int ex_put_set_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, int set_id, int num_entries_in_set, int num_dist_fact_in_set) { int status; size_t temp; int dimid, varid, set_id_ndx, dims[1]; size_t start[1]; int num_sets; int ldum; int cur_num_sets, set_stat; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char* dimptr; char* idsptr; char* statptr; char* numentryptr = NULL; char* numdfptr = NULL; char* factptr = NULL; char* entryptr = NULL; char* extraptr = NULL; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; /* setup pointers based on set_type NOTE: there is another block that sets more stuff later ... */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { dimptr = DIM_NUM_NS; idsptr = VAR_NS_IDS; statptr = VAR_NS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { dimptr = DIM_NUM_ES; idsptr = VAR_ES_IDS; statptr = VAR_ES_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { dimptr = DIM_NUM_FS; idsptr = VAR_FS_IDS; statptr = VAR_FS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { dimptr = DIM_NUM_SS; idsptr = VAR_SS_IDS; statptr = VAR_SS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { dimptr = DIM_NUM_ELS; idsptr = VAR_ELS_IDS; statptr = VAR_ELS_STAT; } else { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: invalid set type (%d)", set_type); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any of that set type is specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dimptr, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %ss specified in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check for duplicate set id entry */ ex_id_lkup(exoid, set_type, set_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) { /* found the side set id */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s %d already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of sets specified for this file */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid,dimid,&temp)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of %ss in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } num_sets = temp; /* Keep track of the total number of sets defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item finds the maximum number of sets defined for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_sets=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(set_type)); if (cur_num_sets >= num_sets) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of %ss (%d) defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), num_sets,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item finds the current number of sets defined for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_sets=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(set_type)); set_id_ndx = cur_num_sets + 1; /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_NODE_NS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; /* note we are using DIM_NUM_NODE_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS */ numdfptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_EDGE_ES(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_EDGE_ES(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_ES(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ES(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_FACE_FS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_FACE_FS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_FS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_FS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_SIDE_SS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_ELEM_SS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_SIDE_SS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_SS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_ELE_ELS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_ELEM_ELS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ELS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* write out information to previously defined variable */ /* first: get id of set id variable */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, idsptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out set id */ start[0] = cur_num_sets; ldum = (int)set_id; if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &ldum)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_entries_in_set == 0) /* Is this a NULL set? */ set_stat = 0; /* change set status to NULL */ else set_stat = 1; /* change set status to TRUE */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, statptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s status in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ldum = (int)set_stat; if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &ldum)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s %d status to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_entries_in_set == 0) {/* Is this a NULL set? */ return(EX_NOERR); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status = nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* define dimensions and variables */ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, numentryptr, num_entries_in_set, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s %d size already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of entries in %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; } /* create variable array in which to store the entry lists */ dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, entryptr, NC_INT, 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: entry list already exists for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create entry list for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if (extraptr) { if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, extraptr, NC_INT, 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: extra list already exists for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create extra list for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* Create distribution factors variable if required */ if (num_dist_fact_in_set > 0) { if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { /* but num_dist_fact_in_set must equal number of nodes */ if (num_dist_fact_in_set != num_entries_in_set) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: # dist fact (%d) not equal to # nodes (%d) in node set %d file id %d", num_dist_fact_in_set, num_entries_in_set, set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* resuse dimid from entry lists */ } else { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, numdfptr, num_dist_fact_in_set, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of dist factors in %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* create variable array in which to store the set distribution factors */ dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, factptr, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: dist factors list already exists for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create dist factors list for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* leave define mode */ if ((status = nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_put_partial_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_put, const void *set_dist_fact) { int status; int dimid, set_id_ndx; int dist_id; size_t start[1], count[1]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char* factptr = NULL; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(set_type), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %ss specified in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Lookup index of set id in VAR_*S_IDS array */ set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,set_type,set_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no data allowed for NULL %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_fact",errmsg,EX_NULLENTITY); return (EX_WARN); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s id %"PRId64" in VAR_*S_IDS array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { /* note we are using DIM_NUM_NODE_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS */ factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* find id of distribution factors variable */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, factptr, &dist_id)) != NC_NOERR) { /* this test is only needed for node set because we're using DIM_NUM_NOD_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS*/ if (status == NC_ENOTVAR) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no dist factors defined for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate dist factors list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } start[0] = offset-1; count[0] = num_to_put; if (num_to_put == 0) start[0] = 0; /* write out the distribution factors array */ if (ex_comp_ws(exoid) == 4) { status = nc_put_vara_float(exoid, dist_id, start, count, set_dist_fact); } else { status = nc_put_vara_double(exoid, dist_id, start, count, set_dist_fact); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store dist factors for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
int ex_put_sets (int exoid, size_t set_count, const struct ex_set *sets) { size_t i; int needs_define = 0; int set_stat; int dimid, varid, status, dims[1]; int set_id_ndx; size_t start[1]; int cur_num_sets; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; int* sets_to_define = NULL; char* numentryptr = NULL; char* entryptr = NULL; char* extraptr = NULL; char* idsptr = NULL; char* statptr = NULL; char* numdfptr = NULL; char* factptr = NULL; size_t int_size; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ sets_to_define = malloc(set_count*sizeof(int)); /* Note that this routine can be called: 1) just define the sets 2) just output the set data (after a previous call to define) 3) define and output the set data in one call. */ for (i=0; i < set_count; i++) { /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(sets[i].type), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_EBADDIM) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %ss defined for file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %ss defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); } set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, sets[i].type, sets[i].id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) { /* found the side set id, so set is already defined... */ sets_to_define[i] = 0; continue; } else { needs_define++; sets_to_define[i] = 1; } } if (needs_define > 0) { /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status = nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } for (i=0; i < set_count; i++) { if (sets_to_define[i] == 0) continue; /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item finds the current number of sets defined for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_sets=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(sets[i].type)); set_id_ndx = cur_num_sets + 1; sets_to_define[i] = set_id_ndx; if (sets[i].num_entry == 0) continue; /* setup pointers based on set_type */ if (sets[i].type == EX_NODE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_NODE_NS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; /* note we are using DIM_NUM_NODE_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS */ numdfptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (sets[i].type == EX_EDGE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_EDGE_ES(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_EDGE_ES(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_ES(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ES(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (sets[i].type == EX_FACE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_FACE_FS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_FACE_FS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_FS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_FS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (sets[i].type == EX_SIDE_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_SIDE_SS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_ELEM_SS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_SIDE_SS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_SS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } else if (sets[i].type == EX_ELEM_SET) { numentryptr = DIM_NUM_ELE_ELS(set_id_ndx); entryptr = VAR_ELEM_ELS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ELS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* define dimensions and variables */ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, numentryptr, sets[i].num_entry, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s %"PRId64" -- size already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of entries in %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; } int_size = sizeof(int); if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_DB) { int_size = sizeof(int64_t); } /* create variable array in which to store the entry lists */ dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, entryptr, int_size, 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: entry list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create entry list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 1); if (extraptr) { if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, extraptr, int_size, 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: extra list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create extra list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 1); } /* Create distribution factors variable if required */ if (sets[i].num_distribution_factor > 0) { if (sets[i].type != EX_SIDE_SET) { /* but sets[i].num_distribution_factor must equal number of nodes */ if (sets[i].num_distribution_factor != sets[i].num_entry) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: # dist fact (%"PRId64") not equal to # nodes (%"PRId64") in node set %"PRId64" file id %d", sets[i].num_distribution_factor, sets[i].num_entry, sets[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } else { /* resuse dimid from entry lists */ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, numdfptr, sets[i].num_distribution_factor, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of dist factors in %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* create variable array in which to store the set distribution factors */ dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, factptr, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: dist factors list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create dist factors list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 2); } } /* leave define mode */ if ((status = nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Output the set ids and status... */ for (i=0; i < set_count; i++) { /* setup pointers based on sets[i].type */ if (sets[i].type == EX_NODE_SET) { idsptr = VAR_NS_IDS; statptr = VAR_NS_STAT; } else if (sets[i].type == EX_EDGE_SET) { idsptr = VAR_ES_IDS; statptr = VAR_ES_STAT; } else if (sets[i].type == EX_FACE_SET) { idsptr = VAR_FS_IDS; statptr = VAR_FS_STAT; } else if (sets[i].type == EX_SIDE_SET) { idsptr = VAR_SS_IDS; statptr = VAR_SS_STAT; } else if (sets[i].type == EX_ELEM_SET) { idsptr = VAR_ELS_IDS; statptr = VAR_ELS_STAT; } /* first: get id of set id variable */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, idsptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out set id */ start[0] = sets_to_define[i]-1; status = nc_put_var1_longlong(exoid, varid, start, (long long*)&sets[i].id); if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } set_stat = (sets[i].num_entry == 0) ? 0 : 1; if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, statptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s status in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &set_stat)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s %"PRId64" status to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(sets[i].type), sets[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } free(sets_to_define); } /* Sets are now all defined; see if any set data needs to be output... */ status = EX_NOERR; for (i=0; i < set_count; i++) { int stat; if (sets[i].entry_list != NULL || sets[i].extra_list != NULL) { /* NOTE: ex_put_set will write the warning/error message... */ stat = ex_put_set(exoid, sets[i].type, sets[i].id, sets[i].entry_list, sets[i].extra_list); if (stat != EX_NOERR) status = EX_FATAL; } if (sets[i].distribution_factor_list != NULL) { /* NOTE: ex_put_set_dist_fact will write the warning/error message... */ stat = ex_put_set_dist_fact(exoid, sets[i].type, sets[i].id, sets[i].distribution_factor_list); if (stat != EX_NOERR) status = EX_FATAL; } } return (status); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: free(sets_to_define); if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_get_set_dist_fact (int exoid, int set_type, int set_id, void *set_dist_fact) { int dimid, dist_id, set_id_ndx; long num_df_in_set, count[1], start[1]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char* typeName; char* dimptr; char* idsptr; char* numdfptr; char* factptr; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* setup pointers based on set_type NOTE: there is another block that sets more stuff later ... */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { typeName = "node"; dimptr = DIM_NUM_NS; idsptr = VAR_NS_IDS; } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { typeName = "edge"; dimptr = DIM_NUM_ES; idsptr = VAR_ES_IDS; } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { typeName = "face"; dimptr = DIM_NUM_FS; idsptr = VAR_FS_IDS; } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { typeName = "side"; dimptr = DIM_NUM_SS; idsptr = VAR_SS_IDS; } else if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { typeName = "elem"; dimptr = DIM_NUM_ELS; idsptr = VAR_ELS_IDS; } else { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: invalid set type (%d)", set_type); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((dimid = ncdimid (exoid, dimptr)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no %s sets stored in file id %d", typeName, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } /* Lookup index of set id in VAR_*S_IDS array */ set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,idsptr,set_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: %s set %d is NULL in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s set id %d in VAR_*S_IDS array in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { /* note we are using DIM_NUM_NODE_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS */ numdfptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ES(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_FS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_SS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ELS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions and variables */ if ((dimid = ncdimid (exoid, numdfptr)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: dist factors not stored for %s set %d in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); /* complain - but not too loud */ } if (ncdiminq (exoid, dimid, (char *) 0, &num_df_in_set) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of dist factors in %s set %d in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((dist_id = ncvarid (exoid, factptr)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; /* not an error for node sets because this is how we check that df's exist */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: dist factors not stored for %s set %d in file id %d", typeName, set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); /* complain - but not too loud */ } /* is an error for other sets */ else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate dist factors list for %s set %d in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* read in the distribution factors array */ start[0] = 0; count[0] = num_df_in_set; if (ncvarget (exoid, dist_id, start, count, ex_conv_array(exoid,RTN_ADDRESS,set_dist_fact, (int)num_df_in_set)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get dist factors list for %s set %d in file id %d", typeName, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ex_conv_array( exoid, READ_CONVERT, set_dist_fact, num_df_in_set ); return (EX_NOERR); }
int ex_get_set_dist_fact (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, void *set_dist_fact) { int dimid, dist_id, set_id_ndx; int status; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char* factptr = NULL; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid (exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(set_type), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no %s sets stored in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } /* Lookup index of set id in VAR_*S_IDS array */ set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,set_type,set_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: %s set %"PRId64" is NULL in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,EX_NULLENTITY); return (EX_WARN); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s set %"PRId64" in VAR_*S_IDS array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions and variables */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, factptr, &dist_id)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; /* not an error for node sets because this is how we check that df's exist */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: dist factors not stored for %s set %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); /* complain - but not too loud */ } /* is an error for other sets */ else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate dist factors list for %s set %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* read in the distribution factors array */ if (ex_comp_ws(exoid) == 4) { status = nc_get_var_float(exoid, dist_id, set_dist_fact); } else { status = nc_get_var_double(exoid, dist_id, set_dist_fact); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get dist factors list for %s set %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_set_dist_fact",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
int ex_put_concat_sets (int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, const struct ex_set_specs* set_specs) { int status; int temp; const void_int *num_entries_per_set = set_specs->num_entries_per_set; const void_int *num_dist_per_set = set_specs->num_dist_per_set; const void_int *sets_entry_index = set_specs->sets_entry_index; const void_int *sets_dist_index = set_specs->sets_dist_index; const void *sets_dist_fact = set_specs->sets_dist_fact; size_t i, num_df, num_entry; int cur_num_sets, num_sets; int dimid, varid, set_id_ndx, dims[1]; int *set_stat = NULL; int set_int_type, int_size; const float *flt_dist_fact = NULL; const double *dbl_dist_fact = NULL; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char* idsptr = NULL; char* statptr = NULL; char* numdfptr = NULL; char* factptr = NULL; char* elemptr = NULL; char* extraptr = NULL; ex_inquiry ex_inq_val; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ int_size = sizeof(int); if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_API) { int_size = sizeof(int64_t); } /* setup pointers based on set_type NOTE: there is another block that sets more stuff later ... */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { ex_inq_val = EX_INQ_NODE_SETS; idsptr = VAR_NS_IDS; statptr = VAR_NS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { ex_inq_val = EX_INQ_EDGE_SETS; idsptr = VAR_ES_IDS; statptr = VAR_ES_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { ex_inq_val = EX_INQ_FACE_SETS; idsptr = VAR_FS_IDS; statptr = VAR_FS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { ex_inq_val = EX_INQ_SIDE_SETS; idsptr = VAR_SS_IDS; statptr = VAR_SS_STAT; } else if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { ex_inq_val = EX_INQ_ELEM_SETS; idsptr = VAR_ELS_IDS; statptr = VAR_ELS_STAT; } else { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: invalid set type (%d)", set_type); ex_err("ex_put_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(set_type), &temp)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_EBADDIM) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %ss defined for file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %ss defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); } /* inquire how many sets are to be stored */ num_sets = ex_inquire_int(exoid, ex_inq_val); if (num_sets < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of %ss defined for file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); /* use error val from inquire */ ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Fill out set status array */ /* First, allocate space for the status list */ if (!(set_stat= malloc(num_sets*sizeof(int)))) { exerrval = EX_MEMFAIL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to allocate space for %s status array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (int_size == sizeof(int64_t)) { for (i=0;i<num_sets;i++) { set_stat[i] = (((int64_t*)num_entries_per_set)[i] == 0) ? 