int main(void) { // Init PIC24 InitMain(); // Init modules AudioInInit(); Uart2Init(UART_BAUD_250000, 0); LedsInit(); // Main loop while(1) { if(AudioInIsGetReady()) { Fixed audioSample = AudioInGet(); // Update LEDs LedsUpdate(audioSample); // Print audio sample Uart2RxTasks(); if(Uart2IsPutReady() >= 6) { static const char asciiDigits[10] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; int i = FIXED_TO_INT(audioSample); div_t n; int print = 0; if(i < 0) { Uart2PutChar('-'); i = -i; } if(i >= 10000) { n = div(i, 10000); Uart2PutChar(asciiDigits[n.quot]); i = n.rem; print = 1; } if(i >= 1000 || print) { n = div(i, 1000); Uart2PutChar(asciiDigits[n.quot]); i = n.rem; print = 1; } if(i >= 100 || print) { n = div(i, 100); Uart2PutChar(asciiDigits[n.quot]); i = n.rem; print = 1; } if(i >= 10 || print) { n = div(i, 10); Uart2PutChar(asciiDigits[n.quot]); i = n.rem; } Uart2PutChar(asciiDigits[i]); Uart2PutChar('\r'); } } } }
/*************************************************************** ** 作 者: Songyimiao ** 官 网: ** 淘 宝: ** 日 期: 2015年11月29日 ** 函数名称: DriversInit ** 功能描述: 底层驱动初始化 ** 输 入: ** 输 出: ** 备 注: ********************喵呜实验室版权所有************************** ***************************************************************/ void DriversInit(void) { GPIOInit(); Timer1Init(); PWMInit(); Uart1Init(); Uart2Init(); Timer3Timer4Init(); }
void init_system() { delay_init(); //延时函数初始化 NVIC_Configuration(); //设置NVIC中断分组2:2位抢占优先级,2位响应优先级 init_leds(); //初始化led init_jdqs(); //初始化继电器 uart1_init(9600); //串口1初始化为9600 调试用 //uart2_init(115200); //串口2初始化为115200 WIFI模块用 Uart2Init(); //串口2初始化为115200 WIFI模块用 uart1_send("System Running...\r\n\0",19); }
int main() { //Clock init M=43, N1,2 = 2 == 39.61MIPS PLLFBD = 43; CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; // N1 = 2 CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; // N2 = 2 OSCTUN = 0; RCONbits.SWDTEN = 0; __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x01); // Initiate Clock Switch to Primary (3?) __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01); // Start clock switching while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b001); // Wait for Clock switch to occur while (OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1) { }; //End of clock init. initPins(); Uart2Init(115200L, InterruptRoutine); // Uart2PrintChar('S'); while (!SD_IN); // initialize the file system, open the file, read the file and send in chunks FSInit(); FSFILE * openFile = FSfopen("send.txt", FS_READ); char toSend[512]; int n; while (n = FSfread(toSend, 1, 512, openFile)) { Uart2SendBytes(toSend, n); } FSfclose(openFile); // turn on amber LED TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 0; LATAbits.LATA4 = 1; while (1); }
int main() { unsigned char keyScanResult = 0; // 按键结果 unsigned char i = 0; unsigned char j = 0; unsigned char batCnt = 0; int batteryValue = 0; // unsigned char id[12] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'a','b','c'}; // unsigned char temp[2] = {31, 23}; // unsigned char sen[2] = {12, 13}; // unsigned char rssi[2] = {13, 14}; // unsigned char fail_cnt = 0; unsigned char send_times = 0; // enum BLE_CMD blecmd; beep200msBZ(); // 上电提醒 UartInit(); // Uart1 (for indy) //[email protected] Uart2Init(); // Uart2 // [email protected] Uart3Init(); // Uart3 (for BT) [email protected] Uart4Init(); // Uart4 (for debug) //[email protected] batteryInit(); // 初始化电源芯片 InitOled(); // 初始化OLED OledPowerUp(); // 开启OLED ble_init(); // 默认透传模式 //BLE_CMD_MODE_IN; //t0IntInit(); // t0初始化 // OledClear(); //Delay999ms(); OledFlush((unsigned char *)HM); // OledFlushBaseState(); // OledBatteryPower(97); // OledBatteryState(3); // OledBtConnectState(1); // OledChargingState(1); // OledWriteWordByHex(1,0,sizeof(buf)); //OledWeakUpDownMode(9); // 启动睡眠模式 // ------------------- 亮度调节 --------------------------- /* while(1) { Delay100ms(); checkCharging(); keyScanResult = keyScan(); if(keyScanResult != S0_NO_INPUT){ //i += 5; //GetPwmBRT(i); OledWriteWordByHex(1, 0, OLED_BRT_DUTY); OledBrtAdjust(1); } if(OLED_BRT_DUTY == 90) OLED_BRT_DUTY = 5; } */ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // ------------------- indy ---------------------------------- clear_rec_data(); OledClear(); // Delay20ms(); OledWriteMessage57("connect... "); indyInitCh875(); OledClear(); //OledAssicForState(0,90,'*'); while(1) { //indySetBD(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0); // WDT_CONTR |= 0X37;//使能看门狗。128分频,喂狗时间大约2.6S. bleParseData(); // 对蓝牙收到的数据进行解析 clear_mes_body(); Delay50ms(); //getBatteryPercent(); //batteryScan(); // 发送电量信息给蓝牙 batCnt++; if(batCnt >= 20){ // 50ms * 20 = 1s;发送一次电量 batCnt = 0; if(bleState.moreInfor == 1){ bleState.battery[0] = batteryCharge; // 充电状态;检测P07 bleState.battery[1] = getBatteryPercent(); // 得到电量的百分比 bleSendData(BATTERY, bleState.battery, 2, SUC); } } // 按键扫描 keyScanResult = keyScan(); if(keyScanResult == S0_NO_INPUT){ // 过一段时间清除OLED if(i < 80){ i++; continue; } else{ i = 0; OledClear(); } } else if(keyScanResult == S4_MODE){ // 关 OledPowerDown(); death_ctron = 0; System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 0; } else if(keyScanResult == S5_ENTER){ // 开 if(death_ctron == 0){ System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 1; death_ctron = 1; ble_init(); // 默认透传模式 beep200msBZ(); // 重启提示 OledPowerUp(); OledClear(); OledWriteMessage57("init... "); indyInitCh875(); OledClear(); } }else{ //clear_rec_data(); for(send_times = 0; send_times < 5; send_times++){ switch(keyScanResult) { case S1_TUCH: if(bleState.moreInfor == 1) indy_readall(); // 读所有 else { indyGetBD(); indy_readtemp(); //temp } break; case S2_KEYP: indy_read_sensorcode(); //sensor code break; case S3_KEYM: indy_readrssi(); //rssi break; default: break; } } if(keyScanResult && rec_num == 0) OledAssicForState(0,90,'*'); else OledAssicForState(0,90,' '); } } // ----------------------- 按键 ----------------------------- /* while(1){ Delay100ms(); keyScanResult = keyScan(); if(keyScanResult != S0_NO_INPUT){ if(System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF == 1){ OledPowerDown(); CS_OLED = 0; DC_OLED = 0; death_ctron = 0; WR_OLED = 0; RD_OLED = 0; System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 0; } else{ System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 1; death_ctron = 1; OledPowerUp(); } } } */ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // ------------------------ 充电检测 ----------------------------- // checkCharging(); // Delay999ms(); // ---------------------------- 蓝牙 --------------------------------- /* Delay999ms(); BT_OPEN; WEEK_UP_BT; BLE_TRAN_MODE_IN; // 默认透传模式 Delay999ms(); BT_CLOSE; SLEEP_BT; BLE_CMD_MODE_IN; clear_uart2_data(); */ //SendString4("BT test \n "); /* while(1){ Delay100ms(); if(uart3_rec_cnt > 0){ SendBuf4(uart3_rec_data, uart3_rec_cnt); } if( bleParseData() ){ bleDoCmd(); // Delay100ms(); } //P50 = 1; //P51 = 1; //Delay999ms(); //P50 = 0; //P51 = 0; //Delay999ms(); // bleSendData(BLANK, NULL, 1, 0); // bleRecvError(); // bleSendChar(0xff); // bleSendData(ID, id, 12, 0); // bleSendChar(0xff); // bleSendData(TEMP, temp, 2, 0); // temp[0]++; // temp[1]++; // bleSendChar(0xff); // bleSendData(SENSORCODE, sen, 2, 0); // sen[0]++; // sen[1]++; // bleSendChar(0xff); // bleSendData(RSSI, rssi, 2, 0); // rssi[0]++; // rssi[1]++; // bleSendChar(0xff); // Delay999ms(); keyScanResult = keyScan(); // 扫描按键 switch(keyScanResult){ // 处理按键 case S0_NO_INPUT: break; case S1_TUCH: bleSendData(ID, id, 12, 0); bleSendData(TEMP, temp, 2, 0); temp[0]++; temp[1]++; if(temp[0] > 45) temp[0] = 20; if(temp[1] > 99) temp[1] = 0; break; case S2_KEYP: BLE_CMD_MODE_IN; break; case S3_KEYM: BLE_TRAN_MODE_IN; // 默认透传模式 break; case S4_MODE: SendString3("BT test \n "); break; case S5_ENTER: OledClear(); OledWriteMessage(" BT TEST "); SendString4("Debug test \n "); break; default: SendString4("error \n "); break; } */ /* if(uart3_rec_cnt > 0){ Delay10ms(); OledClear(); SendString4(uart3_rec_data); OledWriteBufByHex57(uart3_rec_data, uart3_rec_cnt); bleClearRecData(); } */ // } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // -----进入掉电模式(休眠) 5ms唤醒一次 10 * 0.488ms ---------------- // P51 = 1; // 用于检测CPU使用率 // InPowerDownMode; // P51 = 0; //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // ------------------------------ 温度 电量 -------------------------------- /* while(1){ //batteryValue = batteryScan(); //OledWriteDouble(1,0, batteryValue); //temp = tempScan(); //OledWriteDouble(3,0, temp); Delay100ms(); keyScanResult = keyScan(); if(keyScanResult != S0_NO_INPUT){ if(System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF == 1){ OledPowerDown(); System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 0; } else{ System_Power_Vcc_ON_OFF = 1; OledPowerUp(); } } } */ // memset(tempStr, 0, sizeof(tempStr)); // // // bat = getBatteryPercent(); // OledWriteMessage57(tempStr); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //------------------ 查询事件 ----------------------------------------- // keyScanResult = keyScan(); // 扫描按键 // switch(keyScanResult){ // 处理按键 // case S0_NO_INPUT: // break; // case S1_TUCH: // SendString4("S1 \n "); // break; // case S2_KEYP: // SendString4("S2 \n "); // pageScan(keyScanResult); // break; // case S3_KEYM: // SendString4("S3 \n "); // pageScan(keyScanResult); // break; // case S4_MODE: // // SendString4("S4 \n "); // mode_flag_t = 0; // pageScan(S0_NO_INPUT); // break; // // case S5_ENTER: // pageScan(keyScanResult); // break; // default : // SendString4("ERROR \n "); // //pageScan(keyScanResult, mode_flag_t); // break; // // } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // --------------------- 业务 --------------------------------- //OledWriteWordByHex(3,0,WIRC_H); //OledWriteWordByHex(3,16,WIRC_L); //WKTCL = 100; // WKTCH = 0; //WKTCH = 0x80; //WeakUpDownMode(20408); /* while(1){ Delay10ms(); keyScanResult = keyScan(); // 扫描按键 if(keyScanResult != S0_NO_INPUT){ switch(i){ case 0 : GetPwm4(1000); // 1MHZ i = 1; break; case 1 : GetPwm4(100); // 100KHZ i = 2; break; case 2 : GetPwm4(10); // 10KHZ i = 3; break; case 3 : GetPwm4(10000); // 10KHZ i = 0; break; default: break; } } */ //OledWriteMessage("Sleep"); //InPowerDownMode; //OledWriteMessage("Weekup"); //Delay999ms(); // Delay999ms(); // SendData2(0xea); // Delay20ms(); // while(uart2_rec_cnt > 0){ //SendString2(uart2_rec_data); //OledWriteAssic57(1, 0, 0xff); // OledWriteBufByHex57(uart2_rec_data, uart2_rec_cnt); // clear_uart2_data(); // } // } // // P51 = 1; return 0; }
int main(void) { // Watchdog Timer Enabled/disabled by user software // (LPRC can be disabled by clearing SWDTEN bit in RCON registe // Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 40Mhz // Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2 // Fosc= 8M*40/(2*2)=80Mhz for 8M input clock PLLFBD = 38; // M=40 CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; // N1=2 CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; // N2=2 OSCTUN = 0; // Tune FRC oscillator, if FRC is used RCONbits.SWDTEN = 0; /* Disable Watch Dog Timer*/ // Clock switch to incorporate PLL __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03); // Initiate Clock Switch to Primary // Oscillator with PLL (NOSC=0b011) __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01); // Start clock switching while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b011); // Wait for Clock switch to occur while (OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1) { }; /* Wait for PLL to lock*/ // bufferPointer = NULL; Uart2Init(InterruptRoutine); if (!CB_Init(&circBuf, cbData, CB_SIZE)) FATAL_ERROR(); // Generate a fake input to record to the circular buffer // give beginning and end special characters unsigned char goodData[512]; int i; for (i=0; i<512; i++) { goodData[i] = (char)i; } goodSum = checksum(goodData, 512); Uart2PrintStr("Begin.\n"); file = NewSDInit("newfile.txt"); int SDConnected = 0; while(1) { // if (bufferPointer != NULL) { TODO implement this? // CB_WriteMany(&circBuf, bufferPointer, UART2_BUFFER_SIZE, 1); // the 1 is arbitrary // bufferPointer = NULL; // } if (SD_IN) { // if the board was just plugged in try to reinitialize if(!SDConnected) { MEDIA_INFORMATION * Minfo; do { Minfo = MDD_MediaInitialize(); } while(Minfo->errorCode == MEDIA_CANNOT_INITIALIZE); SDConnected = 1; } // When we are connected and initialized, poll the buffer, if there // is data, write it. unsigned char outData[SD_SECTOR_SIZE]; if (CB_PeekMany(&circBuf, outData, SD_SECTOR_SIZE)){ if(NewSDWriteSector(file, outData)){ // Remove the data we just written. if(checksum(outData, 512) != goodSum) { FATAL_ERROR(); } CB_Remove(&circBuf, SD_SECTOR_SIZE); } } } else { SDConnected = 0; } } }
int main ( void ) { //uint8_t static active= 0; //uint8_t static ledstat; SystemInit();//系统时钟等初始化 if(SysTick_Config(72000*1)) //配置错误返回1,max 16777216 默认72Mhz 时钟 ,1ms延时 { //LED4_ON; //错误处理 while(1); } LED_Init(); //LED端口初始化 LED2_ON; NVIC_Configuration();//设置NVIC中断分组2:2位抢占优先级,2位响应优先级 Uart1Init ( 115200 ); //串口初始化为115200 GSM_RST = 0; //启动GSM模块 delay_ms(1800); USB_Port_Set(0); //USB??? delay_ms(700); USB_Port_Set(1); //USB???? Set_USBClock(); USB_Interrupts_Config(); USB_Init(); Uart2Init ( 115200 ); //串口初始化为115200 Uart3Init ( 115200 );//串口初始化为115200 //Uart1SendStr(STR("uart1 init\r\n")); //Uart2SendStr(STR("uart2 init\r\n")); //Uart3SendStr(STR("uart3 init\r\n")); C_bt_init(); C_bt_module_reset(); C_bt_module_init(); GSM_RST = 1; //启动GSM模块 while(1) { if(C_bt_device_active()) { LED2_ON; if(USB_USART_RX_STA&0x8000){ //delay_ms(100); C_bt_sendBinary((char*)USB_USART_RX_BUF,USB_USART_RX_STA&0x3FFF); USB_USART_RX_STA=0; } } else { LED2_OFF; } if((ms_timer %2) == 0){ C_bt_step(); } //模块初始化 if(C_bt_selftest()){ LED2_OFF; }else{ //LED2_ON; } } }
main() { uint8 option=0; uint8 key; SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4| SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_6MHZ); Uart0Init(19200); Uart1Init(9600); Uart2Init(19200); IntMasterEnable(); SysLinearTimer =0; IoPortInit(); //IO口初始化 I2C1Init() ;//Fm31256 TimerInit(); xs6963_init(); PIN_TDA7367stand_Write(ETDA7367work_no); FlashUsecSet(49); //T1Init_LM331(); DPRINTF(("Bat=%d ,cha=%d ,Temp=%d \n",1,2,3)); Usb_Host_Init(); mainHandleinit(); signPWM_init(50.0); PWM_sign_stop(); /*LCD初始化*/ start_mune(); /* fm31256 eeprom 8 */ readbyte_much(setsto_addr,settype_nub,set.byte ); /*修正系数*/ modify_read(); /**/ Oiltempset.oilTwork=EOiltemp_Workon; /*lm331初始化 温度测量使用*/ T1Init_LM331(); /*系统节拍*/ SysLinearTimer=0; while(SysLinearTimer<3*TIMER_FREQ)//后台参数设置 { key=Keyset.keyEfficiency; if(key==key_modify) { while(Keyset.keyEfficiency==key_modify); option++; if(option>=4) { modify_read();//读取修正参数 TgC_read(); modify();//修正 } } } modifyK_js(); SysLinearTimer=0; rx_flag=0; option=0; mainset_go: key=Keyset.keyEfficiency; mainset_mune(); Reversepic(mainset_lin+option*mainset_high, mainset_column, mainset_high, 2*4); while(1) { while(key==Keyset.keyEfficiency) { if(SysLinearTimer>(3*TIMER_FREQ/4)) { // Temp_account(); if(TRUE_z==Gandispose())//地线检测 { mainset_mune(); Reversepic(mainset_lin+option*mainset_high, mainset_column, mainset_high, 2*4); } read_time(); { uint8 byte[12]; Clock_viewxs(byte) ; } SysLinearTimer=0; } } key=Keyset.keyEfficiency; /*按键处理*/ switch(key) { case key_no: case key_back: continue; case key_down: case key_up: Reversepic(mainset_lin+option*mainset_high, mainset_column, mainset_high, 2*4); option=keyoption_js(option, key,4,Emune_key);// Reversepic(mainset_lin+option*mainset_high, mainset_column, mainset_high, 2*4); /* if(key==key_up) { PWM_sign_acc(0.0, 0.0); delay(0x80000); PIN_DCAC_pwm(EDC_power); PWM_sign_acc(0.0, 0.7); } else { PWM_sign_acc(0.0, 0.0); delay(0x80000); PIN_DCAC_pwm(EAC_power); PWM_sign_acc(50.0, 0.8); } */ break; case key_ok: switch(option) { case ELan_main://语言 set.mune.Langue++; set.mune.Langue&=0x01; //ShowtextLine(mainset_lin+option*mainset_high, mainset_column+0x10,Lanset_p[set.mune.Langue]); break; case EOilset_main://油样设置 oidset(); break; case EView_main://历史数据 Viewdata_Hander(); break; case EClock_main://时钟设置 clockset_mune(); break; } goto mainset_go ; case key_oil: Oilclear();//排油 break; } } }
void init_ap( void ) { #ifndef SINGLE_MCU /** init done in main_fbw in single MCU */ hw_init(); sys_time_init(); #ifdef LED led_init(); #endif #ifdef ADC adc_init(); #endif #endif /* SINGLE_MCU */ /************* Sensors initialization ***************/ #ifdef USE_INFRARED ir_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_GYRO gyro_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_GPS gps_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_UART0 Uart0Init(); #endif #ifdef USE_UART1 Uart1Init(); #endif #ifdef USE_UART2 Uart2Init(); #endif #ifdef USE_UART3 Uart3Init(); #endif #ifdef USE_USB_SERIAL VCOM_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_GPIO GpioInit(); #endif #ifdef USE_I2C0 i2c0_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_I2C1 i2c1_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_I2C2 i2c2_init(); #endif /************* Links initialization ***************/ #if defined USE_SPI spi_init(); #endif #if defined MCU_SPI_LINK link_mcu_init(); #endif #ifdef MODEM modem_init(); #endif /************ Internal status ***************/ h_ctl_init(); v_ctl_init(); estimator_init(); #ifdef ALT_KALMAN alt_kalman_init(); #endif nav_init(); modules_init(); /** - start interrupt task */ int_enable(); /** wait 0.5s (historical :-) */ sys_time_usleep(500000); #if defined GPS_CONFIGURE gps_configure_uart(); #endif #if defined DATALINK #if DATALINK == XBEE xbee_init(); #endif #endif /* DATALINK */ #if defined AEROCOMM_DATA_PIN IO0DIR |= _BV(AEROCOMM_DATA_PIN); IO0SET = _BV(AEROCOMM_DATA_PIN); #endif power_switch = FALSE; /************ Multi-uavs status ***************/ #ifdef TRAFFIC_INFO traffic_info_init(); #endif }