Пример #1
void BoxSizerTestCase::CalcMin()
    static const unsigned NUM_TEST_ITEM = 3;

    static const struct CalcMinTestData
        // proportions of the elements, if one of them is -1 it means to not
        // use this window at all in this test
        int prop[NUM_TEST_ITEM];

        // minimal sizes of the elements in the sizer direction
        int minsize[NUM_TEST_ITEM];

        // the expected minimal sizer size
        int total;
    } calcMinTestData[] =
        { {  1,  1, -1 }, {  30,  50,   0 },  100 },
        { {  1,  1,  0 }, {  30,  50,  20 },  120 },
        { { 10, 10, -1 }, {  30,  50,   0 },  100 },
        { {  1,  2,  2 }, {  50,  50,  80 },  250 },
        { {  1,  2,  2 }, { 100,  50,  80 },  500 },

    unsigned n;
    wxWindow *child[NUM_TEST_ITEM];
    for ( n = 0; n < NUM_TEST_ITEM; n++ )
        child[n] = new wxWindow(m_win, wxID_ANY);

    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(calcMinTestData); i++ )

        const CalcMinTestData& cmtd = calcMinTestData[i];
        for ( n = 0; n < NUM_TEST_ITEM; n++ )
            if ( cmtd.prop[n] != -1 )
                child[n]->SetInitialSize(wxSize(cmtd.minsize[n], -1));
                m_sizer->Add(child[n], wxSizerFlags(cmtd.prop[n]));

            ("In test #%u", i),
            cmtd.total, m_sizer->CalcMin().x
Пример #2
    virtual void CheckResult()
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "No events received", !m_events.empty() );

        const wxFileSystemWatcherEvent * const e = m_events.front();

        // this is our "reference event"
        const wxFileSystemWatcherEvent expected = ExpectedEvent();

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( expected.GetChangeType(), e->GetChangeType() );

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((int)wxEVT_FSWATCHER, e->GetEventType());

        // XXX this needs change

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected.GetPath(), e->GetPath());
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected.GetNewPath(), e->GetNewPath());

        // Under MSW extra modification events are sometimes reported after a
        // rename and we just can't get rid of them, so ignore them in this
        // test if they do happen.
        if ( e->GetChangeType() == wxFSW_EVENT_RENAME &&
                m_events.size() == 2 )
            const wxFileSystemWatcherEvent* const e2 = m_events.back();
            if ( e2->GetChangeType() == wxFSW_EVENT_MODIFY &&
                    e2->GetPath() == e->GetNewPath() )
                // This is a modify event for the new file, ignore it.

                "Extra events received, last one is of type %x, path=\"%s\" "
                "(the original event was for \"%s\" (\"%s\")",
            1, m_events.size()

Пример #3
void BoxSizerTestCase::Size3()
    // check that various combinations of minimal sizes and proportions work as
    // expected for different window sizes
    static const struct LayoutTestData
        // proportions of the elements
        int prop[3];

        // minimal sizes of the elements in the sizer direction
        int minsize[3];

        // total size and the expected sizes of the elements
        int x,

        // if true, don't try the permutations of our test data
        bool dontPermute;

        // Add the given window to the sizer with the corresponding parameters
        void AddToSizer(wxSizer *sizer, wxWindow *win, int n) const
            sizer->Add(win, wxSizerFlags(prop[n]));
            sizer->SetItemMinSize(win, wxSize(minsize[n], -1));

    } layoutTestData[] =
        // some really simple cases (no need to permute those, they're
        // symmetrical anyhow)
        { { 1, 1, 1, }, {  50,  50,  50, }, 150, {  50,  50,  50, }, true },
        { { 2, 2, 2, }, {  50,  50,  50, }, 600, { 200, 200, 200, }, true },

        // items with different proportions and min sizes when there is enough
        // space to lay them out
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, {   0,   0,   0, }, 600, { 100, 200, 300, } },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, }, 600, { 100, 200, 300, } },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100,  50,  50, }, 600, { 100, 200, 300, } },
        { { 0, 1, 1, }, { 200, 100, 100, }, 600, { 200, 200, 200, } },
        { { 0, 1, 2, }, { 300, 100, 100, }, 600, { 300, 100, 200, } },
        { { 0, 1, 1, }, { 100,  50,  50, }, 300, { 100, 100, 100, } },
        { { 0, 1, 2, }, { 100,  50,  50, }, 400, { 100, 100, 200, } },

        // cases when there is not enough space to lay out the items correctly
        // while still respecting their min sizes
        { { 0, 1, 1, }, { 100, 150,  50, }, 300, { 100, 150,  50, } },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, }, 300, { 100, 100, 100, } },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100,  50,  50, }, 300, { 100,  80, 120, } },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100,  10,  10, }, 150, { 100,  20,  30, } },

        // cases when there is not enough space even for the min sizes (don't
        // permute in these cases as the layout does depend on the item order
        // because the first ones have priority)
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100,  50,  50, }, 150, { 100,  50,   0, }, true },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, }, 200, { 100, 100,   0, }, true },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, }, 150, { 100,  50,   0, }, true },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, },  50, {  50,   0,   0, }, true },
        { { 1, 2, 3, }, { 100, 100, 100, },   0, {   0,   0,   0, }, true },

    wxWindow *child[3];
    child[0] = new wxWindow(m_win, wxID_ANY);
    child[1] = new wxWindow(m_win, wxID_ANY);
    child[2] = new wxWindow(m_win, wxID_ANY);

    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(layoutTestData); i++ )
        LayoutTestData ltd = layoutTestData[i];

        // the results shouldn't depend on the order of items except in the
        // case when there is not enough space for even the fixed width items
        // (in which case the first ones might get enough of it but not the
        // last ones) so test a couple of permutations of test data unless
        // specifically disabled for this test case
        for ( unsigned p = 0; p < 3; p++)
            switch ( p )
                case 0:
                    // nothing to do, use original data

                case 1:
                    // exchange first and last elements
                    wxSwap(ltd.prop[0], ltd.prop[2]);
                    wxSwap(ltd.minsize[0], ltd.minsize[2]);
                    wxSwap(ltd.sizes[0], ltd.sizes[2]);

                case 2:
                    // exchange the original third and second elements
                    wxSwap(ltd.prop[0], ltd.prop[1]);
                    wxSwap(ltd.minsize[0], ltd.minsize[1]);
                    wxSwap(ltd.sizes[0], ltd.sizes[1]);


            unsigned j;
            for ( j = 0; j < WXSIZEOF(child); j++ )
                ltd.AddToSizer(m_sizer, child[j], j);

            m_win->SetClientSize(ltd.x, -1);

            for ( j = 0; j < WXSIZEOF(child); j++ )
                        "test %lu, permutation #%lu: wrong size for child #%d "
                        "for total size %d",
                        static_cast<unsigned long>(i),
                        static_cast<unsigned long>(p),
                    ltd.sizes[j], child[j]->GetSize().x

            // don't try other permutations if explicitly disabled
            if ( ltd.dontPermute )
Пример #4
void FileNameTestCase::TestReplace()
    static const struct FileNameTest
        const char *original;
        const char *env_contents;
        const char *replace_fmtstring;
        const char *expected;
        wxPathFormat fmt;
    } tests[] =
        { "/usr/a/strange path/lib/someFile.ext", "/usr/a/strange path", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/lib/someFile.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/someFile.ext", "/usr/a/path", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/lib/someFile.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/someFile", "/usr/a/path/", "$%s", "$TEST_VARlib/someFile", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "$(%s)", "$(TEST_VAR)lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "${{%s}}", "${{TEST_VAR}}lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s", "TEST_VARlib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s//", "TEST_VAR/lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
            // note: empty directory components are automatically removed by wxFileName thus
            //       using // in the replace format string has no effect

        { "/usr/../a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s", "/usr/../a/path/lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/usr/usr", "/usr", "%s", "TEST_VAR/a/pathTEST_VAR/usr", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/usr/a/path/usr/usr", "/usr", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/a/path$TEST_VAR/usr", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/a/b/c/d", "a/", "%s", "/TEST_VARb/c/d", wxPATH_UNIX },

        { "C:\\A\\Strange Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Strange Path", "%%%s%%", "%TEST_VAR%\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN },
        { "C:\\A\\Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Path", "%%%s%%", "%TEST_VAR%\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN },
        { "C:\\A\\Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Path", "$(%s)", "$(TEST_VAR)\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN }

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(tests); i++ )
        const FileNameTest& fnt = tests[i];
        wxFileName fn(fnt.original, fnt.fmt);

        // set the environment variable
        wxSetEnv("TEST_VAR", fnt.env_contents);

        // be sure this ReplaceEnvVariable does not fail
            ("#%d: ReplaceEnvVariable(%s) failed", (int)i, fnt.replace_fmtstring),
            fn.ReplaceEnvVariable("TEST_VAR", fnt.replace_fmtstring, fnt.fmt)

        // compare result with expected string
        wxString expected(fnt.expected);
            ("array element #%d", (int)i),
            expected, fn.GetFullPath(fnt.fmt)

    // now test ReplaceHomeDir

    wxFileName fn = wxFileName::DirName(wxGetHomeDir());
    fn.SetName("some file");

        ("ReplaceHomeDir(%s) failed", fn.GetFullPath()),

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( wxString("~/test1/test2/test3/some file"),
                          fn.GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX) );
Пример #5
void FileNameTestCase::TestNormalize()
    // prepare some data to be used later
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
    wxString cwd = wxGetCwd();
    wxString home = wxGetUserHome();

    cwd.Replace(sep, wxT("/"));
    if (cwd.Last() != wxT('/'))
        cwd += wxT('/');
    home.Replace(sep, wxT("/"));
    if (home.Last() != wxT('/'))
        home += wxT('/');

    // since we will always be testing paths using the wxPATH_UNIX
    // format, we need to remove the volume, if present
    if (home.Contains(wxT(':')))
        home = home.AfterFirst(wxT(':'));
    if (cwd.Contains(wxT(':')))
        cwd = cwd.AfterFirst(wxT(':'));

    static const struct FileNameTest
        const char *original;
        int flags;
        const char *expected;
        wxPathFormat fmt;
    } tests[] =
        // test wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        { "%ABCDEF%/g/h/i", wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS, "abcdef/g/h/i", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "$(ABCDEF)/g/h/i", wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS, "abcdef/g/h/i", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_DOTS
        { "a/.././b/c/../../", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "./foo", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "b/../bar", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "bar", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "c/../../quux", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "../quux", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/c/../../quux", wxPATH_NORM_DOTS, "/quux", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_TILDE: notice that ~ is only interpreted specially
        // when it is the first character in the file name
        { "/a/b/~", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "/a/b/~", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/~/a/b", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "/~/a/b", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "~/a/b", wxPATH_NORM_TILDE, "HOME/a/b", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_CASE
        { "Foo", wxPATH_NORM_CASE, "Foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "Foo", wxPATH_NORM_CASE, "foo", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:\\Program Files\\wx", wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\program files\\wx", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:/Program Files/wx", wxPATH_NORM_ALL | wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\program files\\wx", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "C:\\Users\\zeitlin", wxPATH_NORM_ALL | wxPATH_NORM_CASE,
          "c:\\users\\zeitlin", wxPATH_DOS },

        // test wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE
        { "a/b/", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "CWD/a/b/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "CWD/a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/a", wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE, "/a", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test giving no flags at all to Normalize()
        { "a/b/", 0, "a/b/", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "a/b/c.ext", 0, "a/b/c.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "/a", 0, "/a", wxPATH_UNIX },

        // test handling dots without wxPATH_NORM_DOTS and wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE
        // for both existing and non-existent files (this is important under
        // MSW where GetLongPathName() works only for the former)
        { "./foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "./foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { "../foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "../foo", wxPATH_UNIX },
        { ".\\test.bkl", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, ".\\test.bkl", wxPATH_DOS },
        { ".\\foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, ".\\foo", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "..\\Makefile.in", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "..\\Makefile.in", wxPATH_DOS },
        { "..\\foo", wxPATH_NORM_LONG, "..\\foo", wxPATH_DOS },

    // set the env var ABCDEF
    wxSetEnv("ABCDEF", "abcdef");

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(tests); i++ )
        const FileNameTest& fnt = tests[i];
        wxFileName fn(fnt.original, fnt.fmt);

        // be sure this normalization does not fail
            ("#%d: Normalize(%s) failed", (int)i, fnt.original),
            fn.Normalize(fnt.flags, cwd, fnt.fmt)

        // compare result with expected string
        wxString expected(tests[i].expected);
        expected.Replace("HOME/", home);
        expected.Replace("CWD/", cwd);
            ("array element #%d", (int)i),
            expected, fn.GetFullPath(fnt.fmt)

    // MSW-only test for wxPATH_NORM_LONG: notice that we only run it if short
    // names generation is not disabled for this system as otherwise the file
    // MKINST~1 doesn't exist at all and normalizing it fails (it's possible
    // that we're on a FAT partition in which case the test would still succeed
    // and also that the registry key was changed recently and didn't take
    // effect yet but these are marginal cases which we consciously choose to
    // ignore for now)
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    long shortNamesDisabled;
    if ( wxRegKey
         ).QueryValue("NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation", &shortNamesDisabled) &&
            !shortNamesDisabled )
        wxFileName fn("..\\MKINST~1");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT( fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_LONG, cwd) );
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "..\\mkinstalldirs", fn.GetFullPath() );
    //else: when in doubt, don't run the test
#endif // __WINDOWS__
Пример #6
// test the computation of (ISO) week numbers
void DateTimeTestCase::TestTimeWNumber()
    struct WeekNumberTestData
        Date date;                          // the date
        wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t week;      // the week number in the year
        wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t wmon;      // the week number in the month
        wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t wmon2;     // same but week starts with Sun
        wxDateTime::wxDateTime_t dnum;      // day number in the year

    // data generated with the following python script:
from DateTime import *
from whrandom import *
from string import *

monthNames = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]
wdayNames = [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' ]

def GetMonthWeek(dt):
    weekNumMonth = dt.iso_week[1] - DateTime(dt.year, dt.month, 1).iso_week[1] + 1
    if weekNumMonth < 0:
        weekNumMonth = weekNumMonth + 53
    return weekNumMonth

def GetLastSundayBefore(dt):
    if dt.iso_week[2] == 7:
        return dt
        return dt - DateTimeDelta(dt.iso_week[2])

for n in range(20):
    year = randint(1900, 2100)
    month = randint(1, 12)
    day = randint(1, 28)
    dt = DateTime(year, month, day)
    dayNum = dt.day_of_year
    weekNum = dt.iso_week[1]
    weekNumMonth = GetMonthWeek(dt)

    weekNumMonth2 = 0
    dtSunday = GetLastSundayBefore(dt)

    while dtSunday >= GetLastSundayBefore(DateTime(dt.year, dt.month, 1)):
        weekNumMonth2 = weekNumMonth2 + 1
        dtSunday = dtSunday - DateTimeDelta(7)

    data = { 'day': rjust(`day`, 2), \
             'month': monthNames[month - 1], \
             'year': year, \
             'weekNum': rjust(`weekNum`, 2), \
             'weekNumMonth': weekNumMonth, \
             'weekNumMonth2': weekNumMonth2, \
             'dayNum': rjust(`dayNum`, 3) }

    print "        { { %(day)s, "\
          "wxDateTime::%(month)s, "\
          "%(year)d }, "\
          "%(weekNum)s, "\
          "%(weekNumMonth)s, "\
          "%(weekNumMonth2)s, "\
          "%(dayNum)s }," % data

    static const WeekNumberTestData weekNumberTestDates[] =
        { { 27, wxDateTime::Dec, 1966, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 52, 5, 5, 361 },
        { { 22, wxDateTime::Jul, 1926, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 29, 4, 4, 203 },
        { { 22, wxDateTime::Oct, 2076, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 43, 4, 4, 296 },
        { {  1, wxDateTime::Jul, 1967, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 26, 1, 1, 182 },
        { {  8, wxDateTime::Nov, 2004, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 46, 2, 2, 313 },
        { { 21, wxDateTime::Mar, 1920, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 12, 3, 4,  81 },
        { {  7, wxDateTime::Jan, 1965, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 2, 2,   7 },
        { { 19, wxDateTime::Oct, 1999, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 42, 4, 4, 292 },
        { { 13, wxDateTime::Aug, 1955, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 32, 2, 2, 225 },
        { { 18, wxDateTime::Jul, 2087, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 29, 3, 3, 199 },
        { {  2, wxDateTime::Sep, 2028, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 35, 1, 1, 246 },
        { { 28, wxDateTime::Jul, 1945, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 30, 5, 4, 209 },
        { { 15, wxDateTime::Jun, 1901, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 24, 3, 3, 166 },
        { { 10, wxDateTime::Oct, 1939, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 41, 3, 2, 283 },
        { {  3, wxDateTime::Dec, 1965, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 48, 1, 1, 337 },
        { { 23, wxDateTime::Feb, 1940, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  8, 4, 4,  54 },
        { {  2, wxDateTime::Jan, 1987, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 1, 1,   2 },
        { { 11, wxDateTime::Aug, 2079, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 32, 2, 2, 223 },
        { {  2, wxDateTime::Feb, 2063, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  5, 1, 1,  33 },
        { { 16, wxDateTime::Oct, 1942, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 42, 3, 3, 289 },
        { { 30, wxDateTime::Dec, 2003, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 5, 5, 364 },
        { {  2, wxDateTime::Jan, 2004, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 1, 1,   2 },
        { {  5, wxDateTime::Jan, 2010, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 2, 2,   5 },
        { {  3, wxDateTime::Jan, 2011, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 2, 2,   3 },
        { { 31, wxDateTime::Dec, 2009, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 53, 5, 5, 365 },
        { { 31, wxDateTime::Dec, 2012, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 6, 6, 366 },
        { { 29, wxDateTime::Dec, 2013, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 }, 52, 5, 5, 363 },
        { { 30, wxDateTime::Dec, 2013, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 6, 5, 364 },
        { { 31, wxDateTime::Dec, 2013, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, wxDateTime::Inv_WeekDay, 0 },  1, 6, 5, 365 },

    for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(weekNumberTestDates); n++ )
        const WeekNumberTestData& wn = weekNumberTestDates[n];
        const Date& d = wn.date;

        wxDateTime dt = d.DT();

            week = dt.GetWeekOfYear(wxDateTime::Monday_First),
            wmon = dt.GetWeekOfMonth(wxDateTime::Monday_First),
            wmon2 = dt.GetWeekOfMonth(wxDateTime::Sunday_First),
            dnum = dt.GetDayOfYear();

        WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( ("day of year for %s", d.Format()),
                                 wn.dnum, dnum );
        WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( ("week of month (Monday) for %s", d.Format()),
                                 wn.wmon, wmon );
        WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( ("week of month (Sunday) for %s", d.Format()),
                                 wn.wmon2, wmon2 );
        WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( ("week of year for %s", d.Format()),
                                 wn.week, week );

        int year = d.year;
        if ( week == 1 && d.month != wxDateTime::Jan )
            // this means we're in the first week of the next year

            dt2 = wxDateTime::SetToWeekOfYear(year, week, dt.GetWeekDay());
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( dt, dt2 );