Пример #1
void load_fpga_image(const std::string &path)
    if (not boost::filesystem::exists("/dev/xdevcfg"))
        ::system("mknod /dev/xdevcfg c 259 0");

    UHD_MSG(status) << "Loading FPGA image: " << path << "..." << std::flush;

    std::ifstream fpga_file(path.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);

    std::FILE *wfile;
    wfile = std::fopen("/dev/xdevcfg", "wb");
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(!(wfile == NULL));

    char buff[16384]; // devcfg driver can't handle huge writes
    do {
        fpga_file.read(buff, sizeof(buff));
        std::fwrite(buff, 1, size_t(fpga_file.gcount()), wfile);
    } while (fpga_file);


    UHD_MSG(status) << " done" << std::endl;
Пример #2
    void send_char(const char ch)
        managed_send_buffer::sptr buff = _xport->get_send_buff();

        vrt::if_packet_info_t packet_info;
        packet_info.link_type = vrt::if_packet_info_t::LINK_TYPE_CHDR;
        packet_info.packet_type = vrt::if_packet_info_t::PACKET_TYPE_CONTEXT;
        packet_info.num_payload_words32 = 2;
        packet_info.num_payload_bytes = packet_info.num_payload_words32*sizeof(uint32_t);
        packet_info.packet_count = _count++;
        packet_info.sob = false;
        packet_info.eob = false;
        packet_info.sid = _sid;
        packet_info.has_sid = true;
        packet_info.has_cid = false;
        packet_info.has_tsi = false;
        packet_info.has_tsf = false;
        packet_info.has_tlr = false;

        uint32_t *packet_buff = buff->cast<uint32_t *>();
        vrt::if_hdr_pack_le(packet_buff, packet_info);
        packet_buff[packet_info.num_header_words32+0] = uhd::htonx(uint32_t(_baud_div));
        packet_buff[packet_info.num_header_words32+1] = uhd::htonx(uint32_t(ch));
Пример #3
std::string get_ipv4_addr(unsigned int port_id)
    struct in_addr ipv4_addr;
    int status = uhd_dpdk_get_ipv4_addr(port_id, &ipv4_addr.s_addr, NULL);
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(status == 0);
    char addr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
    inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ipv4_addr, addr_str, sizeof(addr_str));
    return std::string(addr_str);
Пример #4
void n230_eeprom_manager::_transact(const uint32_t command)
    //Load request struct
    _request.flags = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(N230_FLASH_COMM_FLAGS_ACK | command);
    _request.seq = uhd::htonx<uint32_t>(_seq_num++);

    //Send request
    _udp_xport->send(boost::asio::buffer(&_request, sizeof(_request)));

    //Recv reply
    const size_t nbytes = _udp_xport->recv(boost::asio::buffer(&_response, sizeof(_response)), UDP_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC);
    if (nbytes == 0) throw uhd::io_error("n230_eeprom_manager::_transact failure");

    //Sanity checks
    const size_t flags = uhd::ntohx<uint32_t>(_response.flags);
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(nbytes == sizeof(_response));
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_response.seq == _request.seq);
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(flags & command);
Пример #5
void get_freq_and_freq_word(
        const double requested_freq,
        const double tick_rate,
        double &actual_freq,
        int32_t &freq_word
) {
    //correct for outside of rate (wrap around)
    double freq = std::fmod(requested_freq, tick_rate);
    if (std::abs(freq) > tick_rate/2.0)
        freq -= boost::math::sign(freq) * tick_rate;

    //confirm that the target frequency is within range of the CORDIC
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(std::abs(freq) <= tick_rate/2.0);

    /* Now calculate the frequency word. It is possible for this calculation
     * to cause an overflow. As the requested DSP frequency approaches the
     * master clock rate, that ratio multiplied by the scaling factor (2^32)
     * will generally overflow within the last few kHz of tunable range.
     * Thus, we check to see if the operation will overflow before doing it,
     * and if it will, we set it to the integer min or max of this system.
    freq_word = 0;

    static const double scale_factor = std::pow(2.0, 32);
    if ((freq / tick_rate) >= (MAX_FREQ_WORD / scale_factor)) {
        /* Operation would have caused a positive overflow of int32. */
        freq_word = MAX_FREQ_WORD;

    } else if ((freq / tick_rate) <= (MIN_FREQ_WORD / scale_factor)) {
        /* Operation would have caused a negative overflow of int32. */
        freq_word = MIN_FREQ_WORD;

    } else {
        /* The operation is safe. Perform normally. */
        freq_word = int32_t(boost::math::round((freq / tick_rate) * scale_factor));

    actual_freq = (double(freq_word) / scale_factor) * tick_rate;
Пример #6
 * recv_to_file function
template<typename samp_type> void recv_to_file(
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp,
    const std::string &cpu_format,
    const std::string &wire_format,
    const std::string &file,
    size_t samps_per_buff,
    int num_requested_samples,
    double settling_time,
    std::vector<size_t> rx_channel_nums
    int num_total_samps = 0;
    //create a receive streamer
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args(cpu_format,wire_format);
    stream_args.channels = rx_channel_nums;
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

    // Prepare buffers for received samples and metadata
    uhd::rx_metadata_t md;
    std::vector <std::vector< samp_type > > buffs(
        rx_channel_nums.size(), std::vector< samp_type >(samps_per_buff)
    //create a vector of pointers to point to each of the channel buffers
    std::vector<samp_type *> buff_ptrs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < buffs.size(); i++) {

    // Create one ofstream object per channel
    // (use shared_ptr because ofstream is non-copyable)
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> > outfiles;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < buffs.size(); i++) {
        const std::string this_filename = generate_out_filename(file, buffs.size(), i);
        outfiles.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<std::ofstream>(new std::ofstream(this_filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary)));
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(outfiles.size() == buffs.size());
    UHD_ASSERT_THROW(buffs.size() == rx_channel_nums.size());
    bool overflow_message = true;
    double timeout = settling_time + 0.1f; //expected settling time + padding for first recv

    //setup streaming
    uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd((num_requested_samples == 0)?
    stream_cmd.num_samps = num_requested_samples;
    stream_cmd.stream_now = false;
    stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t(settling_time);

    while(not stop_signal_called and (num_requested_samples > num_total_samps or num_requested_samples == 0)){
        size_t num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(buff_ptrs, samps_per_buff, md, timeout);
        timeout = 0.1f; //small timeout for subsequent recv

        if (md.error_code == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT) {
            std::cout << boost::format("Timeout while streaming") << std::endl;
        if (md.error_code == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW){
            if (overflow_message){
                overflow_message = false;
                std::cerr << boost::format(
                    "Got an overflow indication. Please consider the following:\n"
                    "  Your write medium must sustain a rate of %fMB/s.\n"
                    "  Dropped samples will not be written to the file.\n"
                    "  Please modify this example for your purposes.\n"
                    "  This message will not appear again.\n"
                ) % (usrp->get_rx_rate()*sizeof(samp_type)/1e6);
        if (md.error_code != uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE){
            throw std::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
                "Receiver error %s"
            ) % md.strerror()));

        num_total_samps += num_rx_samps;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < outfiles.size(); i++) {
            outfiles[i]->write((const char*) buff_ptrs[i], num_rx_samps*sizeof(samp_type));

    // Shut down receiver
    stream_cmd.stream_mode = uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS;

    // Close files
    for (size_t i = 0; i < outfiles.size(); i++) {
Пример #7
 * Main function
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //transmit variables to be set by po
    std::string tx_args, wave_type, tx_ant, tx_subdev, ref, otw, tx_channels;
    double tx_rate, tx_freq, tx_gain, wave_freq, tx_bw;
    float ampl;

