Пример #1
bool intersection(Vector4 start1, Vector4 end1, Vector4 start2, Vector4 end2, Vector4 *out_intersection)
    Vector4 dir1 = Vector4Subtract(end1, start1);
    Vector4 dir2 = Vector4Subtract(end2, start2);
    //считаем уравнения прямых проходящих через отрезки
    float a1 = -dir1.y;
    float b1 = +dir1.x;
    float d1 = -(a1*start1.x + b1*start1.y);
    float a2 = -dir2.y;
    float b2 = +dir2.x;
    float d2 = -(a2*start2.x + b2*start2.y);
    //подставляем концы отрезков, для выяснения в каких полуплоскотях они
    float seg1_line2_start = a2*start1.x + b2*start1.y + d2;
    float seg1_line2_end = a2*end1.x + b2*end1.y + d2;
    float seg2_line1_start = a1*start2.x + b1*start2.y + d1;
    float seg2_line1_end = a1*end2.x + b1*end2.y + d1;
    //если концы одного отрезка имеют один знак, значит он в одной полуплоскости и пересечения нет.
    if (seg1_line2_start * seg1_line2_end >= 0 || seg2_line1_start * seg2_line1_end >= 0)
        return false;
    float u = seg1_line2_start / (seg1_line2_start - seg1_line2_end);
    *out_intersection = Vector4Add(start1, Vector4MultiplyScalar(dir1, u));
    return true;
Пример #2
void gamerRenderUpdateAllObjects( float fTime )
    double fElapsed4 = 0.0f;
    double fElapsed6 = 0.0f;
    double fElapsed7 = 0.0f;
    double fElapsed8 = 0.0f;
    double fElapsed9 = 0.0f;
    double fElapsed10 = 0.0f;
    double fStart, fEnd;
    double fPartStart, fPartEnd;
    int iNumJoints = saAnimHierarchies[0].miNumJoints;
    /*tVector4* aPositions = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
    tVector4* aScalings = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
    tQuaternion* aRotations = (tQuaternion *)malloc( sizeof( tQuaternion ) * iNumJoints );
    tVector4* aRotationVecs = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
    tMatrix44* aAnimMatrices = (tMatrix44 *)malloc( sizeof( tMatrix44 ) * iNumJoints );
    // allocate for all the objects and their joints
    tVector4** aaPositions = (tVector4 **)malloc( sizeof( tVector4* ) * siNumRenderObjects );
    tVector4** aaScalings = (tVector4 **)malloc( sizeof( tVector4* ) * siNumRenderObjects );
    tQuaternion** aaRotations = (tQuaternion **)malloc( sizeof( tQuaternion* ) * siNumRenderObjects );
    tVector4** aaRotationVecs = (tVector4 **)malloc( sizeof( tVector4* ) * siNumRenderObjects );
    tMatrix44** aaAnimMatrices = (tMatrix44 **)malloc( sizeof( tMatrix44* ) * siNumRenderObjects );
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        aaPositions[i] = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
        aaScalings[i] = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
        aaRotations[i] = (tQuaternion *)malloc( sizeof( tQuaternion ) * iNumJoints );
        aaRotationVecs[i] = (tVector4 *)malloc( sizeof( tVector4 ) * iNumJoints );
        aaAnimMatrices[i] = (tMatrix44 *)malloc( sizeof( tMatrix44 ) * iNumJoints );
        for( int j = 0; j < iNumJoints; j++ )
            Matrix44Identity( &aaAnimMatrices[i][j] );
    /*for( int i = 0; i < iNumJoints; i++ )
        Matrix44Identity( &aAnimMatrices[i] );
    fPartStart = getTime();
#if 0
    // update anim model instances' transform
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        fStart = getTime();
        //animSequencePlay( spAnimSequence, aPositions, aScalings, aRotations, aRotationVecs, aAnimMatrices, sfTime );
        tGameRenderObject* pGameRenderObject = &saRenderObjects[i];
        tAnimModelInstance* pAnimModelInstance = pGameRenderObject->mpAnimModelInstance;
        // y rotation angle
        float fAngle = atan2f( pGameRenderObject->mpHeading->fZ, pGameRenderObject->mpHeading->fX ) - 3.14159f * 0.5f;
        pAnimModelInstance->mRotation.fY = fAngle;
        // update position
        tVector4 dPos;
        Vector4MultScalar( &dPos, pGameRenderObject->mpHeading, pGameRenderObject->mfSpeed );
        tVector4* pPos = pGameRenderObject->mpPosition;
        tVector4 newPos;
        Vector4Add( &newPos, pPos, &dPos );
        memcpy( pGameRenderObject->mpPosition, &newPos, sizeof( tVector4 ) );
        memcpy( &pAnimModelInstance->mPosition, &newPos, sizeof( tVector4 ) );
        memcpy( &pAnimModelInstance->mScaling, pGameRenderObject->mpSize, sizeof( tVector4 ) );
        fEnd = getTime();
        fElapsed0 += ( fEnd - fStart );
#endif // #if 0
    fPartEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed7 = fPartEnd - fPartEnd;
    fPartStart = fPartEnd;
    tVector4** paPositions = aaPositions;
    tVector4** paScalings = aaScalings;
