Пример #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])

        UArray2_T test_array;
        bool OK = true;

        test_array = UArray2_new(DIM1, DIM2, ELEMENT_SIZE);
        //These functions check that the dimension has been set correctly
        OK &= (UArray2_width(test_array) == DIM1);
        OK &= (UArray2_height(test_array) == DIM2);
        OK &= (UArray2_size(test_array) == ELEMENT_SIZE);

        /* Note: we are only setting a value on the corner of the array */
        *((number *)UArray2_at(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1)) = MARKER;

        printf("Trying column major\n");
        UArray2_map_col_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);

        printf("Trying row major\n");
        UArray2_map_row_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);
        printf(" width = %d\n", UArray2_width(test_array));
        printf("height %d\n", UArray2_height(test_array));

        printf("The array is %sOK!\n", (OK ? "" : "NOT "));

Пример #2
/* checks that each row, column, and 3x3 box has digits 1 through 9*/
void correct_sudoku(UArray2_T uarray2)
        Bit_T bit = Bit_new(10);

        UArray2_map_row_major(uarray2, check_setof9, bit);;
        UArray2_map_col_major(uarray2, check_setof9, bit);
        UArray2_map_3x3_box(uarray2, check_setof9, bit);


Пример #3
/*                           check_solution()
 * Function coordinates the solution checking process by calling helper
 * functions that check each portion of the puzzle. Creates a new 9x1 array that
 * contains ones and zeros. If a 1 is stored in element i of the array, this
 * indicates that the number i+1 has already been seen in that portion of the
 * puzzle - and thus the solution is incorrect. The function also frees this
 * array at the end of the checking process to avoid memory leaks.
void check_solution(UArray2_T array)

    UArray2_T curr_line_arr = UArray2_new(9, 1, sizeof(int));

    UArray2_map_row_major(array, row_check, &curr_line_arr);
    UArray2_map_col_major(array, col_check, &curr_line_arr);

    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 9; j += 3) {
            box_check(array, j, i, curr_line_arr);
