Пример #1
Trajectory Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectoryThroughViapoint(const VectorXd& ts, const VectorXd& y_from, const VectorXd& y_yd_ydd_viapoint, double viapoint_time, const VectorXd& y_to)

    int n_dims = y_from.size();
    assert(3*n_dims==y_yd_ydd_viapoint.size()); // Contains y, yd and ydd, so *3

    int n_time_steps = ts.size();

    int viapoint_time_step = 0;
    while (viapoint_time_step<n_time_steps && ts[viapoint_time_step]<viapoint_time)

    if (viapoint_time_step>=n_time_steps)
        cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":";
        cerr << "ERROR: the time vector does not contain any time smaller than " << viapoint_time << ". Returning min-jerk trajectory WITHOUT viapoint." <<  endl;
        return Trajectory();

    VectorXd yd_from        = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_from       = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);

    VectorXd y_viapoint     = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(0*n_dims,n_dims);
    VectorXd yd_viapoint    = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(1*n_dims,n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_viapoint   = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(2*n_dims,n_dims);

    VectorXd yd_to          = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_to         = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);

    Trajectory traj = Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectory(ts.segment(0, viapoint_time_step + 1), y_from, yd_from, ydd_from, y_viapoint, yd_viapoint, ydd_viapoint);
    traj.append(Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectory(ts.segment(viapoint_time_step, n_time_steps - viapoint_time_step), y_viapoint, yd_viapoint, ydd_viapoint, y_to, yd_to, ydd_to));

    return traj;
Пример #2
Trajectory Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectory(const VectorXd& ts, const VectorXd& y_from, const VectorXd& yd_from, const VectorXd& ydd_from,
        const VectorXd& y_to, const VectorXd& yd_to, const VectorXd& ydd_to)
    VectorXd a0 = y_from;
    VectorXd a1 = yd_from;
    VectorXd a2 = ydd_from / 2;

    VectorXd a3 = -10 * y_from - 6 * yd_from - 2.5 * ydd_from + 10 * y_to - 4 * yd_to + 0.5 * ydd_to;
    VectorXd a4 = 15 * y_from + 8 * yd_from + 2 * ydd_from - 15  * y_to  + 7 * yd_to - ydd_to;
    VectorXd a5 = -6 * y_from - 3 * yd_from - 0.5 * ydd_from  + 6 * y_to  - 3 * yd_to + 0.5 * ydd_to;

    int n_time_steps = ts.size();
    int n_dims = y_from.size();

    MatrixXd ys(n_time_steps,n_dims), yds(n_time_steps,n_dims), ydds(n_time_steps,n_dims);

    for (int i = 0; i < ts.size(); i++)
        double t = (ts[i] - ts[0]) / (ts[n_time_steps - 1] - ts[0]);
        ys.row(i) = a0 + a1 * t + a2 * pow(t, 2) + a3 * pow(t, 3) + a4 * pow(t, 4) + a5 * pow(t, 5);
        yds.row(i) = a1 + 2 * a2 * t + 3 * a3 * pow(t, 2) + 4 * a4 * pow(t, 3) + 5 * a5 * pow(t, 4);
        ydds.row(i) = 2 * a2 + 6 * a3 * t + 12 * a4 * pow(t, 2) + 20 * a5 * pow(t, 3);

    yds /= (ts[n_time_steps - 1] - ts[0]);
    ydds /= pow(ts[n_time_steps - 1] - ts[0], 2);

    return Trajectory(ts, ys, yds, ydds);
Пример #3
Trajectory Trajectory::generateMinJerkTrajectory(const VectorXd& ts, const VectorXd& y_from, const VectorXd& y_to)
    int n_time_steps = ts.size();
    int n_dims = y_from.size();

    MatrixXd ys(n_time_steps,n_dims), yds(n_time_steps,n_dims), ydds(n_time_steps,n_dims);

    double D =  ts[n_time_steps-1];
    ArrayXd tss = (ts/D).array();

    ArrayXd A = y_to.array()-y_from.array();

    for (int i_dim=0; i_dim<n_dims; i_dim++)

