Пример #1
/* Avoid thrashing memory by doubling buffer size
** until larger than requested size.
   buf->allocated is bigger than allocSize+1 so that a trailing null byte is
   always available.
void TIDY_CALL tidyBufCheckAlloc( TidyBuffer* buf, uint allocSize, uint chunkSize )
    assert( buf != NULL );

    if ( !buf->allocator )
        setDefaultAllocator( buf );
    if ( 0 == chunkSize )
        chunkSize = 256;
    if ( allocSize+1 > buf->allocated )
        byte* bp;
        uint allocAmt = chunkSize;
        if ( buf->allocated > 0 )
            allocAmt = buf->allocated;
        while ( allocAmt < allocSize+1 )
            allocAmt *= 2;

        bp = (byte*)TidyRealloc( buf->allocator, buf->bp, allocAmt );
        if ( bp != NULL )
            TidyClearMemory( bp + buf->allocated, allocAmt - buf->allocated );
            buf->bp = bp;
            buf->allocated = allocAmt;
Пример #2
void TIDY_CALL tidyBufInitWithAllocator( TidyBuffer* buf,
                                         TidyAllocator *allocator )
    assert( buf != NULL );
    TidyClearMemory( buf, sizeof(TidyBuffer) );
    buf->allocator = allocator ? allocator : &TY_(g_default_allocator);
Пример #3
void          tidyDocRelease( TidyDocImpl* doc )
    /* doc in/out opened and closed by parse/print routines */
    if ( doc )
        assert( doc->docIn == NULL );
        assert( doc->docOut == NULL );

        TY_(ReleaseStreamOut)( doc, doc->errout );
        doc->errout = NULL;

        TY_(FreePrintBuf)( doc );
        TY_(FreeLexer)( doc );
        TY_(FreeNode)(doc, &doc->root);
        TidyClearMemory(&doc->root, sizeof(Node));

        if (doc->givenDoctype)
            TidyDocFree(doc, doc->givenDoctype);

        TY_(FreeConfig)( doc );
        TY_(FreeAttrTable)( doc );
        TY_(FreeTags)( doc );
        TidyDocFree( doc, doc );
Пример #4
void TIDY_CALL tidyBufClear( TidyBuffer* buf )
    assert( buf != NULL );
    if ( buf->bp )
        TidyClearMemory( buf->bp, buf->allocated );
        buf->size = 0;
    buf->next = 0;
Пример #5
void TY_(FreeTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
    TidyTagImpl* tags = &doc->tags;

    emptyHash( doc, tags );
    TY_(FreeDeclaredTags)( doc, tagtype_null );
    FreeDict( doc, tags->xml_tags );

    /* get rid of dangling tag references */
    TidyClearMemory( tags, sizeof(TidyTagImpl) );
Пример #6
void TY_(InitTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
    Dict* xml;
    TidyTagImpl* tags = &doc->tags;

    TidyClearMemory( tags, sizeof(TidyTagImpl) );

    /* create dummy entry for all xml tags */
    xml =  NewDict( doc, NULL );
    xml->versions = VERS_XML;
    xml->model = CM_BLOCK;
    xml->parser = 0;
    xml->chkattrs = 0;
    xml->attrvers = NULL;
    tags->xml_tags = xml;
Пример #7
TidyDocImpl* tidyDocCreate( TidyAllocator *allocator )
    TidyDocImpl* doc = (TidyDocImpl*)TidyAlloc( allocator, sizeof(TidyDocImpl) );
    TidyClearMemory( doc, sizeof(*doc) );
    doc->allocator = allocator;

    TY_(InitTags)( doc );
    TY_(InitAttrs)( doc );
    TY_(InitConfig)( doc );
    TY_(InitPrintBuf)( doc );

