void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { char * function_name; float accel_data[3]; float gyro_data[3]; float mag_data[3]; float pos_data[3]; float vel_data[3]; float baro_data; float dT; //All code and internal function calls go in here! if(!mxIsChar(prhs[0])) { mexErrMsgTxt("First parameter must be name of a function\n"); return; } if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSGPSInit")) { INSGPSInit(); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSStatePrediction")) { if(nrhs != 4) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for state prediction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], accel_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], &dT, 1)) return; INSStatePrediction(gyro_data, accel_data, dT); INSCovariancePrediction(dT); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSFullCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 5) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], pos_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], vel_data ,3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[4], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } FullCorrection(mag_data, pos_data, vel_data, baro_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSMagCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } MagCorrection(mag_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSBaroCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } BaroCorrection(baro_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSMagVelBaroCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 4) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], vel_data ,3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } MagVelBaroCorrection(mag_data, vel_data, baro_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSGpsCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], pos_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], vel_data ,3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } GpsCorrection(pos_data, vel_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSVelBaroCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], vel_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } VelBaroCorrection(vel_data, baro_data); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetPosVelVar")) { float pos_var; float vel_var; if((nrhs != 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], &pos_var, 1) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], &vel_var, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetPosVelVar(pos_var, vel_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetGyroBias")) { float gyro_bias[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_bias, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetGyroBias(gyro_bias); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetAccelVar")) { float accel_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], accel_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetAccelVar(accel_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetGyroVar")) { float gyro_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetGyroVar(gyro_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetMagNorth")) { float mag_north[3]; float Bmag; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_north, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } Bmag = sqrt(mag_north[0] * mag_north[0] + mag_north[1] * mag_north[1] + mag_north[2] * mag_north[2]); mag_north[0] = mag_north[0] / Bmag; mag_north[1] = mag_north[1] / Bmag; mag_north[2] = mag_north[2] / Bmag; INSSetMagNorth(mag_north); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetMagVar")) { float mag_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetMagVar(mag_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetState")) { int i; float new_state[NUMX]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], new_state, NUMX)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) X[i] = new_state[i]; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown function"); } if(nlhs > 0) { // return current state vector double * data_out; int i; plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,13,0); data_out = mxGetData(plhs[0]); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) data_out[i] = X[i]; } if(nlhs > 1) { //return covariance estimate double * data_copy = mxCalloc(NUMX*NUMX, sizeof(double)); int i, j, k; plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(13,13,0); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) for(j = 0; j < NUMX; j++) { data_copy[j + i * NUMX] = P[j][i]; } mxSetData(plhs[1], data_copy); } if(nlhs > 2) { //return covariance estimate double * data_copy = mxCalloc(NUMX*NUMV, sizeof(double)); int i, j, k; plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NUMX,NUMV,0); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) for(j = 0; j < NUMV; j++) { data_copy[j + i * NUMX] = K[i][j]; } mxSetData(plhs[2], data_copy); } return; }
