Пример #1
static void em_1003sats(struct gps_state *gps)
    double elv, azm;
    int j, svn, nsats = INT16(&packet[WD(14)]);

    gps->hdop = INT32(&packet[WD(11)]) * 1.0e-2;

    for (j = 0; j < nsats; j++) {
	svn = INT16(&packet[WD(15 + (3 * j))]);
	elv = INT16(&packet[WD(17 + (3 * j))]) * 1.0e-4;
	azm = INT16(&packet[WD(16 + (3 * j))]) * 1.0e-4;

	if (elv < 0) elv = 0;
	if (azm < 0) azm += 2 * M_PI;

	new_sat(gps, svn, UNKNOWN_TIME, elv, azm, UNKNOWN_SNR, UNKNOWN_USED);

    if (nsats)
	gps->updated = GPS_STATE_SATS;
Пример #2
static void em_1002chsum(struct gps_state *gps)
    int j, status, svn, snr, used, valid;
    int timestamp, datestamp, time;

#define EPOCHDIFF 315532800 /* difference between GPS and UNIX time */
#define LEAP_SECONDS 13 /* hardcoded, bad me, should get it from the receiver */
    datestamp = INT16(&packet[WD(10)]) * 7 * 86400 + EPOCHDIFF;
    timestamp = INT32(&packet[WD(11)]) + LEAP_SECONDS;
    time = datestamp + timestamp;
    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
	status = INT16(&packet[WD(15 + (3 * j))]);
	used  = status & 0x1;
	valid = status & 0x4;
	svn = INT16(&packet[WD(16 + (3 * j))]);
	snr = INT16(&packet[WD(17 + (3 * j))]) / 4; /* scaling snr to 0-16 */

	new_sat(gps, svn, valid ? time : UNKNOWN_TIME, UNKNOWN_ELV, UNKNOWN_AZM,
		snr, used);

    gps->updated = GPS_STATE_SIGNALS;
Пример #3
int main()
   long n;
   GF2X a, b, c, c1, ss, ss1, tt, tt1;
   double t;
   long iter, i;

   cout << WD(12,"n") << WD(12,"OldGCD") <<  WD(12,"GCD") << WD(12,"OldXGCD")
        << WD(12, "XGCD") << "\n";


   for (n = 32; n <= (1L << 18); n = n << 3) {
      random(a, n);
      random(b, n);
      OldGCD(c, a, b);
      GCD(c1, a, b);
      OldXGCD(c, ss, tt, a, b);
      XGCD(c1, ss1, tt1, a, b);
      if (c1 != c || ss1 != ss || tt1 != tt) {
         cerr << "**** GF2XTest FAILED!\n";
         return 1;

      cout << WD(12,n); 

      iter = 0;
      do {
         iter = iter ? (2*iter) : 1;
         t = GetTime();
         for (i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            OldGCD(c, a, b);
         t = GetTime()-t;
      } while (t < 0.5);

      cout << WD(12,t/iter);

      iter = 0;
      do {
         iter = iter ? (2*iter) : 1;
         t = GetTime();
         for (i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            GCD(c, a, b);
         t = GetTime()-t;
      } while (t < 0.5);

      cout << WD(12,t/iter);

      iter = 0;
      do {
         iter = iter ? (2*iter) : 1;
         t = GetTime();
         for (i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            OldXGCD(c, ss, tt, a, b);
         t = GetTime()-t;
      } while (t < 0.5);

      cout << WD(12,t/iter);

      iter = 0;
      do {
         iter = iter ? (2*iter) : 1;
         t = GetTime();
         for (i = 0; i < iter; i++)
            XGCD(c, ss, tt, a, b);
         t = GetTime()-t;
      } while (t < 0.5);

      cout << WD(12,t/iter);

      cout << "\n";

