Пример #1
 * __wt_block_read_off_blind --
 *	Read the block at an offset, return the size and checksum, debugging
 * only.
__wt_block_read_off_blind(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session,
    WT_BLOCK *block, wt_off_t offset, uint32_t *sizep, uint32_t *checksump)

	*sizep = 0;
	*checksump = 0;

	 * Make sure the buffer is large enough for the header and read the
	 * the first allocation-size block.
	WT_RET(__wt_scr_alloc(session, block->allocsize, &tmp));
	    session, block->fh, offset, (size_t)block->allocsize, tmp->mem));
	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(tmp->mem);

	*sizep = blk->disk_size;
	*checksump = blk->checksum;

err:	__wt_scr_free(session, &tmp);
	return (ret);
Пример #2
 * __wt_block_read_off_blind --
 *	Read the block at an offset, try to figure out what it looks like,
 * debugging only.
    WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block, WT_ITEM *buf, off_t offset)
	uint32_t cksum, size;

	 * Make sure the buffer is large enough for the header and read the
	 * the first allocation-size block.
	WT_RET(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, block->allocsize));
	    session, block->fh, offset, (size_t)block->allocsize, buf->mem));
	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);

	 * Copy out the size and checksum (we're about to re-use the buffer),
	 * and if the size isn't insane, read the rest of the block.
	size = blk->disk_size;
	cksum = blk->cksum;
	if (__wt_block_offset_invalid(block, offset, size))
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "block at offset %" PRIuMAX " cannot be a valid block, no "
		    "read attempted",
	return (__wt_block_read_off(session, block, buf, offset, size, cksum));
Пример #3
 * __wt_block_read_off --
 *	Read an addr/size pair referenced block into a buffer.
__wt_block_read_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, wt_off_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t cksum)
	size_t bufsize;
	uint32_t page_cksum;

	WT_RET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_READ,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIu32 ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, size, cksum));

	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCR(session, block_read);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCRV(session, block_byte_read, size);

	 * Grow the buffer as necessary and read the block.  Buffers should be
	 * aligned for reading, but there are lots of buffers (for example, file
	 * cursors have two buffers each, key and value), and it's difficult to
	 * be sure we've found all of them.  If the buffer isn't aligned, it's
	 * an easy fix: set the flag and guarantee we reallocate it.  (Most of
	 * the time on reads, the buffer memory has not yet been allocated, so
	 * we're not adding any additional processing time.)
		bufsize = size;
	else {
		bufsize = WT_MAX(size, buf->memsize + 10);
	WT_RET(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, bufsize));
	WT_RET(__wt_read(session, block->fh, offset, size, buf->mem));
	buf->size = size;

	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	page_cksum = blk->cksum;
	if (page_cksum == cksum) {
		blk->cksum = 0;
		page_cksum = __wt_cksum(buf->mem,
		if (page_cksum == cksum)
			return (0);

		    "read checksum error [%" PRIu32 "B @ %" PRIuMAX ", %"
		    PRIu32 " != %" PRIu32 "]",
		    size, (uintmax_t)offset, cksum, page_cksum);

	/* Panic if a checksum fails during an ordinary read. */
	return (block->verify ||
	    WT_ERROR : __wt_illegal_value(session, block->name));
Пример #4
 * copy --
 *	Copy the created page to the end of the salvage file.
copy(u_int gen, u_int recno)
	FILE *ifp, *ofp;
	char buf[PSIZE];

	CHECK((ifp = fopen(LOAD, "r")) != NULL);

	 * If the salvage file doesn't exist, then we're creating it:
	 * copy the first sector (the file description).
	 * Otherwise, we are appending to an existing file.
	if (file_exists(SLVG))
		CHECK((ofp = fopen(SLVG, "a")) != NULL);
	else {
		CHECK((ofp = fopen(SLVG, "w")) != NULL);
		CHECK(fread(buf, 1, PSIZE, ifp) == PSIZE);
		CHECK(fwrite(buf, 1, PSIZE, ofp) == PSIZE);

	 * If there's data, copy/update the first formatted page.
	if (gen != 0) {
		CHECK(fseek(ifp, (long)PSIZE, SEEK_SET) == 0);
		CHECK(fread(buf, 1, PSIZE, ifp) == PSIZE);
		dsk = (void *)buf;
		if (page_type != WT_PAGE_ROW_LEAF)
			dsk->recno = recno;
		dsk->write_gen = gen;
		blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf);
		blk->checksum = 0;
		blk->checksum = __wt_checksum(dsk, PSIZE);
		CHECK(fwrite(buf, 1, PSIZE, ofp) == PSIZE);

