int32 UFaceFXMatineeControl::AddKeyframe( float Time, UInterpTrackInst* TrackInst, EInterpCurveMode InitInterpMode ) { UFaceFXMatineeControlInst* TrackInstFaceFX = CastChecked<UFaceFXMatineeControlInst>(TrackInst); FFaceFXTrackKey NewKey; NewKey.Time = Time; //insert and order by time int32 i = 0; for(i = 0; i < Keys.Num() && Keys[i].Time < Time; ++i); Keys.Insert(NewKey, i); UpdateKeyframe(i, TrackInst); return i; }
void EstimatorFull::UpdateCamera(const Eigen::Vector3d &p_c_v, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q_c_v, const Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> &R, bool absolute, bool isKeyframe, double dLambda ) { Eigen::QuaternionAd q_c_kf; Eigen::Vector3d p_c_kf; if (absolute) { q_c_kf = Eigen::QuaternionAd(q_c_v.conjugate() * q_kf_v.toQuat().conjugate()); p_c_kf = q_kf_v.toQuat().toRotationMatrix() * (p_c_v - p_kf_v); } else { q_c_kf.q = q_c_v; p_c_kf = p_c_v; } Matrix3d C_q_w_v = q_w_v.toQuat().toRotationMatrix(); Matrix3d C_q_i_w = q_i_w.toQuat().toRotationMatrix(); Matrix3d C_q_c_i = q_c_i.toQuat().toRotationMatrix(); // Build Jacobian Matrix<double,3,28> H_p; H_p << C_q_w_v.transpose() * exp(lambda), Matrix3d::Zero(), -C_q_w_v.transpose()*C_q_i_w.transpose()*crossMat(p_c_i)*exp(lambda), Matrix3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Zero(), (C_q_w_v.transpose()*(C_q_i_w.transpose()*p_c_i + p_i_w) + p_w_v) * exp(lambda), C_q_w_v.transpose()*C_q_i_w.transpose()*exp(lambda), Matrix3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Identity()*exp(lambda), -C_q_w_v.transpose()*crossMat( p_i_w + C_q_i_w.transpose()*p_c_i )*exp(lambda); Matrix<double,3,28> H_q; H_q << Matrix3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Zero(), C_q_c_i, Matrix3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Zero(), Vector3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Zero(), Matrix3d::Identity(), Matrix3d::Zero(), C_q_c_i*C_q_i_w; Matrix<double,6,28> H; H << H_p, H_q; // Calculate residual Vector3d r_p = p_c_kf - ( C_q_w_v.transpose()*(p_i_w + C_q_i_w.transpose()*p_c_i) + p_w_v ) * exp(lambda); Quaterniond r_q = (q_c_kf.toQuat()*( q_c_i.toQuat()*q_i_w.toQuat()*q_w_v.toQuat() ).conjugate()).conjugate(); Matrix<double,6,1> r; r << r_p, 2*r_q.x(), 2*r_q.y(), 2*r_q.z(); // Calculate kalmn gain Matrix<double,6,6> S = H*P*H.transpose() + R; //K = P*H.transpose()*S^-1; //TODO: use cholsky to solve K*S = P*H.transposed()? // (K*S)' = (P*H')' // S'*K' = H*P' // K' = S.transpose.ldlt().solve(H*P.transpose) Matrix<double,28,6> K = (S.ldlt().solve(H*P)).transpose(); // P and S are symmetric //Matrix<double,28,6> K = P*H.transpose()*S.inverse();//*P).transpose(); Matrix<double,28,1> x_error = K*r; // Apply Kalman gain ApplyCorrection( x_error ); Matrix<double,28,28> T = Matrix<double,28,28>::Identity() - K*H; P = T*P*T.transpose() + K*R*K.transpose(); // Symmetrize P = (P + P.transpose())/2.0; if (isKeyframe) { // Add new keyframe from current position/camera pose UpdateKeyframe( ); // Add noise to lambda P(15,15) += dLambda; // Update keyframe reference, if given path is absolute if (absolute) { p_kf_v = p_c_v; q_kf_v.q = q_c_v; } } }