Пример #1
// Enleve tout ce qui est en echec.
void TMoveList::ChoisiMove(int ply, int wtm)
#ifdef JOURNAL
	journal.Log( "ChoisiMove: NbMove: %d\n", nbmove );
  if ( nbmove == 0 )

  currmove = 0;
  int iDernierValide = -1;
  // Verifier chaque coup.
  while( currmove < nbmove ) {

    // Effectuer le coup et verifier si est en echec.
    MakeMove(ply, moves[currmove], wtm);
    int bEstEchec = Check(wtm);
    UnmakeMove(ply, moves[currmove], wtm);

    // Si le coup est valide le copier dans la case suivant le dernier
    // coup valide trouver.
    if ( !bEstEchec ) {
      moves[iDernierValide] = moves[currmove];

  // Nombre de coup valide.
  nbmove = iDernierValide+1;
Пример #2
void cmd_pgnreplay(void)
  char tmp_epd[]=".tmp.epd";
  char data[MAXSTR]="";
  FILE *epdfile=NULL;
  char epdline[MAXSTR]="";

  PGNReadFromFile (token[1],1);

  SaveEPD( tmp_epd );
  epdfile = fopen( tmp_epd, "r" );
  if ( fgets( epdline, MAXSTR, epdfile ) == NULL ) {
    printf( _("Incorrect epd file\n") );

  strcpy( data, "setboard " );
  int i=0;
  while ( epdline[i] != '\n' ) {
    data[i+9] = epdline[i];
  data[i+9] = '\0';

  SetDataToEngine( data );
  SetAutoGo( true );

  pgnloaded = 1;
  pgncnt = GameCnt;

  while (GameCnt >= 0) {
    if (GameCnt >= 0) {
      CLEAR (flags, ENDED);
      CLEAR (flags, TIMEOUT);
      ChangeColor( true );
      SetAutoGo( true );
      UnmakeMove (board.side, &Game[GameCnt].move);
      if (GameCnt >= 0) {
        UnmakeMove (board.side, &Game[GameCnt].move);

Пример #3
void cmd_first(void)
  if (!pgnloaded)

  while (GameCnt >= 0) {
    if (GameCnt >= 0) {
      CLEAR (flags, ENDED);
      CLEAR (flags, TIMEOUT);
      ChangeColor( true );
      SetAutoGo( true );
      UnmakeMove (board.side, &Game[GameCnt].move);
      if (GameCnt >= 0) {
        UnmakeMove (board.side, &Game[GameCnt].move);

  ShowBoard ();
Пример #4
void PopfromRecord(Gamerec *g, Position *p, int len, int count)

int i;

i = len * (len-1) / 2;
i += count - 1;

UnmakeMove(p, &(g->moves[i]));

g->moves[i].mtype = EMPTY;

Пример #5
void cmd_previous(void)
  if (!pgnloaded)

  if (GameCnt >= 0) {
    ChangeColor( true );
    SetAutoGo( true );
    UnmakeMove (board.side, &Game[GameCnt].move);
  else {
    printf(_("Initial position reached. There are no earlier moves.\n"));

  printf("%d. ",GameCnt/2+1);
  printf("%s\n", Game[GameCnt].SANmv);
  ShowBoard ();
Пример #6
bool Position::IsGameOver(std::string& message)
  bool hasMoves = false;
  MoveList mvlist;
  for (int i = 0; i < mvlist.Size(); ++i)
    if (MakeMove(mvlist[i].m_mv))
      hasMoves = true;
  if (hasMoves == false)
    if (InCheck())
      message = (m_side == WHITE)? "0-1 {Black mates}" : "1-0 {White mates}";
      message = "1/2-1/2 {Draw: stalemate}";
    return true;

  if (EstimateDraw(*this) == EVAL_THEORETICAL_DRAW)
    message = "1/2-1/2 {Draw: material}";
    return true;

  if (GetRepetitions() >= 3)
    message = "1/2-1/2 {Draw: 3rd repetition}";
    return true;

  return false;
Пример #7
// Algorithme de recherche MinMax avec des coupes Alpha-Beta.
int Search(int depth, int ply, int wtm, int alpha, int beta, bool do_null)
  register int Valeur, AlphaInitiale, check_ext = 0, extension = 0,
           MoveCherche, danger = 0;
  if ( ply >= MAXPLY-1 )
    return beta;


  // Si on n'est pas en mode Analyse, Reste-t-il du temps?
  if ( interrupted || (timeabort && !g_bModeAnalyse) ) {
    return beta;

  AlphaInitiale = alpha;

  // Calculer le temps restant.
  if ( (iNodes & 0xFF ) == 0xFF ) {
	  if ( TimeCheck() ) {
		  timeabort = true;
      // Verifier si il y a quelque chose dans le tampon
      // d'entree.
      if ( inter() ) {
		char buf[10];
		int c = fgetc(stdin);
		if (c == 10)
			c = fgetc(stdin);
			ungetc(c, stdin);
			if (c == '.')
				scanf("%s", &buf);
			    printf( "stat01: %d %d %d %d %d\n", (TempsCenti()-timestamp),
				  iNodes, iProfondeurIteration, cb.MoveList[1].nbmove - cb.MoveList[1].currmove-1,
				  cb.MoveList[1].nbmove );
				journal.Log("received a dot\n");
				interrupted = true;
			ungetc(c, stdin);
			interrupted = true;

  // Verifier si ce n'est pas une nulle.
  if (Repetition(wtm)) {
	  //if ( 0 < beta ) {
//		pv[ply-1][ply-1] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply-1];
		return 0;
//		if ( wtm ) {
//			return DRAWSCORE;
//		}
//		else {
//			return -DRAWSCORE;
//		}

  // Regarder dans la table de transposition pour voir si cette position
  // n'a pas deja ete calculer.
  switch( TableTrans->Lookup( cb, ply, depth,
                              wtm, alpha, beta, danger ) ) {
    case SCORE_EXACTE:

      return alpha;

      return alpha;

      return beta;
    case EVITER_NULL:
      do_null = false;


#ifdef NULL_MOVE

  // En premier, on essai le NULL MOVE.
  if ( do_null ) {
    int nbPiece = wtm?cb.TotalMaterielBlanc:cb.TotalMaterielNoir;
    if ( !cb.inCheck[ply] && nbPiece > 5 && depth > 3 && alpha == beta-1) {
      int EnPassantB = cb.EnPassantB[ply+1];
      int EnPassantN = cb.EnPassantN[ply+1];
      cb.EnPassantB[ply+1] = -1;
      cb.EnPassantN[ply+1] = -1;
      Valeur = -Search(depth-3, ply+1, !wtm, -beta, -beta+1, false);
      cb.EnPassantB[ply+1] = EnPassantB;
      cb.EnPassantN[ply+1] = EnPassantN;
      if ( Valeur >= beta ) {
      TableTrans->StoreRefutation( cb, ply, depth,
                                   wtm, Valeur, alpha, beta, danger );
        return Valeur;
      if ( Valeur <= -MATE+50 )
        danger = 1;
  // Internal Iterative Deepening.
/*  if ( depth > 2 && ((!(ply&1) && alpha==root_alpha && beta==root_beta) ||
    ((ply&1) && alpha==-root_beta && beta==-root_alpha)) &&
      cb.HashMove[ply].From == 0 && cb.HashMove[ply].To == 0 ) {
      Valeur = ABSearch( cb, depth-2, ply, wtm, alpha, beta, true );

    if ( Valeur <= alpha ) {
      Valeur = ABSearch( cb, depth-2, ply, wtm, -MATE, beta, true );
    else {
      if ( Valeur < beta ) {
        cb.HashMove[ply] = pv[ply-1][ply];
      else cb.HashMove[ply] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply];

  Phase[ply] = HASH_MOVE;
//  if ( ((!(ply&1) && alpha==root_alpha && beta==root_beta) ||
//     ( (ply&1) && alpha==-root_beta && beta==-root_alpha)) )
    Phase[ply] = PV_MOVE;
//  else
//    Phase[ply] = GENERATE_CAPTURE_MOVES;