   return 0;
Пример #4
///' Calculate the network properties 
///' @details
///' \subsection{Input expectations:}{
///'   Note that this function expects all inputs to be sensible, as checked by
///'   the R function 'checkUserInput' and processed by 'networkProperties'. 
///'   These requirements are:
///'   \itemize{
///'   \item{The ordering of node names across 'data' and 'net' is consistent.}
///'   \item{The columns of 'data' are the nodes.}
///'   \item{'net' is a square matrix, and its rownames are identical to its 
///'         column names.}
///'   \item{'moduleAssigments' is a named character vector, where the names
///'         represent node labels found in the discovery dataset. Unlike 
///'         'PermutationProcedure', these may include nodes that are not 
///'         present in 'data' and 'net'.}
///'   \item{The module labels specified in 'modules' must occur in 
///'         'moduleAssignments'.}
///'   }
///' }
///' @param data data matrix from the dataset in which to calculate the network
///'   properties.
///' @param net adjacency matrix of network edge weights between all pairs of 
///'   nodes in the dataset in which to calculate the network properties.
///' @param moduleAssignments a named character vector containing the module 
///'   each node belongs to in the discovery dataset. 
///' @param modules a character vector of modules for which to calculate the 
///'   network properties for.
///' @return a list containing the summary profile, node contribution, module
///'   coherence, weighted degree, and average edge weight for each 'module'.
///' @keywords internal
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List NetProps (
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix data, Rcpp::NumericMatrix net, 
    Rcpp::CharacterVector moduleAssignments,
    Rcpp::CharacterVector modules
) {
  // First, scale the matrix data
  unsigned int nSamples = data.nrow();
  unsigned int nNodes = data.ncol();
  arma::mat scaledData = Scale(data.begin(), nSamples, nNodes);
  // convert the colnames / rownames to C++ equivalents
  const std::vector<std::string> nodeNames (Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string>>(colnames(net)));
  const std::vector<std::string> sampleNames (Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string>>(rownames(data)));
  /* Next, we need to create two mappings:
  *  - From node IDs to indices in the dataset of interest
  *  - From modules to node IDs
  *  - From modules to only node IDs present in the dataset of interest
  const namemap nodeIdxMap = MakeIdxMap(nodeNames);
  const stringmap modNodeMap = MakeModMap(moduleAssignments);
  const stringmap modNodePresentMap = MakeModMap(moduleAssignments, nodeIdxMap);
  // What modules do we actually want to analyse?
  const std::vector<std::string> mods (Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string>>(modules));
  // Calculate the network properties for each module
  std::string mod; // iterators
  unsigned int mNodesPresent, mNodes;
  arma::uvec nodeIdx, propIdx, nodeRank;
  namemap propIdxMap;
  std::vector<std::string> modNodeNames; 
  arma::vec WD, SP, NC; // results containers
  double avgWeight, coherence; 
  Rcpp::NumericVector degree, summary, contribution; // for casting to R equivalents
  Rcpp::List results; // final storage container
  for (auto mi = mods.begin(); mi != mods.end(); ++mi) {
    // What nodes are in this module?
    mod = *mi;
    modNodeNames = GetModNodeNames(mod, modNodeMap);
    // initialise results containers with NA values for nodes not present in
    // the dataset we're calculating the network properties in.
    degree = Rcpp::NumericVector(modNodeNames.size(), NA_REAL);
    contribution = Rcpp::NumericVector(modNodeNames.size(), NA_REAL);
    summary = Rcpp::NumericVector(nSamples, NA_REAL);
    avgWeight = NA_REAL;
    coherence = NA_REAL;
    degree.names() = modNodeNames;
    contribution.names() = modNodeNames;
    // Create a mapping between node names and the result vectors
    propIdxMap = MakeIdxMap(modNodeNames);
    // Get just the indices of nodes that are present in the requested dataset
    nodeIdx = GetNodeIdx(mod, modNodePresentMap, nodeIdxMap);
    mNodesPresent = nodeIdx.n_elem;
    // And a mapping of those nodes to the initialised vectors
    propIdx = GetNodeIdx(mod, modNodePresentMap, propIdxMap);
    mNodes = propIdx.n_elem;
    // Calculate the properties if the module has nodes in the test dataset
    if (nodeIdx.n_elem > 0) {
      // sort the node indices for sequential memory access
      nodeRank = SortNodes(nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      WD = WeightedDegree(net.begin(), nNodes, nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      WD = WD(nodeRank); // reorder results
      avgWeight = AverageEdgeWeight(WD.memptr(), WD.n_elem);
      SP = SummaryProfile(scaledData.memptr(), nSamples, nNodes, 
                          nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      NC = NodeContribution(scaledData.memptr(), nSamples, nNodes, 
                            nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent, SP.memptr());
      NC = NC(nodeRank); // reorder results
      coherence = ModuleCoherence(NC.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      // Convert NaNs to NAs
      if (!arma::is_finite(coherence)) {
        coherence = NA_REAL;

      // Fill results vectors
      Fill(degree, WD.memptr(), mNodesPresent, propIdx.memptr(), mNodes);
      Fill(contribution, NC.memptr(), mNodesPresent, propIdx.memptr(), mNodes);
      summary = Rcpp::NumericVector(SP.begin(), SP.end());
    summary.names() = sampleNames;
        Rcpp::Named("summary") = summary, 
        Rcpp::Named("contribution") = contribution, 
        Rcpp::Named("coherence") = coherence, 
        Rcpp::Named("degree") = degree,
        Rcpp::Named("avgWeight") = avgWeight
  results.names() = mods;

