Пример #1
* Function Name: InitializeSystem()
* Summary:
*   Initialize everything here.
* Parameters:
*   None.
* Return:
*   None.
* Note:
void InitializeSystem(void)
    // Enable global interrupts.
    // Initialize the table used for CRC calcultation.
    //Initalize the vectors used for data storage.
    //Initialize the LED module.
    // Initialize the CapSense module.

    // Initialize the BLE module.

    // Initialize the watchdog.
        // Initialize the Low Power module.
        // Initialize the Timer and related Interrupt components.
    // Initialize status flags
    Status_Ready = TRUE;
    Status_Acquiring = FALSE;
    Status_NoMoreSpace = FALSE;
    Status_DataAcquired = FALSE;
    Status_Sending = FALSE;
    Status_NoMoreData = FALSE;
    // Initialize counters
    numConnInterval = 0u;
Пример #2
void ARX_FOGS_RenderAll(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 m_pd3dDevice)
	EERIE_3D angle;


	for (long i = 0; i < MAX_FOG; i++)
		if (fogs[i].exist)
			if (fogobj)
				DrawEERIEInter(m_pd3dDevice, fogobj, &angle, &fogs[i].pos, NULL);

			Vector_Copy(&fogs[i].bboxmin, &BBOXMIN);
			Vector_Copy(&fogs[i].bboxmax, &BBOXMAX);

			if (fogs[i].special & FOG_DIRECTIONAL)
				EERIE_3D orgn, dest;
				orgn.x = fogs[i].pos.x;
				orgn.y = fogs[i].pos.y;
				orgn.z = fogs[i].pos.z;
				dest.x = orgn.x + fogs[i].move.x * 50.f;
				dest.y = orgn.y + fogs[i].move.y * 50.f;
				dest.z = orgn.z + fogs[i].move.z * 50.f;
				EERIEDraw3DLine(m_pd3dDevice, &orgn, &dest, EERIECOLOR_WHITE); 

			if (fogs[i].selected)
				EERIEDraw2DLine(m_pd3dDevice, fogs[i].bboxmin.x, fogs[i].bboxmin.y, fogs[i].bboxmax.x, fogs[i].bboxmin.y, 0.01f, EERIECOLOR_YELLOW);
				EERIEDraw2DLine(m_pd3dDevice, fogs[i].bboxmax.x, fogs[i].bboxmin.y, fogs[i].bboxmax.x, fogs[i].bboxmax.y, 0.01f, EERIECOLOR_YELLOW);
				EERIEDraw2DLine(m_pd3dDevice, fogs[i].bboxmax.x, fogs[i].bboxmax.y, fogs[i].bboxmin.x, fogs[i].bboxmax.y, 0.01f, EERIECOLOR_YELLOW);
				EERIEDraw2DLine(m_pd3dDevice, fogs[i].bboxmin.x, fogs[i].bboxmax.y, fogs[i].bboxmin.x, fogs[i].bboxmin.y, 0.01f, EERIECOLOR_YELLOW);
Пример #3
float CMagicMissile::Render(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 m_pd3dDevice)
	int i = 0;
	EERIE_3D lastpos, newpos;
	EERIE_3D v;
	EERIE_3D stiteangle;
	EERIE_3D stitepos;
	EERIE_3D stitescale;
	EERIE_RGB stitecolor;
	EERIE_3D av;

	if (ulCurrentTime >= ulDuration)
		return 0.f;

	// Set Appropriate Renderstates -------------------------------------------
	SETCULL(m_pd3dDevice, D3DCULL_NONE);
	SETZWRITE(m_pd3dDevice, FALSE);
	m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATE_SRCBLEND,  D3DBLEND_ONE);

	// Set Texture ------------------------------------------------------------
	if (tex_mm && tex_mm->m_pddsSurface)
		if ((spells[spellinstance].caster == 0) && (cur_mr == 3))
			SETTC(m_pd3dDevice, NULL);
			SETTC(m_pd3dDevice, tex_mm);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	if (bMove)
		fTrail = (ulCurrentTime * fOneOnDuration) * (iBezierPrecision + 2) * 5;

	lastpos.x = pathways[0].sx;
	lastpos.y = pathways[0].sy;
	lastpos.z = pathways[0].sz;

	Vector_Copy(&newpos, &lastpos);

