static void telnet_parse( const struct Banner1 *banner1, void *banner1_private, struct ProtocolState *pstate, const unsigned char *px, size_t length, struct BannerOutput *banout, struct InteractiveData *more) { unsigned state = pstate->state; unsigned i; UNUSEDPARM(banner1_private); UNUSEDPARM(banner1); UNUSEDPARM(more); for (i=0; i<length; i++) switch (state) { case 0: if (px[i] == '\r') continue; if (px[i] == '\n' || px[i] == '\0' || !isprint(px[i])) { state++; tcp_close(more); continue; } banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_SSH2, px[i]); break; default: i = (unsigned)length; break; } pstate->state = state; }
/*************************************** ************************************* ****************************************************************************/ static void text_out_banner(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, enum ApplicationProtocol proto, unsigned ttl, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { char banner_buffer[4096]; UNUSEDPARM(out); UNUSEDPARM(ttl); fprintf(fp, "%s %s %u %u.%u.%u.%u %u %s %s\n", "banner", name_from_ip_proto(ip_proto), port, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, (unsigned)timestamp, masscan_app_to_string(proto), normalize_string(px, length, banner_buffer, sizeof(banner_buffer)) ); }
static void ssh_parse( const struct Banner1 *banner1, void *banner1_private, struct Banner1State *pstate, const unsigned char *px, size_t length, char *banner, unsigned *banner_offset, size_t banner_max) { unsigned state = pstate->state; unsigned i; UNUSEDPARM(banner1_private); UNUSEDPARM(banner1); for (i=0; i<length; i++) switch (state) { case 0: if (px[i] == '\r') continue; if (px[i] == '\n' || px[i] == '\0' || !isprint(px[i])) { state = STATE_DONE; continue; } if (*banner_offset < banner_max) banner[(*banner_offset)++] = px[i]; break; default: i = (unsigned)length; break; } pstate->state = state; }
static unsigned null_PCAP_DISPATCH(void *hPcap, unsigned how_many_packets, PCAP_HANDLE_PACKET handler, void *handle_data) { #ifdef STATICPCAP return pcap_dispatch(hPcap, how_many_packets, handler, handle_data); #endif UNUSEDPARM(hPcap);UNUSEDPARM(how_many_packets);UNUSEDPARM(handler);UNUSEDPARM(handle_data); return 0; }
static void * null_PCAP_OPEN_LIVE(const char *devicename, unsigned snap_length, unsigned is_promiscuous, unsigned read_timeout, char *errbuf) { #ifdef STATICPCAP return pcap_open_live(devicename, snap_length, is_promiscuous, read_timeout, errbuf); #endif seterr(errbuf, "libpcap not loaded"); UNUSEDPARM(devicename);UNUSEDPARM(snap_length);UNUSEDPARM(is_promiscuous);UNUSEDPARM(read_timeout); return NULL; }
void perftest_server_to_client_response(struct Adapter *adapter, struct Thread *thread, struct Packet *pkt) { struct TestAdapter *testadapter = (struct TestAdapter *)adapter->userdata; struct PerfTest *perftest = testadapter->parent; UNUSEDPARM(thread); UNUSEDPARM(perftest); }
void extract_item(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, unsigned *r_offset, const unsigned char **r_object, unsigned *r_object_len) { unsigned len; UNUSEDPARM(ferret); if (*r_offset + 1 > length) { FRAMERR(frame, "truncated\n"); *r_offset = length+1; return; } len = px[*r_offset]; (*r_offset)++; if (*r_offset + len > length) len = length-*r_offset; *r_object = px + *r_offset; *r_object_len = len; *r_offset += len; }
static void unicornscan_out_open(struct Output *out, FILE *fp) { UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "#masscan\n"); init_tcp_services(); }
/*************************************** ************************************* ****************************************************************************/ static void text_out_banner(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, enum ApplicationProtocol proto, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { char banner_buffer[4096]; char ip_proto_sz[64]; switch (ip_proto) { case 1: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "icmp"); break; case 6: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "tcp"); break; case 17: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "udp"); break; default: sprintf_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "(%u)", ip_proto); break; } UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "%s %s %u %u.%u.%u.%u %u %s %s\n", "banner", ip_proto_sz, port, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, (unsigned)timestamp, masscan_app_to_string(proto), normalize_string(px, length, banner_buffer, sizeof(banner_buffer)) ); }
