Пример #1
/*  shortcut: this function creates a piece of code that corresponds to
    <internal func name> = function () internal "<internal func name>";
Tobj Pfunction (char *ifnam, int ifnum) {
    int ui, ai, vi, si, fi, li1, li2, di, ifi, ifn;

    Creset ();
    ui = Cnew (C_CODE);
    ai = Cnew (C_ASSIGN);
    Csetfp (ui, ai);
    vi = Cnew (C_GVAR);
    si = Cstring (ifnam);
    Csetfp (vi, si);
    Csetfp (ai, vi);
    fi = Cnew (C_FUNCTION);
    Csetnext (vi, fi);
    li1 = Cinteger (0);
    Csetfp (fi, li1);
    li2 = Cinteger (0);
    Csetnext (li1, li2);
    di = Cnew (C_DECL);
    Csetfp (di, C_NULL);
    Csetnext (li2, di);
    ifi = Cnew (C_INTERNAL);
    ifn = Cinteger ((long) ifnum);
    Csetfp (ifi, ifn);
    Csetnext (di, ifi);
    Csetinteger (li1, (long) (Cgetindex () - fi));
    Csetinteger (li2, 0);
    return Tcode (cbufp, 0, cbufi);
Пример #2
/* shortcut: this function executes a piece of code that corresponds to
   <internal func name> = function () internal "<internal func name>";
Tobj Efunction(Tobj co, char *ifnam)
    Tobj v1o;
    int fi;

    fi = TCgetnext(co, TCgetfp(co, TCgetfp(co, 0)));
    v1o = Tcode(TCgetaddr(co, fi), fi,
		(int) TCgetinteger(co, TCgetfp(co, fi)));
    Tinss(root, ifnam, v1o);
    return v1o;
Пример #3
/*  shortcut: this function creates a piece of code that corresponds to
    <func name> (<args>); where <args> is the second argument (ao)
Tobj Pfcall (Tobj fo, Tobj ao) {
    int ui, fi, ffi, ai, aai;

    Creset ();
    ui = Cnew (C_CODE);
    fi = Cnew (C_FCALL);
    Csetfp (ui, fi);
    ffi = Cnew (C_PVAR);
    Csetobject (ffi, fo);
    Csetfp (fi, ffi);
    ai = Cnew (C_ARGS);
    Csetnext (ffi, ai);
    if (ao) {
        aai = Cnew (C_PVAR);
        Csetobject (aai, ao);
        Csetfp (ai, aai);
    } else
        Csetfp (ai, C_NULL);
    return Tcode (cbufp, 0, cbufi);
Пример #4
Tobj Punit (Psrc_t *sp) {
    int ui, ei;

    Lsetsrc (sp->flag, sp->s, sp->fp, sp->tok, sp->lnum);
    Creset ();
    flvi = llvi = 0;

    if (setjmp (eljbuf) != 0)
        return NULL;

    while (Ltok == L_SEMI)
        Lgtok ();
    if (Ltok == L_EOF)
        return NULL;

    ui = Cnew (C_CODE);
    ei = pexpr ();
    Csetfp (ui, ei);
    Lgetsrc (&sp->flag, &sp->s, &sp->fp, &sp->tok, &sp->lnum);
    return Tcode (cbufp, 0, cbufi);
Пример #5
static Tobj eeval(Tobj co, int ci)
    Tobj v1o, v2o, v3o;
    Ttype_t ttype;
    Ctype_t ctype;
    tnk_t tnk;
    num_tt lnum, rnum;
    long m1, m2;
    int i1, i2, res;

