Пример #1
// PROCEDURE: GetLastEntry
// PURPOSE:   Returns the last Synch structure added to the synch array.
BOOL CSynch::GetLastEntry(Synch *pSynch)
   if (!m_uSynchCount)
      return FALSE;

   *pSynch = m_LastEntry;
   return TRUE;
Пример #2
// FUNCTION: _QueryInterface
// PURPOSE:  Internal helper method for QueryInterface.
BOOL CUnknown::_QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppvObj)

   HRESULT hr = m_pInterface->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
   if (OLE_SUCCEEDED(hr))
      return TRUE;

   return _SetLastError(hr);
Пример #3
// FUNCTION: SetInterface
// PURPOSE:  Sets the interface to be wrapped by the object.
// NOTES:    The held interface can be released by calling SetInterface(NULL).
void CUnknown::SetInterface(PUNKNOWN pInterface)

   // If an object is curently wrapped, release the object.
   if (m_pInterface)
   // Set the new interface pointer and clear the last error variable.
   m_pInterface = pInterface;   
   m_hrLastError = S_OK;
Пример #4
// FUNCTION: _AllocReadWriteBuffer
// PURPOSE:  Allocate read/write buffers for this file
static BOOL AllocReadWriteBuffer(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, DWORD dwDesiredAccess)

   // init all settings:
   pATF->lBufSize       = 0L;
   pATF->lPos           = 0L;
   pATF->lBufReadLimit  = 0L;
   pATF->pszBuf         = NULL;
   pATF->bRead          = TRUE;

   // if querying only:
   if (dwDesiredAccess == 0)
      return TRUE;

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
   char szRootDir[_MAX_DRIVE+2];
   if (_GetRootDir(pATF->pszFileName, szRootDir, sizeof(szRootDir)))
      DWORD dwSectorsPerCluster     = 0;
      DWORD dwBytesPerSector        = 0;
      DWORD dwNumberOfFreeClusters  = 0;
      DWORD dwTotalNumberOfClusters = 0;
      GetDiskFreeSpaceA(szRootDir, &dwSectorsPerCluster, &dwBytesPerSector, 
                       &dwNumberOfFreeClusters, &dwTotalNumberOfClusters);
      pATF->lBufSize = min((dwSectorsPerCluster * dwBytesPerSector), (long)ATF_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
      ASSERT(pATF->lBufSize > 0);
      pATF->lBufSize = ATF_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
      pATF->lBufSize = ATF_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
   // Allocate one more than the size for zero termination.
   pATF->pszBuf = (char *)calloc(pATF->lBufSize+1, sizeof(char));
   if (pATF->pszBuf == NULL)
      pATF->lBufSize   = 0L;
      return FALSE;

   pATF->lPos          = pATF->lBufSize;    // empty read buffer
   pATF->lBufReadLimit = pATF->lBufSize;
   return TRUE;
Пример #5
// FUNCTION: QueryInterface
// PURPOSE:  This method returns a reference to the request interface, if it exists.
BOOL CUnknown::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, CUnknown *pUnknown)
   // Clear the interface in the return object in case of failure.

   // Query for the interface.   
   void *pInterface = NULL;
   if (!_QueryInterface(riid, &pInterface))
      return FALSE;
   // Set the return value.      
   return TRUE;
Пример #6
// FUNCTION: FillToNextBlock
// PURPOSE:  Pads the data file out to the next ABF_BLOCKSIZE byte boundary.
BOOL CFileDescriptor::FillToNextBlock( long *plBlockNum )
   LONGLONG llOffset = 0;
   VERIFY(m_File.Seek(0L, FILE_END, &llOffset));
   UINT uFillLastBlock = ABF_BLOCKSIZE - UINT(llOffset % ABF_BLOCKSIZE);

   if (uFillLastBlock != ABF_BLOCKSIZE)
      BYTE cBuffer[ABF_BLOCKSIZE] = {0};
      if (!Write( cBuffer, uFillLastBlock ))
         return FALSE;
      llOffset += uFillLastBlock;
   *plBlockNum = long(llOffset / ABF_BLOCKSIZE);
   return TRUE;
Пример #7
// FUNCTION: _FreeReadWriteBuffer
// PURPOSE:  Free the read/write buffers used by this file; flushes write buffer to disk if necessary
static BOOL FreeReadWriteBuffer(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF)

   DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
   if (!pATF->bRead && pATF->lPos != 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
       c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   if (pATF->pszBuf)
   pATF->pszBuf        = NULL;
   pATF->lBufSize      = 0L;
   pATF->lPos          = 0L;
   pATF->lBufReadLimit = 0L;
   pATF->bRead         = TRUE;
   return TRUE;
Пример #8
DWORD SetFilePointerBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, long lToMove, PLONG plDistHigh, DWORD dwMoveMethod)

   DWORD dwBytesWritten;

   // move real file position to lPos:
   if (pATF->bRead) 
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
      if (SetFilePointer(pATF->hFile, pATF->lPos - pATF->lBufReadLimit, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
      if (c_SetFilePointer((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pATF->lPos - pATF->lBufReadLimit, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
          return 0xFFFFFFFF;
   // flush write buffer if non-empty - this positions the file pointer appropriately.
      if (pATF->lPos != 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
          if (!WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
          if (!c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
              return 0xFFFFFFFF;

   pATF->bRead          = TRUE;
   pATF->lPos           = pATF->lBufSize;
   pATF->lBufReadLimit  = pATF->lBufSize;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
   return SetFilePointer(pATF->hFile, lToMove, plDistHigh, dwMoveMethod);
   return c_SetFilePointer((FILE*)pATF->hFile, lToMove, plDistHigh, dwMoveMethod);
Пример #9
// FUNCTION: Resize.
// PURPOSE:  Sizes/Resizes the bitmap to the dimensions given.
void CDisplaySurface::Resize(LPCRECT prDisplay)

   int nPaletteSize  = m_nPaletteSize;
   int nBitsPerPixel = m_nBitsPerPixel;
   if (m_bMatchScreen)
      nPaletteSize  = GetDeviceCaps(m_hdcWin, SIZEPALETTE);
      nBitsPerPixel = GetDeviceCaps(m_hdcWin, BITSPIXEL);

   // If nothing has changed, just get out.
   if (m_rDisplay.EqualRect(prDisplay) && 
       (nPaletteSize  == m_nPaletteSize) &&
       (nBitsPerPixel == m_nBitsPerPixel))

   HDC hDC = Lock();

   // Save the new surface properties.
   m_nPaletteSize  = nPaletteSize;
   m_nBitsPerPixel = nBitsPerPixel;
   m_rDisplay      = *prDisplay;

   // If a DIB was created previously, delete it.

   int nWidth = m_rDisplay.Width();
   nWidth = max(nWidth, 1);

   int nHeight = m_rDisplay.Height();
   nHeight = max(nHeight, 1);

   // Match the screen color depth.
   UINT uDIBWidthBits  = nWidth * nBitsPerPixel;
   UINT uDIBWidthBytes = ((uDIBWidthBits + 31) & (~31)) >> 3;
   m_ActualSize.cx     = uDIBWidthBytes;
   m_ActualSize.cy     = nHeight;

   if (m_bInverted)
      nHeight = -nHeight;
   // add the storage for the DIB colors, if we have any!
   // m_nPaletteSize will be 256 for an 8 bit DIB, and 0 for all other DIBs
   int nBytes = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + m_nPaletteSize * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
   m_pBitmapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(nBytes);
   memset(m_pBitmapInfo, 0, nBytes);
   // if we've run out of memory, get out of here
   if (!m_pBitmapInfo)
   // set up the information that we need
   BITMAPINFOHEADER *pBitmapInfoHeader = &(m_pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader);

   pBitmapInfoHeader->biSize          = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // always this
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biWidth         = nWidth;                   // the width of the bitmap
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biHeight        = nHeight;                  // the height, but negative so we display it upside down
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biPlanes        = 1;                        // Always 1
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biBitCount      = WORD(m_nBitsPerPixel);    // BPP for DIB
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biCompression   = BI_RGB;                   // no compression
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biSizeImage     = 0;                        // Calculation not needed for BI_RGB
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;                        // These are arbitrary   
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;                        // These are arbitrary   
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biClrUsed       = m_nPaletteSize;           // Use biBitCount to determine colors used
   pBitmapInfoHeader->biClrImportant  = 0;                        // All colors important, set to 0
   if (m_nPaletteSize > 0)
#ifdef _MFC_VER
      m_Palette.CreateHalftonePalette( CDC::FromHandle(m_hdcWin) );