	CHECK(fclose(ifp) == 0);
	CHECK(fclose(ofp) == 0);
Пример #5
 * __wt_block_salvage_next --
 *	Return the address for the next potential block from the file.
__wt_block_salvage_next(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session,
    WT_BLOCK *block, uint8_t *addr, size_t *addr_sizep, bool *eofp)
	WT_FH *fh;
	wt_off_t max, offset;
	uint32_t allocsize, checksum, size;
	uint8_t *endp;

	*eofp = 0;

	fh = block->fh;
	allocsize = block->allocsize;
	WT_ERR(__wt_scr_alloc(session, allocsize, &tmp));

	/* Read through the file, looking for pages. */
	for (max = block->size;;) {
		offset = block->slvg_off;
		if (offset >= max) {			/* Check eof. */
			*eofp = 1;
			goto done;

		 * Read the start of a possible page (an allocation-size block),
		 * and get a page length from it.  Move to the next allocation
		 * sized boundary, we'll never consider this one again.
		    session, fh, offset, (size_t)allocsize, tmp->mem));
		blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(tmp->mem);
		size = blk->disk_size;
		checksum = blk->checksum;

		 * Check the block size: if it's not insane, read the block.
		 * Reading the block validates any checksum; if reading the
		 * block succeeds, return its address as a possible page,
		 * otherwise, move past it.
		if (!__wt_block_offset_invalid(block, offset, size) &&
		    session, block, tmp, offset, size, checksum) == 0)

		/* Free the allocation-size block. */
		__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_SALVAGE,
		    "skipping %" PRIu32 "B at file offset %" PRIuMAX,
		    allocsize, (uintmax_t)offset);
		    session, block, offset, (wt_off_t)allocsize));
		block->slvg_off += allocsize;

	/* Re-create the address cookie that should reference this block. */
	endp = addr;
	WT_ERR(__wt_block_addr_to_buffer(block, &endp, offset, size, checksum));
	*addr_sizep = WT_PTRDIFF(endp, addr);

err:	__wt_scr_free(session, &tmp);
	return (ret);
Пример #6
 * __wt_block_salvage_next --
 *	Return the next block from the file.
    WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block, WT_ITEM *buf,
    uint8_t *addr, uint32_t *addr_sizep, uint64_t *write_genp, int *eofp)
	WT_FH *fh;
	off_t max, offset;
	uint32_t allocsize, cksum, size;
	uint8_t *endp;

	*eofp = 0;

	offset = block->slvg_off;
	fh = block->fh;
	allocsize = block->allocsize;
	WT_RET(__wt_buf_initsize(session, buf, allocsize));

	/* Read through the file, looking for pages with valid checksums. */
	for (max = fh->file_size;;) {
		if (offset >= max) {			/* Check eof. */
			*eofp = 1;
			return (0);

		 * Read the start of a possible page (an allocation-size block),
		 * and get a page length from it.
		WT_RET(__wt_read(session, fh, offset, allocsize, buf->mem));
		blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);

		 * The page can't be more than the min/max page size, or past
		 * the end of the file.
		size = blk->disk_size;
		cksum = blk->cksum;
		if (size == 0 ||
		    size % allocsize != 0 ||
		    size > WT_BTREE_PAGE_SIZE_MAX ||
		    offset + (off_t)size > max)
			goto skip;

		 * The page size isn't insane, read the entire page: reading the
		 * page validates the checksum and then decompresses the page as
		 * needed.  If reading the page fails, it's probably corruption,
		 * we ignore this block.
		if (__wt_block_read_off(
		    session, block, buf, offset, size, cksum)) {
skip:			WT_VERBOSE_RET(session, salvage,
			    "skipping %" PRIu32 "B at file offset %" PRIuMAX,
			    allocsize, (uintmax_t)offset);

			 * Free the block and make sure we don't return it more
			 * than once.
			    session, block, offset, (off_t)allocsize));
			block->slvg_off = offset += allocsize;

		 * Valid block, return to our caller.
		 * The buffer may have grown: make sure we read from the full
		 * page image.
		blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);

	 * Track the largest write-generation we've seen in the file so future
	 * writes, done after salvage completes, are preferred to these blocks.
	*write_genp = blk->write_gen;
	if (block->live.write_gen < blk->write_gen)
		block->live.write_gen = blk->write_gen;

	/* Re-create the address cookie that should reference this block. */
	endp = addr;
	WT_RET(__wt_block_addr_to_buffer(block, &endp, offset, size, cksum));
	*addr_sizep = WT_PTRDIFF32(endp, addr);

	/* We're successfully returning the page, move past it. */
	block->slvg_off = offset + size;

	return (0);
Пример #7
 * __wt_block_write_off --
 *	Write a buffer into a block, returning the block's addr/size and
 * checksum.
__wt_block_write_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, off_t *offsetp, uint32_t *sizep, uint32_t *cksump,
    int data_cksum, int locked)
	WT_FH *fh;
	off_t offset;
	uint32_t align_size;

