Пример #1
      /// <summary>Populates the library from the string library</summary>
      /// <param name="data">Feedback data</param>
      /// <returns>Number of objects found</returns>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::ArgumentNullException">Worker data is null</exception>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::InvalidOperationException">String library is empty</exception>
      UINT  ScriptObjectLibrary::Enumerate(WorkerData* data)

         // Ensure string library exists
         if (StringLib.Files.empty())
            throw InvalidOperationException(HERE, L"String library has not been enumerated");

         // Feedback
         data->SendFeedback(Cons::Heading, ProgressType::Operation, 1, L"Generating script objects from language files");

         // Populate

         // DEBUG:
         Console << "Discovered " << (int)Objects.size() << " script objects..." << ENDL;
         // Feedback number of conflicts
         if (Objects.size() - Lookup.size() > 1)   // Always 1 less in lookup because old [THIS] intentionally removed
            data->SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Error, 2, VString(L"Unable to process %d script objects", Objects.size()-Lookup.size()-1));
         // Feedback object count
         data->SendFeedback(ProgressType::Info, 2, VString(L"Loaded %d script objects", Lookup.size()));
         return Lookup.size();
Пример #2
VString PartLineDoubleUp(VString line, VString el, VString er){
	unsigned char *pos=line, *lpos;
	if(!rtmsu(line.endu(), el, el, pos)){ return VString(); }
	lpos=pos+=el.sz; //el.setu(pos+el.sz, line.endu()-pos-el.sz);
	if(!rtmsu(line.endu(), er, er, pos)){ return VString(); }
	return VString(lpos, pos-lpos);
Пример #3
VString dspacevt(VString &line, int s){ // удаление пробелов и табов s - начало конец вернуть;  1,2,4
	unsigned char *ln=line, *to=line.endu();
	if(s&1) for(ln; ln<to; ln++){ if(*ln!=' ' && *ln!='\t' ) break; }
	if(s&2) for(to; ln<to; to--){ if(*(to-1)!=' ' && *(to-1)!='\t') break; }
	if(s&4) return line=VString(ln, to-ln);
	return VString(ln, to-ln);
Пример #4
      /// <summary>Extracts column information from a text tag</summary>
      /// <param name="tag">text tag</param>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::InvalidOperation">Not a 'text' tag</exception>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::Language::RichTextException">Invalid tag property</exception>
      void  RichStringParser::SetColumnInfo(const RichTag& tag)
         // Ensure tag is 'text'
         if (tag.Type != TagType::Text)
            throw InvalidOperationException(HERE, VString(L"Cannot extract column info from a '%s' tag", ::GetString(tag.Type).c_str()) );

         // Extract properties direct into output
         for (const Property& p : tag.Properties)
            // Column count
            if (p.Name == L"cols")
               // Verify
               auto cols = _ttoi(p.Value.c_str());
               if (cols < 0 || cols > 3)
                  throw RichTextException(HERE, VString(L"Cannot arrange text in %d columns", cols));
               Output.Columns = static_cast<ColumnType>(cols);
            // Column width
            else if (p.Name == L"colwidth")
               Output.Width = _ttoi(p.Value.c_str());
            // Column spacing
            else if (p.Name == L"colspacing")
               Output.Spacing = _ttoi(p.Value.c_str());
               // Unrecognised
               throw RichTextException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid 'text' tag property '%s'", p.Name.c_str()));
Пример #5
   /// <summary>Commits the document</summary>
   /// <param name="title">Revision title</param>
   /// <returns></returns>
   BOOL ScriptDocument::OnCommitDocument(const wstring& title)
      WorkerData data(Operation::LoadSaveDocument);
         // Feedback
         Console << Cons::UserAction << "Committing script: " << FullPath << ENDL;
         data.SendFeedback(ProgressType::Operation, 0, VString(L"Committing script '%s'", FullPath.c_str()));

         // Get project
         auto proj = ProjectDocument::GetActive();