    /* By default, wire tidy messages to standard error.
    ** Document input will be set by parsing routines.
    ** Document output will be set by pretty print routines.
    ** Config input will be set by config parsing routines.
    ** But we need to start off with a way to report errors.
    doc->errout = TY_(StdErrOutput)();
    return doc;
Пример #8
int   tidyDocParseFile( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr filnam )
#ifdef _WIN32
    return TY_(DocParseFileWithMappedFile)( doc, filnam );
    int status = -ENOENT;
    FILE* fin = fopen( filnam, "rb" );

    struct stat sbuf = {0};
    /* get last modified time */
    TidyClearMemory( &doc->filetimes, sizeof(doc->filetimes) );
    if ( fin && cfgBool(doc,TidyKeepFileTimes) &&
            fstat(fileno(fin), &sbuf) != -1 )
        doc->filetimes.actime  = sbuf.st_atime;
        doc->filetimes.modtime = sbuf.st_mtime;

    if ( fin )
        StreamIn* in = TY_(FileInput)( doc, fin, cfg( doc, TidyInCharEncoding ));
        if ( !in )
            fclose( fin );
            return status;
        status = TY_(DocParseStream)( doc, in );
        TY_(freeFileSource)(&in->source, yes);
    else /* Error message! */
        TY_(FileError)( doc, filnam, TidyError );
    return status;
Пример #9
int         tidyDocSaveFile( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr filnam )
    int status = -ENOENT;
    FILE* fout = NULL;

    /* Don't zap input file if no output */
    if ( doc->errors > 0 &&
            cfgBool(doc, TidyWriteBack) && !cfgBool(doc, TidyForceOutput) )
        status = tidyDocStatus( doc );
        fout = fopen( filnam, "wb" );

    if ( fout )
        uint outenc = cfg( doc, TidyOutCharEncoding );
        uint nl = cfg( doc, TidyNewline );
        StreamOut* out = TY_(FileOutput)( doc, fout, outenc, nl );

        status = tidyDocSaveStream( doc, out );

        fclose( fout );
        TidyDocFree( doc, out );

        if ( doc->filetimes.actime )
            /* set file last accessed/modified times to original values */
            utime( filnam, &doc->filetimes );
            TidyClearMemory( &doc->filetimes, sizeof(doc->filetimes) );
    if ( status < 0 ) /* Error message! */
        TY_(FileError)( doc, filnam, TidyError );
    return status;
Пример #10
int         TY_(DocParseStream)( TidyDocImpl* doc, StreamIn* in )
    Bool xmlIn = cfgBool( doc, TidyXmlTags );
    int bomEnc;

    assert( doc != NULL && in != NULL );
    assert( doc->docIn == NULL );
    doc->docIn = in;

    TY_(TakeConfigSnapshot)( doc );    /* Save config state */
    TY_(FreeLexer)( doc );
    TY_(FreeAnchors)( doc );

    TY_(FreeNode)(doc, &doc->root);
    TidyClearMemory(&doc->root, sizeof(Node));

    if (doc->givenDoctype)
        TidyDocFree(doc, doc->givenDoctype);

    doc->givenDoctype = NULL;

    doc->lexer = TY_(NewLexer)( doc );
    /* doc->lexer->root = &doc->root; */
    doc->root.line = doc->lexer->lines;
    doc->root.column = doc->lexer->columns;
    doc->inputHadBOM = no;

    bomEnc = TY_(ReadBOMEncoding)(in);

    if (bomEnc != -1)
        in->encoding = bomEnc;
        TY_(SetOptionInt)(doc, TidyInCharEncoding, bomEnc);

    if (in->encoding > WIN32MLANG)
        TY_(Win32MLangInitInputTranscoder)(in, in->encoding);

    /* Tidy doesn't alter the doctype for generic XML docs */
    if ( xmlIn )
        TY_(ParseXMLDocument)( doc );
        if ( !TY_(CheckNodeIntegrity)( &doc->root ) )
            TidyPanic( doc->allocator, integrity );
        doc->warnings = 0;
        TY_(ParseDocument)( doc );
        if ( !TY_(CheckNodeIntegrity)( &doc->root ) )
            TidyPanic( doc->allocator, integrity );


    doc->docIn = NULL;
    return tidyDocStatus( doc );