void AuthorizationHandler::processRequest()
    DEBUG("Server", "Processing < Authorize > request.");

    QString message = ValidateToken();
Пример #2
bool Compiler2Pass::processRulePath( uint rulepathIDX)
	// rule path determines what tokens and therefore what symbols are acceptable from the source
	// it is assumed that the tokens with the longest similar symbols are arranged first so
	// if a match is found it is accepted and no further searching is done

	// record position of last token in container
	// to be used as the rollback position if a valid token is not found
	uint TokenContainerOldSize = mTokenInstructions.size();
	int OldCharPos = mCharPos;
	int OldLinePos = mCurrentLine;
	uint OldConstantsSize = mConstants.size();

	// keep track of what non-terminal token activated the rule
	uint ActiveNTTRule = mRootRulePath[rulepathIDX].mTokenID;
	// start rule path at next position for definition

	// assume the rule will pass
	bool Passed = true;
	bool EndFound = false;

	// keep following rulepath until the end is reached
	while (EndFound == false) {
		switch (mRootRulePath[rulepathIDX].mOperation) {

			case otAND:
				// only validate if the previous rule passed
				if(Passed) Passed = ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); 

			case otOR:
				// only validate if the previous rule failed
				if ( Passed == false ) {
					// clear previous tokens from entry and try again
					Passed = ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule);
				else { // path passed up to this point therefore finished so pretend end marker found
					EndFound = true;

			case otOPTIONAL:
				// if previous passed then try this rule but it does not effect succes of rule since its optional
				if(Passed) ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); 

			case otREPEAT:
				// repeat until no tokens of this type found 
				// at least one must be found
				if(Passed) {
					int TokensPassed = 0;
					// keep calling until failure
					while ( Passed = ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule)) {
						// increment count for previous passed token
					// defaults to Passed = fail
					// if at least one token found then return passed = true
					if (TokensPassed > 0) Passed = true;

			case otEND:
				// end of rule found so time to return
				EndFound = true;
				if(Passed == false) {
					// the rule did not validate so get rid of tokens decoded
					// roll back the token container end position to what it was when rule started
					// this will get rid of all tokens that had been pushed on the container while
					// trying to validating this rule
					mCharPos = OldCharPos;
					mCurrentLine = OldLinePos;

				// an exception should be raised since the code should never get here
				Passed = false;
				EndFound = true;


		// move on to the next rule in the path

	return Passed;