0 : 1; } } else { for (i=0;i<num_sets;i++) { set_stat[i] = (((int*)num_entries_per_set)[i] == 0) ? 0 : 1; } } /* Next, get variable id of status array */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, statptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s status in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } status = nc_put_var_int(exoid, varid, set_stat); if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s status array to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_set",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status = nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } /* create set definitions */ for (i=0; i<num_sets; i++) { int64_t set_id; if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_IDS_INT64_API) { set_id = ((int64_t*)set_specs->sets_ids)[i]; } else { set_id = ((int*)set_specs->sets_ids)[i]; } /* Keep track of the total number of sets defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is used to find the number of sets of type for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_sets=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(set_type)); if (cur_num_sets >= num_sets) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of %ss (%d) defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), num_sets,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is used to find the number of sets for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_sets=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(set_type)); set_id_ndx = cur_num_sets + 1; /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { elemptr = VAR_NODE_NS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; /* note we are using DIM_NUM_NODE_NS instead of DIM_NUM_DF_NS */ numdfptr = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { elemptr = VAR_EDGE_ES(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_ES(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ES(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { elemptr = VAR_FACE_FS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_ORNT_FS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_FS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { elemptr = VAR_ELEM_SS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = VAR_SIDE_SS(set_id_ndx); numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_SS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { elemptr = VAR_ELEM_ELS(set_id_ndx); extraptr = NULL; numdfptr = DIM_NUM_DF_ELS(set_id_ndx); factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* define dimension for number of entries per set */ if (set_stat[i] == 0) /* Is this a NULL set? */ continue; /* Do not create anything for NULL sets! */ if (int_size == sizeof(int)) { status = nc_def_dim(exoid, ex_dim_num_entries_in_object(set_type, set_id_ndx), ((int*)num_entries_per_set)[i], &dimid); } else { status = nc_def_dim(exoid, ex_dim_num_entries_in_object(set_type, set_id_ndx), ((int64_t*)num_entries_per_set)[i], &dimid); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s entry count %"PRId64" already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of entries for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; } /* create element list variable for set */ set_int_type = NC_INT; if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_DB) { set_int_type = NC_INT64; } dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid,elemptr,set_int_type,1,dims, &temp)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create element list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, temp, 1); /* create extra list variable for set (only for edge, face and side sets) */ if (extraptr) { if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid,extraptr,set_int_type,1,dims, &temp)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: extra list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create extra list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, temp, 1); } /* define dimension for number of dist factors per set */ /* NOTE: only define df count if the dist factors exist! */ if (int_size == sizeof(int64_t)) { num_df = ((int64_t*)num_dist_per_set)[i]; num_entry = ((int64_t*)num_entries_per_set)[i]; } else { num_df = ((int*)num_dist_per_set)[i]; num_entry = ((int*)num_entries_per_set)[i]; } if (num_df > 0) { if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { if (num_df != num_entry) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: # dist fact (%"ST_ZU") not equal to # nodes (%"ST_ZU") in node set %"PRId64" file id %d", num_df, num_entry, set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* resuse dimid from entry lists */ } else { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, numdfptr, num_df, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s df count %"PRId64" already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define %s df count for set %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; } } /* create distribution factor list variable for set */ dims[0] = dimid; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, factptr, nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dims, &temp)) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: dist factor list already exists for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create dist factor list for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, temp, 2); } /* end define dist factors */ } /* leave define mode */ if ((status = nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Next, fill out set ids array */ /* first get id of set ids array variable */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, idsptr, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s ids array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } /* then, write out set id list */ if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_IDS_INT64_API) { status = nc_put_var_longlong(exoid, varid, set_specs->sets_ids); } else { status = nc_put_var_int(exoid, varid, set_specs->sets_ids); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } /* If the sets_entry_index is passed in as a NULL pointer, then * the user only wants us to define the sets and not populate * the data structures. */ if (sets_entry_index == 