	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	fh = block->fh;

	/* Buffers should be aligned for writing. */
	if (!F_ISSET(buf, WT_ITEM_ALIGNED)) {
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "direct I/O check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");

	 * Align the size to an allocation unit.
	 * The buffer must be big enough for us to zero to the next allocsize
	 * boundary, this is one of the reasons the btree layer must find out
	 * from the block-manager layer the maximum size of the eventual write.
	align_size = (uint32_t)WT_ALIGN(buf->size, block->allocsize);
	if (align_size > buf->memsize) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= buf->memsize);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "buffer size check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");

	/* Zero out any unused bytes at the end of the buffer. */
	memset((uint8_t *)buf->mem + buf->size, 0, align_size - buf->size);

	 * Set the disk size so we don't have to incrementally read blocks
	 * during salvage.
	blk->disk_size = align_size;

	 * Update the block's checksum: if our caller specifies, checksum the
	 * complete data, otherwise checksum the leading WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP
	 * bytes.  The assumption is applications with good compression support
	 * turn off checksums and assume corrupted blocks won't decompress
	 * correctly.  However, if compression failed to shrink the block, the
	 * block wasn't compressed, in which case our caller will tell us to
	 * checksum the data to detect corruption.   If compression succeeded,
	 * we still need to checksum the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes
	 * because they're not compressed, both to give salvage a quick test
	 * of whether a block is useful and to give us a test so we don't lose
	 * the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes without noticing.
	blk->flags = 0;
	if (data_cksum)
	blk->cksum = 0;
	blk->cksum = __wt_cksum(
	    buf->mem, data_cksum ? align_size : WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP);

	if (!locked)
		__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
	ret = __wt_block_alloc(session, block, &offset, (off_t)align_size);
	if (!locked)
		__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);

	 * Extend the file in chunks.  We aren't holding a lock and we'd prefer
	 * to limit the number of threads extending the file at the same time,
	 * so choose the one thread that's crossing the extended boundary.  We
	 * don't extend newly created files, and it's theoretically possible we
	 * might wait so long our extension of the file is passed by another
	 * thread writing single blocks, that's why there's a check in case the
	 * extended file size becomes too small: if the file size catches up,
	 * every thread will try to extend it.
	if (fh->extend_len != 0 &&
	    (fh->extend_size <= fh->size ||
	    (offset + fh->extend_len <= fh->extend_size &&
	    offset + fh->extend_len + align_size >= fh->extend_size))) {
		fh->extend_size = offset + fh->extend_len * 2;
		if ((ret =
		    posix_fallocate(fh->fd, offset, fh->extend_len * 2)) != 0)
			    session, ret, "%s: posix_fallocate", fh->name);
#elif defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
		if ((ret = ftruncate(fh->fd, fh->extend_size)) != 0)
			WT_RET_MSG(session, ret, "%s: ftruncate", fh->name);
	if ((ret =
	    __wt_write(session, fh, offset, align_size, buf->mem)) != 0) {
		if (!locked)
			__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		    __wt_block_off_free(session, block, offset, align_size));
		if (!locked)
			__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);

	 * Optionally schedule writes for dirty pages in the system buffer
	 * cache.
	if (block->os_cache_dirty_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache_dirty += align_size) > block->os_cache_dirty_max) {
		block->os_cache_dirty = 0;
		if ((ret = sync_file_range(fh->fd,
		    (off64_t)0, (off64_t)0, SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE)) != 0)
			    session, ret, "%s: sync_file_range", block->name);
	/* Optionally discard blocks from the system buffer cache. */
	if (block->os_cache_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache += align_size) > block->os_cache_max) {
		block->os_cache = 0;
		if ((ret = posix_fadvise(fh->fd,
		    (off_t)0, (off_t)0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)) != 0)
			    session, ret, "%s: posix_fadvise", block->name);
	WT_CSTAT_INCR(session, block_write);
	WT_CSTAT_INCRV(session, block_byte_write, align_size);

	WT_VERBOSE_RET(session, write,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIu32 ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, align_size, blk->cksum);

	*offsetp = offset;
	*sizep = align_size;
	*cksump = blk->cksum;

	return (ret);
Пример #8
 * __wt_block_read_off --
 *	Read an addr/size pair referenced block into a buffer.
__wt_block_read_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, wt_off_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t cksum)
	WT_BLOCK_HEADER *blk, swap;
	size_t bufsize;
	uint32_t page_cksum;

	__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_READ,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIu32 ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, size, cksum);

	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCR(session, block_read);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCRV(session, block_byte_read, size);

	 * Grow the buffer as necessary and read the block.  Buffers should be
	 * aligned for reading, but there are lots of buffers (for example, file
	 * cursors have two buffers each, key and value), and it's difficult to
	 * be sure we've found all of them.  If the buffer isn't aligned, it's
	 * an easy fix: set the flag and guarantee we reallocate it.  (Most of
	 * the time on reads, the buffer memory has not yet been allocated, so
	 * we're not adding any additional processing time.)
		bufsize = size;
	else {
		bufsize = WT_MAX(size, buf->memsize + 10);
	WT_RET(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, bufsize));
	WT_RET(__wt_read(session, block->fh, offset, size, buf->mem));
	buf->size = size;

	 * We incrementally read through the structure before doing a checksum,
	 * do little- to big-endian handling early on, and then select from the
	 * original or swapped structure as needed.
	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	__wt_block_header_byteswap_copy(blk, &swap);
	if (swap.cksum == cksum) {
		blk->cksum = 0;
		page_cksum = __wt_cksum(buf->mem,
		if (page_cksum == cksum) {
			 * Swap the page-header as needed; this doesn't belong
			 * here, but it's the best place to catch all callers.
			return (0);

			    "read checksum error for %" PRIu32 "B block at "
			    "offset %" PRIuMAX ": calculated block checksum "
			    "of %" PRIu32 " doesn't match expected checksum "
			    "of %" PRIu32,
			    size, (uintmax_t)offset, page_cksum, cksum);
	} else
			    "read checksum error for %" PRIu32 "B block at "
			    "offset %" PRIuMAX ": block header checksum "
			    "of %" PRIu32 " doesn't match expected checksum "
			    "of %" PRIu32,
			    size, (uintmax_t)offset, swap.cksum, cksum);

	/* Panic if a checksum fails during an ordinary read. */
	return (block->verify ||
	    WT_ERROR : __wt_illegal_value(session, block->name));
Пример #9
 * __wt_block_write_off --
 *	Write a buffer into a block, returning the block's offset, size and
 * checksum.
__wt_block_write_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, wt_off_t *offsetp, uint32_t *sizep, uint32_t *cksump,
    int data_cksum, int caller_locked)
	WT_FH *fh;
	size_t align_size;
	wt_off_t offset;
	int local_locked;

	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	fh = block->fh;
	local_locked = 0;

	/* Buffers should be aligned for writing. */
	if (!F_ISSET(buf, WT_ITEM_ALIGNED)) {
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "direct I/O check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");

	 * Align the size to an allocation unit.
	 * The buffer must be big enough for us to zero to the next allocsize
	 * boundary, this is one of the reasons the btree layer must find out
	 * from the block-manager layer the maximum size of the eventual write.
	align_size = WT_ALIGN(buf->size, block->allocsize);
	if (align_size > buf->memsize) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= buf->memsize);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "buffer size check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");
	if (align_size > UINT32_MAX) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= UINT32_MAX);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "buffer size check: write buffer too large to write");

	/* Zero out any unused bytes at the end of the buffer. */
	memset((uint8_t *)buf->mem + buf->size, 0, align_size - buf->size);

	 * Set the disk size so we don't have to incrementally read blocks
	 * during salvage.
	blk->disk_size = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);

	 * Update the block's checksum: if our caller specifies, checksum the
	 * complete data, otherwise checksum the leading WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP
	 * bytes.  The assumption is applications with good compression support
	 * turn off checksums and assume corrupted blocks won't decompress
	 * correctly.  However, if compression failed to shrink the block, the
	 * block wasn't compressed, in which case our caller will tell us to
	 * checksum the data to detect corruption.   If compression succeeded,
	 * we still need to checksum the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes
	 * because they're not compressed, both to give salvage a quick test
	 * of whether a block is useful and to give us a test so we don't lose
	 * the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes without noticing.
	blk->flags = 0;
	if (data_cksum)
	blk->cksum = 0;
	blk->cksum = __wt_cksum(
	    buf->mem, data_cksum ? align_size : WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP);

	if (!caller_locked) {
		WT_RET(__wt_block_ext_prealloc(session, 5));
		__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		local_locked = 1;
	ret = __wt_block_alloc(session, block, &offset, (wt_off_t)align_size);

