Пример #1
int NumericEdit::PrecisionForValue( int precision, double value )
   value = Abs( value );
   if ( value < 10 )
      return precision;
   return Max( 0, precision - Max( 0, TruncInt( Log( value ) ) ) );
Пример #2
void NumericControl::ValueUpdated( Slider& sender, int v )
   int i0, i1;
   sender.GetRange( i0, i1 );
   double d = i1 - i0;
   double newValue = Round( m_lowerBound + (m_upperBound - m_lowerBound)*((v - i0)/d),
                            m_real ? Max( 0, TruncInt( Log( d ) ) ) : 0 );
   if ( newValue != m_value )
      m_value = newValue;
      edit.SetText( ValueAsString() );

      if ( !m_handlers.IsNull() )
         if ( m_handlers->onValueUpdated != nullptr )
            (m_handlers->onValueUpdatedReceiver->*m_handlers->onValueUpdated)( *this, m_value );
Пример #3
int MaskedStretchProcess::ProcessCommandLine( const StringList& argv ) const
   ArgumentList arguments =
   ExtractArguments( argv, ArgumentItemMode::AsViews, ArgumentOption::AllowWildcards );

   MaskedStretchInstance instance( this );

   bool launchInterface = false;
   int count = 0;

   for ( ArgumentList::const_iterator i = arguments.Begin(); i != arguments.End(); ++i )
      const Argument& arg = *i;

      if ( arg.IsNumeric() )
         if ( arg.Id() == "b" || arg.Id() == "-background" )
            double b = arg.NumericValue();
            if ( b < TheMSTargetBackgroundParameter->MinimumValue() ||
                 b > TheMSTargetBackgroundParameter->MaximumValue() )
               throw Error( "Target background parameter out of range" );
            instance.p_targetBackground = b;
         else if ( arg.Id() == "n" || arg.Id() == "-iterations" )
            int n = TruncInt( arg.NumericValue() );
            if ( n < int( TheMSNumberOfIterationsParameter->MinimumValue() ) ||
                 n > int( TheMSNumberOfIterationsParameter->MaximumValue() ) )
               throw Error( "Number of iterations parameter out of range" );
            instance.p_numberOfIterations = n;
            throw Error( "Unknown numeric argument: " + arg.Token() );
      else if ( arg.IsString() )
         if ( arg.Id() == "m" || arg.Id() == "-mask-type" )
            if ( arg.StringValue() == "I" || arg.StringValue() == "intensity" )
               instance.p_maskType = MSMaskType::Intensity;
            else if ( arg.StringValue() == "V" || arg.StringValue() == "value" )
               instance.p_maskType = MSMaskType::Value;
            throw Error( "Unknown string argument: " + arg.Token() );
      else if ( arg.IsSwitch() )
         throw Error( "Unknown switch argument: " + arg.Token() );
      else if ( arg.IsLiteral() )
         if ( arg.Id() == "-interface" )
            launchInterface = true;
         else if ( arg.Id() == "-help" )
            return 0;
            throw Error( "Unknown argument: " + arg.Token() );
      else if ( arg.IsItemList() )

         if ( arg.Items().IsEmpty() )
            Console().WriteLn( "No view(s) found: " + arg.Token() );

         for ( StringList::const_iterator j = arg.Items().Begin(); j != arg.Items().End(); ++j )
            View v = View::ViewById( *j );
            if ( v.IsNull() )
               throw Error( "No such view: " + *j );
            instance.LaunchOn( v );

   if ( launchInterface )
   else if ( count == 0 )
      if ( ImageWindow::ActiveWindow().IsNull() )
         throw Error( "There is no active image window." );

   return 0;