unsigned banner_ssh( struct Banner1 *banner1, unsigned state, const unsigned char *px, size_t length, char *banner, unsigned *banner_offset, size_t banner_max) { unsigned i; UNUSEDPARM(banner1); for (i=0; i<length; i++) switch (state) { case 0: if (px[i] == '\r') continue; if (px[i] == '\n' || px[i] == '\0' || !isprint(px[i])) { state = STATE_DONE; continue; } if (*banner_offset < banner_max) banner[(*banner_offset)++] = px[i]; break; default: i = (unsigned)length; break; } return state; }
static void xml_out_status(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, int status, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, unsigned reason, unsigned ttl) { char reason_buffer[128]; UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "<host endtime=\"%u\">" "<address addr=\"%u.%u.%u.%u\" addrtype=\"ipv4\"/>" "<ports>" "<port protocol=\"%s\" portid=\"%u\">" "<state state=\"%s\" reason=\"%s\" reason_ttl=\"%u\"/>" "</port>" "</ports>" "</host>" "\r\n", (unsigned)timestamp, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, name_from_ip_proto(ip_proto), port, status_string(status), reason_string(reason, reason_buffer, sizeof(reason_buffer)), ttl ); }
static void xml_out_banner(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, enum ApplicationProtocol proto, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { char banner_buffer[4096]; UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "<host endtime=\"%u\">" "<address addr=\"%u.%u.%u.%u\" addrtype=\"ipv4\"/>" "<ports>" "<port protocol=\"%s\" portid=\"%u\">" "<service name=\"%s\" banner=\"%s\">" "</service>" "</port>" "</ports>" "</host>" "\r\n", (unsigned)timestamp, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, name_from_ip_proto(ip_proto), port, masscan_app_to_string(proto), normalize_string(px, length, banner_buffer, sizeof(banner_buffer)) ); }
void status_finish(struct Status *status) { UNUSEDPARM(status); fprintf(stderr, " \r"); }
static int null_PCAP_MINOR_VERSION(void *p) { #ifdef STATICPCAP return pcap_minor_version(p); #endif UNUSEDPARM(p); return 0; }
static void null_PCAP_CLOSE(void *hPcap) { #ifdef STATICPCAP pcap_close(hPcap); return; #endif UNUSEDPARM(hPcap); }
static void null_PCAP_FREEALLDEVS(pcap_if_t *alldevs) { #ifdef STATICPCAP return pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); #endif UNUSEDPARM(alldevs); return; }
static unsigned null_PCAP_DATALINK(void *hPcap) { #ifdef STATICPCAP return pcap_datalink(hPcap); #endif UNUSEDPARM(hPcap); return 0; }
/**************************************************************************** * Prints out "banner" information for a port. This is done when there is * a protocol defined for a port, and we do some interaction to find out * more information about which protocol is running on a port, it's version, * and other useful information. ****************************************************************************/ static void null_out_banner(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, enum ApplicationProtocol proto, unsigned ttl, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { UNUSEDPARM(ttl); UNUSEDPARM(timestamp); UNUSEDPARM(out); UNUSEDPARM(fp); UNUSEDPARM(ip); UNUSEDPARM(ip_proto); UNUSEDPARM(port); UNUSEDPARM(proto); UNUSEDPARM(px); UNUSEDPARM(length); }
static void unicornscan_out_status(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, int status, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, unsigned reason, unsigned ttl) { UNUSEDPARM(reason); UNUSEDPARM(out); UNUSEDPARM(timestamp); if (ip_proto == 6) { fprintf(fp,"TCP open\t%16s[%5d]\t\tfrom %u.%u.%u.%u ttl %-3d\n", tcp_services[port], port, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, ttl); }
/**************************************************************************** * Prints out the status of a port, which is almost always just "open" * or "closed". ****************************************************************************/ static void null_out_status(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, int status, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, unsigned reason, unsigned ttl) { UNUSEDPARM(timestamp); UNUSEDPARM(out); UNUSEDPARM(fp); UNUSEDPARM(status); UNUSEDPARM(ip_proto); UNUSEDPARM(ip); UNUSEDPARM(port); UNUSEDPARM(reason); UNUSEDPARM(ttl); }
void process_icmp(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned type = px[0]; unsigned code = px[1]; unsigned checksum = ex16be(px+2); UNUSEDPARM(length); UNUSEDPARM(frame); UNUSEDPARM(checksum); ferret->statistics.icmp++; frame->layer4_protocol = LAYER4_ICMP; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("TEST","icmp"), JOT_NUM("type",type), JOT_NUM("code",code), 0); }
static void text_out_status(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, int status, unsigned ip, unsigned port, unsigned reason, unsigned ttl) { UNUSEDPARM(ttl); UNUSEDPARM(reason); UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "%s tcp %u %u.%u.%u.%u %u\n", status_string(status), port, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, (unsigned)timestamp ); }
