Пример #1
uint8_t ESP_SetServer(bool startIt, uint16_t port, const CLS1_StdIOType *io, uint16_t timeoutMs) {
  /* AT+CIPSERVER=<en>,<port>, where <en>: 0: stop, 1: start */
  uint8_t res;
  uint8_t cmd[sizeof("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n\r\nOK\r\n")+sizeof("no change")];
  uint8_t rxBuf[sizeof("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n\r\nOK\r\n")+sizeof("no change")];

  UTIL1_strcpy(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "AT+CIPSERVER=");
  if (startIt) {
    UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "1,");
  } else {
    UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "0,");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(cmd, sizeof(cmd), port);
  UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "\r\n");
  res = ESP_SendATCommand(cmd, rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), "OK\r\n", timeoutMs, io);
  if (res!=ERR_OK) { /* accept "no change" too */
    UTIL1_strcpy(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "AT+CIPSERVER=");
    if (startIt) {
      UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "1,");
    } else {
      UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "0,");
    UTIL1_strcatNum16u(cmd, sizeof(cmd), port);
    UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "\r\r\nno change\r\n");
    if (UTIL1_strcmp(rxBuf, cmd)==0) {
      res = ERR_OK;
  return res;
Пример #2
uint8_t ESP_SelectMode(uint8_t mode) {
  /* AT+CWMODE=<mode>, where <mode> is 1=Sta, 2=AP or 3=both */
  uint8_t txBuf[sizeof("AT+CWMODE=x\r\n")];
  uint8_t rxBuf[sizeof("AT+CWMODE=x\r\r\nno change\r\n")];
  uint8_t expected[sizeof("AT+CWMODE=x\r\r\nno change\r\n")];
  uint8_t res;

  if (mode<1 || mode>3) {
    return ERR_RANGE; /* only 1, 2 or 3 */
  UTIL1_strcpy(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "AT+CWMODE=");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), mode);
  UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\r\n");
  UTIL1_strcpy(expected, sizeof(expected), "AT+CWMODE=");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(expected, sizeof(expected), mode);
  UTIL1_strcat(expected, sizeof(expected), "\r\r\n\n");
  res = ESP_SendATCommand(txBuf, rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), expected, ESP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS, NULL);
  if (res!=ERR_OK) {
    /* answer could be as well "AT+CWMODE=x\r\r\nno change\r\n"!! */
    UTIL1_strcpy(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "AT+CWMODE=");
    UTIL1_strcatNum16u(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), mode);
    UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\r\n");
    UTIL1_strcpy(expected, sizeof(expected), "AT+CWMODE=");
    UTIL1_strcatNum16u(expected, sizeof(expected), mode);
    UTIL1_strcat(expected, sizeof(expected), "\r\r\nno change\r\n");
    if (UTIL1_strcmp(rxBuf, expected)==0) {
      res = ERR_OK;
  return res;
Пример #3
uint8_t ESP_OpenConnection(int8_t ch_id, bool isTCP, const uint8_t *IPAddrStr, uint16_t port, uint16_t msTimeout, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  /* AT+CIPSTART=4,"TCP","",80 */
  uint8_t txBuf[54];
  uint8_t rxBuf[72];
  uint8_t expected[72];

  UTIL1_strcpy(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "AT+CIPSTART=");
  if (ch_id>=0) {
    UTIL1_strcatNum16u(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), ch_id);
    UTIL1_chcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), ',');
  if (isTCP) {
    UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\"TCP\",\"");
  } else {
    UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\"UDP\",\"");
  UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), IPAddrStr);
  UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\",");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), port);

  UTIL1_strcpy(expected, sizeof(expected), txBuf);
  UTIL1_strcat(expected, sizeof(expected), "\r\r\n\r\nOK\r\nLinked\r\n");