  // Maintenant, evaluer chaque coup.
  MoveCherche = 0;
  while( Phase[ply]  != NO_MORE_MOVES && !interrupted ) {

    if ( NextMove( cb, ply, wtm ) ) {

      // Si

      // On execute le coup.
      MakeMove(ply, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove(), wtm);
      // Mettre le coup dans le chemin actuel.
      cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply] = cb.MoveList[ply].moves[cb.MoveList[ply].currmove];

      if (!Check(wtm)) {

        // Si le coup met en echec etendre la recherche d'une profondeur
        // pour qu'il puisse en sortir.
        if (Check(!wtm) ) {
          cb.inCheck[ply+1] = true;
          extension = 1;
          cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = EXTENSION_ECHEC;
        else {
          extension = 0;
          cb.inCheck[ply+1] = false;
          cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = PAS_EXTENSION;

        // Si le coup est une recapture
        // etendre la recherche d'une profondeur.
        if ( cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].Capture &&
			abs(ValeurPiece[cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply-1].Capture] - ValeurPiece[cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].Capture]) <= 20 &&
             (cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply-1].To ==
              cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To) &&
              cb.RaisonExtension[ply-1] != EXTENSION_RECAPTURE) {
          extension = 1;
          cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = EXTENSION_RECAPTURE;

		// Si on est sur le point de promouvoir un pion, étendre la recherche
		// pour voir si c'est une menace.
		if ( extension == 0 && cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].Piece == 1 &&
			PromoteExtension[ cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To ] ) {
			extension = 1;
			cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = EXTENSION_PROMOTION;

		// Si on pousse un pion passe, pousser la recherche plus
        // loin pour voir si c'est un danger.
        if ( cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].Piece == pion )
          if ( wtm ) {
            if ( cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To <= H5 )
              if ( cb.PionPasseB[cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To&7]  ) {
                extension = 1;
                cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = EXTENSION_PIONPASSE;
          else {
            if ( cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To >= A4 )
              if ( cb.PionPasseN[cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply].To&7] ) {
                extension = 1;
                cb.RaisonExtension[ply] = EXTENSION_PIONPASSE;

        // Razoring trick. Idee prise dans Crafty.
        if ( depth == 2 && !cb.inCheck[ply] && extension == 0 ) {
          int valeur;
          if ( wtm )
            valeur = Eval(ply, wtm, alpha, beta);
            valeur = -Eval(ply, wtm, alpha, beta);
          if ( valeur+50 < alpha )
            extension = -1;

        // On l'explore.
        // Si c'est la variation principale, Fenetre normale, sinon,
        // fenetre est n et n+1.
		int inpv = 1;
		if (ply&1) {
			if ( alpha != root_alpha || beta != root_beta ) inpv = 0;
		else {
			if ( alpha != -root_beta || beta != -root_alpha ) inpv = 0;
        if ( inpv ) {
          Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension+danger, ply+1, !wtm, -beta, -alpha, true);
        else {
          Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension+danger, ply+1, !wtm, -alpha-1, -alpha, true);
          if ( Valeur > alpha && Valeur < beta ) {
            Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension+danger, ply+1, !wtm, -beta, -alpha, true);
      else {
        Valeur = -INFINI;

      cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove().Score = Valeur;

      // On defait le coup.
      UnmakeMove(ply, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove(), wtm);

	  if (interrupted)
		  return Valeur;

#ifdef DEBUG
      Consistence( cb, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove() );
      // Est-il meilleur que notre valeur actuelle?
      if ( Valeur > alpha ) {
        if ( Valeur >= beta ) {
          TableTrans->StoreRefutation( cb, ply, depth,
                                       wtm, Valeur, alpha, beta, check_ext );
          // Verifier si on peu l'utiliser comme killer move.
          if ( Phase[ply] == NON_CAPTURE_MOVES ) {
            cb.AddKiller( &cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply-1], ply-1 );
          else {
            if ( Phase[ply] == KILLER_MOVE_2 )
            else if ( Phase[ply] == GENERATE_NON_CAPTURE_MOVES )
          return Valeur;
        pv[ply][ply] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply];
		pv_length[ply] = pv_length[ply+1];
		memcpy(&pv[ply][ply+1], &pv[ply+1][ply+1], sizeof(TMove)*(pv_length[ply]-ply));
        alpha = Valeur;
    } // if

  // Verifier si il y a mat ou pat.
  if ( MoveCherche == 0 ) {
    if (!Check(wtm)) {
		pv[ply][ply] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply];
		return 0;
//		if ( wtm ) {
//			return DRAWSCORE;
//		}
//		else {
//			return -DRAWSCORE;
//		}
    else {
      if ( ply < iMateInPly )
        iMateInPly = ply;
      alpha = -MATE+iMateInPly;

  TableTrans->StoreBest( cb, ply, depth, wtm,
                         alpha, AlphaInitiale, danger );

  return alpha;
Пример #8
bool Position::MakeMove(Move mv)
  Undo& undo = _undos[_undoSize++];
  undo.m_castlings = m_castlings;
  undo.m_ep = m_ep;
  undo.m_fifty = m_fifty;
  undo.m_hash = m_hash;
  undo.m_mv = mv;

  FLD from = mv.From();
  FLD to = mv.To();
  PIECE piece = mv.Piece();
  PIECE captured = mv.Captured();
  PIECE promotion = mv.Promotion();

  COLOR side = m_side;
  COLOR opp = side ^ 1;
  m_hash ^= s_hashSide[1];

  if (captured)
    m_fifty = 0;
    if (to == m_ep)
      Remove(to + 8 - 16 * side);
  Put(to, piece);

  m_ep = NF;
  switch (piece)
  case PW:
  case PB:
    m_fifty = 0;
    if (to - from == -16 + 32 * side)
      m_ep = to + 8 - 16 * side;
    else if (promotion)
      Put(to, promotion);

  case KW:
    m_Kings[WHITE] = to;
    if (from == E1)
      if (to == G1)
        Put(F1, RW);
        m_castlings ^= WHITE_DID_O_O;
      else if (to == C1)
        Put(D1, RW);
        m_castlings ^= WHITE_DID_O_O_O;        

  case KB:
    m_Kings[BLACK] = to;
    if (from == E8)
      if (to == G8)
        Put(F8, RB);
        m_castlings ^= BLACK_DID_O_O;        
      else if (to == C8)
        Put(D8, RB);
        m_castlings ^= BLACK_DID_O_O_O;        


  static const U8 castlingDelta[64] =
    0xf7, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfb,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    0xfd, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe

  m_castlings &= castlingDelta[from];
  m_castlings &= castlingDelta[to];

  m_side ^= 1;
  if (IsAttacked(m_Kings[side], opp))
    return false;

  return true;
Пример #9
int AnyLegalMoves(Position *pos)  {

int i, j, x, y, direc;
unsigned char side = pos->side, xside;
SQUARE board[12][12];
Listnode l, *ml = &l;

for(i = 0; i < MAXLEGAL; i++) {
  ml->moves[i].oldep = pos->epstatus;
  ml->moves[i].oldcastle = pos->castle;  }

if(side == WHITE)  {
  xside = BLACK;  direc = 1;  }
else {
  xside = WHITE;  direc = -1;  }

memcpy(&(board[0][0]), &(pos->board[0][0]), sizeof(SQUARE) * 144);

for(i = 2; i < 10; i++)
  for(j = 2; j < 10; j++)  {
    if(board[i][j] != 0 && (board[i][j] & side))  {
      if(board[i][j] & KNIGHT)  {
        x = -1; y = -2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = -1; y = 2;
        if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 1; y = -2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      	x = 1; y = 2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
       	x = -2; y = -1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = -2; y = 1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 2; y = -1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 2; y = 1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      if((board[i][j] & BISHOP) || (board[i][j] & QUEEN))  {
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j-x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j+x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j+x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j-x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j+x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+x, NORMAL);
      if((board[i][j] & ROOK) || (board[i][j] & QUEEN))  {
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i][j-x] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i][j+x] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+x, NORMAL);
      if(board[i][j] & KING)  {
        for(x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
          for(y = -1; y <= 1; y++)  {
            if(x == 0 && y == 0) continue;
            if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
              if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
              else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      if(board[i][j] & PAWN)  {
        if(board[i][j+direc] == 0) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc, PROMOTE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc, NORMAL);
        if((direc == -1 && j == 8) || (direc == 1 && j == 3)) 
          if(board[i][j+direc+direc] == 0 && board[i][j+direc] == 0) 
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc+direc, TWOMOVE);
        if((board[i-1][j+direc] != OFFBOARD) && (board[i-1][j+direc] & xside)) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, PROMCAP);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, CAPTURE);      
        if((board[i+1][j+direc] != OFFBOARD) && (board[i+1][j+direc] & xside)) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, PROMCAP);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, CAPTURE); 
        if(pos->epstatus > 0 && direc == 1)  /* there is at least one ep square */  {
          if(j == 6 && IsEpSquare(i-1, 6, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i-1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);
          if(j == 6 && IsEpSquare(i+1, 6, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i+1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);

        if(pos->epstatus > 0 && direc == -1)  {
          if(j == 5 && IsEpSquare(i-1, 5, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i-1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);
          if(j == 5 && IsEpSquare(i+1, 5, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i+1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);   


      for(x = 0; ml->moves[x].mtype != EMPTY; x++)  {
        MakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[x]));
        if(IsCheck(pos, side) == 1)  {
          UnmakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[x]));
          ml->moves[x].mtype = EMPTY;
          ml->num--;  }
        else UnmakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[x]));

        if(ml->num > 0) {   return 1;  }


return 0;

