// Give specific editor modes a chance to highlight this connection or darken non-interesting connections
void FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy::DetermineWiringStyle(UEdGraphPin* OutputPin, UEdGraphPin* InputPin, /*inout*/ float& Thickness, /*inout*/ FLinearColor& WireColor, /*inout*/bool& bDrawBubbles, /*inout*/bool& bBidirectional)
	// Get the schema and grab the default color from it
	const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphObj->GetSchema();

	WireColor = Schema->GetPinTypeColor(OutputPin->PinType);

	const bool bDeemphasizeUnhoveredPins = HoveredPins.Num() > 0;

	// If this is a K2 graph, try to be a little more specific
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = Cast<const UEdGraphSchema_K2>(Schema);
	if (K2Schema != NULL)
		if (TreatWireAsExecutionPin(InputPin, OutputPin))
			if (CanBuildRoadmap())
				bool bExecuted = false;

				// Run thru the predecessors, and on
				if (FExecPairingMap* PredecessorMap = PredecessorNodes.Find(InputPin->GetOwningNode()))
					if (FTimePair* Times = PredecessorMap->Find(OutputPin->GetOwningNode()))
						bExecuted = true;

						DetermineStyleOfExecWire(/*inout*/ Thickness, /*inout*/ WireColor, /*inout*/ bDrawBubbles, *Times);

				if (!bExecuted)
					// It's not followed, fade it and keep it thin
					WireColor = ReleaseColor;
					Thickness = ReleaseWireThickness;
				// Make exec wires slightly thicker even outside of debug
				Thickness = 3.0f;
			// Array types should draw thicker
			if( (InputPin && InputPin->PinType.bIsArray) || (OutputPin && OutputPin->PinType.bIsArray) )
				Thickness = 3.0f;

	if (bDeemphasizeUnhoveredPins)
		ApplyHoverDeemphasis(OutputPin, InputPin, /*inout*/ Thickness, /*inout*/ WireColor);
bool FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy::AreNodesGraphicallySequential(UEdGraphNode* InputNode, UEdGraphNode* OutputNode) const
	for (UEdGraphPin* Pin : InputNode->Pins)
		if (Pin->Direction != EGPD_Output)

		for (UEdGraphPin* Connection : Pin->LinkedTo)
			if (!TreatWireAsExecutionPin(Pin, Connection))

			if (Connection->GetOwningNode() == OutputNode)
				return true;

	return false;
// Give specific editor modes a chance to highlight this connection or darken non-interesting connections
void FKismetConnectionDrawingPolicy::DetermineWiringStyle(UEdGraphPin* OutputPin, UEdGraphPin* InputPin, /*inout*/ FConnectionParams& Params)
	Params.AssociatedPin1 = OutputPin;
	Params.AssociatedPin2 = InputPin;

	// Get the schema and grab the default color from it
	const UEdGraphSchema* Schema = GraphObj->GetSchema();

	Params.WireColor = Schema->GetPinTypeColor(OutputPin->PinType);

	UEdGraphNode* OutputNode = OutputPin->GetOwningNode();
	UEdGraphNode* InputNode = (InputPin != nullptr) ? InputPin->GetOwningNode() : nullptr;

	const bool bDeemphasizeUnhoveredPins = HoveredPins.Num() > 0;

	// If this is a K2 graph, try to be a little more specific
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = Cast<const UEdGraphSchema_K2>(Schema);
	if (K2Schema != NULL)
		// If the output or input connect to a knot that is going backwards, we will flip the direction on values going into them
			if (UK2Node_Knot* OutputKnotNode = Cast<UK2Node_Knot>(OutputNode))
				if (ShouldChangeTangentForKnot(OutputKnotNode))
					Params.StartDirection = EGPD_Input;

			if (UK2Node_Knot* InputKnotNode = Cast<UK2Node_Knot>(InputNode))
				if (ShouldChangeTangentForKnot(InputKnotNode))
					Params.EndDirection = EGPD_Output;

		if (TreatWireAsExecutionPin(InputPin, OutputPin))
			if (CanBuildRoadmap())
				// knot nodes are removed from the graph at compile time, so we 
				// have to follow them until we find something that would have 
				// actually executed
				while (UK2Node_Knot* InputKnotNode = Cast<UK2Node_Knot>(InputNode))
					InputNode = nullptr;

					UEdGraphPin* OutPin = InputKnotNode->GetOutputPin();
					if (OutPin->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
						check(OutPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 1);
						InputNode = OutPin->LinkedTo[0]->GetOwningNode();

				// track if this node connection was ran or not
				bool bExecuted = false;

				// if the node belonging to InputPin was actually executed
				if (FExecPairingMap* ExecPaths = PredecessorPins.Find(InputNode))
					// if the output pin is one of the pins that lead to InputNode being ran
					if (FTimePair const* ExecTiming = BackTraceExecPath(OutputPin, ExecPaths))
						bExecuted = true;
						DetermineStyleOfExecWire(/*inout*/ Params.WireThickness, /*inout*/ Params.WireColor, /*inout*/ Params.bDrawBubbles, *ExecTiming);
				if (!bExecuted)
					// It's not followed, fade it and keep it thin
					Params.WireColor = ReleaseColor;
					Params.WireThickness = ReleaseWireThickness;
				// Make exec wires slightly thicker even outside of debug
				Params.WireThickness = 3.0f;
			// Array types should draw thicker
			if ((InputPin && InputPin->PinType.bIsArray) || (OutputPin && OutputPin->PinType.bIsArray))
				Params.WireThickness = 3.0f;

	if (bDeemphasizeUnhoveredPins)
		ApplyHoverDeemphasis(OutputPin, InputPin, /*inout*/ Params.WireThickness, /*inout*/ Params.WireColor);