bool UniformHandler::isVisibleSphere(const PVRTVec3& v3Centre, const VERTTYPE fRadius)
		// get in view space
		PVRTVec4 v4TransCentre = m_mWorldView * PVRTVec4(v3Centre,f2vt(1.0f));

		// find clip space coord for centre
		v4TransCentre = m_mProjection * v4TransCentre;

		// scale radius according to perspective
		fRadX = PVRTABS(VERTTYPEMUL(fRadius,m_mProjection(0,1)));
		fRadY = PVRTABS(VERTTYPEMUL(fRadius,m_mProjection(1,0)));
		fRadX = PVRTABS(VERTTYPEMUL(fRadius,m_mProjection(0,0)));
		fRadY = PVRTABS(VERTTYPEMUL(fRadius,m_mProjection(1,1)));
		VERTTYPE fRadZ = PVRTABS(VERTTYPEMUL(fRadius,m_mProjection(2,2)));

		// check if inside frustums
		// X
		{	// 'right' side out to 'left' def out
			return false;
		{	// 'left' side out to 'right' def out
			return false;

		// Y
		{	// 'up' side out to 'top' def out
			return false;
		{	// 'down' side out to 'bottom' def out
			return false;

		// Z
		{	// 'far' side out to 'back' def out
			return false;
		{	// 'near' side out to 'front' def out
			return false;

		return true;
Пример #2
 @Function			PVRTMiscCalculateIntersectionLinePlane
 @Input				pfPlane			Length 4 [A,B,C,D], values for plane
 @Input				pv0				A point on the line
 @Input				pv1				Another point on the line
 @Output			pvIntersection	The point of intersection
 @Description		Calculates coords of the intersection of a line and an
					infinite plane
void PVRTMiscCalculateIntersectionLinePlane(
	PVRTVECTOR3			* const pvIntersection,
	const VERTTYPE		pfPlane[4],
	const PVRTVECTOR3	* const pv0,
	const PVRTVECTOR3	* const pv1)

	/* Calculate vector from point0 to point1 */
	vD.x = pv1->x - pv0->x;
	vD.y = pv1->y - pv0->y;
	vD.z = pv1->z - pv0->z;

	/* Denominator */
	fD =
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[0], vD.x) +
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[1], vD.y) +
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[2], vD.z);

	/* Numerator */
	fN =
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[0], pv0->x) +
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[1], pv0->y) +
		VERTTYPEMUL(pfPlane[2], pv0->z) +


	/* And for a finale, calculate the intersection coordinate */
	pvIntersection->x = pv0->x + VERTTYPEMUL(fT, vD.x);
	pvIntersection->y = pv0->y + VERTTYPEMUL(fT, vD.y);
	pvIntersection->z = pv0->z + VERTTYPEMUL(fT, vD.z);
Пример #3
 @Function			Rotate
 @Description		Rotates vertices in model space.
void CPVRTPrint3D::Rotate(SPVRTPrint3DAPIVertex * const pv, const unsigned int nCnt)
	unsigned int	i;
	VERTTYPE		x, y;

	for(i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i)
		x = VERTTYPEDIV((VERTTYPE&)pv[i].sx, f2vt(640.0f * m_fScreenScale[0]));
		y = VERTTYPEDIV((VERTTYPE&)pv[i].sy, f2vt(480.0f * m_fScreenScale[1]));
		(VERTTYPE&)pv[i].sx = VERTTYPEMUL(y, f2vt(640.0f * m_fScreenScale[0]));
		(VERTTYPE&)pv[i].sy = VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(1.0f) - x, f2vt(480.0f * m_fScreenScale[1]));
Пример #4
 @Function			*
 @Input				rhs a PVRTMat3
 @Returns			result of multiplication
 @Description		matrix multiplication operator PVRTVec3 and PVRTMat3
	PVRTVec3 PVRTVec3::operator*(const PVRTMat3& rhs) const
		PVRTVec3 out;

		out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[2]);
		out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[5]);
		out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[8]);

		return out;
Пример #5
 @Function			*=
 @Input				rhs a PVRTMat3
 @Returns			result of multiplication and assignment
 @Description		matrix multiplication and assignment operator for PVRTVec3 and PVRTMat3
	PVRTVec3& PVRTVec3::operator*=(const PVRTMat3& rhs)
		VERTTYPE tx = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[2]);
		VERTTYPE ty = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[3])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[5]);
		z = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[7])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[8]);
		x = tx;
		y = ty;

		return *this;
Пример #6
 @Function		DrawReflectiveMesh
 @Input			ui32MeshID ID of mesh to draw
 @Input			pNormalTx Rotation matrix
 @Description	Draws a mesh with the reflection
void OGLESVase::DrawReflectiveMesh(unsigned int ui32MeshID, PVRTMat4 *pNormalTx)
	SPODMesh& Mesh = m_Scene.pMesh[ui32MeshID];

	VERTTYPE		*pUVs = new VERTTYPE[2 * Mesh.nNumVertex];
	PVRTMat4		EnvMapMatrix;
	unsigned int	i;

	// Calculate matrix for environment mapping: simple multiply by 0.5
	for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
		EnvMapMatrix.f[i] = VERTTYPEMUL(pNormalTx->f[i], f2vt(0.5f));

	unsigned char* pNormals = Mesh.pInterleaved + (size_t) Mesh.sNormals.pData;

	/* Calculate UVs for environment mapping */
	for(i = 0; i < Mesh.nNumVertex; ++i)
		VERTTYPE *pVTNormals = (VERTTYPE*) pNormals;

		pUVs[2*i] =	VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[0], EnvMapMatrix.f[0]) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[1], EnvMapMatrix.f[4]) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[2], EnvMapMatrix.f[8]) +

		pUVs[2*i+1] =	VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[0], EnvMapMatrix.f[1]) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[1], EnvMapMatrix.f[5]) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(pVTNormals[2], EnvMapMatrix.f[9]) +

		pNormals += Mesh.sNormals.nStride;

	// Bind the vertex buffers
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_puiVbo[ui32MeshID]);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_puiIndexVbo[ui32MeshID]);

	// Setup pointers
	glVertexPointer(3, VERTTYPEENUM, Mesh.sVertex.nStride, Mesh.sVertex.pData);