void handle_arp(struct Output *out, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, struct PreprocessedInfo *parsed) { unsigned ip_them; UNUSEDPARM(length); UNUSEDPARM(px); ip_them = parsed->ip_src[0]<<24 | parsed->ip_src[1]<<16 | parsed->ip_src[2]<< 8 | parsed->ip_src[3]<<0; output_report_status( out, Port_ArpOpen, ip_them, 0, 0, 0); }
static void text_out_status(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, time_t timestamp, int status, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, unsigned reason, unsigned ttl) { const char *service = port_to_service(port, ip_proto); UNUSEDPARM(ttl); UNUSEDPARM(reason); UNUSEDPARM(out); fprintf(fp, "%s %s %u %u.%u.%u.%u %u %s\n", status_string(status), name_from_ip_proto(ip_proto), port, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, (unsigned)timestamp, service ); fflush(fp); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned cpu_count; UNUSEDPARM(argc); UNUSEDPARM(argv); /* Grab the number of CPUs. We want to run benchmarks on as many CPUs as * possible in order to test scaling */ cpu_count = pixie_cpu_get_count(); /* Print OS, version, CPU, etc. */ print_version(); /* * Print header information */ printf(" ,CPUs, Mm/sec, Total, nsecs\n"); //alloc_all(); bench_mainmem(cpu_count, MemBench_MaxRateHuge); bench_mainmem(cpu_count, MemBench_PointerChaseHuge); //bench_mainmem(cpu_count, MemBench_CmovChase); bench_mainmem(cpu_count, MemBench_MaxRate); bench_mainmem(cpu_count, MemBench_PointerChase); bench_cache_bounce(cpu_count, CacheBench_Add); bench_cache_bounce(cpu_count, CacheBench_LockedAdd); bench_cache_bounce(cpu_count, CacheBench_MutexAdd); bench_syscall(cpu_count); bench_funcall(cpu_count, add_two_numbers); bench_msgrate_pipe(cpu_count); bench_msgrate_ring(cpu_count); return 1; }
void process_icmpv6(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { unsigned type = px[0]; unsigned code = px[1]; unsigned checksum = ex16be(px+2); UNUSEDPARM(length); UNUSEDPARM(frame); UNUSEDPARM(checksum); frame->layer4_protocol = LAYER4_ICMP; JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_SZ("TEST","icmp"), JOT_NUM("type",type), JOT_NUM("code",code), 0); if (frame->dst_ipv6[0] == 0xFF) JOTDOWN(ferret, JOT_MACADDR("ID-MAC", frame->src_mac), JOT_IPv6("ipv6", frame->src_ipv6, 16), 0); }
static void process_ldap_search_request(struct Ferret *ferret, struct NetFrame *frame, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length, struct LDAP *ldap) { unsigned offset = 0; UNUSEDPARM(ferret); asn1_string(frame, px, length, &offset, &ldap->basedn, &ldap->basedn_length); ldap->scope = asn1_enumerated(frame, px, length, &offset); ldap->dereference = asn1_enumerated(frame, px, length, &offset); ldap->size_limit = asn1_integer(frame, px, length, &offset); ldap->time_limit = asn1_integer(frame, px, length, &offset); ldap->attribute_only = asn1_boolean(frame, px, length, &offset); process_ldap_filter(frame, px, length, &offset, &ldap->filter); }
static struct Packet selftest_alloc_packet(struct Adapter *adapter, struct Thread *thread) { struct TestAdapter *testadapter = (struct TestAdapter *)adapter->userdata; struct Packet pkt; UNUSEDPARM(thread); pkt.buf = testadapter->buf; pkt.max = sizeof(testadapter->buf); pkt.offset = 0; = 0; pkt.fixup.transport = 0; return pkt; }
const struct AdapterListItem * adapter_list(unsigned *r_count) { static struct AdapterListItem list[64]; static unsigned count; unsigned i; UNUSEDPARM(r_count); /* Free the old list */ for (i=0; i<count; i++) { free(list[i].adapter_name); free(list[i].driver); } return 0; }
static void xml_out_banner(struct Output *out, FILE *fp, unsigned ip, unsigned ip_proto, unsigned port, unsigned proto, const unsigned char *px, unsigned length) { char banner_buffer[1024]; char ip_proto_sz[64]; UNUSEDPARM(out); switch (ip_proto) { case 1: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "icmp"); break; case 6: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "tcp"); break; case 17: strcpy_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "udp"); break; default: sprintf_s(ip_proto_sz, sizeof(ip_proto_sz), "(%u)", ip_proto); break; } fprintf(fp, "<host endtime=\"%u\">" "<address addr=\"%u.%u.%u.%u\" addrtype=\"ipv4\"/>" "<ports>" "<port protocol=\"%s\" portid=\"%u\">" "<service name=\"%s\">" "<banner>%s</banner>" "</service>" "</port>" "</ports>" "</host>" "\r\n", (unsigned)global_now, (ip>>24)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>> 8)&0xFF, (ip>> 0)&0xFF, ip_proto_sz, port, proto_string(proto), normalize_string(px, length, banner_buffer, sizeof(banner_buffer)) ); }