    tVector4** paRotationVecs = aaRotationVecs;
    tQuaternion** paRotations = aaRotations;
    tMatrix44** paAnimMatrices = aaAnimMatrices;
    // update joint in hierarchy matrices
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        tJob job;
        tJointJobData jobData;
        jobData.mpSequence = spAnimSequence;
        jobData.mpHierarchy = &saAnimHierarchies[0];
        jobData.maPositions = *paPositions; //aPositions;
        jobData.maScalings = *paScalings; //aScalings;
        jobData.maRotations = *paRotations; //aRotations;
        jobData.maRotationVecs = *paRotationVecs; //aRotationVecs;
        jobData.mfTime = fTime * saRenderObjects[i].mfAnimMult;
        jobData.maAnimMatrices = *paAnimMatrices; //aAnimMatrices;
        jobData.mpResultAnimHiearchy = &saAnimHierarchies[i];
        job.mpfnFunc = updateJointValuesAndMatrices;
        job.miDataSize = sizeof( tJointJobData );
        job.mpData = &jobData;
        jobManagerAddJob( gpJobManager, &job );
    }   // for i = 0 to num render objects
    jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
    // update all the joint's matrices
    /*for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        fStart = getTime();
        animSequenceUpdateJointAnimValues( spAnimSequence,
                                          fTime * saRenderObjects[i].mfAnimMult );
        jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
        fEnd = getTime();
        fElapsed1 += ( fEnd - fStart );
        fStart = fEnd;
        animSequenceUpdateAnimMatrices( spAnimSequence,
                                       aaAnimMatrices[i] );
        jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
        fElapsed2 += ( fEnd - fStart );
        fStart = fEnd;
        updateJointMatrices( &saAnimHierarchies[i], aaAnimMatrices[i] );
        jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
        fElapsed3 += ( fEnd - fStart );
        fStart = fEnd;
    jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
    fPartEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed8 = fPartEnd - fPartStart;
    // update the xform of the total model
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        animModelInstanceUpdateXForm( &saAnimModelInstances[i] );
    // transform position and normal
    fPartStart = getTime();
    fStart = getTime();
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        animModelInstanceUpdate( &saAnimModelInstances[i] );
    jobManagerWait( gpJobManager );
    fEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed4 += ( fEnd - fStart );
    fStart = fEnd;
    fPartEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed9 = fPartEnd - fPartStart;
    WTFASSERT2( fPartEnd >= fPartStart, "WTF" );
    fStart = getTime();
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        animModelInstanceCopyVBData( &saAnimModelInstances[i] );
    fEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed6 = fEnd - fStart;
    fPartEnd = getTime();
    fElapsed10 = fPartEnd - fPartStart;
    fPartStart = fPartEnd;
#if 0
    OUTPUT( "********************\n" );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 0 = %.4f\n", fElapsed0 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 1 = %.4f\n", fElapsed1 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 2 = %.4f\n", fElapsed2 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 3 = %.4f\n", fElapsed3 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 4 = %.4f\n", fElapsed4 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 5 = %.4f\n", fElapsed5 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 6 = %.4f\n", fElapsed6 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 7 = %.4f\n", fElapsed7 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 8 = %.4f\n", fElapsed8 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 9 = %.4f\n", fElapsed9 );
    OUTPUT( "elapsed 10 = %.4f\n", fElapsed10 );
    OUTPUT( "total elapsed = %.4f\n", fTotalElapsed );
    OUTPUT( "********************\n" );
#endif // #if 0
    /*free( aPositions );
    free( aScalings );
    free( aRotations );
    free( aRotationVecs );
    free( aAnimMatrices );*/
    for( int i = 0; i < siNumRenderObjects; i++ )
        free( aaPositions[i] );
        free( aaScalings[i] );
        free( aaRotations[i] );
        free( aaRotationVecs[i] );
        free( aaAnimMatrices[i] );
    free( aaPositions );
    free( aaScalings );
    free( aaRotations );
    free( aaRotationVecs );
    free( aaAnimMatrices );