      ASSERT(m_nPaletteSize <= 256);
      PALETTEENTRY PalEntries[256]         = { 0 };
      PALETTEENTRY IdentityPalEntries[256] = { 0 };

      // fill them in
      int nEntries = m_Palette.GetPaletteEntries(0, m_nPaletteSize, PalEntries);
      LPPALETTEENTRY pPalEntries = PalEntries;

      CreateIdentityPalette(PalEntries, IdentityPalEntries, nEntries);
      pPalEntries = IdentityPalEntries;

      // now convert to DIB color
      RGBQUAD *pDIBColorTable = m_pBitmapInfo->bmiColors;
      for (int i = 0; i < m_nPaletteSize; i++)    
         pDIBColorTable[i].rgbBlue     = pPalEntries[i].peBlue;
         pDIBColorTable[i].rgbGreen    = pPalEntries[i].peGreen;
         pDIBColorTable[i].rgbRed      = pPalEntries[i].peRed;
         pDIBColorTable[i].rgbReserved = 0;

   // Create the DIB section.
   m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection( hDC, m_pBitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)(&m_pDibBits), NULL, 0);

   m_hbmSave = SelectBitmap( hDC, m_hBitmap );
   SetViewportOrgEx( hDC, -m_rDisplay.left, -m_rDisplay.top, NULL);

   Clear( &m_rDisplay );
Пример #10
int putsBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, LPCSTR pszString)

   DWORD    dwBytes = strlen(pszString);
   DWORD    dwBytesWritten;

   // perform write if buffer size is 0:
   if (pATF->lBufSize == 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       return WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pszString, dwBytes, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
       return c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszString, dwBytes, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   // switch to write mode:
   if (pATF->bRead)
      pATF->bRead = FALSE;
      pATF->lPos  = 0;

   long  lBufSize    = pATF->lBufSize;
   char *pszWriteBuf = pATF->pszBuf;

   // determine free size left in buffer:
   long lFreeSize = lBufSize - pATF->lPos;
   ASSERT(lFreeSize > 0L);

   // move up to a single buffer
   long lMoveSize = min((DWORD)lFreeSize, dwBytes);
   memcpy(pszWriteBuf + pATF->lPos, pszString, lMoveSize);
   pATF->lPos += lMoveSize;

   // case 1:  doesn't fill buffer
   if (pATF->lPos < lBufSize)
      return TRUE;

   // write initial buffer - results handled in case 2 and 3:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
   BOOL bReturn = WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pszWriteBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   BOOL bReturn = c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszWriteBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   // case 2:  fills buffer, less than one buffer overflow (write one, move the rest)
   if (dwBytes - (DWORD)lMoveSize < (DWORD)lBufSize)
      pATF->lPos = dwBytes - lMoveSize;
      if (pATF->lPos > 0L)
         memcpy(pszWriteBuf, pszString + lMoveSize, pATF->lPos);
      return bReturn;

   // case 3:  multiple buffer's worth (write mem buffer, write the remainder, reset internals)
   if (bReturn)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       bReturn = WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pszString + lMoveSize, 
                          dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
       bReturn = c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszString + lMoveSize, 
                          dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
   pATF->lPos = 0L;
   return bReturn;
Пример #11
int getsBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, LPSTR pszString, DWORD dwBufSize)

   // *******************************************************************************
   // check for unbuffered status:
   if (pATF->lBufSize == 0)
      return getsUnBuf(pATF, pszString, dwBufSize);

   DWORD dwToRead = dwBufSize;

