Пример #1
LOCAL expr_val Tap(EParser p, expr_val v)
	switch (p->lookahead) {
        return operator_multiply(p, v, Tap(p, F(p)));
	case TK_SLASH: Match(p, TK_SLASH);
		return operator_multiply(p, v, Tap(p, operator_divide(p, F(p))));
	default: return v;
Пример #2
TEST_F(APZEventRegionsTester, HitRegionImmediateResponse) {

  TestAsyncPanZoomController* root = ApzcOf(layers[0]);
  TestAsyncPanZoomController* left = ApzcOf(layers[1]);
  TestAsyncPanZoomController* bottom = ApzcOf(layers[2]);

  MockFunction<void(std::string checkPointName)> check;
    InSequence s;
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, left->GetGuid())).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped on left"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, bottom->GetGuid())).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped on bottom"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, root->GetGuid())).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped on root"));
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tap pending on d-t-c region"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, bottom->GetGuid())).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped on bottom again"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, left->GetGuid())).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped on left this time"));

  TimeDuration tapDuration = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100);

  // Tap in the exposed hit regions of each of the layers once and ensure
  // the clicks are dispatched right away
  Tap(manager, 10, 10, mcc, tapDuration);
  mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks();    // this runs the tap event
  check.Call("Tapped on left");
  Tap(manager, 110, 110, mcc, tapDuration);
  mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks();    // this runs the tap event
  check.Call("Tapped on bottom");
  Tap(manager, 110, 10, mcc, tapDuration);
  mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks();    // this runs the tap event
  check.Call("Tapped on root");

  // Now tap on the dispatch-to-content region where the layers overlap
  Tap(manager, 10, 110, mcc, tapDuration);
  mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks();    // this runs the main-thread timeout
  check.Call("Tap pending on d-t-c region");
  mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks();    // this runs the tap event
  check.Call("Tapped on bottom again");

  // Now let's do that again, but simulate a main-thread response
  uint64_t inputBlockId = 0;
  Tap(manager, 10, 110, mcc, tapDuration, nullptr, &inputBlockId);
  nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid> targets;
  manager->SetTargetAPZC(inputBlockId, targets);
  while (mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks());    // this runs the tap event
  check.Call("Tapped on left this time");
Пример #3
TEST_F(APZHitTestingTester, Bug1148350) {
  ScopedLayerTreeRegistration registration(manager, 0, root, mcc);
  manager->UpdateHitTestingTree(nullptr, root, false, 0, 0);

  MockFunction<void(std::string checkPointName)> check;
    InSequence s;
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleTap(TapType::eSingleTap, LayoutDevicePoint(100, 100), 0, ApzcOf(layers[1])->GetGuid(), _)).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped without transform"));
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleTap(TapType::eSingleTap, LayoutDevicePoint(100, 100), 0, ApzcOf(layers[1])->GetGuid(), _)).Times(1);
    EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("Tapped with interleaved transform"));

  Tap(manager, ScreenIntPoint(100, 100), TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100));
  check.Call("Tapped without transform");

  uint64_t blockId;
  TouchDown(manager, ScreenIntPoint(100, 100), mcc->Time(), &blockId);
  if (gfxPrefs::TouchActionEnabled()) {
    SetDefaultAllowedTouchBehavior(manager, blockId);

  layers[0]->SetBaseTransform(Matrix4x4::Translation(0, 50, 0));
  manager->UpdateHitTestingTree(nullptr, root, false, 0, 0);

  TouchUp(manager, ScreenIntPoint(100, 100), mcc->Time());
  check.Call("Tapped with interleaved transform");
Пример #4
TEST_F(APZCGestureDetectorTester, TapFollowedByMultipleTouches) {

  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(CSSPoint(10, 10), 0, apzc->GetGuid())).Times(1);

  Tap(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(10, 10), TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100));

  int inputId = 0;
  MultiTouchInput mti;
  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId + 1, ParentLayerPoint(10, 10), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

  mti = CreateMultiTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_END, mcc->Time());
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId, ParentLayerPoint(20, 20), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  mti.mTouches.AppendElement(SingleTouchData(inputId + 1, ParentLayerPoint(10, 10), ScreenSize(0, 0), 0, 0));
  apzc->ReceiveInputEvent(mti, nullptr);

