#define HEIGHT 65
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_pcf8812_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_RST(1),           /* do reset low pulse with (1*16)+2 milliseconds */
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  0x021,		                /* activate chip (PD=0), horizontal increment (V=0), enter extended command set (H=1) */
  0x006,		                /* temp. control: b10 = 2 */
  0x013,		                /* bias system 1:48 */
  0x080 | 0x040,		/* medium Vop */
  0x020,		                /* activate chip (PD=0), horizontal increment (V=0), enter normal command set (H=0) */
  0x00c,		                /* display on, normal operation */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),       /* delay 100 ms */
  0x020,		                /* activate chip (PD=0), horizontal increment (V=0), enter normal command set (H=0) */
  0x00d,		                /* display on, invert */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),       /* delay 100 ms */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),       /* delay 100 ms */
  0x020,		                /* activate chip (PD=0), horizontal increment (V=0), enter normal command set (H=0) */
  0x00c,		                /* display on, normal */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),       /* delay 100 ms */
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_END                /* end of sequence */

uint8_t u8g_dev_pcf8812_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg)

#include "u8g.h"

#define WIDTH 128
#define HEIGHT 64
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

/* init sequence from https://github.com/adafruit/ST7565-LCD/blob/master/ST7565/ST7565.cpp */
static const uint8_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_RST(15),           /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),         /* 8 Dez 2012: additional delay 100 ms because of reset*/
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */

  0x038,                                /* 8 Bit interface (DL=1), basic instruction set (RE=0) */
  0x00c,                                /* display on, cursor & blink off; 0x08: all off */
  0x006,                                /* Entry mode: Cursor move to right ,DDRAM address counter (AC) plus 1, no shift */
  0x002,                                /* disable scroll, enable CGRAM adress */
  0x001,                                /* clear RAM, needs 1.6 ms */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(100),               /* delay 100 ms */
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_END                /* end of sequence */

uint8_t u8g_dev_st7920_128x64_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg)

  code ideas: 
  data sheets:

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_lc7981_160x80_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_RST(15),           /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),               /* instruction mode */
  0x000,                                /* mode register */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),               /* data mode */
  0x032,                                /* display on (bit 5), master mode on (bit 4), graphics mode on (bit 1)*/

  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),               /* instruction mode */
  0x001,                                /* character/bits per pixel pitch */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),               /* data mode */
  0x007,                                /* 8 bits per pixel */

  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),               /* instruction mode */
  0x002,                                /* number of chars/byte width of the screen */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),               /* data mode */
	0xfd,0x12,		/*Command Lock */
	0xae,			/*Set Display Off */
	0xd5,0xa0,		/*set Display Clock Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency */
	0xa8,0x3f,		/*Set Multiplex Ratio */
	0x3d,0x00,		/*Set Display Offset*/
	0x40,			/*Set Display Start Line*/
	0xa1,			/*Set Segment Re-Map*/
	0xc8,			/*Set COM Output Scan Direction*/
	0xda,0x12,		/*Set COM Pins Hardware Configuration*/
	0x81,0xdf,		/*Set Current Control */
	0xd9,0x82,		/*Set Pre-Charge Period */
	0xdb,0x34,		/*Set VCOMH Deselect Level */
	0xa4,			/*Set Entire Display On/Off */
	0xa6,			/*Set Normal/Inverse Display*/
	U8G_ESC_VCC(1),	/*Power up VCC & Stabilized */
	0xaf,			/*Set Display On */
	U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
	U8G_ESC_END                /* end of sequence */

/* select one init sequence here */
  #define u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_init_seq u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_init_seq
 static const uint8_t u8g_dev_ssd1309_128x64_data_start[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  0x010,		/* set upper 4 bit of the col adr to 0 */
  0x000,		/* set lower 4 bit of the col adr to 4  */
Пример #5

#include "u8g.h"

/* define width as 64, so that it is a multiple of 8 */
#define WIDTH 64
#define HEIGHT 32
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_ld7032_60x32_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(1),       	/* delay 1 ms */
  U8G_ESC_RST(1),           /* do reset low pulse with (1*16)+2 milliseconds */
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  0x002,				/* Dot Matrix Display ON/OFF */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),           /* data mode */
  0x001,				/* ON */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  0x014,				/* Dot Matrix Display Stand-by ON/OFF */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),           /* data mode */
  0x000,				/* ON */