	// unbind the vertex buffer as we don't need them bound anymore
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

	glTexCoordPointer(2, VERTTYPEENUM, 0, pUVs);

	glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, Mesh.nNumFaces * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);


	delete[] pUVs;
Пример #7
 @Function			PVRTTransform
 @Output			pOut
 @Input				pV
 @Input				pM
 @Description		Transform vertex pV by pMatrix and store in pOut.
void PVRTTransform(
    PVRTVECTOR4			* const pOut,
    const PVRTVECTOR4	* const pV,
    const PVRTMATRIX	* const pM)
    pOut->x = VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[0], pV->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[4], pV->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[8],  pV->z) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[12], pV->w);
    pOut->y = VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[1], pV->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[5], pV->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[9],  pV->z) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[13], pV->w);
    pOut->z = VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[2], pV->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[6], pV->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[10], pV->z) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[14], pV->w);
    pOut->w = VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[3], pV->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[7], pV->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[11], pV->z) + VERTTYPEMUL(pM->f[15], pV->w);
Пример #8
 @Function			PVRTLinearEqSolve
 @Input				pSrc	2D array of floats. 4 Eq linear problem is 5x4
							matrix, constants in first column
 @Input				nCnt	Number of equations to solve
 @Output			pRes	Result
 @Description		Solves 'nCnt' simultaneous equations of 'nCnt' variables.
					pRes should be an array large enough to contain the
					results: the values of the 'nCnt' variables.
					This fn recursively uses Gaussian Elimination.
void PVRTLinearEqSolve(VERTTYPE * const pRes, VERTTYPE ** const pSrc, const int nCnt)
	int			i, j, k;

	if (nCnt == 1)
		_ASSERT(pSrc[0][1] != 0);
		pRes[0] = VERTTYPEDIV(pSrc[0][0], pSrc[0][1]);

	// Loop backwards in an attempt avoid the need to swap rows
	i = nCnt;

		if(pSrc[i][nCnt] != f2vt(0.0f))
			// Row i can be used to zero the other rows; let's move it to the bottom
			if(i != (nCnt-1))
				for(j = 0; j <= nCnt; ++j)
					// Swap the two values
					f = pSrc[nCnt-1][j];
					pSrc[nCnt-1][j] = pSrc[i][j];
					pSrc[i][j] = f;

			// Now zero the last columns of the top rows
			for(j = 0; j < (nCnt-1); ++j)
				_ASSERT(pSrc[nCnt-1][nCnt] != f2vt(0.0f));
				f = VERTTYPEDIV(pSrc[j][nCnt], pSrc[nCnt-1][nCnt]);

				// No need to actually calculate a zero for the final column
				for(k = 0; k < nCnt; ++k)
					pSrc[j][k] -= VERTTYPEMUL(f, pSrc[nCnt-1][k]);


	// Solve the top-left sub matrix
	PVRTLinearEqSolve(pRes, pSrc, nCnt - 1);

	// Now calc the solution for the bottom row
	f = pSrc[nCnt-1][0];
	for(k = 1; k < nCnt; ++k)
		f -= VERTTYPEMUL(pSrc[nCnt-1][k], pRes[k-1]);
	_ASSERT(pSrc[nCnt-1][nCnt] != f2vt(0));
	f = VERTTYPEDIV(f, pSrc[nCnt-1][nCnt]);
	pRes[nCnt-1] = f;
Пример #9
 @Function			inverse
 @Returns			inverse mat4
 @Description		Calculates multiplicative inverse of this matrix
					The matrix must be of the form :
					A 0
					C 1
					Where A is a 3x3 matrix and C is a 1x3 matrix.
	PVRTMat4 PVRTMat4::inverse() const
		PVRTMat4 out;
		VERTTYPE	det_1;
		VERTTYPE	pos, neg, temp;

		/* Calculate the determinant of submatrix A and determine if the
		   the matrix is singular as limited by the double precision
		   floating-point data representation. */
		pos = neg = f2vt(0.0);
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 0], f[ 5]), f[10]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 4], f[ 9]), f[ 2]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 8], f[ 1]), f[ 6]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(-f[ 8], f[ 5]), f[ 2]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(-f[ 4], f[ 1]), f[10]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		temp =  VERTTYPEMUL(VERTTYPEMUL(-f[ 0], f[ 9]), f[ 6]);
		if (temp >= 0) pos += temp; else neg += temp;
		det_1 = pos + neg;

		/* Is the submatrix A singular? */
		if (det_1 == f2vt(0.0)) //|| (VERTTYPEABS(det_1 / (pos - neg)) < 1.0e-15)
			/* Matrix M has no inverse */
			_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "Matrix has no inverse : singular matrix\n");
			/* Calculate inverse(A) = adj(A) / det(A) */
			//det_1 = 1.0 / det_1;
			det_1 = VERTTYPEDIV(f2vt(1.0f), det_1);
			out.f[ 0] =   VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 5], f[10]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 9], f[ 6]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 1] = - VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 1], f[10]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 9], f[ 2]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 2] =   VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 1], f[ 6]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 5], f[ 2]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 4] = - VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 4], f[10]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 8], f[ 6]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 5] =   VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 0], f[10]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 8], f[ 2]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 6] = - VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 0], f[ 6]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 4], f[ 2]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 8] =   VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 4], f[ 9]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 8], f[ 5]) ), det_1);
			out.f[ 9] = - VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 0], f[ 9]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 8], f[ 1]) ), det_1);
			out.f[10] =   VERTTYPEMUL(( VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 0], f[ 5]) - VERTTYPEMUL(f[ 4], f[ 1]) ), det_1);

			/* Calculate -C * inverse(A) */
			out.f[12] = - ( VERTTYPEMUL(f[12], out.f[ 0]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[13], out.f[ 4]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[14], out.f[ 8]) );
			out.f[13] = - ( VERTTYPEMUL(f[12], out.f[ 1]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[13], out.f[ 5]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[14], out.f[ 9]) );
			out.f[14] = - ( VERTTYPEMUL(f[12], out.f[ 2]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[13], out.f[ 6]) + VERTTYPEMUL(f[14], out.f[10]) );

			/* Fill in last row */
			out.f[ 3] = f2vt(0.0f);
			out.f[ 7] = f2vt(0.0f);
			out.f[11] = f2vt(0.0f);
			out.f[15] = f2vt(1.0f);

		return out;
Пример #10
 @Function			*
 @Input				rhs another PVRTMat4
 @Returns			result of multiplication
 @Description		Matrix multiplication of two 4x4 matrices.
	PVRTMat4 PVRTMat4::operator*(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const
		PVRTMat4 out;
		// col 1
		out.f[0] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[3]);
		out.f[1] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[3]);
		out.f[2] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[3]);
		out.f[3] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[3]);

		// col 2
		out.f[4] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[7]);
		out.f[5] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[7]);
		out.f[6] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[7]);
		out.f[7] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[7]);

		// col3
		out.f[8] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[11]);
		out.f[9] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[11]);
		out.f[10] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[11]);
		out.f[11] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[11]);

