void ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D::SetInternalForceScalingFactor(double internalForceScalingFactor_)
  internalForceScalingFactor = internalForceScalingFactor_;
  for(int dim=0; dim<r; dim++)
    tangentStiffnessMatrix[dim] = internalForceScalingFactor * tangentStiffnessMatrixOriginal[dim];
ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D::ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D(int r_, double timestep_, double * massMatrix_, double * tangentStiffnessMatrix_, double dampingMassCoef_, double dampingStiffnessCoef_, double NewmarkBeta_, double NewmarkGamma_):
  IntegratorBaseDense(r_, timestep_, dampingMassCoef_, dampingStiffnessCoef_),
  IntegratorMulti1D(r_, timestep_, massMatrix_, tangentStiffnessMatrix_, dampingMassCoef_, dampingStiffnessCoef_),
  ImplicitNewmarkDense(r_, timestep_, dampingMassCoef_, dampingStiffnessCoef_, 0.25, 0.5)
  coef_deltaZ = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * r);
  coef_zvel = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * r);
  coef_zaccel = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * r);

Пример #3
// Return the predicted value and its variance at time assuming a CAR(1) process
std::pair<double, double> KalmanFilter1::Predict(double time) {
    double rho, var_ratio, previous_var;
    double ypredict_mean, ypredict_var, yprecision;
    unsigned int ipredict = 0;
    while (time > time_(ipredict)) {
        // find the index where time_ > time for the first time
        if (ipredict == time_.n_elem) {
            // time is greater than last element of time_, so do forecasting
    // Run the Kalman filter up to the point time_[ipredict-1]
    for (int i=1; i<ipredict; i++) {
    if (ipredict == 0) {
        // backcasting, so initialize the conditional mean and variance to the stationary values
        ypredict_mean = 0.0;
        ypredict_var = sigsqr_ / (2.0 * omega_);
    } else {
        // predict the value of the time series at time, given the earlier values
        double dt = time - time_[ipredict-1];
        rho = exp(-dt * omega_);
        previous_var = var(ipredict-1) - yerr_(ipredict-1) * yerr_(ipredict-1);
        var_ratio = previous_var / var(ipredict-1);
        // initialize the conditional mean and variance
        ypredict_mean = rho * mean(ipredict-1) + rho * var_ratio * (y_(ipredict-1) - mean(ipredict-1));
        ypredict_var = sigsqr_ / (2.0 * omega_) * (1.0 - rho * rho) + rho * rho * previous_var * (1.0 - var_ratio);
    if (ipredict == time_.n_elem) {
        // Forecasting, so we're done: no need to run interpolation steps
        std::pair<double, double> ypredict(ypredict_mean, ypredict_var);
        return ypredict;
    yprecision = 1.0 / ypredict_var;
    ypredict_mean *= yprecision;
    // Either backcasting or interpolating, so need to calculate coefficients of linear filter as a function of
    // the predicted time series value, then update the running conditional mean and variance of the predicted
    // time series value
    InitializeCoefs(time, ipredict, 0.0, 0.0);
    yprecision += yslope_ * yslope_ / var(ipredict);
    ypredict_mean += yslope_ * (y_(ipredict) - yconst_) / var(ipredict);
    for (int i=ipredict+1; i<time_.n_elem; i++) {
        yprecision += yslope_ * yslope_ / var(i);
        ypredict_mean += yslope_ * (y_(i) - yconst_) / var(i);
    ypredict_var = 1.0 / yprecision;
    ypredict_mean *= ypredict_var;

    std::pair<double, double> ypredict(ypredict_mean, ypredict_var);
    return ypredict;
Пример #4
// Predict the time series at the input time given the measured time series, assuming a CARMA(p,q) process
std::pair<double, double> KalmanFilterp::Predict(double time) {
    unsigned int ipredict = 0;
    while (time > time_(ipredict)) {
        // find the index where time_ > time for the first time
        if (ipredict == time_.n_elem) {
            // time is greater than last element of time_, so do forecasting
    // Run the Kalman filter up to the point time_[ipredict-1]
    for (int i=1; i<ipredict; i++) {
    double ypredict_mean, ypredict_var, yprecision;
    if (ipredict == 0) {
        // backcasting, so initialize the conditional mean and variance to the stationary values
        ypredict_mean = 0.0;
        ypredict_var = std::real( arma::as_scalar(rotated_ma_coefs_ * StateVar_ * rotated_ma_coefs_.t()) );
    } else {
        // predict the value of the time series at time, given the earlier values
        kalman_gain_ = PredictionVar_ * rotated_ma_coefs_.t() / var(ipredict-1);
        state_vector_ += kalman_gain_ * innovation_;
        PredictionVar_ -= var(ipredict-1) * (kalman_gain_ * kalman_gain_.t());
        double dt = std::abs(time - time_(ipredict-1));
        rho_ = arma::exp(omega_ * dt);
        state_vector_ = rho_ % state_vector_;
        PredictionVar_ = (rho_ * rho_.t()) % (PredictionVar_ - StateVar_) + StateVar_;
        // initialize the conditional mean and variance
        ypredict_mean = std::real( arma::as_scalar(rotated_ma_coefs_ * state_vector_) );
        ypredict_var = std::real( arma::as_scalar(rotated_ma_coefs_ * PredictionVar_ * rotated_ma_coefs_.t()) );

    if (ipredict == time_.n_elem) {
        // Forecasting, so we're done: no need to run interpolation steps
        std::pair<double, double> ypredict(ypredict_mean, ypredict_var);
        return ypredict;

    yprecision = 1.0 / ypredict_var;
    ypredict_mean *= yprecision;

    // Either backcasting or interpolating, so need to calculate coefficients of linear filter as a function of
    // the predicted time series value, then update the running conditional mean and variance of the predicted
    // time series value
    InitializeCoefs(time, ipredict, ypredict_mean / yprecision, ypredict_var);

    yprecision += yslope_ * yslope_ / var(ipredict);
    ypredict_mean += yslope_ * (y_(ipredict) - yconst_) / var(ipredict);
    for (int i=ipredict+1; i<time_.n_elem; i++) {
        yprecision += yslope_ * yslope_ / var(i);
        ypredict_mean += yslope_ * (y_(i) - yconst_) / var(i);
    ypredict_var = 1.0 / yprecision;
    ypredict_mean *= ypredict_var;
    std::pair<double, double> ypredict(ypredict_mean, ypredict_var);
    return ypredict;
void ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D::SetTimestep(double timestep_)
void ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D::SetDampingStiffnessCoef(double dampingStiffnessCoef_)
  dampingStiffnessCoef = dampingStiffnessCoef_;
void ImplicitNewmarkDenseMulti1D::SetNewmarkGamma(double NewmarkGamma_)
  NewmarkGamma = NewmarkGamma_; 