void hp_status(struct hp_block *qm) { struct hp_frag* f; unsigned int i,j; unsigned int h; int unused; unsigned long size; LM_GEN1(memdump, "hp_status (%p):\n", qm); if (!qm) return; LM_GEN1(memdump, " heap size= %ld\n", qm->size); #ifdef STATISTICS LM_GEN1(memdump, " used= %lu, used+overhead=%lu, free=%lu\n", qm->used, qm->real_used, qm->size-qm->used); LM_GEN1(memdump, " max used (+overhead)= %lu\n", qm->max_real_used); #endif LM_GEN1(memdump, "dumping free list:\n"); for(h=0,i=0,size=0; h<HP_HASH_SIZE; h++) { unused=0; for (f=qm->free_hash[h].first,j=0; f; size+=f->size,f=f->u.nxt_free,i++,j++) { } if (j) LM_GEN1(memdump,"hash = %3d fragments no.: %5d, unused: %5d\n\t\t" " bucket size: %9lu - %9lu (first %9lu)\n", h, j, unused, UN_HASH(h), ((h<=HP_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO)?1:2)* UN_HASH(h), qm->free_hash[h].first->size ); if (j!=qm->free_hash[h].no) { LM_CRIT("different free frag. count: %d!=%ld" " for hash %3d\n", j, qm->free_hash[h].no, h); } } LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %6d free fragments = %6lu free bytes\n", i, size); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %ld large bytes\n", qm->large_space ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %u overhead\n", (unsigned int)FRAG_OVERHEAD ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "-----------------------------\n"); }
void update_shm_stats(struct hp_block *hpb) { struct hp_frag_lnk *bucket, *it; int i, j, used_mem; unsigned long in_use_frags; long size = 0; lock_get(hp_stats_lock); hpb->used = hpb->real_used = hpb->total_fragments = 0; for (i = 0, bucket = hpb->free_hash; bucket < &hpb->free_hash[HP_HASH_SIZE]; i++, bucket++) { size = UN_HASH(i); if (!bucket->is_optimized) { in_use_frags = bucket->total_no - bucket->no; used_mem = in_use_frags * size; hpb->used += used_mem; hpb->real_used += used_mem + bucket->total_no * FRAG_OVERHEAD; hpb->total_fragments += bucket->total_no; } else { for (j = 0, it = &hpb->free_hash[HP_HASH_SIZE + i * shm_secondary_hash_size]; j < shm_secondary_hash_size; j++, it++) { in_use_frags = it->total_no - it->no; used_mem = in_use_frags * size; hpb->used += used_mem; hpb->real_used += used_mem + it->total_no * FRAG_OVERHEAD; hpb->total_fragments += it->total_no; } } } if (hpb->real_used > hpb->max_real_used) hpb->max_real_used = hpb->real_used; LM_DBG("updated shm statistics: [ us: %ld | rus: %ld | frags: %ld ]\n", hpb->used, hpb->real_used, hpb->total_fragments); gettimeofday(&hpb->last_updated, NULL); lock_release(hp_stats_lock); }
/* fills a malloc info structure with info about the block * if a parameter is not supported, it will be filled with 0 */ void fm_info(struct fm_block* qm, struct mem_info* info) { unsigned int r; long total_frags; #if !defined(DBG_F_MALLOC) && !defined(STATISTICS) struct fm_frag* f; #endif memset(info,0, sizeof(*info)); total_frags=0; info->total_size=qm->size; info->min_frag=MIN_FRAG_SIZE; #if defined(DBG_F_MALLOC) || defined(STATISTICS) info->free=qm->size-qm->real_used; info->used=qm->used; info->real_used=qm->real_used; info->max_used=qm->max_real_used; for(r=0;r<F_HASH_SIZE; r++){ total_frags+=qm->free_hash[r].no; } #else /* we'll have to compute it all */ for (r=0; r<=F_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO; r++){ info->free+=qm->free_hash[r].no*UN_HASH(r); total_frags+=qm->free_hash[r].no; } for(;r<F_HASH_SIZE; r++){ total_frags+=qm->free_hash[r].no; for(f=qm->free_hash[r].first;f;f=f->u.nxt_free){ info->free+=f->size; } } info->real_used=info->total_size-info->free; info->used=0; /* we don't really now */ info->max_used=0; /* we don't really now */ #endif info->total_frags=total_frags; }
int split_frag(struct qm_block* qm, struct qm_frag* f, unsigned long new_size) #endif { unsigned long rest; struct qm_frag* n; struct qm_frag_end* end; rest=f->size-new_size; #ifdef MEM_FRAG_AVOIDANCE if ((rest> (FRAG_OVERHEAD+QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE))|| (rest>=(FRAG_OVERHEAD+new_size))){/* the residue fragm. is big enough*/ #else if (rest>(FRAG_OVERHEAD+MIN_FRAG_SIZE)){ #endif f->size=new_size; /*split the fragment*/ end=FRAG_END(f); end->size=new_size; n=(struct qm_frag*)((char*)end+sizeof(struct qm_frag_end)); n->size=rest-FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(n)->size=n->size; FRAG_CLEAR_USED(n); /* never used */ qm->real_used+=FRAG_OVERHEAD; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC end->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; end->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2; /* frag created by malloc, mark it*/ n->file=file; n->func=func; n->line=line; n->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; #endif /* reinsert n in free list*/ qm_insert_free(qm, n); return 0; }else{ /* we cannot split this fragment any more */ return -1; } } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_malloc(struct qm_block* qm, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_malloc(struct qm_block* qm, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; int hash; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC unsigned int list_cntr; list_cntr = 0; LM_GEN1( memlog, "params (%p, %lu), called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, size, file, func, line); #endif /*size must be a multiple of 8*/ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (size>(qm->size-qm->real_used)) return 0; /*search for a suitable free frag*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash, &list_cntr))!=0){ #else if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash))!=0){ #endif /* we found it!