Пример #1
void SetDim2(SEXP array, int x1, int x2)
    SEXP _dim;
    PROTECT(_dim = NEW_INTEGER(2));
    INTEGER_POINTER(_dim)[0] = x1;
    INTEGER_POINTER(_dim)[1] = x2;
    SET_DIM(array, _dim);
Пример #2
void SetDim3(SEXP array, int x1, int x2, int x3)
    SEXP _dim;
    PROTECT(_dim = NEW_INTEGER(3));
    INTEGER_POINTER(_dim)[0] = x1;
    INTEGER_POINTER(_dim)[1] = x2;
    INTEGER_POINTER(_dim)[2] = x3;
    SET_DIM(array, _dim);
Пример #3
void SetListElement(SEXP list, int i, const char *tag, SEXP value)
    SEXP _names = getAttrib(list, R_NamesSymbol);
    if (_names == R_NilValue)
        PROTECT(_names = NEW_STRING(length(list)));
        SET_STRING_ELT(_names, i, mkChar(tag));
        setAttrib(list, R_NamesSymbol, _names);
        SET_STRING_ELT(_names, i, mkChar(tag));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(list, i, value);
Пример #4
SEXP GillespieDirectCR(SEXP pre, SEXP post, SEXP h, SEXP M, SEXP T, SEXP delta,
		       SEXP runs, SEXP place, SEXP transition, SEXP rho)
  int k;

#ifdef RB_TIME
  clock_t c0, c1;
  c0 = clock();

  // Get dimensions of pre
  int *piTmp = INTEGER(getAttrib(pre, R_DimSymbol));
  int iTransitions = piTmp[0], iPlaces = piTmp[1];

  int *piPre = INTEGER(pre), *piPost = INTEGER(post);

  SEXP sexpTmp;

  int iTransition, iPlace, iTransitionPtr, iPlacePtr,
    iTransition2, iTransitionPtr2;

  // Find out which elements of h are doubles and which functions
  SEXP sexpFunction;
  PROTECT(sexpFunction = allocVector(VECSXP, iTransitions));
  double *pdH = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));
  DL_FUNC *pCFunction = (DL_FUNC *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(DL_FUNC *));
  int *piHzType = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    if (inherits(sexpTmp = VECTOR_ELT(h, iTransition), "NativeSymbol")) {
      pCFunction[iTransition] = (void *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(sexpTmp);
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_CFUNCTION;    
    } else if (isNumeric(sexpTmp)){
      pdH[iTransition] = REAL(sexpTmp)[0];
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_DOUBLE;
    } else  if (isFunction(sexpTmp)) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpFunction, iTransition, lang1(sexpTmp));
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_RFUNCTION;
    } else {
      error("Unrecongnized transition function type\n");

  // Setup Matrix S
  int *piS = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Position of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piPreNZxRow = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piPreNZxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  // Position of non zero cells in S per transition
  int *piSNZxRow = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of non zero cells in S per transition
  int *piSNZxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    int iPreNZxRow_col = 0;
    int iSNZxRow_col = 0;
    for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
      if (piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPreNZxRow_col++] = iPlace;
      if ((piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] = 
	   piPost[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] - piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace])) {
	piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iSNZxRow_col++] = iPlace;
    piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition] = iPreNZxRow_col;
    piSNZxRowTot[iTransition] = iSNZxRow_col;

  // Position of non zero cells in pre per place
  int *piPreNZxCol = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of non zero cells in pre per place
  int *piPreNZxColTot = (int *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
    int iPreNZxCol_row = 0;
    for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
      if (piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	piPreNZxCol[iPreNZxCol_row++ + iTransitions * iPlace] = iTransition;
    piPreNZxColTot[iPlace] = iPreNZxCol_row;

  // Hazards that need to be recalculated if a given transition has happened
  int *piHazardsToModxRow = (int *) R_alloc((iTransitions + 1) * iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of hazards to recalculate for each transition that has happened
  int *piHazardsToModxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions + 1, sizeof(int));
  for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    int iHazardToCompTot = 0;
    for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
      if (piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	// Identify the transitions that need the hazards recalculated
	for(iTransitionPtr2 = 0; iTransitionPtr2 < piPreNZxColTot[iPlace]; iTransitionPtr2++) {
	  iTransition2 = piPreNZxCol[iTransitionPtr2 + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  int iAddThis = TRUE;
	  for (k = 0; k < iHazardToCompTot; k++) {
	    if(piHazardsToModxRow[iTransition + (iTransitions + 1) * k] == iTransition2) {
	      iAddThis = FALSE;
	  if (iAddThis)
	    piHazardsToModxRow[iTransition + (iTransitions + 1) * iHazardToCompTot++] = iTransition2;
    piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransition] = iHazardToCompTot;
  // For the initial calculation of all hazards...
  for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    piHazardsToModxRow[iTransitions + (iTransitions + 1) * iTransition] = iTransition;
  piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransitions] = iTransitions;

  SEXP sexpCrntMarking;
  PROTECT(sexpCrntMarking = allocVector(REALSXP, iPlaces));
  double *pdCrntMarking = REAL(sexpCrntMarking);

  double dDelta = *REAL(delta);
  int iTotalSteps, iSectionSteps;
  double dT = 0;
  void *pCManage_time = 0;
  SEXP sexpRManage_time = 0;
  if (inherits(T, "NativeSymbol")) {
    pCManage_time = (void *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(T);
    dT = ((double(*)(double, double *)) pCManage_time)(-1, pdCrntMarking);
  } else if (isNumeric(T)){
    dT = *REAL(T);
  } else  if (isFunction(T)) {
    PROTECT(sexpRManage_time = lang1(T));

    defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
    PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
    *REAL(sexpTmp) = -1;
    defineVar(install("StartTime"), sexpTmp, rho);
    dT = *REAL(VECTOR_ELT(eval(sexpRManage_time, rho),0));
  } else {
    error("Unrecognized time function type\n");
  iTotalSteps = iSectionSteps = (int)(dT / dDelta) + 1;

  int iRun, iRuns = *INTEGER(runs);

  // Hazard vector
  double *pdTransitionHazard = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));

  SEXP sexpRun;
  PROTECT(sexpRun = allocVector(VECSXP, iRuns));

  int iTotalUsedRandomNumbers = 0;

  // DiscTime Vector
  SEXP sexpD_time;
  PROTECT(sexpD_time = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotalSteps));
  double *pdDiscTime = REAL(sexpD_time);
  double dTmp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < iTotalSteps; k++) {
    pdDiscTime[k] = dTmp;
    dTmp += dDelta;

