Пример #1
VGraphHemi(VGraph src,VLong hemi)
  VString str;
  VGraph dest=NULL;
  int i,j,n,ncols,half=0;
  float x,y,z,val=0;
  VNode node,node1;
  int *table;

  half = 80;   /* standard coordinate for inter-hemisperic cleft */

  if (VGetAttr (VGraphAttrList (src), "ca", NULL,VStringRepn, (VPointer) & str) == VAttrFound) {
    sscanf(str,"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z);
    ncols = (int) x;
    half  = ncols/2;

  table = (int *) VMalloc(sizeof(int) * (src)->lastUsed + 1);
  for (i=0; i<= src->lastUsed; i++) table[i] = 0;

  n = (src)->lastUsed/2;
  dest = VCreateGraph(n,VGraphNFields(src),VNodeRepn(src),src->useWeights);
  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    if ((hemi == 0 && x <= half) || (hemi == 1 && x > half)) {
      n = VGraphAddNode(dest,(VNode) node);
      table[i] = n;

  for (i=1; i<=(src)->lastUsed; i++) {
    node = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,i);
    if (node == 0) continue;

    for (j=1; j<=(src)->lastUsed; j++) {
      node1 = (VNode) VGraphGetNode (src,j);
      if (node1 == 0) continue;
      if (table[i] == 0 || table[j] == 0) continue;

      if (VGraphIsAdjacent(src,i,j) == TRUE) {
  return dest;
Пример #2
int VGraphVisitNodesFrom(VGraph graph, int i)
  VAdjacency adj;
  VNode n, p;
  int cycles = 0;
  if (graph == 0 || (n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i)) == 0) return 0;
  if (n->base.hops > 0) return 1;

  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
    p = VGraphGetNode(graph, adj->id);
    if (p && p->base.hops > 0) continue;
    cycles += VGraphVisitNodesFrom(graph, adj->id);
  return cycles;
Пример #3
int VGraphResizeFields (VGraph graph, int newfields)
  VNode o, n;
  int i;
  int nsize = sizeof(VNodeBaseRec) + (newfields * VRepnPrecision(graph->node_repn)) / 8;
  int osize = VNodeSize(graph);
  if (newfields <= graph->nfields) return TRUE;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, i)) continue;
    o = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
    n = VCalloc(1, nsize);
    memcpy(n, o, osize);
    VGraphGetNode(graph, i) = n; VFree(o);
  graph->nfields = newfields;
  return TRUE;
Пример #4
int VGraphAddNodeAt (VGraph graph, VNode node, int position)
  VDestroyNodeSimple(graph, position);
  VGraphGetNode(graph, position) = VCopyNodeShallow(graph, node);
  if (position > graph->lastUsed) graph->lastUsed = position;
  return position;
Пример #5
void VDestroyNode(VGraph graph, int i)
  VAdjacency p, q;
  VNode n;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i); if (n == 0) return;
  /* destroy adjacency list */
  for (p = n->base.head; p; p = q)  {
    /* remove connection from other node to this node */
    VGraphUnlinkNodes(graph, p->id, i);
    q = p->next; VFree(p);
  VGraphGetNode(graph, i) = 0;
  assert(graph->nnodes >= 0);
Пример #6
static void VGraphRemoveNodes(VGraph graph)
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    VNode n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
    if (n && n->base.visited) VDestroyNode(graph, i);
Пример #7
static VNode seqNode(VGraph graph, int i)
  while (i <= graph->lastUsed)  {
    VNode n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
    if (n)  { graph->iter = i; return n; };
  return 0;
Пример #8
void VGraphClearHops(VGraph graph)
  int i;
  if (graph == 0) return;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    VNode n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
    if (n) n->base.hops = 0;
Пример #9
static void VDestroyNodeSimple(VGraph graph, int i)
     /* simple deletion: just look at structures of this node */
  VAdjacency p, q;
  VNode n;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
  if (n == NULL) return;
  /* destroy adjacency list */
  for (p = n->base.head; p; p = q)  {
    q = p->next; VFree(p);

  VGraphGetNode(graph, i) = 0;
  assert(graph->nnodes >= 0);
Пример #10
void linkNodes(VGraph graph, VLong a, VLong b)
// make bidrectional link between nodes a and b
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;
  if (a == 0 || b == 0 || a == b) return;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, a);
  if (n == 0) return;
  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)
  	  if (adj->id ==  (unsigned long)b) goto rev;
  VGraphLinkNodes(graph, a, b);
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, b);
  if (n == 0) return;
  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)
  	  if (adj->id == (unsigned long)a) return;
  VGraphLinkNodes(graph, b, a);
Пример #11
static int firstUnvisitedNode(VGraph graph)
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    VNode n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
    if (n && n->base.hops == 0) return i;
  return 0;
Пример #12
static VPointer VGraphEncodeDataMethod (VPointer value, VAttrList list,
					size_t length, VBoolean *free_itp)
  VGraph graph = value;
  VAttrListPosn posn;
  VNode n;
  size_t len;
  VPointer p, ptr;
  VAdjacency adj;
  int i, nadj;