*/ /*detach it from the free list*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, f); /*mark it as "busy"*/ f->u.is_free=0; qm->free_hash[hash].no--; /* we ignore split return */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_malloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif qm->real_used+=f->size; qm->used+=f->size; if (qm->max_real_used<qm->real_used) qm->max_real_used=qm->real_used; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; f->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; /* FRAG_END(f)->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; FRAG_END(f)->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2;*/ LM_GEN1( memlog, "params (%p, %lu), returns address %p frag. %p " "(size=%lu) on %d -th hit\n", qm, size, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, list_cntr ); #endif return (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag); } return 0; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void qm_free(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void qm_free(struct qm_block* qm, void* p) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; unsigned long size; #ifdef QM_JOIN_FREE struct qm_frag* next; struct qm_frag* prev; #endif #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1( memlog, "params(%p, %p), called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, file, func, line); if (p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag){ LM_CRIT("bad pointer %p (out of memory block!) - aborting\n", p); abort(); } #endif if (p==0) { LM_WARN("free(0) called\n"); return; } #ifdef QM_JOIN_FREE prev=next=0; #endif f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); if (f->u.is_free){ LM_CRIT("freeing already freed pointer," " first free: %s: %s(%ld) - aborting\n", f->file, f->func, f->line); abort(); } LM_GEN1( memlog, "freeing frag. %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif size=f->size; qm->used-=size; qm->real_used-=size; #ifdef QM_JOIN_FREE /* join packets if possible*/ next=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)next < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) &&( next->u.is_free)){ /* join */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, next); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, next); size+=next->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(next->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ } if (f > qm->first_frag){ prev=FRAG_PREV(f); /* (struct qm_frag*)((char*)f - (struct qm_frag_end*)((char*)f- sizeof(struct qm_frag_end))->size);*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, prev); #endif if (prev->u.is_free){ /*join*/ qm_detach_free(qm, prev); size+=prev->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(prev->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ f=prev; } } f->size=size; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; #endif /* QM_JOIN_FREE*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; #endif qm_insert_free(qm, f); } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_realloc(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_realloc(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; unsigned long diff; unsigned long orig_size; struct qm_frag* n; void* ptr; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1( memlog, "params (%p, %p, %lu), called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, size, file, func, line); if ((p)&&(p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag)){ LM_CRIT("bad pointer %p (out of memory block!) - aborting\n", p); abort(); } #endif if (size==0) { if (p) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif return 0; } if (p==0) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC return qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else return qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); LM_GEN1( memlog, "realloc'ing frag %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); if (f->u.is_free){ LM_CRIT("trying to realloc an already freed " "pointer %p , fragment %p -- aborting\n", p, f); abort(); } #endif /* find first acceptable size */ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (f->size > size){ orig_size=f->size; /* shrink */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1(memlog,"shrinking from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); if(split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line)!=0){ LM_GEN1(memlog,"shrinked successful\n"); #else if(split_frag(qm, f, size)!=0){ #endif /* update used sizes: freed the spitted frag */ qm->real_used-=(orig_size-f->size-FRAG_OVERHEAD); qm->used-=(orig_size-f->size); } }else if (f->size < size){ /* grow */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1( memlog, "growing from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif orig_size=f->size; diff=size-f->size; n=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)n < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) && (n->u.is_free)&&((n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD)>=diff)){ /* join */ qm_detach_free(qm, n); qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(n->size)].no--; /*FIXME: slow*/ f->size+=n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; /* end checks should be ok */ /* split it if necessary */ if (f->size > size ){ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif } qm->real_used+=(f->size-orig_size); qm->used+=(f->size-orig_size); }else{ /* could not join => realloc */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif if (ptr) { /* copy, need by libssl */ memcpy(ptr, p, orig_size); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif } p=ptr; } }else{ /* do nothing */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1(memlog,"doing nothing, same size: %lu - %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1(memlog,"returning %p\n", p); #endif return p; } void qm_status(struct qm_block* qm) { struct qm_frag* f; int i,j; int h; int unused; LM_GEN1(memdump, "qm_status (%p):\n", qm); if (!qm) return; LM_GEN1(memdump, " heap size= %lu\n", qm->size); LM_GEN1(memdump, " used= %lu, used+overhead=%lu, free=%lu\n", qm->used, qm->real_used, qm->size-qm->real_used); LM_GEN1(memdump, " max used (+overhead)= %lu\n", qm->max_real_used); LM_GEN1(memdump, "dumping all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for (f=qm->first_frag, i=0;(char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag_end;f=FRAG_NEXT(f) ,i++){ if (! f->u.is_free){ LM_GEN1(memdump," %3d. %c address=%p frag=%p size=%lu used=%d\n", i, (f->u.is_free)?'a':'N', (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, FRAG_WAS_USED(f)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1(memdump, " %s from %s: %s(%ld)\n", (f->u.is_free)?"freed":"alloc'd", f->file, f->func, f->line); LM_GEN1(memdump, " start check=%lx, end check= %lx, %lx\n", f->check, FRAG_END(f)->check1, FRAG_END(f)->check2); #endif } } LM_GEN1(memdump, "dumping free list stats :\n"); for(h=0,i=0;h<QM_HASH_SIZE;h++){ unused=0; for (f=qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free,j=0; f!