  SEXP sexpMarkingRowNames;
  PROTECT(sexpMarkingRowNames = allocVector(INTSXP, iTotalSteps));
  piTmp = INTEGER(sexpMarkingRowNames);
  for (k = 0; k < iTotalSteps; k++)
    piTmp[k] = k+1;

  double **ppdMarking = (double **) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(double *));

  int iLevels = 7;
  int iGroups = pow(2, iLevels - 1);
  // Group holding the transitions that lie between boundaries
  int **ppiGroup = (int **) R_alloc(iGroups, sizeof(int *));
  // Number of transition each group has
  int *piGroupElm = (int *) R_alloc(iGroups, sizeof(int));
  // Total propensity hazard for each group
  int *piTotGroupTransitions = (int *) R_alloc(iGroups, sizeof(int));

  int *piTransitionInGroup = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int *piTransitionPositionInGroup = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  int iGroup;
  for (iGroup = 0; iGroup < iGroups; iGroup++) {
    ppiGroup[iGroup] = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  node **ppnodeLevel = (node **) R_alloc(iLevels, sizeof(node *));
  int iLevel, iNode;
  int iNodesPerLevel = 1;
  for (iLevel = 0; iLevel < iLevels; iLevel++) {
    ppnodeLevel[iLevel] = (node *) R_alloc(iNodesPerLevel, sizeof(node));
    iNodesPerLevel *= 2;
  node *pnodeRoot = &ppnodeLevel[0][0];
  pnodeRoot->parent = 0;
  node *pnodeGroup = ppnodeLevel[iLevels-1];

  iNodesPerLevel = 1;
  for (iLevel = 0; iLevel < iLevels; iLevel++) {
    for (iNode = 0; iNode < iNodesPerLevel; iNode++) {
      if (iLevel < iLevels-1) {
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].iGroup = -1;
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].left = &ppnodeLevel[iLevel+1][iNode*2];
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].right = &ppnodeLevel[iLevel+1][iNode*2+1];
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel+1][iNode*2].parent = ppnodeLevel[iLevel+1][iNode*2+1].parent =
      } else {
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].iGroup = iNode;
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].left = ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].right = 0;
    iNodesPerLevel *= 2;

  double dNewHazard = 0;
  // Find minimum propensity
  double dMinHazard = DBL_MAX;
  for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    switch(piHzType[iTransition]) {
    case HZ_DOUBLE:
      dNewHazard = pdH[iTransition];
      for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
	iPlace = piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
	for (k = 0; k < piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]; k++)
	  dNewHazard *= (piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] - k) / (double)(k+1);
      if (dNewHazard > 0 && dNewHazard < dMinHazard)
	dMinHazard = dNewHazard;
    case HZ_CFUNCTION:	
    case HZ_RFUNCTION:

  for (iRun = 0; iRun < iRuns; iRun++) {

    int iUsedRandomNumbers = 0;
    Rprintf("%d ", iRun+1);

    // Totals for kind of transition vector
    SEXP sexpTotXTransition;
    PROTECT(sexpTotXTransition = allocVector(INTSXP, iTransitions));
    int *piTotTransitions = INTEGER(sexpTotXTransition);
    for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
      piTotTransitions[iTransition] = 0;
    SEXP sexpMarking;
    PROTECT(sexpMarking = allocVector(VECSXP, iPlaces));
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_NamesSymbol, place);
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_RowNamesSymbol, sexpMarkingRowNames);
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("data.frame")));

    // Setup initial state
    double *pdTmp = REAL(M);
    for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpMarking, iPlace, sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotalSteps));
      ppdMarking[iPlace] = REAL(sexpTmp);

      pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdTmp[iPlace];
    for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
      pdTransitionHazard[iTransition] = 0;
      piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] = -1;
    for (iGroup = 0; iGroup < iGroups; iGroup++) {
      piGroupElm[iGroup] = 0;
      piTotGroupTransitions[iGroup] = 0;
    iNodesPerLevel = 1;
    for (iLevel = 0; iLevel < iLevels; iLevel++) {
      for (iNode = 0; iNode < iNodesPerLevel; iNode++) {
	ppnodeLevel[iLevel][iNode].dPartialAcumHazard = 0;
      iNodesPerLevel *= 2;
    node *pnode;
    double dTime = 0, dTarget = 0;
    int iTotTransitions = 0;

    int iStep = 0;
    int iInterruptCnt = 10000000;
    do {
      if (pCManage_time || sexpRManage_time) {
	double dEnd = 0;
	if (pCManage_time) {
	  dEnd = ((double(*)(double, double *)) pCManage_time)(dTarget, pdCrntMarking);
	} else {
	  defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
	  PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
	  *REAL(sexpTmp) = dTarget;
	  defineVar(install("StartTime"), sexpTmp, rho);

	  sexpTmp = eval(sexpRManage_time, rho);
	  dEnd = *REAL(VECTOR_ELT(sexpTmp,0));
	  for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	    pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(sexpTmp,1))[iPlace];
	iSectionSteps = (int)(dEnd / dDelta) + 1;

      for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	ppdMarking[iPlace][iStep] = pdCrntMarking[iPlace];

      dTime = dTarget;
      dTarget += dDelta;
      // For the calculation of all hazards...
      int iLastTransition = iTransitions;
      do {
	// Get hazards only for the transitions associated with
	// places whose quantities changed in the last step.
	for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < piHazardsToModxRowTot[iLastTransition]; iTransitionPtr++) {
	  iTransition = piHazardsToModxRow[iLastTransition + (iTransitions + 1) * iTransitionPtr];
	  switch(piHzType[iTransition]) {
	  case HZ_DOUBLE:
	    dNewHazard = pdH[iTransition];
	    for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
	      iPlace = piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
	      for (k = 0; k < piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]; k++)
		dNewHazard *= (pdCrntMarking[iPlace] - k) / (double)(k+1);
	    dNewHazard = ((double(*)(double, double *)) pCFunction[iTransition])(dTime, pdCrntMarking);
	    defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
	    dNewHazard = REAL(eval(VECTOR_ELT(sexpFunction, iTransition), rho))[0];

	  double dDeltaHazard;
	  frexp(dNewHazard/dMinHazard, &iGroup);
	  if (iGroup-- > 0) {
	    // Transition belongs to a group
	    if (iGroup == piTransitionInGroup[iTransition]) {
	      // Transitions will stay in same group as it was
	      dDeltaHazard = dNewHazard - pdTransitionHazard[iTransition];
	      pnode = &pnodeGroup[iGroup];
	      do {
		pnode->dPartialAcumHazard += dDeltaHazard;
	      } while ((pnode = pnode->parent));
	    } else if (piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] != -1) {
	      // Transition was in another group and needs to be moved to the new one
	      int iOldGroup = piTransitionInGroup[iTransition];
	      int iOldPositionInGroup = piTransitionPositionInGroup[iTransition];
	      dDeltaHazard = -pdTransitionHazard[iTransition];
	      pnode = &pnodeGroup[iOldGroup];
	      do {
		pnode->dPartialAcumHazard += dDeltaHazard;
	      } while ((pnode = pnode->parent));
	      piGroupElm[iOldGroup]--; // Old group will have one less element
	      // Now, piGroupElm[iOldGroup] is the index to last transition in group
	      if (iOldPositionInGroup != piGroupElm[iOldGroup]) {
		// Transition is not the last in group,
		// put the last transition in place of the one to be removed
		ppiGroup[iOldGroup][iOldPositionInGroup] = 
		// Update position of previous last transition in group
		piTransitionPositionInGroup[ppiGroup[iOldGroup][iOldPositionInGroup]] = 
	      dDeltaHazard = dNewHazard;
	      pnode = &pnodeGroup[iGroup];
	      do {
		pnode->dPartialAcumHazard += dDeltaHazard;
	      } while ((pnode = pnode->parent));
	      piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] = iGroup;
	      piTransitionPositionInGroup[iTransition] = piGroupElm[iGroup];
	      ppiGroup[iGroup][piGroupElm[iGroup]++] = iTransition;
	    } else if (piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] == -1) { // Transition was in no group
	      dDeltaHazard = dNewHazard;
	      pnode = &pnodeGroup[iGroup];
	      do {
		pnode->dPartialAcumHazard += dDeltaHazard;
	      } while ((pnode = pnode->parent));
	      piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] = iGroup;
	      piTransitionPositionInGroup[iTransition] = piGroupElm[iGroup];
	      ppiGroup[iGroup][piGroupElm[iGroup]++] = iTransition;
	    } else {
	    error("ERROR: Option not considered 1\n");
	  } else if (piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] != -1) {
	    // Transition will not belong to any group and needs to be removed from old
	    int iOldGroup = piTransitionInGroup[iTransition];
	    int iOldPositionInGroup = piTransitionPositionInGroup[iTransition];
	    dDeltaHazard = -pdTransitionHazard[iTransition];
	    pnode = &pnodeGroup[iOldGroup];
	    do {
	      pnode->dPartialAcumHazard += dDeltaHazard;
	    } while ((pnode = pnode->parent));
	    piGroupElm[iOldGroup]--; // Old group will have one less element
	    // Now, piGroupElm[iOldGroup] is the index to last transition in group
	    if (iOldPositionInGroup != piGroupElm[iOldGroup]) {
	      // Transition is not the last in group,
	      // put the last transition in place of the one to be removed
	      ppiGroup[iOldGroup][iOldPositionInGroup] = 
	      // Update position of previous last transition in group
	      piTransitionPositionInGroup[ppiGroup[iOldGroup][iOldPositionInGroup]] = 
	    piTransitionInGroup[iTransition] = -1;
	  pdTransitionHazard[iTransition] = dNewHazard;
	// Get Time to transition
	dTime += exp_rand() / pnodeRoot->dPartialAcumHazard;
	while (dTime >= dTarget) {
	  // Update the state for the fixed incremented time.
	  for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++)
	    ppdMarking[iPlace][iStep] = pdCrntMarking[iPlace];
	  if (iStep == iSectionSteps - 1)
	    goto EXIT_LOOP;

	  dTarget += dDelta;

	  // Force check if user interrupted
	  iInterruptCnt = 1;
	if (! --iInterruptCnt) {
	  // Allow user interruption
	  iInterruptCnt = 10000000;
	do {
	  // Find group containing firing transition
	  double dRnd = unif_rand() * pnodeRoot->dPartialAcumHazard;
	  pnode = pnodeRoot;
	  do {
	    if (dRnd < pnode->left->dPartialAcumHazard) {
	      pnode = pnode->left;
	    } else {
	      dRnd -= pnode->left->dPartialAcumHazard;
	      pnode = pnode->right;
	  } while (pnode->left);
	  // Next check is because
	  // once in a while it is generated a number that goes past
	  // the last group or selects a group with zero elements
	  // due to accumulated truncation errors.
	  // Discard this random number and try again.
	} while (piGroupElm[iGroup = pnode->iGroup] == 0);

	double dMaxInGroup = dMinHazard * pow(2, iGroup + 1);
	// Find transition in group
	while (1) {
	  if (! --iInterruptCnt) {
	    // Allow user interruption
	    iInterruptCnt = 10000000;
	  iTransitionPtr = (int) (unif_rand() * piGroupElm[iGroup]);
	  iTransition = ppiGroup[iGroup][iTransitionPtr];
	  if (pdTransitionHazard[iTransition] > unif_rand() * dMaxInGroup) {
	    piTotTransitions[iLastTransition = iTransition]++;
	    for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
	      iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
	      // Update the state
	      pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
      } while (TRUE);
    } while (iSectionSteps < iTotalSteps);
    iTotalUsedRandomNumbers += iUsedRandomNumbers;
    Rprintf("\t%d\t%d\t%d", iTotTransitions, iUsedRandomNumbers, iTotalUsedRandomNumbers);
    c1 = clock();
    Rprintf ("\t To go: ");
    PrintfTime((double) (c1 - c0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/(iRun+1)*(iRuns-iRun-1));
    Rprintf ("\n");
    SEXP sexpTotTransitions;
    PROTECT(sexpTotTransitions = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
    INTEGER(sexpTotTransitions)[0] = iTotTransitions;

    SEXP sexpThisRun;
    PROTECT(sexpThisRun = allocVector(VECSXP, 3));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 0, sexpMarking);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 1, sexpTotXTransition);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 2, sexpTotTransitions);

    SEXP sexpNames;
    PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 0, mkChar("M"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 1, mkChar("transitions"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 2, mkChar("tot.transitions"));
    setAttrib(sexpThisRun, R_NamesSymbol, sexpNames);

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpRun, iRun, sexpThisRun);

  SEXP sexpAns;
  PROTECT(sexpAns = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 0, place);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 1, transition);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 2, sexpD_time);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 3, sexpRun);

  SEXP sexpNames;
  PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 0, mkChar("place"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 1, mkChar("transition"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 2, mkChar("dt"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 3, mkChar("run"));
  setAttrib(sexpAns, R_NamesSymbol, sexpNames);

#ifdef RB_TIME
  c1 = clock();
  double dCpuTime = (double) (c1 - c0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  Rprintf ("Elapsed CPU time: ");
  Rprintf ("\t(%fs)\n", dCpuTime);

  if (sexpRManage_time)
Пример #5
SEXP attribute_hidden do_readDCF(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    int nwhat, nret, nc, nr, m, k, lastm, need;
    Rboolean blank_skip, field_skip = FALSE;
    int whatlen, dynwhat, buflen = 8096; // was 100, but that re-alloced often
    char *line, *buf;
    regex_t blankline, contline, trailblank, regline, eblankline;
    regmatch_t regmatch[1];
    SEXP file, what, what2, retval, retval2, dims, dimnames;
    Rconnection con = NULL;
    Rboolean wasopen, is_eblankline;
    RCNTXT cntxt;