		// col3
		out.f[12] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[0],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[4],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[8],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[12],rhs.f[15]);
		out.f[13] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[1],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[5],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[9],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[13],rhs.f[15]);
		out.f[14] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[2],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[6],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[10],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[14],rhs.f[15]);
		out.f[15] =	VERTTYPEMUL(f[3],rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[7],rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[11],rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(f[15],rhs.f[15]);
		return out;
Пример #11
 @Function			*=
 @Input				rhs a PVRTMat4
 @Returns			result of multiplication and assignment
 @Description		matrix multiplication and assignment operator for PVRTVec4 and PVRTMat4
	PVRTVec4& PVRTVec4::operator*=(const PVRTMat4& rhs)
		VERTTYPE tx = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[3]);
		VERTTYPE ty = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[7]);
		VERTTYPE tz = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[11]);
		w = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[15]);
		x = tx;
		y = ty;
		z = tz;
		return *this;
Пример #12
 @Function		PVRTMiscCalculateInfinitePlane
 @Input			nStride			Size of each vertex structure containing pfVtx
 @Input			pvPlane			Length 4 [A,B,C,D], values for plane equation
 @Input			pmViewProjInv	The inverse of the View Projection matrix
 @Input			pFrom			Position of the camera
 @Input			fFar			Far clipping distance
 @Output		pfVtx			Position of the first of 3 floats to receive
								the position of vertex 0; up to 5 vertex positions
								will be written (5 is the maximum number of vertices
								required to draw an infinite polygon clipped to screen
								and far clip plane).
 @Returns		Number of vertices in the polygon fan (Can be 0, 3, 4 or 5)
 @Description	Calculates world-space coords of a screen-filling
				representation of an infinite plane The resulting vertices run
				counter-clockwise around the screen, and can be simply drawn using
				non-indexed TRIANGLEFAN
int PVRTMiscCalculateInfinitePlane(
	VERTTYPE			* const pfVtx,
	const int			nStride,
	const PVRTVECTOR4	* const pvPlane,
	const PVRTMATRIX 	* const pmViewProjInv,
	const PVRTVECTOR3	* const pFrom,
	const VERTTYPE		fFar)
	PVRTVECTOR3		pvWorld[5];
	PVRTVECTOR3		*pvPolyPtr;
	unsigned int	dwCount;
	bool			bClip;
	int				nVert;
	VERTTYPE		fDotProduct;

		Check whether the plane faces the camera
	fDotProduct =
		VERTTYPEMUL((pFrom->x + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->x, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->x) +
		VERTTYPEMUL((pFrom->y + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->y, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->y) +
		VERTTYPEMUL((pFrom->z + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->z, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->z);

	if(fDotProduct < 0) {
		/* Camera is behind plane, hence it's not visible */
		return 0;

		Back transform front clipping plane into world space,
		to give us a point on the line through each corner of the screen
		(from the camera).

	/*             x = -1.0f;    y = -1.0f;     z = 1.0f;      w = 1.0f */
	pvWorld[0].x = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 0] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 4] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 8] + pmViewProjInv->f[12]), fFar);
	pvWorld[0].y = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 1] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 5] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 9] + pmViewProjInv->f[13]), fFar);
	pvWorld[0].z = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 2] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 6] + pmViewProjInv->f[10] + pmViewProjInv->f[14]), fFar);
	/*             x =  1.0f,    y = -1.0f,     z = 1.0f;      w = 1.0f */
	pvWorld[1].x = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 0] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 4] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 8] + pmViewProjInv->f[12]), fFar);
	pvWorld[1].y = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 1] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 5] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 9] + pmViewProjInv->f[13]), fFar);
	pvWorld[1].z = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 2] - pmViewProjInv->f[ 6] + pmViewProjInv->f[10] + pmViewProjInv->f[14]), fFar);
	/*             x =  1.0f,    y =  1.0f,     z = 1.0f;      w = 1.0f */
	pvWorld[2].x = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 0] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 4] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 8] + pmViewProjInv->f[12]), fFar);
	pvWorld[2].y = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 1] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 5] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 9] + pmViewProjInv->f[13]), fFar);
	pvWorld[2].z = VERTTYPEMUL(( pmViewProjInv->f[ 2] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 6] + pmViewProjInv->f[10] + pmViewProjInv->f[14]), fFar);
	/*             x = -1.0f,    y =  1.0f,     z = 1.0f;      w = 1.0f */
	pvWorld[3].x = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 0] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 4] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 8] + pmViewProjInv->f[12]), fFar);
	pvWorld[3].y = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 1] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 5] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 9] + pmViewProjInv->f[13]), fFar);
	pvWorld[3].z = VERTTYPEMUL((-pmViewProjInv->f[ 2] + pmViewProjInv->f[ 6] + pmViewProjInv->f[10] + pmViewProjInv->f[14]), fFar);

	/* We need to do a closed loop of the screen vertices, so copy the first vertex into the last */
	pvWorld[4] = pvWorld[0];

		Now build a pre-clipped polygon

	/* Lets get ready to loop */
	dwCount		= 0;
	bClip		= false;
	pvPolyPtr	= (PVRTVECTOR3*)pfVtx;

	nVert = 5;

			Check which side of the Plane this corner of the far clipping
			plane is on. [A,B,C] of plane equation is the plane normal, D is
			distance from origin; hence [pvPlane->x * -pvPlane->w,
										 pvPlane->y * -pvPlane->w,
										 pvPlane->z * -pvPlane->w]
			is a point on the plane
		fDotProduct =
			VERTTYPEMUL((pvWorld[nVert].x + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->x, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->x) +
			VERTTYPEMUL((pvWorld[nVert].y + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->y, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->y) +
			VERTTYPEMUL((pvWorld[nVert].z + VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane->z, pvPlane->w)), pvPlane->z);

		if(fDotProduct < 0) 
				Behind plane; Vertex does NOT need clipping
			if(bClip == true) 
				/* Clipping finished */
				bClip = false;

					We've been clipping, so we need to add an additional
					point on the line to this point, where clipping was
				PVRTMiscCalculateIntersectionLinePlane(pvPolyPtr, &pvPlane->x, &pvWorld[nVert+1], &pvWorld[nVert]);
				pvPolyPtr = (PVRTVECTOR3*)((char*)pvPolyPtr + nStride);

				/* Abort, abort: we've closed the loop with the clipped point */

			/* Add the current point */
			PVRTMiscCalculateIntersectionLinePlane(pvPolyPtr, &pvPlane->x, pFrom, &pvWorld[nVert]);
			pvPolyPtr = (PVRTVECTOR3*)((char*)pvPolyPtr + nStride);
				Before plane; Vertex DOES need clipping
			if(bClip == true) 
				/* Already in clipping, skip point */

			/* Clipping initiated */
			bClip = true;

			/* Don't bother with entry point on first vertex; will take care of it on last vertex (which is a repeat of first vertex) */
			if(nVert != 4) 
				/* We need to add an additional point on the line to this point, where clipping was started */
				PVRTMiscCalculateIntersectionLinePlane(pvPolyPtr, &pvPlane->x, &pvWorld[nVert+1], &pvWorld[nVert]);
				pvPolyPtr = (PVRTVECTOR3*)((char*)pvPolyPtr + nStride);

