Пример #1

  Synopsis    [Adds entry to the hash table.]

  Description []

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Tru_ManInsert( Tru_Man_t * p, word * pTruth )
    int fCompl, * pSpot;
    if ( Tru_ManEqual0(pTruth, p->nWords) )
        return 0;
    if ( Tru_ManEqual1(pTruth, p->nWords) )
        return 1;
    if ( Vec_SetEntryNum(p->pMem) > 2 * p->nTableSize )
        Tru_ManResize( p );
    fCompl = pTruth[0] & 1;
    if ( fCompl )
        Tru_ManNot( pTruth, p->nWords );
    pSpot = Tru_ManLookup( p, pTruth );
    if ( *pSpot == 0 )
        Tru_One_t * pEntry;
        *pSpot = Vec_SetAppend( p->pMem, NULL, p->nEntrySize );
        assert( (*pSpot & 1) == 0 );
        pEntry = Tru_ManReadOne( p, *pSpot );
        Tru_ManCopy( pEntry->pTruth, pTruth, p->nWords );
        pEntry->Handle = *pSpot;
        pEntry->Next = 0;
    if ( fCompl )
        Tru_ManNot( pTruth, p->nWords );
    return *pSpot ^ fCompl;
Пример #2
static inline void  Kf_ObjSetCuts( Kf_Man_t * p, int i, Vec_Int_t * vVec ) { Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vCuts, i, Vec_SetAppend(&p->pMem, Vec_IntArray(vVec), Vec_IntSize(vVec)));  }