    SEXP fold_excludes;
    Rboolean field_fold = TRUE, has_fold_excludes;
    const char *field_name;
    int offset = 0; /* -Wall */

    checkArity(op, args);

    file = CAR(args);
    con = getConnection(asInteger(file));
    wasopen = con->isopen;
    if(!wasopen) {
	if(!con->open(con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
	/* Set up a context which will close the connection on error */
	begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
		     R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
	cntxt.cend = &con_cleanup;
	cntxt.cenddata = con;
    if(!con->canread) error(_("cannot read from this connection"));

    args = CDR(args);
    PROTECT(what = coerceVector(CAR(args), STRSXP)); /* argument fields */
    nwhat = LENGTH(what);
    dynwhat = (nwhat == 0);

    args = CDR(args);
    PROTECT(fold_excludes = coerceVector(CAR(args), STRSXP));
    has_fold_excludes = (LENGTH(fold_excludes) > 0);

    buf = (char *) malloc(buflen);
    if(!buf) error(_("could not allocate memory for 'read.dcf'"));
    nret = 20;
    /* it is easier if we first have a record per column */
    PROTECT(retval = allocMatrixNA(STRSXP, LENGTH(what), nret));

    /* These used to use [:blank:] but that can match \xa0 as part of
       a UTF-8 character (and is nbspace on Windows). */ 
    tre_regcomp(&blankline, "^[[:blank:]]*$", REG_NOSUB & REG_EXTENDED);
    tre_regcomp(&trailblank, "[ \t]+$", REG_EXTENDED);
    tre_regcomp(&contline, "^[[:blank:]]+", REG_EXTENDED);
    tre_regcomp(&regline, "^[^:]+:[[:blank:]]*", REG_EXTENDED);
    tre_regcomp(&eblankline, "^[[:space:]]+\\.[[:space:]]*$", REG_EXTENDED);

    k = 0;
    lastm = -1; /* index of the field currently being recorded */
    blank_skip = TRUE;
    void *vmax = vmaxget();
    while((line = Rconn_getline2(con))) {
	if(strlen(line) == 0 ||
	   tre_regexecb(&blankline, line, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
	    /* A blank line.  The first one after a record ends a new
	     * record, subsequent ones are skipped */
	    if(!blank_skip) {
		if(k > nret - 1){
		    nret *= 2;
		    PROTECT(retval2 = allocMatrixNA(STRSXP, LENGTH(what), nret));
		    transferVector(retval2, retval);
		    retval = retval2;
		blank_skip = TRUE;
		lastm = -1;
		field_skip = FALSE;
		field_fold = TRUE;
	} else {
	    blank_skip = FALSE;
	    if(tre_regexecb(&contline, line, 1, regmatch, 0) == 0) {
		/* A continuation line: wrong if at the beginning of a
		   record. */
		if((lastm == -1) && !field_skip) {
		    line[20] = '\0';
		    error(_("Found continuation line starting '%s ...' at begin of record."),
		if(lastm >= 0) {
		    need = (int) strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(retval,
							lastm + nwhat * k))) + 2;
		    if(tre_regexecb(&eblankline, line, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) {
			is_eblankline = TRUE;
		    } else {
			is_eblankline = FALSE;
			if(field_fold) {
			    offset = regmatch[0].rm_eo;
			    /* Also remove trailing whitespace. */
			    if((tre_regexecb(&trailblank, line, 1,
					     regmatch, 0) == 0))
				line[regmatch[0].rm_so] = '\0';
			} else {
			    offset = 0;
			need += (int) strlen(line + offset);
		    if(buflen < need) {
			char *tmp = (char *) realloc(buf, need);
			if(!tmp) {
			    error(_("could not allocate memory for 'read.dcf'"));
			} else buf = tmp;
			buflen = need;
		    strcpy(buf,CHAR(STRING_ELT(retval, lastm + nwhat * k)));
		    strcat(buf, "\n");
		    if(!is_eblankline) strcat(buf, line + offset);
		    SET_STRING_ELT(retval, lastm + nwhat * k, mkChar(buf));
	    } else {
		if(tre_regexecb(&regline, line, 1, regmatch, 0) == 0) {
		    for(m = 0; m < nwhat; m++){
			whatlen = (int) strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(what, m)));
			if(strlen(line) > whatlen &&
			   line[whatlen] == ':' &&
			   strncmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(what, m)),
				   line, whatlen) == 0) {
			    /* An already known field we are recording. */
			    lastm = m;
			    field_skip = FALSE;
			    field_name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(what, lastm));
			    if(has_fold_excludes) {
				field_fold =
			    if(field_fold) {
				offset = regmatch[0].rm_eo;
				/* Also remove trailing whitespace. */
				if((tre_regexecb(&trailblank, line, 1,
						 regmatch, 0) == 0))
				    line[regmatch[0].rm_so] = '\0';
			    } else {
				offset = 0;
			    SET_STRING_ELT(retval, m + nwhat * k,
					   mkChar(line + offset));
			} else {
			    /* This is a field, but not one prespecified */
			    lastm = -1;
			    field_skip = TRUE;
		    if(dynwhat && (lastm == -1)) {
			/* A previously unseen field and we are
			 * recording all fields */
			field_skip = FALSE;
			PROTECT(what2 = allocVector(STRSXP, nwhat+1));
			PROTECT(retval2 = allocMatrixNA(STRSXP,
			if(nwhat > 0) {
			    copyVector(what2, what);
			    for(nr = 0; nr < nrows(retval); nr++){
				for(nc = 0; nc < ncols(retval); nc++){
				    SET_STRING_ELT(retval2, nr+nc*nrows(retval2),
			retval = retval2;
			what = what2;
			/* Make sure enough space was used */
			need = (int) (Rf_strchr(line, ':') - line + 1);
			if(buflen < need){
			    char *tmp = (char *) realloc(buf, need);
			    if(!tmp) {
				error(_("could not allocate memory for 'read.dcf'"));
			    } else buf = tmp;
			    buflen = need;
			strncpy(buf, line, Rf_strchr(line, ':') - line);
			buf[Rf_strchr(line, ':') - line] = '\0';
			SET_STRING_ELT(what, nwhat, mkChar(buf));
			/* lastm uses C indexing, hence nwhat - 1 */
			lastm = nwhat - 1;
			field_name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(what, lastm));
			if(has_fold_excludes) {
			    field_fold =
			offset = regmatch[0].rm_eo;
			if(field_fold) {
			    /* Also remove trailing whitespace. */
			    if((tre_regexecb(&trailblank, line, 1,
					     regmatch, 0) == 0))
				line[regmatch[0].rm_so] = '\0';
			SET_STRING_ELT(retval, lastm + nwhat * k,
				       mkChar(line + offset));
		} else {
		    /* Must be a regular line with no tag ... */
		    line[20] = '\0';
		    error(_("Line starting '%s ...' is malformed!"), line);
    if(!wasopen) {endcontext(&cntxt); con->close(con);}

    if(!blank_skip) k++;

    /* and now transpose the whole matrix */
    PROTECT(retval2 = allocMatrixNA(STRSXP, k, LENGTH(what)));
    copyMatrix(retval2, retval, 1);

