { memcpy(&(RAW(result)[i*nrs]), &(RAW(x)[(INTEGER(j)[i]-1)*nrsx + first]), nrs*sizeof(Rbyte)); } } break; case STRSXP: for(jj=0; jj<length(j); jj++) { if(INTEGER(j)[jj] == NA_INTEGER) { for(i=0; i< nrs; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+jj*nrs, NA_STRING); } else { for(i=0; i< nrs; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+jj*nrs, STRING_ELT(x, i+(INTEGER(j)[jj]-1)*nrsx+first)); } } break; default: error("unsupported type"); } if(nrs != nrows(x)) { copyAttributes(x, result); /* subset index */ index = getAttrib(x, install("index")); PROTECT(new_index = allocVector(TYPEOF(index), nrs)); if(TYPEOF(index) == REALSXP) { memcpy(REAL(new_index), &(REAL(index)[first]), nrs*sizeof(double)); } else { /* INTSXP */ memcpy(INTEGER(new_index), &(INTEGER(index)[first]), nrs*sizeof(int)); } copyMostAttrib(index, new_index); setAttrib(result, install("index"), new_index); UNPROTECT(1); } else { copyMostAttrib(x, result); /* need an xts/zoo equal that skips 'index' */ } if(!asLogical(drop)) { /* keep dimension and dimnames */ SEXP dim; PROTECT(dim = allocVector(INTSXP, 2)); INTEGER(dim)[0] = nrs; INTEGER(dim)[1] = length(j); setAttrib(result, R_DimSymbol, dim); UNPROTECT(1); SEXP dimnames, currentnames, newnames; PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2)); PROTECT(newnames = allocVector(STRSXP, length(j))); currentnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol); if(!isNull(currentnames)) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0, VECTOR_ELT(currentnames,0)); if(!isNull(VECTOR_ELT(currentnames,1))) { /* if colnames isn't NULL set */ for(i=0; i<length(j); i++) { SET_STRING_ELT(newnames, i, STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(currentnames,1), INTEGER(j)[i]-1)); } SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, newnames); } else { /* else set to NULL */ SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, R_NilValue); } setAttrib(result, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames); } UNPROTECT(2); } UNPROTECT(1); return result; }
Rboolean Rf_isLogical(SEXP x) { return TYPEOF(x) == LGLSXP; }
SEXP attribute_hidden do_relop_dflt(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP x, SEXP y) { SEXP klass = R_NilValue, dims, tsp=R_NilValue, xnames, ynames; int nx, ny, xarray, yarray, xts, yts; Rboolean mismatch = FALSE, iS; PROTECT_INDEX xpi, ypi; PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(x, &xpi); PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(y, &ypi); nx = length(x); ny = length(y); /* pre-test to handle the most common case quickly. Used to skip warning too .... */ if (ATTRIB(x) == R_NilValue && ATTRIB(y) == R_NilValue && TYPEOF(x) == REALSXP && TYPEOF(y) == REALSXP && LENGTH(x) > 0 && LENGTH(y) > 0) { SEXP ans = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); if (nx > 0 && ny > 0) mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0; if (mismatch) { PROTECT(ans); warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")); UNPROTECT(1); } UNPROTECT(2); return ans; } /* That symbols and calls were allowed was undocumented prior to R 2.5.0. We deparse them as deparse() would, minus attributes */ if ((iS = isSymbol(x)) || TYPEOF(x) == LANGSXP) { SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1); PROTECT(tmp); SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(x) : STRING_ELT(deparse1(x, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0)); REPROTECT(x = tmp, xpi); UNPROTECT(1); } if ((iS = isSymbol(y)) || TYPEOF(y) == LANGSXP) { SEXP tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 1); PROTECT(tmp); SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, (iS) ? PRINTNAME(y) : STRING_ELT(deparse1(y, 0, DEFAULTDEPARSE), 0)); REPROTECT(y = tmp, ypi); UNPROTECT(1); } if (!isVector(x) || !isVector(y)) { if (isNull(x) || isNull(y)) { UNPROTECT(2); return allocVector(LGLSXP,0); } errorcall(call, _("comparison (%d) is possible only for atomic and list types"), PRIMVAL(op)); } if (TYPEOF(x) == EXPRSXP || TYPEOF(y) == EXPRSXP) errorcall(call, _("comparison is not allowed for expressions")); /* ELSE : x and y are both atomic or list */ if (LENGTH(x) <= 0 || LENGTH(y) <= 0) { UNPROTECT(2); return allocVector(LGLSXP,0); } mismatch = FALSE; xarray = isArray(x); yarray = isArray(y); xts = isTs(x); yts = isTs(y); if (nx > 0 && ny > 0) mismatch = ((nx > ny) ? nx % ny : ny % nx) != 0; if (xarray || yarray) { if (xarray && yarray) { if (!conformable(x, y)) errorcall(call, _("non-conformable arrays")); PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)); } else if (xarray) { PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)); } else /*(yarray)*/ { PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol)); } PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)); PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_DimNamesSymbol)); } else { PROTECT(dims = R_NilValue); PROTECT(xnames = getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)); PROTECT(ynames = getAttrib(y, R_NamesSymbol)); } if (xts || yts) { if (xts && yts) { if (!tsConform(x, y)) errorcall(call, _("non-conformable time series")); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)); } else if (xts) { if (length(x) < length(y)) ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)); } else /*(yts)*/ { if (length(y) < length(x)) ErrorMessage(call, ERROR_TSVEC_MISMATCH); PROTECT(tsp = getAttrib(y, R_TspSymbol)); PROTECT(klass = getAttrib(y, R_ClassSymbol)); } } if (mismatch) warningcall(call, _("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")); if (isString(x) || isString(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, STRSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, STRSXP), ypi); x = string_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isComplex(x) || isComplex(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, CPLXSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, CPLXSXP), ypi); x = complex_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y, call); } else if (isReal(x) || isReal(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP), ypi); x = real_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isInteger(x) || isInteger(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, INTSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, INTSXP), ypi); x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (isLogical(x) || isLogical(y)) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, LGLSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, LGLSXP), ypi); x = integer_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else if (TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP || TYPEOF(y) == RAWSXP) { REPROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, RAWSXP), xpi); REPROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, RAWSXP), ypi); x = raw_relop((RELOP_TYPE) PRIMVAL(op), x, y); } else errorcall(call, _("comparison of these types is not implemented")); PROTECT(x); if (dims != R_NilValue) { setAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol, dims); if (xnames != R_NilValue) setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, xnames); else if (ynames != R_NilValue) setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, ynames); } else { if (length(x) == length(xnames)) setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, xnames); else if (length(x) == length(ynames)) setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, ynames); } if (xts || yts) { setAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol, tsp); setAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol, klass); UNPROTECT(2); } UNPROTECT(6); return x; }
SEXP zoo_lag (SEXP x, SEXP _k, SEXP _pad) { #ifdef ZOO_DEBUG Rprintf("zoo_lag\n"); #endif SEXP result; int i,j; double *result_real=NULL; int *result_int=NULL; int k=INTEGER(_k)[0] * -1; /* -1 is zoo convention */ int k_positive = (k > 0) ? 1 : 0; int nr = nrows(x); int nc = ncols(x); int P=0; int PAD = INTEGER(coerceVector(_pad,INTSXP))[0]; if(k > nr) error("abs(k) must be less than nrow(x)"); if(k < 0 && -1*k > nr) error("abs(k) must be less than nrow(x)"); PROTECT(result = allocVector(TYPEOF(x), length(x) - (PAD ? 0 : abs(k)*nc))); P++; int nrr = (int)(length(result)/nc); if(k_positive) { switch(TYPEOF(x)) { case REALSXP: result_real = REAL(result); for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) result_real[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_REAL; memcpy(&REAL(result)[k+(j*nrr)], &REAL(x)[(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(double)); } else { memcpy(&REAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &REAL(x)[(j*nr)], /* original data need the original 'nr' offset */ nrr * sizeof(double)); } } break; case INTSXP: result_int = INTEGER(result); for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) result_int[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_INTEGER; memcpy(&INTEGER(result)[k+(j*nrr)], &INTEGER(x)[(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(int)); } else { memcpy(&INTEGER(result)[(j*nrr)], &INTEGER(x)[(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(int)); } } break; case LGLSXP: result_int = LOGICAL(result); for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) result_int[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_INTEGER; memcpy(&LOGICAL(result)[k+(j*nrr)], &LOGICAL(x)[(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(int)); } else { memcpy(&LOGICAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &LOGICAL(x)[(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(int)); } } break; case CPLXSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) { COMPLEX(result)[i+(j*nrr)].