         // Verify document is part of project
         if (!proj)
            throw InvalidOperationException(HERE, L"No current project");
         else if (!proj->Contains(FullPath))
            throw InvalidOperationException(HERE, L"Document is not a member of current project");
         // Commit
         if (proj->Commit(*this, title))
            data.SendFeedback(Cons::Success, ProgressType::Succcess, 0, L"Script committed successfully");
            data.SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Failure, 0, L"Script commit aborted");

         return TRUE;
      catch (ExceptionBase&  e) 
         Console.Log(HERE, e, VString(L"Failed to commit script '%s'", FullPath.c_str()));
         data.SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Failure, 0, L"Failed to commit script");
         return FALSE;
Пример #6
   /// <summary>Opens a document.</summary>
   /// <param name="szPathName">path.</param>
   /// <returns></returns>
   BOOL ScriptDocument::OnReloadDocument(LPCTSTR szPathName)
      WorkerData data(Operation::LoadSaveDocument);
         // Feedback
         Console << Cons::Heading << "Reloading script: " << Path(szPathName) << ENDL;
         data.SendFeedback(ProgressType::Operation, 0, VString(L"Reloading script '%s'", szPathName));

         // Read/Parse script
         Script = ScriptFileReader(XFileInfo(szPathName).OpenRead()).ReadFile(szPathName, false);

         // Feedback
         data.SendFeedback(ProgressType::Succcess, 0, L"Script reloaded successfully");
         return TRUE;
      catch (ExceptionBase&  e)
         // Feedback error
         data.SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Error, 1, e.Message);
         // Feedback failure
         data.SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Failure, 0, L"Failed to reload script");
         theApp.ShowError(HERE, e, VString(L"Failed to reload script '%s'", szPathName));

         // BEEP!
         return FALSE;
Пример #7
      /// <summary>Parses the page identifier</summary>
      /// <param name="pageid">The pageid</param>
      /// <param name="v">The associated game version</param>
      /// <returns>Normalised page ID</returns>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::InvalidValueException">Invalid pageID</exception>
      UINT  LanguageFileReader::ParsePageID(const wstring&  pageid, GameVersion&  v)
         // X2: nnnn 
         if (pageid.length() <= 4)
            v = GameVersion::Threat;
            return _wtoi(pageid.c_str());
         // X3: NNnnnn
         else if (pageid.length() != 6)
            throw InvalidValueException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid page ID '%s'", pageid.c_str()) );

         // X3R: 30nnnn
         else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"30") == 0)
            v = GameVersion::Reunion;
         // X3TC: 35nnnn
         else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"35") == 0)
            v = GameVersion::TerranConflict;

         // X3AP: 38nnnn
         else if (pageid.compare(0, 2, L"38") == 0)
            v = GameVersion::AlbionPrelude;
            throw InvalidValueException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid page ID '%s'", pageid.c_str()) );

         // Convert last four digits of page ID
         return _wtoi(pageid.substr(2).c_str());
Пример #8
UListItem* UList<UListItem, options, tstacksize, tblocksize>::OneLine(){
		return VString();

	if(data == data_end)
		return VString(data->data, size_used * sizeof(UListItem));


	UListData<UListItem> *p = data, *d;
	int pos = 0;

	while(p != data_end){
		memcpy(data_end->data + pos, p->data, p->size_used * sizeof(UListItem));
		pos += p->size_used;
		size_all -= p->size_all;
		d = p;
		p = p->next;

		if(d != (void*)stackdata)

	data = data_end;
	data->size_used = pos;

	return data->data;
Пример #9
  /// \brief
  ///   Win32 only: finds the first directory above the passed path that contains a .project file
  /// All other platforms return false.
  /// This function can be used to add the project's directory as a data directory.
  /// \param szDir
  ///   Absolute path that should be tested
  /// \return
  ///   A VString with the project directory of the original directory if no project file present!
  /// \note
  ///   Internally creates a temp buffer on the stack. Do not use it extensively for time critical processes.
  VBASE_IMPEXP static inline VString FindProjectDir(const char *szDir)
    char szBuffer[FS_MAX_PATH];
    if(FindProjectDir(szDir, szBuffer))
      return VString(szBuffer);