	/* Valid vertex counts are 0, 3, 4, 5 */
	_ASSERT(dwCount <= 5);
	_ASSERT(dwCount != 1);
	_ASSERT(dwCount != 2);

	return dwCount;
Пример #13
 * Function Name  : RenderScene
 * Returns		  : true if no error occured
 * Description    : Main rendering loop function of the program. The shell will
 *					call this function every frame.
bool OGLESOptimizeMesh::RenderScene()
	unsigned long ui32Time;

	// Clear the depth and frame buffer

		Show a message on-screen then generate the necessary data on the
		second frame.

			m_Print3D.DisplayDefaultTitle("OptimizeMesh", "Generating data...", ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo);
			return true;


	//	Time
	ui32Time = PVRShellGetTime();
	m_ui32TimeDiff = ui32Time - m_ui32LastTime;
	m_ui32LastTime = ui32Time;

	// FPS
	m_ui32FPSTimeDiff += m_ui32TimeDiff;

	if(m_ui32FPSTimeDiff >= g_ui32TimeFPSUpdate)
		m_fFPS = m_ui32FPSFrameCnt * 1000.0f / (float) m_ui32FPSTimeDiff;
		m_ui32FPSFrameCnt = 0;
		m_ui32FPSTimeDiff = 0;

	// Change mode when necessary
	m_ui32SwitchTimeDiff += m_ui32TimeDiff;

	if((m_ui32SwitchTimeDiff > g_ui32TimeAutoSwitch))
//	if((m_ui32SwitchTimeDiff > g_ui32TimeAutoSwitch) || PVRShellIsKeyPressed(PVRShellKeyNameACTION1))
		m_ui32SwitchTimeDiff = 0;

		if(m_i32Page >= (int) m_ui32PageNo)
			m_i32Page = 0;

	PVRTVec3 From;
	VERTTYPE fFactor;

	From.x = VERTTYPEMUL(g_fViewDistance, PVRTCOS(m_fViewAngle));
	From.y = f2vt(0.0f);
	From.z = VERTTYPEMUL(g_fViewDistance, PVRTSIN(m_fViewAngle));

	// Increase the rotation
	fFactor = f2vt(0.005f * (float) m_ui32TimeDiff);
	m_fViewAngle += fFactor;

	// Ensure it doesn't grow huge and lose accuracy over time
	if(m_fViewAngle > PVRT_PI)
		m_fViewAngle -= PVRT_TWO_PI;

	// Compute and set the matrix
	m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(From, PVRTVec3(0,0,0), PVRTVec3(0,f2vt(1),0));


	// Draw the model

	// Display the frame rate
	char pTitle[512];
	const char * pDesc;

	sprintf(pTitle, "Optimize Mesh %.1ffps", m_fFPS);

	// Print text on screen
		pDesc = "Indexed Triangle List: Unoptimized";
	case 1:
		pDesc = "Indexed Triangle List: Optimized (at export time)";
	case 2:
		pDesc = "Indexed Triangle List: Optimized (at load time)";

	m_Print3D.DisplayDefaultTitle(pTitle, pDesc, ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo);

	// Flush all Print3D commands

	return true;
Пример #14
 @Function		RenderScene
 @Return		bool		true if no error occured
 @Description	Main rendering loop function of the program. The shell will
				call this function every frame.
				eglSwapBuffers() will be performed by PVRShell automatically.
				PVRShell will also manage important OS events.
				Will also manage relevent OS events. The user has access to
				these events through an abstraction layer provided by PVRShell.
bool OGLESParticles::RenderScene()
	int				i;
	PVRTMat4		mRotY;

	// Clear colour and depth buffers
	myglClearColor(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(1.0f));

	// Enables depth testing

	//	Modify per-frame variables controlling the particle mouvements.
	float fSpeedCtrl = (float) (PVRTFSIN(m_fRot*0.01f)+1.0f)/2.0f;
	float fStopNo = 0.8f;
	float fStep = 0.1f;

	if(fSpeedCtrl > fStopNo)
		fStep = 0.0f;

	// Generate particles as needed.
	if((m_i32NumParticles < (int) g_ui32MaxParticles) && (fSpeedCtrl <= fStopNo))
		int num_to_gen = (int) (RandPositiveFloat()*(g_ui32MaxParticles/100.0));

		if(num_to_gen == 0)
			num_to_gen = 1;

		for(i = 0; (i < num_to_gen) && (m_i32NumParticles < (int) g_ui32MaxParticles); ++i)

	// Build rotation matrix around axis Y.
	mRotY = PVRTMat4::RotationY(f2vt((m_fRot2*PVRT_PIf)/180.0f));

	for(i = 0; i < m_i32NumParticles; ++i)
		// Transform particle with rotation matrix
		m_sParticleVTXPSBuf[i].x =	VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 0], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.x) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 4], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.y) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 8], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.z) +
		m_sParticleVTXPSBuf[i].y =	VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 1], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.x) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 5], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.y) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 9], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.z) +
		m_sParticleVTXPSBuf[i].z =	VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 2], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.x) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[ 6], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.y) +
								VERTTYPEMUL(mRotY.f[10], m_Particles[i].m_fPosition.z) +

		m_sParticleVTXPSBuf[i].fSize = m_Particles[i].m_fSize;

		m_sNormalColour[i].r  = vt2b(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.x);
		m_sNormalColour[i].g  = vt2b(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.y);
		m_sNormalColour[i].b  = vt2b(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.z);
		m_sNormalColour[i].a  = (unsigned char)255;

		m_sReflectColour[i].r  = vt2b(VERTTYPEMUL(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.x, g_fFactor));
		m_sReflectColour[i].g  = vt2b(VERTTYPEMUL(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.y, g_fFactor));
		m_sReflectColour[i].b  = vt2b(VERTTYPEMUL(m_Particles[i].m_fColour.z, g_fFactor));
		m_sReflectColour[i].a  = (unsigned char)255;

	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_i32VertVboID);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(SVtxPointSprite)*m_i32NumParticles, m_sParticleVTXPSBuf,GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_i32ColAVboID);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(SColors)*m_i32NumParticles, m_sNormalColour,GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_i32ColBVboID);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(SColors)*m_i32NumParticles, m_sReflectColour,GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

	// clean up render states

	//	Draw floor.

	// Save modelview matrix
	myglRotate(f2vt(-m_fRot), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(1.0f), f2vt(0.0f));

	// setup render states

	// Set texture and texture environment
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_ui32FloorTexName);
	glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);

	// Render floor

	// clean up render states


	//	Render particles reflections.

	// set up render states


	glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);

	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_ui32TexName);

	// Set model view matrix

	myglScale(f2vt(1.0f), f2vt(-1.0f), f2vt(1.0f));
	myglTranslate(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.01f), f2vt(0.0f));


	if(((int)(m_i32NumParticles * 0.5f)) > 0)


	//	Render particles.

