Пример #1
stk::topology get_subcell_nodes(const BulkData& mesh, const Entity entity,
        EntityRank subcell_rank,
        unsigned subcell_identifier,
        EntityVector & subcell_nodes)
    ThrowAssert(subcell_rank <= stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK);


    // get cell topology
    stk::topology celltopology = mesh.bucket(entity).topology();

    //error checking
//no celltopology defined
        if(celltopology == stk::topology::INVALID_TOPOLOGY)
            return celltopology;

// valid ranks fall within the dimension of the cell topology
        const bool bad_rank = subcell_rank >= celltopology.dimension();
        ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_rank, "subcell_rank is >= celltopology dimension\n");

// subcell_identifier must be less than the subcell count
        const bool bad_id = subcell_identifier >= celltopology.num_sub_topology(subcell_rank);
        ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_id, "subcell_id is >= subcell_count\n");

    // Get the cell topology of the subcell
    stk::topology subcell_topology =
            celltopology.sub_topology(subcell_rank, subcell_identifier);

    const int num_nodes_in_subcell = subcell_topology.num_nodes();

    // For the subcell, get it's local nodes ids
    std::vector<unsigned> subcell_node_local_ids(num_nodes_in_subcell);
    celltopology.sub_topology_node_ordinals(subcell_rank, subcell_identifier, subcell_node_local_ids.begin());

    Entity const *node_relations = mesh.begin_nodes(entity);

    for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes_in_subcell; ++i)

    return subcell_topology;
Пример #2
const CellTopologyData * get_subcell_nodes(const Entity & entity ,
                                           EntityRank subcell_rank ,
                                           unsigned subcell_identifier ,
                                           EntityVector & subcell_nodes)

  // get cell topology
  const CellTopologyData* celltopology = get_cell_topology_new(entity).getCellTopologyData();

  //error checking
    //no celltopology defined
    if (celltopology == NULL) {
      return NULL;

    // valid ranks fall within the dimension of the cell topology
    const bool bad_rank = subcell_rank >= celltopology->dimension;
    ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_rank, "subcell_rank is >= celltopology dimension\n");

    // subcell_identifier must be less than the subcell count
    const bool bad_id = subcell_identifier >= celltopology->subcell_count[subcell_rank];
    ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_id,   "subcell_id is >= subcell_count\n");

  // Get the cell topology of the subcell
  const CellTopologyData * subcell_topology =

  const int num_nodes_in_subcell = subcell_topology->node_count;

  // For the subcell, get it's local nodes ids
  const unsigned* subcell_node_local_ids =

  FEMMetaData & fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(entity);
  const EntityRank node_rank = fem_meta.node_rank();
  PairIterRelation node_relations = entity.relations(node_rank);


  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_in_subcell; ++i ) {
    subcell_nodes.push_back( node_relations[subcell_node_local_ids[i]].entity() );

  return subcell_topology;
Пример #3
Part * PartRepository::declare_part( const PartVector & part_intersect )
  static const char method[] = "stk_classic::mesh::impl::PartRepository::declare_part" ;

  PartVector pset_clean ;

  for ( PartVector::const_iterator
        i = part_intersect.begin() ; i != part_intersect.end() ; ++i ) {
    Part * const p = *i ;
    assert_superset( *m_universal_part, *p , method );

    // If 'p' is a superset of another member
    // then it is redundant in this intersection.
    // Only keep non-redundant intersections.

    PartVector::const_iterator j = part_intersect.begin();
    for ( ; j != part_intersect.end() &&
            ! contain( (*j)->supersets() , *p ) ; ++j );
    if ( j == part_intersect.end() ) {
      pset_clean.push_back( p );

  // Sort and unique the intersection
  order( pset_clean );

  Part * p = NULL ;
  if ( 1 == pset_clean.size() ) {
    // Only one remaining part, it is the subset.
    p = pset_clean[0] ;
  else {
    const char separator[] = "^" ;
    // Generate a name and rank reflecting the intersection.
    // Rank is the minimum rank of the intersection members.

    std::string p_name ;
    EntityRank p_rank = InvalidEntityRank;

    for ( PartVector::iterator
          i = pset_clean.begin() ; i != pset_clean.end() ; ++i ) {
      if ( i != pset_clean.begin() ) { p_name.append( separator ); }
      p_name.append( (*i)->name() );
      if ( (*i)->primary_entity_rank() < p_rank ) {
        p_rank = (*i)->primary_entity_rank();

    const PartVector & all_parts = get_all_parts();
    p = find( all_parts, p_name );
    if ( p == NULL ) {
      // Create the part:

      p = declare_part_impl( p_name , p_rank );

      // Define the part to be an intersection of the given parts:

      p->m_partImpl.set_intersection_of( pset_clean );

      for ( PartVector::iterator
            i = pset_clean.begin() ; i != pset_clean.end() ; ++i ) {
        declare_subset( **i, *p );
    else {
      // This error is "inconceivable" and is
      // only possible by heroic malicious abuse.
      ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( pset_clean != p->intersection_of(),
                            p_name << " FAILED FROM MALICIOUS ABUSE" );

  return p ;
Пример #4
STKUNIT_UNIT_TEST(UnitTestingOfThrowMacros, testUnit)
  // Setting assert handler to NULL should cause exception
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(stk::set_assert_handler(0), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that Throw*Msg works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that Throw* works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(false), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(false), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(false), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that macro interacts appropriately with if statements
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(false), std::logic_error);

  // Check that usage of ThrowRequireMsg/ThrowAssertMsg does not change program
  // semantics. Code blocks that are not contained within braces seem to be
  // the most likely to be problematic.

  bool expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    expected_execution_path = true;

  // These next four statements are to check compilation success

  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)

  if (false)

  // Check that do-while still works, again, we are mostly checking compilation
  // success here.

  do ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  do ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  // Check that message with put-tos compiles

  int temp = 0;
  ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");
  ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");

  // Check that assert behaves as expected (throws in debug, not in opt)
#ifdef NDEBUG
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_assert(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that ThrowErrorMsg works

  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(test_no_expr_error(), std::runtime_error);
  // Check that setting handler for asserts works.

  stk::ErrorHandler orig = stk::set_assert_handler(test_assert_handler);

  ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that setting handler for errors works.

  orig = stk::set_error_handler(test_error_handler);

  ThrowErrorMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that setting handler for invalid args works.

  orig = stk::set_invalid_arg_handler(test_invarg_handler);

  ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);