Пример #1
//	ROUTINE:	CHoverMovementModifier::GetUpperBound()
//	PURPOSE:	Returns the highest point the AI is allowed to move to.  If
//				there is no volume, Max the point.  If there is no ceiling
//				height, assume that we can go x high
float CHoverMovementModifier::GetUpperBound( HOBJECT hObject, float flCheckDist, const LTVector& vDims, const LTVector& vPos )
	float flCeilingHeight;
	CAIUtils Utils(hObject);
	if ( LTFALSE == Utils.FindTrueCeilingHeight(flCheckDist, vDims, vPos, &flCeilingHeight) )
		AIASSERT( 0, hObject, "Ceiling not found!" );

	return flCeilingHeight;
Пример #2
//	ROUTINE:	CHoverMovementModifier::GetLowerBound()
//	PURPOSE:	Returns the lowest point the AI is allowed to move to.  If
//				there is no volume, Min the point.  If there is no floorheight,
//				we can go at least that low.
float CHoverMovementModifier::GetLowerBound( HOBJECT hObject, float flCheckDist, const LTVector& vDims, const LTVector& vPos )
	float flFloorHeight;
	CAIUtils Utils(hObject);
	LTVector vStartPosition = LTVector( vPos.x, vPos.y+m_cMaxVerticalDifference, vPos.z);
	if ( LTFALSE == Utils.FindTrueFloorHeight(flCheckDist, vDims, vStartPosition, &flFloorHeight) )
		AIASSERT( 0, hObject, "Floor not found!" );

	return flFloorHeight;
Пример #3
void DownloadManager::download(QUrl url, QString fileName, QString localDirPath)
    qDebug() << "download: URL = " <<url.toString();

    if (_pReply != NULL)

    _URL = url;
    _fileName = fileName;
        if (!localDirPath.isNull() && !localDirPath.isEmpty()) {
            _path = localDirPath;
        } else {
            _path = Utils().getDefaultCacheDirPath();

        QString extension = "mp3";//vk only allows mp3

        QFileInfo fileInfo(_path.append("/").append(fileName).append(".").append(extension));

        _qsFileAbsPath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
        qDebug() << "download: local path =" << _qsFileAbsPath;
    _nDownloadSize = 0;
    _nDownloadSizeAtPause = 0;

//    _pManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
    _request = QNetworkRequest(url);

    _pReply = _pManager->head(_request);
    emit downloadStarted();

    connect(&_Timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()));

    connect(_pReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finishedHead()));
    connect(_pReply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));