	// Sets the model view matrix

	if(m_i32NumParticles > 0)



	PVRTVec3 Force = PVRTVec3(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f));
	Force.x = f2vt(1000.0f*(float)PVRTFSIN(m_fRot*0.01f));

	for(i = 0; i < m_i32NumParticles; ++i)
			Move the particle.
			If the particle exceeds its lifetime, create a new one in its place.
		if(m_Particles[i].Step(f2vt(fStep), Force))

	// clean up render states

	// Increase rotation angles
	m_fRot += 1;
	m_fRot2 = m_fRot + 36;

	// Unbinds the vertex buffer if we are using OpenGL ES 1.1
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

	// Display info text.
	m_Print3D.DisplayDefaultTitle("Particles", "Using point sprites", ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo);

	return true;
Пример #15
 @Function			PVRTTransformArray
 @Output			pTransformedVertex	Destination for transformed vectors
 @Input				pV					Input vector array
 @Input				nNumberOfVertices	Number of vectors to transform
 @Input				pMatrix				Matrix to transform the vectors
 @Input				fW					W coordinate of input vector (e.g. use 1 for position, 0 for normal)
 @Description		Transform all vertices in pVertex by pMatrix and store them in
					- pTransformedVertex is the pointer that will receive transformed vertices.
					- pVertex is the pointer to untransformed object vertices.
					- nNumberOfVertices is the number of vertices of the object.
					- pMatrix is the matrix used to transform the object.
void PVRTTransformArray(
    PVRTVECTOR3			* const pTransformedVertex,
    const PVRTVECTOR3	* const pV,
    const int			nNumberOfVertices,
    const PVRTMATRIX	* const pMatrix,
    const VERTTYPE		fW)
    int			i;

    /* Transform all vertices with *pMatrix */
    for (i=0; i<nNumberOfVertices; ++i)
        pTransformedVertex[i].x =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 0], pV[i].x) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 4], pV[i].y) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 8], pV[i].z) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[12], fW);
        pTransformedVertex[i].y =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 1], pV[i].x) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 5], pV[i].y) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 9], pV[i].z) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[13], fW);
        pTransformedVertex[i].z =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 2], pV[i].x) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 6], pV[i].y) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[10], pV[i].z) +
                                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[14], fW);
Пример #16
 @Function Name		PVRTTransformVec3Array
 @Output			pOut				Destination for transformed vectors
 @Input				nOutStride			Stride between vectors in pOut array
 @Input				pV					Input vector array
 @Input				nInStride			Stride between vectors in pV array
 @Input				pMatrix				Matrix to transform the vectors
 @Input				nNumberOfVertices	Number of vectors to transform
 @Description		Transform all vertices [X Y Z 1] in pV by pMatrix and
 					store them in pOut.
void PVRTTransformVec3Array(
    PVRTVECTOR4			* const pOut,
    const int			nOutStride,
    const PVRTVECTOR3	* const pV,
    const int			nInStride,
    const PVRTMATRIX	* const pMatrix,
    const int			nNumberOfVertices)
    const PVRTVECTOR3	*pSrc;
    PVRTVECTOR4			*pDst;
    int					i;

    pSrc = pV;
    pDst = pOut;

    /* Transform all vertices with *pMatrix */
    for (i=0; i<nNumberOfVertices; ++i)
        pDst->x =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 0], pSrc->x) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 4], pSrc->y) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 8], pSrc->z) +
        pDst->y =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 1], pSrc->x) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 5], pSrc->y) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 9], pSrc->z) +
        pDst->z =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 2], pSrc->x) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 6], pSrc->y) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[10], pSrc->z) +
        pDst->w =	VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 3], pSrc->x) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[ 7], pSrc->y) +
                    VERTTYPEMUL(pMatrix->f[11], pSrc->z) +

        pDst = (PVRTVECTOR4*)((char*)pDst + nOutStride);
        pSrc = (PVRTVECTOR3*)((char*)pSrc + nInStride);
Пример #17
 @Function		DoAnimation
 @Description	Calculate the duck and camera animation as well as the cloud and
void OGLESFur::DoAnimation()
	PVRTMat4		mCamera, mTmp;
	PVRTVec3		pvPlane[5];
	unsigned long	ui32Time;
	float			fDeltaTime;
	int i;
		ui32Time = PVRShellGetTime();

		fDeltaTime = (float) (ui32Time < m_ui32PrevTime ? m_ui32PrevTime - ui32Time : ui32Time - m_ui32PrevTime) + 0.1f;
		if(fDeltaTime > 50.0f) // Cap delta time
			fDeltaTime = 50.0f;

		m_ui32PrevTime = ui32Time;

		m_fCameraRot += 0.00006f * fDeltaTime;
		fDeltaTime = fDeltaTime * 0.001f;
		fDeltaTime = 0.0f;

		// Viewing duck alone
		mCamera = PVRTMat4::Translation(0, 0, f2vt(160.0f));
		mTmp = PVRTMat4::RotationX(f2vt(0.35f * (float) sin(0.0003f * m_ui32PrevTime) + 0.2f));
		mCamera = mTmp * mCamera;
		mTmp = PVRTMat4::RotationY(f2vt(m_fCameraRot));
		mCamera = mTmp * mCamera;
		mTmp = PVRTMat4::Translation(m_mDuckWorld.f[12], m_mDuckWorld.f[13], m_mDuckWorld.f[14]);
		mCamera = mTmp * mCamera;

		m_vCamFrom.x += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[12] - m_vCamFrom.x);
		m_vCamFrom.y += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[13] - m_vCamFrom.y);
		m_vCamFrom.z += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[14] - m_vCamFrom.z);

		m_vCamTo.x	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), m_mDuckWorld.f[12] - m_vCamTo.x);
		m_vCamTo.y	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), (m_mDuckWorld.f[13]+ f2vt(25.0f)) - m_vCamTo.y);
		m_vCamTo.z	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), m_mDuckWorld.f[14] - m_vCamTo.z);

		// Build view matrix
		m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(m_vCamFrom, m_vCamTo, c_vUp);

		//	Viewing duck in a wee river
		m_fDuckRot -= 0.1f * fDeltaTime;

		// Duck world transform
		m_mDuckWorld = PVRTMat4::Translation(f2vt(140.0f), 0, 0);

		mTmp = PVRTMat4::RotationY(f2vt(m_fDuckRot));
		m_mDuckWorld = mTmp * m_mDuckWorld;

		PVRTVec3	vFrom, vTo;

		// We can get the camera position, target with GetCameraPos()
		m_Scene.GetCameraPos(vFrom, vTo, 0);