    //receive variables to be set by po
    std::string rx_args, file, type, rx_ant, rx_subdev, rx_channels;
    size_t total_num_samps, spb;
    double rx_rate, rx_freq, rx_gain, rx_bw;
    double settling;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("tx-args", po::value<std::string>(&tx_args)->default_value(""), "uhd transmit device address args")
        ("rx-args", po::value<std::string>(&rx_args)->default_value(""), "uhd receive device address args")
        ("file", po::value<std::string>(&file)->default_value("usrp_samples.dat"), "name of the file to write binary samples to")
        ("type", po::value<std::string>(&type)->default_value("short"), "sample type in file: double, float, or short")
        ("nsamps", po::value<size_t>(&total_num_samps)->default_value(0), "total number of samples to receive")
        ("settling", po::value<double>(&settling)->default_value(double(0.2)), "settling time (seconds) before receiving")
        ("spb", po::value<size_t>(&spb)->default_value(0), "samples per buffer, 0 for default")
        ("tx-rate", po::value<double>(&tx_rate), "rate of transmit outgoing samples")
        ("rx-rate", po::value<double>(&rx_rate), "rate of receive incoming samples")
        ("tx-freq", po::value<double>(&tx_freq), "transmit RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("rx-freq", po::value<double>(&rx_freq), "receive RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("ampl", po::value<float>(&ampl)->default_value(float(0.3)), "amplitude of the waveform [0 to 0.7]")
        ("tx-gain", po::value<double>(&tx_gain), "gain for the transmit RF chain")
        ("rx-gain", po::value<double>(&rx_gain), "gain for the receive RF chain")
        ("tx-ant", po::value<std::string>(&tx_ant), "transmit antenna selection")
        ("rx-ant", po::value<std::string>(&rx_ant), "receive antenna selection")
        ("tx-subdev", po::value<std::string>(&tx_subdev), "transmit subdevice specification")
        ("rx-subdev", po::value<std::string>(&rx_subdev), "receive subdevice specification")
        ("tx-bw", po::value<double>(&tx_bw), "analog transmit filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("rx-bw", po::value<double>(&rx_bw), "analog receive filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("wave-type", po::value<std::string>(&wave_type)->default_value("CONST"), "waveform type (CONST, SQUARE, RAMP, SINE)")
        ("wave-freq", po::value<double>(&wave_freq)->default_value(0), "waveform frequency in Hz")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "clock reference (internal, external, mimo)")
        ("otw", po::value<std::string>(&otw)->default_value("sc16"), "specify the over-the-wire sample mode")
        ("tx-channels", po::value<std::string>(&tx_channels)->default_value("0"), "which TX channel(s) to use (specify \"0\", \"1\", \"0,1\", etc)")
        ("rx-channels", po::value<std::string>(&rx_channels)->default_value("0"), "which RX channel(s) to use (specify \"0\", \"1\", \"0,1\", etc)")
        ("tx-int-n", "tune USRP TX with integer-N tuning")
        ("rx-int-n", "tune USRP RX with integer-N tuning")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD TXRX Loopback to File %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the transmit usrp device with: %s...") % tx_args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr tx_usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(tx_args);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the receive usrp device with: %s...") % rx_args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr rx_usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(rx_args);

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("tx-subdev")) tx_usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(tx_subdev);
    if (vm.count("rx-subdev")) rx_usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec(rx_subdev);

    //detect which channels to use
    std::vector<std::string> tx_channel_strings;
    std::vector<size_t> tx_channel_nums;
    boost::split(tx_channel_strings, tx_channels, boost::is_any_of("\"',"));
    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < tx_channel_strings.size(); ch++){
        size_t chan = std::stoi(tx_channel_strings[ch]);
        if(chan >= tx_usrp->get_tx_num_channels()){
            throw std::runtime_error("Invalid TX channel(s) specified.");
        else tx_channel_nums.push_back(std::stoi(tx_channel_strings[ch]));
    std::vector<std::string> rx_channel_strings;
    std::vector<size_t> rx_channel_nums;
    boost::split(rx_channel_strings, rx_channels, boost::is_any_of("\"',"));
    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < rx_channel_strings.size(); ch++){
        size_t chan = std::stoi(rx_channel_strings[ch]);
        if(chan >= rx_usrp->get_rx_num_channels()){
            throw std::runtime_error("Invalid RX channel(s) specified.");
        else rx_channel_nums.push_back(std::stoi(rx_channel_strings[ch]));

    //Lock mboard clocks

    std::cout << boost::format("Using TX Device: %s") % tx_usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Using RX Device: %s") % rx_usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the transmit sample rate
    if (not vm.count("tx-rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the transmit sample rate with --tx-rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (tx_rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (tx_usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the receive sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rx-rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rx-rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rx_rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rx_usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the transmit center frequency
    if (not vm.count("tx-freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the transmit center frequency with --tx-freq" << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < tx_channel_nums.size(); ch++) {
        size_t channel = tx_channel_nums[ch];
        if (tx_channel_nums.size() > 1) {
            std::cout << "Configuring TX Channel " << channel << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (tx_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
        uhd::tune_request_t tx_tune_request(tx_freq);
        if(vm.count("tx-int-n")) tx_tune_request.args = uhd::device_addr_t("mode_n=integer");
        tx_usrp->set_tx_freq(tx_tune_request, channel);
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (tx_usrp->get_tx_freq(channel)/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the rf gain
        if (vm.count("tx-gain")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % tx_gain << std::endl;
            tx_usrp->set_tx_gain(tx_gain, channel);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % tx_usrp->get_tx_gain(channel) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the analog frontend filter bandwidth
        if (vm.count("tx-bw")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % tx_bw << std::endl;
            tx_usrp->set_tx_bandwidth(tx_bw, channel);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % tx_usrp->get_tx_bandwidth(channel) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the antenna
        if (vm.count("tx-ant")) tx_usrp->set_tx_antenna(tx_ant, channel);

    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < rx_channel_nums.size(); ch++) {
        size_t channel = rx_channel_nums[ch];
        if (rx_channel_nums.size() > 1) {
            std::cout << "Configuring RX Channel " << channel << std::endl;

        //set the receive center frequency
        if (not vm.count("rx-freq")){
            std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --rx-freq" << std::endl;
            return ~0;
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (rx_freq/1e6) << std::endl;
        uhd::tune_request_t rx_tune_request(rx_freq);
        if(vm.count("rx-int-n")) rx_tune_request.args = uhd::device_addr_t("mode_n=integer");
        rx_usrp->set_rx_freq(rx_tune_request, channel);
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (rx_usrp->get_rx_freq(channel)/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the receive rf gain
        if (vm.count("rx-gain")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Gain: %f dB...") % rx_gain << std::endl;
            rx_usrp->set_rx_gain(rx_gain, channel);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Gain: %f dB...") % rx_usrp->get_rx_gain(channel) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the receive analog frontend filter bandwidth
        if (vm.count("rx-bw")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % (rx_bw/1e6) << std::endl;
            rx_usrp->set_rx_bandwidth(rx_bw, channel);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % (rx_usrp->get_rx_bandwidth(channel)/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;
    //set the receive antenna
    if (vm.count("ant")) rx_usrp->set_rx_antenna(rx_ant);

    //for the const wave, set the wave freq for small samples per period
    if (wave_freq == 0 and wave_type == "CONST"){
        wave_freq = tx_usrp->get_tx_rate()/2;