        // http://noisyaccumulation.blogspot.fr/2012/02/how-to-decompose-2d-trajectory-data.html

        ys.col(i_dim)   = y_from[i_dim] + A[i_dim]*(  6*tss.pow(5)  -15*tss.pow(4) +10*tss.pow(3));

        yds.col(i_dim)  =             (A[i_dim]/D)*( 30*tss.pow(4)  -60*tss.pow(3) +30*tss.pow(2));

        ydds.col(i_dim) =         (A[i_dim]/(D*D))*(120*tss.pow(3) -180*tss.pow(2) +60*tss       );

    return Trajectory(ts,ys,yds,ydds);

Пример #4
void Scene::AddTrajectoryAsSpaceObject(const SpaceObject& obj, Frame frame, Date startingDate, const SpaceObject& relativeTo)
	Trajectory tj = Trajectory(obj, frame, Units::Metric::kilometers, distanceScale);
	standaloneTrajectories.push_back(/*Trajectory(obj, frame, Units::Metric::kilometers)*/tj);
	Time time(10000, Units::Common::days);
	standaloneTrajectories.at(standaloneTrajectories.size() - 1).SetIncrementalParams(startingDate, time, 10000);
Пример #5
bool CActions::AttackNearest(int unit){ // Attack nearby enemies...
	const UnitDef* ud = G->GetUnitDef(unit);
	if(ud == 0) return false;
		float3 p = G->GetUnitPos(unit);
			return false;
		// iterate through them all generating a score, if the score is the highest encountered
		float highest_score=0.01f;
		int target=0;
		float tscore=0;
		float3 tpos=UpVector;
		int frame= G->GetCurrentFrame()-10;
		bool mobile = false;
		for(map<int,Global::temp_pos>::const_iterator i = G->positions.begin(); i != G->positions.end(); ++i){
			if(i->second.enemy == false){
			if(i->second.last_update < frame){
			float3 pos = i->second.pos;
			float d = pos.distance2D(p);
			const UnitDef* ude = G->GetUnitDef(i->first);
			if(ude != 0){
				float eff = G->GetTargettingWeight(ud->name,ude->name);
				tscore = eff/max(d,0.1f);
				if(tscore > highest_score){
					if(ud->highTrajectoryType == 2){
						if((ude->movedata != 0)||(ude->canfly)){
							if(G->info->hardtarget == false) tscore = tscore/4;
							mobile = true;
							mobile = false;
					target = i->first;
					tpos =pos;
		if(target > 0){
			if(ud->highTrajectoryType == 2){
			return MoveToStrike(unit,tpos);
	return false;
Пример #6
Trajectory PlanningProblem::GRRTsolve()
    this->planningResult = false;
    float start_time = currentTimeMSec();
    int tryExtensionCounter = 0;
    randomTree.appendNewStation(NULL, initialState);

    for(int step=0; step < MAX_RRT_STEP_TRY/5; step++)
        Station target;
        float toss = uni_rand(0, 1);
        if(toss < GOAL_PROB)
        else {
            Station tempSt = SampleStateUniform();

        if( !target.isValid() )
//            throw "can not sampled!";
        SpatialVertex* near_ver = randomTree.getNearestVertex(target);
        if(near_ver == NULL)

        int greedyCounter = 0;
        while(greedyCounter < 5){
            tryExtensionCounter ++;
            Station extended = RRTExtend(near_ver->state, target, agent->radius() * 2);
            randomTree.appendNewStation(near_ver, extended);
            if(Station::dubinDistance(extended, target) < agent->radius() ) {
                if((target.getPosition() - goal.goal_point.getPosition()).lenght2D() < agent->radius() /2)
                    planningResult = true;
//            if(target != goal.goal_point)  break;
            greedyCounter ++;

        cout << "Step = " << step << endl;


        float finish_time = currentTimeMSec();
        this->planningTime = finish_time - start_time;
//        cout << "Greedy RRT Planning succeed in " << planningTime << "mili seconds" << endl;
        return buildTrajectoryFromRandomTree();
    return Trajectory();
Пример #7
Trajectory Trajectory::readFromFile(string filename, int n_dims_misc)
    MatrixXd traj_matrix;
    if (!loadMatrix(filename,traj_matrix))
        cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":";
        cerr << "Cannot open filename '"<< filename <<"'." << endl;
        return Trajectory();