		// Position camera
		mCamera = PVRTMat4::Translation(vFrom.x, vFrom.y, vFrom.z);

		mTmp = PVRTMat4::RotationY(f2vt(m_fCameraRot));
		mCamera = mTmp * mCamera;

		m_vCamFrom.x += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[12] - m_vCamFrom.x);
		m_vCamFrom.y += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[13] - m_vCamFrom.y);
		m_vCamFrom.z += VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), mCamera.f[14] - m_vCamFrom.z);

		m_vCamTo.x	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), VERTTYPEMUL(2.0f, m_mDuckWorld.f[12] - m_vCamTo.x));
		m_vCamTo.y	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), VERTTYPEMUL(2.0f, (m_mDuckWorld.f[13] + f2vt(25.0f)) - m_vCamTo.y));
		m_vCamTo.z	+= VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fDeltaTime), VERTTYPEMUL(2.0f, m_mDuckWorld.f[14] - m_vCamTo.z));

		// Build view matrix
		m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(m_vCamFrom, m_vCamTo, c_vUp);

		// Calc ViewProjInv matrix
		mTmp = m_mProj * m_mView;
		mTmp = mTmp.inverseEx();
		// Calculate the ground plane
		m_i32WaterPlaneNo = PVRTMiscCalculateInfinitePlane(&pvPlane->x, sizeof(*pvPlane), &c_vPlaneWater, &mTmp, &m_vCamFrom, g_fFar);

		for(i = 0; i < m_i32WaterPlaneNo; ++i)
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].x		= pvPlane[i].x;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].y		= pvPlane[i].y;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].z		= pvPlane[i].z;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].nx	= c_vPlaneWater.x;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].ny	= c_vPlaneWater.y;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].nz	= c_vPlaneWater.z;
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].tu	= VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane[i].x, f2vt(0.005f));
			m_pvPlaneWater[i].tv	= VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane[i].z, f2vt(0.005f));

		// Calculate the Cloud plane
		m_i32CloudPlaneNo = PVRTMiscCalculateInfinitePlane(&pvPlane->x, sizeof(*pvPlane), &c_vPlaneCloud, &mTmp, &m_vCamFrom, g_fFar);

		for(i = 0; i < m_i32CloudPlaneNo; ++i)
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].x		= pvPlane[i].x;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].y		= pvPlane[i].y;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].z		= pvPlane[i].z;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].nx	= c_vPlaneCloud.x;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].ny	= c_vPlaneCloud.y;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].nz	= c_vPlaneCloud.z;
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].tu	= VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane[i].x, f2vt((1.0f / 100.0f) + m_ui32PrevTime * 0.0002f));
			m_pvPlaneCloud[i].tv	= VERTTYPEMUL(pvPlane[i].z, f2vt(1.0f / 100.0f));
Пример #18
 @Function		UpdateFurShells
 @Description	Update the fur shells. This is only called when the number of 
				shells change.
void OGLESFur::UpdateFurShells()
	PVRTVec3		*pvSrcN, *pvSrcV;
	PVRTVec3	vTransNorm;
	PVRTVec4	vTransPos;
	SVertex		*pvData;
	int				i;
	unsigned int	j;
	VERTTYPE		fDepth, *pUV;

	int i32MeshIndex = m_Scene.pNode[eDuckBody].nIdx;
	SPODMesh* pMesh = &m_Scene.pMesh[i32MeshIndex];

	PVRTMat4 mModel;
	PVRTMat3 mModel3;

	m_Scene.GetWorldMatrix(mModel, m_Scene.pNode[eDuckBody]);
	mModel3 = PVRTMat3(mModel);

	pvData = new SVertex[pMesh->nNumVertex];


	for(i = 0; i < m_i32FurShellNo; ++i) 
		fDepth = f2vt((c_fFurDepth * (float)(i+1) / (float)m_i32FurShellNo));

		for(j = 0; j < pMesh->nNumVertex; ++j) 
			pvSrcN	= (PVRTVec3*) (pMesh->pInterleaved + (size_t) pMesh->sNormals.pData + (j * pMesh->sNormals.nStride));
			pvSrcV	= (PVRTVec3*) (pMesh->pInterleaved + (size_t) pMesh->sVertex.pData  + (j * pMesh->sVertex.nStride));
			pUV		= (VERTTYPE*) (pMesh->pInterleaved + (size_t) pMesh->psUVW[0].pData + (j * pMesh->psUVW[0].nStride));
			// Transform the vertex position so it is in world space
			PVRTVec4 vPos4 = PVRTVec4(*pvSrcV, f2vt(1.0f));
			PVRTTransform(&vTransPos, &vPos4, &mModel);

			// Transform the vertex normal so it is in world space
			vTransNorm.x = VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[0], pvSrcN->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[4], pvSrcN->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[8],  pvSrcN->z);
			vTransNorm.y = VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[1], pvSrcN->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[5], pvSrcN->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[9],  pvSrcN->z);
			vTransNorm.z = VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[2], pvSrcN->x) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[6], pvSrcN->y) + VERTTYPEMUL(mModel.f[10], pvSrcN->z);

			pvData[j].x = vTransPos.x + (VERTTYPEMUL(vTransNorm.x, fDepth));
			pvData[j].y = vTransPos.y + (VERTTYPEMUL(vTransNorm.y, fDepth));
			pvData[j].z = vTransPos.z + (VERTTYPEMUL(vTransNorm.z, fDepth));

			pvData[j].nx = vTransNorm.x;
			pvData[j].ny = vTransNorm.y;
			pvData[j].nz = vTransNorm.z;

			pvData[j].tu = pUV[0];
			pvData[j].tv = pUV[1];

		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiShellVbo[i]);
		unsigned int uiSize = pMesh->nNumVertex * sizeof(SVertex);
		glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uiSize, pvData, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

	delete[] pvData;
Пример #19
 @Function		InitView
 @Return		bool		true if no error occured
 @Description	Code in InitView() will be called by PVRShell upon
				initialization or after a change in the rendering context.
				Used to initialize variables that are dependant on the rendering
				context (e.g. textures, vertex buffers, etc.)
bool OGLESAntialiasedLines::InitView()
	bool bRotate = PVRShellGet(prefIsRotated) && PVRShellGet(prefFullScreen);
	m_iWidth  = PVRShellGet(prefWidth);
	m_iHeight = PVRShellGet(prefHeight);

	myglClearColor(f2vt(0.6f), f2vt(0.8f), f2vt(1.0f), f2vt(1.0f));

	// Initialise Print3D
	if(m_Print3D.SetTextures(0, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, bRotate) != PVR_SUCCESS)
		PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Cannot initialise Print3D.\n");
		return false;

	// Initialise the texture
	if (PVRTTextureLoadFromPVR("LineRound.pvr", &m_uiTexture) != PVR_SUCCESS)
		PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Failed to load texture.\n");
		return false;