    return VString(szDir);
Пример #10
   /// <summary>Opens a document template.</summary>
   /// <param name="docPath">document path.</param>
   /// <param name="t">template.</param>
   /// <returns></returns>
   BOOL ScriptDocument::OnOpenTemplate(Path docPath, const TemplateFile& t)
      WorkerData data(Operation::LoadSaveDocument);
         // Feedback
         Console << Cons::UserAction << "Creating script: " << docPath << " from template: " << Path(t.SubPath) << ENDL;
         data.SendFeedback(ProgressType::Operation, 0, VString(L"Creating %s '%s'", t.Name.c_str(), docPath.c_str()));

         // Read/Parse template script
         AppPath path(t.SubPath);
         Script = ScriptFileReader(XFileInfo(path).OpenRead()).ReadFile(path, false);

         // Set properties
         Script.Name = docPath.RemoveExtension().FileName;
         Script.Game = PrefsLib.GameDataVersion;
         Script.Version = 1;
         Script.Description = L"no description";

         // Populate template
         LineArray lines;
         wstring date = COleDateTime(time(nullptr)).Format(L"%d/%m/%Y");
         for (auto& cmd : Script.Commands.Input)
            cmd.Text = cmd.Text.ReplaceAll(L"$NAME$", Script.Name);
            cmd.Text = cmd.Text.ReplaceAll(L"$DATE$", date);
            cmd.Text = cmd.Text.ReplaceAll(L"$AUTHOR$", L"");

         // Create temp scriptFile
         ScriptFile tmp(Script);
         tmp.FullPath = docPath;

         // Compile changes into temporary script
         ScriptParser parser(tmp, lines, Script.Game);
         // Write to disc
         ScriptFileWriter w(XFileInfo(docPath).OpenWrite());

         // Feedback
         data.SendFeedback(Cons::Success, ProgressType::Succcess, 0, L"Script created successfully");
         return TRUE;
      catch (ExceptionBase&  e)
         // Feedback/Display error
         data.SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Failure, 0, VString(L"Failed to create %s '%s'", t.Name.c_str(), docPath.c_str()));
         theApp.ShowError(HERE, e, VString(L"Failed to create %s '%s'", t.Name.c_str(), docPath.c_str()));
         return FALSE;
Пример #11
  /// \brief
  ///   Takes an input directory (NULL, "xyz", or "c:\xyz") and makes it an absolute directory by
  ///   taking the current directory into account.
  /// \param szDir
  ///   The input directory.
  /// \return
  ///   Absolute directory (either szDir or szTmp) or an empty VString on failure.
  /// \note
  ///   Internally creates a temp buffer on the stack. Do not use it extensively for time critical processes.
  VBASE_IMPEXP static inline VString MakeAbsoluteDir(const char *szDir)
    char szBuffer[FS_MAX_PATH];
      return VString(szDir);

    MakeAbsoluteDir(szDir, szBuffer);
    return VString(szBuffer);
Пример #12
      /// <summary>Populates the library with all the language files in the 't' subfolder</summary>
      /// <param name="vfs">The VFS to search</param>
      /// <param name="lang">The language of strings to search for</param>
      /// <param name="data">Background worker data</param>
      /// <returns>Number of files found</returns>
      UINT  StringLibrary::Enumerate(XFileSystem& vfs, GameLanguage lang, WorkerData* data)
         list<XFileInfo> results;

         // Clear previous contents

         // Feedback
         data->SendFeedback(Cons::Heading, ProgressType::Operation, 1, VString(L"Enumerating %s language files", GetString(lang).c_str()));

         // Enumerate non-foreign language files
         for (XFileInfo& f : vfs.Browse(XFolder::Language))
            LanguageFilenameReader fn(f.FullPath.FileName);

            // Add if language matches or is unspecified
            if (fn.Valid && (fn.Language == lang || !fn.HasLanguage))

