Пример #1
void Compare::execute()
	if (data.type == 10) R();
	else if (data.type == 73) A();
	else if (data.type == 11)  UR();
	else if (data.type == 74) UA();
Пример #2
int QR(double* A , int n, double* Q1, double* Q2){
	for (int k = 1; k < n; k++){
	for (int k = 1; k < n; k++){
		if (AU(A,Q1,Q2,n,k)==-1){
			return -1;
	return 1;
Пример #3
void GrayScott::save_png()
    // first send all data to proc 0 -> gather
//    if (world.rank == 0) {
        std::vector<double> uAll(N_*N_);
//    }
    MPI_Gather(&u_[Ny_loc], Nx_loc*Ny_loc, MPI_DOUBLE, &uAll[0], Nx_loc*Ny_loc, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (world.rank == 0) {
        char parameters[50];
        std::sprintf(parameters, "_k_%1.03f_F_%1.03f_step_%06d", k_, F_, currStep_);
        std::string fname = "images/" + pngName_ + parameters + ".png";
        char filename[1024];
        strncpy(filename, fname.c_str(), sizeof(filename));
        filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = 0;
        // 4 values per pixel: RGBA
        std::vector<unsigned char> data(4*N_*N_);
        int idx = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<N_; ++i) {
            for (int j=0; j<N_; ++j) {
                double color = UA(i,j);
                data[idx] = png::red(color); ++idx;
                data[idx] = png::green(color); ++idx;
                data[idx] = png::blue(color); ++idx;
                data[idx] = 0xFFu; ++idx;
        lodepng::encode(filename, data, N_, N_);
Пример #4
bool LatticeCoordinates
( const Matrix<F>& B,
  const Matrix<F>& y,
        Matrix<F>& x ) 
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = B.Height();
    const Int n = B.Width();
    if( y.Height() != m || y.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("y should have been an ",m," x 1 vector");

    if( FrobeniusNorm(y) == Real(0) )
        Zeros( x, n, 1 );
        return true;
    Matrix<F> BRed( B );
    Matrix<F> UB, RB;
    auto infoB = LLL( BRed, UB, RB );
    auto MB = BRed( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) );

    Matrix<F> A;
    Zeros( A, m, infoB.rank+1 );
        auto AL = A( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) ); 
        auto aR = A( ALL, IR(infoB.rank) );
        AL = MB;
        aR = y;
    // Reduce A in-place
    Matrix<F> UA, RA;
    auto infoA = LLL( A, UA, RA );
    if( infoA.nullity != 1 )
        return false;

    // Solve for x_M such that M_B x_M = y
    // NOTE: The last column of U_A should hold the coordinates of the single
    //       member of the null-space of (the original) A
    Matrix<F> xM;
    xM = UA( IR(0,infoA.rank), IR(infoB.rank) );
    const F gamma = UA(infoA.rank,infoB.rank);
    if( Abs(gamma) != Real(1) )
        LogicError("Invalid member of null space");
        xM *= -Conj(gamma);

    // Map xM back to the original coordinates using the portion of the 
    // unimodular transformation of B (U_B) which produced the image of B 
    auto UBM = UB( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) );
    Zeros( x, n, 1 );
    Gemv( NORMAL, F(1), UBM, xM, F(0), x );
    if( infoB.nullity != 0 )
        Matrix<F> C;
        Zeros( C, m, infoB.nullity+1 );
        auto cL = C( ALL, IR(infoB.rank-1) );
        auto CR = C( ALL, IR(infoB.rank,END) );

        // Reduce the kernel of B
        CR = UB( ALL, IR(infoB.rank,END) );
        LLL( CR );

        // Attempt to reduce the (reduced) kernel out of the coordinates
        // TODO: Which column to grab from the result?!?
        cL = x;
        LLL( C );
        x = cL;

    return true;
Пример #5
bool cCardSeca::MatchEMM(const unsigned char *data)
  return TID(data)==0x82 &&