    //error when the waveform is not possible to generate
    if (std::abs(wave_freq) > tx_usrp->get_tx_rate()/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq out of Nyquist zone");
    if (tx_usrp->get_tx_rate()/std::abs(wave_freq) > wave_table_len/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq too small for table");

    //pre-compute the waveform values
    const wave_table_class wave_table(wave_type, ampl);
    const size_t step = boost::math::iround(wave_freq/tx_usrp->get_tx_rate() * wave_table_len);
    size_t index = 0;

    //create a transmit streamer
    //linearly map channels (index0 = channel0, index1 = channel1, ...)
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32", otw);
    stream_args.channels = tx_channel_nums;
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = tx_usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);

    //allocate a buffer which we re-use for each channel
    if (spb == 0) spb = tx_stream->get_max_num_samps()*10;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > buff(spb);
    int num_channels = tx_channel_nums.size();

    //setup the metadata flags
    uhd::tx_metadata_t md;
    md.start_of_burst = true;
    md.end_of_burst   = false;
    md.has_time_spec  = true;
    md.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t(0.5); //give us 0.5 seconds to fill the tx buffers

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> tx_sensor_names, rx_sensor_names;
    tx_sensor_names = tx_usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(tx_sensor_names.begin(), tx_sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != tx_sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = tx_usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    rx_sensor_names = rx_usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(rx_sensor_names.begin(), rx_sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != rx_sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = rx_usrp->get_rx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    tx_sensor_names = tx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(tx_sensor_names.begin(), tx_sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != tx_sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = tx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(tx_sensor_names.begin(), tx_sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != tx_sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = tx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    rx_sensor_names = rx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(rx_sensor_names.begin(), rx_sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != rx_sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = rx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(rx_sensor_names.begin(), rx_sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != rx_sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = rx_usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    if (total_num_samps == 0){
        std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);
        std::cout << "Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming..." << std::endl;

    //reset usrp time to prepare for transmit/receive
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting device timestamp to 0...") << std::endl;

    //start transmit worker thread
    boost::thread_group transmit_thread;
    transmit_thread.create_thread(boost::bind(&transmit_worker, buff, wave_table, tx_stream, md, step, index, num_channels));

    //recv to file
    if (type == "double") recv_to_file<std::complex<double> >(rx_usrp, "fc64", otw, file, spb, total_num_samps, settling, rx_channel_nums);
    else if (type == "float") recv_to_file<std::complex<float> >(rx_usrp, "fc32", otw, file, spb, total_num_samps, settling, rx_channel_nums);
    else if (type == "short") recv_to_file<std::complex<short> >(rx_usrp, "sc16", otw, file, spb, total_num_samps, settling, rx_channel_nums);
    else {
        //clean up transmit worker
        stop_signal_called = true;
        throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type " + type);

    //clean up transmit worker
    stop_signal_called = true;

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    std::string args, tx_file, rx_file, type, ref, wire_format, cpu_format;                
    double rate, freq, tx_gain, rx_gain, rx_bw, delay, lo_off,seconds_in_future, rx_timeout;

    rx_bw = RX_BW;
    rx_gain = RX_GAIN;
    wire_format = WIRE_FORMAT;
    cpu_format = CPU_FORMAT;
    rate = SAMP_RATE;
    args = ARGS;
    ref = REF_CLOCK;
    freq = CENT_FREQ;
    tx_gain = TX_GAIN;
    // samples_per_buff = SAMPLES_PER_BUFFER;
    tx_file = TX_FILENAME;
    rx_file = RX_FILENAME;
    seconds_in_future = SYNCH_DELAY;
    rx_timeout = RX_TIMEOUT;

    //------------------INIT TX------------------
                                        //Set the scheduling priority on the current thread. Same as set_thread_priority but does not throw on failure.
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);       //Make the usrp by calling the constructor with param the args

    usrp->set_clock_source(ref);                                          //Set the clock source for the usrp device. This sets the source for a 10 MHz reference clock. Typical options for source: internal, external, MIMO.
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;                           
    usrp->set_tx_rate(rate);                                                                                        //Set the sample rate
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;                              //Set up tuning frequency
    uhd::tune_request_t tune_request;                                                                               
    tune_request = uhd::tune_request_t(freq);                                                                        //Generate the tune request
    usrp->set_tx_freq(tune_request);                                                                                //Tune to CENT_FREQ
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;  //PRINT Actual CENT_FREQ

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % tx_gain << std::endl;                                    
    usrp->set_tx_gain(tx_gain);                                                                                     //Set the tx_gain
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;
    //------------------CHECK STUFF------------------
    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;



    //------------------INIT RX------------------

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_rx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Gain: %f dB...") % rx_gain << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_rx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;    

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow 1sec  setup time
    //------------------CHECK STUFF------------------
    //Always check for locked sensor
    check_locked_sensor(usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0), "lo_locked", boost::bind(&uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::get_rx_sensor, usrp, _1, 0), 1);

    //------------------INIT FILES---------------

    std::ofstream outfile;    
    outfile.open(rx_file.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
        std::cout << "OUT File error\n";
        return 0;

    std::ifstream infile(tx_file.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);

        std::cout << "IN File error\n";
        return 0;

    //------------------INIT STREAMS---------------   

    //Stream ARGS
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args(cpu_format, wire_format);                //Call the constructor of the class stream_args_t and generate the stream_args object with inputs the cpu_format and wire_format (this is the format per sample)

    tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);                           //Generate a tx_streamer object named tx_stream using the usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args). Remember, usrp is already initialized
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);    //Generate a tx_streamer object named tx_stream using the usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args). Remember, usrp is already initialized

    //Setup metadata    

    //Setup tx_metadata

    tx_md.start_of_burst = true;                                              //Set start of burst to true for the first packet in the chain. ?
    tx_md.end_of_burst =   false;        

    #define SYNCHED_TXRX 1
    //For TX
        tx_md.has_time_spec = true;

        tx_md.has_time_spec = false;

    //Setup rx_metadata
    uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md;

    //Setup stream command ONLY FOR RX
    uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS);        
    stream_cmd.num_samps = samples_per_buff;                            

    //For RX
        stream_cmd.stream_now = false;                                   
        // tx_md.time_spec =   stream_cmd.time_spec;           
        stream_cmd.stream_now = true;                                   
        stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t();  

        //Cannt get any faster than this
        tx_md.time_spec = stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t(seconds_in_future)+usrp->get_time_now();         

    //Create the  buffs    
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > small_rx_buff(samples_per_buff);

    //Fill the  TX buffer
    for (int i = 0; i < samples_per_buff; ++i){
        infile.read((char*)&small_tx_buff.at(i), small_tx_buff.size()*sizeof(std::complex<float>));    

    infile.close();                                                        //Close the file pointer

    //Issue the  stream command

    //Print number of maximum buffer size
    printf("MAX TX: %d\n", (int)tx_stream->get_max_num_samps());
    printf("MAX RX %d\n", (int)rx_stream->get_max_num_samps());

    size_t num_rx_samps = 0;


    boost::thread txThread(thread_startTx);
    txThread.join();                        //Strart the thread for tx  (tx is f blocking)
    num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(&small_rx_buff.front(), small_rx_buff.size(), rx_md, rx_timeout, false);  // Receive buffers containing samples described by the metadata.    

    // num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(&small_rx_buff.front(), small_rx_buff.size(), rx_md, rx_timeout, false);  // Receive buffers containing samples described by the metadata.    