         // Read/Store each file
         for (XFileInfo& f : results)
               // Feedback
               data->SendFeedback(ProgressType::Info, 2, VString(L"Reading language file '%s'...", f.FullPath.c_str()));
               Console << L"Reading language file: " << f.FullPath << L"...";

               // Parse language file
               LanguageFile file = LanguageFileReader(f.OpenRead()).ReadFile(f.FullPath);

               // check language tag matches filename
               if (file.Language == lang)
                  Console << Cons::Success << ENDL;
               {  // Skip files that turn out to be foreign
                  data->SendFeedback(ProgressType::Warning, 3, VString(L"Skipping %s language file...", GetString(file.Language).c_str()) );
                  Console << Cons::Bold << Cons::Yellow << L"Skipped" << ENDL;
            catch (ExceptionBase& e) {
               data->SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Error, 3, GuiString(L"Failed: ") + e.Message);
               // SkipBroken: Abort/Continue after error
               if (!PrefsLib.SkipBrokenFiles)

         return Files.size();
Пример #13
unsigned int msrand(unsigned int limit=S4GM){
unsigned int u, z=0; u=(unsigned int)time(0);
mscrrand.Add(VString((char*)&u, 4));
#ifndef __GNUC__
//__asm{ mov dword ptr [u] , ebp  }
mscrrand.Add(VString((char*)&u, 4));
mscrrand.Add(VString(mscrrand.cach, 16));
return mscrrand.Rand(limit);
XBOX::VError VRemoteDebugPilot::BreakpointReached(
											WAKDebuggerContext_t	inContext,
											int						inLineNumber,
											int						inExceptionHandle,
											char*					inURL,
											int						inURLLength,
											char*					inFunction,
											int 					inFunctionLength,
											char*					inMessage,
											int 					inMessageLength,
											char* 					inName,
											int 					inNameLength,
											long 					inBeginOffset,
											long 					inEndOffset )

	VError	l_err = VRemoteDebugPilot::Check(inContext);
	if (!l_err)
		return l_err;

	bool	l_wait;
	XBOX::VSemaphore*	l_sem = new VSemaphore(0);

	l_err = ContextUpdated(inContext,l_sem,&l_wait);
	if (!l_err)
		if (l_wait)
			delete l_sem;
		RemoteDebugPilotMsg_t	l_msg;
		l_msg.ctx = inContext;
		l_msg.linenb = inLineNumber;
		l_msg.srcid = *(intptr_t *)inURL;// we use the URL param to pass sourceId (to not modify interface of server)
		l_msg.datastr = VString( inFunction, inFunctionLength*2,  VTC_UTF_16 );
		l_msg.urlstr = VString( inMessage, inMessageLength*2,  VTC_UTF_16 );
		l_err = Send( l_msg );
	VString l_trace = VString("VRemoteDebugPilot::BreakpointReached ctx activation pb for ctxid=");
	l_trace.AppendLong8((unsigned long long)inContext);
	l_trace += " ,ok=";
	l_trace += (!l_err ? "1" : "0" );
	sPrivateLogHandler->Put( (l_err ? WAKDBG_ERROR_LEVEL : WAKDBG_INFO_LEVEL),l_trace);

	return l_err;
Пример #15
      /// <summary>Loads game data</summary>
      /// <param name="data">arguments.</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      DWORD WINAPI GameDataWorker::ThreadMain(GameDataWorkerData* data)
            XFileSystem vfs;
            HRESULT  hr;

            // Init COM
            if (FAILED(hr=CoInitialize(NULL)))
               throw ComException(HERE, hr);

            // Feedback
            Console << Cons::UserAction << L"Loading " << VersionString(data->Version) << L" game data from " << data->GameFolder << ENDL;
            data->SendFeedback(ProgressType::Operation, 0, VString(L"Loading %s game data from '%s'", VersionString(data->Version).c_str(), data->GameFolder.c_str()));

            // Build VFS. 
            vfs.Enumerate(data->GameFolder, data->Version, data);

            // language files
            StringLib.Enumerate(vfs, data->Language, data);

            // script/game objects
            GameObjectLib.Enumerate(vfs, data);

            // Descriptions

            // legacy syntax file

            // Cleanup
            data->SendFeedback(Cons::UserAction, ProgressType::Succcess, 0, VString(L"Loaded %s game data successfully", VersionString(data->Version).c_str()));
            return 0;
         catch (ExceptionBase& e)
            // Feedback
            Console.Log(HERE, e);
            Console << ENDL;
            data->SendFeedback(Cons::Error, ProgressType::Failure, 0, GuiString(L"Failed to load game data : ") + e.Message);

            // BEEP!