#define pack(repn, cnt, dest) \
    if (! VPackData (repn, cnt, dest, VMsbFirst, &len, &p, NULL)) return NULL; \
    p = (char *) p + len; length -= len; len = length;
  /* Remove the attributes prepended by the VGraphEncodeAttrsMethod: */
  for (VFirstAttr (list, & posn);
       strcmp (VGetAttrName (& posn), VRepnAttr) != 0; VDeleteAttr (& posn));
  VDeleteAttr (& posn);

  /* Allocate a buffer for the encoded data: */
  if (length == 0)  {
    *free_itp = FALSE;
    return value;			/* we may return anything != 0 here */
  p = ptr = VMalloc (length);
  len = length;

  /* Pack each node: */
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->size; i++) {

    n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i); if (n == 0) continue;

    /* Count the number of adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head, nadj = 0; adj; adj = adj->next) nadj++;
    /* Pack the header */
    pack(VLongRepn, 1, &i);
    pack(VLongRepn, 1, &nadj);

    /* Pack the adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
      pack(VLongRepn, 1, &adj->id);
      if (graph->useWeights) { pack(VFloatRepn, 1, &adj->weight); };
    /* Pack the node itself: */
    if (graph->useWeights) { pack(VFloatRepn, 1, &(n->base.weight)); };
    pack(graph->node_repn, graph->nfields, n->data);

  *free_itp = TRUE;
  return ptr;
Пример #13
void VGraphToggleNodesFrom(VGraph graph, int i)
  VAdjacency adj;
  VNode n, p;
  /* find a valid starting point */
  if (graph == 0 || (n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i)) == 0) return;

  /* mark this node and toggle the hops field */
  if (n->base.visited == 1) return;
  n->base.visited = 1;
  n->base.hops = n->base.hops? 0: 1;

  /* now look at the neighbors */
  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
    p = VGraphGetNode(graph, adj->id);
    if (p && p->base.visited) continue;
    VGraphToggleNodesFrom(graph, adj->id);
Пример #14
VGraph VGraphExtractNodes (VGraph src)
  VGraph dst;
  VAdjacency adj;
  VNode n;
  int i, j;
  /* create a destination graph much like src */
  dst = VCreateGraph(src->size, src->nfields, src->node_repn, src->useWeights);

  /* copy selected nodes from src */
  for (i = j = 1; i <= src->lastUsed; i++)  {
    n = VGraphGetNode(src, i);
    if (n && n->base.hops) dst->table[j] = VCopyNodeShallow(src, n);

  /* set number of nodes used */
  dst->nnodes = j-1;
  dst->lastUsed = j;
  /* now link nodes in new graph */
  for (i = 1; i <= dst->lastUsed; i++) {
    n = VGraphGetNode(dst, i);
    if (n == 0) continue;
    j = VGraphLookupNode(src, n);
    if (j == 0) continue;
    n = VGraphGetNode(src, j);
    for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
      n = VGraphGetNode(src, adj->id);
      j = VGraphLookupNode(dst, n);
      if (j) VGraphLinkNodes(dst, i, j);
  if (VGraphAttrList (dst))
    VDestroyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (dst));
  if (VGraphAttrList (src))
    VGraphAttrList (dst) = VCopyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (src));
  return dst;
Пример #15
void VNodeRemoveLinks(VGraph graph, int pos)
	VNode n;
	VAdjacency adj, nxt;

	if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, pos)) return;
	n = VGraphGetNode(graph, pos);
	for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = nxt)  {
		nxt = adj->next; VFree(adj);
	n->base.head = 0;
Пример #16
int VGraphLookupNode (VGraph graph, VNode node)
  int n = (graph->nfields * VRepnPrecision(graph->node_repn)) / 8;
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, i)) continue;
    if (memcmp(node->data, VGraphGetNode(graph, i)->data, n) == 0)
      return i;
  return 0;
Пример #17
void VGraphClearVisit(VGraph graph)
  VNode n;
  int i;
  if (graph == 0) return;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->lastUsed; i++)  {
    if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, i)) continue;
    n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i);
Пример #18
int hasLink (VGraph graph, int a, int b)
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;

