int ex_put_block( int exoid, int blk_type, int blk_id, const char* entry_descrip, int num_entries_this_blk, int num_nodes_per_entry, int num_edges_per_entry, int num_faces_per_entry, int num_attr_per_entry ) { int varid, dimid, dims[2], blk_id_ndx, blk_stat, strdim; long start[2], num_blk; nclong ldum; int cur_num_blk, numblkdim, numattrdim; int nnodperentdim, nedgperentdim = -1, nfacperentdim = -1; int connid, econnid, fconnid; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char* tname; const char* dnumblk; const char* vblkids; const char* vblksta; const char* vnodcon = 0; const char* vedgcon = 0; const char* vfaccon = 0; const char* vattnam = 0; const char* vblkatt = 0; const char* dneblk = 0; const char* dnape = 0; const char* dnnpe = 0; const char* dnepe = 0; const char* dnfpe = 0; struct list_item** ctr_list; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: tname = "edge"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_ED_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_ED_BLK; ctr_list = &ed_ctr_list; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: tname = "face"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_FA_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_FA_BLK; ctr_list = &fa_ctr_list; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: tname = "element"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_EL_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_EL_BLK; ctr_list = &eb_ctr_list; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) specified for file id %d", blk_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any element blocks are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, dnumblk))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no element blocks defined in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of element blocks defined for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_blk)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of element blocks in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Next: Make sure that this is not a duplicate element block id by searching the vblkids array. WARNING: This must be done outside of define mode because id_lkup accesses the database to determine the position */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, vblkids)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,vblkids,blk_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the element block id */ { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block id %d already exists in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element blocks defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ctr_list); if (cur_num_blk >= num_blk) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of element blocks (%ld) defined in file id %d", num_blk,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ctr_list); start[0] = (long)cur_num_blk; /* write out element block id to previously defined id array variable*/ ldum = (nclong)blk_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element block id to file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } blk_id_ndx = start[0]+1; /* element id index into vblkids array*/ if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ blk_stat = 0; /* change element block status to NULL */ else blk_stat = 1; /* change element block status to TRUE */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, vblksta)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block status in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ldum = (nclong)blk_stat; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element id %d status to file id %d", blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ { return(EX_NOERR); } /* * Check that storage required for connectivity array is less * than 2GB which is maximum size permitted by netcdf * (in large file mode). 1<<29 == max number of integer items. */ if (num_entries_this_blk * num_nodes_per_entry > (1<<29)) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Size to store connectivity for element block %d exceeds 2GB in file id %d", blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_ED(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_EBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_FA(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_FBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = DIM_NUM_EDG_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnfpe = DIM_NUM_FAC_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_CONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = VAR_ECONN(blk_id_ndx); vfaccon = VAR_FCONN(blk_id_ndx); break; } /* define some dimensions and variables*/ if ((numblkdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dneblk,(long)num_entries_this_blk)) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) /* duplicate entry */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block %d already defined in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of elements/block for block %d file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((nnodperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnnpe,(long)num_nodes_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( dnepe && num_edges_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((nedgperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnepe,(long)num_edges_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of edges/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( dnfpe && num_faces_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((nfacperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnfpe,(long)num_faces_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of faces/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element attribute array */ if (num_attr_per_entry > 0) { if ((numattrdim = ncdimdef (exoid, dnape, (long)num_attr_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((ncvardef (exoid, vblkatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for element block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((strdim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_STR)) < 0) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element attribute name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element connectivity array */ dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nnodperentdim; if ((connid = ncvardef (exoid, vnodcon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store element type as attribute of connectivity variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, connid, ATT_NAME_ELB, NC_CHAR, strlen(entry_descrip)+1, (void*) entry_descrip)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element type name %s in file id %d", entry_descrip,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( vedgcon && num_edges_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nedgperentdim; if ((econnid = ncvardef (exoid, vedgcon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create edge connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( vfaccon && num_faces_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nfacperentdim; if ((fconnid = ncvardef (exoid, vfaccon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* leave define mode */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete element block definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