   // *******************************************************************************
   // switch to read mode, if necessary:
   if (!pATF->bRead)
      DWORD    dwBytesWritten;

      // commit current cache:
      if (pATF->lPos > 0)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
          if (!WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
          if (!c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
              return GETS_ERROR;

      pATF->bRead = TRUE;
      pATF->lPos  = pATF->lBufSize;
      pATF->lBufReadLimit = pATF->lBufSize;

   // *******************************************************************************
   // process:

   dwToRead--;       // for terminating 0
   pszString[dwToRead] = '\0';

   LPSTR pszReturnBuf = pszString;
   LPSTR pszReadBuf   = pATF->pszBuf;

   while (dwToRead > 0L)
      // determine amount left in buffer:
      long lBytesInBuf = pATF->lBufReadLimit - pATF->lPos;
      ASSERT(lBytesInBuf >= 0L);

      // move up to a single buffer
      long lMoveSize = min(lBytesInBuf, (long)dwToRead);

      if (lMoveSize > 0)
         // look for a line terminator
         LPSTR pszStart = pszReadBuf + pATF->lPos;
         LPSTR pszTerm = strchr(pszStart, pATF->cLineTerm);

         // If found and inside the read range terminate the string and the read.
         if (pszTerm && (pszTerm < pszStart+lMoveSize))
            *pszTerm = '\0';
            lMoveSize = pszTerm - pszStart + 1;

            // When the counter gets decremented below, the loop will terminate.
            dwToRead = lMoveSize;

         // Copy the data into the return buffer.
         strncpy(pszReturnBuf, pszStart, lMoveSize);
         pszReturnBuf[lMoveSize] = '\0';

         // Advance the buffer position
         pATF->lPos   += lMoveSize;
         dwToRead     -= lMoveSize;
         pszReturnBuf += lMoveSize;
         // read another buffer if done with the current one:
         if (dwToRead > 0)    // ie - we arrived here because lBytesInBuf == 0
            DWORD dwBytesRead;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
            if (!ReadFile(pATF->hFile, pszReadBuf, pATF->lBufSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
            if (!c_ReadFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszReadBuf, pATF->lBufSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
                return GETS_ERROR;

            if (dwBytesRead == 0)
               return GETS_EOF;

            if (dwBytesRead != (DWORD)pATF->lBufSize)
               pATF->lBufReadLimit = dwBytesRead;
               pATF->lBufReadLimit = pATF->lBufSize;
            pATF->lPos = 0;

            // Zero terminate the read block after the last byte read.
            // No bounds problem because we allocated the I/O buffer to be one byte
            // more than pATF->lBufSize.
            pszReadBuf[dwBytesRead] = '\0';

            // If the line terminator has not been set, set it now.
            if (pATF->cLineTerm == '\0')
               pATF->cLineTerm = GetLineTerminator(pszReadBuf);

   // Take out the last character if it is '\r'.
   // (present if \r\n pairs terminate lines)
   int l = strlen(pszString);
   if (l && (pszString[l-1]=='\r'))
      pszString[l] = '\0';
   return (DWORD(l) < dwBufSize-1) ? 0 : GETS_NOEOL;
Пример #12
// PURPOSE:   Copies the complete synch array to another file, packing out the file-offset entry.
BOOL CSynch::Write( HANDLE hDataFile, UINT uAcquiredSamples, UINT *puSynchCount, UINT uSampleSize )

   // Flush any cached Synch entries to the temp file. This should not fail as the reserve file
   // will have been released just prior to calling this function. If it does fail, we will
   // still be able to work with the Synch entries that were saved ok.
   if (m_uCacheCount)

   // Set the return value for the number of synch entries. If none exist, return.
   *puSynchCount = 0;
   if (m_uSynchCount == 0)
      return TRUE;

   // Seek to the end of the passed file. This will only fail for invalid file handles.
   CFileIO_NoClose OutFile(hDataFile);
   LONGLONG llCurrentPos = 0;
   if (!OutFile.Seek(0, FILE_END, &llCurrentPos))
      return FALSE;

   // Seek to the start of the temporary file.
   SetFilePointer(m_hfSynchFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);