            // Cleanup
            return 0;
Пример #16
IVDirectory* VSimpleVfs::GetDir(VStringParam in_strDir)
	if( in_strDir[0] != '/' )
		V3D_THROW(VIOException, "paths must start with '/', \""
			+ VString(in_strDir) + "\" is illegal"

	IVDirectory* pCurrDir = m_pRootDirSP.Get();

	std::string pathAndName = in_strDir;
	std::string::iterator pos = pathAndName.begin();
	std::string::iterator substrEnd = pos;
	const std::string::iterator end(pathAndName.end());
	std::string currDirName = "/";
	std::string fileName;

	while((substrEnd = std::find(++pos, end, '/')) != end)
		// get current dir name
		currDirName.assign(pos, substrEnd);

		// find it in current directory
		VDirectory::DirIter nextDir = pCurrDir->SubDirs();
		VDirectory* tmp = (VDirectory*)&(*nextDir);
		VCompareFSOName fsoCmp(currDirName);
		while( nextDir.HasNext() )
			if( fsoCmp(*nextDir) ) break;

		if( !nextDir.HasNext() )
			V3D_THROW(VIOException, "could not find directory \"" 
				+ VString(currDirName.c_str()) + "\"");

		pCurrDir = &(*nextDir);

		pos = substrEnd;

	fileName.assign(pos, substrEnd);

	// return dir
	return pCurrDir;
Пример #17
      /// <summary>Reads the unix style colour code and advances the iterator</summary>
      /// <param name="pos">position of backslash</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::AlgorithmException">Previously matched colour code is unrecognised</exception>
      /// <remarks>Advances the iterator to the last character of the tag, so Parse() loop advances correctly to the next character</remarks>
      Colour  RichStringParser::ReadColourCode(CharIterator& pos)
         Colour c;

         // Match colour character
         switch (pos[4])
         case 'A':   c = Colour::Silver;  break;
         case 'B':   c = Colour::Blue;    break;
         case 'C':   c = Colour::Cyan;    break;
         case 'G':   c = Colour::Green;   break;
         case 'O':   c = Colour::Orange;  break;
         case 'M':   c = Colour::Purple;  break;
         case 'R':   c = Colour::Red;     break;
         case 'W':   c = Colour::White;   break;
         case 'X':   c = Colour::Default; break;
         case 'Y':   c = Colour::Yellow;  break;
         case 'Z':   c = Colour::Black;   break;
            throw AlgorithmException(HERE, VString(L"Previously matched colour code '%c' is unrecognised", *pos));

         // Consume + return colour
         pos += 4;
         return c;
bool XMacFileSystemNotification::AddChangeToList( XMacChangeData *inData, const std::string& inPosixPath, const std::string& inFileName, bool inIsDirectory, VFileSystemNotifier::EventKind inKind)
	// We need to ensure this is actually an event the user is really interested in
	// hearing about before adding the data to the list.  We're just told "there was
	// a change" by the OS, so it's possible we don't care about this information at all.
	if (inData->fFilters & inKind)	
		// The user does care about this, so let's add it to the proper list
		int index;
		switch( inKind)
			case VFileSystemNotifier::kFileModified:	index = 0; break;
			case VFileSystemNotifier::kFileAdded:		index = 1; break;
			case VFileSystemNotifier::kFileDeleted:		index = 2; break;
			default:				xbox_assert( false );
		std::string path( inPosixPath);
		path += inFileName;
		if (inIsDirectory)
			path += "/";
		VFilePath filePath( VString( path.c_str(), path.size(), VTC_UTF_8), FPS_POSIX );