	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		int kp = i;
		int kpprec = (i > 0) ? kp - 1 : kp ;
		int kpsuiv = kp + 1 ;
		int kpsuivsuiv = (i < (5 - 2)) ? kpsuiv + 1 : kpsuiv;

		for (int toto = 1; toto < iBezierPrecision; toto++)
			if (fTrail < i * iBezierPrecision + toto) break;

			float t = toto * fOneOnBezierPrecision;

			float t1 = t;
			float t2 = t1 * t1 ;
			float t3 = t2 * t1 ;
			float f0 = 2.f * t3 - 3.f * t2 + 1.f ;
			float f1 = -2.f * t3 + 3.f * t2 ;
			float f2 = t3 - 2.f * t2 + t1 ;
			float f3 = t3 - t2 ;

			float val = pathways[kpsuiv].sx;
			float p0 = 0.5f * (val - pathways[kpprec].sx) ;
			float p1 = 0.5f * (pathways[kpsuivsuiv].sx - pathways[kp].sx) ;
			v.x = f0 * pathways[kp].sx + f1 * val + f2 * p0 + f3 * p1 ;

			val = pathways[kpsuiv].sy ;
			p0 = 0.5f * (val - pathways[kpprec].sy) ;
			p1 = 0.5f * (pathways[kpsuivsuiv].sy - pathways[kp].sy) ;
			v.y = f0 * pathways[kp].sy + f1 * val + f2 * p0 + f3 * p1 ;

			val = pathways[kpsuiv].sz ;
			p0 = 0.5f * (val - pathways[kpprec].sz) ;
			p1 = 0.5f * (pathways[kpsuivsuiv].sz - pathways[kp].sz) ;
			v.z = f0 * pathways[kp].sz + f1 * val + f2 * p0 + f3 * p1 ;

			Vector_Copy(&newpos, &v);

			if (!((fTrail - (i * iBezierPrecision + toto)) > iLength))
				float c;

				if (fTrail < iLength)
					c = 1.0f - ((fTrail - (i * iBezierPrecision + toto)) / fTrail);
					c = 1.0f - ((fTrail - (i * iBezierPrecision + toto)) / (float)iLength);

				float fsize = c;
				float alpha = c - 0.2f;

				if (alpha < 0.2f) alpha = 0.2f;

				c += frand2() * 0.1f;

				if (c < 0) c = 0;
				else if (c > 1) c = 1;

				int color = D3DRGB(c * fColor[0] * alpha, c * fColor[1] * alpha, c * fColor[2] * alpha);

				if (fsize < 0.5f)
					fsize = fsize * 2 * 3;
					fsize = (1.0f - fsize + 0.5f) * 2 * (3 * 0.5f);

				float fs = fsize * 6 + rnd() * 0.3f;
				float fe = fsize * 6 + rnd() * 0.3f;
				Draw3DLineTex(m_pd3dDevice, lastpos, newpos, color, fs, fe);

			EERIE_3D temp_vector;
			Vector_Copy(&temp_vector, &lastpos);
			Vector_Copy(&lastpos, &newpos);
			Vector_Copy(&newpos, &temp_vector);

	av.x = newpos.x - lastpos.x;
	av.y = newpos.y - lastpos.y;
	av.z = newpos.z - lastpos.z;

	float bubu = GetAngle(av.x, av.z, 0, 0);
	float bubu1 = GetAngle(av.x, av.y, 0, 0);

	Vector_Copy(&stitepos, &lastpos);

	stiteangle.b = -RAD2DEG(bubu);
	stiteangle.a = 0;
	stiteangle.g = -(RAD2DEG(bubu1));

	if (av.x < 0)
		stiteangle.g -= 90;

	if (av.x > 0)
		stiteangle.g += 90;

	if (stiteangle.g < 0)
		stiteangle.g += 360.0f;

	if ((spells[spellinstance].caster == 0) && (cur_mr == 3))
		stitecolor.r = 1.f;
		stitecolor.g = 0.f;
		stitecolor.b = 0.2f;
		stitecolor.r = 0.3f;
		stitecolor.g = 0.3f;
		stitecolor.b = 0.5f;

	Vector_Init(&stitescale, 1, 1, 1);
		if ((smissile))
			DrawEERIEObjEx(m_pd3dDevice, smissile, &stiteangle, &stitepos, &stitescale, &stitecolor);

	Vector_Copy(&eCurPos, &lastpos);

	return 1 - 0.5f * rnd();