void ActivateFrameServerDialog(HWND hwnd) { static wchar_t fileFilters[]= L"VirtualDub AVIFile signpost (*.vdr,*.avi)\0" L"*.vdr;*.avi\0" L"All files\0" L"*.*\0" ; char szServerName[128]; if (!InitServerDLL()) return; if (!DialogBoxParam(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SERVER_SETUP), hwnd, FrameServerSetupDlgProc, (LPARAM)szServerName)) return; try { vdrefptr<Frameserver> fs(new Frameserver(inputVideoAVI, inputAudio, hwnd, &g_dubOpts, g_project->GetTimeline().GetSubset())); const VDStringW fname(VDGetSaveFileName(kFileDialog_Signpost, (VDGUIHandle)hwnd, L"Save .VDR signpost for AVIFile handler", fileFilters, g_prefs.main.fAttachExtension ? L"vdr" : NULL, 0, 0)); if (!fname.empty()) { long buf[5]; char sname[128]; int slen; ivdsl->GetComputerName(sname); strcat(sname,"/"); strcat(sname,szServerName); slen = strlen(sname); slen += slen&1; buf[0] = 'FFIR'; buf[1] = slen+12; buf[2] = 'MRDV'; buf[3] = 'HTAP'; buf[4] = slen; VDFile file(fname.c_str(), nsVDFile::kWrite | nsVDFile::kDenyRead | nsVDFile::kCreateAlways); file.write(buf, 20); file.write(sname, strlen(sname)); if (strlen(sname) & 1) file.write("", 1); file.close(); } VDDEBUG("Attempting to initialize frameserver...\n"); fs->Go(ivdsl, szServerName); VDDEBUG("Frameserver exit.\n"); } catch(const MyError& e) { e.post(hwnd, "Frameserver error"); } }
bool VDUIJobControlDialog::OnMenuHit(uint32 id) { static const wchar_t fileFilters[]= L"VirtualDub job list (*.jobs)\0" L"*.jobs\0" L"VirtualDub script (*.syl, *.vdscript)\0" L"*.syl;*.vdscript\0" L"All files (*.*)\0" L"*.*\0"; try { switch(id) { case ID_FILE_LOADJOBLIST: { VDStringW filename(VDGetLoadFileName(kFileDialog_JobList, (VDGUIHandle)mhdlg, L"Load job list", fileFilters, NULL)); if (!filename.empty()) g_VDJobQueue.ListLoad(filename.c_str(), false); } break; case ID_FILE_SAVEJOBLIST: { VDStringW filename(VDGetSaveFileName(kFileDialog_JobList, (VDGUIHandle)mhdlg, L"Save job list", fileFilters, NULL)); if (!filename.empty()) g_VDJobQueue.Flush(filename.c_str()); } break; case ID_FILE_USELOCALJOBQUEUE: if (g_VDJobQueue.IsRunInProgress()) MessageBox(mhdlg, "Cannot switch job queues while a job is in progress.", g_szError, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); else g_VDJobQueue.SetJobFilePath(NULL, false, false); break; case ID_FILE_USEREMOTEJOBQUEUE: if (g_VDJobQueue.IsRunInProgress()) MessageBox(mhdlg, "Cannot switch job queues while a job is in progress.", g_szError, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); else { const VDFileDialogOption opts[]={ { VDFileDialogOption::kConfirmFile, 0, NULL, 0, 0}, {0} }; int optvals[]={ false }; VDStringW filename(VDGetSaveFileName(kFileDialog_JobList, (VDGUIHandle)mhdlg, L"Use shared job list", fileFilters, NULL, opts, optvals)); if (!filename.empty()) { if (!_wcsicmp(filename.c_str(), g_VDJobQueue.GetDefaultJobFilePath())) { DWORD res = MessageBox(mhdlg, "Using the same job file that is normally used for local job queue operation is not recommended as " "it can cause job queue corruption.