   // Read the Synch data in a buffer at a time and write it out to the passed file.
   UINT uEntries = m_uSynchCount;
   UINT uWritten = 0;
   UINT uCount = 0;
   while ( uEntries > 0 )
      uCount = min(uEntries, SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE);
      // Read in a buffer from the temp file.
      VERIFY(Read( m_SynchBuffer, uWritten, uCount));      

      // Pack the buffer, removing the dwFileOffset members and checking for invalid synch entries.
      // If an invalid entry is found, the count is truncated at the last valid entry.
      if (!_PackBuffer(uAcquiredSamples, uCount, uSampleSize))
         uEntries = uCount;
      // Write the packed buffer out to the temp file.
      if ( !OutFile.Write( m_SynchBuffer, uCount * 2 * sizeof(DWORD) ))
         // If an error occurs, go back to the start of the block and truncate the file
         // ready for the next attempt after the user has freed up some disk space.
         VERIFY(OutFile.Seek(llCurrentPos, FILE_BEGIN));
         return FALSE;
      uEntries -= uCount;
      uWritten += uCount;
   // Seek back to end of the temporary file.
   SetFilePointer(m_hfSynchFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_END);
   //TRACE1( "CSynch::Write current file pointer is %d after seek to end.\n",
   //         SetFilePointer(m_hfSynchFile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) );
   *puSynchCount = uWritten;
   return TRUE;
Пример #13
// FUNCTION: getsUnBuf
// PURPOSE:  Unbuffered version of gets
// RETURNS:  ZERO          on success
//           GETS_EOF   on EOF
//           GETS_ERROR on error
static int getsUnBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, LPSTR pszString, DWORD dwBufSize)
   ASSERT(dwBufSize > 1L);  // Must be at least one character and a '\0';

   DWORD dwToRead = dwBufSize;

   // Zero terminate the buffer at the last element and reduce the length count
   // to be sure that we are returning a zero term8inated string.
   pszString[dwToRead] = '\0';
   LPSTR pszThisRead = pszString;

   while (dwToRead > 0L)
      // Do the read.
      DWORD dwBytesToRead = min(MAX_READ_SIZE, dwToRead);
      DWORD dwBytesRead = 0L;
      if (!ReadFileBuf(pATF, pszThisRead, dwBytesToRead, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
         return GETS_ERROR;
      if (dwBytesRead == 0L)
         return GETS_EOF;

      // Zero terminate the read block after the last byte read.
      // No bounds problem because we predecremented the string size
      // up front to allow for a trailing '\0'.
      pszThisRead[dwBytesRead] = '\0';

      // If the line terminator has not been set, set it now.
      if (pATF->cLineTerm == '\0')
         pATF->cLineTerm = GetLineTerminator(pszString);

      // look for a line terminator.
      LPSTR pszTerm = strchr(pszThisRead, pATF->cLineTerm);
      if (pszTerm)
         // Zero out the terminator and step on past it.
         *pszTerm++ = '\0';

         // Set the count of bytes to back up in the file.
         int nCount = (pszThisRead + dwBytesRead) - pszTerm;

         // adjust file position if we find a line terminator before the end of the buffer we have just read;
         if (nCount < 0)
            SetFilePointerBuf(pATF, nCount, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);   
      dwToRead -= dwBytesRead;
      pszThisRead += dwBytesRead;

   // Take out the last character if it is '\r'.
   // (present if \r\n pairs terminate lines)
   int l = strlen(pszThisRead);
   if (l && (pszThisRead[l-1]=='\r'))
      pszThisRead[l] = '\0';
   return (DWORD(l) < dwBufSize-1) ? 0 : GETS_NOEOL;
Пример #14
BOOL ReadFileBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, LPVOID pvBuffer, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD *pdwRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)

   // perform read if buffer size is 0:
   if (pATF->lBufSize == 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
      return ReadFile(pATF->hFile, pvBuffer, dwBytes, pdwRead, lpOverlapped);
      return c_ReadFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pvBuffer, dwBytes, pdwRead, lpOverlapped);
   // switch to read mode:
   if (!pATF->bRead)
      DWORD dwBytesWritten;