    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    PROTECT(dims = allocVector(INTSXP, 2));
    INTEGER(dims)[0] = k;
    INTEGER(dims)[1] = LENGTH(what);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1, what);
    setAttrib(retval2, R_DimSymbol, dims);
    setAttrib(retval2, R_DimNamesSymbol, dimnames);
Пример #6
 ~BackendBase() {
   if (Robject != R_NilValue) { UNPROTECT_PTR(Robject); }
Пример #7
/* just the interface function */	
SEXP computeStandardEyemeasuresExt(SEXP positionsArg, SEXP fixationTimesArg, 
				   SEXP fixationStartArg, SEXP fixationEndArg,
				   SEXP trialIdArg, SEXP trialInfoArg,
				   SEXP nrOfROIsArg, SEXP nrOfTrialsArg,
				   SEXP cutoffArg, SEXP cutoffLengthArg, 
				   SEXP regressiveFirstPassArg, SEXP useTimeIntervalsArg)
	/* process arguments */
	CStandardMeasures m(positionsArg, fixationTimesArg, 
					fixationStartArg, fixationEndArg,
					trialIdArg, trialInfoArg,
					nrOfROIsArg, nrOfTrialsArg, 
					cutoffArg, cutoffLengthArg, 
					useTimeIntervalsArg );
	bool regressiveFirstPass = LOGICAL_VALUE(regressiveFirstPassArg);

	int nrOfTrials = INTEGER_VALUE(nrOfTrialsArg);
	if(nrOfTrials < 0) nrOfTrials = 0;
	/* do computations */

	// handle returning stuff
	SEXP listRet, listNamesRet;
	const int resultVectorsCnt = 1 + 14; // 1 extra for roi
	// set the names vector
	SPROTECT(listNamesRet = allocVector(STRSXP, resultVectorsCnt+length(trialInfoArg))); 
	SPROTECT(listRet = allocVector(VECSXP, resultVectorsCnt+length(trialInfoArg)));
	// add info elements
	SEXP trialInfoNames = getAttrib(trialInfoArg, R_NamesSymbol);
	int rListAppendCnt=0;
	for( int i=0; i < length(trialInfoArg); i++) 
		APPEND_RET_VEC ( CHAR(STRING_ELT(trialInfoNames, i)), m.trialInfoR[i]);

	// add result vectors
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "roi",  m.positionsR); // attaching ROIs vector to list
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "FFD",  m.ffdR);       // FFD (first fixation duration)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "FFP",  m.ffpR);       // FFP (first fixation progressive)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "SFD",  m.sfdR);       // SFD (single fixation duration)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "FPRT", m.fprtR);      // FPRT (first pass reading time / gaze duration)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RBRT", m.rbrtR);      // RBRT (right bounded reading time)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "TFT",  m.tftR);       // TFT (total fixation time)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RPD",  m.rpdR);       // RPD (regression path duration)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "CRPD", m.crpdR);      // CRPD (cumulative regression path duration)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RRT",  m.rrtR);       // RRT (re-reading time)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RRTP", m.rrtpR);      // RRTP (re-reading time progressive)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RRTR", m.rrtrR);      // RRTR (re-reading time regressive)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "RBRC", m.rbrcR);      // RBRC (first-pass regression count)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "TRC",  m.trcR);       // TRC (total regression count)
	APPEND_RET_VEC( "LPRT", m.lprtR);      // LPRT (last pass reading time)
   	setAttrib(listRet, R_NamesSymbol, listNamesRet); //and attaching the vector names

Пример #8
SEXP PartitionedLeaping(SEXP pre, SEXP post, SEXP h, SEXP M, SEXP T, SEXP delta,
			SEXP runs, SEXP place, SEXP transition, SEXP ect, SEXP rho)
  int k;
  double dTmp;

#ifdef RB_TIME
  clock_t c0, c1;
  c0 = clock();

  // Get dimensions of pre
  int *piTmp = INTEGER(getAttrib(pre, R_DimSymbol));
  int iTransitions = piTmp[0], iPlaces = piTmp[1];

  int *piPre = INTEGER(pre), *piPost = INTEGER(post);

  SEXP sexpTmp;

  int iTransition, iPlace, iTransitionPtr, iPlacePtr,
    iTransition2, iPlace2, iTransitionPtr2, iPlacePtr2;

  // Find out which elements of h are doubles and which functions
  SEXP sexpFunction;
  PROTECT(sexpFunction = allocVector(VECSXP, iTransitions));
  double *pdH = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));
  DL_FUNC *pCFunction = (DL_FUNC *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(DL_FUNC *));
  int *piHzType = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    if (inherits(sexpTmp = VECTOR_ELT(h, iTransition), "NativeSymbol")) {
      pCFunction[iTransition] = (void *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(sexpTmp);
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_CFUNCTION;    
    } else if (isNumeric(sexpTmp)){
      pdH[iTransition] = REAL(sexpTmp)[0];
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_DOUBLE;
    } else  if (isFunction(sexpTmp)) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpFunction, iTransition, lang1(sexpTmp));
      piHzType[iTransition] = HZ_RFUNCTION;
    } else {
      error("Unrecongnized transition function type\n");

  // Setup Matrix S
  int *piS = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  int *piSSATransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int *piTauLeapTransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int *piCLETransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int *piDetermTransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int iSSATransitions, iTauLeapTransitions, iCLETransitions, iDetermTransitions;

  int *piSlowTransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int *piFastTransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));
  int iSlowTransitions = 0, iFastTransitions = 0;

  // Position of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piPreNZxRow = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piPreNZxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  // Position of non zero cells in S per transition
  int *piSNZxRow = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of non zero cells in S per transition
  int *piSNZxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  int *piOrderedTransition = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int *));

  for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
    int iPreNZxRow_col = 0;
    int iSNZxRow_col = 0;
    for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
      if (piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPreNZxRow_col++] = iPlace;
      if ((piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] = 
	   piPost[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] - piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace])) {
	piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iSNZxRow_col++] = iPlace;
    piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition] = iPreNZxRow_col;
    piSNZxRowTot[iTransition] = iSNZxRow_col;

  int *piSNZxCol = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  int *piSNZxColTot = (int *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  int *piPreNZxCol = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  int *piPreNZxColTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
    int iSNZxCol_row = 0;
    int iPreNZxCol_row = 0;
    for (iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
      if(piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	piSNZxCol[iSNZxCol_row++ + iTransitions * iPlace] = iTransition;
      if(piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	piPreNZxCol[iPreNZxCol_row++ + iTransitions * iPlace] = iTransition;
    piSNZxColTot[iPlace] = iSNZxCol_row;
    piPreNZxColTot[iPlace] = iPreNZxCol_row;

  double *pdG = (double *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(double));

