Пример #1
uint8_t i2c_endTransmission(uint8_t stop) { // actually sends the buffer
	bool xferOK = false;
	uint8_t errorCode = 0;
	xferOK = USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write(USI_Buf,USI_BufIdx+1); // core func that does the work
	USI_BufIdx = 0;
	if (xferOK) {
		if (stop) {
			errorCode = USI_TWI_Master_Stop();
			if (errorCode == 0) {
				errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info();
				return errorCode;
		return 0;
	} else {                                  // there was an error
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info(); // this function returns the error number
		return errorCode;
Пример #2
uint8_t i2c_requestFrom(uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t numBytes){ // setup for receiving from slave
	bool xferOK = false;
	uint8_t errorCode = 0;
	USI_LastRead = 0;
	USI_BytesAvail = numBytes; // save this off in a global
	numBytes++;                // add extra byte to transmit header
	USI_Buf[0] = (slaveAddr<<TWI_ADR_BITS) | USI_RCVE;   // setup address & Rcve bit
	xferOK = USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write(USI_Buf,numBytes); // core func that does the work
	// USI_Buf now holds the data read
	if (xferOK) {
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Master_Stop();
		if (errorCode == 0) {
			errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info();
			return errorCode;
		return 0;
	} else {                                  // there was an error
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info(); // this function returns the error number
		return errorCode;
Пример #3
 USI Transmit and receive function. LSB of first byte in data 
 indicates if a read or write cycles is performed. If set a read
 operation is performed.

 Function generates (Repeated) Start Condition, sends address and
 R/W, Reads/Writes Data, and verifies/sends ACK.
 Success or error code is returned. Error codes are defined in 
unsigned char USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(unsigned char addr, unsigned char *msg, unsigned char msgSize)
  unsigned char tempUSISR_8bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0x0<<USICNT0);                                     // set USI to shift 8 bits i.e. count 16 clock edges.
  unsigned char tempUSISR_1bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0xE<<USICNT0);                                     // set USI to shift 1 bit i.e. count 2 clock edges.

  USI_TWI_state.errorState = 0;
  USI_TWI_state.addressMode = TRUE;

  if(msg > (unsigned char*)RAMEND)                 // Test if address is outside SRAM space
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_DATA_OUT_OF_BOUND;
    return (FALSE);
  if(msgSize <= 1)                                 // Test if the transmission buffer is empty
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_DATA;
    return (FALSE);

#ifdef NOISE_TESTING                                // Test if any unexpected conditions have arrived prior to this execution.
  if( USISR & (1<<USISIF) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_START_CON;
    return (FALSE);
  if( USISR & (1<<USIPF) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_STOP_CON;
    return (FALSE);
  if( USISR & (1<<USIDC) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_DATA_COL;
    return (FALSE);

  if ( !(addr & (1<<TWI_READ_BIT)) )                // The LSB in the address byte determines if is a masterRead or masterWrite operation.
    USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode = TRUE;

/* Release SCL to ensure that (repeated) Start can be performed */
  PORT_USI |= (1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                     // Release SCL.
  while( !(PIN_USI & (1<<PIN_USI_SCL)) );          // Verify that SCL becomes high.
  _delay_us( T4_TWI/4 );                         // Delay for T4TWI if TWI_FAST_MODE
  _delay_us( T2_TWI/4 );                         // Delay for T2TWI if TWI_STANDARD_MODE

/* Generate Start Condition */
  PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                    // Force SDA LOW.
  _delay_us( T4_TWI/4 );                         
  PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                    // Pull SCL LOW.
  PORT_USI |= (1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                     // Release SDA.

  if( !(USISR & (1<<USISIF)) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_MISSING_START_CON;  
    return (FALSE);

/*Write address and Read/Write data */
    /* If masterWrite cycle (or inital address tranmission)*/
    if (USI_TWI_state.addressMode || USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode)
      /* Write a byte */
      PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                // Pull SCL LOW.
      if ( USI_TWI_state.addressMode ) {
	USIDR = addr;
	msgSize++; /* adjust for later decrement. */
      } else {
        USIDR     = *(msg++);                        // Setup data.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );    // Send 8 bits on bus.
      /* Clock and verify (N)ACK from slave */
      DDR_USI  &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                // Enable SDA as input.
      if( USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit ) & (1<<TWI_NACK_BIT) ) 
        if ( USI_TWI_state.addressMode )
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_ADDRESS;
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_DATA;
        return (FALSE);
      USI_TWI_state.addressMode = FALSE;            // Only perform address transmission once.
    /* Else masterRead cycle*/
      /* Read a data byte */
      DDR_USI   &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);               // Enable SDA as input.
      *(msg++)  = USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );

      /* Prepare to generate ACK (or NACK in case of End Of Transmission) */
      if( msgSize == 1)                            // If transmission of last byte was performed.
        USIDR = 0xFF;                              // Load NACK to confirm End Of Transmission.
        USIDR = 0x00;                              // Load ACK. Set data register bit 7 (output for SDA) low.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit );   // Generate ACK/NACK.
  }while( --msgSize) ;                             // Until all data sent/received.
  USI_TWI_Master_Stop();                           // Send a STOP condition on the TWI bus.

/* Transmission successfully completed*/
  return (TRUE);
Пример #4
 USI Transmit and receive function. LSB of first byte in buffer 
 indicates if a read or write cycles is performed. If set a read
 operation is performed.

 Function generates (Repeated) Start Condition, sends address and
 R/W, Reads/Writes Data, and verifies/sends ACK.
 This function also handles Random Read function if the memReadMode
 bit is set. In that case, the function will:
 The address in memory will be the second
 byte and is written *without* sending a STOP. 
 Then the Read bit is set (lsb of first byte), the byte count is 
 adjusted (if needed), and the function function starts over by sending
 the slave address again and reading the data.
 Success or error code is returned. Error codes are defined in 
unsigned char USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( unsigned char *msg, unsigned char msgSize)
  unsigned char const tempUSISR_8bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0x0<<USICNT0);                                     // set USI to shift 8 bits i.e. count 16 clock edges.
  unsigned char const tempUSISR_1bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0xE<<USICNT0); 									// set USI to shift 1 bit i.e. count 2 clock edges.
	unsigned char *savedMsg;
	unsigned char savedMsgSize; 

//This clear must be done before calling this function so that memReadMode can be specified.
//  USI_TWI_state.errorState = 0;				// Clears all mode bits also

  USI_TWI_state.addressMode = TRUE;			// Always true for first byte

  if(msg > (unsigned char*)RAMEND)                 // Test if address is outside SRAM space
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_DATA_OUT_OF_BOUND;
    return (FALSE);
  if(msgSize <= 1)                                 // Test if the transmission buffer is empty
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_DATA;
    return (FALSE);

#ifdef NOISE_TESTING                                // Test if any unexpected conditions have arrived prior to this execution.
  if( USISR & (1<<USISIF) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_START_CON;
    return (FALSE);
  if( USISR & (1<<USIPF) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_STOP_CON;
    return (FALSE);
  if( USISR & (1<<USIDC) )
    USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_UE_DATA_COL;
    return (FALSE);

  if ( !(*msg & (1<<TWI_READ_BIT)) )  // The LSB in the address byte determines if is a masterRead or masterWrite operation.
    USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode = TRUE;

//	if (USI_TWI_state.memReadMode)
//	{
		savedMsg = msg;
		savedMsgSize = msgSize;
//	}

	if ( !USI_TWI_Master_Start( ))
	return (FALSE);                           // Send a START condition on the TWI bus.

/*Write address and Read/Write data */
    /* If masterWrite cycle (or inital address tranmission)*/
    if (USI_TWI_state.addressMode || USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode)
      /* Write a byte */
      PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                // Pull SCL LOW.
      USIDR     = *(msg++);                        // Setup data.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );    // Send 8 bits on bus.
      /* Clock and verify (N)ACK from slave */
      DDR_USI  &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                // Enable SDA as input.
      if( USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit ) & (1<<TWI_NACK_BIT) ) 
        if ( USI_TWI_state.addressMode )
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_ADDRESS;
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_DATA;
        return (FALSE);
	  if ((!USI_TWI_state.addressMode) && USI_TWI_state.memReadMode)// means memory start address has been written
		msg = savedMsg;					// start at slave address again
		*(msg) |= (TRUE<<TWI_READ_BIT);  // set the Read Bit on Slave address
		USI_TWI_state.errorState = 0;
		USI_TWI_state.addressMode = TRUE;	// Now set up for the Read cycle
		msgSize = savedMsgSize;				// Set byte count correctly
		// NOte that the length should be Slave adrs byte + # bytes to read + 1 (gets decremented below)
		if ( !USI_TWI_Master_Start( ))
			USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_BAD_MEM_READ;
			return (FALSE);                           // Send a START condition on the TWI bus.
		USI_TWI_state.addressMode = FALSE;            // Only perform address transmission once.
    /* Else masterRead cycle*/
      /* Read a data byte */
      DDR_USI   &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);               // Enable SDA as input.
      *(msg++)  = USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );

      /* Prepare to generate ACK (or NACK in case of End Of Transmission) */
      if( msgSize == 1)                            // If transmission of last byte was performed.
        USIDR = 0xFF;                              // Load NACK to confirm End Of Transmission.
        USIDR = 0x00;                              // Load ACK. Set data register bit 7 (output for SDA) low.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit );   // Generate ACK/NACK.
  }while( --msgSize) ;                             // Until all data sent/received.
  if (!USI_TWI_Master_Stop())
	return (FALSE);                           // Send a STOP condition on the TWI bus.

/* Transmission successfully completed*/
  return (TRUE);
Пример #5
 USI Transmit and receive function. LSB of first byte in data 
 indicates if a read or write cycles is performed. If set a read
 operation is performed.

 Function generates (Repeated) Start Condition, sends address and
 R/W, Reads/Writes Data, and verifies/sends ACK.
 Success or error code is returned. Error codes are defined in 
bool twi_master::USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( unsigned char *msg, unsigned char msgSize)
  unsigned char tempUSISR_8bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0x0<<USICNT0);                                     // set USI to shift 8 bits i.e. count 16 clock edges.
  unsigned char tempUSISR_1bit = (1<<USISIF)|(1<<USIOIF)|(1<<USIPF)|(1<<USIDC)|      // Prepare register value to: Clear flags, and
                                 (0xE<<USICNT0);                                     // set USI to shift 1 bit i.e. count 2 clock edges.

  USI_TWI_state.errorState = 0;
  USI_TWI_state.addressMode = TRUE;

  if ( !(*msg & (1<<TWI_READ_BIT)) )                // The LSB in the address byte determines if is a masterRead or masterWrite operation.
    USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode = TRUE;

/* Release SCL to ensure that (repeated) Start can be performed */
  PORT_USI |= (1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                     // Release SCL.
  while( !(PIN_USI & (1<<PIN_USI_SCL)) );          // Verify that SCL becomes high.
  _delay_us( T4_TWI/4 );                         // Delay for T4TWI if TWI_FAST_MODE

/* Generate Start Condition */
  PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                    // Force SDA LOW.
  _delay_us( T4_TWI/4 );                         
  PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                    // Pull SCL LOW.
  PORT_USI |= (1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                     // Release SDA.

/*Write address and Read/Write data */
    /* If masterWrite cycle (or inital address tranmission)*/
    if (USI_TWI_state.addressMode || USI_TWI_state.masterWriteDataMode)
      /* Write a byte */
      PORT_USI &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SCL);                // Pull SCL LOW.
      USIDR     = *(msg++);                        // Setup data.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );    // Send 8 bits on bus.
      /* Clock and verify (N)ACK from slave */
      DDR_USI  &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);                // Enable SDA as input.
      if( USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit ) & (1<<TWI_NACK_BIT) ) 
        if ( USI_TWI_state.addressMode )
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_ADDRESS;
          USI_TWI_state.errorState = USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_DATA;
        return false;
      USI_TWI_state.addressMode = FALSE;            // Only perform address transmission once.
    /* Else masterRead cycle*/
      /* Read a data byte */
      DDR_USI   &= ~(1<<PIN_USI_SDA);               // Enable SDA as input.
      *(msg++)  = USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_8bit );

      /* Prepare to generate ACK (or NACK in case of End Of Transmission) */
      if( msgSize == 1)                            // If transmission of last byte was performed.
        USIDR = 0xFF;                              // Load NACK to confirm End Of Transmission.
        USIDR = 0x00;                              // Load ACK. Set data register bit 7 (output for SDA) low.
      USI_TWI_Master_Transfer( tempUSISR_1bit );   // Generate ACK/NACK.
  }while( --msgSize) ;                             // Until all data sent/received.
  USI_TWI_Master_Stop();                           // Send a STOP condition on the TWI bus.

/* Transmission successfully completed*/
  return true;