	 * Extend the file in chunks.  We want to limit the number of threads
	 * extending the file at the same time, so choose the one thread that's
	 * crossing the extended boundary.  We don't extend newly created files,
	 * and it's theoretically possible we might wait so long our extension
	 * of the file is passed by another thread writing single blocks, that's
	 * why there's a check in case the extended file size becomes too small:
	 * if the file size catches up, every thread tries to extend it.
	 * File extension may require locking: some variants of the system call
	 * used to extend the file initialize the extended space. If a writing
	 * thread races with the extending thread, the extending thread might
	 * overwrite already written data, and that would be very, very bad.
	 * Some variants of the system call to extend the file fail at run-time
	 * based on the filesystem type, fall back to ftruncate in that case,
	 * and remember that ftruncate requires locking.
	if (ret == 0 &&
	    fh->extend_len != 0 &&
	    (fh->extend_size <= fh->size ||
	    (offset + fh->extend_len <= fh->extend_size &&
	    offset +
	    fh->extend_len + (wt_off_t)align_size >= fh->extend_size))) {
		fh->extend_size = offset + fh->extend_len * 2;
		if (fh->fallocate_available != WT_FALLOCATE_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
			 * Release any locally acquired lock if it's not needed
			 * to extend the file, extending the file might require
			 * updating file metadata, which can be slow. (It may be
			 * a bad idea to configure for file extension on systems
			 * that require locking over the extend call.)
			if (!fh->fallocate_requires_locking && local_locked) {
				__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);
				local_locked = 0;

			/* Extend the file. */
			if ((ret = __wt_fallocate(session,
			    fh, offset, fh->extend_len * 2)) == ENOTSUP) {
				ret = 0;
				goto extend_truncate;
		} else {
extend_truncate:	/*
			 * We may have a caller lock or a locally acquired lock,
			 * but we need a lock to call ftruncate.
			if (!caller_locked && local_locked == 0) {
				__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
				local_locked = 1;
			 * The truncate might fail if there's a file mapping
			 * (if there's an open checkpoint on the file), that's
			 * OK.
			if ((ret = __wt_ftruncate(
			    session, fh, offset + fh->extend_len * 2)) == EBUSY)
				ret = 0;
	/* Release any locally acquired lock. */
	if (local_locked) {
		__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);
		local_locked = 0;

	/* Write the block. */
	if ((ret =
	    __wt_write(session, fh, offset, align_size, buf->mem)) != 0) {
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		    session, block, offset, (wt_off_t)align_size));
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);

	 * Optionally schedule writes for dirty pages in the system buffer
	 * cache, but only if the current session can wait.
	if (block->os_cache_dirty_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache_dirty += align_size) > block->os_cache_dirty_max &&
	    __wt_session_can_wait(session)) {
		block->os_cache_dirty = 0;
		WT_RET(__wt_fsync_async(session, fh));
	/* Optionally discard blocks from the system buffer cache. */
	if (block->os_cache_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache += align_size) > block->os_cache_max) {
		block->os_cache = 0;
		if ((ret = posix_fadvise(fh->fd,
		    (wt_off_t)0, (wt_off_t)0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)) != 0)
			    session, ret, "%s: posix_fadvise", block->name);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCR(session, block_write);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCRV(session, block_byte_write, align_size);

	WT_RET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_WRITE,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIuMAX ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, (uintmax_t)align_size, blk->cksum));

	*offsetp = offset;
	*sizep = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);
	*cksump = blk->cksum;

	return (ret);
Пример #10
 * __wt_block_write_off --
 *	Write a buffer into a block, returning the block's offset, size and
 * checksum.
__wt_block_write_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, wt_off_t *offsetp, uint32_t *sizep, uint32_t *cksump,
    bool data_cksum, bool caller_locked)
	WT_FH *fh;
	size_t align_size;
	wt_off_t offset;
	uint32_t cksum;
	bool local_locked;

	fh = block->fh;

	 * Clear the block header to ensure all of it is initialized, even the
	 * unused fields.
	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	memset(blk, 0, sizeof(*blk));

	 * Swap the page-header as needed; this doesn't belong here, but it's
	 * the best place to catch all callers.

	/* Buffers should be aligned for writing. */
	if (!F_ISSET(buf, WT_ITEM_ALIGNED)) {
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "direct I/O check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");

	 * Align the size to an allocation unit.
	 * The buffer must be big enough for us to zero to the next allocsize
	 * boundary, this is one of the reasons the btree layer must find out
	 * from the block-manager layer the maximum size of the eventual write.
	align_size = WT_ALIGN(buf->size, block->allocsize);
	if (align_size > buf->memsize) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= buf->memsize);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "buffer size check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");
	if (align_size > UINT32_MAX) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= UINT32_MAX);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL,
		    "buffer size check: write buffer too large to write");

	/* Zero out any unused bytes at the end of the buffer. */
	memset((uint8_t *)buf->mem + buf->size, 0, align_size - buf->size);

	 * Set the disk size so we don't have to incrementally read blocks
	 * during salvage.
	blk->disk_size = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);