Пример #10
void GenerateMoves(Listnode *ml, Position *pos)

int i, j, x, y, direc, cancastle;
unsigned char side = pos->side, xside;
SQUARE board[12][12];

if(side == WHITE)  {
  xside = BLACK;  direc = 1;  }
else {
  xside = WHITE;  direc = -1;  }

for(i = 0; i < MAXLEGAL; i++) {
  ml->moves[i].oldep = pos->epstatus;
  ml->moves[i].oldcastle = pos->castle;  }

memcpy(&(board[0][0]), &(pos->board[0][0]), sizeof(SQUARE) * 144);

for(i = 2; i < 10; i++)  {
  for(j = 2; j < 10; j++)  {
    if(board[i][j] != 0 && (board[i][j] & side))  {
      if(board[i][j] & KNIGHT)  {
        x = -1; y = -2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = -1; y = 2;
        if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 1; y = -2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      	x = 1; y = 2;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
       	x = -2; y = -1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = -2; y = 1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 2; y = -1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
        x = 2; y = 1;
	if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
          if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      if((board[i][j] & BISHOP) || (board[i][j] & QUEEN))  {
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j-x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j+x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j+x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j-x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j+x] & xside)  {  
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
	  else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+x, NORMAL);
      if((board[i][j] & ROOK) || (board[i][j] & QUEEN))  {
        for(x = 1; (board[i-x][j] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i-x][j] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i-x][j] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-x, j, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i+x][j] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i+x][j] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i][j-x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i][j-x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i][j-x] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j-x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j-x, NORMAL);
        for(x = 1; (board[i][j+x] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i][j+x] & side)); x++)
          if(board[i][j+x] & xside) {
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+x, CAPTURE);
            break;  }
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+x, NORMAL);
      if(board[i][j] & KING)  {
        for(x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
          for(y = -1; y <= 1; y++)  {
            if(x == 0 && y == 0) continue;
            if((board[i+x][j+y] != OFFBOARD) && (!(board[i+x][j+y] & side))) {
              if(board[i+x][j+y] & xside)  AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, CAPTURE);
              else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+x, j+y, NORMAL);
      if(board[i][j] & PAWN)  {
        if(board[i][j+direc] == 0) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc, PROMOTE);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc, NORMAL);
        if((direc == -1 && j == 8) || (direc == 1 && j == 3))
          if(board[i][j+direc+direc] == 0 && board[i][j+direc] == 0) 
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i, j+direc+direc, TWOMOVE);
        if((board[i-1][j+direc] != OFFBOARD) && (board[i-1][j+direc] & xside)) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, PROMCAP);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, CAPTURE);      
        if((board[i+1][j+direc] != OFFBOARD) && (board[i+1][j+direc] & xside)) {
          if((direc == -1 && j == 3) || (direc == 1 && j == 8))
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, PROMCAP);
          else AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, CAPTURE); 
        /* there is at least one ep square */  
        if(pos->epstatus > 0 && direc == 1) {
          if(j == 6 && IsEpSquare(i-1, 6, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i-1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);
          if(j == 6 && IsEpSquare(i+1, 6, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i+1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);

        if(pos->epstatus > 0 && direc == -1)  {
          if(j == 5 && IsEpSquare(i-1, 5, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i-1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i-1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);
          if(j == 5 && IsEpSquare(i+1, 5, pos->epstatus) == 1 && board[i+1][j+direc] == 0)
            AddMove(ml, i, j, i+1, j+direc, ENPASSANT);   

if((pos->castle & WKC) && side == WHITE)  {
  cancastle = 1;
  for(i = KFILE; i <= 8; i++) 
    if(Attacked(pos, i, 2, xside) == 1) cancastle = 0;
  for(i = Minval(7, KFILE); i <= 8; i++)
    if(i != KFILE && i != KRFILE && board[i][2] != 0) cancastle = 0;
 if(cancastle == 1)
    AddMove(ml, KFILE, 2, 8, 2, KSCASTLE);  }
if((pos->castle & BKC) && side == BLACK)  {
  cancastle = 1;
  for(i = KFILE; i <= 8; i++) 
    if(Attacked(pos, i, 9, xside) == 1) cancastle = 0;
  for(i = Minval(7, KFILE); i <= 8; i++)
    if(i != KFILE && i != KRFILE && board[i][9] != 0) cancastle = 0;
 if(cancastle == 1)
    AddMove(ml, KFILE, 9, 8, 9, KSCASTLE);  }
if((pos->castle & WQC) && side == WHITE)  {
  cancastle = 1;
  for(i = Minval(4, KFILE); i <= Maxval(4, KFILE); i++) 
    if(Attacked(pos, i, 2, xside) == 1) cancastle = 0;
  for(i = Minval(QRFILE + 1, 4); i <= Maxval(5, KFILE); i++)
    if(i != KFILE && i != QRFILE && board[i][2] != 0) cancastle = 0;
 if(cancastle == 1)
    AddMove(ml, KFILE, 2, 4, 2, QSCASTLE);  }
if((pos->castle & BQC) && side == BLACK)  {
  cancastle = 1;
  for(i = Minval(4, KFILE); i <= Maxval(4, KFILE); i++) 
    if(Attacked(pos, i, 9, xside) == 1) cancastle = 0;
  for(i = Minval(QRFILE + 1, 4); i <= Maxval(5, KFILE); i++)
    if(i != KFILE && i != QRFILE && board[i][9] != 0) cancastle = 0;
 if(cancastle == 1)
    AddMove(ml, KFILE, 9, 4, 9, QSCASTLE);  }

for(i = 0; ml->moves[i].mtype != EMPTY; i++)  {
  MakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[i]));
  if(IsCheck(pos, side) == 1)  {
    UnmakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[i]));
    ml->moves[i].mtype = EMPTY;
    ml->num--;  }
  else UnmakeMove(pos, &(ml->moves[i]));

Пример #11
int SearchRoot (int depth, int alpha, int beta)
 *  This perform searches at ply=1.  For ply>1, it calls the more generic
 *  search() routine.  The rationale for splitting these is because at
 *  ply==1, things are done slightly differently than from the other plies,
 *  e.g. print PVs, not testing null move etc.
   int best, score, savealpha;
   int side, xside;
   int ply, nodetype;
   leaf *p, *pbest;

   ply = 1; 
   side = board.side;
   xside = 1^side;
   ChkCnt[2] = ChkCnt[1];
   ThrtCnt[2] = ThrtCnt[1];
   KingThrt[white][ply] = MateScan (white);
   KingThrt[black][ply] = MateScan (black);
   InChk[ply] = SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside);
   if (InChk[ply] && ChkCnt[ply] < 3*Idepth/DEPTH)
      depth += DEPTH;
   best = -INFINITY;
   savealpha = alpha;
   nodetype = PV;
   pbest = NULL;

   for (p = TreePtr[1]; p < TreePtr[2]; p++)
      pick (p, 1); 
      ShowThinking (p, ply);
      MakeMove (side, &p->move);
      /*  If first move, search against full alpha-beta window  */
      if (p == TreePtr[1])
         score = -Search (2, depth-DEPTH, -beta, -alpha, nodetype);
	    The following occurs when we are re-searching a fail high move
            and now it has fail low.  This can be disastrous, so immediately
	    adjust alpha and research.
	 if (beta == INFINITY && score <= alpha)
	    alpha = -INFINITY;
            score = -Search (2, depth-DEPTH, -beta, -alpha, nodetype);

      /*  Else search against zero window  */
	 nodetype = CUT;
         alpha = MAX (best, alpha);            
         score = -Search (2, depth-DEPTH, -alpha-1, -alpha, nodetype);
         if (score > best)
            if (alpha < score && score < beta)
	       nodetype = PV;
               score = -Search (2, depth-DEPTH, -beta, -score, nodetype);
      UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);

      ply1score = p->score = score;
      if (score > best)
         best = score;
	 pbest = p;
         if (best > alpha)
            rootscore = best;
            RootPV = p->move;
	    if (best >= beta)
	       goto done;
            ShowLine (RootPV, best, '&');

      if (flags & TIMEOUT)
	/* XXX: It seems that ply == 1 always at this point */
         best = (ply & 1 ? rootscore : -rootscore );
	 return (best);

      if (SearchDepth == 0 && (NodeCnt & TIMECHECK) == 0)
         GetElapsed ();
         if ((et >= SearchTime && (rootscore == -INFINITY-1 || 
		ply1score > lastrootscore - 25 || flags & SOLVE)) ||
	     et >= maxtime)
	    SET (flags, TIMEOUT);        

      if (MATE+1 == best+1)
         return (best);

/*  If none of the move is good, we still want to try the same first move */
   if (best <= savealpha)
      TreePtr[1]->score = savealpha;

 *  Out of main search loop.

