Пример #1
bool LIB_TEXT::HitTest( wxPoint aPosition, int aThreshold, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    if( aThreshold < 0 )
        aThreshold = 0;

    wxPoint physicalpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos );
    wxPoint tmp = m_Pos;
    m_Pos = physicalpos;

    /* The text orientation may need to be flipped if the
     *  transformation matrix causes xy axes to be flipped.
     * this simple algo works only for schematic matrix (rot 90 or/and mirror)
    int t1 = ( aTransform.x1 != 0 ) ^ ( m_Orient != 0 );
    int orient = t1 ? TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ : TEXT_ORIENT_VERT;
    EXCHG( m_Orient, orient );
    bool hit = TextHitTest( aPosition );
    EXCHG( m_Orient, orient );
    m_Pos = tmp;
    return hit;
Пример #2
bool SCH_TEXT::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    return TextHitTest( aPosition, aAccuracy );
Пример #3
bool SCH_TEXT::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    return TextHitTest( aRect, aContained, aAccuracy );
Пример #4
bool SCH_GLOBALLABEL::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    return TextHitTest( aPosition, aAccuracy );