    int n_dims       = (traj_matrix.cols()-1-n_dims_misc)/3;
    int n_time_steps = traj_matrix.rows();
    VectorXd ts;
    MatrixXd ys, yds, ydds, misc;
    ts   = traj_matrix.block(0,0+0*n_dims,n_time_steps,1);
    ys   = traj_matrix.block(0,1+0*n_dims,n_time_steps,n_dims);
    yds  = traj_matrix.block(0,1+1*n_dims,n_time_steps,n_dims);
    ydds = traj_matrix.block(0,1+2*n_dims,n_time_steps,n_dims);
    misc = traj_matrix.block(0,1+3*n_dims,n_time_steps,n_dims_misc);

    return Trajectory(ts,ys,yds,ydds,misc);

Пример #8
bool CActions::AttackNear(int unit,float LOSmultiplier){
	const UnitDef* ud = G->GetUnitDef(unit);
	if(ud == 0) return false;
	int* en = new int[5000];
	int e = G->GetEnemyUnits(en,G->GetUnitPos(unit),max(G->cb->GetUnitMaxRange(unit),ud->losRadius)*LOSmultiplier);
		float best_score = 0;
		int best_target = 0;
		float tempscore = 0;
		bool mobile = true;
		for(int i = 0; i < e; i++){
			if(en[i] < 1) continue;
			const UnitDef* endi = G->GetEnemyDef(en[i]);
			if(endi == 0){
				bool tmobile = false;
				tempscore = G->GetTargettingWeight(ud->name,endi->name);
				if((endi->movedata != 0)||(endi->canfly)){
					if(G->info->hardtarget == false) tempscore = tempscore/4;
					tmobile = true;
				}else if(endi->weapons.empty()==false){
					tempscore /= 2;
				if(tempscore > best_score){
					best_score = tempscore;
					best_target = en[i];
					mobile = tmobile;
				tempscore = 0;
		if(ud->highTrajectoryType == 2){
		if(best_target > 0){
			delete [] en;
			return Attack(unit,best_target,mobile);
		delete [] en;
		return true;
		delete [] en;
		return false;
Пример #9
// *************************************************
// ************** under construction ***************
// *************************************************
Trajectory PlanningProblem::RRTConnectSolve(double arg1)
    double start_time = currentTimeMSec();
    randomTree.appendNewStation(NULL, initialState);
    backward_tree.appendNewStation(NULL, goal.goal_point);

    for(uint i=0; i< MAX_RRT_STEP_TRY ; ++i)
        Station randSt = SampleStateUniform();
        SpatialVertex* near_ver = randomTree.getNearestVertex(randSt);
        if(near_ver == NULL)
        Station extended_ = RRTExtend(near_ver->state, randSt, arg1);
        randomTree.appendNewStation(near_ver, extended_);

        for(int j=0; j<10; j++) {
            SpatialVertex* back_near = backward_tree.getNearestVertex(extended_);
            Station back_extended = RRTExtend(back_near->state, extended_, arg1);
            backward_tree.appendNewStation(back_near, back_extended);

            if(Station::euclideanDistance(back_extended, extended_) < agent->radius()) {
                while(back_near != NULL) {
                    Station on_back_tree_st = back_near->state;
                                                         back_near->state.getPosition().Teta() + M_PI));
                    randomTree.appendNewStation(randomTree.lastAddedVertex(), on_back_tree_st);
                    back_near = back_near->parent;
                planningTime = currentTimeMSec() - start_time;
                return buildTrajectoryFromRandomTree();
    planningTime = currentTimeMSec() - start_time;
    return Trajectory();
Пример #10
Trajectory PlanningProblem::RRTsolve(float arg1, float max_len)
//    if(tree.count() > MAX_TREE_SIZE * 0.75)
       this->planningResult = false;