  for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
    int iHOR = 0;
    pdG[iPlace] = 0;
    for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < piPreNZxColTot[iPlace]; iTransitionPtr++) {
      iTransition = piPreNZxCol[iTransitionPtr + iTransitions * iPlace];
      int iThisHOR = 0, iThisHORPlace = 0;
      for(iPlacePtr2 = 0; iPlacePtr2 < piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr2++) {
	iPlace2 = piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr2];
	iThisHOR += piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace2];
	if (iPlace2 == iPlace)
	  iThisHORPlace = piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace2];
      if (iThisHOR >= iHOR) {
	double dThisG = 0;
	switch (iThisHOR) {
	case 0:
	  // dThisG = 0;
	case 1:
	  dThisG = 1;
	case 2:
	  if (iThisHORPlace == 1)
	    dThisG = 2;
	  else if (iThisHORPlace == 2)
	    dThisG = 3;
	    error("G: case not considered\n");
	case 3:
	  if (iThisHORPlace == 1)
	    dThisG = 3;
	  else if (iThisHORPlace == 2)
	    dThisG = 9./2.;
	  else if (iThisHORPlace == 3)
	    dThisG = 11./2.;
	    error("G: case not considered\n");
	  error("G: case not considered\n");
	iHOR = iThisHOR;
	if (dThisG > pdG[iPlace])
	  pdG[iPlace] = dThisG;

  int *piSlowPlace = (int *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  int *piFastPlace = (int *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  int iSlowPlaces = 0, iFastPlaces = 0;

  // Position of non zero cells in S per place
  int *piFastSNZxCol = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  // Totals of non zero cells in S per place
  int *piFastSNZxColTot = (int *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(int));

  // Position of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piSlowPreNZxCol = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions * iPlaces, sizeof(int));
  // Totals of non zero cells in pre per transition
  int *piSlowPreNZxColTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
    int iFastSNZxCol_row = 0;
    int iFastPlace = FALSE;
    for (iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iFastTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
      iTransition = piFastTransition[iTransitionPtr];
      if(piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	iFastPlace = TRUE;
	piFastSNZxCol[iFastSNZxCol_row++ + iTransitions * iPlace] = iTransition;
    piFastSNZxColTot[iPlace] = iFastSNZxCol_row;
    if (iFastPlace)
      piFastPlace[iFastPlaces++] = iPlace;

    int iSlowPreNZxCol_row = 0;
    int iSlowPlace = FALSE;
    for (iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSlowTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
      iTransition = piSlowTransition[iTransitionPtr];
      if(piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	iSlowPlace = TRUE;
	piSlowPreNZxCol[iSlowPreNZxCol_row++ + iTransitions * iPlace] = iTransition;
    piSlowPreNZxColTot[iPlace] = iSlowPreNZxCol_row;
    if (iSlowPlace)
      piSlowPlace[iSlowPlaces++] = iPlace;

  // Hazards that need to be recalculated if a given transition has happened
  int *piHazardsToModxRow = (int *) R_alloc((iTransitions + 2) * iTransitions, sizeof(int));

  // Totals of hazards to recalculate for each transition that has happened
  int *piHazardsToModxRowTot = (int *) R_alloc(iTransitions + 2, sizeof(int));
  piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransitions + 1] = 0;

  for (iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSlowTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
    iTransition = piSlowTransition[iTransitionPtr];

    int iSlowTransitionHazardUpdatedByFastPlace = FALSE;
    int iHazardToCompTot = 0;

    for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {

      if (piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	// Identify the transitions that need the hazards recalculated
	for(iTransitionPtr2 = 0; iTransitionPtr2 < piSlowPreNZxColTot[iPlace]; iTransitionPtr2++) {
	  iTransition2 = piSlowPreNZxCol[iTransitionPtr2 + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  int iAddThis = TRUE;
	  for (k = 0; k < iHazardToCompTot; k++) {
	    if(piHazardsToModxRow[iTransition + (iTransitions + 2) * k] == iTransition2) {
	      iAddThis = FALSE;
	  if (iAddThis)
	    piHazardsToModxRow[iTransition + (iTransitions + 2) * iHazardToCompTot++] = iTransition2;
      // Which slow transitions hazard have to be recalculated after updating the fast places.
      if (!iSlowTransitionHazardUpdatedByFastPlace && piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]) {
	for(iPlacePtr2 = 0; iPlacePtr2 < iFastPlaces; iPlacePtr2++) {
	  iPlace2 = piFastPlace[iPlacePtr2];
	  if (iPlace2 == iPlace) {
	    iSlowTransitionHazardUpdatedByFastPlace = TRUE;
	    piHazardsToModxRow[iTransitions + 1 + 
			       (iTransitions + 2) * piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransitions + 1]++] = iTransition;

    piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransition] = iHazardToCompTot;
  // For the initial calculation of all hazards...
  for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSlowTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
    iTransition = piSlowTransition[iTransitionPtr];
    piHazardsToModxRow[iTransitions + (iTransitions + 2) * iTransitionPtr] = iTransition;
  piHazardsToModxRowTot[iTransitions] = iSlowTransitions;

  SEXP sexpTmpCrntMarking;
  PROTECT(sexpTmpCrntMarking = allocVector(REALSXP, iPlaces));
  double *pdTmpCrntMarking = REAL(sexpTmpCrntMarking);

  SEXP sexpCrntMarking;
  PROTECT(sexpCrntMarking = allocVector(REALSXP, iPlaces));
  double *pdCrntMarking = REAL(sexpCrntMarking);
  double *pdBakCrntMarking = (double *) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(double));

  double dDelta = *REAL(delta);
  int iTotalSteps, iSectionSteps;
  double dT = 0;
  void *pCManage_time = 0;
  SEXP sexpRManage_time = 0;
  if (inherits(T, "NativeSymbol")) {
    pCManage_time = (void *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(T);
    dT = ((double(*)(double, double *)) pCManage_time)(-1, pdCrntMarking);
  } else if (isNumeric(T)){

    dT = *REAL(T);
  } else if (isFunction(T)) {
    PROTECT(sexpRManage_time = lang1(T));

    defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
    PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
    *REAL(sexpTmp) = -1;
    defineVar(install("StartTime"), sexpTmp, rho);
    dT = *REAL(VECTOR_ELT(eval(sexpRManage_time, rho),0));
  } else {
    error("Unrecognized time function type\n");
  iTotalSteps = iSectionSteps = (int)(dT / dDelta) + 1;

  int iRun, iRuns = *INTEGER(runs);

  // Hazard vector
  double *pdHazard = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));

  SEXP sexpRun;
  PROTECT(sexpRun = allocVector(VECSXP, iRuns));

  int iTotalUsedRandomNumbers = 0;

  // DiscTime Vector
  SEXP sexpD_time;
  PROTECT(sexpD_time = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotalSteps));
  double *pdDiscTime = REAL(sexpD_time);
  dTmp = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < iTotalSteps; k++) {
    pdDiscTime[k] = dTmp;
    dTmp += dDelta;