	// Initialise geometry
	SVertex *paVertices = new SVertex[c_iNumLines * 2];       // 2 vertices per GL_LINE
	STexVertex *paTexVertices = new STexVertex[c_iNumLines * 8]; // 8 vertices per AA line (includes caps)
	GLushort *paui16Indices = new GLushort[c_iNumLines * 18];  // 18 indices per AA line (6 triangles) 

	if(!paVertices || !paTexVertices || !paui16Indices)
		delete[] paVertices;
		delete[] paTexVertices;
		delete[] paui16Indices;
		PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Failed to allocate line vertices and indices.\n");
		return false;

	float fAngleStep = PVRT_TWO_PI / c_iNumLines;
	VERTTYPE fSize = f2vt(PVRT_MIN(m_iWidth, m_iHeight) * 0.4f);
	for (int i = 0; i < c_iNumLines; ++i)
		// Place the line vertices on a circle 
		paVertices[i*2].vPosition.x = VERTTYPEMUL(fSize, PVRTSIN(fAngleStep * (i + c_fLineArc)));
		paVertices[i*2].vPosition.y = VERTTYPEMUL(fSize, PVRTCOS(fAngleStep * (i + c_fLineArc)));
		paVertices[i*2+1].vPosition.x = VERTTYPEMUL(fSize, PVRTSIN(fAngleStep * i));
		paVertices[i*2+1].vPosition.y = VERTTYPEMUL(fSize, PVRTCOS(fAngleStep * i));

		// Pick a random RGB color
		paVertices[i*2].uiColor = (0xFF << 24) + 
			((rand() & 0xFF) << 16) + ((rand() & 0xFF) << 8) + (rand() & 0xFF);
		paVertices[i*2+1].uiColor = paVertices[i*2].uiColor;

		// Tessellate the antialiased line
		TessellateLine(paVertices[i*2].vPosition, paVertices[i*2+1].vPosition, 
			c_fLineWidth, paVertices[i*2].uiColor, 
			&paTexVertices[i * 8], i * 8, &paui16Indices[i * 18]);

	// We use 3 VBOs for clarity:
	// 0: AA line vertex data
	// 1: AA line index data
	// 2: GL_LINES vertex data
	glGenBuffers(3, m_uiVbos);

	// Bind the VBOs and fill them with data
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[0]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(*paTexVertices) * c_iNumLines * 8, paTexVertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[1]);
	glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(*paui16Indices) * c_iNumLines * 18, paui16Indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[2]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(*paVertices) * c_iNumLines * 2, paVertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	// Unbind buffers
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

	// Set projection to use pixel coordinates
	myglOrtho(0, f2vt((float)PVRShellGet(prefWidth)), f2vt((float)PVRShellGet(prefHeight)), 0, 0, 1);

	delete[] paVertices;
	delete[] paTexVertices;
	delete[] paui16Indices;

	return true;
Пример #20
 * Function Name  : RenderScene
 * Returns		  : true if no error occured
 * Description    : Main rendering loop function of the program. The shell will
 *					call this function every frame.
bool OGLESAntialiasedLines::RenderScene()

	// set up render states
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_uiTexture);

	// translate to centre, animate rotation and scale
	myglTranslate(f2vt(m_iWidth * 0.5f), f2vt(m_iHeight * 0.5f), f2vt(0));

	unsigned long ulTime = PVRShellGetTime() % 36000;
	myglRotate(f2vt(ulTime * 0.01f), f2vt(0), f2vt(0), f2vt(1));
	float fScale = vt2f(PVRTSIN(VERTTYPEMUL(PVRT_PI, f2vt(ulTime / 9000.f)))) * 0.5f + 0.6f;
	myglScale(f2vt(fScale), f2vt(fScale), f2vt(1));

	if ((ulTime / 2250) & 1)
		// render aliased lines
		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[2]);
		glVertexPointer(2, VERTTYPEENUM, sizeof(SVertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(SVertex, vPosition));
		glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(SVertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(SVertex, uiColor));

		glLineWidth(c_fLineWidth * fScale);
		glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, c_iNumLines * 2);

		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

		m_Print3D.DisplayDefaultTitle("Antialiased Lines", "GL_LINES (aliased)", ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo);
		// Render antialiased lines with blending

		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[0]);
		glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_uiVbos[1]);
		glVertexPointer(2, VERTTYPEENUM, sizeof(STexVertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(STexVertex, vPosition));
		glTexCoordPointer(2, VERTTYPEENUM, sizeof(STexVertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(STexVertex, vTexcoord));
		glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(STexVertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(STexVertex, uiColor));

		glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, c_iNumLines * 18, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);

		glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

		m_Print3D.DisplayDefaultTitle("Antialiased Lines", "Textured rectangles (antialiased)", ePVRTPrint3DSDKLogo);

	// Flush all Print3D commands

	return true;
Пример #21
 @Function			*
 @Input				rhs a PVRTMat4
 @Returns			result of multiplication
 @Description		matrix multiplication operator PVRTVec4 and PVRTMat4
	PVRTVec4 PVRTVec4::operator*(const PVRTMat4& rhs) const
		PVRTVec4 out;
		out.x = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[0])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[1])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[2])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[3]);
		out.y = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[4])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[5])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[6])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[7]);
		out.z = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[8])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[9])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[10])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[11]);
		out.w = VERTTYPEMUL(x,rhs.f[12])+VERTTYPEMUL(y,rhs.f[13])+VERTTYPEMUL(z,rhs.f[14])+VERTTYPEMUL(w,rhs.f[15]);
		return out;
Пример #22
 @Function		PVRTCreateSkybox
 @Input			scale			Scale the skybox
 @Input			adjustUV		Adjust or not UVs for PVRT compression
 @Input			textureSize		Texture size in pixels
 @Output		Vertices		Array of vertices
 @Output		UVs				Array of UVs
 @Description	Creates the vertices and texture coordinates for a skybox
void PVRTCreateSkybox(float scale, bool adjustUV, int textureSize, VERTTYPE** Vertices, VERTTYPE** UVs)
	*Vertices = new VERTTYPE[24*3];
	*UVs = new VERTTYPE[24*2];

	VERTTYPE unit = f2vt(1);
	VERTTYPE a0 = 0, a1 = unit;

	if (adjustUV)
		VERTTYPE oneover = f2vt(1.0f / textureSize);
		a0 = VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(4.0f), oneover);
		a1 = unit - a0;

	// Front
	SetVertex(Vertices, 0, -unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 1, +unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 2, -unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 3, +unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 0, a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 1, a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 2, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 3, a1, a0);

	// Right
	SetVertex(Vertices, 4, +unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 5, +unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 6, +unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 7, +unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 4, a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 5, a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 6, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 7, a1, a0);

	// Back
	SetVertex(Vertices, 8 , +unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 9 , -unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 10, +unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 11, -unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 8 , a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 9 , a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 10, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 11, a1, a0);

	// Left
	SetVertex(Vertices, 12, -unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 13, -unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 14, -unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 15, -unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 12, a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 13, a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 14, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 15, a1, a0);

	// Top
	SetVertex(Vertices, 16, -unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 17, +unit, +unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 18, -unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 19, +unit, +unit, -unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 16, a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 17, a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 18, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 19, a1, a0);