=&(qm->free_hash[h].head); f=f->u.nxt_free, i++, j++){ if (!FRAG_WAS_USED(f)){ unused++; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LM_GEN1(memdump, "unused fragm.: hash = %3d, fragment %p," " address %p size %lu, created from %s: %s(%lu)\n", h, f, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f->size, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif } } if (j) LM_GEN1(memdump, "hash= %3d. fragments no.: %5d, unused: %5d\n" "\t\t bucket size: %9lu - %9ld (first %9lu)\n", h, j, unused, UN_HASH(h), ((h<=QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO)?1:2)*UN_HASH(h), qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free->size ); if (j!=qm->free_hash[h].no){ LM_CRIT("different free frag. count: %d!=%lu" " for hash %3d\n", j, qm->free_hash[h].no, h); } } LM_GEN1(memdump, "-----------------------------\n"); } /* fills a malloc info structure with info about the block * if a parameter is not supported, it will be filled with 0 */ void qm_info(struct qm_block* qm, struct mem_info* info) { int r; long total_frags; total_frags=0; memset(info,0, sizeof(*info)); info->total_size=qm->size; info->min_frag=MIN_FRAG_SIZE; info->free=qm->size-qm->real_used; info->used=qm->used; info->real_used=qm->real_used; info->max_used=qm->max_real_used; for(r=0;r<QM_HASH_SIZE; r++){ total_frags+=qm->free_hash[r].no; } info->total_frags=total_frags; }
void hp_status(struct hp_block *hpb) { struct hp_frag *f; int i, j, si, t = 0; int h; LM_GEN1(memdump, "hp_status (%p, ROUNDTO=%ld):\n", hpb, ROUNDTO); if (!hpb) return; LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %ld\n", "HP_HASH_SIZE", HP_HASH_SIZE); LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %ld\n", "HP_EXTRA_HASH_SIZE", HP_HASH_SIZE); LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %ld\n", "HP_TOTAL_SIZE", HP_HASH_SIZE); LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %ld\n", "total_size", hpb->size); #ifdef STATISTICS LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %lu\n%20s : %lu\n%20s : %lu\n", "used", hpb->used, "used+overhead", hpb->real_used, "free", hpb->size - hpb->used); LM_GEN1(memdump, "%20s : %lu\n\n", "max_used (+overhead)", hpb->max_real_used); #endif LM_GEN1(memdump, "Dumping free fragments:\n"); for (h = 0; h < HP_HASH_SIZE; h++) { if (hpb->free_hash[h].is_optimized) { LM_GEN1(memdump, "[ %4d ][ %5d B ][ frags: ", h, h * (int)ROUNDTO); for (si = HP_HASH_SIZE + h * shm_secondary_hash_size, j = 0; j < shm_secondary_hash_size; j++, si++, t++) { SHM_LOCK(si); for (i=0, f=hpb->free_hash[si].first; f; f=f->u.nxt_free, i++, t++) ; SHM_UNLOCK(si); LM_GEN1(memdump, "%s%5d ", j == 0 ? "" : "| ", i); } LM_GEN1(memdump, "]\n"); } else { SHM_LOCK(h); for (i=0, f=hpb->free_hash[h].first; f; f=f->u.nxt_free, i++, t++) ; SHM_UNLOCK(h); if (i == 0) continue; if (h > HP_LINEAR_HASH_SIZE) { LM_GEN1(memdump, "[ %4d ][ %8d B -> %7d B ][ frags: %5d ]\n", h, (int)UN_HASH(h), (int)UN_HASH(h+1) - (int)ROUNDTO, i); } else LM_GEN1(memdump, "[ %4d ][ %5d B ][ frags: %5d ]\n", h, h * (int)ROUNDTO, i); } } LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %6d free fragments\n", t); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %ld large bytes\n", hpb->large_space ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %u overhead\n", (unsigned int)FRAG_OVERHEAD ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "-----------------------------\n"); }
void fm_status(struct fm_block* qm) { struct fm_frag* f; unsigned int i,j; unsigned int h; int unused; unsigned long size; #ifdef DBG_MALLOC mem_dbg_htable_t allocd; struct mem_dbg_entry *it; #endif LM_GEN1(memdump, "fm_status (%p):\n", qm); if (!qm) return; LM_GEN1(memdump, " heap size= %ld\n", qm->size); #if defined(DBG_MALLOC) || defined(STATISTICS) LM_GEN1(memdump, " used= %lu, used+overhead=%lu, free=%lu\n", qm->used, qm->real_used, qm->size-qm->used); LM_GEN1(memdump, " max used (+overhead)= %lu\n", qm->max_real_used); #endif #if defined(DBG_MALLOC) dbg_ht_init(allocd); for (f=qm->first_frag; (char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag; f=FRAG_NEXT(f)) if (!f->is_free) if (dbg_ht_update(allocd, f->file, f->func, f->line, f->size) < 0) { LM_ERR("Unable to update alloc'ed. memory summary\n"); dbg_ht_free(allocd); return; } LM_GEN1(memdump, " dumping summary of all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for(i=0; i < DBG_HASH_SIZE; i++) { it = allocd[i]; while (it) { LM_GEN1(memdump, " %10lu : %lu x [%s: %s, line %lu]\n", it->size, it->no_fragments, it->file, it->func, it->line); it = it->next; } } dbg_ht_free(allocd); #endif LM_GEN1(memdump, "dumping free list:\n"); for(h=0,i=0,size=0; h<F_HASH_SIZE; h++) { unused=0; for (f=qm->free_hash[h].first,j=0; f; size+=f->size,f=f->u.nxt_free,i++,j++) { } if (j) LM_GEN1(memdump,"hash = %3d fragments no.: %5d, unused: %5d\n\t\t" " bucket size: %9lu - %9lu (first %9lu)\n", h, j, unused, UN_HASH(h), ((h<=F_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO)?1:2)* UN_HASH(h), qm->free_hash[h].first->size ); if (j!=qm->free_hash[h].no) { LM_CRIT("different free frag. count: %d!=%ld" " for hash %3d\n", j, qm->free_hash[h].no, h); } } LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %6d free fragments = %6lu free bytes\n", i, size); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %ld large bytes\n", qm->large_space ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "TOTAL: %u overhead\n", (unsigned int)FRAG_OVERHEAD ); LM_GEN1(memdump, "-----------------------------\n"); }