/* * reads the attribute names for an element block */ int ex_get_attr_names( int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, char **names) { int status; int varid, numattrdim, obj_id_ndx; size_t num_attr, i; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char* dnumobjatt; const char* vattrbname; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* Determine index of obj_id in vobjids array */ if (obj_type != EX_NODAL) { obj_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,obj_type,obj_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes found for NULL %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,EX_NULLENTITY); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: failed to locate %s id %"PRId64" in id array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } } } switch (obj_type) { case EX_NODE_SET: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NS(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_NSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_SIDE_SET: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_SS(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_SSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ES(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_ESATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_SET: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FS(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_FSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ELS(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_ELSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_NODAL: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NBLK; vattrbname = VAR_NAME_NATTRIB; break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; default: exerrval = 1005; sprintf(errmsg, "Internal Error: unrecognized object type in switch: %d in file id %d", obj_type,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dnumobjatt, &numattrdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes found for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type),obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, numattrdim, &num_attr)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of attributes for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type),obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* It is OK if we don't find the attribute names since they were added at version 4.26; earlier databases won't have the names. */ status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, vattrbname, &varid); /* read in the attributes */ if (status == NC_NOERR) { /* read the names */ status = ex_get_names_internal(exoid, varid, num_attr, names, obj_type, "ex_get_attr_names"); if (status != NC_NOERR) { return (EX_FATAL); } } else { /* Names variable does not exist on the database; probably since this is an * older version of the database. Return an empty array... */ for (i=0; i<num_attr; i++) { names[i][0] = '\0'; } } return(EX_NOERR); }
int ex_put_block( int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, int blk_id, const char* entry_descrip, int num_entries_this_blk, int num_nodes_per_entry, int num_edges_per_entry, int num_faces_per_entry, int num_attr_per_entry ) { int status; int arbitrary_polyhedra = 0; /* 1 if block is arbitrary 2d polyhedra type; 2 if 3d polyhedra */ int varid, dimid, dims[2], blk_id_ndx, blk_stat, strdim; size_t start[2]; int num_blk; size_t temp; int cur_num_blk, numblkdim, numattrdim; int nnodperentdim, nedgperentdim, nfacperentdim; int connid; int npeid; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char entity_type1[5]; char entity_type2[5]; const char* dnumblk = NULL; const char* vblkids = NULL; const char* vblksta = NULL; const char* vnodcon = NULL; const char* vnpecnt = NULL; const char* vedgcon = NULL; const char* vfaccon = NULL; const char* vconn = NULL; const char* vattnam = NULL; const char* vblkatt = NULL; const char* dneblk = NULL; const char* dnape = NULL; const char* dnnpe = NULL; const char* dnepe = NULL; const char* dnfpe = NULL; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_ED_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_ED_BLK; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_FA_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_FA_BLK; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_EL_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_EL_BLK; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) specified for file id %d", blk_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any element blocks are specified */ if ((status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, dnumblk, ex_name_of_object(blk_type), &temp, &dimid, "ex_put_block")) != NC_NOERR) { return EX_FATAL; } num_blk = (int)temp; /* Next: Make sure that this is not a duplicate element block id by searching the vblkids array. WARNING: This must be done outside of define mode because id_lkup accesses the database to determine the position */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, vblkids, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s ids in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); } blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,blk_type,blk_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) { /* found the element block id */ exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s id %d already exists in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element blocks defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(blk_type)); if (cur_num_blk >= num_blk) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of %ss (%d) defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), num_blk,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(blk_type)); start[0] = cur_num_blk; /* write out element block id to previously defined id array variable*/ if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &blk_id)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } blk_id_ndx = ((int)start[0])+1; /* element id index into vblkids array*/ if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ blk_stat = 0; /* change element block status to NULL */ else blk_stat = 1; /* change element block status to TRUE */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, vblksta, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s status in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &blk_stat)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id %d status to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) {/* Is this a NULL element block? */ return(EX_NOERR); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status=nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_ED(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_EBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_FA(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_FBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vnpecnt = VAR_FBEPEC(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = DIM_NUM_EDG_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnfpe = DIM_NUM_FAC_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_CONN(blk_id_ndx); vnpecnt = VAR_EBEPEC(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = VAR_ECONN(blk_id_ndx); vfaccon = VAR_FCONN(blk_id_ndx); break; default: exerrval = 1005; sprintf(errmsg, "Internal Error: unrecognized block type in switch: %d in file id %d", blk_type,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } /* define some dimensions and variables*/ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dneblk,num_entries_this_blk, &numblkdim )) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { /* duplicate entry */ exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s %d already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of entities/block for %s %d file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( dnnpe && num_nodes_per_entry > 0) { /* A nfaced block would not have any nodes defined... */ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dnnpe,num_nodes_per_entry, &nnodperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes/entity for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if (dnepe && num_edges_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((status = nc_def_dim (exoid,dnepe,num_edges_per_entry, &nedgperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of edges/entity for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( dnfpe && num_faces_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dnfpe,num_faces_per_entry, &nfacperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of faces/entity for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element attribute array */ if (num_attr_per_entry > 0) { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, dnape, num_attr_per_entry, &numattrdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vblkatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_STR, &strdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define %s attribute name array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* See if storing an 'nsided' element block (arbitrary 2d polyhedra or super element) */ if (strlen(entry_descrip) >= 3) { if ((entry_descrip[0] == 'n' || entry_descrip[0] == 'N') && (entry_descrip[1] == 's' || entry_descrip[1] == 'S') && (entry_descrip[2] == 'i' || entry_descrip[2] == 'I')) arbitrary_polyhedra = 1; else if ((entry_descrip[0] == 'n' || entry_descrip[0] == 'N') && (entry_descrip[1] == 'f' || entry_descrip[1] == 'F') && (entry_descrip[2] == 'a' || entry_descrip[2] == 'A')) /* If a FACE_BLOCK, then we are dealing with the faces of the nfaced block. */ arbitrary_polyhedra = blk_type == EX_FACE_BLOCK ? 1 : 2; } /* element connectivity array */ if (arbitrary_polyhedra > 0) { if (blk_type != EX_FACE_BLOCK && blk_type != EX_ELEM_BLOCK) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) for nsided/nfaced block in file id %d", blk_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 1) { dims[0] = nnodperentdim; vconn = vnodcon; /* store entity types as attribute of npeid variable -- node/elem, node/face, face/elem*/ strcpy(entity_type1, "NODE"); if (blk_type == EX_ELEM_BLOCK) strcpy(entity_type2, "ELEM"); else strcpy(entity_type2, "FACE"); } else if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 2) { dims[0] = nfacperentdim; vconn = vfaccon; /* store entity types as attribute of npeid variable -- node/elem, node/face, face/elem*/ strcpy(entity_type1, "FACE"); strcpy(entity_type2, "ELEM"); } if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vconn, NC_INT, 1, dims, &connid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* element face-per-element or node-per-element count array */ dims[0] = numblkdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vnpecnt, NC_INT, 1, dims, &npeid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face- or node- per-entity count array for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, npeid, "entity_type1", strlen(entity_type1)+1, entity_type1)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store entity type attribute text for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, npeid, "entity_type2", strlen(entity_type2)+1, entity_type2)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store entity type attribute text for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } else { /* "Normal" (non-polyhedra) element block type */ dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nnodperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vnodcon, NC_INT, 2, dims, &connid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* store element type as attribute of connectivity variable */ if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, connid, ATT_NAME_ELB, strlen(entry_descrip)+1, entry_descrip)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s type name %s in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), entry_descrip,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 0) { if (vedgcon && num_edges_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nedgperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vedgcon, NC_INT, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create edge connectivity array for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( vfaccon && num_faces_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nfacperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vfaccon, NC_INT, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face connectivity array for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } } /* leave define mode */ if ((exerrval=nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete %s definition in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_add_attr(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, ex_entity_id obj_id, int64_t num_attr_per_entry) { int status; int dims[2]; int strdim, varid, att_name_varid; size_t num_obj; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char *dnumobjent; const char *dnumobjatt; const char *vobjatt; const char *vattnam; int numobjentdim; int obj_id_ndx; int numattrdim; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ if (num_attr_per_entry <= 0) { return (EX_NOERR); } /* Determine index of obj_id in obj_type id array */ if (obj_type == EX_NODAL) { obj_id_ndx = 0; } else { obj_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, obj_type, obj_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: no attributes found for NULL %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, EX_NULLENTITY); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: failed to locate %s id %" PRId64 " in id array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } } switch (obj_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_SIDE_SS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_SS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_SSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_SSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_NODE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_NSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_NSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_EDGE_ES(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ES(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ESATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ESATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_FACE_FS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_FSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_ELE_ELS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ELS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ELSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ELSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_NODAL: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_NODES; dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NBLK; vobjatt = VAR_NATTRIB; vattnam = VAR_NAME_NATTRIB; break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: Bad block type (%d) specified for file id %d", obj_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* element attribute array */ /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status = nc_redef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to place file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, dnumobjatt, num_attr_per_entry, &numattrdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to define number of attributes in %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_get_dimension(exoid, dnumobjent, ex_name_of_object(obj_type), &num_obj, &numobjentdim, "ex_add_attr"); dims[0] = numobjentdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vobjatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to define attributes for %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 2); /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_STR_NAME, &strdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get string length in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims, &att_name_varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to define %s attribute name array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* leave define mode */ if ((exerrval = nc_enddef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to complete %s definition in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Output a dummy empty attribute name in case client code doesn't write anything; avoids corruption in some cases. */ if (att_name_varid >= 0) { size_t count[2]; size_t start[2]; char * text = ""; size_t i; count[0] = 1; start[1] = 0; count[1] = strlen(text) + 1; for (i = 0; i < num_attr_per_entry; i++) { start[0] = i; nc_put_vara_text(exoid, att_name_varid, start, count, text); } } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (nc_enddef(exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_add_attr", errmsg, exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
/*! * writes the attribute names for a block * \param exoid exodus file id * \param blk_type block type (edge, face, elem) * \param blk_id block id * \param names ptr to array of attribute names */ int ex_put_attr_names(int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, ex_entity_id blk_id, char *names[]) { int varid, numattrdim, blk_id_ndx; size_t num_attr; int status; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, blk_type, blk_id); /* Determine index of blk_id in blk_id_ndx array */ if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Warning: no attributes allowed for NULL %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, EX_NULLENTITY); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this block */ } snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: no %s id %" PRId64 " in %s array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, VAR_ID_EL_BLK, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions */ switch (blk_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_SS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_NODE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ES(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_FACE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ELS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_NODAL: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NBLK, &numattrdim); break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; default: exerrval = 1005; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Internal ERROR: unrecognized object type in switch: %d in file id %d", blk_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: number of attributes not defined for %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, numattrdim, &num_attr)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get number of attributes for %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch (blk_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_SSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_NODE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_NSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_ESATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_FACE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_FSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_ELSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_NODAL: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_NATTRIB, &varid); break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; default: exerrval = 1005; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "Internal ERROR: unrecognized object type in switch: %d in file id %d", blk_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate %s attribute names for %s %" PRId64 " in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names", errmsg, exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out the attributes */ status = ex_put_names_internal(exoid, varid, num_attr, names, blk_type, "attribute", "ex_put_attr_names"); return (status); }
int ex_put_block_params( int exoid, size_t block_count, const struct ex_block *blocks) { size_t i; int conn_int_type; int status; int arbitrary_polyhedra = 0; /* 1 if block is arbitrary 2d polyhedra type; 2 if 3d polyhedra */ int att_name_varid = -1; int varid, dimid, dims[2], blk_id_ndx, blk_stat, strdim; size_t start[2]; size_t num_blk; int cur_num_blk, numblkdim, numattrdim; int nnodperentdim = -1; int nedgperentdim = -1; int nfacperentdim = -1; int connid; int npeid; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; char entity_type1[5]; char entity_type2[5]; int* blocks_to_define = NULL; const char* dnumblk = NULL; const char* vblkids = NULL; const char* vblksta = NULL; const char* vnodcon = NULL; const char* vnpecnt = NULL; const char* vedgcon = NULL; const char* vfaccon = NULL; const char* vconn = NULL; const char* vattnam = NULL; const char* vblkatt = NULL; const char* dneblk = NULL; const char* dnape = NULL; const char* dnnpe = NULL; const char* dnepe = NULL; const char* dnfpe = NULL; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ blocks_to_define = malloc(block_count*sizeof(int)); for (i=0; i < block_count; i++) { switch (blocks[i].type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_ED_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_ED_BLK; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_FA_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_FA_BLK; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumblk = DIM_NUM_EL_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_EL_BLK; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) specified for entry %d file id %d", blocks[i].type, (int)i, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block_params", errmsg, exerrval ); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any blocks of that type are specified */ if ((status = ex_get_dimension(exoid, dnumblk, ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), &num_blk, &dimid, "ex_put_block_params")) != NC_NOERR) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: No %ss defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return EX_FATAL; } /* Next: Make sure that there are not any duplicate block ids by searching the vblkids array. WARNING: This must be done outside of define mode because id_lkup accesses the database to determine the position */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, vblkids, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s ids in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return EX_FATAL; } ex_id_lkup(exoid,blocks[i].type,blocks[i].id); /* Error value used, but don't need return value */ if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) { /* found the element block id */ exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s id %"PRId64" already exists in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element blocks defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_blk=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(blocks[i].type)); if (cur_num_blk >= (int)num_blk) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of %ss (%d) defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), (int)num_blk,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ex_get_counter_list(blocks[i].type)); start[0] = cur_num_blk; /* write out block id to previously defined id array variable*/ status = nc_put_var1_longlong(exoid, varid, start, (long long*)&blocks[i].id); if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } blocks_to_define[i] = start[0]+1; /* element id index into vblkids array*/ if (blocks[i].num_entry == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ blk_stat = 0; /* change element block status to NULL */ else blk_stat = 1; /* change element block status to EX_EX_TRUE */ if ((status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, vblksta, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s status in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((status = nc_put_var1_int(exoid, varid, start, &blk_stat)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s id %"PRId64" status to file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status=nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); free(blocks_to_define); return (EX_FATAL); } for (i=0; i < block_count; i++) { if (blocks[i].num_entry == 0) {/* Is this a NULL element block? */ continue; } blk_id_ndx = blocks_to_define[i]; switch (blocks[i].type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_ED(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_EBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_FA(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_FBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vnpecnt = VAR_FBEPEC(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = DIM_NUM_EDG_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnfpe = DIM_NUM_FAC_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_CONN(blk_id_ndx); vnpecnt = VAR_EBEPEC(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = VAR_ECONN(blk_id_ndx); vfaccon = VAR_FCONN(blk_id_ndx); break; default: goto error_ret; } /* define some dimensions and variables*/ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dneblk,blocks[i].num_entry, &numblkdim )) != NC_NOERR) { if (status == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { /* duplicate entry */ exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s %"PRId64" already defined in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of entities/block for %s %"PRId64" file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( dnnpe && blocks[i].num_nodes_per_entry > 0) { /* A nfaced block would not have any nodes defined... */ if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dnnpe,blocks[i].num_nodes_per_entry, &nnodperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes/entity for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if (dnepe && blocks[i].num_edges_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((status = nc_def_dim (exoid,dnepe,blocks[i].num_edges_per_entry, &nedgperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of edges/entity for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( dnfpe && blocks[i].num_faces_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid,dnfpe,blocks[i].num_faces_per_entry, &nfacperentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of faces/entity for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element attribute array */ if (blocks[i].num_attribute > 0) { if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, dnape, blocks[i].num_attribute, &numattrdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vblkatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 2); /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_STR_NAME, &strdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims, &att_name_varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define %s attribute name array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } conn_int_type = NC_INT; if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_BULK_INT64_DB) { conn_int_type = NC_INT64; } /* See if storing an 'nsided' element block (arbitrary 2d polyhedra or super element) */ if (strlen(blocks[i].topology) >= 3) { if ((blocks[i].topology[0] == 'n' || blocks[i].topology[0] == 'N') && (blocks[i].topology[1] == 's' || blocks[i].topology[1] == 'S') && (blocks[i].topology[2] == 'i' || blocks[i].topology[2] == 'I')) arbitrary_polyhedra = 1; else if ((blocks[i].topology[0] == 'n' || blocks[i].topology[0] == 'N') && (blocks[i].topology[1] == 'f' || blocks[i].topology[1] == 'F') && (blocks[i].topology[2] == 'a' || blocks[i].topology[2] == 'A')) /* If a FACE_BLOCK, then we are dealing with the faces of the nfaced blocks[i]. */ arbitrary_polyhedra = blocks[i].type == EX_FACE_BLOCK ? 