int main() { float gyro[3], accel[3], mag[3]; float vel[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; /* Normaly we get/set UAVObjects but this one only needs to be set. We will never expect to get this from another module*/ AttitudeActualData attitude_actual; AHRSSettingsData ahrs_settings; /* Brings up System using CMSIS functions, enables the LEDs. */ PIOS_SYS_Init(); /* Delay system */ PIOS_DELAY_Init(); /* Communication system */ PIOS_COM_Init(); /* ADC system */ AHRS_ADC_Config( adc_oversampling ); /* Setup the Accelerometer FS (Full-Scale) GPIO */ PIOS_GPIO_Enable( 0 ); SET_ACCEL_2G; #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HMC5843) && defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_I2C) /* Magnetic sensor system */ PIOS_I2C_Init(); PIOS_HMC5843_Init(); // Get 3 ID bytes strcpy(( char * )mag_data.id, "ZZZ" ); PIOS_HMC5843_ReadID( mag_data.id ); #endif /* SPI link to master */ // PIOS_SPI_Init(); AhrsInitComms(); AHRSCalibrationConnectCallback( calibration_callback ); GPSPositionConnectCallback( gps_callback ); ahrs_state = AHRS_IDLE; while( !AhrsLinkReady() ) { AhrsPoll(); while( ahrs_state != AHRS_DATA_READY ) ; ahrs_state = AHRS_PROCESSING; downsample_data(); ahrs_state = AHRS_IDLE; if(( total_conversion_blocks % 50 ) == 0 ) PIOS_LED_Toggle( LED1 ); } AHRSSettingsGet(&ahrs_settings); /* Use simple averaging filter for now */ for( int i = 0; i < adc_oversampling; i++ ) fir_coeffs[i] = 1; fir_coeffs[adc_oversampling] = adc_oversampling; if( ahrs_settings.Algorithm == AHRSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS) { // compute a data point and initialize INS downsample_data(); converge_insgps(); } #ifdef DUMP_RAW int previous_conversion; while( 1 ) { AhrsPoll(); int result; uint8_t framing[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }; while( ahrs_state != AHRS_DATA_READY ) ; ahrs_state = AHRS_PROCESSING; if( total_conversion_blocks != previous_conversion + 1 ) PIOS_LED_On( LED1 ); // not keeping up else PIOS_LED_Off( LED1 ); previous_conversion = total_conversion_blocks; downsample_data(); ahrs_state = AHRS_IDLE;; // Dump raw buffer result = PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, &framing[0], 16 ); // framing header result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & total_conversion_blocks, sizeof( total_conversion_blocks ) ); // dump block number result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & valid_data_buffer[0], ADC_OVERSAMPLE * ADC_CONTINUOUS_CHANNELS * sizeof( valid_data_buffer[0] ) ); if( result == 0 ) PIOS_LED_Off( LED1 ); else { PIOS_LED_On( LED1 ); } } #endif timer_start(); /******************* Main EKF loop ****************************/ while( 1 ) { AhrsPoll(); AHRSCalibrationData calibration; AHRSCalibrationGet( &calibration ); BaroAltitudeData baro_altitude; BaroAltitudeGet( &baro_altitude ); GPSPositionData gps_position; GPSPositionGet( &gps_position ); AHRSSettingsGet(&ahrs_settings); // Alive signal if(( total_conversion_blocks % 100 ) == 0 ) PIOS_LED_Toggle( LED1 ); #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HMC5843) && defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_I2C) // Get magnetic readings if( PIOS_HMC5843_NewDataAvailable() ) { PIOS_HMC5843_ReadMag( mag_data.raw.axis ); mag_data.updated = 1; } attitude_raw.magnetometers[0] = mag_data.raw.axis[0]; attitude_raw.magnetometers[2] = mag_data.raw.axis[1]; attitude_raw.magnetometers[2] = mag_data.raw.axis[2]; #endif // Delay for valid data counter_val = timer_count(); running_counts = counter_val - last_counter_idle_end; last_counter_idle_start = counter_val; while( ahrs_state != AHRS_DATA_READY ) ; counter_val = timer_count(); idle_counts = counter_val - last_counter_idle_start; last_counter_idle_end = counter_val; ahrs_state = AHRS_PROCESSING; downsample_data(); /***************** SEND BACK SOME RAW DATA ************************/ // Hacky - grab one sample from buffer to populate this. Need to send back // all raw data if it's happening accel_data.raw.x = valid_data_buffer[0]; accel_data.raw.y = valid_data_buffer[2]; accel_data.raw.z = valid_data_buffer[4]; gyro_data.raw.x = valid_data_buffer[1]; gyro_data.raw.y = valid_data_buffer[3]; gyro_data.raw.z = valid_data_buffer[5]; gyro_data.temp.xy = valid_data_buffer[6]; gyro_data.temp.z = valid_data_buffer[7]; if( ahrs_settings.Algorithm == AHRSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS) { /******************** INS ALGORITHM **************************/ // format data for INS algo gyro[0] = gyro_data.filtered.x; gyro[1] = gyro_data.filtered.y; gyro[2] = gyro_data.filtered.z; accel[0] = accel_data.filtered.x, accel[1] = accel_data.filtered.y, accel[2] = accel_data.filtered.z, // Note: The magnetometer driver returns registers X,Y,Z from the chip which are // (left, backward, up). Remapping to (forward, right, down). mag[0] = -( mag_data.raw.axis[1] - calibration.mag_bias[1] ); mag[1] = -( mag_data.raw.axis[0] - calibration.mag_bias[0] ); mag[2] = -( mag_data.raw.axis[2] - calibration.mag_bias[2] ); INSStatePrediction( gyro, accel, 1 / ( float )EKF_RATE ); INSCovariancePrediction( 1 / ( float )EKF_RATE ); if( gps_updated && gps_position.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D ) { // Compute velocity from Heading and groundspeed vel[0] = gps_position.Groundspeed * cos( gps_position.Heading * M_PI / 180 ); vel[1] = gps_position.Groundspeed * sin( gps_position.Heading * M_PI / 180 ); // Completely unprincipled way to make the position variance // increase as data quality decreases but keep it bounded // Variance becomes 40 m^2 and 40 (m/s)^2 when no gps INSSetPosVelVar( 0.004 ); HomeLocationData home; HomeLocationGet( &home ); float ned[3]; double lla[3] = {( double ) gps_position.Latitude / 1e7, ( double ) gps_position.Longitude / 1e7, ( double )( gps_position.GeoidSeparation + gps_position.Altitude )}; // convert from cm back to meters double ecef[3] = {( double )( home.ECEF[0] / 100 ), ( double )( home.ECEF[1] / 100 ), ( double )( home.ECEF[2] / 100 )}; LLA2Base( lla, ecef, ( float( * )[3] ) home.RNE, ned ); if( gps_updated ) { //FIXME: Is this correct? //TOOD: add check for altitude updates FullCorrection( mag, ned, vel, baro_altitude.Altitude ); gps_updated = false; } else { GpsBaroCorrection( ned, vel, baro_altitude.Altitude ); } gps_updated = false; mag_data.updated = 0; } else if( gps_position.