int split_frag(struct qm_block* qm, struct qm_frag* f, unsigned long new_size) #endif { unsigned long rest; struct qm_frag* n; struct qm_frag_end* end; rest=f->size-new_size; #ifdef MEM_FRAG_AVOIDANCE if ((rest> (FRAG_OVERHEAD+QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE))|| (rest>=(FRAG_OVERHEAD+new_size))){/* the residue fragm. is big enough*/ #else if (rest>(FRAG_OVERHEAD+MIN_FRAG_SIZE)){ #endif f->size=new_size; /*split the fragment*/ end=FRAG_END(f); end->size=new_size; n=(struct qm_frag*)((char*)end+sizeof(struct qm_frag_end)); n->size=rest-FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(n)->size=n->size; FRAG_CLEAR_USED(n); /* never used */ qm->real_used+=FRAG_OVERHEAD; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC end->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; end->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2; /* frag created by malloc, mark it*/ n->file=file; n->func=func; n->line=line; n->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; #endif /* reinsert n in free list*/ qm_insert_free(qm, n); return 0; }else{ /* we cannot split this fragment any more */ return -1; } } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_malloc(void* qmp, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_malloc(void* qmp, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_block* qm; struct qm_frag* f; int hash; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC unsigned int list_cntr; #endif qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC list_cntr = 0; MDBG("qm_malloc(%p, %lu) called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, size, file, func, line); #endif /*malloc(0) should return a valid pointer according to specs*/ if(unlikely(size==0)) size=4; /*size must be a multiple of 8*/ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (size>(qm->size-qm->real_used)) return 0; /*search for a suitable free frag*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash, &list_cntr))!=0){ #else if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash))!=0){ #endif /* we found it!*/ /*detach it from the free list*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, f); /*mark it as "busy"*/ f->u.is_free=0; qm->free_hash[hash].no--; qm->ffrags--; /* we ignore split return */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_malloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif qm->real_used+=f->size; qm->used+=f->size; if (qm->max_real_used<qm->real_used) qm->max_real_used=qm->real_used; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; f->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; /* FRAG_END(f)->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; FRAG_END(f)->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2;*/ MDBG("qm_malloc(%p, %lu) returns address %p frag. %p (size=%lu) on %d" " -th hit\n", qm, size, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, list_cntr ); #endif #ifdef MALLOC_STATS if(qm->type==MEM_TYPE_PKG) { sr_event_exec(SREV_PKG_UPDATE_STATS, 0); } #endif return (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag); } return 0; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void qm_free(void* qmp, void* p, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void qm_free(void* qmp, void* p) #endif { struct qm_block* qm; struct qm_frag* f; unsigned long size; #ifdef MEM_JOIN_FREE struct qm_frag* next; struct qm_frag* prev; #endif /* MEM_JOIN_FREE*/ qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_free(%p, %p), called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, file, func, line); #endif if (p==0) { #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LOG(L_WARN, "WARNING:qm_free: free(0) called from %s: %s(%d)\n", file, func, line); #else LOG(L_WARN, "WARNING:qm_free: free(0) called\n"); #endif return; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if (p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: bad pointer %p (out of memory block!)" " called from %s: %s(%d) - aborting\n", p, file, func, line); if(likely(cfg_get(core, core_cfg, mem_safety)==0)) abort(); else return; } #endif f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); if (f->u.is_free){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: freeing already freed pointer (%p)," " called from %s: %s(%d), first free %s: %s(%ld) - aborting\n", p, file, func, line, f->file, f->func, f->line); if(likely(cfg_get(core, core_cfg, mem_safety)==0)) abort(); else return; } MDBG("qm_free: freeing frag. %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif if (unlikely(f->u.is_free)){ LM_INFO("freeing a free fragment (%p/%p) - ignore\n", f, p); return; } size=f->size; qm->used-=size; qm->real_used-=size; #ifdef MEM_JOIN_FREE if(unlikely(cfg_get(core, core_cfg, mem_join)!=0)) { next=prev=0; /* mark this fragment as used (might fall into the middle of joined frags) to give us an extra chance of detecting a double free call (if the joined fragment has not yet been reused) */ f->u.nxt_free=(void*)0x1L; /* bogus value, just to mark it as free */ /* join packets if possible*/ next=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)next < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) && (next->u.is_free)){ /* join next packet */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, next); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, next); size+=next->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(next->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ qm->ffrags--; } if (f > qm->first_frag){ prev=FRAG_PREV(f); /* (struct qm_frag*)((char*)f - (struct qm_frag_end*)((char*)f- sizeof(struct qm_frag_end))->size);*/ if (prev->u.is_free){ /* join prev packet */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, prev); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, prev); size+=prev->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(prev->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ qm->ffrags--; f=prev; } } f->size=size; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; } /* if cfg_core->mem_join */ #endif /* MEM_JOIN_FREE*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; #endif qm_insert_free(qm, f); #ifdef MALLOC_STATS if(qm->type==MEM_TYPE_PKG) { sr_event_exec(SREV_PKG_UPDATE_STATS, 0); } #endif } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_realloc(void* qmp, void* p, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_realloc(void* qmp, void* p, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_block* qm; struct qm_frag* f; unsigned long diff; unsigned long orig_size; struct qm_frag* n; void* ptr; qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc(%p, %p, %lu) called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, size, file, func, line); if ((p)&&(p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag)){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: bad pointer %p (out of memory block!) - " "aborting\n", p); abort(); } #endif if (size==0) { if (p) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif return 0; } if (p==0) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC return qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else return qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); MDBG("qm_realloc: realloc'ing frag %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); if (f->u.is_free){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG:qm_realloc: trying to realloc an already freed " "pointer %p , fragment %p -- aborting\n", p, f); abort(); } #endif /* find first acceptable size */ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (f->size > size){ orig_size=f->size; /* shrink */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: shrinking from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); if(split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line)!=0){ MDBG("qm_realloc : shrinked successful\n"); #else if(split_frag(qm, f, size)!=0){ #endif /* update used sizes: freed the splited frag */ /* split frag already adds FRAG_OVERHEAD for the newly created free frag, so here we only need orig_size-f->size for real used */ qm->real_used-=(orig_size-f->size); qm->used-=(orig_size-f->size); } }else if (f->size < size){ /* grow */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: growing from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif orig_size=f->size; diff=size-f->size; n=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)n < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) && (n->u.is_free)&&((n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD)>=diff)){ /* join */ qm_detach_free(qm, n); qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(n->size)].no--; /*FIXME: slow*/ qm->ffrags--; f->size+=n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; /* end checks should be ok */ /* split it if necessary */ if (f->size > size ){ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif } qm->real_used+=(f->size-orig_size); qm->used+=(f->size-orig_size); }else{ /* could not join => realloc */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif if (ptr){ /* copy, need by libssl */ memcpy(ptr, p, orig_size); } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif p=ptr; } }else{ /* do nothing */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: doing nothing, same size: %lu - %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: returning %p\n", p); #endif #ifdef MALLOC_STATS if(qm->type==MEM_TYPE_PKG) { sr_event_exec(SREV_PKG_UPDATE_STATS, 0); } #endif return p; } void qm_check(struct qm_block* qm) { struct qm_frag* f; long fcount = 0; int memlog; memlog=cfg_get(core, core_cfg, memlog); LOG(memlog, "DEBUG: qm_check()\n"); f = qm->first_frag; while ((char*)f < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) { fcount++; /* check struct qm_frag */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if (f->check!=ST_CHECK_PATTERN){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_*: fragm. %p (address %p) " "beginning overwritten(%lx)!\n", f, (char*)f + sizeof(struct qm_frag), f->check); qm_status(qm); abort(); }; #endif if (f + sizeof(struct qm_frag) + f->size + sizeof(struct qm_frag_end) > qm->first_frag + qm->size) { LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_*: fragm. %p (address %p) " "bad size: %lu (frag end: %p > end of block: %p)\n", f, (char*)f + sizeof(struct qm_frag) + sizeof(struct qm_frag_end), f->size, f + sizeof(struct qm_frag) + f->size, qm->first_frag + qm->size); qm_status(qm); abort(); } /* check struct qm_frag_end */ if (FRAG_END(f)->size != f->size) { LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_*: fragm. %p (address %p) " "size in qm_frag and qm_frag_end does not match: frag->size=%lu, frag_end->size=%lu)\n", f, (char*)f + sizeof(struct qm_frag), f->size, FRAG_END(f)->size); qm_status(qm); abort(); } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if ((FRAG_END(f)->check1 != END_CHECK_PATTERN1) || (FRAG_END(f)->check2 != END_CHECK_PATTERN2)) { LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_*: fragm. %p (address %p)" " end overwritten(%lx, %lx)!\n", f, (char*)f + sizeof(struct qm_frag), FRAG_END(f)->check1, FRAG_END(f)->check2); qm_status(qm); abort(); } #endif f = FRAG_NEXT(f); } LOG(memlog, "DEBUG: qm_check: %lu fragments OK\n", fcount); } void qm_status(void* qmp) { struct qm_block* qm; struct qm_frag* f; int i,j; int h; int unused; int memlog; int mem_summary; qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; memlog=cfg_get(core, core_cfg, memlog); mem_summary=cfg_get(core, core_cfg, mem_summary); LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "(%p):\n", qm); if (!qm) return; LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "heap size= %lu\n", qm->size); LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "used= %lu, used+overhead=%lu, free=%lu\n", qm->used, qm->real_used, qm->size-qm->real_used); LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "max used (+overhead)= %lu\n", qm->max_real_used); if (mem_summary & 