		// protect access to VChangeData::fData
			VTaskLock lock( &fOwner->fMutex);
			inData->fData[ index ].push_back( filePath );
		return true;
	return false;
VFile* XLinuxLibrary::RetainExecutableFile(const VFilePath &inFilePath) const
    //jmo - What are we supposed to retain ? First we try the exact path...

		return new VFile(inFilePath);

    //jmo - If exact path doesn't work, we assume inFilePath to be part of a bundle
    //      and try to find the corresponding shared object.
    VFilePath bundlePath=inFilePath;

    while(!bundlePath.MatchExtension(CVSTR("bundle"), true /*case sensitive*/) && bundlePath.IsValid())

        return NULL;

    VString name;
    bundlePath.GetFolderName(name, false /*no ext.*/);

        return NULL;

    VString soSubPath=CVSTR("Contents/Linux/")+VString(name)+CVSTR(".so");

    VFilePath soPath;
    soPath.FromRelativePath(bundlePath, soSubPath, FPS_POSIX);
        return new VFile(soPath);
    return NULL;
Пример #20
static bool IsTagWithoutClose( const VString &inTag )
	static const char *sList[] = {

	for (sLONG i = 0; i < sizeof( sList ) / sizeof( const char * ); i++) {
		if (inTag.EqualTo( VString( sList[ i ] ), false ))	return true;

	return false;
VString XLinuxIntlMgr::GetTimeSeparator() const
	VString timeSeparator;

	VString timePattern=GetDateOrTimePattern(SHORT_TIME);

	bool isQuoted=false;

	for(int i=0 ; i<timePattern.GetLength() ; i++)
		UniChar c=timePattern[i];



		if(!(c>='A' && c<='Z') && !(c>='a' && c<='z'))

		return VString(":");

	return timeSeparator;
Пример #22
      /// <summary>Custom draws a single sub-item</summary>
      /// <param name="dc">Device context</param>
      /// <param name="item">Item data.</param>
      void  ListViewCustomDraw::onDrawSubItem(CDC* dc, ItemData& item)
         // Get item data
         LVItem data(item.Index, item.SubItem, 512, LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_TEXT);

         // Draw Icon:
         CImageList* imgList = ListView.GetImageList(LVSIL_SMALL);
         if (item.SubItem == 0 && imgList)
            CRect icon;

            // Get icon rectangle
            ListView.GetSubItemRect(item.Index, 0, LVIR_ICON, icon);
            // Draw transparent
            if (!imgList->Draw(dc, data.iImage, icon.TopLeft(), ILD_TRANSPARENT))
               throw Win32Exception(HERE, VString(L"Unable to draw icon for item %d", item.Index));

            // Create gap betwen icon/label
            item.Rect.left += 3;

         // Draw Text:
         dc->DrawText(data.pszText, item.Rect, DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT|DT_END_ELLIPSIS|DT_SINGLELINE);
Пример #23
/// <summary>Reads a literal or sub-expression</summary>
/// <param name="pos">Position of literal or first token of sub-expression</param>
/// <returns>Expression tree</returns>
/// <exception cref="Logic::AlgorithmException">Attempted to read incorrect type of Token</exception>
/// <exception cref="Logic::ExpressionParserException">Syntax error</exception>
/// <remarks>Advances the iterator to beyond the end of the literal or sub-expression</remarks>
ExpressionParser::ExpressionTree  ExpressionParser::ReadValue(TokenIterator& pos)
    ExpressionTree expr = nullptr;

    // Rule: Value = Literal / '(' Expression ')'

    // Match: Literal
    if (MatchLiteral(pos))
        return ExpressionTree( new LiteralValue(ReadLiteral(pos)) );

    // Read: Bracket   [nothrow]
    if (!MatchOperator(pos, L"("))
        // Failed: Unexpected EOF
        if (pos >= InputEnd)
            throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, --pos, L"Missing operand");