   /*  Update history  */
   if (best > savealpha)
      history[side][pbest->move & 0x0FFF] += HISTSCORE(depth/DEPTH);

   rootscore = best;
   return (best);
Пример #12
int CNegaScout_TT_HH::NegaScout(int depth, int alpha, int beta){
	int count,i;
	int type;
	int a,b,t;
	int side;
	int score;
	i = IsGameOver(m_cur_position, depth);
	if (i != 0)
		return i;
	side = 1-(m_max_depth-depth)%2;
	score = m_tt->LookupHashTable(alpha, beta, depth, side);
	if (score != INVALID_SCORE && depth != m_max_depth){
		/*if (depth == m_max_depth){
			ChessMove move = new ChessMove();
			move.Move = m_tt.LookupBestMove(side);
			m_best_move = move;
		return score;
	if (depth <= 0)	
		score = m_evaluator->Evaluate(m_cur_position, side == 0, depth);
		m_tt->EnterHashTable(EXACT, score, depth, side);
		return score;
	//m_nMovecount = 0;
	count = m_move_generator->CreatePossibleMove(m_cur_position, m_moves, depth, side);
	AddMoves(count, depth);
	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
		m_move_list[depth][i].m_score = m_hh->GetHistoryScore(m_move_list[depth][i]);
	m_hh->MergeSort(m_move_list[depth], count, false);
	int bestmove = -1;
    a = alpha;
    b = beta;
    int eval_is_exact = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
		m_tt->HashMakeMove(m_move_list[depth][i], m_cur_position);
		type = MakeMove(m_move_list[depth][i]);

		t = -NegaScout(depth-1 , -b, -a);

		if (t > a && t < beta && i > 0){
			a = -NegaScout (depth-1, -beta, -t);     /* re-search */
			eval_is_exact = 1; 
			if(depth == m_max_depth){
				m_best_move = m_move_list[depth][i];
				//m_tt.EnterHashBestMove(m_best_move.Move, side);
			bestmove = i; 
		m_tt->HashUnmakeMove(m_move_list[depth][i], type, m_cur_position); 
		if (a < t){
			eval_is_exact = 1;
			a = t;
			if(depth == m_max_depth) {
				m_best_move = m_move_list[depth][i];
				//m_tt.EnterHashBestMove(m_best_move.Move, side);
		if (a >= beta) 
			m_tt->EnterHashTable(LOWER_BOUND, a, depth, side);
			m_hh->EnterHistoryScore(m_move_list[depth][i], depth);
			return a;
		b = a + 1;                      /* set new null window */
	if (bestmove != -1)
		m_hh->EnterHistoryScore(m_move_list[depth][bestmove], depth);
	if (eval_is_exact != 0) 
		m_tt->EnterHashTable(EXACT, a, depth, side);
		m_tt->EnterHashTable(UPPER_BOUND, a, depth, side);
	return a;
Пример #13
int Quiesce (uint8_t ply, int alpha, int beta)
 *  Our quiescent search.  This quiescent search is able to recognize
 *  mates.
   uint8_t side, xside;
   int best, delta, score, savealpha;
   leaf *p, *pbest;

   if (EvaluateDraw ())
      return (DRAWSCORE);

   side = board.side;
   xside = 1^side;
   InChk[ply] = SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside);
   best = Evaluate (alpha, beta);
   if (best >= beta && !InChk[ply])
      return (best);
   TreePtr[ply+1] = TreePtr[ply];
   if (InChk[ply])
      GenCheckEscapes (ply);
      if (TreePtr[ply] == TreePtr[ply+1])
         return (-MATE+ply-2);
      if (best >= beta)
         return (best);
      SortMoves (ply);
      GenCaptures (ply);
      if (TreePtr[ply] == TreePtr[ply+1])
         return (best);
      SortCaptures (ply); 

   savealpha = alpha;
   pbest = NULL;
   alpha = MAX(best, alpha);
   delta = MAX (alpha - 150 - best, 0);

   for (p = TreePtr[ply]; p < TreePtr[ply+1]; p++)
      pick (p, ply);

      /* We are in check or capture cannot bring score near alpha, give up */
      if (!InChk[ply] && SwapOff (p->move) < delta)

      /* If capture cannot bring score near alpha, give up */
      if (p->score == -INFINITY)

/*  See search.c for an explanation of the code below  */
      if (threatply+1 == ply) 
         if ((TOSQ(p->move) == FROMSQ(threatmv)) || 
		(FROMSQ(p->move) == TOSQ(threatmv)))
      if (threatply && threatply+3 == ply && FROMSQ(p->move) == TOSQ(threatmv))

      MakeMove (side, &p->move);
      if (SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside))
         UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);
      score = -Quiesce (ply+1, -beta, -alpha);
      UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);
      if (score > best)
         best = score;
	 pbest = p;
         if (best >= beta)
	    goto done;
         alpha = MAX (alpha, best);

   if (flags & USEHASH && pbest != NULL)
      TTPut (side, 0, ply, savealpha, beta, best, pbest->move);

   return (best);
Пример #14
// Algorithme de recherche MinMax avec des coupes Alpha-Beta.
// Ici on considere seulement les prises.
int Quiescence(int ply, int wtm, int alpha, int beta )
  register int Valeur, AlphaInitiale;

  if ( ply >= MAXPLY-1 )
    return beta;


  if ( wtm ) {
    Valeur = Eval(ply, wtm, alpha, beta);
  else {
    Valeur = -Eval(ply, wtm, alpha, beta);

  // Remplace si le score est egal au score pour la NULLE.
  if ( Valeur == DRAWSCORE )
    Valeur = DRAWSCORE+1;

  AlphaInitiale = alpha;

  if ( Valeur > alpha ) {
    if ( Valeur >= beta ) return Valeur;
    alpha = Valeur;
    pv_length[ply] = ply-1;

  // On genere toutes les prises.
  cb.MoveList[ply].nbmove = 0;
  GenMoveAttaque(ply, wtm, cb.MoveList[ply]);

  int keep = -1;
  // Le materiel.
  int iScoreMateriel = cb.ScoreMaterielBlanc-cb.ScoreMaterielNoir;
  iScoreMateriel = wtm?iScoreMateriel:-iScoreMateriel;
  int delta = alpha-100-iScoreMateriel;
  int iScoreGain;
  for( int i=0; i<cb.MoveList[ply].nbmove; i++ ) {
    // Garder le coup.
    bool bGarde = false;

    // On cherche seulement les coups qui ramene le materiel proche de alpha.
    // ex. Si celui qui jouent vient de se faire prendre une dame et que alpha
    // dit que le meilleur score est la perte d'un pion et bien ignorer tout
    // les captures qui ramene pas au moins la dame.
    if ( ValeurPiece[cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].Capture] >= delta ) {
		if (cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].Capture == ROI) return beta;
#ifdef USE_SEE
    	int iScoreCapture = ValeurPiece[cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].Capture];
    	iScoreGain = iScoreCapture-ValeurPiece[cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].Piece];
		if ( iScoreGain > 0 ||
			 iScoreGain >= 0 && 
			 delta <= 0 ) {
				bGarde = true;
		else {
			iScoreGain = Echange(cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].From, cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].To, wtm );

      		if ( iScoreGain >= 0 ) {
        		bGarde = true;
		bGarde = true;

    if ( bGarde ) {
      cb.MoveList[ply].moves[i].Score = iScoreGain;
      memcpy( &cb.MoveList[ply].moves[keep],
              sizeof( TMove ) );
  cb.MoveList[ply].nbmove = keep+1;

  cb.MoveList[ply].currmove = -1;
  Phase[ply] = CAPTURE_MOVES;
  // Maintenant, evaluer chaque coup.
  while( NextMove( cb, ply, wtm ) ) {