    errdo = TRUE;
    v1o = NULL;
    ctype = TCgettype(co, ci);
    switch (ctype) {
    case C_ASSIGN:
	i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	if ((v1o = eeval(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) == NULL) {
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, TCgetnext(co, i1));
	    return NULL;
	m1 = Mpushmark(v1o);
	res = getvar(co, i1, &tnk);
	if (res == -1) {
	    err(ERRNOLHS, ERR3, co, i1);
	    return NULL;
	setvar(tnk, v1o);
	return v1o;
    case C_OR:
    case C_AND:
    case C_NOT:
	i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	if ((v1o = eeval(co, i1)) == NULL)
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, i1);
	switch (ctype) {
	case C_OR:
	    if (boolop(v1o) == TRUE)
		return Ttrue;
	    if ((v1o = eeval(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) == NULL)
		err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, TCgetnext(co, i1));
	    return (boolop(v1o) == TRUE) ? Ttrue : Tfalse;
	case C_AND:
	    if (boolop(v1o) == FALSE)
		return Tfalse;
	    if ((v1o = eeval(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) == NULL)
		err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, TCgetnext(co, i1));
	    return (boolop(v1o) == FALSE) ? Tfalse : Ttrue;
	case C_NOT:
	    return (boolop(v1o) == TRUE) ? Tfalse : Ttrue;
	return Tfalse;
    case C_EQ:
    case C_NE:
    case C_LT:
    case C_LE:
    case C_GT:
    case C_GE:
	i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	if ((v1o = eeval(co, i1)) == NULL)
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, i1);
	    m1 = Mpushmark(v1o);
	if ((v2o = eeval(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) == NULL)
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, TCgetnext(co, i1));
	if (v1o)
	return (orderop(v1o, ctype, v2o) == TRUE) ? Ttrue : Tfalse;
    case C_PLUS:
    case C_MINUS:
    case C_MUL:
    case C_DIV:
    case C_MOD:
    case C_UMINUS:
	i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	if ((lnum.type = TCgettype(co, i1)) == C_INTEGER)
	    lnum.u.i = TCgetinteger(co, i1);
	else if (lnum.type == C_REAL)
	    lnum.u.d = TCgetreal(co, i1);
	else if ((lnum.u.no = eeval(co, i1)) == NULL) {
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, i1);
	    return NULL;
	if (ctype == C_UMINUS) {
	    if (!(v1o = arithop(&lnum, ctype, NULL)))
		err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, ci);
	    return v1o;
	if (lnum.type != C_INTEGER && lnum.type != C_REAL)
	    m1 = Mpushmark(lnum.u.no);
	i1 = TCgetnext(co, i1);
	if ((rnum.type = TCgettype(co, i1)) == C_INTEGER)
	    rnum.u.i = TCgetinteger(co, i1);
	else if (rnum.type == C_REAL)
	    rnum.u.d = TCgetreal(co, i1);
	else if ((rnum.u.no = eeval(co, i1)) == NULL)
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, i1);
	if (lnum.type != C_INTEGER && lnum.type != C_REAL)
	if (!(v1o = arithop(&lnum, ctype, &rnum)))
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, ci);
	return v1o;
    case C_PEXPR:
	ci = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	goto tailrec;
    case C_FCALL:
	return efcall(co, ci);
    case C_INTEGER:
	return Tinteger(TCgetinteger(co, ci));
    case C_REAL:
	return Treal(TCgetreal(co, ci));
    case C_STRING:
	return Tstring(TCgetstring(co, ci));
    case C_GVAR:
    case C_LVAR:
    case C_PVAR:
	return getval(co, ci);
    case C_FUNCTION:
	return Tcode(TCgetaddr(co, ci), ci,
		     (int) TCgetinteger(co, TCgetfp(co, ci)));
    case C_TCONS:
	v1o = Ttable(0);
	m1 = Mpushmark(v1o);
	for (i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci); i1 != C_NULL;
	     i1 = TCgetnext(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) {
	    if (!(v3o = eeval(co, TCgetnext(co, i1)))) {
		err(ERRNORHS, ERR4, co, TCgetnext(co, i1));
	    m2 = Mpushmark(v3o);
	    if (!(v2o = eeval(co, i1))) {
		err(ERRNOLHS, ERR3, co, i1);
	    ttype = Tgettype(v2o);
	    if (ttype == T_INTEGER || ttype == T_REAL || ttype == T_STRING)
		Tinso(v1o, v2o, v3o);
		err(ERRNOLHS, ERR1, co, i1);
	return v1o;
    case C_STMT:
	for (i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci); i1 != C_NULL;)
	    if ((i2 = TCgetnext(co, i1)) != C_NULL) {
		eeval(co, i1);
		i1 = i2;
	    } else {
		ci = i1;
		goto tailrec;
    case C_IF:
	i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci);
	if (!(v1o = eeval(co, i1)))
	    err(ERRNORHS, ERR5, co, i1);
	if (boolop(v1o) == TRUE) {
	    ci = TCgetnext(co, i1);
	    goto tailrec;
	} else if ((ci = TCgetnext(co, TCgetnext(co, i1))) != C_NULL)
	    goto tailrec;
    case C_WHILE:
	ewhilest(co, ci);
    case C_FOR:
	eforst(co, ci);
    case C_FORIN:
	eforinst(co, ci);
    case C_BREAK:
	pljtype = PLJ_BREAK;
	longjmp(*pljbufp1, 1);
    case C_CONTINUE:
	pljtype = PLJ_CONTINUE;
	longjmp(*pljbufp1, 1);
    case C_RETURN:
	if ((i1 = TCgetfp(co, ci)) != C_NULL)
	    rtno = eeval(co, i1);
	pljtype = PLJ_RETURN;
	longjmp(*pljbufp2, 1);
	panic1(POS, "eeval", "unknown program token type %d", ctype);
    return v1o;