Пример #1
/* For a landing UPWIND.
   Computes Top Of Descent waypoint from Touch Down and Approach Fix
   waypoints, using glide airspeed, glide vertical speed and wind */
static inline bool_t compute_TOD(uint8_t _af, uint8_t _td, uint8_t _tod, float glide_airspeed, float glide_vspeed)
  struct FloatVect2 *wind = stateGetHorizontalWindspeed_f();
  float td_af_x = WaypointX(_af) - WaypointX(_td);
  float td_af_y = WaypointY(_af) - WaypointY(_td);
  float td_af = sqrtf(td_af_x * td_af_x + td_af_y * td_af_y);
  float td_tod = (WaypointAlt(_af) - WaypointAlt(_td)) / glide_vspeed * (glide_airspeed - sqrtf(
                   wind->x * wind->x + wind->y * wind->y));
  WaypointX(_tod) = WaypointX(_td) + td_af_x / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointY(_tod) = WaypointY(_td) + td_af_y / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointAlt(_tod) = WaypointAlt(_af);
  return FALSE;
Пример #2
bool_t nav_select_touch_down(uint8_t _td)
  WaypointX(_td) = GetPosX();
  WaypointY(_td) = GetPosY();
  WaypointAlt(_td) = GetPosAlt();
  return FALSE;
Пример #3
bool_t nav_select_touch_down(uint8_t _td)
  WaypointX(_td) = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x;
  WaypointY(_td) = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y;
  WaypointAlt(_td) = stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt;
  return FALSE;
Пример #4
bool_t disc_survey( uint8_t center, float radius) {
  float wind_dir = atan2(wind_north, wind_east) + M_PI;

  /** Not null even if wind_east=wind_north=0 */
  float upwind_x = cos(wind_dir);
  float upwind_y = sin(wind_dir);

  float grid = nav_survey_shift / 2;

  switch (status) {
  case UTURN:
    nav_circle_XY(c.x, c.y, grid*sign);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(M_PI_2-wind_dir))) {
      c1.x = estimator_x;
      c1.y = estimator_y;

      float d = ScalarProduct(upwind_x, upwind_y, estimator_x-WaypointX(center), estimator_y-WaypointY(center));
      if (d > radius) {
	status = DOWNWIND;
      } else {
	float w = sqrt(radius*radius - d*d) - 1.5*grid;

	float crosswind_x = - upwind_y;
	float crosswind_y = upwind_x;

	c2.x = WaypointX(center)+d*upwind_x-w*sign*crosswind_x;
	c2.y = WaypointY(center)+d*upwind_y-w*sign*crosswind_y;

	status = SEGMENT;

  case DOWNWIND:
    c2.x = WaypointX(center) - upwind_x * radius;
    c2.y = WaypointY(center) - upwind_y * radius;
    status = SEGMENT;
    /* No break; */

  case SEGMENT:
    nav_route_xy(c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y);
    if (nav_approaching_xy(c2.x, c2.y, c1.x, c1.y, CARROT)) {
      c.x = c2.x + grid*upwind_x;
      c.y = c2.y + grid*upwind_y;

      sign = -sign;
      status = UTURN;

  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0.); /* No pitch */
  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(center), 0.); /* No preclimb */

  return TRUE;
Пример #5
static inline bool_t gls_compute_TOD(uint8_t _af, uint8_t _tod, uint8_t _td) {

  if ((WaypointX(_af)==WaypointX(_td))&&(WaypointY(_af)==WaypointY(_td))){

  float td_af_x = WaypointX(_af) - WaypointX(_td);
  float td_af_y = WaypointY(_af) - WaypointY(_td);
  float td_af = sqrt( td_af_x*td_af_x + td_af_y*td_af_y);
  float td_tod = (WaypointAlt(_af) - WaypointAlt(_td)) / (tan(app_angle));