    // On execute le coup.
    MakeMove(ply, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove(), wtm);
    // Mettre le coup dans le chemin actuel.
    cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply] = cb.MoveList[ply].moves[cb.MoveList[ply].currmove];
    if (!Check(wtm))
      Valeur = -Quiescence(ply+1, !wtm, -beta, -alpha);
    cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove().Score = Valeur;

    // On defait le coup.
    UnmakeMove(ply, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove(), wtm);

    // Est-il meileur que notre valeur actuelle?
    if ( Valeur > alpha ) {
      if ( Valeur >= beta ) return Valeur;
	  pv_length[ply] = pv_length[ply+1];
	  pv[ply][ply] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[ply];
	  memcpy(&pv[ply][ply+1], &pv[ply+1][ply], sizeof(TMove)*(pv_length[ply]-ply));
      alpha = Valeur;
#ifdef DEBUG
    Consistence( cb, cb.MoveList[ply].CurrentMove() );

  return alpha;
Пример #15
// Cette routine est la racine de l'arbre de recherche. Elle doit etre separee
// car plusieurs chose ne sont pas utile a la racine. Comme le null move et
// le lookup dans la table de transposition.
int SearchRacine(int depth, int wtm, int alpha, int beta)
  register int Valeur, AlphaInitiale, extension = 0;

  AlphaInitiale = alpha;

  // Calculer le temps restant.
  if ( (iNodes & 0xFF ) == 0xFF ) {
	  if ( TimeCheck() ) {
		  timeabort = true;
      // Verifier si il y a quelque chose dans le tampon
      // d'entree.
      if ( inter() ) {
        interrupted = true;

  // Maintenant, evaluer chaque coup.
  while( NextMoveRacine( cb, wtm ) && !g_bAbort ) {

    if ( g_bModeAnalyse ) {
      printf( "stat01: %d %d %d %d %d\n", (TempsCenti()-timestamp),
              iNodes, iProfondeurIteration, cb.MoveList[1].nbmove - cb.MoveList[1].currmove-1,
              cb.MoveList[1].nbmove );
    else if ( !xboard ) {
      printf( "\r [%d] (%2d/%d)", iProfondeurIteration, cb.MoveList[1].currmove+1,
               cb.MoveList[1].nbmove );

    // On execute le coup.
    MakeMove(1, cb.MoveList[1].CurrentMove(), wtm);
    // Mettre le coup dans le chemin actuel.
    cb.CurrentPath.moves[1] = cb.MoveList[1].moves[cb.MoveList[1].currmove];

    // Si le coup met en echec etendre la recherche d'une profondeur
    // pour qu'il puisse en sortir.
    if ( Check(!wtm) ) {
      cb.inCheck[2] = true;
      extension = 1;
      cb.RaisonExtension[1] = EXTENSION_ECHEC;
    else {
      extension = 0;
      cb.inCheck[2] = false;
      cb.RaisonExtension[1] = PAS_EXTENSION;

    // On l'explore.
    // Si c'est la variation principale, Fenetre normale, sinon,
    // fenetre est n et n+1.
    if ( cb.MoveList[1].currmove == 0 ) {
      Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension, 2, !wtm, -beta, -alpha, true);
    else {
      Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension, 2, !wtm, -alpha-1, -alpha, true);
      if ( Valeur > alpha && Valeur < beta ) {
        Valeur = -ABSearch(depth-1+extension, 2, !wtm, -beta, -alpha, true);

    // La nouvelle valeur.
    cb.CurrentPath.moves[1].Score = Valeur;
    cb.MoveList[1].moves[cb.MoveList[1].currmove].Score = Valeur;

    // On defait le coup.
    UnmakeMove(1, cb.MoveList[1].CurrentMove(), wtm);

	if (interrupted)
		return Valeur;

#ifdef DEBUG
    Consistence( cb, cb.MoveList[1].CurrentMove() );
    // Est-elle meileur que notre valeur actuelle?
    if ( !timeabort || g_bModeAnalyse ) {
      if ( Valeur > alpha ) {
        pv[1][1] = cb.CurrentPath.moves[1];
		pv_length[1] = pv_length[2];
		memcpy( &pv[1][2], &pv[2][2], sizeof( TMove )*(pv_length[1]-1));
        if ( Valeur >= beta ) {
			return Valeur;
        alpha = Valeur;
      else if ( cb.MoveList[1].currmove == 0 )
        return alpha;
  } // while

  return alpha;
Пример #16
int Search (int ply, int depth, int alpha, int beta, int nodetype)
 *  The basic algorithm for this search routine came from Anthony 
 *  Marsland.  It is a PVS (Principal Variation Search) algorithm.
 *  The fail-soft alpha-beta technique is also used for improved
 *  pruning.
   int best, score, nullscore, savealpha;
   int side, xside;
   int rc, t0, t1, firstmove;
   int fcut, fdel, donull, savenode, nullthreatdone, extend;
   leaf *p, *pbest;
   int g0, g1;
   int upperbound;

   /* Check if this position is a known draw */
   if (EvaluateDraw ())
      return (DRAWSCORE);
   if (GameCnt >= Game50+3 && Repeat())
      return (DRAWSCORE); 

   side = board.side;
   xside = 1^side;
   donull = true;

 *  Perform some basic search extensions.
 *  1.  One reply extensions.  
 *  2.  If in check, extend (maximum of Idepth-1).
 *  3.  If there is a threat to the King, extend (not beyond 2*Idepth)
 *  4.  If recapture to same square and not beyond Idepth+2
 *  5.  If pawn move to 7th rank at the leaf node, extend.
   extend = false;
   InChk[ply] = SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside);
   if (InChk[ply])
      TreePtr[ply+1] = TreePtr[ply];
      GenCheckEscapes (ply);
      if (TreePtr[ply] == TreePtr[ply+1])
         return (-MATE+ply-2);
      if (TreePtr[ply]+1 == TreePtr[ply+1])
         depth += DEPTH;
	 extend = true;

   We've already found a mate at the next ply.  If we aren't being mated by 
   a shorter line, so just return the current material value.
   if (rootscore + ply >= MATE)
      return (MATERIAL);

   g0 = Game[GameCnt].move;
   g1 = GameCnt > 0 ? Game[GameCnt-1].move : 0;
   t0 = TOSQ(g0); 
   t1 = TOSQ(g1);
   ChkCnt[ply+1] = ChkCnt[ply];
   ThrtCnt[ply+1] = ThrtCnt[ply];
   KingThrt[white][ply] = MateScan (white);
   KingThrt[black][ply] = MateScan (black);
   if (InChk[ply]  && /* ChkCnt[ply] < Idepth-1*/ ply <= 2*Idepth/DEPTH)
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;
   else if (!KingThrt[side][ply-1] && KingThrt[side][ply] && ply <= 2*Idepth/DEPTH)
      extend = true;
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;
      donull = false;
   /* Promotion extension */
   else if (g0 & PROMOTION)
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;
   /* Recapture extension */
   else if ((g0 & CAPTURE) && (board.material[computer] - 
	board.material[1^computer] == RootMaterial))
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;
   /* 6th or 7th rank extension */
   else if (depth <= DEPTH && cboard[t0] == pawn && (RANK(t0) == rank7[xside] || RANK(t0) == rank6[xside]))
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;

 *  The following extension is to handle cases when the opposing side is 
 *  delaying the mate by useless interposing moves. 
   if (ply > 2 && InChk[ply-1] && cboard[t0] != king && t0 != t1 && 
	 !SqAtakd (t0, xside))
      depth += DEPTH;
      extend = true;

 *  This is a new code to perform search reductiion.  We introduce some
 *  form of selectivity here.

   if (depth <= 0)
      return (Quiesce (ply, alpha, beta)); 