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D && mag_data.updated == 1 ) { MagCorrection( mag ); // only trust mags if outdoors mag_data.updated = 0; } else { // Indoors, update with zero position and velocity and high covariance INSSetPosVelVar( 0.1 ); vel[0] = 0; vel[1] = 0; vel[2] = 0; VelBaroCorrection( vel, baro_altitude.Altitude ); // MagVelBaroCorrection(mag,vel,altitude_data.altitude); // only trust mags if outdoors } attitude_actual.q1 = Nav.q[0]; attitude_actual.q2 = Nav.q[1]; attitude_actual.q3 = Nav.q[2]; attitude_actual.q4 = Nav.q[3]; } else if( ahrs_settings.Algorithm == AHRSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_SIMPLE ) { float q[4]; float rpy[3]; /***************** SIMPLE ATTITUDE FROM NORTH AND ACCEL ************/ /* Very simple computation of the heading and attitude from accel. */ rpy[2] = atan2(( mag_data.raw.axis[0] ), ( -1 * mag_data.raw.axis[1] ) ) * 180 / M_PI; rpy[1] = atan2( accel_data.filtered.x, accel_data.filtered.z ) * 180 / M_PI; rpy[0] = atan2( accel_data.filtered.y, accel_data.filtered.z ) * 180 / M_PI; RPY2Quaternion( rpy, q ); attitude_actual.q1 = q[0]; attitude_actual.q2 = q[1]; attitude_actual.q3 = q[2]; attitude_actual.q4 = q[3]; } ahrs_state = AHRS_IDLE; #ifdef DUMP_FRIENDLY PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking( PIOS_COM_AUX, "b: %d\r\n", total_conversion_blocks ); PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking( PIOS_COM_AUX, "a: %d %d %d\r\n", ( int16_t )( accel_data.filtered.x * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( accel_data.filtered.y * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( accel_data.filtered.z * 1000 ) ); PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking( PIOS_COM_AUX, "g: %d %d %d\r\n", ( int16_t )( gyro_data.filtered.x * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( gyro_data.filtered.y * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( gyro_data.filtered.z * 1000 ) ); PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking( PIOS_COM_AUX, "m: %d %d %d\r\n", mag_data.raw.axis[0], mag_data.raw.axis[1], mag_data.raw.axis[2] ); PIOS_COM_SendFormattedStringNonBlocking( PIOS_COM_AUX, "q: %d %d %d %d\r\n", ( int16_t )( Nav.q[0] * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( Nav.q[1] * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( Nav.q[2] * 1000 ), ( int16_t )( Nav.q[3] * 1000 ) ); #endif #ifdef DUMP_EKF uint8_t framing[16] = { 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }; extern float F[NUMX][NUMX], G[NUMX][NUMW], H[NUMV][NUMX]; // linearized system matrices extern float P[NUMX][NUMX], X[NUMX]; // covariance matrix and state vector extern float Q[NUMW], R[NUMV]; // input noise and measurement noise variances extern float K[NUMX][NUMV]; // feedback gain matrix // Dump raw buffer int8_t result; result = PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, &framing[0], 16 ); // framing header result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & total_conversion_blocks, sizeof( total_conversion_blocks ) ); // dump block number result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & mag_data, sizeof( mag_data ) ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & gps_data, sizeof( gps_data ) ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & accel_data, sizeof( accel_data ) ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & gyro_data, sizeof( gyro_data ) ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & Q, sizeof( float ) * NUMX * NUMX ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & K, sizeof( float ) * NUMX * NUMV ); result += PIOS_COM_SendBuffer( PIOS_COM_AUX, ( uint8_t * ) & X, sizeof( float ) * NUMX * NUMX ); if( result == 0 ) PIOS_LED_Off( LED1 ); else { PIOS_LED_On( LED1 ); } #endif AttitudeActualSet( &attitude_actual ); /*FIXME: This is dangerous. There is no locking for UAVObjects so it could stomp all over the airspeed/climb rate etc. This used to be done in the OP module which was bad. Having ~4ms latency for the round trip makes it worse here. */ PositionActualData pos; PositionActualGet( &pos ); for( int ct = 0; ct < 3; ct++ ) { pos.NED[ct] = Nav.Pos[ct]; pos.Vel[ct] = Nav.Vel[ct]; } PositionActualSet( &pos ); static bool was_calibration = false; AhrsStatusData status; AhrsStatusGet( &status ); if( was_calibration != status.CalibrationSet ) { was_calibration = status.CalibrationSet; if( status.CalibrationSet ) { calibrate_sensors(); AhrsStatusGet( &status ); status.CalibrationSet = true; } } status.CPULoad = (( float )running_counts / ( float )( idle_counts + running_counts ) ) * 100; status.IdleTimePerCyle = idle_counts / ( TIMER_RATE / 10000 ); status.RunningTimePerCyle = running_counts / ( TIMER_RATE / 10000 ); status.DroppedUpdates = ekf_too_slow; AhrsStatusSet( &status ); } return 0; }