/* static */
        const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar,
        MFnMesh& meshFn)
    const TfToken& primvarName = primvar.GetPrimvarName();

    // Get the raw data before applying any indexing.
    VtVec2fArray uvValues;
    if (!primvar.Get(&uvValues) || uvValues.empty()) {
        TF_WARN("Could not read UV values from primvar '%s' on mesh: %s",
        return false;

    // This is the number of UV values assuming the primvar is NOT indexed.
    VtIntArray assignmentIndices;
    if (primvar.GetIndices(&assignmentIndices)) {
        // The primvar IS indexed, so the indices array is what determines the
        // number of UV values.
        int unauthoredValuesIndex = primvar.GetUnauthoredValuesIndex();

        // Replace any index equal to unauthoredValuesIndex with -1.
        if (unauthoredValuesIndex != -1) {
            for (int& index : assignmentIndices) {
                if (index == unauthoredValuesIndex) {
                    index = -1;

        // Furthermore, if unauthoredValuesIndex is valid for uvValues, then
        // remove it from uvValues and shift the indices (we don't want to
        // import the unauthored value into Maya, where it has no meaning).
        if (unauthoredValuesIndex >= 0 &&
                static_cast<size_t>(unauthoredValuesIndex) < uvValues.size()) {
            // This moves [unauthoredValuesIndex + 1, end) to
            // [unauthoredValuesIndex, end - 1), erasing the
            // unauthoredValuesIndex.
                    uvValues.begin() + unauthoredValuesIndex + 1,
                    uvValues.begin() + unauthoredValuesIndex);

            for (int& index : assignmentIndices) {
                if (index > unauthoredValuesIndex) {
                    index = index - 1;

    // Go through the UV data and add the U and V values to separate
    // MFloatArrays.
    MFloatArray uCoords;
    MFloatArray vCoords;
    for (const GfVec2f& v : uvValues) {

    MStatus status;
    MString uvSetName(primvarName.GetText());
    if (primvarName == UsdUtilsGetPrimaryUVSetName()) {
        // We assume that the primary USD UV set maps to Maya's default 'map1'
        // set which always exists, so we shouldn't try to create it.
        uvSetName = "map1";
    } else {
        status = meshFn.createUVSet(uvSetName);
        if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
            TF_WARN("Unable to create UV set '%s' for mesh: %s",
            return false;

    // The following two lines should have no effect on user-visible state but
    // prevent a Maya crash in MFnMesh.setUVs after creating a crease set.
    // XXX this workaround is needed pending a fix by Autodesk.
    MString currentSet = meshFn.currentUVSetName();

    // Create UVs on the mesh from the values we collected out of the primvar.
    // We'll assign mesh components to these values below.
    status = meshFn.setUVs(uCoords, vCoords, &uvSetName);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        TF_WARN("Unable to set UV data on UV set '%s' for mesh: %s",
        return false;

    const TfToken& interpolation = primvar.GetInterpolation();

    // Build an array of value assignments for each face vertex in the mesh.
    // Any assignments left as -1 will not be assigned a value.
    MIntArray uvIds = _GetMayaFaceVertexAssignmentIds(meshFn,

    MIntArray vertexCounts;
    MIntArray vertexList;
    status = meshFn.getVertices(vertexCounts, vertexList);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        TF_WARN("Could not get vertex counts for UV set '%s' on mesh: %s",
        return false;

    status = meshFn.assignUVs(vertexCounts, uvIds, &uvSetName);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
        TF_WARN("Could not assign UV values to UV set '%s' on mesh: %s",
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #2
// virtual
bool MayaMeshWriter::writeMeshAttrs(const UsdTimeCode &usdTime, UsdGeomMesh &primSchema)

    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

    // Write parent class attrs
    writeTransformAttrs(usdTime, primSchema);

    // Return if usdTime does not match if shape is animated
    if (usdTime.IsDefault() == isShapeAnimated() ) {
        // skip shape as the usdTime does not match if shape isAnimated value
        return true; 

    MFnMesh lMesh( getDagPath(), &status );
    if ( !status )
        MGlobal::displayError( "MFnMesh() failed for MayaMeshWriter" );
        return false;
    unsigned int numVertices = lMesh.numVertices();
    unsigned int numPolygons = lMesh.numPolygons();

    // Set mesh attrs ==========
    // Get points
    // TODO: Use memcpy()
    const float* mayaRawPoints = lMesh.getRawPoints(&status);
    VtArray<GfVec3f> points(numVertices);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
        unsigned int floatIndex = i*3;
    primSchema.GetPointsAttr().Set(points, usdTime); // ANIMATED