  SEXP sexpMarkingRowNames;
  PROTECT(sexpMarkingRowNames = allocVector(INTSXP, iTotalSteps));
  piTmp = INTEGER(sexpMarkingRowNames);
  for (k = 0; k < iTotalSteps; k++)
    piTmp[k] = k+1;

  double **ppdMarking = (double **) R_alloc(iPlaces, sizeof(double *));

  double *pdIncr = (double *) R_alloc(INCR_TO_SAVE, sizeof(double));
  double *pdIncrTime = (double *) R_alloc(INCR_TO_SAVE, sizeof(double));
  double *pdAcumHazard = (double *) R_alloc(INCR_TO_SAVE, sizeof(double));
  double *pdIntHazard = (double *) R_alloc(INCR_TO_SAVE, sizeof(double));
  double *pdIntHazardTime = (double *) R_alloc(INCR_TO_SAVE, sizeof(double));

  double *pdSSARescaling = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));
  double *pdSSATau = (double *) R_alloc(iTransitions, sizeof(double));
  double dEpsilon = 0.03;
  double dApproxEqualOne = 3;
  double dGreaterGreaterOne = 100;

  for (iRun = 0; iRun < iRuns; iRun++) {

    int iTotIntHazardTime = 0, iTotIncrTime = 0;
    int iUsedRandomNumbers = 0;
    Rprintf("%d ", iRun+1);

    // Totals for kind of transition vector
    SEXP sexpTotXTransition;
    PROTECT(sexpTotXTransition = allocVector(INTSXP, iTransitions));
    int *piTotTransitions = INTEGER(sexpTotXTransition);

    for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
      piTotTransitions[iTransition] = 0;
      pdSSARescaling[iTransition] = -1;
    for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSlowTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
      piOrderedTransition[iTransitionPtr] = piSlowTransition[iTransitionPtr];
    SEXP sexpMarking;
    PROTECT(sexpMarking = allocVector(VECSXP, iPlaces));
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_NamesSymbol, place);
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_RowNamesSymbol, sexpMarkingRowNames);
    //setAttrib(sexpMarking, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("data.frame")));

    // Setup initial state
    double *pdTmp = REAL(M);
    for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpMarking, iPlace, sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotalSteps));
      ppdMarking[iPlace] = REAL(sexpTmp);

      pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdBakCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdTmp[iPlace];

    double dTime, dTarget = 0;
    int iTotTransitions = 0;
    int iStep = 0;
    int iInterruptCnt = 10000000;
    double dNewHazard = 0;
    do {
      if (iStep) {
	for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	  pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = ppdMarking[iPlace][iStep];

      if (pCManage_time || sexpRManage_time) {
	double dEnd = 0;
	if (pCManage_time) {
	  dEnd = ((double(*)(double, double *)) pCManage_time)(dTarget, pdCrntMarking);
	} else {
	  defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
	  PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
	  *REAL(sexpTmp) = dTarget;
	  defineVar(install("StartTime"), sexpTmp, rho);

	  sexpTmp = eval(sexpRManage_time, rho);
	  dEnd = *REAL(VECTOR_ELT(sexpTmp,0));
	  for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	    pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(sexpTmp,1))[iPlace];
	iSectionSteps = (int)(dEnd / dDelta) + 1;

      for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	pdBakCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdTmpCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdCrntMarking[iPlace];

      dTime = dTarget;

      for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
	pdHazard[iTransition] = 0;

      do {
	// Get hazards for all transitions.
	for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {
	  switch(piHzType[iTransition]) {
	  case HZ_DOUBLE:
	    dNewHazard = pdH[iTransition];
	    for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piPreNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
	      iPlace = piPreNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
	      for (k = 0; k < piPre[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace]; k++)
		dNewHazard *= (pdCrntMarking[iPlace] - k) / (double)(k+1);
	  case HZ_CFUNCTION:	
	    dNewHazard = ((double(*)(double *)) pCFunction[iTransition])(pdCrntMarking);
	    // case HZ_RFUNCTION:
	    defineVar(install("y"), sexpCrntMarking, rho);
	    dNewHazard = REAL(eval(VECTOR_ELT(sexpFunction, iTransition), rho))[0];
	  // dAcumHazard += dNewHazard - pdHazard[iTransition];
	  pdHazard[iTransition] = dNewHazard;
	for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++)  // Save Marking
	  pdBakCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdCrntMarking[iPlace];
	double dTau = DBL_MAX;
	// Initial value of Tau
	for (iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	  double dMHat = 0, dSigmaHatSq = 0;
	  for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < piSNZxColTot[iPlace]; iTransitionPtr++) {
	    iTransition = piSNZxCol[iTransitionPtr + iTransitions * iPlace];
	    dMHat += (dTmp = piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace] * pdHazard[iTransition]);
	    dSigmaHatSq += dTmp * piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  double dE;
	  if ((dE = dEpsilon * pdCrntMarking[iPlace] / pdG[iPlace]) < 1)
	    dE = 1;
	  double dTLeap;
	  if ((dTLeap = dE/fabs(dMHat)) > (dTmp = dE*dE/dSigmaHatSq))
	    dTLeap = dTmp;
	  if (dTLeap < dTau)
	    dTau = dTLeap;
	//double dLogRandom = -log(unif_rand());
	//double dSSATau = DBL_MAX;
	int iNextSSATransition;

	int iLoop = TRUE;
	while (iLoop) {
	  // Classify transitions
	  iSSATransitions = iTauLeapTransitions = iCLETransitions = iDetermTransitions = 0;
	  // dAcumHazard = 0;

	  iNextSSATransition = -1;
	  double dSSATau = DBL_MAX;

	  for(iTransition = 0; iTransition < iTransitions; iTransition++) {

	    if (pdHazard[iTransition] < ZERO)
	    if ((dTmp = pdHazard[iTransition] * dTau) < dApproxEqualOne) {
	      piSSATransition[iSSATransitions++] = iTransition;
	      // dAcumHazard += pdHazard[iTransition];
	      if (pdSSARescaling[iTransition] > 0) // Rescale
		pdSSATau[iTransition] = pdSSARescaling[iTransition] / pdHazard[iTransition];
	      else { // Need to generate random number
		pdSSATau[iTransition] = -log(unif_rand()) / pdHazard[iTransition];
		pdSSARescaling[iTransition] = pdHazard[iTransition] * pdSSATau[iTransition];
	      if (pdSSATau[iTransition] < dSSATau) {
		iNextSSATransition = iTransition;
		dSSATau = pdSSATau[iTransition];
	    } else if (dTmp < dGreaterGreaterOne) {
	      piTauLeapTransition[iTauLeapTransitions++] = iTransition;
	    } else if (sqrt(dTmp) < dGreaterGreaterOne) {
	      piCLETransition[iCLETransitions++] = iTransition;
	    } else {
	      piDetermTransition[iDetermTransitions++] = iTransition;
	  if (iNextSSATransition >= 0) {
	    // dSSATau = dLogRandom / dAcumHazard;
	    if (iSSATransitions && !(iTauLeapTransitions + iCLETransitions + iDetermTransitions)) // If all (possible) transitions are SSA
	      dTau = dSSATau;
	    else if (dSSATau < dTau) {	// If SSA fired before dTau
	      dTau = dSSATau;
	      continue;   // Go back to see if anything changed	     
	  if (dSSATau == dTau) { // If an SSA transition fired
	    iTransition = iNextSSATransition;
	    for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
	      iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
	      // Update the state
	      pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
	    double dPartialAcumHazard = 0;
	    // Find out which transition happened
	    double dRnd = runif(0, dAcumHazard);
	    for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSSATransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
	      iTransition = piSSATransition[iTransitionPtr];
	      if (dRnd < (dPartialAcumHazard += pdHazard[iTransition])) {
		for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
		  iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
		  // Update the state
		  pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];

