Пример #1
/// - Insert without checking for collision
void WaypointManager::_addNode(uint32 id, uint32 point, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 delay, uint32 wpGuid)
    WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("INSERT INTO creature_movement (id,point,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,wpguid,waittime) "
                              "VALUES (%u,%u, %f,%f,%f,%f, %u,%u)",
                              id, point, x, y, z, o, wpGuid, delay);

    m_pathMap[id][point] = WaypointNode(x, y, z, o, delay, 0, NULL);
Пример #2
/// - Insert at a certain point, if pointId == 0 insert last. In this case pointId will be changed to the id to which the node was added
WaypointNode const* WaypointManager::AddNode(uint32 entry, uint32 dbGuid, uint32 pathId, uint32& pointId, WaypointPathOrigin wpDest, float x, float y, float z, float orientation)
    // Support only normal movement tables
    if (wpDest != PATH_FROM_GUID && wpDest != PATH_FROM_ENTRY)
        return nullptr;

    // Prepare information
    char const* const table     = waypointOriginTables[wpDest];
    char const* const key_field = waypointKeyColumn[wpDest];
    WaypointPathMap* wpMap      = getMapForPathType(wpDest);

    WaypointPath& path = (*wpMap)[wpDest == PATH_FROM_GUID ? dbGuid : ((entry << 8) + pathId)];

    if (pointId == 0 && !path.empty())                      // Start with highest waypoint
        pointId = path.rbegin()->first + 1;
    else if (pointId == 0)
        pointId = 1;

    uint32 nextPoint = pointId;
    WaypointNode temp = WaypointNode(x, y, z, 100, 0, 0);
    WaypointPath::iterator find = path.find(nextPoint);
    if (find != path.end())                                 // Point already exists
        do                                                  // Move points along until a free spot is found
            std::swap(temp, find->second);
        while (find != path.end() && find->first == nextPoint);
        // After this, we have:
        // pointId, pointId+1, ..., nextPoint [ Can be == path.end ]]

    // Insert new or remaining
    path[nextPoint] = temp;

    uint32 key = wpDest == PATH_FROM_GUID ? dbGuid : entry;

    // Update original waypoints
    for (WaypointPath::reverse_iterator rItr = path.rbegin(); rItr != path.rend() && rItr->first > pointId; ++rItr)
        if (rItr->first <= nextPoint)
            if (wpDest == PATH_FROM_ENTRY)
                WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("UPDATE %s SET point=point+1 WHERE %s=%u AND point=%u AND pathId=%u", table, key_field, key, rItr->first - 1, pathId);
                WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("UPDATE %s SET point=point+1 WHERE %s=%u AND point=%u", table, key_field, key, rItr->first - 1);
    // Insert new Point to database
    if (wpDest == PATH_FROM_ENTRY)
        WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("INSERT INTO %s (%s,pathId,point,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation) VALUES (%u,%u,%u, %f,%f,%f, %f)", table, key_field, pathId, key, pointId, x, y, z, orientation);
        WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("INSERT INTO %s (%s,point,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation) VALUES (%u,%u, %f,%f,%f, %f)", table, key_field, key, pointId, x, y, z, orientation);

    return &path[pointId];
Пример #3
/// - Insert without checking for collision
void WaypointManager::_addNode(uint32 id, uint32 point, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 delay, uint32 wpGuid)
    if(point == 0) return;                                  // counted from 1 in the DB
    WorldDatabase.PExecuteLog("INSERT INTO creature_movement (id,point,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,wpguid,waittime) VALUES ('%u','%u','%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d')", id, point, x, y, z, o, wpGuid, delay);
    WaypointPathMap::iterator itr = m_pathMap.find(id);
    if(itr == m_pathMap.end())
        itr = m_pathMap.insert(WaypointPathMap::value_type(id, WaypointPath())).first;
    itr->second.insert(itr->second.begin() + (point - 1), WaypointNode(x, y, z, o, delay, 0, NULL));
Пример #4
/// Insert a node into the storage for external access
bool WaypointManager::AddExternalNode(uint32 entry, int32 pathId, uint32 pointId, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 waittime)
    if (pathId < 0 || pathId >= 0xFF)
        sLog.outErrorScriptLib("WaypointManager::AddExternalNode: (Npc-Entry %u, PathId %i) Invalid pathId", entry, pathId);
        return false;

    if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(x, y, z, o))
        sLog.outErrorScriptLib("WaypointManager::AddExternalNode: (Npc-Entry %u, PathId %i) Invalid coordinates", entry, pathId);
        return false;

    m_externalPathTemplateMap[(entry << 8) + pathId][pointId] = WaypointNode(x, y, z, o, waittime, 0);
    return true;