    //Wait for everything to stop

    //Cleanup and print what happened
    usrp->issue_stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS); // Stop the stream (not really necessary here)
    double rx_stamp = rx_md.time_spec.get_full_secs() + rx_md.time_spec.get_frac_secs();
    double tx_stamp = tx_md.time_spec.get_full_secs() + tx_md.time_spec.get_frac_secs();
    double t_diff = rx_stamp - tx_stamp;

    printf("RX Time stamp: %.12lf\n ΤX Time stamp: %.12lf\n Diff: %.12lf\n",rx_stamp, tx_stamp, t_diff);

    switch ( rx_md.error_code ) {

        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE:
            printf("No error:)\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT:
            printf("MDError 2\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_LATE_COMMAND:
            printf("MDError 3\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_BROKEN_CHAIN:
            printf("MDError 4\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW:
            printf("MDError 5\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_ALIGNMENT:
            printf("MDError 6\n");
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_BAD_PACKET:
            printf("MDError 7\n");



    //write the  samples
    if (outfile.is_open()){
        outfile.write((const char*)&small_rx_buff.front(), num_rx_samps*sizeof(std::complex<float>));          

    outfile.close();                                                        //Close the file pointer

    std::cout << "Transmitted samples: " << num_tx_samps << '\n';
    std::cout << "Received samples: " << num_rx_samps << '\n';

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #9
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, file, type, ant, subdev, ref, wirefmt;
    size_t spb;
    double rate, freq, gain, bw, delay, lo_off;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "multi uhd device address args")
        ("file", po::value<std::string>(&file)->default_value("usrp_samples.dat"), "name of the file to read binary samples from")
        ("type", po::value<std::string>(&type)->default_value("short"), "sample type: double, float, or short")
        ("spb", po::value<size_t>(&spb)->default_value(10000), "samples per buffer")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate), "rate of outgoing samples")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq), "RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("lo_off", po::value<double>(&lo_off), "Offset for frontend LO in Hz (optional)")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "daughterboard antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "daughterboard subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "daughterboard IF filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "waveform type (internal, external, mimo)")
        ("wirefmt", po::value<std::string>(&wirefmt)->default_value("sc16"), "wire format (sc8 or sc16)")
        ("delay", po::value<double>(&delay)->default_value(0.0), "specify a delay between repeated transmission of file")
        ("repeat", "repeatedly transmit file")
        ("int-n", "tune USRP with integer-n tuning")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD TX samples from file %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    bool repeat = vm.count("repeat");

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //Lock mboard clocks

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(subdev);

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    if (not vm.count("freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --freq" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    uhd::tune_request_t tune_request;
    if(vm.count("lo_off")) tune_request = uhd::tune_request_t(freq, lo_off);
    else tune_request = uhd::tune_request_t(freq);
    if(vm.count("int-n")) tune_request.args = uhd::device_addr_t("mode_n=integer");
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the rf gain
    if (vm.count("gain")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the IF filter bandwidth
    if (vm.count("bw")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_tx_bandwidth() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the antenna
    if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_tx_antenna(ant);

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow for some setup time

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set sigint if user wants to receive
        std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);
        std::cout << "Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming..." << std::endl;

    //send from file
        if (type == "double") send_from_file<std::complex<double> >(usrp, "fc64", wirefmt, file, spb);
        else if (type == "float") send_from_file<std::complex<float> >(usrp, "fc32", wirefmt, file, spb);
        else if (type == "short") send_from_file<std::complex<short> >(usrp, "sc16", wirefmt, file, spb);
        else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type " + type);

        if(repeat and delay != 0.0) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(delay));
    } while(repeat and not stop_signal_called);

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #10
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, ant, subdev, ref;
    size_t num_bins;
    double rate, freq, gain, bw, frame_rate;
    float ref_lvl, dyn_rng;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "multi uhd device address args")
        // hardware parameters
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate), "rate of incoming samples (sps)")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq), "RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "daughterboard antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "daughterboard subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "daughterboard IF filter bandwidth in Hz")
        // display parameters
        ("num-bins", po::value<size_t>(&num_bins)->default_value(512), "the number of bins in the DFT")
        ("frame-rate", po::value<double>(&frame_rate)->default_value(5), "frame rate of the display (fps)")
        ("ref-lvl", po::value<float>(&ref_lvl)->default_value(0), "reference level for the display (dB)")
        ("dyn-rng", po::value<float>(&dyn_rng)->default_value(60), "dynamic range for the display (dB)")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "waveform type (internal, external, mimo)")
        ("int-n", "tune USRP with integer-N tuning")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help") or not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD RX ASCII Art DFT %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //Lock mboard clocks

     //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec(subdev);

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rate" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    if (not vm.count("freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --freq" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    uhd::tune_request_t tune_request(freq);
    if(vm.count("int-n")) tune_request.args = uhd::device_addr_t("mode_n=integer");
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_rx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the rf gain
    if (vm.count("gain")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_rx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the IF filter bandwidth
    if (vm.count("bw")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_rx_bandwidth() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the antenna
    if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_rx_antenna(ant);

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow for some setup time

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_rx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //create a receive streamer
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32"); //complex floats
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

    //allocate recv buffer and metatdata
    uhd::rx_metadata_t md;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > buff(num_bins);
    //-- Initialize
    initscr(); //curses init
    boost::system_time next_refresh = boost::get_system_time();

    //-- Main loop
    while (true){
        //read a buffer's worth of samples every iteration
        size_t num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(
            &buff.front(), buff.size(), md
        if (num_rx_samps != buff.size()) continue;

        //check and update the display refresh condition
        if (boost::get_system_time() < next_refresh) continue;
        next_refresh = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::microseconds(long(1e6/frame_rate));

        //calculate the dft and create the ascii art frame
        acsii_art_dft::log_pwr_dft_type lpdft(
            acsii_art_dft::log_pwr_dft(&buff.front(), num_rx_samps)
        std::string frame = acsii_art_dft::dft_to_plot(
            lpdft, COLS, LINES,
            dyn_rng, ref_lvl

        //curses screen handling: clear and print frame
        printw("%s", frame.c_str());

        //curses key handling: no timeout, any key to exit
        int ch = getch();
        if (ch != KEY_RESIZE and ch != ERR) break;

    //-- Cleanup
    endwin(); //curses done

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #11
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, file, type, ant, subdev, ref;
    size_t spb;
    double rate, freq, gain, bw;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "multi uhd device address args")
        ("file", po::value<std::string>(&file)->default_value("usrp_samples.dat"), "name of the file to read binary samples from")
        ("type", po::value<std::string>(&type)->default_value("float"), "sample type: double, float, or short")
        ("spb", po::value<size_t>(&spb)->default_value(10000), "samples per buffer")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate), "rate of outgoing samples")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq), "RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "daughterboard antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "daughterboard subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "daughterboard IF filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("INTERNAL"), "waveform type (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, MIMO)")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD TX samples from file %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //Lock mboard clocks
    if (ref == "MIMO") {
        uhd::clock_config_t clock_config;
        clock_config.ref_source = uhd::clock_config_t::REF_MIMO;
        clock_config.pps_source = uhd::clock_config_t::PPS_MIMO;
        usrp->set_clock_config(clock_config, 0);
    else if (ref == "EXTERNAL") {
        usrp->set_clock_config(uhd::clock_config_t::external(), 0);
    else if (ref == "INTERNAL") {
        usrp->set_clock_config(uhd::clock_config_t::internal(), 0);

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(subdev);

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    if (not vm.count("freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --freq" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the rf gain
    if (vm.count("gain")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the IF filter bandwidth
    if (vm.count("bw")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_tx_bandwidth() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the antenna
    if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_tx_antenna(ant);