	 * Update the block's checksum: if our caller specifies, checksum the
	 * complete data, otherwise checksum the leading WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP
	 * bytes.  The assumption is applications with good compression support
	 * turn off checksums and assume corrupted blocks won't decompress
	 * correctly.  However, if compression failed to shrink the block, the
	 * block wasn't compressed, in which case our caller will tell us to
	 * checksum the data to detect corruption. If compression succeeded,
	 * we still need to checksum the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes
	 * because they're not compressed, both to give salvage a quick test
	 * of whether a block is useful and to give us a test so we don't lose
	 * the first WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP bytes without noticing.
	 * Checksum a little-endian version of the header, and write everything
	 * in little-endian format. The checksum is (potentially) returned in a
	 * big-endian format, swap it into place in a separate step.
	blk->flags = 0;
	if (data_cksum)
	blk->cksum = 0;
	blk->cksum = cksum = __wt_cksum(
	    buf->mem, data_cksum ? align_size : WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP);
	blk->cksum = __wt_bswap32(blk->cksum);

	/* Pre-allocate some number of extension structures. */
	WT_RET(__wt_block_ext_prealloc(session, 5));

	 * Acquire a lock, if we don't already hold one.
	 * Allocate space for the write, and optionally extend the file (note
	 * the block-extend function may release the lock).
	 * Release any locally acquired lock.
	local_locked = false;
	if (!caller_locked) {
		__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		local_locked = true;
	ret = __wt_block_alloc(session, block, &offset, (wt_off_t)align_size);
	if (ret == 0)
		ret = __wt_block_extend(
		    session, block, fh, offset, align_size, &local_locked);
	if (local_locked)
		__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);

	/* Write the block. */
	if ((ret =
	    __wt_write(session, fh, offset, align_size, buf->mem)) != 0) {
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		    session, block, offset, (wt_off_t)align_size));
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);

	 * Optionally schedule writes for dirty pages in the system buffer
	 * cache, but only if the current session can wait.
	if (block->os_cache_dirty_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache_dirty += align_size) > block->os_cache_dirty_max &&
	    __wt_session_can_wait(session)) {
		block->os_cache_dirty = 0;
		WT_RET(__wt_fsync_async(session, fh));
	/* Optionally discard blocks from the system buffer cache. */
	if (block->os_cache_max != 0 &&
	    (block->os_cache += align_size) > block->os_cache_max) {
		block->os_cache = 0;
		if ((ret = posix_fadvise(fh->fd,
		    (wt_off_t)0, (wt_off_t)0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)) != 0)
			    session, ret, "%s: posix_fadvise", block->name);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCR(session, block_write);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCRV(session, block_byte_write, align_size);

	WT_RET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_WRITE,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIuMAX ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, (uintmax_t)align_size, cksum));

	*offsetp = offset;
	*sizep = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);
	*cksump = cksum;

	return (0);
Пример #11
 * __wt_block_salvage_next --
 *	Return the address for the next potential block from the file.
__wt_block_salvage_next(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session,
    WT_BLOCK *block, uint8_t *addr, uint32_t *addr_sizep, int *eofp)
	WT_FH *fh;
	off_t max, offset;
	uint32_t allocsize, cksum, size;
	uint8_t *endp;

	*eofp = 0;

	fh = block->fh;
	allocsize = block->allocsize;
	WT_ERR(__wt_scr_alloc(session, allocsize, &tmp));

	/* Read through the file, looking for pages. */
	for (max = fh->size;;) {
		offset = block->slvg_off;
		if (offset >= max) {			/* Check eof. */
			*eofp = 1;
			goto done;

		 * Read the start of a possible page (an allocation-size block),
		 * and get a page length from it.  Move to the next allocation
		 * sized boundary, we'll never consider this one again.
		WT_ERR(__wt_read(session, fh, offset, allocsize, tmp->mem));
		blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(tmp->mem);
		block->slvg_off += allocsize;

		 * The page can't be more than the min/max page size, or past
		 * the end of the file.
		size = blk->disk_size;
		cksum = blk->cksum;
		if (size == 0 ||
		    size % allocsize != 0 ||
		    size > WT_BTREE_PAGE_SIZE_MAX ||
		    offset + (off_t)size > max)
			goto skip;

		 * The block size isn't insane, read the entire block.  Reading
		 * the block validates the checksum; if reading the block fails,
		 * ignore it.  If reading the block succeeds, return its address
		 * as a possible page.
		if (__wt_block_read_off(
		    session, block, tmp, offset, size, cksum) == 0)

skip:		WT_VERBOSE_ERR(session, salvage,
		    "skipping %" PRIu32 "B at file offset %" PRIuMAX,
		    allocsize, (uintmax_t)offset);

		/* Free the allocation-size block. */
		    session, block, offset, (off_t)allocsize));

	/* Re-create the address cookie that should reference this block. */
	endp = addr;
	WT_ERR(__wt_block_addr_to_buffer(block, &endp, offset, size, cksum));
	*addr_sizep = WT_PTRDIFF32(endp, addr);

err:	__wt_scr_free(&tmp);
	return (ret);
Пример #12
 * __wt_block_read_off --
 *	Read an addr/size pair referenced block into a buffer.
__wt_block_read_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session,
    WT_BLOCK *block, WT_ITEM *buf, off_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t cksum)
	uint32_t alloc_size, page_cksum;