16) return; LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "dumping all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for (f=qm->first_frag, i=0;(char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag_end;f=FRAG_NEXT(f) ,i++){ if (! f->u.is_free){ LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", " %3d. %c address=%p frag=%p size=%lu used=%d\n", i, (f->u.is_free)?'a':'N', (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, FRAG_WAS_USED(f)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", " %s from %s: %s(%ld)\n", (f->u.is_free)?"freed":"alloc'd", f->file, f->func, f->line); LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", " start check=%lx, end check= %lx, %lx\n", f->check, FRAG_END(f)->check1, FRAG_END(f)->check2); #endif } } LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "dumping free list stats :\n"); for(h=0,i=0;h<QM_HASH_SIZE;h++){ unused=0; for (f=qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free,j=0; f!=&(qm->free_hash[h].head); f=f->u.nxt_free, i++, j++){ if (!FRAG_WAS_USED(f)){ unused++; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "unused fragm.: hash = %3d, fragment %p," " address %p size %lu, created from %s: %s(%lu)\n", h, f, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f->size, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif } } if (j) LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "hash= %3d. fragments no.: %5d, unused: %5d\n" "\t\t bucket size: %9lu - %9ld (first %9lu)\n", h, j, unused, UN_HASH(h), ((h<=QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO)?1:2)*UN_HASH(h), qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free->size ); if (j!=qm->free_hash[h].no){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_status: different free frag. count: %d!=%lu" " for hash %3d\n", j, qm->free_hash[h].no, h); } } LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_status: ", "-----------------------------\n"); } /* fills a malloc info structure with info about the block * if a parameter is not supported, it will be filled with 0 */ void qm_info(void* qmp, struct mem_info* info) { struct qm_block* qm; qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; memset(info,0, sizeof(*info)); info->total_size=qm->size; info->min_frag=MIN_FRAG_SIZE; info->free=qm->size-qm->real_used; info->used=qm->used; info->real_used=qm->real_used; info->max_used=qm->max_real_used; info->total_frags=qm->ffrags; } /* returns how much free memory is available * it never returns an error (unlike fm_available) */ unsigned long qm_available(void* qmp) { struct qm_block* qm; qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; return qm->size-qm->real_used; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC typedef struct _mem_counter{ const char *file; const char *func; unsigned long line; unsigned long size; int count; struct _mem_counter *next; } mem_counter; static mem_counter* get_mem_counter(mem_counter **root, struct qm_frag* f) { mem_counter *x; if (!*root) goto make_new; for(x=*root;x;x=x->next) if (x->file == f->file && x->func == f->func && x->line == f->line) return x; make_new: x = malloc(sizeof(mem_counter)); x->file = f->file; x->func = f->func; x->line = f->line; x->count = 0; x->size = 0; x->next = *root; *root = x; return x; } void qm_sums(void* qmp) { struct qm_block* qm; struct qm_frag* f; int i; mem_counter *root, *x; int memlog; qm = (struct qm_block*)qmp; root=0; if (!qm) return; memlog=cfg_get(core, core_cfg, memlog); LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_sums: ", "summarizing all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for (f=qm->first_frag, i=0;(char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag_end; f=FRAG_NEXT(f),i++){ if (! f->u.is_free){ x = get_mem_counter(&root,f); x->count++; x->size+=f->size; } } x = root; while(x){ LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_sums: ", " count=%6d size=%10lu bytes from %s: %s(%ld)\n", x->count,x->size, x->file, x->func, x->line ); root = x->next; free(x); x = root; } LOG_(DEFAULT_FACILITY, memlog, "qm_sums: ", "-----------------------------\n"); } #else void qm_sums(void* qm) { return; } #endif /* DBG_QM_MALLOC */ /*memory manager core api*/ static char *_qm_mem_name = "q_malloc"; /* PKG - private memory API*/ static char *_qm_pkg_pool = 0; static struct qm_block *_qm_pkg_block = 0; /** * \brief Destroy memory pool */ void qm_malloc_destroy_pkg_manager(void) { if (_qm_pkg_pool) { free(_qm_pkg_pool); _qm_pkg_pool = 0; } _qm_pkg_block = 0; } /** * \brief Init memory pool */ int qm_malloc_init_pkg_manager(void) { sr_pkg_api_t ma; _qm_pkg_pool = malloc(pkg_mem_size); if (_qm_pkg_pool) _qm_pkg_block=qm_malloc_init(_qm_pkg_pool, pkg_mem_size, MEM_TYPE_PKG); if (_qm_pkg_block==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "could not initialize qm memory pool\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Too much qm pkg memory demanded: %ld bytes\n", pkg_mem_size); return -1; } memset(&ma, 0, sizeof(sr_pkg_api_t)); ma.mname = _qm_mem_name; ma.mem_pool = _qm_pkg_pool; ma.mem_block = _qm_pkg_block; ma.xmalloc = qm_malloc; ma.xfree = qm_free; ma.xrealloc = qm_realloc; ma.xstatus = qm_status; ma.xinfo = qm_info; ma.xavailable = qm_available; ma.xsums = qm_sums; ma.xdestroy = qm_malloc_destroy_pkg_manager; return pkg_init_api(&ma); } /* SHM - shared memory API*/ static void *_qm_shm_pool = 0; static struct qm_block *_qm_shm_block = 0; /*SHM wrappers to sync the access to memory block*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_shm_malloc(void* qmp, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) { void *r; shm_lock(); r = qm_malloc(qmp, size, file, func, line); shm_unlock(); return r; }