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow for some setup time

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "MIMO") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "EXTERNAL") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //send from file
    if (type == "double") send_from_file<std::complex<double> >(usrp, uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT64, file, spb);
    else if (type == "float") send_from_file<std::complex<float> >(usrp, uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT32, file, spb);
    else if (type == "short") send_from_file<std::complex<short> >(usrp, uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16, file, spb);
    else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type " + type);

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, file, ant, subdev, ref;
    size_t total_num_samps;
    double rate, freq, gain, bw;
    std::string addr, port;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "multi uhd device address args")
        ("nsamps", po::value<size_t>(&total_num_samps)->default_value(1000), "total number of samples to receive")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate)->default_value(100e6/16), "rate of incoming samples")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq)->default_value(0), "rf center frequency in Hz")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain)->default_value(0), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "daughterboard antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "daughterboard subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "daughterboard IF filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("port", po::value<std::string>(&port)->default_value("7124"), "server udp port")
        ("addr", po::value<std::string>(&addr)->default_value(""), "resolvable server address")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "waveform type (internal, external, mimo)")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD RX to UDP %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);
    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //Lock mboard clocks

    //set the rx sample rate
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the rx center frequency
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Freq: %f Mhz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f Mhz...") % (usrp->get_rx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the rx rf gain
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_rx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the IF filter bandwidth
    if (vm.count("bw")){
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_rx_bandwidth() << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the antenna
    if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_rx_antenna(ant);

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow for some setup time

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_rx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking RX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //create a receive streamer
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32"); //complex floats
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

    //setup streaming
    uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE);
    stream_cmd.num_samps = total_num_samps;
    stream_cmd.stream_now = true;

    //loop until total number of samples reached
    size_t num_acc_samps = 0; //number of accumulated samples
    uhd::rx_metadata_t md;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > buff(rx_stream->get_max_num_samps());
    uhd::transport::udp_simple::sptr udp_xport = uhd::transport::udp_simple::make_connected(addr, port);

    while(num_acc_samps < total_num_samps){
        size_t num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(
            &buff.front(), buff.size(), md

        //handle the error codes
        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE:

        case uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT:
            if (num_acc_samps == 0) continue;
            std::cout << boost::format(
                "Got timeout before all samples received, possible packet loss, exiting loop..."
            ) << std::endl;
            goto done_loop;

            std::cout << boost::format(
                "Got error code 0x%x, exiting loop..."
            ) % md.error_code << std::endl;
            goto done_loop;

        //send complex single precision floating point samples over udp
        udp_xport->send(boost::asio::buffer(buff, num_rx_samps*sizeof(buff.front())));

        num_acc_samps += num_rx_samps;
    } done_loop:

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;
Пример #13
 * Main function
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, wave_type, ant, subdev, ref, otw;
    size_t spb;
    double rate, freq, gain, wave_freq, bw;
    float ampl;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "single uhd device address args")
        ("spb", po::value<size_t>(&spb)->default_value(0), "samples per buffer, 0 for default")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate), "rate of outgoing samples")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq), "RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("ampl", po::value<float>(&ampl)->default_value(float(0.3)), "amplitude of the waveform [0 to 0.7]")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "daughterboard antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "daughterboard subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "daughterboard IF filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("wave-type", po::value<std::string>(&wave_type)->default_value("CONST"), "waveform type (CONST, SQUARE, RAMP, SINE)")
        ("wave-freq", po::value<double>(&wave_freq)->default_value(0), "waveform frequency in Hz")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "clock reference (internal, external, mimo)")
        ("otw", po::value<std::string>(&otw)->default_value("sc16"), "specify the over-the-wire sample mode")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD TX Waveforms %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //Lock mboard clocks

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(subdev);

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    if (not vm.count("freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --freq" << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    for(size_t chan = 0; chan < usrp->get_tx_num_channels(); chan++) {
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
        usrp->set_tx_freq(freq, chan);
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq(chan)/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the rf gain
        if (vm.count("gain")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
            usrp->set_tx_gain(gain, chan);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain(chan) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the IF filter bandwidth
        if (vm.count("bw")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
            usrp->set_tx_bandwidth(bw, chan);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_tx_bandwidth(chan) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the antenna
        if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_tx_antenna(ant, chan);

    //for the const wave, set the wave freq for small samples per period
    if (wave_freq == 0 and wave_type == "CONST"){
        wave_freq = usrp->get_tx_rate()/2;

    //error when the waveform is not possible to generate
    if (std::abs(wave_freq) > usrp->get_tx_rate()/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq out of Nyquist zone");
    if (usrp->get_tx_rate()/std::abs(wave_freq) > wave_table_len/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq too small for table");

    //pre-compute the waveform values
    const wave_table_class wave_table(wave_type, ampl);
    const size_t step = boost::math::iround(wave_freq/usrp->get_tx_rate() * wave_table_len);
    size_t index = 0;

    //create a transmit streamer
    //linearly map channels (index0 = channel0, index1 = channel1, ...)
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32", otw);
    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < usrp->get_tx_num_channels(); chan++)
        stream_args.channels.push_back(chan); //linear mapping
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);

    //allocate a buffer which we re-use for each channel
    if (spb == 0) spb = tx_stream->get_max_num_samps()*10;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > buff(spb);
    std::vector<std::complex<float> *> buffs(usrp->get_tx_num_channels(), &buff.front());

    //setup the metadata flags
    uhd::tx_metadata_t md;
    md.start_of_burst = true;
    md.end_of_burst   = false;
    md.has_time_spec  = true;
    md.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t(0.1);

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting device timestamp to 0...") << std::endl;

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(0);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);
    std::cout << "Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming..." << std::endl;

    //send data until the signal handler gets called
    while(not stop_signal_called){
        //fill the buffer with the waveform
        for (size_t n = 0; n < buff.size(); n++){
            buff[n] = wave_table(index += step);

        //send the entire contents of the buffer
        tx_stream->send(buffs, buff.size(), md);

        md.start_of_burst = false;
        md.has_time_spec = false;

    //send a mini EOB packet
    md.end_of_burst = true;
    tx_stream->send("", 0, md);

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;
    return 0;
Пример #14
 * Main function
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, wave_type, ant, subdev, ref, pps, otw, channel_list;
    uint64_t total_num_samps, spb;
    double rate, freq, gain, wave_freq, bw;
    float ampl;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "single uhd device address args")
        ("spb", po::value<uint64_t>(&spb)->default_value(0), "samples per buffer, 0 for default")
        ("nsamps", po::value<uint64_t>(&total_num_samps)->default_value(0), "total number of samples to transmit")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate), "rate of outgoing samples")
        ("freq", po::value<double>(&freq), "RF center frequency in Hz")
        ("ampl", po::value<float>(&ampl)->default_value(float(0.3)), "amplitude of the waveform [0 to 0.7]")
        ("gain", po::value<double>(&gain), "gain for the RF chain")
        ("ant", po::value<std::string>(&ant), "antenna selection")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "subdevice specification")
        ("bw", po::value<double>(&bw), "analog frontend filter bandwidth in Hz")
        ("wave-type", po::value<std::string>(&wave_type)->default_value("CONST"), "waveform type (CONST, SQUARE, RAMP, SINE)")
        ("wave-freq", po::value<double>(&wave_freq)->default_value(0), "waveform frequency in Hz")
        ("ref", po::value<std::string>(&ref)->default_value("internal"), "clock reference (internal, external, mimo, gpsdo)")
        ("pps", po::value<std::string>(&pps), "PPS source (internal, external, mimo, gpsdo)")
        ("otw", po::value<std::string>(&otw)->default_value("sc16"), "specify the over-the-wire sample mode")
        ("channels", po::value<std::string>(&channel_list)->default_value("0"), "which channels to use (specify \"0\", \"1\", \"0,1\", etc)")
        ("int-n", "tune USRP with integer-N tuning")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD TX Waveforms %s") % desc << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //detect which channels to use
    std::vector<std::string> channel_strings;
    std::vector<size_t> channel_nums;
    boost::split(channel_strings, channel_list, boost::is_any_of("\"',"));
    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < channel_strings.size(); ch++){
        size_t chan = boost::lexical_cast<int>(channel_strings[ch]);
        if(chan >= usrp->get_tx_num_channels())
            throw std::runtime_error("Invalid channel(s) specified.");