    // Compute the extent using the raw points
    VtArray<GfVec3f> extent(2);
    UsdGeomPointBased::ComputeExtent(points, &extent);
    primSchema.CreateExtentAttr().Set(extent, usdTime);

    // Get faceVertexIndices
    unsigned int numFaceVertices = lMesh.numFaceVertices(&status);
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexCounts(numPolygons);
    VtArray<int>     faceVertexIndices(numFaceVertices);
    MIntArray mayaFaceVertexIndices; // used in loop below
    unsigned int curFaceVertexIndex = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++) {
        lMesh.getPolygonVertices(i, mayaFaceVertexIndices);
        faceVertexCounts[i] = mayaFaceVertexIndices.length();
        for (unsigned int j=0; j < mayaFaceVertexIndices.length(); j++) {
            faceVertexIndices[ curFaceVertexIndex ] = mayaFaceVertexIndices[j]; // push_back
    primSchema.GetFaceVertexCountsAttr().Set(faceVertexCounts);   // not animatable
    primSchema.GetFaceVertexIndicesAttr().Set(faceVertexIndices); // not animatable

    // Read usdSdScheme attribute. If not set, we default to defaultMeshScheme
    // flag that can be user defined and initialized to catmullClark
    TfToken sdScheme = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::getSubdivScheme(lMesh, getArgs().defaultMeshScheme);    
    primSchema.CreateSubdivisionSchemeAttr(VtValue(sdScheme), true);

    // Polygonal Mesh Case
    if (sdScheme==UsdGeomTokens->none) {
        // Support for standard USD bool and with Mojito bool tag
        TfToken normalInterp=PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::getEmitNormals(lMesh, UsdGeomTokens->none);
        if (normalInterp==UsdGeomTokens->faceVarying) {
            // Get References to members of meshData object
            MFloatVectorArray normalArray;
            MFloatVectorArray vertexNormalArray;
            lMesh.getNormals(normalArray, MSpace::kObject);

            // Iterate through each face in the mesh.
            VtArray<GfVec3f> meshNormals(lMesh.numFaceVertices());
            size_t faceVertIdx = 0;
            for (MItMeshPolygon faceIter(getDagPath()); !faceIter.isDone(); faceIter.next()) {
                // Iterate through each face-vertex.
                for (size_t locVertIdx = 0; locVertIdx < faceIter.polygonVertexCount();
                        ++locVertIdx, ++faceVertIdx) {
                    int index=faceIter.normalIndex(locVertIdx);
                    for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
            primSchema.GetNormalsAttr().Set(meshNormals, usdTime);
    } else {
        TfToken sdInterpBound = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::getSubdivInterpBoundary(
            lMesh, UsdGeomTokens->edgeAndCorner);

        primSchema.CreateInterpolateBoundaryAttr(VtValue(sdInterpBound), true);
        TfToken sdFVInterpBound = PxrUsdMayaMeshUtil::getSubdivFVInterpBoundary(

            VtValue(sdFVInterpBound), true);

        assignSubDivTagsToUSDPrim( lMesh, primSchema);

    // Holes - we treat InvisibleFaces as holes
    MUintArray mayaHoles = lMesh.getInvisibleFaces();
    if (mayaHoles.length() > 0) {
        VtArray<int> subdHoles(mayaHoles.length());
        for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaHoles.length(); i++) {
            subdHoles[i] = mayaHoles[i];
        // not animatable in Maya, so we'll set default only