int split_frag(struct qm_block* qm, struct qm_frag* f, unsigned long new_size) #endif { unsigned long rest; struct qm_frag* n; struct qm_frag_end* end; rest=f->size-new_size; #ifdef MEM_FRAG_AVOIDANCE if ((rest> (FRAG_OVERHEAD+QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE))|| (rest>=(FRAG_OVERHEAD+new_size))){/* the residue fragm. is big enough*/ #else if (rest>(FRAG_OVERHEAD+MIN_FRAG_SIZE)){ #endif f->size=new_size; /*split the fragment*/ end=FRAG_END(f); end->size=new_size; n=(struct qm_frag*)((char*)end+sizeof(struct qm_frag_end)); n->size=rest-FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(n)->size=n->size; FRAG_CLEAR_USED(n); /* never used */ qm->real_used+=FRAG_OVERHEAD; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC end->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; end->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2; /* frag created by malloc, mark it*/ n->file=file; n->func=func; n->line=line; n->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; #endif /* reinsert n in free list*/ qm_insert_free(qm, n); return 0; }else{ /* we cannot split this fragment any more */ return -1; } } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_malloc(struct qm_block* qm, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_malloc(struct qm_block* qm, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; int hash; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC unsigned int list_cntr; list_cntr = 0; MDBG("qm_malloc(%p, %lu) called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, size, file, func, line); #endif /*size must be a multiple of 8*/ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (size>(qm->size-qm->real_used)) return 0; /*search for a suitable free frag*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash, &list_cntr))!=0){ #else if ((f=qm_find_free(qm, size, &hash))!=0){ #endif /* we found it!*/ /*detach it from the free list*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, f); /*mark it as "busy"*/ f->u.is_free=0; qm->free_hash[hash].no--; /* we ignore split return */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_malloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif qm->real_used+=f->size; qm->used+=f->size; if (qm->max_real_used<qm->real_used) qm->max_real_used=qm->real_used; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; f->check=ST_CHECK_PATTERN; /* FRAG_END(f)->check1=END_CHECK_PATTERN1; FRAG_END(f)->check2=END_CHECK_PATTERN2;*/ MDBG("qm_malloc(%p, %lu) returns address %p frag. %p (size=%lu) on %d" " -th hit\n", qm, size, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, list_cntr ); #endif return (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag); } return 0; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void qm_free(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void qm_free(struct qm_block* qm, void* p) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; struct qm_frag* prev; struct qm_frag* next; unsigned long size; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_free(%p, %p), called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, file, func, line); if (p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: bad pointer %p (out of memory block!) - " "aborting\n", p); abort(); } #endif if (p==0) { LOG(L_WARN, "WARNING:qm_free: free(0) called\n"); return; } prev=next=0; f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); if (f->u.is_free){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: freeing already freed pointer," " first free: %s: %s(%ld) - aborting\n", f->file, f->func, f->line); abort(); } MDBG("qm_free: freeing frag. %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif size=f->size; qm->used-=size; qm->real_used-=size; #ifdef QM_JOIN_FREE /* join packets if possible*/ next=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)next < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) &&( next->u.is_free)){ /* join */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, next); #endif qm_detach_free(qm, next); size+=next->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(next->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ } if (f > qm->first_frag){ prev=FRAG_PREV(f); /* (struct qm_frag*)((char*)f - (struct qm_frag_end*)((char*)f- sizeof(struct qm_frag_end))->size);*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, prev); #endif if (prev->u.is_free){ /*join*/ qm_detach_free(qm, prev); size+=prev->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(prev->size)].no--; /* FIXME slow */ f=prev; } } f->size=size; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; #endif /* QM_JOIN_FREE*/ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC f->file=file; f->func=func; f->line=line; #endif qm_insert_free(qm, f); } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC void* qm_realloc(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, unsigned long size, const char* file, const char* func, unsigned int line) #else void* qm_realloc(struct qm_block* qm, void* p, unsigned long size) #endif { struct qm_frag* f; unsigned long diff; unsigned long orig_size; struct qm_frag* n; void* ptr; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc(%p, %p, %lu) called from %s: %s(%d)\n", qm, p, size, file, func, line); if ((p)&&(p>(void*)qm->last_frag_end || p<(void*)qm->first_frag)){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_free: bad pointer %p (out of memory block!) - " "aborting\n", p); abort(); } #endif if (size==0) { if (p) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif return 0; } if (p==0) #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC return qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else return qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif f=(struct qm_frag*) ((char*)p-sizeof(struct qm_frag)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_debug_frag(qm, f); MDBG("qm_realloc: realloc'ing frag %p alloc'ed from %s: %s(%ld)\n", f, f->file, f->func, f->line); if (f->u.is_free){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG:qm_realloc: trying to realloc an already freed " "pointer %p , fragment %p -- aborting\n", p, f); abort(); } #endif /* find first acceptable size */ size=ROUNDUP(size); if (f->size > size){ orig_size=f->size; /* shrink */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: shrinking from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); if(split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line)!