  UTIL1_strcat(txBuf, sizeof(txBuf), "\r\n");

  return ESP_SendATCommand(txBuf, rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), expected, msTimeout, io);
Пример #4
static void ESC_PrintESCStatus(ESC_MotorID id, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  unsigned char buf[48];
  const unsigned char *motorStr;

    motorStr = "  fr";
  } else if (id==ESC_MOTOR_FRONT_LEFT) {
    motorStr = "  fl";
  } else if (id==ESC_MOTOR_BACK_LEFT) {
    motorStr = "  bl";
  } else if (id==ESC_MOTOR_BACK_RIGHT) {
    motorStr = "  br";
  } else {
    motorStr = "  ??";
  CLS1_SendStatusStr(motorStr, (unsigned char*)"", io->stdOut);
  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_Num16sToStrFormatted(buf, sizeof(buf), (int16_t)ESC_motors[id].currSpeedPercent, ' ', 4);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"% 0x");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), ESC_motors[id].currPWMvalue);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", ");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), ESC_motors[id].us);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" us\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStr(buf, io->stdOut);
Пример #5
static void TURN_PrintStatus(const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  unsigned char buf[32];

  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"turn", (unsigned char*)"\r\n", io->stdOut);

  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_StepMs);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" ms\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  step time", buf, io->stdOut);

  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_TimeMs);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" ms\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  turn time", buf, io->stdOut);

  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_DutyPercent);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"%\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  duty", buf, io->stdOut);
Пример #6
static void WriteCurrent(MOT_MotorDevice *motor, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  unsigned char buf[26];
  uint16_t val;

  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", current val 0x");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), motor->currentValue);
  CLS1_SendStr(buf, io->stdOut);

  val = motor->currentValue/(0xFFFF/3300); /* 3300 mV full scale */
  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", mV ");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), val);
  CLS1_SendStr(buf, io->stdOut);

  val = motor->currentValue/(0xFFFF/2000); /* 2000 mA full scale */
  buf[0] = '\0';
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", mA ");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), val);
  CLS1_SendStr(buf, io->stdOut);
Пример #7
uint8_t ESP_PrepareMsgSend(int8_t ch_id, size_t msgSize, uint16_t msTimeout, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  /* AT+CIPSEND=<ch_id>,<size> */
  uint8_t cmd[24], rxBuf[48], expected[48];

  UTIL1_strcpy(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "AT+CIPSEND="); /* parameters are <ch_id>,<size> */
  UTIL1_strcatNum8u(cmd, sizeof(cmd), ch_id);
  UTIL1_chcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), ',');
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(cmd, sizeof(cmd), msgSize);
  UTIL1_strcpy(expected, sizeof(expected), cmd); /* we expect the echo of our command */
  UTIL1_strcat(expected, sizeof(expected), "\r\r\n> "); /* expect "> " */
  UTIL1_strcat(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "\r\n");
  return ESP_SendATCommand(cmd, rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), expected, msTimeout, io);
Пример #8
static void TURN_PrintStatus(const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  unsigned char buf[32];

  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"turn", (unsigned char*)"\r\n", io->stdOut);

  UTIL1_Num16uToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_Steps90);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" steps\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  steps90", buf, io->stdOut);

  UTIL1_Num16uToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_StepsFwBw);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" steps\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  stepsfw", buf, io->stdOut);

  UTIL1_Num16sToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), Q4CLeft_GetPos());
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", ");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), Q4CLeft_NofErrors());
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" errors\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  left pos", buf, io->stdOut);
  UTIL1_Num16sToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), Q4CRight_GetPos());
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)", ");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), Q4CRight_NofErrors());
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" errors\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  right pos", buf, io->stdOut);
  UTIL1_Num16uToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_DutyPercent);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"%\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  duty", buf, io->stdOut);

  UTIL1_Num16uToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_Time90ms);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" ms\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  time90", buf, io->stdOut);

  UTIL1_Num16uToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), TURN_StepFwBwMs);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)" ms\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((unsigned char*)"  timefw", buf, io->stdOut);
Пример #9
static void PrintButtonPressed(uint16_t whichButton, bool pressed) {
  unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