  WaypointX(_tod) = WaypointX(_td) + td_af_x / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointY(_tod) = WaypointY(_td) + td_af_y / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointAlt(_tod) = WaypointAlt(_af);

  if (td_tod > td_af) {
    WaypointX(_af) = WaypointX(_tod) + td_af_x / td_af * app_intercept_af_tod;
    WaypointY(_af) = WaypointY(_tod) + td_af_y / td_af * app_intercept_af_tod;
  return FALSE;
}	/* end of gls_copute_TOD */
Пример #6
bool nav_bungee_takeoff_setup(uint8_t bungee_wp)
  // Store bungee point (from WP id, altitude should be ground alt)
  // FIXME use current alt instead ?
  VECT3_ASSIGN(bungee_point, WaypointX(bungee_wp), WaypointY(bungee_wp), WaypointAlt(bungee_wp));

  // Compute other points

  // Enable Launch Status and turn kill throttle on
  CTakeoffStatus = Launch;
  kill_throttle = 1;

  return false;
Пример #7
bool_t gls(uint8_t _af, uint8_t _tod, uint8_t _td) {

  if (init){

    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint = target_speed;			// set target speed for approach
    init = FALSE;

  float final_x = WaypointX(_td) - WaypointX(_tod);
  float final_y = WaypointY(_td) - WaypointY(_tod);
  float final2 = Max(final_x * final_x + final_y * final_y, 1.);

  float nav_final_progress = ((estimator_x - WaypointX(_tod)) * final_x + (estimator_y - WaypointY(_tod)) * final_y) / final2;
  float nav_final_length = sqrt(final2);

  float pre_climb = -(WaypointAlt(_tod) - WaypointAlt(_td)) / (nav_final_length / estimator_hspeed_mod);
  Bound(pre_climb, -5, 0.);

  float start_alt = WaypointAlt(_tod);
  float diff_alt = WaypointAlt(_td) - start_alt;
  float alt = start_alt + nav_final_progress * diff_alt;
  Bound(alt, WaypointAlt(_td), start_alt +(pre_climb/(v_ctl_altitude_pgain))) // to prevent climbing before intercept

  if(nav_final_progress < -0.5) {			// for smooth intercept

    NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(_tod), 0);	// vertical mode (fly straigt and intercept glideslope)

    NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0);		// throttle mode

    NavSegment(_af, _td);				// horizontal mode (stay on localiser)

  else {

    NavVerticalAltitudeMode(alt, pre_climb);	// vertical mode (folow glideslope)

    NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0);		// throttle mode

    NavSegment(_af, _td);				// horizontal mode (stay on localiser)

return TRUE;

}	// end of gls()
Пример #8
static inline bool_t gls_compute_TOD(uint8_t _af, uint8_t _sd, uint8_t _tod, uint8_t _td)

  if ((WaypointX(_af) == WaypointX(_td)) && (WaypointY(_af) == WaypointY(_td))) {
    WaypointX(_af) = WaypointX(_td) - 1;

  float td_af_x = WaypointX(_af) - WaypointX(_td);
  float td_af_y = WaypointY(_af) - WaypointY(_td);
  float td_af = sqrt(td_af_x * td_af_x + td_af_y * td_af_y);
  float td_tod = (WaypointAlt(_af) - WaypointAlt(_td)) / (tanf(app_angle));

  // set wapoint TOD (top of decent)
  WaypointX(_tod) = WaypointX(_td) + td_af_x / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointY(_tod) = WaypointY(_td) + td_af_y / td_af * td_tod;
  WaypointAlt(_tod) = WaypointAlt(_af);

  // calculate ground speed on final (target_speed - head wind)
  struct FloatVect2 *wind = stateGetHorizontalWindspeed_f();
  float wind_norm = sqrt(wind->x * wind->x + wind->y * wind->y);
  float wind_on_final = wind_norm * (((td_af_x * wind->y) / (td_af * wind_norm)) +
                                     ((td_af_y * wind->x) / (td_af * wind_norm)));
  Bound(wind_on_final, -MAX_WIND_ON_FINAL, MAX_WIND_ON_FINAL);
  gs_on_final = target_speed - wind_on_final;

