Пример #1
std::vector< Diagnostic > TranslationUnit::Reparse(
  const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files ) {
  std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > cxunsaved_files =
    ToCXUnsavedFiles( unsaved_files );

  Reparse( cxunsaved_files );

  unique_lock< mutex > lock( diagnostics_mutex_ );
  return latest_diagnostics_;
Пример #2
std::vector< CompletionData > TranslationUnit::CandidatesForLocation(
  const std::string &filename,
  int line,
  int column,
  const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files ) {
  unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_access_mutex_ );

  if ( !clang_translation_unit_ ) {
    return std::vector< CompletionData >();

  std::vector< CXUnsavedFile > cxunsaved_files =
    ToCXUnsavedFiles( unsaved_files );
  const CXUnsavedFile *unsaved = cxunsaved_files.empty()
                                 ? nullptr : &cxunsaved_files[ 0 ];

  // codeCompleteAt reparses the TU if the underlying source file has changed on
  // disk since the last time the TU was updated and there are no unsaved files.
  // If there are unsaved files, then codeCompleteAt will parse the in-memory
  // file contents we are giving it. In short, it is NEVER a good idea to call
  // clang_reparseTranslationUnit right before a call to clang_codeCompleteAt.
  // This only makes clang reparse the whole file TWICE, which has a huge impact
  // on latency. At the time of writing, it seems that most users of libclang
  // in the open-source world don't realize this (I checked). Some don't even
  // call reparse*, but parse* which is even less efficient.

  CodeCompleteResultsWrap results(
    clang_codeCompleteAt( clang_translation_unit_,
                          const_cast<CXUnsavedFile *>( unsaved ),
                          CompletionOptions() ),
    clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults );

  std::vector< CompletionData > candidates = ToCompletionDataVector(
                                               results.get() );
  return candidates;