	  int iTransitionFires;
	  // Account for Tau Leaping reactions
	  for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iTauLeapTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
	    iTransition = piTauLeapTransition[iTransitionPtr];
	    if ((iTransitionFires = rpois(pdHazard[iTransition] * dTau))) {
	      for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
		iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
		// Update the state
		pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += iTransitionFires * piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  // Account for CLE reactions
	  for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iTauLeapTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
	    iTransition = piTauLeapTransition[iTransitionPtr];
	    if ((iTransitionFires = fround(pdHazard[iTransition] * dTau + sqrt(pdHazard[iTransition] * dTau) * norm_rand(),0))) {
	      for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
		iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
		// Update the state
		pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += iTransitionFires * piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  // Account for deterministic reactions
	  for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iDetermTransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
	    iTransition = piDetermTransition[iTransitionPtr];
	    if ((iTransitionFires = fround(pdHazard[iTransition] * dTau,0))) {
	      for(iPlacePtr = 0; iPlacePtr < piSNZxRowTot[iTransition]; iPlacePtr++) {
		iPlace = piSNZxRow[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlacePtr];
		// Update the state
		pdCrntMarking[iPlace] += iTransitionFires * piS[iTransition + iTransitions * iPlace];
	  // Check no negative places have been generated
	  for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++)  // Save Marking
	    if (pdCrntMarking[iPlace] < 0)
	  if (iPlace < iPlaces) { // At least one Place is negative. Rollback and reduce Tau by half
	    dTau *= .5;
	    for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++)
	      pdCrntMarking[iPlace] = pdBakCrntMarking[iPlace];
	  } else // Everything is OK. Leave the loop.
	    iLoop = FALSE;
	// Advance the clock
	dTime += dTau;

	// Rescale SSA transitions that didn't fire
	for(iTransitionPtr = 0; iTransitionPtr < iSSATransitions; iTransitionPtr++) {
	  iTransition = piSSATransition[iTransitionPtr];
	  if (iTransition != iNextSSATransition) {
	    pdSSARescaling[iTransition] = pdHazard[iTransition] * (pdSSATau[iTransition] - dTau);
	  } else {
	    pdSSARescaling[iTransition] = -1;
	while (dTime >= dTarget) {
	  // Update the state for the fixed incremented time.
	  for(iPlace = 0; iPlace < iPlaces; iPlace++) {
	    ppdMarking[iPlace][iStep] = pdBakCrntMarking[iPlace];
	  if (++iStep >= iSectionSteps)
	    goto EXIT_LOOP;
	  dTarget += dDelta;

	  // Force check if user interrupted
	  iInterruptCnt = 1;
	if (! --iInterruptCnt) {
	  // Allow user interruption
	  iInterruptCnt = 10000000;
      } while (++iTotTransitions);
    } while (iSectionSteps < iTotalSteps);
    iTotalUsedRandomNumbers += iUsedRandomNumbers;
    Rprintf("\t%d\t%d\t%d", iTotTransitions, iUsedRandomNumbers, iTotalUsedRandomNumbers);
    c1 = clock();
    Rprintf ("\t To go: ");
    PrintfTime((double) (c1 - c0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/(iRun+1)*(iRuns-iRun-1));
    Rprintf ("\n");
    SEXP sexpTotTransitions;
    PROTECT(sexpTotTransitions = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
    INTEGER(sexpTotTransitions)[0] = iTotTransitions;
    SEXP sexpUsedRandomNumbers;
    PROTECT(sexpUsedRandomNumbers = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
    INTEGER(sexpUsedRandomNumbers)[0] = iUsedRandomNumbers;
    SEXP sexpThisRun;
    if (iRun >= 10)
      PROTECT(sexpThisRun = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
      PROTECT(sexpThisRun = allocVector(VECSXP, 9));
    PROTECT(sexpThisRun = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 0, sexpMarking);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 1, sexpTotXTransition);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 2, sexpTotTransitions);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 3, sexpUsedRandomNumbers);
    if (iRun < 10) {
      SEXP sexpTmp;

      PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotIncrTime));
      pdTmp = REAL(sexpTmp);
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < iTotIncrTime; i++)
	pdTmp[i] = pdIncr[i];
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 4, sexpTmp);

      PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotIncrTime));
      pdTmp = REAL(sexpTmp);
      for (i = 0; i < iTotIncrTime; i++)
	pdTmp[i] = pdIncrTime[i];
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 5, sexpTmp);

      PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotIntHazardTime));
      pdTmp = REAL(sexpTmp);
      for (i = 0; i < iTotIntHazardTime; i++)
	pdTmp[i] = pdAcumHazard[i];
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 6, sexpTmp);

      PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotIntHazardTime));
      pdTmp = REAL(sexpTmp);
      for (i = 0; i < iTotIntHazardTime; i++)
	pdTmp[i] = pdIntHazard[i];
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 7, sexpTmp);

      PROTECT(sexpTmp = allocVector(REALSXP, iTotIntHazardTime));
      pdTmp = REAL(sexpTmp);
      for (i = 0; i < iTotIntHazardTime; i++)
	pdTmp[i] = pdIntHazardTime[i];
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpThisRun, 8, sexpTmp);

    SEXP sexpNames;
    if (iRun >= 10)
      PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
      PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 9));
    PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 0, mkChar("M"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 1, mkChar("transitions"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 2, mkChar("tot.transitions"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 3, mkChar("tot.rnd"));
    if (iRun < 10) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 4, mkChar("incr"));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 5, mkChar("incr.time"));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 6, mkChar("hazard"));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 7, mkChar("int.hazard"));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 8, mkChar("int.hazard.time"));
    setAttrib(sexpThisRun, R_NamesSymbol, sexpNames);

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpRun, iRun, sexpThisRun);

  SEXP sexpAns;
  PROTECT(sexpAns = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 0, place);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 1, transition);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 2, sexpD_time);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpAns, 3, sexpRun);

  SEXP sexpNames;
  PROTECT(sexpNames = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 0, mkChar("place"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 1, mkChar("transition"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 2, mkChar("dt"));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(sexpNames, 3, mkChar("run"));
  setAttrib(sexpAns, R_NamesSymbol, sexpNames);

#ifdef RB_TIME
  c1 = clock();
  double dCpuTime = (double) (c1 - c0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  Rprintf ("Elapsed CPU time: ");
  Rprintf ("\t(%fs)\n", dCpuTime);

  if (sexpRManage_time)