Пример #5
TEST_F(APZEventRegionsTester, HitRegionAccumulatesChildren) {

  // Tap in the area of the child layer that's not directly included in the
  // parent layer's hit region. Verify that it comes out of the APZC's
  // content controller, which indicates the input events got routed correctly
  // to the APZC.
  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, _, rootApzc->GetGuid())).Times(1);
  Tap(manager, 10, 160, mcc, TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100));
Пример #6
	int msg = persist.UserData[6];  // Mach3 notify Message 10000-10999

	printf("Mach3 Notify Call, Message = %d\n",msg); 
	if (msg==10084)
Пример #7
  // Start a fling, and then tap while the fling is ongoing. When
  // aSlow is false, the tap will happen while the fling is at a
  // high velocity, and we check that the tap doesn't trigger sending a tap
  // to content. If aSlow is true, the tap will happen while the fling
  // is at a slow velocity, and we check that the tap does trigger sending
  // a tap to content. See bug 1022956.
  void DoFlingStopTest(bool aSlow) {
    int touchStart = 50;
    int touchEnd = 10;

    // Start the fling down.
    Pan(apzc, touchStart, touchEnd);
    // The touchstart from the pan will leave some cancelled tasks in the queue, clear them out

    // If we want to tap while the fling is fast, let the fling advance for 10ms only. If we want
    // the fling to slow down more, advance to 2000ms. These numbers may need adjusting if our
    // friction and threshold values change, but they should be deterministic at least.
    int timeDelta = aSlow ? 2000 : 10;
    int tapCallsExpected = aSlow ? 2 : 1;

    // Advance the fling animation by timeDelta milliseconds.
    ParentLayerPoint pointOut;
    AsyncTransform viewTransformOut;
    apzc->SampleContentTransformForFrame(&viewTransformOut, pointOut, TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(timeDelta));

    // Deliver a tap to abort the fling. Ensure that we get a HandleSingleTap
    // call out of it if and only if the fling is slow.
    EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(_, 0, apzc->GetGuid())).Times(tapCallsExpected);
    Tap(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(10, 10), 0);
    while (mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks());

    // Deliver another tap, to make sure that taps are flowing properly once
    // the fling is aborted.
    Tap(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(100, 100), 0);
    while (mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks());

    // Verify that we didn't advance any further after the fling was aborted, in either case.
    ParentLayerPoint finalPointOut;
    apzc->SampleContentTransformForFrame(&viewTransformOut, finalPointOut);
    EXPECT_EQ(pointOut.x, finalPointOut.x);
    EXPECT_EQ(pointOut.y, finalPointOut.y);

Пример #8
TEST_F(APZEventRegionsTester, Bug1117712) {

  TestAsyncPanZoomController* apzc2 = ApzcOf(layers[2]);

  // These touch events should hit the dispatch-to-content region of layers[3]
  // and so get queued with that APZC as the tentative target.
  uint64_t inputBlockId = 0;
  Tap(manager, 55, 5, mcc, TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100), nullptr, &inputBlockId);
  // But now we tell the APZ that really it hit layers[2], and expect the tap
  // to be delivered at the correct coordinates.
  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(CSSPoint(55, 5), 0, apzc2->GetGuid())).Times(1);

  nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid> targets;
  manager->SetTargetAPZC(inputBlockId, targets);
Пример #9
TEST_F(APZCGestureDetectorTester, TapTimeoutInterruptedByWheel) {
  // In this test, even though the wheel block comes right after the tap, the
  // tap should still be dispatched because it completes fully before the wheel
  // block arrived.
  EXPECT_CALL(*mcc, HandleSingleTap(CSSPoint(10, 10), 0, apzc->GetGuid())).Times(1);

  // We make the APZC zoomable so the gesture detector needs to wait to
  // distinguish between tap and double-tap. During that timeout is when we
  // insert the wheel event.

  uint64_t touchBlockId = 0;
  uint64_t wheelBlockId = 0;
  Tap(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(10, 10), TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(100),
      nullptr, &touchBlockId);
  Wheel(apzc, ScreenIntPoint(10, 10), ScreenPoint(0, -10), mcc->Time(), &wheelBlockId);
  EXPECT_NE(touchBlockId, wheelBlockId);
  while (mcc->RunThroughDelayedTasks());
Пример #10
void CFrobHandle::Event_Tap()
Пример #11
LOCAL expr_val T(EParser p) { return Tap(p, F(p)); }