        // Failed: Unexpected token
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, pos, VString(L"Unexpected '%s'", pos->Text.c_str()));

    // Read: Expression  (may throw)
    const ScriptToken& open = ReadOperator(pos);
    expr = ReadExpression(pos);   // Adv. then match

    // Read: Bracket   [nothrow]
    if (MatchOperator(pos, L")"))
        return ExpressionTree( new BracketedExpression(open, expr, ReadOperator(pos)) );

    // Failure: Missing closing bracket
    if (pos >= InputEnd)
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, --pos, L"Missing closing bracket");
        throw ExpressionParserException(HERE, pos, L"Expected closing bracket");
Пример #24
/// <summary>Attempts to matches any operator of a given precedence</summary>
/// <param name="pos">Position of operator</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="Logic::AlgorithmException">Invalid precendence detected</exception>
bool ExpressionParser::MatchOperator(const TokenIterator& pos, UINT precedence)
    // Validate position. Ensure operator
    if (pos >= InputEnd || (pos->Type != TokenType::BinaryOp && pos->Type != TokenType::UnaryOp))
        return false;

    // Precedence table taken from X2 scripting manual
    switch (precedence)
    case 0:
        return pos->Text == L"OR" || pos->Text == L"||";
    case 1:
        return pos->Text == L"AND" || pos->Text == L"&&";
    case 2:
        return pos->Text == L"|";
    case 3:
        return pos->Text == L"^";
    case 4:
        return pos->Text == L"&";
    case 5:
        return pos->Text == L"==" || pos->Text == L"!=";
    case 6:
        return pos->Text == L"<" || pos->Text == L">" || pos->Text == L"<=" || pos->Text == L">=";
    case 7:
        return pos->Text == L"+" || pos->Text == L"-";
    case 8:
        return pos->Text == L"*" || pos->Text == L"/" || pos->Text == L"%" || pos->Text == L"MOD";
    case 9:
        return pos->Text == L"~" || pos->Text == L"!" || pos->Text == L"-";

    throw AlgorithmException(HERE, VString(L"Invalid precedence %d", precedence));
XBOX::VError VRemoteDebugPilot::BreakpointReached(
											OpaqueDebuggerContext		inContext,
											int							inLineNumber,
											RemoteDebuggerPauseReason	inDebugReason,
											XBOX::VString&				inException,
											XBOX::VString&				inSourceUrl,
											XBOX::VectorOfVString&		inSourceData)


	XBOX::VSemaphore*	sem = NULL;
	VContextDebugInfos	debugInfos;
	debugInfos.fFileName = inSourceUrl;

	VURL::Decode( debugInfos.fFileName );
	VIndex				idx = debugInfos.fFileName.FindUniChar( L'/', debugInfos.fFileName.GetLength(), true );
	if (idx  > 1)
		VString			tmpStr;
		debugInfos.fFileName = tmpStr;

	debugInfos.fLineNb = inLineNumber+1;
	debugInfos.fReason = ( inDebugReason == EXCEPTION_RSN ? "exception" : (inDebugReason == BREAKPOINT_RSN ? "breakpoint" : "dbg statement" ) );
	debugInfos.fComment = "To Be Completed";
	debugInfos.fSourceLine = ( inLineNumber < inSourceData.size() ? inSourceData[inLineNumber] : " NO SOURCE AVAILABLE  " );
	err = ContextUpdated(inContext,debugInfos,&sem);

	if (err == VE_OK)
		// if sem not NULL then wait for a browser page granted for debug
		if (sem)