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to use this file for the remote queue too?", "VirtualDub Warning", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO); if (res != IDYES) break; } g_VDJobQueue.SetJobFilePath(filename.c_str(), true, true); } } break; case ID_EDIT_CLEARLIST: if (IDOK != MessageBox(mhdlg, "Really clear job list?", "VirtualDub job system", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) break; g_VDJobQueue.ListClear(false); break; case ID_EDIT_DELETEDONEJOBS: for(uint32 i=0; i<g_VDJobQueue.ListSize();) { VDJob *vdj = g_VDJobQueue.ListGet(i); if (vdj->GetState() == VDJob::kStateCompleted) { g_VDJobQueue.Delete(vdj, false); delete vdj; } else ++i; } break; case ID_EDIT_FAILEDTOWAITING: g_VDJobQueue.Transform(VDJob::kStateAborted, VDJob::kStateWaiting); g_VDJobQueue.Transform(VDJob::kStateError, VDJob::kStateWaiting); break; case ID_EDIT_WAITINGTOPOSTPONED: g_VDJobQueue.Transform(VDJob::kStateWaiting, VDJob::kStatePostponed); break; case ID_EDIT_POSTPONEDTOWAITING: g_VDJobQueue.Transform(VDJob::kStatePostponed, VDJob::kStateWaiting); break; case ID_EDIT_DONETOWAITING: g_VDJobQueue.Transform(VDJob::kStateCompleted, VDJob::kStateWaiting); break; case ID_EDIT_PROCESSDIRECTORY: JobProcessDirectory(mhdlg); break; case ID_WHENFINISHED_DONOTHING: { VDRegistryAppKey appKey(""); appKey.setBool(g_szRegKeyShutdownWhenFinished, false); } break; case ID_WHENFINISHED_SHUTDOWN: { VDRegistryAppKey appKey(""); appKey.setBool(g_szRegKeyShutdownWhenFinished, true); appKey.setInt(g_szRegKeyShutdownMode, 0); } break; case ID_WHENFINISHED_HIBERNATE: { VDRegistryAppKey appKey(""); appKey.setBool(g_szRegKeyShutdownWhenFinished, true); appKey.setInt(g_szRegKeyShutdownMode, 1); } break; case ID_WHENFINISHED_SLEEP: { VDRegistryAppKey appKey(""); appKey.setBool(g_szRegKeyShutdownWhenFinished, true); appKey.setInt(g_szRegKeyShutdownMode, 2); } break; } } catch(const MyError& e) { e.post(mhdlg, "Job system error"); } return true; }
void VDCreateTestPal8Video(VDGUIHandle h) { CPUEnableExtensions(CPUCheckForExtensions()); try { tVDInputDrivers inputDrivers; std::vector<int> xlat; VDGetInputDrivers(inputDrivers, IVDInputDriver::kF_Video); const VDStringW filter(VDMakeInputDriverFileFilter(inputDrivers, xlat)); const VDFileDialogOption opt[]={ { VDFileDialogOption::kSelectedFilter }, 0 }; int optval[1]={0}; const VDStringW srcfile(VDGetLoadFileName('pl8s', h, L"Choose source file", filter.c_str(), NULL, opt, optval)); if (srcfile.empty()) return; IVDInputDriver *pDrv; int filtidx = xlat[optval[0] - 1]; if (filtidx < 0) pDrv = VDAutoselectInputDriverForFile(srcfile.c_str(), IVDInputDriver::kF_Video); else { tVDInputDrivers::iterator itDrv(inputDrivers.begin()); std::advance(itDrv, filtidx); pDrv = *itDrv; } vdrefptr<InputFile> pIF(pDrv->CreateInputFile(0)); pIF->Init(srcfile.c_str()); const VDStringW dstfile(VDGetSaveFileName('pl8d', h, L"Choose destination 8-bit file", L"Audio-video interleaved (*.avi)\0*.avi\0All files\0*.