	WT_VERBOSE_RET(session, read,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIu32 ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, size, cksum);

	 * In diagnostic mode, verify the block we're about to read isn't on
	 * either the available or discard lists.
	 * Don't check during salvage, it's possible we're reading an already
	 * freed overflow page.
		    __wt_block_misplaced(session, block, "read", offset, size));

	 * Grow the buffer as necessary and read the block.  Buffers should be
	 * aligned for reading, but there are lots of buffers (for example, file
	 * cursors have two buffers each, key and value), and it's difficult to
	 * be sure we've found all of them.  If the buffer isn't aligned, it's
	 * an easy fix: set the flag and guarantee we reallocate it.  (Most of
	 * the time on reads, the buffer memory has not yet been allocated, so
	 * we're not adding any additional processing time.)
		alloc_size = size;
	else {
		alloc_size = (uint32_t)WT_MAX(size, buf->memsize + 10);
	WT_RET(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, alloc_size));
	WT_RET(__wt_read(session, block->fh, offset, size, buf->mem));
	buf->size = size;

	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	blk->cksum = 0;
	page_cksum = __wt_cksum(buf->mem,
	if (cksum != page_cksum) {
			    "read checksum error [%"
			    PRIu32 "B @ %" PRIuMAX ", %"
			    PRIu32 " != %" PRIu32 "]",
			    size, (uintmax_t)offset, cksum, page_cksum);
		return (WT_ERROR);

	WT_CSTAT_INCR(session, block_read);
	WT_CSTAT_INCRV(session, block_byte_read, size);
	return (0);
Пример #13
int __wt_block_write_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block, WT_ITEM *buf, wt_off_t *offsetp, 
						uint32_t *sizep, uint32_t *cksump, int data_cksum, int caller_locked)
	WT_FH *fh;
	size_t align_size;
	wt_off_t offset;
	int local_locked;

	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(buf->mem);
	fh = block->fh;
	local_locked = 0;

		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL, "direct I/O check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");

	align_size = WT_ALIGN(buf->size, block->allocsize);
	if (align_size > buf->memsize) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= buf->memsize);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL, "buffer size check: write buffer incorrectly allocated");
	if (align_size > UINT32_MAX) {
		WT_ASSERT(session, align_size <= UINT32_MAX);
		WT_RET_MSG(session, EINVAL, "buffer size check: write buffer too large to write");

	memset((uint8_t*)buf->mem + buf->size, 0, align_size - buf->size);

	/*设置block header,计算存储的数据长度*/
	blk->disk_size = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);
	blk->flags = 0;

	blk->cksum = __wt_cksum(buf->mem, data_cksum ? align_size : WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP);

	if (!caller_locked) {
		WT_RET(__wt_block_ext_prealloc(session, 5));
		__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		local_locked = 1;

	ret = __wt_block_alloc(session, block, &offset, (wt_off_t)align_size);
	if(ret == 0 && fh->extend_len != 0 && (fh->extend_size <= fh->size ||
		(offset + fh->extend_len <= fh->extend_size && offset + fh->extend_len + (wt_off_t)align_size >= fh->extend_size))){
			/*调整extend_size为原来的offset + extend_len的两倍*/
			fh->extend_size = offset + fh->extend_len * 2;
			if (fh->fallocate_available != WT_FALLOCATE_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
				if (!fh->fallocate_requires_locking && local_locked) {
					__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);
					local_locked = 0;

				if ((ret = __wt_fallocate(session,fh, offset, fh->extend_len * 2)) == ENOTSUP) {
					ret = 0;
					goto extend_truncate;
				if (!caller_locked && local_locked == 0) {
					__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
					local_locked = 1;
				if ((ret = __wt_ftruncate(session, fh, offset + fh->extend_len * 2)) == EBUSY)
					ret = 0;

		__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);
		local_locked = 0;

	ret =__wt_write(session, fh, offset, align_size, buf->mem);
	if (ret != 0) {
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_lock(session, &block->live_lock);
		/*没写成功,将ext对应的数据返回给avail list*/
		WT_TRET(__wt_block_off_free(session, block, offset, (wt_off_t)align_size));
		if (!caller_locked)
			__wt_spin_unlock(session, &block->live_lock);


	if (block->os_cache_dirty_max != 0 && (block->os_cache_dirty += align_size) > block->os_cache_dirty_max && __wt_session_can_wait(session)) {
			block->os_cache_dirty = 0;
			WT_RET(__wt_fsync_async(session, fh));