Пример #5
///' Calculate the network properties, data matrix not provided
///' @details
///' \subsection{Input expectations:}{
///'   Note that this function expects all inputs to be sensible, as checked by
///'   the R function 'checkUserInput' and processed by 'networkProperties'. 
///'   These requirements are:
///'   \itemize{
///'   \item{'net' is a square matrix, and its rownames are identical to its 
///'         column names.}
///'   \item{'moduleAssigments' is a named character vector, where the names
///'         represent node labels found in the discovery dataset. Unlike 
///'         'PermutationProcedure', these may include nodes that are not 
///'         present in 'data' and 'net'.}
///'   \item{The module labels specified in 'modules' must occur in 
///'         'moduleAssignments'.}
///'   }
///' }
///' @param net adjacency matrix of network edge weights between all pairs of 
///'   nodes in the dataset in which to calculate the network properties.
///' @param moduleAssignments a named character vector containing the module 
///'   each node belongs to in the discovery dataset. 
///' @param modules a character vector of modules for which to calculate the 
///'   network properties for.
///' @return a list containing the summary profile, node contribution, module
///'   coherence, weighted degree, and average edge weight for each 'module'.
///' @keywords internal
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List NetPropsNoData (
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix net, 
    Rcpp::CharacterVector moduleAssignments,
    Rcpp::CharacterVector modules
) {
  // convert the colnames / rownames to C++ equivalents
  const std::vector<std::string> nodeNames (Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string>>(colnames(net)));
  unsigned int nNodes = net.ncol();
  /* Next, we need to create two mappings:
  *  - From node IDs to indices in the dataset of interest
  *  - From modules to node IDs
  *  - From modules to only node IDs present in the dataset of interest
  const namemap nodeIdxMap = MakeIdxMap(nodeNames);
  const stringmap modNodeMap = MakeModMap(moduleAssignments);
  const stringmap modNodePresentMap = MakeModMap(moduleAssignments, nodeIdxMap);
  // What modules do we actually want to analyse?
  const std::vector<std::string> mods (Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string>>(modules));
  // Calculate the network properties for each module
  std::string mod; // iterators
  unsigned int mNodesPresent, mNodes;
  arma::uvec nodeIdx, propIdx, nodeRank;
  namemap propIdxMap;
  std::vector<std::string> modNodeNames; 
  arma::vec WD; // results containers
  double avgWeight; 
  Rcpp::NumericVector degree; // for casting to R equivalents
  Rcpp::List results; // final storage container
  for (auto mi = mods.begin(); mi != mods.end(); ++mi) {
    // What nodes are in this module?
    // modNodeNames = names(moduleAssignments[moduleAssignments == mod])
    mod = *mi;
    modNodeNames = GetModNodeNames(mod, modNodeMap);
    // initialise results containers with NA values for nodes not present in
    // the dataset we're calculating the network properties in.
    degree = Rcpp::NumericVector(modNodeNames.size(), NA_REAL);
    avgWeight = NA_REAL;
    degree.names() = modNodeNames;
    // Create a mapping between node names and the result vectors
    propIdxMap = MakeIdxMap(modNodeNames);
    // Get just the indices of nodes that are present in the requested dataset
    nodeIdx = GetNodeIdx(mod, modNodePresentMap, nodeIdxMap);
    mNodesPresent = nodeIdx.n_elem;
    // And a mapping of those nodes to the initialised vectors
    propIdx = GetNodeIdx(mod, modNodePresentMap, propIdxMap);
    mNodes = propIdx.n_elem;

    // Calculate the properties if the module has nodes in the test dataset
    if (nodeIdx.n_elem > 0) {
      // sort the node indices for sequential memory access
      nodeRank = SortNodes(nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      WD = WeightedDegree(net.begin(), nNodes, nodeIdx.memptr(), mNodesPresent);
      WD = WD(nodeRank); // reorder results
      avgWeight = AverageEdgeWeight(WD.memptr(), WD.n_elem);
      // Fill the results vectors appropriately
      Fill(degree, WD.memptr(), mNodesPresent, propIdx.memptr(), mNodes);

        Rcpp::Named("degree") = degree,
        Rcpp::Named("avgWeight") = avgWeight
  results.names() = mods;
Пример #6
static void em_1000geodpos(struct gps_state *gps)
    double speed;
    int bearing, solinv;

    solinv = INT16(&packet[WD(10)]) & 0x5;
    if (solinv) gps->fix &= ~0x3; /* do we know whether it is a 2D or 3D fix? */
    else	gps->fix |=  0x3;

    gps->lat = INT32(&packet[WD(27)]) * 1.0e-8;
    gps->lon = INT32(&packet[WD(29)]) * 1.0e-8;
    gps->alt = INT32(&packet[WD(31)]) * 1.0e-2;
    speed = ((unsigned int)INT32(&packet[WD(34)])) * 1.0e-2;
    bearing = radtodeg(INT16(&packet[WD(36)]) * 1.0e-3);

    if (bearing < 0) bearing += 2 * M_PI;

    gps->bearing = radtodeg(bearing);
    gps->spd_up = 0.0;
    gps->spd_east  = sin(bearing) * speed;
    gps->spd_north = cos(bearing) * speed;
    gps->time = conv_date(INT16(&packet[WD(21)]), 
			  INT16(&packet[WD(20)]), INT16(&packet[WD(19)])) +
	INT16(&packet[WD(24)])+(60*INT16(&packet[WD(23)])) +

Пример #7
 void bwrite(Complx *buffer, size_t num) {
     // Write num Complx numbers to the buffer, increment the pointer
     WriteDirect WD(ramdisk, diskbuffer);
     int sizebytes = num*sizeof(Complx);
     WD.BlockingAppend(filename, (char*)buffer, sizebytes);