 *  Probe the transposition table for a score and a move.
 *  If the score is an upperbound, then we can use it to improve the value
 *  of beta.  If a lowerbound, we improve alpha.  If it is an exact score,
 *  if we now get a cut-off due to the new alpha/beta, return the score.
   Hashmv[ply] = 0;
   upperbound = INFINITY;
   if (flags & USEHASH)
      rc = TTGet (side, depth, ply, alpha, beta, &score, &g1);
      if (rc)
         Hashmv[ply] = g1 & MOVEMASK;
         switch (rc)
            case POORDRAFT  :  break;
	    case EXACTSCORE :  return (score);
            case UPPERBOUND :  beta = MIN (beta, score);
			       upperbound = score;
			       donull = false;
            case LOWERBOUND :  /*alpha = MAX (alpha, score);*/
			       alpha = score;
	    case QUIESCENT  :  Hashmv[ply] = 0;
	    default : break;
	 if (alpha >= beta)
	    return (score);

 *  Perform the null move here.  There are certain cases when null move
 *  is not done.  
 *  1.  When the previous move is a null move.
 *  2.  At the frontier (depth == 1)
 *  3.  At a PV node.
 *  4.  If side to move is in check.
 *  5.  If the material score + pawn value is still below beta.
 *  6.  If we are being mated at next ply.
 *  7.  If hash table indicate the real score is below beta (UPPERBOUND).
 *  8.  If side to move has less than or equal to a bishop in value.
 *  9.  If Idepth <= 3.  This allows us to find mate-in 2 problems quickly.
 *  10. We are looking for a null threat.
   if (ply > 4 && InChk[ply-2] && InChk[ply-4])
      donull = false;
   if (flags & USENULL && g0 != NULLMOVE && depth > DEPTH && nodetype != PV &&
       !InChk[ply] && MATERIAL+ValueP > beta && beta > -MATE+ply && donull &&
	board.pmaterial[side] > ValueB && !threatply)
      TreePtr[ply+1] = TreePtr[ply];
      MakeNullMove (side);
      nullscore = -Search (ply+1, depth-DEPTH-R, -beta, -beta+1, nodetype);
      UnmakeNullMove (xside); 
      if (nullscore >= beta)
         return (nullscore);
      if ( depth-DEPTH-R >= 1 && MATERIAL > beta && nullscore <= -MATE+256)
         depth += DEPTH;
	 extend = true;

   if (InChk[ply] && TreePtr[ply]+1 < TreePtr[ply+1])
      SortMoves (ply);

   pickphase[ply] = PICKHASH;

 *  Razoring + Futility.
 *  At depth 3, if there is no extensions and we are really bad, decrease
 *  the search depth by 1.
 *  At depth 2, if there is no extensions and we are quite bad, then we
 *  prune all non checking moves and capturing moves that don't bring us up
 *  back to alpha.
 *  Caveat: Skip all this if we are in the ending.
   fcut = false;
   fdel = MAX (ValueQ, maxposnscore[side]);
   if (!extend && nodetype != PV && depth == 3*DEPTH && FUTSCORE <= alpha)
      depth = 2*DEPTH;
   fdel = MAX (ValueR, maxposnscore[side]);
   fcut = (!extend && nodetype != PV && depth == 2*DEPTH && FUTSCORE <= alpha);
   if (!fcut)
      fdel = MAX (3*ValueP, maxposnscore[side]);
      fcut = (nodetype != PV && depth == DEPTH && FUTSCORE <= alpha);

   MakeMove (side, &p->move);
   g0 = g1 = 0;
   while ((g0 = SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside)) > 0 ||
      	 (fcut && FUTSCORE < alpha && !SqAtakd (board.king[xside], side) &&
	  !MateScan (xside)))
      if (g0 == 0) g1++;
      UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);
      if (GETNEXTMOVE == false)
         return (g1 ? Evaluate(alpha,beta) : DRAWSCORE);
      MakeMove (side, &p->move);
   firstmove = true;
   pbest = p;
   best = -INFINITY;
   savealpha = alpha;
   nullthreatdone = false;
   nullscore = INFINITY;
   savenode = nodetype;
   if (nodetype != PV)
      nodetype = (nodetype == CUT) ? ALL : CUT;

   while (1)
      /* We have already made the move before the loop. */
      if (firstmove)
         firstmove = false;
         score = -Search (ply+1, depth-DEPTH, -beta, -alpha, nodetype);

      /* Zero window search for rest of moves */
	 if (GETNEXTMOVE == false)

 *  This section needs to be explained.  We are doing a null threat search
 *  and the previous ply was the null move.  Inhibit any move which captures
 *  the fail-high moving piece.  Also inhibit any move by the piece which is 
 *  captured by the fail-high move.  Both these moves cannot be executed in
 *  the actual threat, so.....
 *  Also 3 plies later, inhibit moves out of the target square of the PV/fail
 *  high move as this is also not possible.
	 if (threatply+1 == ply)
	    if ((TOSQ(p->move) == FROMSQ(threatmv)) ||
			 (FROMSQ(p->move) == TOSQ(threatmv)))
         if (threatply && threatply+3 == ply && FROMSQ(p->move)==TOSQ(threatmv))

         MakeMove (side, &p->move);
         if (SqAtakd (board.king[side], xside)) 
            UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);

 *  Futility pruning.  The idea is that at the frontier node (depth == 1),
 *  if the side on the move is materially bad, then if the move doesn't win
 *  back material or the move isn't a check or doesn't threatened the king, 
 *  then there is no point in searching this move.  So skip it.  
 *  Caveat:  However if the node is a PV, we skip this test.
      	 if (fcut && FUTSCORE <= alpha && !SqAtakd (board.king[xside], side) &&
		!MateScan (xside))
            UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);

         if (nodetype == PV)
            nodetype = CUT;
         alpha = MAX (best, alpha);                /* fail-soft condition */
         score = -Search (ply+1, depth-DEPTH, -alpha-1, -alpha, nodetype);
         if (score > best)
	    if (savenode == PV)
	       nodetype = PV;
            if (alpha < score && score < beta)
               score = -Search (ply+1, depth-DEPTH, -beta, -score, nodetype);
	    if (nodetype == PV && score <= alpha &&
		Game[GameCnt+1].move == NULLMOVE)
               score = -Search (ply+1, depth-DEPTH, -alpha, INFINITY, nodetype);
      UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);

/*  Perform threat extensions code */
      if ((score >= beta || nodetype == PV) && !InChk[ply] && g0 != NULLMOVE &&
	!threatply && depth == 4 && ThrtCnt[ply] < 1)
	 if (!nullthreatdone)
	    threatply = ply;
	    threatmv  = p->move;
            MakeNullMove (side);
            nullscore = -Search(ply+1, depth-1-R, -alpha+THREATMARGIN, 
			-alpha+THREATMARGIN+1, nodetype);
            UnmakeNullMove (xside); 
	    nullthreatdone = true;
	    threatply = 0;
	 if (nullscore <= alpha-THREATMARGIN)
            MakeMove (side, &p->move);
            score = -Search (ply+1, depth, -beta, -alpha, nodetype);
            UnmakeMove (xside, &p->move);
      if (score > best)
         best = score;
         pbest = p;
	 if (best >= beta)
	    goto done;

      if (flags & TIMEOUT)
         best = (ply & 1 ? rootscore : -rootscore);
	 return (best);

      if (SearchDepth == 0 && (NodeCnt & TIMECHECK) == 0)
         GetElapsed ();
         if ((et >= SearchTime && (rootscore == -INFINITY-1 || 
		ply1score > lastrootscore - 25 || flags & SOLVE)) ||
	     et >= maxtime)
	    SET (flags, TIMEOUT);        

/*  The following line should be explained as I occasionally forget too :) */
/*  This code means that if at this ply, a mating move has been found,     */
/*  then we can skip the rest of the moves!  				   */
      if (MATE+1 == best+ply)
         goto done;

 *  Out of main search loop.

   if (upperbound < best)
      printf ("Inconsistencies %d %d\n", upperbound, best);

   /*  Save the best move inside the transposition table  */
   if (flags & USEHASH)
      TTPut (side, depth, ply, savealpha, beta, best, pbest->move); 

   /*  Update history  */
   if (best > savealpha)
      history[side][pbest->move & 0x0FFF] += HISTSCORE(depth/DEPTH);