  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */

#include "u8g.h"

#define WIDTH 128
#define HEIGHT 64
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
  U8G_ESC_RST(1),           /* do reset low pulse with (1*16)+2 milliseconds */
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip 1 */
  0x03f,		                /* display on */
  0x0c0,		                /* start at line 0 */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(20),         /* delay 20 ms */
  U8G_ESC_CS(2),             /* enable chip 2 */
  0x03f,		                /* display on */
  0x0c0,		                /* start at line 0 */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(20),         /* delay 20 ms */
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable all chips */
  U8G_ESC_END                /* end of sequence */

uint8_t u8g_dev_ks0108_128x64_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg)
    case U8G_DEV_MSG_INIT:
#include "u8g.h"

#define CMD 0
#define DAT 1

#define WIDTH 240
#define HEIGHT 160
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_st75256_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
		U8G_ESC_CS(0),	/* disable chip */
		U8G_ESC_RST(1),	/* hardware reset. Min 1 ms */
		U8G_ESC_DLY(1),	/* Delay max 1 ms */
		U8G_ESC_CS(1),	/* enable chip */

		0x30, // EXT=0

		0x94, // Sleep Out

		0x31, // EXT=1

//		0xD7, // Autoread disable
//		0x9F, //

		0x32, // Analog set
		0x00, /* OSC Frequency adjustment */
		0x01, /* Booster Efficiency =Level 1 */
  Initial version	20 May 2013 [email protected]	
  indexed device	22 May 2013 [email protected]

#include "u8g.h"

#define WIDTH		128
#define HEIGHT		128
#define PAGE_HEIGHT	8

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_ssd1351_128x128_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
	U8G_ESC_CS(0),					/* disable chip */
	U8G_ESC_ADR(0),					/* instruction mode */
	U8G_ESC_RST(1),					/* do reset low pulse with (1*16)+2 milliseconds */
	U8G_ESC_CS(1),					/* enable chip */

	0xfd,							/* Command Lock */

	U8G_ESC_ADR(0),					/* instruction mode */
	0xb1,							/* Command Lock */

	U8G_ESC_ADR(0),					/* instruction mode */
Пример #9
  reference board for this device:
  other libs
  init sequence
    http://code.google.com/p/itdb02/, ITDB02.cpp, iteadstudio.com

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_ili9325d_320x240_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
  U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */
  U8G_ESC_RST(15),           /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */
  U8G_ESC_RST(15),           /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */
  U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
  U8G_ESC_DLY(50),         /* delay 50 ms */

  //U8G_ESC_ADR(0),  0x000, 0x0E5,               /* only used for none D version: set SRAM internal timing */
  //U8G_ESC_ADR(1),  0x078, 0x0f0,             
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),  0x000, 0x001,               /* Driver Output Control, bits 8 & 10 */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),  0x001, 0x000,           
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),  0x000, 0x002,               /* LCD Driving Wave Control, bit 9: Set line inversion */
  U8G_ESC_ADR(1),  0x002, 0x000,               /* ITDB02 none D verion: 0x007, 0x000 */        
  U8G_ESC_ADR(0),  0x000, 0x003,               /* Entry Mode, GRAM write direction and BGR=1 */

see also: read.pudn.com/downloads115/sourcecode/app/484503/LCM_Display.c__.htm

static const uint8_t u8g_dev_st7687_c144mvgd_init_seq[] PROGMEM = {
    U8G_ESC_CS(0),             /* disable chip */
    U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
    U8G_ESC_CS(1),             /* enable chip */
    U8G_ESC_RST(15),           /* do reset low pulse with (15*16)+2 milliseconds (=maximum delay)*/

    0x001,                        /* A0=0, SW reset */
    U8G_ESC_DLY(200),         /* delay 200 ms */

    0x0d7,                        /* EEPROM data auto re-load control */
    U8G_ESC_ADR(1),           /* data mode */
    0x09f,                             /* ARD = 1 */
    U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
    U8G_ESC_DLY(100),         /* delay 100 ms */

    0x0e0,                        /* EEPROM control in */
    U8G_ESC_ADR(1),           /* data mode */
    0x000,                             /*  */
    U8G_ESC_ADR(0),           /* instruction mode */
    U8G_ESC_DLY(100),         /* delay 100 ms */

    0x0fa,                        /* EEPROM function selection 8.1.66 */