Пример #1
static size_t WidgetRenderer_Render( LCUI_WidgetRenderer renderer )
	size_t count = 0;
	LCUI_PaintContextRec self_paint;
	LCUI_WidgetRenderer that = renderer;
	/* 如果部件有需要绘制的内容 */
	if( that->can_render_self ) {
		count += 1;
		self_paint = *that->paint;
		self_paint.canvas = that->self_graph;
		Widget_OnPaint( that->target, &self_paint );
		/* 若不需要缓存自身位图则直接绘制到画布上 */
		if( !that->has_self_graph ) {
			Graph_Mix( &that->paint->canvas, &that->self_graph,
				   0, 0, that->paint->with_alpha );
	if( that->can_render_centent ) {
		count += WidgetRenderer_RenderChildren( that );
	/* 如果与圆角边框重叠,则裁剪掉边框外的内容 */
	if( that->is_cover_border ) {
		/* content_graph ... */
	if( !that->has_layer_graph ) {
		if( that->has_content_graph ) {
			Graph_Mix( &that->paint->canvas, &that->content_graph,
				   that->content_paint_rect.y, TRUE );
		return count;
	/* 若需要绘制的是当前部件图层,则先混合部件自身位图和内容位图,得出当
	 * 前部件的图层,然后将该图层混合到输出的位图中
	if( that->can_render_self ) {
		Graph_Copy( &that->layer_graph, &that->self_graph );
		Graph_Mix( &that->layer_graph, &that->content_graph,
			   that->content_paint_rect.y, TRUE );
	} else {
		Graph_Create( &that->layer_graph, that->paint->rect.width,
			      that->paint->rect.height );
		Graph_Replace( &that->layer_graph, &that->content_graph,
			       that->content_paint_rect.y );
	that->layer_graph.opacity = that->target->computed_style.opacity;
	Graph_Mix( &that->paint->canvas, &that->layer_graph,
		   0, 0, that->paint->with_alpha );
	return count;
Пример #2
 * 渲染指定部件呈现的图形内容
 * @param[in] w		部件
 * @param[in] paint 	进行绘制时所需的上下文
void Widget_Render( LCUI_Widget w, LCUI_PaintContext paint )
	int i, content_left, content_top;
	LCUI_Rect content_rect;
	LCUI_Graph content_graph, self_graph, layer_graph;
	LCUI_BOOL has_overlay, has_content_graph = FALSE,
		  has_self_graph = FALSE,has_layer_graph = FALSE,
		  is_cover_border = FALSE;

	Graph_Init( &layer_graph );
	Graph_Init( &self_graph );
	Graph_Init( &content_graph );
	/* 若部件本身是透明的 */
	if( w->style.opacity < 1.0 ) {
		has_self_graph = TRUE;
		has_content_graph = TRUE;
		has_layer_graph = TRUE;
	} else {
		/* 若使用了圆角边框,则判断当前脏矩形区域是否在圆角边框内
		if( ... ) {
			has_content_graph = TRUE;
			is_cover_border = TRUE;
	/* 如果需要缓存自身的位图 */
	if( has_self_graph ) {
		LCUI_PaintContextRec_ self_paint;
		/* 有位图缓存则直接截取出来,否则绘制一次 */
		if( Graph_IsValid(&w->graph) ) {
			Graph_Quote( &self_graph, &w->graph, &paint->rect );
		} else {
				paint->rect.width, paint->rect.height
		self_paint.canvas = self_graph;
		self_paint.rect = paint->rect;
		Widget_OnPaint( w, &self_paint );
	} else {
		/* 直接将部件绘制到目标位图缓存中 */
		if( Graph_IsValid(&w->graph) ) {
			Graph_Quote( &self_graph, &w->graph, &paint->rect );
			Graph_Mix( &paint->canvas, &self_graph, