Пример #1
**  Move in a random direction
**  @return  true if the unit moves, false otherwise
static bool MoveRandomly(CUnit &unit)
	if (unit.Type->RandomMovementProbability == false
		|| ((SyncRand() % 100) > unit.Type->RandomMovementProbability)) {
		return false;
	// pick random location
	Vec2i pos = unit.tilePos;

	pos.x += SyncRand(unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance * 2 + 1) - unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance;
	pos.y += SyncRand(unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance * 2 + 1) - unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance;

	// restrict to map

	// move if possible
	if (pos != unit.tilePos) {
		if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos)) {
			CommandMove(unit, pos, FlushCommands);
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
**  Find a free position close to startPos
**  @param transporter
**  @param unit         Unit to unload.
**  @param startPos     Original search position
**  @param maxrange     maximum range to unload.
**  @param res          Unload position.
**  @return      True if a position was found, False otherwise.
**  @note        res is undefined if a position is not found.
**  @bug         FIXME: Place unit only on fields reachable from the transporter
static bool FindUnloadPosition(const CUnit &transporter, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i startPos, int maxRange, Vec2i *res)
	Vec2i pos = startPos;

	pos.x -= unit.Type->TileWidth - 1;
	pos.y -= unit.Type->TileHeight - 1;
	int addx = transporter.Type->TileWidth + unit.Type->TileWidth - 1;
	int addy = transporter.Type->TileHeight + unit.Type->TileHeight - 1;

	for (int range = 0; range < maxRange; ++range) {
		for (int i = addy; i--; ++pos.y) {
			if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos)) {
				*res = pos;
				return true;

		for (int i = addx; i--; ++pos.x) {
			if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos)) {
				*res = pos;
				return true;

		for (int i = addy; i--; --pos.y) {
			if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos)) {
				*res = pos;
				return true;

		for (int i = addx; i--; --pos.x) {
			if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos)) {
				*res = pos;
				return true;
	return false;
Пример #3
**  Create a unit and place it on the map
**  @param l  Lua state.
**  @return   Returns the slot number of the made unit.
static int CclCreateUnit(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 3);

	lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
	CUnitType *unittype = CclGetUnitType(l);
	if (unittype == NULL) {
		LuaError(l, "Bad unittype");
	lua_pop(l, 1);
	Vec2i ipos;
	CclGetPos(l, &ipos.x, &ipos.y, 3);

	lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
	const int playerno = TriggerGetPlayer(l);
	lua_pop(l, 1);
	if (playerno == -1) {
		printf("CreateUnit: You cannot use \"any\" in create-unit, specify a player\n");
		LuaError(l, "bad player");
		return 0;
	if (Players[playerno].Type == PlayerNobody) {
		printf("CreateUnit: player %d does not exist\n", playerno);
		LuaError(l, "bad player");
		return 0;
	CUnit *unit = MakeUnit(*unittype, &Players[playerno]);
	if (unit == NULL) {
		DebugPrint("Unable to allocate unit");
		return 0;
	} else {
		if (UnitCanBeAt(*unit, ipos)
			|| (unit->Type->Building && CanBuildUnitType(NULL, *unit->Type, ipos, 0))) {
		} else {
			const int heading = SyncRand() % 256;

			unit->tilePos = ipos;
			DropOutOnSide(*unit, heading, NULL);
		UpdateForNewUnit(*unit, 0);

		lua_pushnumber(l, UnitNumber(*unit));
		return 1;
Пример #4
**  Return true if position is a correct place to drop out units.
**  @param transporter  Transporter unit.
**  @param pos          position to drop out units.
static bool IsDropZonePossible(const CUnit &transporter, const Vec2i &pos)
	const int maxUnloadRange = 1;

	if (!UnitCanBeAt(transporter, pos)) {
		return false;
	Vec2i dummyPos;
	CUnit *unit = transporter.UnitInside;
	for (int i = 0; i < transporter.InsideCount; ++i, unit = unit->NextContained) {
		if (FindUnloadPosition(transporter, *unit, pos, maxUnloadRange, &dummyPos)) {
			return true;
	// Check unit can be droped from here.
	return false;
Пример #5
**  Move a unit on map.
**  @param l  Lua state.
**  @return   Returns the slot number of the made placed.
static int CclMoveUnit(lua_State *l)
	LuaCheckArgs(l, 2);

	lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
	CUnit *unit = CclGetUnit(l);
	lua_pop(l, 1);

	Vec2i ipos;
	CclGetPos(l, &ipos.x, &ipos.y, 2);

	if (UnitCanBeAt(*unit, ipos)) {
	} else {
		const int heading = SyncRand() % 256;

		unit->tilePos = ipos;
		DropOutOnSide(*unit, heading, NULL);
	lua_pushvalue(l, 1);
	return 1;
Пример #6
**  Returns the next element of a path.
**  @param unit  Unit that wants the path element.
**  @param pxd   Pointer for the x direction.
**  @param pyd   Pointer for the y direction.
**  @pre         The unit's field flags must have been unmarked
**               on the map; see UnmarkUnitFieldFlags.
**  @return >0 remaining path length, 0 wait for path, -1
**  reached goal, -2 can't reach the goal.
int NextPathElement(CUnit *unit, int *pxd, int *pyd)
	int result;

	// Please use UnmarkUnitFieldFlags and MarkUnitFieldFlags
	// around NextPathElement calls.
	Assert((Map.Field(unit->X, unit->Y)->Flags & unit->Type->FieldFlags) == 0);

	// Attempt to use path cache
	// FIXME: If there is a goal, it may have moved, ruining the cache
	*pxd = 0;
	*pyd = 0;

	// Goal has moved, need to recalculate path or no cached path
	if (unit->Data.Move.Length <= 0 ||
		(unit->Orders[0]->Goal && (unit->Orders[0]->Goal->X != unit->Orders[0]->X ||
			unit->Orders[0]->Goal->Y != unit->Orders[0]->Y))) {
		result = NewPath(unit);

		if (result == PF_UNREACHABLE) {
			unit->Data.Move.Length = 0;
			return result;
		if (result == PF_REACHED) {
			return result;
		if (unit->Goal) {
			// Update Orders
			unit->Orders[0]->X = unit->Goal->X;
			unit->Orders[0]->Y = unit->Goal->Y;

	*pxd = Heading2X[(int)unit->Data.Move.Path[(int)unit->Data.Move.Length - 1]];
	*pyd = Heading2Y[(int)unit->Data.Move.Path[(int)unit->Data.Move.Length - 1]];
	result = unit->Data.Move.Length;
	if (!UnitCanBeAt(unit, *pxd + unit->X, *pyd + unit->Y)) {
		// If obstructing unit is moving, wait for a bit.
		if (unit->Data.Move.Fast) {
			AstarDebugPrint("WAIT at %d\n" _C_ unit->Data.Move.Fast);
			result = PF_WAIT;
		} else {
			unit->Data.Move.Fast = 10;
			AstarDebugPrint("SET WAIT to 10\n");
			result = PF_WAIT;
		if (unit->Data.Move.Fast == 0 && result != 0) {
			AstarDebugPrint("WAIT expired\n");
			result = NewPath(unit);
			if (result > 0) {
				*pxd = Heading2X[(int)unit->Data.Move.Path[(int)unit->Data.Move.Length - 1]];
				*pyd = Heading2Y[(int)unit->Data.Move.Path[(int)unit->Data.Move.Length - 1]];
				if (!UnitCanBeAt(unit, *pxd + unit->X, *pyd + unit->Y)) {
					// There may be unit in the way, Astar may allow you to walk onto it.
					result = PF_UNREACHABLE;
					*pxd = 0;
					*pyd = 0;
				} else {
					result = unit->Data.Move.Length;
	if (result != PF_WAIT) {
		unit->Data.Move.Fast = 0;
	return result;
Пример #7
**  Returns the next element of a path.
**  @param unit  Unit that wants the path element.
**  @param pxd   Pointer for the x direction.
**  @param pyd   Pointer for the y direction.
**  @return >0 remaining path length, 0 wait for path, -1
**  reached goal, -2 can't reach the goal.
int NextPathElement(CUnit &unit, short int *pxd, short int *pyd)
	PathFinderInput &input = unit.pathFinderData->input;
	PathFinderOutput &output = unit.pathFinderData->output;

	// Attempt to use path cache
	// FIXME: If there is a goal, it may have moved, ruining the cache
	*pxd = 0;
	*pyd = 0;

	// Goal has moved, need to recalculate path or no cached path
	if (output.Length <= 0 || input.IsRecalculateNeeded()) {
		const int result = NewPath(input, output);

		if (result == PF_UNREACHABLE) {
			output.Length = 0;
			return result;
		if (result == PF_REACHED) {
			return result;

	*pxd = Heading2X[(int)output.Path[(int)output.Length - 1]];
	*pyd = Heading2Y[(int)output.Path[(int)output.Length - 1]];
	const Vec2i dir(*pxd, *pyd);
	int result = output.Length;
	if (!UnitCanBeAt(unit, unit.tilePos + dir)) {
		// If obstructing unit is moving, wait for a bit.
		if (output.Fast) {
			AstarDebugPrint("WAIT at %d\n" _C_ output.Fast);
			result = PF_WAIT;
		} else {
			output.Fast = 10;
			AstarDebugPrint("SET WAIT to 10\n");
			result = PF_WAIT;
		if (output.Fast == 0 && result != 0) {
			AstarDebugPrint("WAIT expired\n");
			result = NewPath(input, output);
			if (result > 0) {
				*pxd = Heading2X[(int)output.Path[(int)output.Length - 1]];
				*pyd = Heading2Y[(int)output.Path[(int)output.Length - 1]];
				if (!UnitCanBeAt(unit, unit.tilePos + dir)) {
					// There may be unit in the way, Astar may allow you to walk onto it.
					result = PF_UNREACHABLE;
					*pxd = 0;
					*pyd = 0;
				} else {
					result = output.Length;
	if (result != PF_WAIT) {
		output.Fast = 0;
	return result;
Пример #8
**  Move in a random direction
**  @return  true if the unit moves, false otherwise
static bool MoveRandomly(CUnit &unit)
	if (!unit.Type->RandomMovementProbability || SyncRand(100) > unit.Type->RandomMovementProbability) {
		return false;
	// pick random location
	Vec2i pos = unit.tilePos;

	pos.x += SyncRand(unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance * 2 + 1) - unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance;
	pos.y += SyncRand(unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance * 2 + 1) - unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance;

	// restrict to map
	Map.Clamp(pos, unit.MapLayer->ID);

	// move if possible
	if (pos != unit.tilePos) {
		if (UnitCanBeAt(unit, pos, unit.MapLayer->ID)) {
			//Wyrmgus start
			//prefer terrains which this unit's species is native to; only go to other ones if is already in a non-native terrain type
			if (unit.Type->Species && std::find(unit.Type->Species->Terrains.begin(), unit.Type->Species->Terrains.end(), Map.GetTileTopTerrain(unit.tilePos, false, unit.MapLayer->ID)) != unit.Type->Species->Terrains.end()) {
				if (std::find(unit.Type->Species->Terrains.begin(), unit.Type->Species->Terrains.end(), Map.GetTileTopTerrain(pos, false, unit.MapLayer->ID)) == unit.Type->Species->Terrains.end()) {
					return false;
			if (unit.Type->BoolFlag[PEOPLEAVERSION_INDEX].value) {
				std::vector<CUnit *> table;
				SelectAroundUnit(unit, std::max(6, unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance), table, HasNotSamePlayerAs(*unit.Player));
				if (!table.size()) { //only avoid going near a settled area if isn't already surrounded by civilizations' units
					//don't go near settled areas
					Vec2i minpos = pos;
					Vec2i maxpos = pos;
					minpos.x = pos.x - std::max(6, unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance);
					minpos.y = pos.y - std::max(6, unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance);
					maxpos.x = pos.x + std::max(6, unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance);
					maxpos.y = pos.y + std::max(6, unit.Type->RandomMovementDistance);
					std::vector<CUnit *> second_table;
					Select(minpos, maxpos, second_table, unit.MapLayer->ID, HasNotSamePlayerAs(*unit.Player));

					if (second_table.size() > 0) {
						return false;
				} else { //even if is already in a settled area, don't go to places adjacent to units owned by players other than the neutral player
					Vec2i minpos = pos;
					Vec2i maxpos = pos;
					minpos.x = pos.x - 1;
					minpos.y = pos.y - 1;
					maxpos.x = pos.x + 1;
					maxpos.y = pos.y + 1;
					std::vector<CUnit *> second_table;
					Select(minpos, maxpos, second_table, unit.MapLayer->ID, HasNotSamePlayerAs(*unit.Player));

					if (second_table.size() > 0) {
						return false;
			CommandMove(unit, pos, FlushCommands, unit.MapLayer->ID);
			return true;
	return false;