1 : 2; } /* element connectivity array */ if (arbitrary_polyhedra > 0) { if (blocks[i].type != EX_FACE_BLOCK && blocks[i].type != EX_ELEM_BLOCK) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) for nsided/nfaced block in file id %d", blocks[i].type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block_params", errmsg, exerrval ); goto error_ret; } if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 1) { dims[0] = nnodperentdim; vconn = vnodcon; /* store entity types as attribute of npeid variable -- node/elem, node/face, face/elem*/ strcpy(entity_type1, "NODE"); if (blocks[i].type == EX_ELEM_BLOCK) strcpy(entity_type2, "ELEM"); else strcpy(entity_type2, "FACE"); } else if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 2) { dims[0] = nfacperentdim; vconn = vfaccon; /* store entity types as attribute of npeid variable -- node/elem, node/face, face/elem*/ strcpy(entity_type1, "FACE"); strcpy(entity_type2, "ELEM"); } if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vconn, conn_int_type, 1, dims, &connid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* element face-per-element or node-per-element count array */ dims[0] = numblkdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vnpecnt, conn_int_type, 1, dims, &npeid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face- or node- per-entity count array for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, npeid, "entity_type1", strlen(entity_type1)+1, entity_type1)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store entity type attribute text for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, npeid, "entity_type2", strlen(entity_type2)+1, entity_type2)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store entity type attribute text for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } else { /* "Normal" (non-polyhedra) element block type */ dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nnodperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vnodcon, conn_int_type, 2, dims, &connid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } ex_compress_variable(exoid, connid, 1); } /* store element type as attribute of connectivity variable */ if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, connid, ATT_NAME_ELB, strlen(blocks[i].topology)+1, blocks[i].topology)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s type name %s in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].topology,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if (arbitrary_polyhedra == 0) { if (vedgcon && blocks[i].num_edges_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nedgperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vedgcon, conn_int_type, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create edge connectivity array for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( vfaccon && blocks[i].num_faces_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nfacperentdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vfaccon, conn_int_type, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face connectivity array for %s %"PRId64" in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), blocks[i].id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } } } free(blocks_to_define); /* leave define mode */ if ((exerrval=nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete %s definition in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blocks[i].type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } for (i=0; i < block_count; i++) { switch (blocks[i].type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: vblkids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: vblkids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: vblkids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; break; default: return (EX_FATAL); /* should have been handled earlier; quiet compiler here */ } nc_inq_varid(exoid, vblkids, &att_name_varid); if (blocks[i].num_attribute > 0 && att_name_varid >= 0) { /* Output a dummy empty attribute name in case client code doesn't write anything; avoids corruption in some cases. */ size_t count[2]; char *text = ""; size_t j; count[0] = 1; start[1] = 0; count[1] = strlen(text)+1; for (j = 0; j < blocks[i].num_attribute; j++) { start[0] = j; nc_put_vara_text(exoid, att_name_varid, start, count, text); } } } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: free(blocks_to_define); if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_block_params",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
/* * reads the attribute names for an element block */ int ex_get_attr_names( int exoid, int obj_type, int obj_id, char **names) { int varid, numattrdim, obj_id_ndx; long num_attr, start[2]; char *ptr; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; int i, j; const char* tname; const char* vobjids; const char* dnumobjatt = 0; const char* vattrbname = 0; switch (obj_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: tname = "edge block"; vobjids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: tname = "face block"; vobjids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: tname = "element block"; vobjids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Invalid object type (%d) specified for file id %d", obj_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_get_attr_names", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* Determine index of obj_id in vobjids array */ obj_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,vobjids,obj_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes found for NULL block %d in file id %d", obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: failed to locate %s id %d in %s array in file id %d", tname, obj_id,vobjids, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } } switch (obj_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); vattrbname = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions */ if ((numattrdim = ncdimid(exoid, dnumobjatt)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes found for %s %d in file id %d", tname,obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } if (ncdiminq (exoid, numattrdim, (char *) 0, &num_attr) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of attributes for block %d in file id %d", obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* It is OK if we don't find the attribute names since they were added at version 4.26; earlier databases won't have the names. */ varid = ncvarid (exoid, vattrbname); /* read in the attributes */ if (varid != -1) { /* read the names */ for (i=0; i < num_attr; i++) { start[0] = i; start[1] = 0; j = 0; ptr = names[i]; if (ncvarget1 (exoid, varid, start, ptr) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get names for %s %d in file id %d", tname, obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } while ((*ptr++ != '\0') && (j < MAX_STR_LENGTH)) { start[1] = ++j; if (ncvarget1 (exoid, varid, start, ptr) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get names for %s %d in file id %d", tname, obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_get_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } --ptr; if (ptr > names[i]) { /* get rid of trailing blanks */ while (*(--ptr) == ' '); } *(++ptr) = '\0'; } } else { /* Names variable does not exist on the database; probably since this is an * older version of the database. Return an empty array... */ for (i=0; i<num_attr; i++) { names[i][0] = '\0'; } } return(EX_NOERR); }