  UTIL1_strcpy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (uint8_t*)"Push button SW");
  UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buffer, sizeof(buffer), whichButton);
  if (pressed) {
    UTIL1_strcat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (uint8_t*)" pressed\r\n!");
  } else {
    UTIL1_strcat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), (uint8_t*)" released\r\n!");
  SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Print((const char*)buffer);
Пример #10
static uint8_t PrintStatus(const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  int i;
  uint8_t buf[16], buf2[32];

  CLS1_SendStatusStr((uint8_t*)"Floppy", (uint8_t*)"\r\n", io->stdOut);
  UTIL1_Num32sToStr(buf, sizeof(buf), FLOPPY_NoteOffset);
  UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (uint8_t*)"\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStatusStr((uint8_t*)"  note offset", buf, io->stdOut);
  for(i=0;i<FLOPPY_NOF_DRIVES;i++) {
    UTIL1_strcpy(buf, sizeof(buf), (uint8_t*)"  drive ");
    UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), (uint16_t)i);
    UTIL1_chcat(buf, sizeof(buf), ':');
    buf2[0] = '\0';
    if (FLOPPY_Drives[i].forward) {
      UTIL1_strcat(buf2, sizeof(buf2), (uint8_t*)"fw ");
    } else {
      UTIL1_strcat(buf2, sizeof(buf2), (uint8_t*)"bw ");
    UTIL1_strcatNum16s(buf2, sizeof(buf2), FLOPPY_Drives[i].pos);
    UTIL1_strcat(buf2, sizeof(buf2), (uint8_t*)"\r\n");
    CLS1_SendStatusStr(buf, buf2, io->stdOut);
  return ERR_OK;
Пример #11
void PID_LineCfg(uint16_t currLine, uint16_t setLine, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pid, speed, speedL, speedR;
  unsigned char buf[16];
  static uint8_t cnt = 0;
  uint8_t errorPercent;
  MOT_Direction directionL=MOT_DIR_FORWARD, directionR=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;

  pid = PID(currLine, setLine, config);
  errorPercent = errorWithinPercent(currLine-setLine);

  /* transform into different speed for motors. The PID is used as difference value to the motor PWM */
  if (errorPercent <= 20) { /* pretty on center: move forward both motors with base speed */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* 100% */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = speed;
      speedL = speed-pid;
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid;
      speedL = speed;
  } else if (errorPercent <= 40) {
    /* outside left/right halve position from center, slow down one motor and speed up the other */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*8/10; /* 80% */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
  } else if (errorPercent <= 70) {
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*6/10; /* %60 */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = 0 /*maxSpeed+pid*/; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = 0 /*maxSpeed-pid*/; /* decrease speed */
  } else  {
    /* line is far to the left or right: use backward motor motion */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*10/10; /* %80 */
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = -speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = -speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
    speedL = Limit(speedL, -speed, speed);
    speedR = Limit(speedR, -speed, speed);
    directionL = AbsSpeed(&speedL);
    directionR = AbsSpeed(&speedR);
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speedL>0xFFFF) {
    speedL = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedL<0) {
    speedL = 0;
  if (speedR>0xFFFF) {
    speedR = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedR<0) {
    speedR = 0;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0xFFFF-speedL); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), directionL);
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0xFFFF-speedR); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), directionR);
#if PID_DEBUG /* debug diagnostic */
    if (cnt>10) { /* limit number of messages to the console */
      CLS1_StdIO_OutErr_FctType ioOut = CLS1_GetStdio()->stdOut;
      cnt = 0;

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"line:", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), currLine);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" sum:", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum32Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), integral);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" left:", ioOut);
      CLS1_SendStr(directionL==MOT_DIR_FORWARD?(unsigned char*)"fw ":(unsigned char*)"bw ", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), speedL);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" right:", ioOut);
      CLS1_SendStr(directionR==MOT_DIR_FORWARD?(unsigned char*)"fw ":(unsigned char*)"bw ", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), speedR);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"\r\n", ioOut);