Пример #1
Vector2 Text::GetCharSize(unsigned index)
    if (charLocationsDirty_)
    if (charLocations_.size() < 2)
        return Vector2::ZERO;
    // For convenience, return the size of the last char if index exceeded (last size entry is zero)
    if (index > charLocations_.size() - 2)
        index = charLocations_.size() - 2;
    return charLocations_[index].size_;
Пример #2
Vector2 Text::GetCharPosition(unsigned index)
    if (charLocationsDirty_)
    if (charLocations_.empty())
        return Vector2::ZERO;
    // For convenience, return the position of the text ending if index exceeded
    if (index > charLocations_.size() - 1)
        index = charLocations_.size() - 1;
    return charLocations_[index].position_;
Пример #3
void Text::GetBatches(ea::vector<UIBatch>& batches, ea::vector<float>& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor)
    FontFace* face = font_ ? font_->GetFace(fontSize_) : nullptr;
    if (!face)
        hovering_ = false;

    // If face has changed or char locations are not valid anymore, update before rendering
    if (charLocationsDirty_ || !fontFace_ || face != fontFace_)
    // If face uses mutable glyphs mechanism, reacquire glyphs before rendering to make sure they are in the texture
    else if (face->HasMutableGlyphs())
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.size(); ++i)

    // Hovering and/or whole selection batch
    UISelectable::GetBatches(batches, vertexData, currentScissor);

    // Partial selection batch
    if (!selected_ && selectionLength_ && charLocations_.size() >= selectionStart_ + selectionLength_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f)
        UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, nullptr, &vertexData);

        Vector2 currentStart = charLocations_[selectionStart_].position_;
        Vector2 currentEnd = currentStart;
        for (unsigned i = selectionStart_; i < selectionStart_ + selectionLength_; ++i)
            // Check if row changes, and start a new quad in that case
            if (charLocations_[i].size_ != Vector2::ZERO)
                if (charLocations_[i].position_.y_ != currentStart.y_)
                    batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_,
                        currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0);
                    currentStart = charLocations_[i].position_;
                    currentEnd = currentStart + charLocations_[i].size_;
                    currentEnd.x_ += charLocations_[i].size_.x_;
                    currentEnd.y_ = Max(currentStart.y_ + charLocations_[i].size_.y_, currentEnd.y_);
        if (currentEnd != currentStart)
            batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_, currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0);

        UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

    // Text batch
    TextEffect textEffect = font_->IsSDFFont() ? TE_NONE : textEffect_;
    const ea::vector<ea::shared_ptr<Texture2D> >& textures = face->GetTextures();
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < textures.size() && n < pageGlyphLocations_.size(); ++n)
        // One batch per texture/page
        UIBatch pageBatch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, textures[n], &vertexData);

        const ea::vector<GlyphLocation>& pageGlyphLocation = pageGlyphLocations_[n];

        switch (textEffect)
        case TE_NONE:
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        case TE_SHADOW:
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, shadowOffset_.x_, shadowOffset_.y_, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        case TE_STROKE:
            if (roundStroke_)
                // Samples should be even or glyph may be redrawn in wrong x y pos making stroke corners rough
                // Adding to thickness helps with thickness of 1 not having enought samples for this formula
                // or certain fonts with reflex corners requiring more glyph samples for a smooth stroke when large
                int thickness = Min(strokeThickness_, fontSize_);
                int samples = thickness * thickness + (thickness % 2 == 0 ? 4 : 3);
                float angle = 360.f / samples;
                auto floatThickness = (float)thickness;
                for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)
                    float x = Cos(angle * i) * floatThickness;
                    float y = Sin(angle * i) * floatThickness;
                    ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, x, y, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
                int thickness = Min(strokeThickness_, fontSize_);
                int x, y;
                for (x = -thickness; x <= thickness; ++x)
                    for (y = -thickness; y <= thickness; ++y)
                        // Don't draw glyphs that aren't on the edges
                        if (x > -thickness && x < thickness &&
                            y > -thickness && y < thickness)

                        ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, x, y, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        UIBatch::AddOrMerge(pageBatch, batches);
Пример #4
void Text::GetBatches(PODVector<UIBatch>& batches, PODVector<float>& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor)
    FontFace* face = font_ ? font_->GetFace(fontSize_) : (FontFace*)0;
    if (!face)
        hovering_ = false;

    // If face has changed or char locations are not valid anymore, update before rendering
    if (charLocationsDirty_ || !fontFace_ || face != fontFace_)
    // If face uses mutable glyphs mechanism, reacquire glyphs before rendering to make sure they are in the texture
    else if (face->HasMutableGlyphs())
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < printText_.Size(); ++i)

    // Hovering and/or whole selection batch
    if ((hovering_ && hoverColor_.a_ > 0.0) || (selected_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f))
        bool both = hovering_ && selected_ && hoverColor_.a_ > 0.0 && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f;
        UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, 0, &vertexData);
        batch.SetColor(both ? selectionColor_.Lerp(hoverColor_, 0.5f) :
            (selected_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f ? selectionColor_ : hoverColor_));
        batch.AddQuad(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 0, 0);
        UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

    // Partial selection batch
    if (!selected_ && selectionLength_ && charLocations_.Size() >= selectionStart_ + selectionLength_ && selectionColor_.a_ > 0.0f)
        UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, 0, &vertexData);

        IntVector2 currentStart = charLocations_[selectionStart_].position_;
        IntVector2 currentEnd = currentStart;
        for (unsigned i = selectionStart_; i < selectionStart_ + selectionLength_; ++i)
            // Check if row changes, and start a new quad in that case
            if (charLocations_[i].size_ != IntVector2::ZERO)
                if (charLocations_[i].position_.y_ != currentStart.y_)
                    batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_,
                        currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0);
                    currentStart = charLocations_[i].position_;
                    currentEnd = currentStart + charLocations_[i].size_;
                    currentEnd.x_ += charLocations_[i].size_.x_;
                    currentEnd.y_ = Max(currentStart.y_ + charLocations_[i].size_.y_, currentEnd.y_);
        if (currentEnd != currentStart)
            batch.AddQuad(currentStart.x_, currentStart.y_, currentEnd.x_ - currentStart.x_, currentEnd.y_ - currentStart.y_, 0, 0);

        UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

    // Text batch
    TextEffect textEffect = font_->IsSDFFont() ? TE_NONE : textEffect_;
    const Vector<SharedPtr<Texture2D> >& textures = face->GetTextures();
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < textures.Size() && n < pageGlyphLocations_.Size(); ++n)
        // One batch per texture/page
        UIBatch pageBatch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, textures[n], &vertexData);

        const PODVector<GlyphLocation>& pageGlyphLocation = pageGlyphLocations_[n];

        switch (textEffect)
        case TE_NONE:
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        case TE_SHADOW:
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 1, 1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        case TE_STROKE:
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, -1, -1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, -1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 1, -1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, -1, 0, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 1, 0, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, -1, 1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 1, 1, &effectColor_, effectDepthBias_);
            ConstructBatch(pageBatch, pageGlyphLocation, 0, 0);

        UIBatch::AddOrMerge(pageBatch, batches);

    // Reset hovering for next frame
    hovering_ = false;