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i+(j*nrr)].i = NA_REAL; } memcpy(&COMPLEX(result)[k+(j*nrr)], &COMPLEX(x)[(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(Rcomplex)); } else { memcpy(&COMPLEX(result)[(j*nrr)], &COMPLEX(x)[(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(Rcomplex)); } } break; case RAWSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) RAW(result)[i+(j*nrr)] = (Rbyte) 0; memcpy(&RAW(result)[k+(j*nrr)], &RAW(x)[(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(Rbyte)); } else { memcpy(&RAW(result)[(j*nrr)], &RAW(x)[(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(Rbyte)); } } break; case STRSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = 0; i < k; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+(j*nrr), NA_STRING); for(i = 0; i < nrr-k; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, k+i+j*nrr, STRING_ELT(x, i+j*nrr)); } else { for(i = 0; i < nrr; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+j*nrr, STRING_ELT(x, i+j*nr)); } } break; default: error("unsupported type"); break; } } else if(!k_positive) { k = abs(k); switch(TYPEOF(x)) { case REALSXP: result_real = REAL(result); for(j =0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) result_real[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_REAL; memcpy(&REAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &REAL(x)[k+(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(double)); } else { memcpy(&REAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &REAL(x)[k+(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(double)); } } break; case INTSXP: result_int = INTEGER(result); for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) result_int[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_INTEGER; memcpy(&INTEGER(result)[(j*nrr)], &INTEGER(x)[k+(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(int)); } else { memcpy(&INTEGER(result)[(j*nrr)], &INTEGER(x)[k+(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(int)); } } break; case LGLSXP: result_int = LOGICAL(result); for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) result_int[i+(j*nrr)] = NA_INTEGER; memcpy(&LOGICAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &LOGICAL(x)[k+(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(int)); } else { memcpy(&LOGICAL(result)[(j*nrr)], &LOGICAL(x)[k+(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(int)); } } break; case CPLXSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) { COMPLEX(result)[i+(j*nrr)].r = NA_REAL; COMPLEX(result)[i+(j*nrr)].i = NA_REAL; } memcpy(&COMPLEX(result)[(j*nrr)], &COMPLEX(x)[k+(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(Rcomplex)); } else { memcpy(&COMPLEX(result)[(j*nrr)], &COMPLEX(x)[k+(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(Rcomplex)); } } break; case RAWSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) RAW(result)[i+(j*nrr)] = (Rbyte) 0; memcpy(&RAW(result)[(j*nrr)], &RAW(x)[k+(j*nrr)], (nrr-k) * sizeof(Rbyte)); } else { memcpy(&RAW(result)[(j*nrr)], &RAW(x)[k+(j*nr)], nrr * sizeof(Rbyte)); } } break; case STRSXP: for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) { if(PAD) { for(i = nr-k; i < nr; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+(j*nrr), NA_STRING); for(i = 0; i < nrr-k; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+(j*nrr), STRING_ELT(x, k+i+(j*nrr))); } else { for(i = 0; i < nr-k; i++) SET_STRING_ELT(result, i+(j*nrr), STRING_ELT(x, k+i+(j*nr))); } } break; default: error("unsupported type"); break; } } copyMostAttrib(x,result); if(!PAD) { // likely unneeded as copyMostAttrib will cover // setAttrib(result, install("index"), getAttrib(x, install("index"))); //} else { SEXP index, newindex; PROTECT(index = getAttrib(x, install("index"))); P++; if(IS_S4_OBJECT(index)) { /* should make this 1) generic for any S4 object if possible 2) test for timeDate as this is important */ if(STRING_ELT(getAttrib(index, R_ClassSymbol),0)!=mkChar("timeDate")) error("'S4' objects must be of class 'timeDate'"); index = GET_SLOT(index, install("Data")); } PROTECT(newindex = allocVector(TYPEOF(index), nrr)); P++; switch(TYPEOF(index)) { case REALSXP: if(k_positive) { memcpy(REAL(newindex), &REAL(index)[k], nrr * sizeof(double)); } else { memcpy(REAL(newindex), REAL(index), nrr * sizeof(double)); } break; case INTSXP: if(k_positive) { memcpy(INTEGER(newindex), &INTEGER(index)[k], nrr * sizeof(int)); } else { memcpy(INTEGER(newindex), INTEGER(index), nrr * sizeof(int)); } break; default: break; } if(IS_S4_OBJECT(getAttrib(x, install("index")))) { /* need to assure that this is timeDate */ SEXP tmp = PROTECT(getAttrib(x, install("index"))); P++; SEXP timeDate = PROTECT(NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("timeDate"))); P++; copyMostAttrib(index,newindex); SET_SLOT(timeDate,install("Data"),newindex); SET_SLOT(timeDate,install("format"), GET_SLOT(tmp, install("format"))); SET_SLOT(timeDate,install("FinCenter"), GET_SLOT(tmp, install("FinCenter"))); setAttrib(result, install("index"), timeDate); } else { copyMostAttrib(index, newindex); setAttrib(result, install("index"), newindex); } } /* reset dims */ if(!isNull(getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol))) { SEXP dims; PROTECT(dims = allocVector(INTSXP, 2)); P++; INTEGER(dims)[0] = nrr; INTEGER(dims)[1] = nc; setAttrib(result, R_DimSymbol, dims); setAttrib(result, R_DimNamesSymbol, getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)); } UNPROTECT(P); return result; }