      // commit current cache:
      if (pATF->lPos > 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
         if (!WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
         if (!c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pATF->pszBuf, pATF->lPos, &dwBytesWritten, NULL))
             return FALSE;

      pATF->bRead         = TRUE;
      pATF->lPos          = pATF->lBufSize;
      pATF->lBufReadLimit = pATF->lBufSize;

   DWORD dwBytesRead;
   BOOL  bReturn;
   long  lBufSize   = pATF->lBufSize;
   char *pszReadBuf = pATF->pszBuf;

   // determine amount left in buffer:
   long lBytesInBuf = pATF->lBufReadLimit - pATF->lPos;
   ASSERT(lBytesInBuf >= 0L);

   // move up to a single buffer
   long lMoveSize = min((DWORD)lBytesInBuf, dwBytes);
   if (lMoveSize > 0L)
      memcpy(pvBuffer, pszReadBuf + pATF->lPos, lMoveSize);
      pATF->lPos += lMoveSize;

   // case 1:  request doesn't run past the end of the buffer
   if (pATF->lPos < pATF->lBufReadLimit)
      if (pdwRead)
         *pdwRead = dwBytes;
      return TRUE;

   // case 2: request runs past end of buffer, and wants more than (or =) another buffer's worth:
   //         (perform a full read; leaves buffer empty)
   if (dwBytes - (DWORD)lMoveSize >= (DWORD)pATF->lBufReadLimit)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       bReturn = ReadFile(pATF->hFile, ((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize), 
                         dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesRead, lpOverlapped);
       bReturn = c_ReadFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, ((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize), 
                         dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesRead, lpOverlapped);
       if (pdwRead)
         *pdwRead = lMoveSize + dwBytesRead;
      pATF->lPos           = lBufSize;
      pATF->lBufReadLimit  = lBufSize;
      return bReturn;

   // case 3: request runs past end of buffer, and wants less than another buffer's worth:
   //        (read in another buffer, copy wanted portion, advance lPos)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
   bReturn = ReadFile(pATF->hFile, pszReadBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesRead, lpOverlapped);
   bReturn = c_ReadFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszReadBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesRead, lpOverlapped);
   if (bReturn)
      pATF->lBufReadLimit = dwBytesRead;
      int nMoveAmount = min((int)(dwBytes - lMoveSize), pATF->lBufReadLimit);
      memcpy((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize, pszReadBuf, nMoveAmount); 
      if (pdwRead)
         *pdwRead = lMoveSize + nMoveAmount;
      pATF->lPos = nMoveAmount;
      if (pdwRead)
         *pdwRead = lMoveSize;
      pATF->lPos = lBufSize;
   return bReturn;
Пример #15
BOOL WriteFileBuf(ATF_FILEINFO *pATF, LPCVOID pvBuffer, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD *pdwWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)

   long  lBufSize    = pATF->lBufSize;
   char *pszWriteBuf = pATF->pszBuf;

   // perform write if buffer size is 0:
   if (lBufSize == 0L)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       return WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pvBuffer, dwBytes, pdwWritten, lpOverlapped);
       return c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pvBuffer, dwBytes, pdwWritten, lpOverlapped);
   // switch to write mode:
   if (pATF->bRead)
      pATF->bRead = FALSE;
      pATF->lPos  = 0;

   // determine free size left in buffer:
   long lFreeSize = lBufSize - pATF->lPos;
   ASSERT(lFreeSize > 0L);

   // move up to a single buffer
   long lMoveSize = min((DWORD)lFreeSize, dwBytes);
   memcpy(pszWriteBuf + pATF->lPos, pvBuffer, lMoveSize);
   pATF->lPos += lMoveSize;

   // case 1:  doesn't fill buffer
   if (pATF->lPos < lBufSize)
      if (pdwWritten)
         *pdwWritten = dwBytes;
      return TRUE;