  if (a == 0 || b == 0 || a == b)
  	  return FALSE;
  n = VGraphGetNode (graph, a);
  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)
  	  if (adj->id == b)
  		  return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Пример #19
int VGraphLinkNodes (VGraph graph, int a, int b)
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;
  if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, a) || VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, b)) return FALSE;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, a);
  adj = VMalloc(sizeof(VAdjRec));
  adj->id = b; adj->weight = 0;
  adj->next = n->base.head;
  n->base.head = adj;
  return TRUE;
Пример #20
static VAttrList VGraphEncodeAttrMethod (VPointer value, size_t *lengthp)
  VGraph graph = value;
  VAttrList list;
  size_t len, nadj;
  int i, slong, sfloat, spriv, nnodes;
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj;

  /* Compute the file space needed for the Graph's binary data: */
  len = 0;
  slong = VRepnPrecision (VLongRepn) / 8;
  sfloat = VRepnPrecision (VFloatRepn) / 8;
  spriv = graph->nfields * VRepnPrecision (graph->node_repn) / 8;

  nnodes = 0;
  for (i = 1; i <= graph->size; i++) {
    n = VGraphGetNode(graph, i); if (n == 0) continue;
    /* Count the number of adjacencies : */
    for (adj = n->base.head, nadj = 0; adj; adj = adj->next) nadj++;

    /* each node contains:
     * an index and the number of adjacencies
     * the private data area
     * the list of adjacencies
     * optionally reserve space for weights
    len += 2 * slong + nadj * slong + spriv;
    if (graph->useWeights) len += (nadj+1) * sfloat;
  *lengthp = len;
  assert(nnodes == graph->nnodes);	 /* for debugging */
  graph->nnodes = nnodes;		 /* just to be safe for now... */

  /* Temporarily prepend several attributes to the graph's list: */
  if ((list = VGraphAttrList (graph)) == NULL)
    list = VGraphAttrList (graph) = VCreateAttrList ();
  VPrependAttr (list, VRepnAttr, VNumericRepnDict,
		VLongRepn, (VLong) graph->node_repn);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNNodeFieldsAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->nfields);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNGraphSizeAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->size);
  VPrependAttr (list, VNNodeWeightsAttr, NULL, VLongRepn,
		(VLong) graph->useWeights);

  return list;
Пример #21
int VGraphAddAndGrow(VGraph graph, VNode node, int pos)
  VNode dst;

  if (graph->lastUsed == graph->size || pos > graph->size)
  	  if (growGraphPos(graph, pos) == 0) return 0;
  if (node == 0) return 0;
  VDestroyNode(graph, pos);
  dst = (VNode)VCalloc(1, VNodeSize(graph));
  memcpy(dst, node, VNodeSize(graph));
  dst->base.head = 0;
  VGraphGetNode(graph, pos) = dst;
  if (pos > graph->lastUsed) graph->lastUsed = pos;
  return pos;
Пример #22
** test adjacency
VGraphIsAdjacent(VGraph graph,int i,int j)
  VNode node;
  VAdjacency neighb;
  VNodeBaseRec base;

  node   = (VNode) VGraphGetNode(graph,i);
  base   = node->base;
  neighb = base.head;
  while ((neighb != NULL)) {
    if (neighb->id == j) return TRUE;
    neighb = neighb->next;

  return FALSE;
Пример #23
VGraph VCopyGraph (VGraph src)
  VGraph dst;
  int i;
  dst = VCreateGraph (src->size, src->nfields, src->node_repn, src->useWeights);

  /* copy each used node in table */
  for (i = 1; i <= src->size; i++)
    dst->table[i-1] = VCopyNodeDeep(src, VGraphGetNode(src, i));

  dst->nnodes = src->nnodes;
  dst->lastUsed = src->lastUsed;
  if (VGraphAttrList (dst))
    VDestroyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (dst));
  if (VGraphAttrList (src))
    VGraphAttrList (dst) = VCopyAttrList (VGraphAttrList (src));
  return dst;
Пример #24
int VGraphUnlinkNodes (VGraph graph, int a, int b)
  VNode n;
  VAdjacency adj, prev;
  if (VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, a) || VGraphNodeIsFree(graph, b)) return FALSE;
  n = VGraphGetNode(graph, a);
  prev = 0;
  for (adj = n->base.head; adj; adj = adj->next)  {
    if (adj->id == (unsigned int)b)  {
      if (prev)
	prev->next = adj->next;
	n->base.head = adj->next;
      return TRUE;
    prev = adj;
  return FALSE;