    // == Write UVSets as Vec2f Primvars
    MStringArray uvSetNames;
    if (getArgs().exportMeshUVs) {
        status = lMesh.getUVSetNames(uvSetNames);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < uvSetNames.length(); i++) {
        // Initialize the VtArray to the max possible size (facevarying)
        VtArray<GfVec2f> uvValues(numFaceVertices);
        TfToken interpolation=TfToken();
        // Gather UV data and interpolation into a Vec2f VtArray and try to compress if possible
        if (_GetMeshUVSetData(lMesh, uvSetNames[i], &uvValues, &interpolation) == MS::kSuccess) {
            // XXX:bug 118447
            // We should be able to configure the UV map name that triggers this
            // behavior, and the name to which it exports.
            // The UV Set "map1" is renamed st. This is a Pixar/USD convention
            TfToken setName(uvSetNames[i].asChar());
            if (setName == "map1") setName=UsdUtilsGetPrimaryUVSetName();
            // Create the primvar and set the values
            UsdGeomPrimvar uvSet = 
                primSchema.CreatePrimvar(setName, SdfValueTypeNames->Float2Array, interpolation);
            uvSet.Set( uvValues ); // not animatable
    // == Gather ColorSets
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    if (getArgs().exportColorSets) {
        status = lMesh.getColorSetNames(colorSetNames);
    // shaderColor is used in our pipeline as displayColor.
    // shaderColor is used to fill faces where the colorset is not assigned
    MColorArray shaderColors;
    MObjectArray shaderObjs;
    VtArray<GfVec3f> shadersRGBData;
    TfToken shadersRGBInterp;
    VtArray<float> shadersAlphaData;
    TfToken shadersAlphaInterp;

    // If exportDisplayColor is set to true or we have color sets,
    // gather color & opacity from the shader including per face
    // assignment. Color set require this to initialize unauthored/unpainted faces 
    if (getArgs().exportDisplayColor or colorSetNames.length()>0) {
        PxrUsdMayaUtil::GetLinearShaderColor(lMesh, numPolygons, 
                &shadersRGBData, &shadersRGBInterp, 
                &shadersAlphaData, &shadersAlphaInterp);

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); i++) {

        bool isDisplayColor=false;

        if (colorSetNames[i]=="displayColor") {
            if (not getArgs().exportDisplayColor)
        if (colorSetNames[i]=="displayOpacity") {
            MGlobal::displayWarning("displayOpacity on mesh:" + lMesh.fullPathName() + 
            " is a reserved PrimVar name in USD. Skipping...");

        VtArray<GfVec3f> RGBData;
        TfToken RGBInterp;
        VtArray<GfVec4f> RGBAData;
        TfToken RGBAInterp;
        VtArray<float> AlphaData;
        TfToken AlphaInterp;
        MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation colorSetRep;
        bool clamped=false;

        // If displayColor uses shaderValues for non authored areas
        // and allow RGB and Alpha to have different interpolation
        // For all other colorSets the non authored values are set 
        // to (1,1,1,1) and RGB and Alpha will have the same interplation
        // since they will be emitted as a Vec4f
        if (not _GetMeshColorSetData( lMesh, colorSetNames[i],
                                        shadersRGBData, shadersAlphaData,
                                        &RGBData, &RGBInterp,
                                        &RGBAData, &RGBAInterp,
                                        &AlphaData, &AlphaInterp,
                                        &colorSetRep, &clamped)) {
            MGlobal::displayWarning("Unable to retrieve colorSet data: " +
                    colorSetNames[i] + " on mesh: "+ lMesh.fullPathName() + ". Skipping...");

        if (isDisplayColor) {
            // We tag the resulting displayColor/displayOpacity primvar as
            // authored to make sure we reconstruct the colorset on import
            // The RGB is also convererted From DisplayToLinear
            _setDisplayPrimVar( primSchema, colorSetRep,
                                RGBData, RGBInterp,
                                AlphaData, AlphaInterp,
                                clamped, true);
        } else {
            TfToken colorSetNameToken = TfToken(
            if (colorSetRep == MFnMesh::kAlpha) {
                    _createAlphaPrimVar(primSchema, colorSetNameToken,
                        AlphaData, AlphaInterp, clamped);
            } else if (colorSetRep == MFnMesh::kRGB) {
                    _createRGBPrimVar(primSchema, colorSetNameToken,
                        RGBData, RGBInterp, clamped);
            } else if (colorSetRep == MFnMesh::kRGBA) {
                    _createRGBAPrimVar(primSchema, colorSetNameToken,
                        RGBAData, RGBAInterp, clamped);
    // Set displayColor and displayOpacity only if they are NOT authored already
    // Since this primvar will come from the shader and not a colorset,
    // we are not adding the clamp attribute as custom data
    // If a displayColor/displayOpacity is added, it's not considered authored
    // we don't need to reconstruct this as a colorset since it orgininated
    // from bound shader[s], so the authored flag is set to false
    // Given that this RGB is for display, we do DisplayToLinear conversion
    if (getArgs().exportDisplayColor) {
        _setDisplayPrimVar( primSchema, MFnMesh::kRGBA,
                                shadersRGBData, shadersRGBInterp,
                                shadersAlphaData, shadersAlphaInterp,
                                false, false);
    return true;