   // write initial buffer - results handled in case 2 and 3:
   DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
   BOOL  bReturn = WriteFile(pATF->hFile, pszWriteBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
   BOOL  bReturn = c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, pszWriteBuf, lBufSize, &dwBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
   // case 2:  fills buffer, less than one buffer overflow (write one, move the rest)
   if (dwBytes - (DWORD)lMoveSize < (DWORD)lBufSize)
      if (dwBytes - lMoveSize > 0L)
         memcpy(pszWriteBuf, ((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize), dwBytes-lMoveSize);
      pATF->lPos = dwBytes - lMoveSize;
      if (pdwWritten)
         *pdwWritten = dwBytes;
      return bReturn;

   // case 3:  multiple buffer's worth (write mem buffer, write the remainder, reset internals)
   if (bReturn)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
       bReturn = WriteFile(pATF->hFile, ((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize), 
                          dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
       bReturn = c_WriteFile((FILE*)pATF->hFile, ((BYTE *)pvBuffer + lMoveSize), 
                          dwBytes - lMoveSize, &dwBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
       if (pdwWritten)
         *pdwWritten = dwBytes;
   else if (pdwWritten)
      *pdwWritten = dwBytesWritten;
   pATF->lPos = 0L;
   return bReturn;
Пример #16
// FUNCTION: UpdateTag
// PURPOSE:  Updates an entry in the tag array.
BOOL CFileDescriptor::UpdateTag( UINT uTag, const ABFTag *pTag)
   WPTRASSERT( pTag );
   return m_Tags.Update( uTag, pTag );
// FUNCTION: RemoveExtraChannels
// PURPOSE:  Removes "extra" channels when P/N is enabled and files are opened as protocols.
// NOTES:    This function allows Clampex 10 data files (with P/N enabled) to be opened as a protocol.
//           These files have an extra channel that stores the raw data (in addition to the corrected data).
//           Therefore there is some tweaking and scaling of header parameters.
static BOOL RemoveExtraChannels( ABFFileHeader *pFH, UINT uFlags )

   // Must be episodic stimulation mode.
   if( pFH->nOperationMode != ABF_WAVEFORMFILE )
      return FALSE;

   // P/N must be enabled.
   if( !ABFH_IsPNEnabled( pFH ) )
      return FALSE;

   // This fix only applies to files with one ADC channel and one P/N channel.
   if( pFH->nADCNumChannels != 2 )
      return FALSE;

   // Must be a data file (i.e. not a protocol).
   if( pFH->lActualAcqLength == 0 )
      return FALSE;

   bool bFudge = false;
   if( uFlags & ABF_PARAMFILE )
      bFudge = true;
      long lActualSamplesPerEpisode = pFH->lActualAcqLength / pFH->lActualEpisodes;
      if( lActualSamplesPerEpisode != pFH->lNumSamplesPerEpisode )
         bFudge = true;
   if( !bFudge )
      return FALSE;

   int nIndex = ABF_UNUSED_CHANNEL;
   for( UINT i=0; i<ABF_ADCCOUNT; i++ )
      if( pFH->nADCSamplingSeq[i] == ABF_UNUSED_CHANNEL )
         nIndex = i - 1;  // i.e. the previous channel is the last valid channel.

   if( nIndex == ABF_UNUSED_CHANNEL )
      return FALSE;

   // There are extra channels to be stripped.
   short nOldChans        = pFH->nADCNumChannels;
   short nNewChans        = nOldChans - 1;
   pFH->nADCNumChannels   = nNewChans;
   pFH->lNumSamplesPerEpisode = MulDiv( pFH->lNumSamplesPerEpisode, nNewChans, nOldChans );

   // Adjust the statistics search regions.
   pFH->lStatsBaselineStart = MulDiv( pFH->lStatsBaselineStart, nNewChans, nOldChans );
   pFH->lStatsBaselineEnd   = MulDiv( pFH->lStatsBaselineEnd, nNewChans, nOldChans );
   for( UINT i=0; i<ABF_STATS_REGIONS; i++ )
      pFH->lStatsStart[i] = MulDiv( pFH->lStatsStart[i], nNewChans, nOldChans );
      pFH->lStatsEnd[i]   = MulDiv( pFH->lStatsEnd[i], nNewChans, nOldChans );

   return TRUE;