	/*清理fh->fd文件对应的system page cache中的数据,这个过程可能会有IO操作,相当于同步的sync调用*/
	if (block->os_cache_max != 0 && (block->os_cache += align_size) > block->os_cache_max) {
		block->os_cache = 0;
		if ((ret = posix_fadvise(fh->fd, (wt_off_t)0, (wt_off_t)0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED)) != 0)
			WT_RET_MSG( session, ret, "%s: posix_fadvise", block->name);

	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCR(session, block_write);
	WT_STAT_FAST_CONN_INCRV(session, block_byte_write, align_size);

	WT_RET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_WRITE, "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIuMAX ", cksum %" PRIu32, 
							(uintmax_t)offset, (uintmax_t)align_size, blk->cksum));

	*offsetp = offset;
	*sizep = WT_STORE_SIZE(align_size);
	*cksump = blk->cksum;

	return ret;
Пример #14
 * __wt_block_read_off --
 *	Read an addr/size pair referenced block into a buffer.
__wt_block_read_off(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_BLOCK *block,
    WT_ITEM *buf, off_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t cksum)
	size_t result_len;
	uint32_t page_cksum;

	WT_VERBOSE_RET(session, read,
	    "off %" PRIuMAX ", size %" PRIu32 ", cksum %" PRIu32,
	    (uintmax_t)offset, size, cksum);

	 * In diagnostic mode, verify the block we're about to read isn't on
	 * either the available or discard lists.
	 * Don't check during salvage, it's possible we're reading an already
	 * freed overflow page.
		    __wt_block_misplaced(session, block, "read", offset, size));

	 * If we're compressing the file blocks, place the initial read into a
	 * scratch buffer, we're going to have to re-allocate more memory for
	 * decompression.  Else check the caller's buffer size and grow it as
	 * necessary, there will only be one buffer.
	if (block->compressor == NULL) {
		WT_RET(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, size));
		buf->size = size;
		dsk = buf->mem;
	} else {
		WT_RET(__wt_scr_alloc(session, size, &tmp));
		tmp->size = size;
		dsk = tmp->mem;

	/* Read. */
	WT_ERR(__wt_read(session, block->fh, offset, size, dsk));
	blk = WT_BLOCK_HEADER_REF(dsk);

	/* Validate the checksum. */
	if (block->checksum &&
	    cksum != WT_BLOCK_CHECKSUM_NOT_SET &&
	    blk->cksum != WT_BLOCK_CHECKSUM_NOT_SET) {
		blk->cksum = 0;
		page_cksum = __wt_cksum(dsk, size);
		if (page_cksum == WT_BLOCK_CHECKSUM_NOT_SET)
		if (cksum != page_cksum) {
				    "read checksum error [%"
				    PRIu32 "B @ %" PRIuMAX ", %"
				    PRIu32 " != %" PRIu32 "]",
				    size, (uintmax_t)offset, cksum, page_cksum);

	 * If the in-memory block size is larger than the on-disk block size,
	 * the block is compressed.   Size the user's buffer, copy the skipped
	 * bytes of the original image into place, then decompress.
	 * If the in-memory block size is less than or equal to the on-disk
	 * block size, the block is not compressed.
	if (blk->disk_size < dsk->size) {
		if (block->compressor == NULL)
			WT_ERR(__wt_illegal_value(session, block->name));

		WT_ERR(__wt_buf_init(session, buf, dsk->size));
		buf->size = dsk->size;

		 * Note the source length is NOT the number of compressed bytes,
		 * it's the length of the block we just read (minus the skipped
		 * bytes).  We don't store the number of compressed bytes: some
		 * compression engines need that length stored externally, they
		 * don't have markers in the stream to signal the end of the
		 * compressed bytes.  Those engines must store the compressed
		 * byte length somehow, see the snappy compression extension for
		 * an example.
		memcpy(buf->mem, tmp->mem, WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP);
		    block->compressor, &session->iface,
		    (uint8_t *)tmp->mem + WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP,
		    tmp->size - WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP,
		    (uint8_t *)buf->mem + WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP,
		    dsk->size - WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP,
		if (result_len != dsk->size - WT_BLOCK_COMPRESS_SKIP)
			WT_ERR(__wt_illegal_value(session, block->name));
	} else
		if (block->compressor == NULL)
			buf->size = dsk->size;
			 * We guessed wrong: there was a compressor, but this
			 * block was not compressed, and now the page is in the
			 * wrong buffer and the buffer may be of the wrong size.
			 * This should be rare, why configure a compressor that
			 * doesn't work?  Allocate a buffer of the right size
			 * (we used a scratch buffer which might be large), and
			 * copy the data into place.
			    __wt_buf_set(session, buf, tmp->data, dsk->size));

	WT_BSTAT_INCR(session, page_read);
	WT_CSTAT_INCR(session, block_read);

err:	__wt_scr_free(&tmp);
	return (ret);