=0){ MDBG("qm_realloc : shrinked successful\n"); #else if(split_frag(qm, f, size)!=0){ #endif /* update used sizes: freed the spitted frag */ qm->real_used-=(orig_size-f->size-FRAG_OVERHEAD); qm->used-=(orig_size-f->size); } }else if (f->size < size){ /* grow */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: growing from %lu to %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif orig_size=f->size; diff=size-f->size; n=FRAG_NEXT(f); if (((char*)n < (char*)qm->last_frag_end) && (n->u.is_free)&&((n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD)>=diff)){ /* join */ qm_detach_free(qm, n); qm->free_hash[GET_HASH(n->size)].no--; /*FIXME: slow*/ f->size+=n->size+FRAG_OVERHEAD; qm->real_used-=FRAG_OVERHEAD; FRAG_END(f)->size=f->size; /* end checks should be ok */ /* split it if necessary */ if (f->size > size ){ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC split_frag(qm, f, size, file, "fragm. from qm_realloc", line); #else split_frag(qm, f, size); #endif } qm->real_used+=(f->size-orig_size); qm->used+=(f->size-orig_size); }else{ /* could not join => realloc */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size, file, func, line); #else ptr=qm_malloc(qm, size); #endif if (ptr){ /* copy, need by libssl */ memcpy(ptr, p, orig_size); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC qm_free(qm, p, file, func, line); #else qm_free(qm, p); #endif } p=ptr; } }else{ /* do nothing */ #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: doing nothing, same size: %lu - %lu\n", f->size, size); #endif } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC MDBG("qm_realloc: returning %p\n", p); #endif return p; } void qm_status(struct qm_block* qm) { struct qm_frag* f; int i,j; int h; int unused; LOG(memlog, "qm_status (%p):\n", qm); if (!qm) return; LOG(memlog, " heap size= %lu\n", qm->size); LOG(memlog, " used= %lu, used+overhead=%lu, free=%lu\n", qm->used, qm->real_used, qm->size-qm->real_used); LOG(memlog, " max used (+overhead)= %lu\n", qm->max_real_used); LOG(memlog, "dumping all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for (f=qm->first_frag, i=0;(char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag_end;f=FRAG_NEXT(f) ,i++){ if (! f->u.is_free){ LOG(memlog, " %3d. %c address=%p frag=%p size=%lu used=%d\n", i, (f->u.is_free)?'a':'N', (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f, f->size, FRAG_WAS_USED(f)); #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LOG(memlog, " %s from %s: %s(%ld)\n", (f->u.is_free)?"freed":"alloc'd", f->file, f->func, f->line); LOG(memlog, " start check=%lx, end check= %lx, %lx\n", f->check, FRAG_END(f)->check1, FRAG_END(f)->check2); #endif } } LOG(memlog, "dumping free list stats :\n"); for(h=0,i=0;h<QM_HASH_SIZE;h++){ unused=0; for (f=qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free,j=0; f!=&(qm->free_hash[h].head); f=f->u.nxt_free, i++, j++){ if (!FRAG_WAS_USED(f)){ unused++; #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC LOG(memlog, "unused fragm.: hash = %3d, fragment %p," " address %p size %lu, created from %s: %s(%lu)\n", h, f, (char*)f+sizeof(struct qm_frag), f->size, f->file, f->func, f->line); #endif } } if (j) LOG(memlog, "hash= %3d. fragments no.: %5d, unused: %5d\n" "\t\t bucket size: %9lu - %9ld (first %9lu)\n", h, j, unused, UN_HASH(h), ((h<=QM_MALLOC_OPTIMIZE/ROUNDTO)?1:2)*UN_HASH(h), qm->free_hash[h].head.u.nxt_free->size ); if (j!=qm->free_hash[h].no){ LOG(L_CRIT, "BUG: qm_status: different free frag. count: %d!=%lu" " for hash %3d\n", j, qm->free_hash[h].no, h); } } LOG(memlog, "-----------------------------\n"); } /* fills a malloc info structure with info about the block * if a parameter is not supported, it will be filled with 0 */ void qm_info(struct qm_block* qm, struct mem_info* info) { int r; long total_frags; total_frags=0; memset(info,0, sizeof(*info)); info->total_size=qm->size; info->min_frag=MIN_FRAG_SIZE; info->free=qm->size-qm->real_used; info->used=qm->used; info->real_used=qm->real_used; info->max_used=qm->max_real_used; for(r=0;r<QM_HASH_SIZE; r++){ total_frags+=qm->free_hash[r].no; } info->total_frags=total_frags; } /* returns how much free memory is available * it never returns an error (unlike fm_available) */ unsigned long qm_available(struct qm_block* qm) { return qm->size-qm->real_used; } #ifdef DBG_QM_MALLOC typedef struct _mem_counter{ const char *file; const char *func; unsigned long line; unsigned long size; int count; struct _mem_counter *next; } mem_counter; mem_counter* get_mem_counter(mem_counter **root,struct qm_frag* f) { mem_counter *x; if (!*root) goto make_new; for(x=*root;x;x=x->next) if (x->file == f->file && x->func == f->func && x->line == f->line) return x; make_new: x = malloc(sizeof(mem_counter)); x->file = f->file; x->func = f->func; x->line = f->line; x->count = 0; x->size = 0; x->next = *root; *root = x; return x; } #include "../locking.h" #include "../pt.h" extern gen_lock_t* process_lock; extern struct process_table *pt; extern int process_no; void qm_sums(struct qm_block* qm) { struct qm_frag* f; int i; int total_count=0; long unsigned int total_size=0; int memlog=L_ERR; mem_counter *root=0,*x; //lock_get(process_lock); if (process_no!=0) LOG(memlog, "qm_sums (%p): PKG[%s]\n", qm,pt[process_no].desc); else LOG(memlog, "qm_sums (%p): PKG[0]/SHM \n",qm); if (!qm) { //lock_release(process_lock); return; } LOG(memlog, "summarizing all alloc'ed. fragments:\n"); for (f=qm->first_frag, i=0;(char*)f<(char*)qm->last_frag_end;f=FRAG_NEXT(f),i++){ if (! f->u.is_free){ x = get_mem_counter(&root,f); x->count++; x->size+=f->size; } } x = root; while(x){ LOG(memlog, " count=%6d size=%10lu bytes from %s: %s(%ld)\n", x->count,x->size, x->file, x->func, x->line ); total_count+=x->count;total_size+=x->size; root = x->next; free(x); x = root; } LOG(memlog, " count=%6d size=%10lu bytes in total\n",total_count,total_size); LOG(memlog, "-----------------------------\n"); //lock_release(process_lock); }