    //Lock mboard clocks

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(subdev);

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the sample rate
    if (not vm.count("rate")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the sample rate with --rate" << std::endl;
        return ~0;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    if (not vm.count("freq")){
        std::cerr << "Please specify the center frequency with --freq" << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    for(size_t ch = 0; ch < channel_nums.size(); ch++) {
        std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
        uhd::tune_request_t tune_request(freq);
        if(vm.count("int-n")) tune_request.args = uhd::device_addr_t("mode_n=integer");
        usrp->set_tx_freq(tune_request, channel_nums[ch]);
        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq(channel_nums[ch])/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the rf gain
        if (vm.count("gain")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % gain << std::endl;
            usrp->set_tx_gain(gain, channel_nums[ch]);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain(channel_nums[ch]) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the analog frontend filter bandwidth
        if (vm.count("bw")){
            std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % bw << std::endl;
            usrp->set_tx_bandwidth(bw, channel_nums[ch]);
            std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Bandwidth: %f MHz...") % usrp->get_tx_bandwidth(channel_nums[ch]) << std::endl << std::endl;

        //set the antenna
        if (vm.count("ant")) usrp->set_tx_antenna(ant, channel_nums[ch]);

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow for some setup time

    //for the const wave, set the wave freq for small samples per period
    if (wave_freq == 0 and wave_type == "CONST"){
        wave_freq = usrp->get_tx_rate()/2;

    //error when the waveform is not possible to generate
    if (std::abs(wave_freq) > usrp->get_tx_rate()/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq out of Nyquist zone");
    if (usrp->get_tx_rate()/std::abs(wave_freq) > wave_table_len/2){
        throw std::runtime_error("wave freq too small for table");

    //pre-compute the waveform values
    const wave_table_class wave_table(wave_type, ampl);
    const size_t step = boost::math::iround(wave_freq/usrp->get_tx_rate() * wave_table_len);
    size_t index = 0;

    //create a transmit streamer
    //linearly map channels (index0 = channel0, index1 = channel1, ...)
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32", otw);
    stream_args.channels = channel_nums;
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);

    //allocate a buffer which we re-use for each channel
    if (spb == 0) spb = tx_stream->get_max_num_samps()*10;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > buff(spb);
    std::vector<std::complex<float> *> buffs(channel_nums.size(), &buff.front());

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting device timestamp to 0...") << std::endl;
    if (channel_nums.size() > 1)
        // Sync times
        if (pps == "mimo")
            UHD_ASSERT_THROW(usrp->get_num_mboards() == 2);

            //make mboard 1 a slave over the MIMO Cable
            usrp->set_time_source("mimo", 1);

            //set time on the master (mboard 0)
            usrp->set_time_now(uhd::time_spec_t(0.0), 0);

            //sleep a bit while the slave locks its time to the master
            if (pps == "internal" or pps == "external" or pps == "gpsdo")
            boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //wait for pps sync pulse

    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    const size_t tx_sensor_chan = channel_list.empty() ? 0 : boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(channel_list[0]);
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(tx_sensor_chan);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked", tx_sensor_chan);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    const size_t mboard_sensor_idx = 0;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard_sensor_idx);
    if ((ref == "mimo") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "mimo_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t mimo_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("mimo_locked", mboard_sensor_idx);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % mimo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;
    if ((ref == "external") and (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "ref_locked") != sensor_names.end())) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t ref_locked = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked", mboard_sensor_idx);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % ref_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);
    std::cout << "Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming..." << std::endl;

    // Set up metadata. We start streaming a bit in the future
    // to allow MIMO operation:
    uhd::tx_metadata_t md;
    md.start_of_burst = true;
    md.end_of_burst   = false;
    md.has_time_spec  = true;
    md.time_spec = usrp->get_time_now() + uhd::time_spec_t(0.1);

    //send data until the signal handler gets called
    //or if we accumulate the number of samples specified (unless it's 0)
    uint64_t num_acc_samps = 0;

        if (stop_signal_called) break;
        if (total_num_samps > 0 and num_acc_samps >= total_num_samps) break;

        //fill the buffer with the waveform
        for (size_t n = 0; n < buff.size(); n++){
            buff[n] = wave_table(index += step);

        //send the entire contents of the buffer
        num_acc_samps += tx_stream->send(
            buffs, buff.size(), md

        md.start_of_burst = false;
        md.has_time_spec = false;

    //send a mini EOB packet
    md.end_of_burst = true;
    tx_stream->send("", 0, md);

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #15
    double set_frequency(double target_freq, bool int_n_mode, bool flush = false)
        static const double REF_DOUBLER_THRESH_FREQ = 12.5e6;
        static const double PFD_FREQ_MAX            = 25.0e6;
        static const double BAND_SEL_FREQ_MAX       = 100e3;
        static const double VCO_FREQ_MIN            = 2.2e9;
        static const double VCO_FREQ_MAX            = 4.4e9;

        //Default invalid value for actual_freq
        double actual_freq = 0;

        uhd::range_t rf_divider_range = _get_rfdiv_range();
        uhd::range_t int_range = get_int_range();

        double pfd_freq = 0;
        boost::uint16_t R = 0, BS = 0, N = 0, FRAC = 0, MOD = 0;
        boost::uint16_t RFdiv = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(rf_divider_range.start());
        bool D = false, T = false;

        //Reference doubler for 50% duty cycle
        D = (_reference_freq <= REF_DOUBLER_THRESH_FREQ);

        //increase RF divider until acceptable VCO frequency
        double vco_freq = target_freq;
        while (vco_freq < VCO_FREQ_MIN && RFdiv < static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(rf_divider_range.stop())) {
            vco_freq *= 2;
            RFdiv *= 2;

         * The goal here is to loop though possible R dividers,
         * band select clock dividers, N (int) dividers, and FRAC
         * (frac) dividers.
         * Calculate the N and F dividers for each set of values.
         * The loop exits when it meets all of the constraints.
         * The resulting loop values are loaded into the registers.
         * from pg.21
         * f_pfd = f_ref*(1+D)/(R*(1+T))
         * f_vco = (N + (FRAC/MOD))*f_pfd
         *    N = f_vco/f_pfd - FRAC/MOD = f_vco*((R*(T+1))/(f_ref*(1+D))) - FRAC/MOD
         * f_actual = f_vco/RFdiv)
        double feedback_freq = _fb_after_divider ? target_freq : vco_freq;

        for(R = 1; R <= 1023; R+=1){
            //PFD input frequency = f_ref/R ... ignoring Reference doubler/divide-by-2 (D & T)
            pfd_freq = _reference_freq*(D?2:1)/(R*(T?2:1));

            //keep the PFD frequency at or below 25MHz (Loop Filter Bandwidth)
            if (pfd_freq > PFD_FREQ_MAX) continue;