  // calculate position of SD (start decent)
  float t_sd_intercept = (gs_on_final * tanf(app_angle)) / app_intercept_rate; //time
  sd_intercept = gs_on_final * t_sd_intercept; // distance
  sd_tod = 0.5 * sd_intercept;

  // set waypoint SD (start decent)
  WaypointX(_sd) = WaypointX(_tod) + td_af_x / td_af * sd_tod;
  WaypointY(_sd) = WaypointY(_tod) + td_af_y / td_af * sd_tod;
  WaypointAlt(_sd) = WaypointAlt(_af);

  // calculate td_sd
  float td_sd_x = WaypointX(_sd) - WaypointX(_td);
  float td_sd_y = WaypointY(_sd) - WaypointY(_td);
  float td_sd = sqrt(td_sd_x * td_sd_x + td_sd_y * td_sd_y);

  // calculate sd_tod in x,y
  sd_tod_x = WaypointX(_tod) - WaypointX(_sd);
  sd_tod_y = WaypointY(_tod) - WaypointY(_sd);

  // set Waypoint AF at least befor SD
  if ((td_sd + app_distance_af_sd) > td_af) {
    WaypointX(_af) = WaypointX(_sd) + td_af_x / td_af * app_distance_af_sd;
    WaypointY(_af) = WaypointY(_sd) + td_af_y / td_af * app_distance_af_sd;
  return FALSE;
} /* end of gls_copute_TOD */
Пример #9
bool_t gls_run(uint8_t _af, uint8_t _sd, uint8_t _tod, uint8_t _td)

  // set target speed for approach on final
  if (init) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint = target_speed;
    init = FALSE;

  // calculate distance tod_td
  float final_x = WaypointX(_td) - WaypointX(_tod);
  float final_y = WaypointY(_td) - WaypointY(_tod);
  float final2 = Max(final_x * final_x + final_y * final_y, 1.);

  struct EnuCoor_f *pos_enu = stateGetPositionEnu_f();
  float hspeed = *stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();

  float nav_final_progress = ((pos_enu->x - WaypointX(_tod)) * final_x +
                              (pos_enu->y - WaypointY(_tod)) * final_y) / final2;
  Bound(nav_final_progress, -1, 1);
  //  float nav_final_length = sqrt(final2);

  // calculate requiered decent rate on glideslope
  float pre_climb_glideslope = hspeed * (-tanf(app_angle));

  // calculate glideslope
  float start_alt = WaypointAlt(_tod);
  float diff_alt = WaypointAlt(_td) - start_alt;
  float alt_glideslope = start_alt + nav_final_progress * diff_alt;

  // calculate intercept
  float nav_intercept_progress = ((pos_enu->x - WaypointX(_sd)) * 2 * sd_tod_x +
                                  (pos_enu->y - WaypointY(_sd)) * 2 * sd_tod_y) /
                                 Max((sd_intercept * sd_intercept), 1.);
  Bound(nav_intercept_progress, -1, 1);
  float tmp = nav_intercept_progress * sd_intercept / gs_on_final;
  float alt_intercept = WaypointAlt(_tod) - (0.5 * app_intercept_rate * tmp * tmp);
  float pre_climb_intercept = -nav_intercept_progress * hspeed * (tanf(app_angle));


  // handle the different vertical approach segments

  float pre_climb = 0.;
  float alt = 0.;

  // distance
  float f_af = sqrt((pos_enu->x - WaypointX(_af)) * (pos_enu->x - WaypointX(_af)) +
                    (pos_enu->y - WaypointY(_af)) * (pos_enu->y - WaypointY(_af)));

  if (f_af < app_distance_af_sd) { // approach fix (AF) to start descent (SD)
    alt = WaypointAlt(_af);
    pre_climb = 0.;
  } else if ((f_af > app_distance_af_sd) && (f_af < (app_distance_af_sd + sd_intercept))) {
    // start descent (SD) to intercept
    alt = alt_intercept;
    pre_climb = pre_climb_intercept;
  } else { //glideslope (intercept to touch down)
    alt = alt_glideslope;
    pre_climb = pre_climb_glideslope;
  // Bound(pre_climb, -5, 0.);

