void MainWindow::on_action_clicked() { switch (m_gamestate) { case Bankrupt: money = 1000; UpdateAccount(0); goto_State(Start); ui->last_win->setText("Coming out of bankruptcy"); break; case Start: UpdateAccount(- bet); goto_State(Pick); break; case Pick: if (!UserGoofed()) { ReplenishHand(); goto_State(Refilling); } break; case Results: goto_State(Start); break; } if (QTime::currentTime() > m_refreshTime && QTime::currentTime() <= m_refresh_limit_Time) { OAuth2 auth(this, &m_network); auth.GetTokensFromRefreshToken(m_refreshToken); } }
void TDBAccountsPrivate::_q_on_AccountAdded(const TAccount &Account) { ASSERT(Accounts) qDebug() << "TDBAccountsPrivate::AddNodeToDB" << Account << "to be added"; DbIo()->InsertKeyIntoTable(AccountsTableName, Account.UserName(), "UserName"); UpdateAccount(Account); }
void MainWindow::SetupMoney() { hands_since_last_money_update = 0; if (m_money_file_id != "") { m_network.DownloadMoneyFile(m_money_file_id, GetMoneyFilename()); } else { money = 1000; //no existing money file, start with default 1000 UpdateAccount(0); goto_State(Start); } }
MojErr ScheduleRetryCommand::CancelActivitiesDone() { CommandTraceFunction(); try { m_deleteActivitiesCommand->GetResult()->CheckException(); UpdateAccount(); } CATCH_AS_FAILURE return MojErrNone; }
int OnApply() { const wchar_t* errorMsg = UpdateAccount(); if(errorMsg != 0) { MessageBox(errorMsg, L"Unable to Update Account", MB_OK); return PSNRET_INVALID; } _password = Password; return PSNRET_NOERROR; }
void MainWindow::ReadMoneyFile() { QFile moneyFile(GetMoneyFilename()); money = 1000; if (moneyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&moneyFile); QString moneyline = in.readLine(); QString hashline = in.readLine(); moneyFile.close(); if (GetHash(m_user_id, moneyline) == hashline) money = moneyline.toInt(); } UpdateAccount(0); goto_State(Start); }
MojErr ScheduleRetryCommand::CancelActivitiesDone() { try { m_deleteActivitiesCommand->GetResult()->CheckException(); UpdateAccount(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { MojLogError(m_log, "Exception in cancel activities done: '%s'", e.what()); Failure(e); } catch (...) { MojLogError(m_log, "Unknown exception in cancel activities done"); Failure(MailException("Unknown exception in cancel activities done", __FILE__, __LINE__)); } return MojErrNone; }
void MainWindow::ReportJackpotUpload(QString etag) { int payout = lastJackpotWin + saved_progressive_win; m_jackpot_etag = etag; saved_progressive_win = 0; lastJackpotWin =0; // we upload the jackpots because of a win or enough losses if (payout > 0) { ui->result_msg->setText(QString("You won $%1").arg(payout)); DoCelebrate(Large); } UpdateAccount(payout); jackpot_kitty = 0; lastJackpotRank = eBust; UpdateJackpots(); EndOfHand(); }
void MainWindow::Evaluate() { QString deb = QString("%1 + ").arg(hand[0]) +QString("%1+").arg(hand[1])+QString("%1+").arg(hand[2]) + QString("%1+").arg(hand[3])+ QString("%1+").arg(hand[4]); //ui->debug->setText(deb); HandRank rank = EvaluateHand(hand); //rank = eTwoPair; //! uncomment to test wins. You cheater. if (rank > eBust) ui->last_win->setText(QString("last win was: ") + QString(RankToText(rank))); int payout = bet * BasePayout(rank); lastJackpotWin = 0; saved_progressive_win = 0; lastJackpotRank = eBust; //aka none if (rank >= eStraight) { lastJackpotWin = payout; // start with payout and add progressive lastJackpotRank = rank; WonJackpot(rank); } else { if (rank == ePair) DoCelebrate(Small); else if (rank > ePair){ DoCelebrate(Medium); } if (payout > 0) { ui->result_msg->setText(QString("You won $%1").arg(payout)); } else { loss_count++; jackpot_kitty += bet * 3 / 2; ui->result_msg->setText("So close! Try again."); if (loss_count > 5) { WriteJackpotsAndWinners(); UploadJackpotsFile(); } PlaySound("too bad.mp3"); } UpdateAccount(payout); } }
LRESULT AccountEditorDialog::OnEdit(WORD, WORD, HWND, BOOL&) { // Get the selected Account. int index = _userAccounts.GetSelectedIndex(); if(index == -1) return 0; Account* account = reinterpret_cast<Account*>(_userAccounts.GetItemData(index)); Assert(account != 0); if(account == 0) return 0; // Display the account properties. AccountEditorPage page(account, _passwords[account]); if(page.DoModal() == IDOK) { // Try to update. The property sheet is responsible for data validation. const wchar_t* errorMessage = UpdateAccount(account, page); if(errorMessage != 0) { MessageBox(errorMessage, L"Unable to Edit Account", MB_OK); return 0; } _passwords[page.ThisAccount] = String(page.General.Password); AccountUpdateEvent e; e.Account = account; e.Invoke(); Refresh(); } return 0; }
void AccountMgr::ReloadAccounts(bool silent) { setBusy.Acquire(); if(!silent) sLog.outString("[AccountMgr] Reloading Accounts..."); // Load *all* accounts. QueryResult * result = sLogonSQL->Query("SELECT acct, login, password, gm, flags, banned, forceLanguage, muted FROM accounts"); Field * field; string AccountName; set<string> account_list; Account * acct; if(result) { do { field = result->Fetch(); AccountName = field[1].GetString(); // transform to uppercase HEARTHSTONE_TOUPPER(AccountName); //Use private __GetAccount, for locks acct = __GetAccount(AccountName); if(acct == 0) { // New account. AddAccount(field); } else { // Update the account with possible changed details. UpdateAccount(acct, field); } // add to our "known" list account_list.insert(AccountName); } while(result->NextRow()); delete result; } // check for any purged/deleted accounts #ifdef WIN32 HM_NAMESPACE::hash_map<string, Account*>::iterator itr = AccountDatabase.begin(); HM_NAMESPACE::hash_map<string, Account*>::iterator it2; #else std::map<string, Account*>::iterator itr = AccountDatabase.begin(); std::map<string, Account*>::iterator it2; #endif for(; itr != AccountDatabase.end();) { it2 = itr; ++itr; if(account_list.find(it2->first) == account_list.end()) { delete it2->second; AccountDatabase.erase(it2); } else { it2->second->UsernamePtr = (std::string*)&it2->first; } } if(!silent) sLog.outString("[AccountMgr] Found %u accounts.", AccountDatabase.size()); setBusy.Release(); IPBanner::getSingleton().Reload(); }