   /*  Don't store captures as killers as they are tried before killers */
   if (!(pbest->move & (CAPTURE | PROMOTION)) && best > savealpha)
      if (killer1[ply] == 0)
         killer1[ply] = pbest->move & MOVEMASK;
      else if ((pbest->move & MOVEMASK) != killer1[ply])
         killer2[ply] = pbest->move & MOVEMASK;

   return (best);
Пример #17
 *                                                                             *
 *   Ponder() is the driver for "pondering" (thinking on the opponent's time.) *
 *   its operation is simple:  Find a predicted move by (a) taking the second  *
 *   move from the principal variation, or (b) call lookup to see if it finds  *
 *   a suggested move from the transposition table.  Then, make this move and  *
 *   do a search from the resulting position.  While pondering, one of three   *
 *   things can happen:  (1) A move is entered, and it matches the predicted   *
 *   move.  We then switch from pondering to thinking and search as normal;    *
 *   (2) A move is entered, but it does not match the predicted move.  We then *
 *   abort the search, unmake the pondered move, and then restart with the     *
 *   move entered.  (3) A command is entered.  If it is a simple command, it   *
 *   can be done without aborting the search or losing time.  If not, we abort *
 *   the search, execute the command, and then attempt to restart pondering if *
 *   the command didn't make that impossible.                                  *
 *                                                                             *
int Ponder(int wtm) {
  TREE *const tree = block[0];
  int dalpha = -999999, dbeta = 999999, i;
  unsigned *n_ponder_moves, *mv;
  int save_move_number, tlom, value;

 *                                                          *
 *  First, let's check to see if pondering is allowed, or   *
 *  if we should avoid pondering on this move since it is   *
 *  the first move of a game, or if the game is over, or    *
 *  "force" mode is active, or there is input in the queue  *
 *  that needs to be read and processed.                    *
 *                                                          *
  if (!ponder || force || over || CheckInput())
    return 0;
  save_move_number = move_number;
 *                                                          *
 *  Check the ponder move for legality.  If it is not a     *
 *  legal move, we have to take action to find something to *
 *  ponder.                                                 *
 *                                                          *
  strcpy(ponder_text, "none");
  if (ponder_move) {
    if (!VerifyMove(tree, 1, wtm, ponder_move)) {
      ponder_move = 0;
      Print(4095, "ERROR.  ponder_move is illegal (1).\n");
      Print(4095, "ERROR.  PV pathl=%d\n", last_pv.pathl);
      Print(4095, "ERROR.  move=%d  %x\n", ponder_move, ponder_move);
 *                                                          *
 *  First attempt, do a hash probe.  However, since a hash  *
 *  collision is remotely possible, we still need to verify *
 *  that the transposition/refutation best move is actually *
 *  legal.                                                  *
 *                                                          *
  if (!ponder_move) {
    HashProbe(tree, 0, 0, wtm, dalpha, dbeta, &value);
    if (tree->hash_move[0])
      ponder_move = tree->hash_move[0];
    if (ponder_move) {
      if (!VerifyMove(tree, 1, wtm, ponder_move)) {
        Print(4095, "ERROR.  ponder_move is illegal (2).\n");
        Print(4095, "ERROR.  move=%d  %x\n", ponder_move, ponder_move);
        ponder_move = 0;
 *                                                          *
 *  Second attempt.  If that didn't work, then we try what  *
 *  I call a "puzzling" search.  Which is simply a shorter  *
 *  time-limit search for the other side, to find something *
 *  to ponder.                                              *
 *                                                          *
  if (!ponder_move) {
    if (time_limit < 20)
      return 0;
    puzzling = 1;
    tree->status[1] = tree->status[0];
    Print(32, "              puzzling over a move to ponder.\n");
    last_pv.pathl = 0;
    last_pv.pathd = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLY; i++) {
      tree->killers[i].move1 = 0;
      tree->killers[i].move2 = 0;
    Iterate(wtm, puzzle, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLY; i++) {
      tree->killers[i].move1 = 0;
      tree->killers[i].move2 = 0;
    puzzling = 0;
    if (tree->pv[0].pathl)
      ponder_move = tree->pv[0].path[1];
    if (!ponder_move)
      return 0;
    for (i = 1; i < (int) tree->pv[0].pathl; i++)
      last_pv.path[i] = tree->pv[0].path[i + 1];
    last_pv.pathl = tree->pv[0].pathl - 1;
    last_pv.pathd = 0;
    if (!VerifyMove(tree, 1, wtm, ponder_move)) {
      ponder_move = 0;
      Print(4095, "ERROR.  ponder_move is illegal (3).\n");
      Print(4095, "ERROR.  PV pathl=%d\n", last_pv.pathl);
      return 0;
 *                                                          *
 *  Display the move we are going to "ponder".              *
 *                                                          *
  if (wtm)
    Print(32, "White(%d): %s [pondering]\n", move_number, OutputMove(tree, 0,
            wtm, ponder_move));
    Print(32, "Black(%d): %s [pondering]\n", move_number, OutputMove(tree, 0,
            wtm, ponder_move));
  sprintf(ponder_text, "%s", OutputMove(tree, 0, wtm, ponder_move));
  if (post)
    printf("Hint: %s\n", ponder_text);
 *                                                          *
 *  Set the ponder move list and eliminate illegal moves.   *
 *  This list is used to test the move entered while we are *
 *  pondering, since we need a move list for the input      *
 *  screening process.                                      *
 *                                                          *
  n_ponder_moves = GenerateCaptures(tree, 0, wtm, ponder_moves);
  num_ponder_moves =
      GenerateNoncaptures(tree, 0, wtm, n_ponder_moves) - ponder_moves;
  for (mv = ponder_moves; mv < ponder_moves + num_ponder_moves; mv++) {
    MakeMove(tree, 0, wtm, *mv);
    if (Check(wtm)) {
      UnmakeMove(tree, 0, wtm, *mv);
      *mv = 0;
    } else
      UnmakeMove(tree, 0, wtm, *mv);
 *                                                          *
 *  Now, perform an iterated search, but with the special   *
 *  "pondering" flag set which changes the time controls    *
 *  since there is no need to stop searching until the      *
 *  opponent makes a move.                                  *
 *                                                          *
  MakeMove(tree, 0, wtm, ponder_move);
  tree->curmv[0] = ponder_move;
  tree->rep_list[++rep_index] = HashKey;
  tlom = last_opponent_move;
  last_opponent_move = ponder_move;
  if (kibitz)
    strcpy(kibitz_text, "n/a");
  thinking = 0;
  pondering = 1;
  if (!wtm)
  ponder_value = Iterate(Flip(wtm), think, 0);
  move_number = save_move_number;
  pondering = 0;
  thinking = 0;
  last_opponent_move = tlom;
  UnmakeMove(tree, 0, wtm, ponder_move);
 *                                                          *
 *  Search completed. the possible return values are:       *
 *                                                          *
 *  (0) No pondering was done, period.                      *
 *                                                          *
 *  (1) Pondering was done, opponent made the predicted     *
 *      move, and we searched until time ran out in a       *
 *      normal manner.                                      *
 *                                                          *
 *  (2) Pondering was done, but the ponder search           *
 *      terminated due to either finding a mate, or the     *
 *      maximum search depth was reached.  The result of    *
 *      this ponder search are valid, but only if the       *
 *      opponent makes the correct (predicted) move.        *
 *                                                          *
 *  (3) Pondering was done, but the opponent either made a  *
 *      different move, or entered a command that has to    *
 *      interrupt the pondering search before the command   *
 *      (or move) can be processed.  This forces Main() to  *
 *      avoid reading in a move/command since one has been  *
 *      read into the command buffer already.               *
 *                                                          *
  if (input_status == 1)
    return 1;
  if (input_status == 2)
    return 3;
  return 2;
Пример #18
void ShowLine (int move __attribute__ ((unused)), int score, char c)
 *  Print out the latest PV found during the search.
 *  The only move we know is the root move.  The rest of the PV is taken
 *  from the hash table.  This strategy avoids all the headaches associated
 *  with returning the PV up from the leaf to the root.
   int i, len;
   int pvar[MAXPLYDEPTH];

   /* SMC */
   if (!(flags & POST))
   if (NodeCnt < 500000 && (flags & SOLVE)) {
      /* printf("NodeCnt = %d\n",NodeCnt); getchar(); */
   if (Idepth == DEPTH && c == '&')
   if ((flags & XBOARD) && c == '&')
   if (rootscore == -INFINITY-1)
   GetElapsed ();

