  This routine computes one block of the interaction terms of the
  system, namely block (jx,jy), for use in preconditioning.
  Here jx and jy count from 0.
static void fblock(realtype t, realtype cdata[], int jx, int jy,
                   realtype cdotdata[], WebData wdata)
    int iblok, ic;
    realtype x, y;

    iblok = jx + jy*(wdata->mx);
    y = jy*(wdata->dy);
    x = jx*(wdata->dx);
    ic = (wdata->ns)*(iblok);
    WebRates(x, y, t, cdata+ic, cdotdata, wdata);
Пример #2
static int f(realtype t, N_Vector c, N_Vector cdot, void *user_data)
  int i, ic, ici, idxl, idxu, idyl, idyu, iyoff, jx, jy, ns, mxns;
  realtype dcxli, dcxui, dcyli, dcyui, x, y, *cox, *coy, *fsave, dx, dy;
  realtype *cdata, *cdotdata;
  WebData wdata;
  wdata = (WebData) user_data;
  cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(c);
  cdotdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(cdot);
  mxns = wdata->mxns;
  ns = wdata->ns;
  fsave = wdata->fsave;
  cox = wdata->cox;
  coy = wdata->coy;
  mxns = wdata->mxns;
  dx = wdata->dx;
  dy = wdata->dy;
  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    y = jy*dy;
    iyoff = mxns*jy;
    idyu = (jy == MY-1) ? -mxns : mxns;
    idyl = (jy == 0) ? -mxns : mxns;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      x = jx*dx;
      ic = iyoff + ns*jx;
      /* Get interaction rates at one point (x,y). */
      WebRates(x, y, t, cdata+ic, fsave+ic, wdata);
      idxu = (jx == MX-1) ? -ns : ns;
      idxl = (jx == 0) ? -ns : ns;
      for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) {
        ici = ic + i-1;
        /* Do differencing in y. */
        dcyli = cdata[ici] - cdata[ici-idyl];
        dcyui = cdata[ici+idyu] - cdata[ici];
        /* Do differencing in x. */
        dcxli = cdata[ici] - cdata[ici-idxl];
        dcxui = cdata[ici+idxu] - cdata[ici];
        /* Collect terms and load cdot elements. */
        cdotdata[ici] = coy[i-1]*(dcyui - dcyli) + 
                        cox[i-1]*(dcxui - dcxli) +

  /* Quadrature equation (species 1) */
  cdotdata[NEQ] = doubleIntgr(c,ISPEC,wdata);

Пример #3
static void Fweb(realtype tcalc, N_Vector cc, N_Vector crate,  
                 UserData webdata)
  sunindextype jx, jy, is, idyu, idyl, idxu, idxl;
  realtype xx, yy, *cxy, *ratesxy, *cratexy, dcyli, dcyui, dcxli, dcxui;
  /* Loop over grid points, evaluate interaction vector (length ns),
     form diffusion difference terms, and load crate.                    */
  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    yy = (webdata->dy) * jy ;
    idyu = (jy!=MY-1) ? NSMX : -NSMX;
    idyl = (jy!= 0  ) ? NSMX : -NSMX;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      xx = (webdata->dx) * jx;
      idxu = (jx!= MX-1) ?  NUM_SPECIES : -NUM_SPECIES;
      idxl = (jx!=  0  ) ?  NUM_SPECIES : -NUM_SPECIES;
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,jx,jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr(webdata->rates,jx,jy);
      cratexy = IJ_Vptr(crate,jx,jy);
      /* Get interaction vector at this grid point. */
      WebRates(xx, yy, cxy, ratesxy, webdata);
      /* Loop over species, do differencing, load crate segment. */
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared) private(is, dcyli, dcyui, dcxli, dcxui) schedule(static) num_threads(webdata->nthreads)
      for (is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++) {
        /* Differencing in y. */
        dcyli = *(cxy+is) - *(cxy - idyl + is) ;
        dcyui = *(cxy + idyu + is) - *(cxy+is);
        /* Differencing in x. */
        dcxli = *(cxy+is) - *(cxy - idxl + is);
        dcxui = *(cxy + idxu +is) - *(cxy+is);
        /* Compute the crate values at (xx,yy). */
        cratexy[is] = coy[is] * (dcyui - dcyli) +
          cox[is] * (dcxui - dcxli) + ratesxy[is];
      } /* End is loop */
    } /* End of jx loop */
  } /* End of jy loop */
Пример #4
static int reslocal(long int Nlocal, realtype tt, 
                    N_Vector cc, N_Vector cp, N_Vector rr,
                    void *user_data)
  realtype *cdata, *ratesxy, *cpxy, *resxy,
    xx, yy, dcyli, dcyui, dcxli, dcxui;
  int ix, jy, is, i, locc, ylocce, locce;
  UserData webdata;
  webdata = (UserData) user_data;
  /* Get data pointers, subgrid data, array sizes, work array cext. */
  cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Parallel(cc);
  /* Copy local segment of cc vector into the working extended array cext. */
  locc = 0;
  locce = nsmxsub2 + NUM_SPECIES;
  for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
    for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[locce+i] = cdata[locc+i];
    locc = locc + nsmxsub;
    locce = locce + nsmxsub2;

  /* To facilitate homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, when this is
     a boundary PE, copy data from the first interior mesh line of cc to cext. */
  /* If jysub = 0, copy x-line 2 of cc to cext. */
  if (jysub == 0)
    { for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[NUM_SPECIES+i] = cdata[nsmxsub+i]; }
  /* If jysub = npey-1, copy x-line mysub-1 of cc to cext. */
  if (jysub == npey-1) {
    locc = (mysub-2)*nsmxsub;
    locce = (mysub+1)*nsmxsub2 + NUM_SPECIES;
    for (i = 0; i < nsmxsub; i++) cext[locce+i] = cdata[locc+i];
  /* If ixsub = 0, copy y-line 2 of cc to cext. */
  if (ixsub == 0) {
    for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
      locc = jy*nsmxsub + NUM_SPECIES;
      locce = (jy+1)*nsmxsub2;
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES; i++) cext[locce+i] = cdata[locc+i];
  /* If ixsub = npex-1, copy y-line mxsub-1 of cc to cext. */
  if (ixsub == npex-1) {
    for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
      locc  = (jy+1)*nsmxsub - 2*NUM_SPECIES;
      locce = (jy+2)*nsmxsub2 - NUM_SPECIES;
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPECIES; i++) cext[locce+i] = cdata[locc+i];

  /* Loop over all grid points, setting local array rates to right-hand sides.
     Then set rr values appropriately for prey/predator components of F. */

  for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
    ylocce = (jy+1)*nsmxsub2;
    yy     = (jy+jysub*mysub)*dy;

    for (ix = 0; ix < mxsub; ix++) {
      locce = ylocce + (ix+1)*NUM_SPECIES;
      xx = (ix + ixsub*mxsub)*dx;

      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr(rates,ix,jy);
      WebRates(xx, yy, &(cext[locce]), ratesxy, webdata);

      resxy = IJ_Vptr(rr,ix,jy); 
      cpxy = IJ_Vptr(cp,ix,jy); 
      for (is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++) {
        dcyli = cext[locce+is]          - cext[locce+is-nsmxsub2];
        dcyui = cext[locce+is+nsmxsub2] - cext[locce+is];

        dcxli = cext[locce+is]             - cext[locce+is-NUM_SPECIES];
        dcxui = cext[locce+is+NUM_SPECIES] - cext[locce+is];

        rhs[is] = cox[is]*(dcxui-dcxli) + coy[is]*(dcyui-dcyli) + ratesxy[is];

        if (is < np) resxy[is] = cpxy[is] - rhs[is];
        else         resxy[is] =          - rhs[is];

Пример #5
static int Precondbd(realtype tt, N_Vector cc,
                     N_Vector cp, N_Vector rr, 
                     realtype cj, void *user_data,
                     N_Vector tempv1, N_Vector tempv2, N_Vector tempv3)
  int flag, thispe;
  realtype uround;
  realtype xx, yy, *cxy, *ewtxy, cctemp, **Pxy, *ratesxy, *Pxycol, *cpxy;
  realtype inc, sqru, fac, perturb_rates[NUM_SPECIES];
  int is, js, ix, jy, ret;
  UserData webdata;
  void *mem;
  N_Vector ewt;
  realtype hh;

  webdata = (UserData)user_data;
  uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
  sqru = SUNRsqrt(uround);
  thispe = webdata->thispe;

  mem = webdata->ida_mem;
  ewt = webdata->ewt;
  flag = IDAGetErrWeights(mem, ewt);
  check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetErrWeights", 1, thispe);
  flag = IDAGetCurrentStep(mem, &hh);
  check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetCurrentStep", 1, thispe);

  for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
    yy = (jy + jysub*mysub)*dy;

    for (ix = 0; ix < mxsub; ix++) {
      xx = (ix+ ixsub*mxsub)*dx;
      Pxy = (webdata->PP)[ix][jy];
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,ix,jy); 
      cpxy = IJ_Vptr(cp,ix,jy); 
      ewtxy= IJ_Vptr(ewt,ix,jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr(rates,ix,jy);

      for (js = 0; js < ns; js++) {
        inc = sqru*(SUNMAX(SUNRabs(cxy[js]), SUNMAX(hh*SUNRabs(cpxy[js]), ONE/ewtxy[js])));
        cctemp = cxy[js];  /* Save the (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
        cxy[js] += inc;    /* Perturb the (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
        fac = -ONE/inc;
        WebRates(xx, yy, cxy, perturb_rates, webdata);
        Pxycol = Pxy[js];

        for (is = 0; is < ns; is++)
          Pxycol[is] = (perturb_rates[is] - ratesxy[is])*fac;
        if (js < np) Pxycol[js] += cj; /* Add partial with respect to cp. */
        cxy[js] = cctemp; /* Restore (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
      } /* End of js loop. */
      /* Do LU decomposition of matrix block for grid point (ix,jy). */
      ret = denseGETRF(Pxy, ns, ns, (webdata->pivot)[ix][jy]);
      if (ret != 0) return(1);
    } /* End of ix loop. */
  } /* End of jy loop. */

Пример #6
static int Precond(realtype tt, 
		   N_Vector cc, N_Vector cp, N_Vector rr, 
		   realtype cj, void *user_data,
		   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  int flag;
  realtype uround, xx, yy, del_x, del_y;
  realtype **Pxy, *ratesxy, *Pxycol, *cxy, *cpxy, *ewtxy, cctmp;
  realtype inc, fac, sqru, perturb_rates[NUM_SPECIES];
  int is, js, jx, jy, ret;
  void *mem;
  N_Vector ewt;
  realtype hh;
  UserData webdata;

  webdata = (UserData) user_data;
  del_x = webdata->dx;
  del_y = webdata->dy;

  uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
  sqru = SUNRsqrt(uround);

  mem = webdata->ida_mem;
  ewt = webdata->ewt;
  flag = IDAGetErrWeights(mem, ewt);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetErrWeights", 1)) return(1);
  flag = IDAGetCurrentStep(mem, &hh);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetCurrentStep", 1)) return(1);

  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    yy = jy * del_y;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      xx = jx * del_x;
      Pxy = (webdata->PP)[jx][jy];
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc, jx, jy);
      cpxy = IJ_Vptr(cp, jx, jy);
      ewtxy = IJ_Vptr(ewt, jx, jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr((webdata->rates), jx, jy);

      for (js = 0; js < NUM_SPECIES; js++) {
	inc = sqru*(SUNMAX(SUNRabs(cxy[js]), SUNMAX(hh*SUNRabs(cpxy[js]), ONE/ewtxy[js])));
	cctmp = cxy[js];
	cxy[js] += inc;
	fac = -ONE/inc;

	WebRates(xx, yy, cxy, perturb_rates, webdata);

	Pxycol = Pxy[js];
	for (is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++)
	  Pxycol[is] = (perturb_rates[is] - ratesxy[is])*fac;

	if (js < 1) Pxycol[js] += cj;
	cxy[js] = cctmp;

      ret = denseGETRF(Pxy, NUM_SPECIES, NUM_SPECIES, (webdata->pivot)[jx][jy]);

      if (ret != 0) return(1);