  //######################### autopilot modes

  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(alt, pre_climb);  // vertical   mode (folow glideslope)
  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0);   // throttle   mode
  NavSegment(_af, _td);     // horizontal mode (stay on localiser)

  return TRUE;
} // end of gls()
Пример #10
bool_t nav_line_run(uint8_t l1, uint8_t l2, float radius) {
  radius = fabs(radius);
  float alt = waypoints[l1].a;
  waypoints[l2].a = alt;

  float l2_l1_x = WaypointX(l1) - WaypointX(l2);
  float l2_l1_y = WaypointY(l1) - WaypointY(l2);
  float d = sqrt(l2_l1_x*l2_l1_x+l2_l1_y*l2_l1_y);

  /* Unit vector from l1 to l2 */
  float u_x = l2_l1_x / d;
  float u_y = l2_l1_y / d;

  /* The half circle centers and the other leg */
  struct point l2_c1 = { WaypointX(l1) + radius * u_y,
                         WaypointY(l1) + radius * -u_x,
                         alt  };
  struct point l2_c2 = { WaypointX(l1) + 1.732*radius * u_x,
                         WaypointY(l1) + 1.732*radius * u_y,
                         alt  };
  struct point l2_c3 = { WaypointX(l1) + radius * -u_y,
                         WaypointY(l1) + radius * u_x,
                         alt  };

  struct point l1_c1 = { WaypointX(l2) + radius * -u_y,
                         WaypointY(l2) + radius * u_x,
                         alt  };
  struct point l1_c2 = { WaypointX(l2) +1.732*radius * -u_x,
                         WaypointY(l2) + 1.732*radius * -u_y,
                         alt  };
  struct point l1_c3 = { WaypointX(l2) + radius * u_y,
                         WaypointY(l2) + radius * -u_x,
                         alt  };
  float qdr_out_2_1 = M_PI/3. - atan2(u_y, u_x);

  float qdr_out_2_2 = -M_PI/3. - atan2(u_y, u_x);
  float qdr_out_2_3 = M_PI - atan2(u_y, u_x);

  /* Vertical target */
  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0); /* No pitch */
  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(l1), 0.);

  switch (line_status) {
  case LR12: /* From wp l2 to wp l1 */
    NavSegment(l2, l1);
    if (NavApproachingFrom(l1, l2, CARROT)) {
      line_status = LQC21;
  case LQC21:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c1.x, l2_c1.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_1)-10)) {
      line_status = LTC2;
  case LTC2:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c2.x, l2_c2.y, -radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_2)+10)) {
      line_status = LQC22;
  case LQC22:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c3.x, l2_c3.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_3)-10)) {
      line_status = LR21;
  case LR21: /* From wp l1 to wp l2 */
    NavSegment(l1, l2);
    if (NavApproachingFrom(l2, l1, CARROT)) {
      line_status = LQC12;
  case LQC12:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c1.x, l1_c1.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_1 + M_PI)-10)) {
      line_status = LTC1;
  case LTC1:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c2.x, l1_c2.y, -radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_2 + M_PI)+10)) {
      line_status = LQC11;
  case LQC11:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c3.x, l1_c3.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_3 + M_PI)-10)) {
      line_status = LR12;
  default: /* Should not occur !!! End the pattern */
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE; /* This pattern never ends */
Пример #11
/* D is the current position */
bool_t snav_init(uint8_t a, float desired_course_rad, float radius) {
  wp_a = a;
  radius = fabs(radius);

  float da_x = WaypointX(wp_a) - estimator_x;
  float da_y = WaypointY(wp_a) - estimator_y;

  /* D_CD orthogonal to current course, CD on the side of A */
  float u_x = cos(M_PI_2 - estimator_hspeed_dir);
  float u_y = sin(M_PI_2 - estimator_hspeed_dir);
  d_radius = - Sign(u_x*da_y - u_y*da_x) * radius;
  wp_cd.x = estimator_x + d_radius * u_y;
  wp_cd.y = estimator_y - d_radius * u_x;
  wp_cd.a = WaypointAlt(wp_a);

  /* A_CA orthogonal to desired course, CA on the side of D */
  float desired_u_x = cos(M_PI_2 - desired_course_rad);
  float desired_u_y = sin(M_PI_2 - desired_course_rad);
  a_radius = Sign(desired_u_x*da_y - desired_u_y*da_x) * radius;
  u_a_ca_x = desired_u_y;
  u_a_ca_y = - desired_u_x;
  wp_ca.x = WaypointX(wp_a) + a_radius * u_a_ca_x;
  wp_ca.y = WaypointY(wp_a) + a_radius * u_a_ca_y;
  wp_ca.a = WaypointAlt(wp_a);

  /* Unit vector along CD-CA */
  u_x = wp_ca.x - wp_cd.x;
  u_y = wp_ca.y - wp_cd.y;
  float cd_ca = sqrt(u_x*u_x+u_y*u_y);

  /* If it is too close in reverse direction, set CA on the other side */
  if (a_radius * d_radius < 0 && cd_ca < 2 * radius) {
    a_radius = -a_radius;
    wp_ca.x = WaypointX(wp_a) + a_radius * u_a_ca_x;
    wp_ca.y = WaypointY(wp_a) + a_radius * u_a_ca_y;
    u_x = wp_ca.x - wp_cd.x;
    u_y = wp_ca.y - wp_cd.y;
    cd_ca = sqrt(u_x*u_x+u_y*u_y);

  u_x /= cd_ca;
  u_y /= cd_ca;

  if (a_radius * d_radius > 0) {
    /* Both arcs are in the same direction */
    /* CD_TD orthogonal to CD_CA */
    wp_td.x = wp_cd.x - d_radius * u_y;
    wp_td.y = wp_cd.y + d_radius * u_x;

    /* CA_TA also orthogonal to CD_CA */
    wp_ta.x = wp_ca.x - a_radius * u_y;
    wp_ta.y = wp_ca.y + a_radius * u_x;
  } else {
    /* Arcs are in reverse directions: trigonemetric puzzle :-) */
    float alpha = atan2(u_y, u_x) + acos(d_radius/(cd_ca/2));
    wp_td.x = wp_cd.x + d_radius * cos(alpha);
    wp_td.y = wp_cd.y + d_radius * sin(alpha);

    wp_ta.x = wp_ca.x + a_radius * cos(alpha);
    wp_ta.y = wp_ca.y + a_radius * sin(alpha);
  qdr_td = M_PI_2 - atan2(wp_td.y-wp_cd.y, wp_td.x-wp_cd.x);
  qdr_a = M_PI_2 - atan2(WaypointY(wp_a)-wp_ca.y, WaypointX(wp_a)-wp_ca.x);
  wp_td.a = wp_cd.a;
  wp_ta.a = wp_ca.a;
  ground_speed_timer = 0;

  return FALSE;
void nav_survey_rectangle(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2) {
  static float survey_radius;

  nav_survey_active = TRUE;

  nav_survey_west = Min(WaypointX(wp1), WaypointX(wp2));
  nav_survey_east = Max(WaypointX(wp1), WaypointX(wp2));
  nav_survey_south = Min(WaypointY(wp1), WaypointY(wp2));
  nav_survey_north = Max(WaypointY(wp1), WaypointY(wp2));

  /* Update the current segment from corners' coordinates*/
  if (SurveyGoingNorth()) {
    survey_to.y = nav_survey_north;
    survey_from.y = nav_survey_south;
  } else if (SurveyGoingSouth()) {
    survey_to.y = nav_survey_south;
    survey_from.y = nav_survey_north;
  } else if (SurveyGoingEast()) {
    survey_to.x = nav_survey_east;
    survey_from.x = nav_survey_west;
  } else if (SurveyGoingWest()) {
    survey_to.x = nav_survey_west;
    survey_from.x = nav_survey_east;

  if (! survey_uturn) { /* S-N, N-S, W-E or E-W straight route */
    if ((estimator_y < nav_survey_north && SurveyGoingNorth()) ||
        (estimator_y > nav_survey_south && SurveyGoingSouth()) ||
    (estimator_x < nav_survey_east && SurveyGoingEast()) ||
        (estimator_x > nav_survey_west && SurveyGoingWest())) {
      /* Continue ... */
      nav_route_xy(survey_from.x, survey_from.y, survey_to.x, survey_to.y);
    } else {
      if (survey_orientation == NS) {
    /* North or South limit reached, prepare U-turn and next leg */
    float x0 = survey_from.x; /* Current longitude */
    if (x0+nav_survey_shift < nav_survey_west || x0+nav_survey_shift > nav_survey_east) {
      x0 += nav_survey_shift / 2;
      nav_survey_shift = -nav_survey_shift;

    x0 = x0 + nav_survey_shift; /* Longitude of next leg */
    survey_from.x = survey_to.x = x0;

    /* Swap South and North extremities */
    float tmp = survey_from.y;
    survey_from.y = survey_to.y;
    survey_to.y = tmp;

    /** Do half a circle around WP 0 */
    waypoints[0].x = x0 - nav_survey_shift/2.;
    waypoints[0].y = survey_from.y;

      /* Computes the right direction for the circle */
    survey_radius = nav_survey_shift / 2.;
    if (SurveyGoingNorth()) {
      survey_radius = -survey_radius;
      } else { /* (survey_orientation == WE) */
    /* East or West limit reached, prepare U-turn and next leg */
    /* There is a y0 declared in math.h (for ARM) !!! */
    float my_y0 = survey_from.y; /* Current latitude */
    if (my_y0+nav_survey_shift < nav_survey_south || my_y0+nav_survey_shift > nav_survey_north) {
      my_y0 += nav_survey_shift / 2;
      nav_survey_shift = -nav_survey_shift;

    my_y0 = my_y0 + nav_survey_shift; /* Longitude of next leg */
    survey_from.y = survey_to.y = my_y0;

    /* Swap West and East extremities */
    float tmp = survey_from.x;
    survey_from.x = survey_to.x;
    survey_to.x = tmp;

    /** Do half a circle around WP 0 */
    waypoints[0].x = survey_from.x;
    waypoints[0].y = my_y0 - nav_survey_shift/2.;

      /* Computes the right direction for the circle */
    survey_radius = nav_survey_shift / 2.;
    if (SurveyGoingWest()) {
      survey_radius = -survey_radius;

      nav_in_segment = FALSE;
      survey_uturn = TRUE;
  } else { /* U-turn */
    if ((SurveyGoingNorth() && NavCourseCloseTo(0)) ||
    (SurveyGoingSouth() && NavCourseCloseTo(180)) ||
    (SurveyGoingEast() && NavCourseCloseTo(90)) ||
    (SurveyGoingWest() && NavCourseCloseTo(270))) {
      /* U-turn finished, back on a segment */
      survey_uturn = FALSE;
      nav_in_circle = FALSE;
    } else {
      NavCircleWaypoint(0, survey_radius);
  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0.); /* No pitch */
  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(wp1), 0.); /* No preclimb */
Пример #13
bool_t VerticalRaster(uint8_t l1, uint8_t l2, float radius, float AltSweep) {
  radius = fabs(radius);
  float alt = waypoints[l1].a;
  waypoints[l2].a = alt;

  float l2_l1_x = waypoints[l1].x - waypoints[l2].x;
  float l2_l1_y = waypoints[l1].y - waypoints[l2].y;
  float d = sqrt(l2_l1_x*l2_l1_x+l2_l1_y*l2_l1_y);

  /* Unit vector from l1 to l2 */
  float u_x = l2_l1_x / d;
  float u_y = l2_l1_y / d;

  /* The half circle centers and the other leg */
  struct point l2_c1 = { waypoints[l1].x + radius * u_y,
			 waypoints[l1].y + radius * -u_x,
			 alt  };
  struct point l2_c2 = { waypoints[l1].x + 1.732*radius * u_x,
			 waypoints[l1].y + 1.732*radius * u_y,
			 alt  };
  struct point l2_c3 = { waypoints[l1].x + radius * -u_y,
			 waypoints[l1].y + radius * u_x,
			 alt  };

  struct point l1_c1 = { waypoints[l2].x + radius * -u_y,
			 waypoints[l2].y + radius * u_x,
			 alt  };
  struct point l1_c2 = { waypoints[l2].x +1.732*radius * -u_x,
			 waypoints[l2].y + 1.732*radius * -u_y,
			 alt  };
  struct point l1_c3 = { waypoints[l2].x + radius * u_y,
			 waypoints[l2].y + radius * -u_x,
			 alt  };
  float qdr_out_2_1 = M_PI/3. - atan2(u_y, u_x);

  float qdr_out_2_2 = -M_PI/3. - atan2(u_y, u_x);
  float qdr_out_2_3 = M_PI - atan2(u_y, u_x);

  /* Vertical target */
  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0); /* No pitch */
  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(l1), 0.);

  switch (line_status) {
  case LR12: /* From wp l2 to wp l1 */
    NavSegment(l2, l1);
    if (NavApproachingFrom(l1, l2, CARROT)) {
      line_status = LQC21;
      waypoints[l1].a = waypoints[l1].a+AltSweep;
  case LQC21:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c1.x, l2_c1.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_1)-10)) {
      line_status = LTC2;
  case LTC2:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c2.x, l2_c2.y, -radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_2)+10) && estimator_z >= (waypoints[l1].a-10)) {
      line_status = LQC22;
  case LQC22:
    nav_circle_XY(l2_c3.x, l2_c3.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_3)-10)) {
      line_status = LR21;
  case LR21: /* From wp l1 to wp l2 */
    NavSegment(l1, l2);
    if (NavApproachingFrom(l2, l1, CARROT)) {
      line_status = LQC12;
      waypoints[l1].a = waypoints[l1].a+AltSweep;
  case LQC12:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c1.x, l1_c1.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_1 + M_PI)-10)) {
      line_status = LTC1;
  case LTC1:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c2.x, l1_c2.y, -radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_2 + M_PI)+10) && estimator_z >= (waypoints[l1].a-5)) {
      line_status = LQC11;
  case LQC11:
    nav_circle_XY(l1_c3.x, l1_c3.y, radius);
    if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(qdr_out_2_3 + M_PI)-10)) {
      line_status = LR12;
  return TRUE; /* This pattern never ends */
Пример #14
bool nav_survey_disc_run(uint8_t center_wp, float radius)
  struct FloatVect2 *wind = stateGetHorizontalWindspeed_f();
  float wind_dir = atan2(wind->x, wind->y) + M_PI;

  /** Not null even if wind_east=wind_north=0 */
  struct FloatVect2 upwind;
  upwind.x = cos(wind_dir);
  upwind.y = sin(wind_dir);

  float grid = nav_survey_shift / 2;

  switch (disc_survey.status) {
    case UTURN:
      nav_circle_XY(disc_survey.c.x, disc_survey.c.y, grid * disc_survey.sign);
      if (NavQdrCloseTo(DegOfRad(M_PI_2 - wind_dir))) {
        disc_survey.c1.x = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x;
        disc_survey.c1.y = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y;