    * What is the reason for these different output formats, in
    * particular for et?
   if (flags & XBOARD) {
     if (score > MATE-255) {
       printf ("%d%c Mat%d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c,
                (int)(MATE+2-abs(score))/2, (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else if (score < -MATE+255) {
       printf ("%d%c -Mat%2d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c,
                (int)(MATE+2-abs(score))/2, (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
		 (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else {
	 printf ("%d%c %d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, (int)score, 
		 (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
	 if (ofp != stdout) 
	   fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);	 
   else {
     if (score > MATE-255) {
       printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else if (score < -MATE+255) {
       printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
	     (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
		 (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else {
	 printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
	 if (ofp != stdout) 
	   fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);	 

   if (c == '-')
      printf ("\n");
      if (ofp != stdout) fprintf(ofp, "\n");
   else if (c == '+')
      SANMove (RootPV, 1);
      printf (" %s\n", SANmv);
      if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s\n", SANmv);

   SANMove (RootPV, 1);
   printf (" %s", SANmv);
   if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s", SANmv);
   MakeMove (board.side, &RootPV);
   TreePtr[3] = TreePtr[2];
   GenMoves (2);
   len = strlen (SANmv);
   i = 2;
   pvar[1] = RootPV;

   /*  We fill the rest of the PV with moves from the hash table */
   if ((flags & USEHASH))
      while (TTGetPV (board.side, i, rootscore, &pvar[i]))
         if ((MATESCORE(score) && abs(score) == MATE+2-i) || Repeat ())
         if (len >= 32)
            printf ("\n\t\t\t\t");
	    if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp,"\n\t\t\t\t");
            len = 0;
         SANMove (pvar[i], i);
         printf (" %s", SANmv);
	 if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s", SANmv);
         MakeMove (board.side, &pvar[i]);
         TreePtr[i+2] = TreePtr[i+1];
         GenMoves (++i);
         len += strlen (SANmv);

   printf ("\n");
   if (ofp != stdout) fprintf(ofp,"\n");
   for (--i; i; i--)
      UnmakeMove (board.side, &pvar[i]);
   fflush (stdout);
   if (ofp != stdout) fflush (ofp);
Пример #19
void InputCmd ()
 *  This is the main user command interface driver.
   const char *color[2] = { "White", "Black" };
   int suffix;
   int i;
   leaf *ptr; 
   int ncmds;
   char *x,*trim;

   CLEAR (flags, THINK);
#ifndef HAVE_LIBREADLINE /* Why is this necessary anyway? */

	 if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
	    sprintf(s,"%s (%d) %c ", color[board.side], (GameCnt+1)/2 + 1, prompt);
	    inputstr = readline(s);
	    if (inputstr == NULL) return;
	    if (*inputstr) {
	    if (strlen(inputstr) > INPUT_SIZE-1) {
	       printf("Warning: Input line truncated to %d characters.\n", INPUT_SIZE -1 );
	       inputstr[INPUT_SIZE-1] = '\000';
	 } else {
	    inputstr = malloc(INPUT_SIZE);
	    if (inputstr == NULL) {
	    fgets(inputstr, INPUT_SIZE, stdin);
	    if (inputstr[0]) {
	       inputstr[strlen(inputstr)-1] = 0;
	if (!(flags & XBOARD)) {
	  printf ("%s (%d) %c ", color[board.side], (GameCnt+1)/2 + 1, prompt);
	fgets (inputstr, INPUT_SIZE, stdin) ;

	cmd[0] = '\n';
	sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
	if (cmd[0] == '\n')
	  goto done;
	cmd[0] = subcmd[0] = setting[0] = subsetting[0] = '\0';
        ncmds = sscanf (userinput,"%s %s %s %[^\n]",

   /* Put options after command back in inputstr - messy */
   sprintf(inputstr,"%s %s %s",subcmd,setting,subsetting);

   trim = inputstr + strlen(inputstr) - 1;
   while ( trim>=inputstr && *trim==' ')

   if (strcmp (cmd, "quit") == 0 || strcmp (cmd, "exit") == 0)
      SET (flags, QUIT);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "help") == 0)
      ShowHelp (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "show") == 0)
      ShowCmd (inputstr);
   else if (strncmp (cmd, "book", 4) == 0) {
      if (strncmp(inputstr, "add",3) == 0) {
        sscanf (inputstr, "add %s", file);
        if (access(file,F_OK) < 0) {
	  printf("The syntax to add a new book is:\n\n\tbook add file.pgn\n");
        } else {
          BookPGNReadFromFile (file);
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "on", 2) == 0 || strncmp (inputstr, "prefer", 6) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKPREFER;
	printf("book now on.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "off", 3) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKOFF;
	printf("book now off.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "best", 4) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKBEST;
	printf("book now best.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "worst", 5) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKWORST;
	printf("book now worst.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "random", 6) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKRAND;
	printf("book now random.\n");
   } else if (strcmp (cmd, "test") == 0)
      TestCmd (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "version") == 0)
      ShowVersion ();
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "pgnsave") == 0)
		if ( strlen(inputstr) > 0 && strlen(inputstr) < INPUT_SIZE )
      		  PGNSaveToFile (inputstr,"");
		  printf("Invalid filename.\n");
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "pgnload") == 0)
      PGNReadFromFile (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "manual") == 0)
      SET (flags, MANUAL);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "debug") == 0)
      SET (flags, DEBUGG);
      Debugmvl = 0;
      if (strcmp (inputstr, "debug") == 0)
         while (strcmp (inputstr, s))
            sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", s, inputstr);
            ptr = ValidateMove (s);
            Debugmv[Debugmvl++] = ptr->move;
            MakeMove (board.side, &ptr->move);
         i = Debugmvl;
         while (i)
            UnmakeMove (board.side, &Debugmv[--i]);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "force") == 0)
	SET (flags, MANUAL);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "white") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "black") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hard") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "easy") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "list") == 0) {
	if (inputstr[0] == '?')
	  printf("name    - list known players alphabetically\n");
	  printf("score   - list by GNU best result first \n");
	  printf("reverse - list by GNU worst result first\n");
	} else {
          sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
          if (inputstr == '\000') DBListPlayer("rscore");
	  else DBListPlayer(inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "post") == 0)
	SET (flags, POST);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "nopost") == 0)
	CLEAR (flags, POST);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "name") == 0) {
      strcpy(name, inputstr);
      x = name;
      while (*x != '\000') {
        if (*x == ' ') {
	  *x = '\000';
      suffix = 0;
      for (;;) {
	if (access(logfile,F_OK) < 0) {
	  ofp = fopen(logfile,"w");
	} else 
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "result") == 0) {
     if (ofp != stdout) {  
	fprintf(ofp, "result: %s\n",inputstr);
	ofp = stdout;
        printf("Save to %s\n",gamefile);
        PGNSaveToFile (gamefile, inputstr);
	DBUpdatePlayer (name, inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "rating") == 0) {
      sscanf(inputstr,"%d %d",&myrating,&opprating); 
      fprintf(ofp,"my rating = %d, opponent rating = %d\n",myrating,opprating); 
      /* Change randomness of book based on opponent rating. */
      /* Basically we play narrower book the higher the opponent */
      if (opprating >= 1700) bookfirstlast = 2;
      else if (opprating >= 1700) bookfirstlast = 2;
      else bookfirstlast = 2;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "activate") == 0) {
	CLEAR (flags, TIMEOUT);
	CLEAR (flags, ENDED);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "new") == 0) {
     InitVars ();
     NewPosition ();
     CLEAR (flags, MANUAL);
     CLEAR (flags, THINK);
     myrating = opprating = 0;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "time") == 0) {
     sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", s, inputstr);
     TimeLimit[1^board.side] = atoi(s) / 100.0f ;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "otim") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "random") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hash") == 0)
      sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
      if (strcmp (cmd, "off") == 0)
         CLEAR (flags, USEHASH);
      else if (strcmp (cmd, "on") == 0)
         SET (flags, USEHASH);
      printf ("Hashing %s\n", flags & USEHASH ? "on" : "off");
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hashsize") == 0)
      if (inputstr[0] == 0) {
	 printf("Current HashSize is %u slots\n", HashSize);
      } else {
	 i = atoi (inputstr);
	 TTHashMask = 0;
	 while ((i >>= 1) > 0)
	    TTHashMask <<= 1;
	    TTHashMask |= 1;
	 HashSize = TTHashMask + 1;
	 printf ("Adjusting HashSize to %u slots\n", HashSize);
	 InitHashTable (); 
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "null") == 0)