		RemoteDebugPilotMsg_t	msg;
		msg.ctx = inContext;
		msg.linenb = inLineNumber;
		msg.datavectstr = inSourceData;
		msg.datastr = inException;
		msg.urlstr = inSourceUrl;
		err = Send( msg );
		//testAssert(err == VE_OK);
	VString trace = VString("VRemoteDebugPilot::BreakpointReached ctx activation pb for ctxid=");
	trace.AppendLong8((unsigned long long)inContext);
	trace += " ,ok=";
	trace += (!err ? "1" : "0" );
	sPrivateLogHandler->Put( (err ? WAKDBG_ERROR_LEVEL : WAKDBG_INFO_LEVEL),trace);

	return err;
void VRemoteDebugPilot::TreatNewClientMsg(RemoteDebugPilotMsg_t& ioMsg)
	XBOX::VError			err;
		err = fWS->TreatNewConnection(ioMsg.response);
		if (!err)
			fNeedsAuthentication = ioMsg.needsAuthentication;
			fClientId = VString("");
			fPipeStatus = VE_OK;
		DebugMsg("VRemoteDebugPilot::TreatNewClientMsg NEW_CLIENT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN in state=%d !!!\n",fState);
		DebugMsg("VRemoteDebugPilot::TreatNewClientMsg NEW_CLIENT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN in state=%d !!!\n",fState);
Пример #27
VString xPL_Eeprom::readString(bool step)
	VString s = VString(_addr,VSHelperEeprom::helper);
	if (step) _addr += s.len()+1;
	return s;
Пример #28
   /// <summary>Identify the windows version</summary>
   WindowsVersion::WindowsVersion() : Version(OS::Future)
      // Prepare
      ZeroMemory((OSVERSIONINFO*)this, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
      dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
      // Query windows version
      if (GetVersionEx(this))
         switch (dwMajorVersion)
         // [WINDOWS NT 5] Windows 2000 or Windows XP
         case 5:  
            switch (dwMinorVersion)
            case 0:  Version = OS::Win2000;     break;
            case 1:  Version = OS::WinXP;       break;
            case 2:  Version = OS::Server2003;  break;

         // [WINDOWS NT 6] Windows Vista, 7, or newer
         case 6:
            switch (dwMinorVersion)
            case 0:  Version = OS::Vista;   break;
            case 1:  Version = OS::Win7;    break;
            default: Version = OS::Future;  break;

      // Set name
      switch (Version)
      case OS::Win2000:    Name = L"Windows 2000";         break;
      case OS::WinXP:      Name = L"Windows XP";           break;
      case OS::Server2003: Name = L"Windows Server 2003";  break;
      case OS::Vista:      Name = L"Windows Vista";        break;
      case OS::Win7:       Name = L"Windows 7";            break;
      case OS::Future:     Name = L"Windows Future";       break;

      // Set Full name
      FullName = VString(L"%s %s (v%d.%d)", Name.c_str(), szCSDVersion, dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion);

      // Query architecture
      SYSTEM_INFO si;
      switch (si.wProcessorArchitecture)
      case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64:   Architecture = L"x64";      break;
      case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64:    Architecture = L"Itanium";  break;
      case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL:   Architecture = L"x86";      break;
      case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN: Architecture = L"Unknown";  break;
Пример #29
   /// <summary>Gets the text of the selected suggestion.</summary>
   /// <returns></returns>
   /// <exception cref="Logic::InvalidOperationException">No item selected</exception>
   /// <exception cref="Logic::NotImplementedException">Command selected</exception>
   wstring SuggestionList::GetSelected() const
      // Ensure exists
      if (GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED) == -1)
         throw InvalidOperationException(HERE, L"No item selected");

      // Get selection and format
      switch (SuggestionType)
      case Suggestion::GameObject:   return VString(L"{%s}", Content[GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)].Text.c_str());
      case Suggestion::ScriptObject: return VString(L"[%s]", Content[GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)].Text.c_str());
      case Suggestion::Variable:     return VString(L"$%s", Content[GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)].Text.c_str());
      case Suggestion::Label:        return VString(L"%s:", Content[GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)].Text.c_str());
      case Suggestion::Command:      return Content[GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)].Text;
      default:  return L"Error";
Пример #30
	uint32_t VDirAdapter_Unix::getLength() const
        VString strPath = m_strRoot + VString(m_pDirent->d_name);
        struct stat s;
        int result = stat(strPath.c_str(), &s);
		return (result == 0 ? s.st_size : 0);