	// Bottom
	SetVertex(Vertices, 20, -unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 21, +unit, -unit, -unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 22, -unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetVertex(Vertices, 23, +unit, -unit, +unit);
	SetUV(UVs, 20, a0, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 21, a1, a1);
	SetUV(UVs, 22, a0, a0);
	SetUV(UVs, 23, a1, a0);

	for (int i=0; i<24*3; i++) (*Vertices)[i] = VERTTYPEMUL((*Vertices)[i], f2vt(scale));
Пример #23
 @Function		SpawnParticle
 @Output		pParticle	particle to initialize
 @Description	initializes the specified particle with randomly chosen parameters.
void OGLESParticles::SpawnParticle(CParticle *pParticle)
	PVRTVec3 fParticleSource(f2vt(0), f2vt(0), f2vt(0));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleSourceVariability(f2vt(1), f2vt(0), f2vt(1));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleVelocity(f2vt(0), f2vt(30), f2vt(0));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleVelocityVariability(f2vt(4), f2vt(15), f2vt(4));
	VERTTYPE fParticleLifeTime = f2vt(8);
	VERTTYPE fParticleLifeTimeVariability = f2vt(1.0);

	float fParticleMass = 100;
	float fParticleMassVariability = 0;
	float fRndFloat;

	// Creates the particle position.
	PVRTVec3 fPos;
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fPos.x = fParticleSource.x + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleSourceVariability.x);
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fPos.y = fParticleSource.y + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleSourceVariability.y);
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fPos.z = fParticleSource.z + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleSourceVariability.z);

	// Creates the particle velocity.
	PVRTVec3 fVel;
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fVel.x = fParticleVelocity.x + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleVelocityVariability.x);
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fVel.y = fParticleVelocity.y + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleVelocityVariability.y);
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	fVel.z = fParticleVelocity.z + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat),fParticleVelocityVariability.z);

	// Creates the particle lifetime and fMass.
	VERTTYPE fLife = fParticleLifeTime + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(RandFloat()), fParticleLifeTimeVariability);
	float fMass = fParticleMass + RandFloat() * fParticleMassVariability;

	// Creates the particle from these characteristics.
	*pParticle = CParticle(fPos,fVel,fMass,fLife);

	// Creates the particle colors.
	PVRTVec3 fParticleInitialColour(f2vt(0.6f*255.0f), f2vt(0.5f*255.0f), f2vt(0.5f*255.0f));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleInitialColourVariability(f2vt(0.2f*255.0f), f2vt(0.2f*255.0f), f2vt(0.2f*255.0f));

	PVRTVec3 fParticleHalfwayColour(f2vt(1.0f*255.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleHalfwayColourVariability(f2vt(0.8f*255.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.3f*255.0f));

	PVRTVec3 fParticleEndColour(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f));
	PVRTVec3 fParticleEndColourVariability(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(0.0f));

	VERTTYPE fRndValue = f2vt(RandFloat());
	pParticle->m_fColour.x = pParticle->m_fInitialColour.x = Clamp(fParticleInitialColour.x + VERTTYPEMUL(fParticleInitialColourVariability.x,fRndValue));
	pParticle->m_fColour.y = pParticle->m_fInitialColour.y = Clamp(fParticleInitialColour.y + VERTTYPEMUL(fParticleInitialColourVariability.y,fRndValue));
	pParticle->m_fColour.z = pParticle->m_fInitialColour.z = Clamp(fParticleInitialColour.z + VERTTYPEMUL(fParticleInitialColourVariability.z,fRndValue));

	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fHalfwayColour.x = Clamp(fParticleHalfwayColour.x + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleHalfwayColourVariability.x));
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fHalfwayColour.y = Clamp(fParticleHalfwayColour.y + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleHalfwayColourVariability.y));
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fHalfwayColour.z = Clamp(fParticleHalfwayColour.z + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleHalfwayColourVariability.z));

	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fEndColor.x = Clamp(fParticleEndColour.x + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleEndColourVariability.x));
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fEndColor.y = Clamp(fParticleEndColour.y + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleEndColourVariability.y));
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fEndColor.z = Clamp(fParticleEndColour.z + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleEndColourVariability.z));

	// Creates the particle size using a perturbation.
	VERTTYPE fParticleSize = f2vt(2.0f);
	VERTTYPE fParticleSizeVariation = f2vt(1.5f);
	fRndFloat = RandFloat();
	pParticle->m_fSize = fParticleSize + VERTTYPEMUL(f2vt(fRndFloat), fParticleSizeVariation);
Пример #24
 * Function Name  : InitView
 * Inputs		  :
 * Returns        : true if no error occured
 * Description    : Code in InitView() will be called by the Shell upon a change
 *					in the rendering context.
 *					Used to initialize variables that are dependant on the rendering
 *					context (e.g. textures, vertex buffers, etc.)
bool OGLESOptimizeMesh::InitView()
	SPVRTContext sContext;

	bool bRotate = PVRShellGet(prefIsRotated) && PVRShellGet(prefFullScreen);

	// Init Print3D to display text on screen
	if(m_Print3D.SetTextures(&sContext, PVRShellGet(prefWidth), PVRShellGet(prefHeight), bRotate) != PVR_SUCCESS)
		PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Cannot initialise Print3D.\n");
		return false;

	** Create Textures           **
	if(PVRTTextureLoadFromPVR(c_szModelTexFile, &m_Texture) != PVR_SUCCESS)
		PVRShellSet(prefExitMessage, "ERROR: Failed to load texture for model.\n");
		return false;

	** View and Projection Matrices **

	// Get Camera info from POD file
	PVRTVec3 From, To;

		// Get Camera data from POD Geometry File
		fFOV = m_Model.GetCameraPos(From, To, 0);
		fFOV = VERTTYPEMUL(fFOV, f2vt(0.75f));		// Convert from horizontal FOV to vertical FOV (0.75 assumes a 4:3 aspect ratio)
		fFOV = f2vt(PVRT_PIf / 6);

	// View
	m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(From, To, PVRTVec3(f2vt(0.0f), f2vt(1.0f), f2vt(0.0f)));

	// Projection
	m_mProj = PVRTMat4::PerspectiveFovRH(fFOV, f2vt((float) PVRShellGet(prefWidth) / (float) PVRShellGet(prefHeight)), g_fCameraNear, g_fCameraFar, PVRTMat4::OGL, bRotate);



	// The Type Of Depth Test To Do

	// Enables Depth Testing

	// Enables Smooth Color Shading

	// Define front faces

	// Sets the clear colour
	myglClearColor(f2vt(0.6f), f2vt(0.8f), f2vt(1.0f), f2vt(1.0f));

	// Reset the model view matrix to position the light

	// Setup timing variables
	m_ui32LastTime = PVRShellGetTime();
	m_ui32FPSFrameCnt = 0;
	m_fFPS = 0;
	m_fViewAngle = 0;
	m_ui32SwitchTimeDiff = 0;


	return true;