*", L"avi", NULL, NULL)); if (dstfile.empty()) return; vdrefptr<IVDVideoSource> pVS; pIF->GetVideoSource(0, ~pVS); IVDStreamSource *pVSS = pVS->asStream(); const VDPosition frames = pVSS->getLength(); if (!pVS->setTargetFormat(nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888)) throw MyError("Cannot set decompression format to 32-bit."); vdautoptr<IVDMediaOutputAVIFile> pOut(VDCreateMediaOutputAVIFile()); IVDMediaOutputStream *pVSOut = pOut->createVideoStream(); const VDPixmap& pxsrc = pVS->getTargetFormat(); const uint32 rowbytes = (pxsrc.w+3) & ~3; AVIStreamHeader_fixed hdr; hdr.fccType = 'sdiv'; hdr.fccHandler = 0; hdr.dwFlags = 0; hdr.wPriority = 0; hdr.wLanguage = 0; hdr.dwScale = pVSS->getStreamInfo().dwScale; hdr.dwRate = pVSS->getStreamInfo().dwRate; hdr.dwStart = 0; hdr.dwLength = 0; hdr.dwInitialFrames = 0; hdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = 0; hdr.dwQuality = -1; hdr.dwSampleSize = 0; hdr.rcFrame.left = 0; hdr.rcFrame.top = 0; hdr.rcFrame.right = (short)pxsrc.w; hdr.rcFrame.bottom = (short)pxsrc.h; pVSOut->setStreamInfo(hdr); vdstructex<BITMAPINFOHEADER> bih; bih.resize(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD)*252); bih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bih->biWidth = pxsrc.w; bih->biHeight = pxsrc.h; bih->biPlanes = 1; bih->biBitCount = 8; bih->biCompression = BI_RGB; bih->biSizeImage = rowbytes*pxsrc.h; bih->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bih->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bih->biClrUsed = 252; bih->biClrImportant = 252; RGBQUAD *pal = (RGBQUAD *)((char *)bih.data() + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); for(int i=0; i<252; ++i) { pal[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)((i/42)*51); pal[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)((((i/6)%7)*85)>>1); pal[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)((i%6)*51); pal[i].rgbReserved = 0; } pVSOut->setFormat(bih.data(), bih.size()); pOut->init(dstfile.c_str()); ProgressDialog dlg((HWND)h, "Processing video stream", "Palettizing frames", (long)frames, true); vdblock<uint8> outbuf(rowbytes * pxsrc.h); const vdpixsize w = pxsrc.w; const vdpixsize h = pxsrc.h; try { for(uint32 frame=0; frame<frames; ++frame) { pVS->getFrame(frame); const uint8 *src = (const uint8 *)pxsrc.data; ptrdiff_t srcpitch = pxsrc.pitch; uint8 *dst = &outbuf[rowbytes * (pxsrc.h - 1)]; for(int y=0; y<h; ++y) { const uint8 *dr = ditherred[y & 15]; const uint8 *dg = dithergrn[y & 15]; const uint8 *db = ditherblu[y & 15]; for(int x=0; x<w; ++x) { const uint8 b = (uint8)((((src[0] * 1286)>>8) + dr[x&15]) >> 8); const uint8 g = (uint8)((((src[1] * 1543)>>8) + dg[x&15]) >> 8); const uint8 r = (uint8)((((src[2] * 1286)>>8) + db[x&15]) >> 8); src += 4; dst[x] = (uint8)(r*42 + g*6 + b); } vdptrstep(dst, -(ptrdiff_t)rowbytes); vdptrstep(src, srcpitch - w*4); } pVSOut->write(AVIOutputStream::kFlagKeyFrame, outbuf.data(), outbuf.size(), 1); dlg.advance(frame); dlg.check(); } } catch(const MyUserAbortError&) { } pVSOut->flush(); pOut->finalize(); } catch(const MyError& e) { e.post((HWND)h, g_szError); } }