   double start_time = currentTimeMSec();
   randomTree.appendNewStation(NULL, initialState);
   for(uint i=0; i< MAX_RRT_STEP_TRY ; ++i)
       if(RRTStep(arg1, max_len) == eReached)
           this->planningResult = true;
           double finish_time = currentTimeMSec();
           this->planningTime = finish_time - start_time;
           return buildTrajectoryFromRandomTree();
   return Trajectory();
Пример #11
Trajectory RobotControl::adaptTrajectory(Trajectory aTrajectory)
    return Trajectory(Vector(aTrajectory.position.y - (1400 / 2), aTrajectory.position.z - 350, 0), aTrajectory.time);
Пример #12
 * @function followDualTrajectory
bool BaseDualControl::followDualTrajectory( const std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> &_pathLeft,
					    const std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> &_pathRight,
					    const Eigen::VectorXd &_maxAccel,
					    const Eigen::VectorXd &_maxVel ) {

  std::list<Eigen::VectorXd> path[2];
  path[0] = _pathLeft;
  path[1] = _pathRight;
  // Safety check
  while( !this->update() ) {}

  for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
    if( ( *(path[i].begin()) - mBc[i].get_q() ).norm() > mDq_thresh ) {
      printf("\t [followTrajectory] First point of trajectory [%d] is too far from init path point \n", i);
      return false;
  // Create trajectory
  Trajectory trajectory[2] = { Trajectory(Path(path[0], mMaxDev), _maxVel, _maxAccel),
			       Trajectory(Path(path[1], mMaxDev), _maxVel, _maxAccel) };
  double duration[2];
  double maxDuration;
  for( size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
    //trajectory[i] = Trajectory( Path(path[i], mMaxDev), _maxVel, _maxAccel );

    if( !trajectory[i].isValid() ) {
      printf("\t [followTrajectory] ERROR: Trajectory is not valid \n");
      return false;
   duration[i] = trajectory[i].getDuration();  

  if( duration[0] > duration[1] ) { maxDuration = duration[0]; } else { maxDuration = duration[1]; }
  printf("Duration left: %f Duration right: %f \n", duration[0], duration[1] );
  double start_time;
  double current_time;
  Eigen::VectorXd vel_cmd[2];
  Eigen::VectorXd zeros(mN); for( int i = 0; i < mN; ++i ) { zeros(i) = 0; }
  printf("\t [followDualTraj] DEBUG: Max. duration of trajectory: %f \n", maxDuration );

  // Update current state and time
  double tn;
  while( !this->update() ) {}
  start_time = mNow.tv_sec + (mNow.tv_nsec)/1.0e9;
  current_time = start_time;
  tn = current_time - start_time;

  // Send velocity commands
  while( tn < maxDuration ) {
    // Get current time and state
    while( !this->update() ) {}
    current_time = mNow.tv_sec + mNow.tv_nsec / (1.0e9);
    tn = current_time - start_time;   
    // Build velocity command
    for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {

      if( tn < duration[i] ) {
	vel_cmd[i] = trajectory[i].getVelocity( tn );
	//std::cout << "["<<i<<": "<< tn << "]: Sent velocity"<< vel_cmd[i].transpose() << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " Expected pos: "<< trajectory[i].getPosition(tn).transpose() << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "Current pos: " << mq.transpose() << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "Current velocity: " << mdq.transpose() << std::endl;
	  // Send command to robot
	if( !mBc[i].control_n( mN, vel_cmd[i], 2*mDt, mBc[i].get_refChan(), SNS_MOTOR_MODE_VEL ) ) {
	  printf("\t[followTrajectory - %d] Sending vel msg error \n", i);
	  return false;
      } else {
	//printf("Sending 0 vel for arm %d \n", i);
	mBc[i].control_n( mN, zeros, mDt, mBc[i].get_refChan(), SNS_MOTOR_MODE_VEL );
    } // end for
    // Sleep and clean up
    usleep( (useconds_t)(1e6*mDt)) ;
  } // end while

  printf("\t * [trajectoryFollowing] DEBUG: Finish and sending zero vel for good measure \n");
  for( size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
    mBc[i].control_n( mN, zeros, mDt, mBc[i].get_refChan(), SNS_MOTOR_MODE_VEL );
  return true;
Пример #13
Trajectory PlanningProblem::ERRTsolve()
    cout << "ERRT method is not implemented yet!!!" << endl;
    return Trajectory();