            //First, ignore fractional part of tuning
            N = boost::uint16_t(std::floor(feedback_freq/pfd_freq));

            //keep N > minimum int divider requirement
            if (N < static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(int_range.start())) continue;

            for(BS=1; BS <= 255; BS+=1){
                //keep the band select frequency at or below band_sel_freq_max
                //constraint on band select clock
                if (pfd_freq/BS > BAND_SEL_FREQ_MAX) continue;
                goto done_loop;
        } done_loop:

        //Fractional-N calculation
        MOD = 4095; //max fractional accuracy
        FRAC = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(boost::math::round((feedback_freq/pfd_freq - N)*MOD));
        if (int_n_mode) {
            if (FRAC > (MOD / 2)) { //Round integer such that actual freq is closest to target
            FRAC = 0;

        //Reference divide-by-2 for 50% duty cycle
        // if R even, move one divide by 2 to to regs.reference_divide_by_2
        if(R % 2 == 0) {
            T = true;
            R /= 2;

        //Typical phase resync time documented in data sheet pg.24
        static const double PHASE_RESYNC_TIME = 400e-6;

        //If feedback after divider, then compensation for the divider is pulled into the INT value
        int rf_div_compensation = _fb_after_divider ? 1 : RFdiv;

        //Compute the actual frequency in terms of _reference_freq, N, FRAC, MOD, D, R and T.
        actual_freq = (
            double((N + (double(FRAC)/double(MOD))) *
        ) / rf_div_compensation;

        _regs.frac_12_bit            = FRAC;
        _regs.int_16_bit             = N;
        _regs.mod_12_bit             = MOD;
        _regs.clock_divider_12_bit   = std::max<boost::uint16_t>(1, boost::uint16_t(std::ceil(PHASE_RESYNC_TIME*pfd_freq/MOD)));
        _regs.feedback_select        = _fb_after_divider ?
                                        adf435x_regs_t::FEEDBACK_SELECT_DIVIDED :
        _regs.clock_div_mode         = _fb_after_divider ?
                                        adf435x_regs_t::CLOCK_DIV_MODE_RESYNC_ENABLE :
        _regs.r_counter_10_bit       = R;
        _regs.reference_divide_by_2  = T ?
                                        adf435x_regs_t::REFERENCE_DIVIDE_BY_2_ENABLED :
        _regs.reference_doubler      = D ?
                                        adf435x_regs_t::REFERENCE_DOUBLER_ENABLED :
        _regs.band_select_clock_div  = boost::uint8_t(BS);
        _regs.rf_divider_select      = static_cast<typename adf435x_regs_t::rf_divider_select_t>(_get_rfdiv_setting(RFdiv));
        _regs.ldf                    = int_n_mode ?
                                        adf435x_regs_t::LDF_INT_N :

        std::string tuning_str = (int_n_mode) ? "Integer-N" : "Fractional";
            << boost::format("ADF 435X Frequencies (MHz): REQUESTED=%0.9f, ACTUAL=%0.9f"
            ) % (target_freq/1e6) % (actual_freq/1e6) << std::endl
            << boost::format("ADF 435X Intermediates (MHz): Feedback=%0.2f, VCO=%0.2f, PFD=%0.2f, BAND=%0.2f, REF=%0.2f"
            ) % (feedback_freq/1e6) % (vco_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/1e6) % (pfd_freq/BS/1e6) % (_reference_freq/1e6) << std::endl
            << boost::format("ADF 435X Tuning: %s") % tuning_str.c_str() << std::endl
            << boost::format("ADF 435X Settings: R=%d, BS=%d, N=%d, FRAC=%d, MOD=%d, T=%d, D=%d, RFdiv=%d"
            ) % R % BS % N % FRAC % MOD % T % D % RFdiv << std::endl;

        UHD_ASSERT_THROW((_regs.frac_12_bit          & ((boost::uint16_t)~0xFFF)) == 0);
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW((_regs.mod_12_bit           & ((boost::uint16_t)~0xFFF)) == 0);
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW((_regs.clock_divider_12_bit & ((boost::uint16_t)~0xFFF)) == 0);
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW((_regs.r_counter_10_bit     & ((boost::uint16_t)~0x3FF)) == 0);

        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(vco_freq >= VCO_FREQ_MIN and vco_freq <= VCO_FREQ_MAX);
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(RFdiv >= static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(rf_divider_range.start()));
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(RFdiv <= static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(rf_divider_range.stop()));
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_regs.int_16_bit >= static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(int_range.start()));
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(_regs.int_16_bit <= static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(int_range.stop()));

        if (flush) commit();
        return actual_freq;
Пример #16
 //! Return the index of a radio component, given a slot name. This means DSPs, radio_perifs
 size_t get_radio_index(const std::string &slot_name) {
      UHD_ASSERT_THROW(slot_name == "A" or slot_name == "B");
      return slot_name == "A" ? 0 : 1;
Пример #17
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    //variables to be set by po
    std::string args, sync, subdev;
    double seconds_in_future;
    size_t total_num_samps;
    double rate;

    //setup the program options
    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
        ("help", "help message")
        ("args", po::value<std::string>(&args)->default_value(""), "single uhd device address args")
        ("secs", po::value<double>(&seconds_in_future)->default_value(1.5), "number of seconds in the future to receive")
        ("nsamps", po::value<size_t>(&total_num_samps)->default_value(10000), "total number of samples to receive")
        ("rate", po::value<double>(&rate)->default_value(100e6/16), "rate of incoming samples")
        ("sync", po::value<std::string>(&sync)->default_value("now"), "synchronization method: now, pps, mimo")
        ("subdev", po::value<std::string>(&subdev), "subdev spec (homogeneous across motherboards)")
        ("dilv", "specify to disable inner-loop verbose")
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

    //print the help message
    if (vm.count("help")){
        std::cout << boost::format("UHD RX Multi Samples %s") % desc << std::endl;
        std::cout <<
        "    This is a demonstration of how to receive aligned data from multiple channels.\n"
        "    This example can receive from multiple DSPs, multiple motherboards, or both.\n"
        "    The MIMO cable or PPS can be used to synchronize the configuration. See --sync\n"
        "    Specify --subdev to select multiple channels per motherboard.\n"
        "      Ex: --subdev=\"0:A 0:B\" to get 2 channels on a Basic RX.\n"
        "    Specify --args to select multiple motherboards in a configuration.\n"
        "      Ex: --args=\"addr0=, addr1=\"\n"
        << std::endl;
        return ~0;

    bool verbose = vm.count("dilv") == 0;

    //create a usrp device
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings
    if (vm.count("subdev")) usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec(subdev); //sets across all mboards

    std::cout << boost::format("Using Device: %s") % usrp->get_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //set the rx sample rate (sets across all channels)
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting device timestamp to 0...") << std::endl;
    if (sync == "now"){
        //This is not a true time lock, the devices will be off by a few RTT.
        //Rather, this is just to allow for demonstration of the code below.
    else if (sync == "pps"){
        boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //wait for pps sync pulse
    else if (sync == "mimo"){
        UHD_ASSERT_THROW(usrp->get_num_mboards() == 2);

        //make mboard 1 a slave over the MIMO Cable
        usrp->set_clock_source("mimo", 1);
        usrp->set_time_source("mimo", 1);

        //set time on the master (mboard 0)
        usrp->set_time_now(uhd::time_spec_t(0.0), 0);

        //sleep a bit while the slave locks its time to the master

    //create a receive streamer
    //linearly map channels (index0 = channel0, index1 = channel1, ...)
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32"); //complex floats
    for (size_t chan = 0; chan < usrp->get_rx_num_channels(); chan++)
        stream_args.channels.push_back(chan); //linear mapping
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

