Пример #1
        SC_CellForEachPinOut( pCell, pPin, j )
            SC_Timings * pRTime;
            word uWord;

            assert(pPin->dir == sc_dir_Output);
            Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pPin->pName );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->max_out_cap );
            Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pPin->max_out_slew );

            // write function
            if ( pPin->func_text == NULL )
                // formula is not given - write empty string
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, "" );
                // write truth table
                assert( Vec_WrdSize(pPin->vFunc) == Abc_Truth6WordNum(pCell->n_inputs) );
                Vec_StrPutI( vOut, pCell->n_inputs );
                Vec_WrdForEachEntry( pPin->vFunc, uWord, k ) // -- 'size = 1u << (n_vars - 6)'
                    Vec_StrPutW( vOut, uWord );  // -- 64-bit number, written uncompressed (low-byte first)
            else // formula is given
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pPin->func_text );

            // Write 'rtiming': (pin-to-pin timing tables for this particular output)
            assert( Vec_PtrSize(pPin->vRTimings) == pCell->n_inputs );
            SC_PinForEachRTiming( pPin, pRTime, k )
                Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pRTime->pName );
                Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) );
                    // -- NOTE! After post-processing, the size of the 'rtiming[k]' vector is either
                    // 0 or 1 (in static timing, we have merged all tables to get the worst case).
                    // The case with size 0 should only occur for multi-output gates.
                if ( Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) == 1 )
                    SC_Timing * pTime = (SC_Timing *)Vec_PtrEntry( pRTime->vTimings, 0 );
                        // -- NOTE! We don't need to save 'related_pin' string because we have sorted 
                        // the elements on input pins.
                    Vec_StrPutI( vOut, (int)pTime->tsense);
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pCellRise );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pCellFall );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pRiseTrans );
                    Abc_SclWriteSurface( vOut, pTime->pFallTrans );
                    assert( Vec_PtrSize(pRTime->vTimings) == 0 );
Пример #2

  Synopsis    [Performs resubstitution for the node.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Sfm_NodeResubSolve( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iNode, int f, int fRemoveOnly )
    int fSkipUpdate  = 0;
    int fVeryVerbose = 0;//p->pPars->fVeryVerbose && Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs) < 200;// || pNode->Id == 556;
    int i, iFanin, iVar = -1;
    word uTruth, uSign, uMask;
    abctime clk;
    assert( Sfm_ObjIsNode(p, iNode) );
    assert( f >= 0 && f < Sfm_ObjFaninNum(p, iNode) );
    // report init stats
    if ( p->pPars->fVeryVerbose )
        printf( "%5d : Lev =%3d. Leaf =%3d.  Node =%3d.  Div=%3d.  Fanin =%4d (%d/%d). MFFC = %d\n", 
            iNode, Sfm_ObjLevel(p, iNode), 0, Vec_IntSize(p->vNodes), Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs), 
            Sfm_ObjFanin(p, iNode, f), f, Sfm_ObjFaninNum(p, iNode), Sfm_ObjMffcSize(p, Sfm_ObjFanin(p, iNode, f)) );
    // clean simulation info
    p->nCexes = 0;
    Vec_WrdFill( p->vDivCexes, Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs), 0 );
    // try removing the critical fanin
    Vec_IntClear( p->vDivIds );
    Sfm_ObjForEachFanin( p, iNode, iFanin, i )
        if ( i != f )
            Vec_IntPush( p->vDivIds, Sfm_ObjSatVar(p, iFanin) );
clk = Abc_Clock();
    uTruth = Sfm_ComputeInterpolant( p );
p->timeSat += Abc_Clock() - clk;
    // analyze outcomes
    if ( uTruth == SFM_SAT_UNDEC )
        return 0;
    if ( uTruth != SFM_SAT_SAT )
        goto finish;
    if ( fRemoveOnly || p->pPars->fRrOnly || Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs) == 0 )
        return 0;

    if ( fVeryVerbose )
        for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
            printf( " " );
        for ( i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs); i++ )
            printf( "%d", i % 10 );
        printf( "\n" );
    while ( 1 ) 
        if ( fVeryVerbose )
            printf( "%3d: %3d ", p->nCexes, iVar );
            Vec_WrdForEachEntry( p->vDivCexes, uSign, i )
                printf( "%d", Abc_InfoHasBit((unsigned *)&uSign, p->nCexes-1) );
            printf( "\n" );
        // find the next divisor to try
        uMask = (~(word)0) >> (64 - p->nCexes);
        Vec_WrdForEachEntry( p->vDivCexes, uSign, iVar )
            if ( uSign == uMask )
        if ( iVar == Vec_IntSize(p->vDivs) )
            return 0;
        // try replacing the critical fanin
        Vec_IntPush( p->vDivIds, Sfm_ObjSatVar(p, Vec_IntEntry(p->vDivs, iVar)) );
clk = Abc_Clock();
        uTruth = Sfm_ComputeInterpolant( p );
p->timeSat += Abc_Clock() - clk;
        // analyze outcomes
        if ( uTruth == SFM_SAT_UNDEC )
            return 0;
        if ( uTruth != SFM_SAT_SAT )
            goto finish;
        if ( p->nCexes == 64 )
            return 0;
        // remove the last variable
        Vec_IntPop( p->vDivIds );
    if ( p->pPars->fVeryVerbose )
        if ( iVar == -1 )
            printf( "Node %d: Fanin %d (%d) can be removed.  ", iNode, f, Sfm_ObjFanin(p, iNode, f) );
            printf( "Node %d: Fanin %d (%d) can be replaced by divisor %d (%d).   ", 
            iNode, f, Sfm_ObjFanin(p, iNode, f), iVar, Vec_IntEntry(p->vDivs, iVar) );
        Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)&uTruth, Vec_IntSize(p->vDivIds) ); printf( "\n" );
    if ( iVar == -1 )
    if ( fSkipUpdate )
        return 0;
    // update the network
    Sfm_NtkUpdate( p, iNode, f, (iVar == -1 ? iVar : Vec_IntEntry(p->vDivs, iVar)), uTruth );
    return 1;