0) { ex_safe_free(set_stat); return(EX_NOERR); } /* Now, use ExodusII call to store sets */ for (i=0; i<num_sets; i++) { int64_t set_id; size_t df_ndx; if (set_stat[i] == 0) /* Is this a NULL set? */ continue; /* Do not create anything for NULL sets! */ if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_IDS_INT64_API) { set_id = ((int64_t*)set_specs->sets_ids)[i]; } else { set_id = ((int*)set_specs->sets_ids)[i]; } if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_API) { int64_t* extra_list = NULL; /* set extra list */ if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET || set_type == EX_FACE_SET || set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) extra_list = &(((int64_t*)set_specs->sets_extra_list)[((int64_t*)sets_entry_index)[i]]); status = ex_put_set(exoid, set_type, set_id, &(((int64_t*)set_specs->sets_entry_list)[((int64_t*)sets_entry_index)[i]]), extra_list); } else { int* extra_list = NULL; /* set extra list */ if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET || set_type == EX_FACE_SET || set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) extra_list = &(((int*)set_specs->sets_extra_list)[((int*)sets_entry_index)[i]]); status = ex_put_set(exoid, set_type, set_id, &(((int*)set_specs->sets_entry_list)[((int*)sets_entry_index)[i]]), extra_list); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { ex_safe_free(set_stat); return(EX_FATAL); /* error will be reported by subroutine */ } if (int_size == sizeof(int)) { num_df = ((int*)num_dist_per_set)[i]; df_ndx = ((int*)sets_dist_index)[i]; } else { num_df = ((int64_t*)num_dist_per_set)[i]; df_ndx = ((int64_t*)sets_dist_index)[i]; } if (ex_comp_ws(exoid) == sizeof(float)) { flt_dist_fact = sets_dist_fact; if (num_df > 0) { /* store dist factors if required */ if (ex_put_set_dist_fact(exoid, set_type, set_id, &(flt_dist_fact[df_ndx])) == -1) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s %"PRId64" dist factors for file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); /* use error val from exodusII routine */ ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } } } else if (ex_comp_ws(exoid) == sizeof(double)) { dbl_dist_fact = sets_dist_fact; if (num_df) { /* only store if they exist */ if (ex_put_set_dist_fact(exoid, set_type, set_id, &(dbl_dist_fact[df_ndx])) == -1) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s %"PRId64" dist factors for file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id,exoid); /* use error val from exodusII routine */ ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } } } else { /* unknown floating point word size */ exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: unsupported floating point word size %d for file id %d", ex_comp_ws(exoid), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets", errmsg, exerrval); ex_safe_free(set_stat); return (EX_FATAL); } } ex_safe_free(set_stat); return(EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: ex_safe_free(set_stat); if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_concat_sets",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_get_partial_set_dist_fact(int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id, int64_t offset, int64_t num_to_put, void *set_dist_fact) { int dimid, dist_id, set_id_ndx; int status; size_t start[1], count[1]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char * factptr = NULL; EX_FUNC_ENTER(); ex_check_valid_file_id(exoid, __func__); /* first check if any sets are specified */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(set_type), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: no %s sets stored in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, status); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_WARN); } /* Lookup index of set id in VAR_*S_IDS array */ set_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, set_type, set_id); if (set_id_ndx <= 0) { ex_get_err(NULL, NULL, &status); if (status != 0) { if (status == EX_NULLENTITY) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: %s set %" PRId64 " is NULL in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, EX_NULLENTITY); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_WARN); } snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate %s set %" PRId64 " in VAR_*S_IDS array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, status); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_FATAL); } } /* setup more pointers based on set_type */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_NS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_EDGE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ES(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_FACE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_FS(set_id_ndx); } else if (set_type == EX_SIDE_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_SS(set_id_ndx); } if (set_type == EX_ELEM_SET) { factptr = VAR_FACT_ELS(set_id_ndx); } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions and variables */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, factptr, &dist_id)) != NC_NOERR) { /* not an error for node sets because this is how we check that df's exist */ if (set_type == EX_NODE_SET) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: dist factors not stored for %s set %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, status); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_WARN); /* complain - but not too loud */ } /* is an error for other sets */ snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate dist factors list for %s set %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, status); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_FATAL); } /* read in the distribution factors array */ start[0] = offset - 1; count[0] = num_to_put; if (count[0] == 0) { start[0] = 0; } if (ex_comp_ws(exoid) == 4) { status = nc_get_vara_float(exoid, dist_id, start, count, set_dist_fact); } else { status = nc_get_vara_double(exoid, dist_id, start, count, set_dist_fact); } if (status != NC_NOERR) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get dist factors list for %s set %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(set_type), set_id, exoid); ex_err(__func__, errmsg, status); EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_FATAL); } EX_FUNC_LEAVE(EX_NOERR); }