    //setup streaming
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format(
        "Begin streaming %u samples, %f seconds in the future..."
    ) % total_num_samps % seconds_in_future << std::endl;
    uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd(uhd::stream_cmd_t::STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE);
    stream_cmd.num_samps = total_num_samps;
    stream_cmd.stream_now = false;
    stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t(seconds_in_future);
    usrp->issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd); //tells all channels to stream

    //meta-data will be filled in by recv()
    uhd::rx_metadata_t md;

    //allocate buffers to receive with samples (one buffer per channel)
    const size_t samps_per_buff = rx_stream->get_max_num_samps();
    std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<float> > > buffs(
        usrp->get_rx_num_channels(), std::vector<std::complex<float> >(samps_per_buff)

    //create a vector of pointers to point to each of the channel buffers
    std::vector<std::complex<float> *> buff_ptrs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < buffs.size(); i++) buff_ptrs.push_back(&buffs[i].front());

    //the first call to recv() will block this many seconds before receiving
    double timeout = seconds_in_future + 0.1; //timeout (delay before receive + padding)

    size_t num_acc_samps = 0; //number of accumulated samples
    while(num_acc_samps < total_num_samps){
        //receive a single packet
        size_t num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(
            buff_ptrs, samps_per_buff, md, timeout

        //use a small timeout for subsequent packets
        timeout = 0.1;

        //handle the error code
        if (md.error_code == uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT) break;
        if (md.error_code != uhd::rx_metadata_t::ERROR_CODE_NONE){
            throw std::runtime_error(str(boost::format(
                "Unexpected error code 0x%x"
            ) % md.error_code));

        if(verbose) std::cout << boost::format(
            "Received packet: %u samples, %u full secs, %f frac secs"
        ) % num_rx_samps % md.time_spec.get_full_secs() % md.time_spec.get_frac_secs() << std::endl;

        num_acc_samps += num_rx_samps;

    if (num_acc_samps < total_num_samps) std::cerr << "Receive timeout before all samples received..." << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl << "Done!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;
Пример #18
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){

    std::string args, tx_file, rx_file, type, ref, wire_format, cpu_format;                
    size_t samples_per_buff;
    double rate, freq, tx_gain, rx_gain, rx_bw, delay, lo_off;

    rx_bw = RX_BW;
    rx_gain = RX_GAIN;
    wire_format = WIRE_FORMAT;
    cpu_format = CPU_FORMAT;
    rate = SAMP_RATE;
    args = ARGS;
    ref = REF_CLOCK;
    freq = CENT_FREQ;
    tx_gain = TX_GAIN;
    samples_per_buff = SAMPLES_PER_BUFFER;
    tx_file = TX_FILENAME;
    rx_file = RX_FILENAME;

    //------------------INIT TX------------------
                                        //Set the scheduling priority on the current thread. Same as set_thread_priority but does not throw on failure.
    std::cout << boost::format("Creating the usrp device with: %s...") % args << std::endl;
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);       //Make the usrp by calling the constructor with param the args

    usrp->set_clock_source(ref);                                          //Set the clock source for the usrp device. This sets the source for a 10 MHz reference clock. Typical options for source: internal, external, MIMO.
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;                           
    usrp->set_tx_rate(rate);                                                                                        //Set the sample rate
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;                              //Set up tuning frequency
    uhd::tune_request_t tune_request;                                                                               
    tune_request = uhd::tune_request_t(freq);                                                                        //Generate the tune request
    usrp->set_tx_freq(tune_request);                                                                                //Tune to CENT_FREQ
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;  //PRINT Actual CENT_FREQ

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting TX Gain: %f dB...") % tx_gain << std::endl;                                    
    usrp->set_tx_gain(tx_gain);                                                                                     //Set the tx_gain
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_tx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;
    //------------------CHECK STUFF------------------
    //Check Ref and LO Lock detect
    std::vector<std::string> sensor_names;
    sensor_names = usrp->get_tx_sensor_names(0);
    if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), "lo_locked") != sensor_names.end()) {
        uhd::sensor_value_t lo_locked = usrp->get_tx_sensor("lo_locked",0);
        std::cout << boost::format("Checking TX: %s ...") % lo_locked.to_pp_string() << std::endl;

    //------------------INIT TX STREAM------------------
    //create a transmit streamer    
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args(cpu_format, wire_format);              //Call the constructor of the class stream_args_t and generate the stream_args object with inputs the cpu_format and wire_format (this is the format per sample)
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);    //Generate a tx_streamer object named tx_stream using the usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args). Remember, usrp is already initialized

    //Setup tx_metadata
    uhd::tx_metadata_t tx_md;                                                  //TX metadata structure for describing received IF data. Includes time specification, and start and stop burst flags. The send routines will convert the metadata to IF data headers.        
    tx_md.start_of_burst = false;                                              //Set start of burst to true for the first packet in the chain. ?
    tx_md.end_of_burst = false;        

    //------------------LOAD DATA AND TX------------------
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > tx_buff(samples_per_buff);
    std::ifstream infile(tx_file.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);

        std::cout << "IN File error\n";
        return 0;

    //loop until the entire file has been read
    int i = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < samples_per_buff; ++i){
        infile.read((char*)&tx_buff.at(i), tx_buff.size()*sizeof(std::complex<float>));    
        // std::cout << tx_buff.at(i) << ' ';
    tx_stream->send(&tx_buff.front(), samples_per_buff, tx_md);

    infile.close();                                                        //Close the file pointer

    //------------------INIT RX------------------

    //always select the subdevice first, the channel mapping affects the other settings

    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (rate/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;

    //set the center frequency
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (freq/1e6) << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_rx_freq()/1e6) << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Setting RX Gain: %f dB...") % rx_gain << std::endl;
    std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Gain: %f dB...") % usrp->get_rx_gain() << std::endl << std::endl;    

    boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); //allow 1sec  setup time
    //------------------CHECK STUFF------------------
    //Always check for locked sensor
    check_locked_sensor(usrp->get_rx_sensor_names(0), "lo_locked", boost::bind(&uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::get_rx_sensor, usrp, _1, 0), 1);

    //------------------INIT RX STREAM---------------
    //create a receive streamer with the same args as TX
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);


    uhd::rx_metadata_t rx_md;
    std::vector<std::complex<float> > rx_buff(samples_per_buff);
    std::ofstream outfile;    
    outfile.open(rx_file.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
        std::cout << "OUT File error\n";
        return 0;

    //If RX_CONT == 1 enable continuoys sampling else just sent some packets and done
    uhd::stream_cmd_t stream_cmd((RX_CONT == 1)?

    stream_cmd.num_samps = samples_per_buff;                        //You might have a problem here...
    stream_cmd.stream_now = true;                                   //Start streaming ASAP
    stream_cmd.time_spec = uhd::time_spec_t();                      //Setup the time to the USRP time (Why??)
    rx_stream->issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd);                        //Issue a stream command to the usrp device. This tells the usrp to send samples into the host. See the documentation for stream_cmd_t for more info.

    size_t num_rx_samps = rx_stream->recv(&rx_buff.front(), rx_buff.size(), rx_md, 10.0, false);  // Receive buffers containing samples described by the metadata.    
    std::cout << "Samples received in a single shot: " << num_rx_samps << std::endl;
    if (outfile.is_open()){
        outfile.write((const char*)&rx_buff.front(), num_rx_samps*sizeof(std::complex<float>)-1);          
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;