Пример #1
bool CBNCSUtilInterface :: HELP_SID_AUTH_CHECK( bool TFT, string war3Path, string keyROC, string keyTFT, string valueStringFormula, string mpqFileName, BYTEARRAY clientToken, BYTEARRAY serverToken )
	// set m_EXEVersion, m_EXEVersionHash, m_EXEInfo, m_InfoROC, m_InfoTFT

	string FileWar3EXE = war3Path + "war3.exe";
	string FileStormDLL = war3Path + "Storm.dll";

	if( !UTIL_FileExists( FileStormDLL ) )
		FileStormDLL = war3Path + "storm.dll";

	string FileGameDLL = war3Path + "game.dll";
	bool ExistsWar3EXE = UTIL_FileExists( FileWar3EXE );
	bool ExistsStormDLL = UTIL_FileExists( FileStormDLL );
	bool ExistsGameDLL = UTIL_FileExists( FileGameDLL );

	if( ExistsWar3EXE && ExistsStormDLL && ExistsGameDLL )
		// todotodo: check getExeInfo return value to ensure 1024 bytes was enough

		char buf[1024];
		uint32_t EXEVersion;
		getExeInfo( FileWar3EXE.c_str( ), (char *)&buf, 1024, (uint32_t *)&EXEVersion, BNCSUTIL_PLATFORM_X86 );
		m_EXEInfo = buf;
		m_EXEVersion = UTIL_CreateByteArray( EXEVersion, false );
		uint32_t EXEVersionHash;
		checkRevisionFlat( valueStringFormula.c_str( ), FileWar3EXE.c_str( ), FileStormDLL.c_str( ), FileGameDLL.c_str( ), extractMPQNumber( mpqFileName.c_str( ) ), (unsigned long *)&EXEVersionHash );
		m_EXEVersionHash = UTIL_CreateByteArray( EXEVersionHash, false );
		m_KeyInfoROC = CreateKeyInfo( keyROC, UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( clientToken, false ), UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( serverToken, false ) );

		if( TFT )
			m_KeyInfoTFT = CreateKeyInfo( keyTFT, UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( clientToken, false ), UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( serverToken, false ) );

		if( m_KeyInfoROC.size( ) == 36 && ( !TFT || m_KeyInfoTFT.size( ) == 36 ) )
			return true;
			if( m_KeyInfoROC.size( ) != 36 )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to create ROC key info - invalid ROC key" );

			if( TFT && m_KeyInfoTFT.size( ) != 36 )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to create TFT key info - invalid TFT key" );
		if( !ExistsWar3EXE )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileWar3EXE + "]" );

		if( !ExistsStormDLL )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileStormDLL + "]" );

		if( !ExistsGameDLL )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileGameDLL + "]" );

	return false;
Пример #2
void CCCBot :: UpdateSwearList( )
	if( UTIL_FileExists( SwearsFile ) )
		ifstream file;
		file.open( SwearsFile, ios :: app );

		if( !file.fail( ) )
			m_SwearList.clear( );
			string line;

			while( !file.eof( ) )
				getline( file, line );

				if( !line.empty( ) )
					if( find( m_SwearList.begin( ), m_SwearList.end( ), line ) == m_SwearList.end( ) && line[0] != '#' ) 
						transform( line.begin( ), line.end( ), line.begin( ), (int(*)(int))tolower );
						m_SwearList.push_back( line );
			if( m_SwearList.size( ) )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[CONFIG] updated swear list file (" + UTIL_ToString( m_SwearList.size( ) ) + ")" );

			file.close( );			
		ofstream file;
		file.open( SwearsFile );

		if( !file.fail( ) )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[CONFIG] creating a new, blank swears.cfg file" );

			file << "#########################################################" << endl;
			file << "#########################################################" << endl;
			file << "# setting the # character on the first position will comment out your line" << endl;
			file.close( );
Пример #3
int main( )
	// seed the RNG
	srand( (unsigned int) time( NULL ) );
	// check if the log folder exists
	if( !UTIL_FileExists( "log" ) )
#ifdef WIN32
		CreateDirectoryA( "log", NULL );
		system( "mkdir log" );
		system( "chmod 777 log" );
	// check if the cfg folder exists
	if( !UTIL_FileExists( "cfg" ) )
#ifdef WIN32
		CreateDirectoryA( "cfg", NULL );
		system( "mkdir cfg" );
		system( "chmod 777 cfg" );
	// read config file

	CConfig CFG;
	CFG.Read( CFGFile );
	gLog = CFG.GetInt( "bot_log", 1 ) == 0 ? false : true;
	// catch SIGABRT and SIGINT

	signal( SIGABRT, SignalCatcher );
	signal( SIGINT, SignalCatcher );

#ifndef WIN32
	// disable SIGPIPE since some systems like OS X don't define MSG_NOSIGNAL

	signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );

	// initialize curses

	gCurses = true;
	initscr( );
#ifdef WIN32
	resize_term( 28, 97 );
	clear( );
	noecho( );
	cbreak( );
	gMainWindow = newwin( LINES - 3, COLS - 17, 0, 0 );
	gBottomBorder = newwin( 1, COLS, LINES - 3, 0 );
	gRightBorder = newwin( LINES - 3, 1, 0, COLS - 17 );
	gInputWindow = newwin( 2, COLS, LINES - 2, 0 );
	gChannelWindow = newwin( LINES - 3, 16, 0, COLS - 16 );
	mvwhline( gBottomBorder, 0, 0, 0, COLS );
	mvwvline( gRightBorder, 0, 0, 0, LINES );
	wrefresh( gBottomBorder );
	wrefresh( gRightBorder );
	scrollok( gMainWindow, TRUE );
	keypad( gInputWindow, TRUE );
	scrollok( gInputWindow, TRUE );
	CONSOLE_Draw( );
	nodelay( gInputWindow, TRUE );	
	// print something for logging purposes

	CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] starting up" );

#ifdef WIN32

	// increase process priority

	CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] setting process priority to \"high\"" );
	SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess( ), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS );

	// initialize winsock

	CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] starting winsock" );
	WSADATA wsadata;

	if( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsadata ) != 0 )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] error starting winsock" );
		return 1;

	// initialize ccbot

	gCCBot = new CCCBot( &CFG );

	while( true )
		// block for 50ms on all sockets - if you intend to perform any timed actions more frequently you should change this
		// that said it's likely we'll loop more often than this due to there being data waiting on one of the sockets but there aren't any guarantees

		if( gCCBot->Update( ) )

		bool Quit = false;
		int c = wgetch( gInputWindow );
		while( c != ERR )
			if( c == 8 || c == 127 || c == KEY_BACKSPACE || c == KEY_DC )
				// Backspace, Delete

				if( !gInputBuffer.empty( ) )
					gInputBuffer.erase( gInputBuffer.size( ) - 1, 1 );
			else if( c == 9 )
				// Tab
#ifdef WIN32
			else if( c == 10 || c == 13 || c == PADENTER )
			else if( c == 10 || c == 13 )
				// CR, LF
				// process input buffer now

				string Command = gInputBuffer;

				if( Command[0] == gCCBot->m_BNETs[0]->GetCommandTrigger( ) )
					CONSOLE_Print( "[CONSOLE] " + Command );
					CIncomingChatEvent event = CIncomingChatEvent( CBNETProtocol :: CONSOLE_INPUT, 0, 0, gCCBot->m_BNETs[0]->GetRootAdmin( ), Command );
					gCCBot->m_BNETs[0]->ProcessChatEvent( &event );
					gCCBot->m_BNETs[0]->QueueChatCommand( Command, false );				

				gInputBuffer.clear( );
#ifdef WIN32
			else if( c == 22 )
				// Paste

				char *clipboard = NULL;
				long length = 0;

				if( PDC_getclipboard( &clipboard, &length ) == PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS )
					gInputBuffer += string( clipboard, length );
					PDC_freeclipboard( clipboard );
			else if( c == 27 )
				// Escape button

				gInputBuffer.clear( );
			else if( c >= 32 && c <= 255 )
				// Printable characters

				gInputBuffer.push_back( c );
#ifdef WIN32
			else if( c == PADSLASH )
				gInputBuffer.push_back( '/' );
			else if( c == PADSTAR )
				gInputBuffer.push_back( '*' );
			else if( c == PADMINUS )
				gInputBuffer.push_back( '-' );
			else if( c == PADPLUS )
				gInputBuffer.push_back( '+' );
			else if( c == KEY_RESIZE )
				CONSOLE_Resize( );

			// clamp input buffer size

			if( gInputBuffer.size( ) > 200 )
				gInputBuffer.erase( 200 );

			c = wgetch( gInputWindow );
			gInputWindowChanged = true;

		CONSOLE_Draw( );

		if( Quit )

	// shutdown ghost

	CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] shutting down" );
	delete gCCBot;
	gCCBot = NULL;

#ifdef WIN32
	// shutdown winsock

	CONSOLE_Print( "[CCBOT] shutting down winsock" );
	WSACleanup( );

	// shutdown curses

	endwin( );
	if( gRestart )
#ifdef WIN32
	_spawnl( _P_OVERLAY, "ccbot.exe", "ccbot.exe", NULL );
	execl( "ccbot++", "ccbot++", NULL );				

	return 0;