        struct FloatVect2 dist;
        VECT2_DIFF(dist, disc_survey.c1, waypoints[center_wp]);
        float d = VECT2_DOT_PRODUCT(upwind, dist);
        if (d > radius) {
          disc_survey.status = DOWNWIND;
        } else {
          float w = sqrtf(radius * radius - d * d) - 1.5 * grid;

          struct FloatVect2 crosswind;
          crosswind.x = -upwind.y;
          crosswind.y = upwind.x;

          disc_survey.c2.x = waypoints[center_wp].x + d * upwind.x - w * disc_survey.sign * crosswind.x;
          disc_survey.c2.y = waypoints[center_wp].y + d * upwind.y - w * disc_survey.sign * crosswind.y;

          disc_survey.status = SEGMENT;

    case DOWNWIND:
      disc_survey.c2.x = waypoints[center_wp].x - upwind.x * radius;
      disc_survey.c2.y = waypoints[center_wp].y - upwind.y * radius;
      disc_survey.status = SEGMENT;
      /* No break; */

    case SEGMENT:
      nav_route_xy(disc_survey.c1.x, disc_survey.c1.y, disc_survey.c2.x, disc_survey.c2.y);
      if (nav_approaching_xy(disc_survey.c2.x, disc_survey.c2.y, disc_survey.c1.x, disc_survey.c1.y, CARROT)) {
        disc_survey.c.x = disc_survey.c2.x + grid * upwind.x;
        disc_survey.c.y = disc_survey.c2.y + grid * upwind.y;

        disc_survey.sign = -disc_survey.sign;
        disc_survey.status = UTURN;

  NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0.); /* No pitch */
  NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(center_wp), 0.); /* No preclimb */

  return true;
Пример #15
bool nav_catapult_run(uint8_t _climb)
  switch (nav_catapult.status) {
      // start high freq function if not done
      if (nav_catapult_nav_catapult_highrate_module_status != MODULES_RUN) {
        nav_catapult_nav_catapult_highrate_module_status = MODULES_START;
      // arm catapult
      nav_catapult.status = NAV_CATAPULT_ARMED;
      // store initial position
      nav_catapult.pos.x = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x;
      nav_catapult.pos.y = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y;
      nav_catapult.pos.z = stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt; // useful ?
      nav_catapult.status = NAV_CATAPULT_WAIT_ACCEL;
      // no throttle, zero attitude
      // wait for acceleration from high speed function
      // fixed attitude and motor
      NavVerticalThrottleMode(MAX_PPRZ * nav_catapult.initial_throttle);
      if (nav_catapult.timer >= nav_catapult.heading_delay * NAV_CATAPULT_HIGHRATE_MODULE_FREQ) {
        // store heading, move climb waypoint
        float dir_x = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x - nav_catapult.pos.x;
        float dir_y = stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y - nav_catapult.pos.y;
        float dir_L = sqrtf(dir_x * dir_x + dir_y * dir_y);
        WaypointX(_climb) = nav_catapult.pos.x + (dir_x / dir_L) * NAV_CATAPULT_CLIMB_DISTANCE;
        WaypointY(_climb) = nav_catapult.pos.y + (dir_y / dir_L) * NAV_CATAPULT_CLIMB_DISTANCE;
        // next step
        nav_catapult.status = NAV_CATAPULT_MOTOR_CLIMB;
      // normal climb: heading locked by waypoint target
      NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(_climb), 0.f);  // vertical mode (folow glideslope)
      NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(0.f);                   // throttle mode
      NavGotoWaypoint(_climb);                            // horizontal mode (stay on localiser)
      if (nav_approaching_xy(WaypointX(_climb), WaypointY(_climb), nav_catapult.pos.x, nav_catapult.pos.y, 0.f)) {
        // reaching climb waypoint, end procedure
        nav_catapult.status = NAV_CATAPULT_DISARM;
      // end procedure
      nav_catapult.status = NAV_CATAPULT_UNINIT;
      nav_catapult_nav_catapult_highrate_module_status = MODULES_STOP;
      return false;
      return false;

  // procedure still running
  return true;