/*! * writes the attribute names for a block * \param exoid exodus file id * \param blk_type block type (edge, face, elem) * \param blk_id block id * \param names ptr to array of attribute names */ int ex_put_attr_names(int exoid, ex_entity_type blk_type, int blk_id, char* names[]) { int status; int varid, numattrdim, blk_id_ndx; size_t num_attr, start[2], count[2]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; size_t i; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid, blk_type, blk_id); /* Determine index of blk_id in blk_id_ndx array */ if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes allowed for NULL %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type),blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this block */ } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %s id %d in %s array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type), blk_id, VAR_ID_EL_BLK, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* inquire id's of previously defined dimensions */ switch (blk_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_SS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_NODE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ES(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_FACE_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ELS(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_NODAL: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NBLK, &numattrdim); break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx), &numattrdim); break; default: exerrval = 1005; sprintf(errmsg, "Internal Error: unrecognized object type in switch: %d in file id %d", blk_type,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: number of attributes not defined for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type),blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(exoid, numattrdim, &num_attr)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of attributes for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type),blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch (blk_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_SSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_NODE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_NSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_ESATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_FACE_SET: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_FSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_ELSATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_NODAL: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_NATTRIB, &varid); break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: status = nc_inq_varid (exoid, VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx), &varid); break; default: exerrval = 1005; sprintf(errmsg, "Internal Error: unrecognized object type in switch: %d in file id %d", blk_type,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_FATAL); /* number of attributes not defined */ } if (status != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s attribute names for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type),ex_name_of_object(blk_type),blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out the attributes */ for (i = 0; i < num_attr; i++) { start[0] = i; start[1] = 0; count[0] = 1; count[1] = strlen(names[i])+1; if ((status = nc_put_vara_text(exoid, varid, start, count, (void*) names[i])) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put attribute namess for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(blk_type),blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_names",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } return(EX_NOERR); }
int ex_put_attr_param (int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, int obj_id, int num_attrs) { int status; int dims[2]; int strdim, varid; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char *dnumobjent; const char *dnumobjatt; const char *vobjatt; const char *vattnam; int numobjentdim; int obj_id_ndx; int numattrdim; /* Determine index of obj_id in obj_type id array */ if (obj_type == EX_NODAL) obj_id_ndx = 0; else { obj_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,obj_type,obj_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no attributes found for NULL %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type),obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); /* no attributes for this object */ } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: failed to locate %s id %d in id array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type),obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } } } switch (obj_type) { case EX_SIDE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_SIDE_SS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_SS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_SSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_SSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_NODE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_NSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_NSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_EDGE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_EDGE_ES(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ES(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ESATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ESATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_FACE_FS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_FSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_SET: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_ELE_ELS(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_ELS(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ELSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ELSATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_NODAL: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_NODES; dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_NBLK; vobjatt = VAR_NATTRIB; vattnam = VAR_NAME_NATTRIB; break; case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dnumobjent = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); dnumobjatt = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(obj_id_ndx); vobjatt = VAR_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(obj_id_ndx); break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) specified for file id %d", obj_type, exoid ); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dnumobjent, &numobjentdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate number of entries for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if ((status = nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((status = nc_def_dim(exoid, dnumobjatt, num_attrs, &numattrdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numobjentdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vobjatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for %s %d in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_STR_NAME, &strdim)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims, &varid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define %s attribute name array in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* leave define mode */ if ((status = nc_enddef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) { exerrval = status; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete %s attribute parameter definition in file id %d", ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_attr_param",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }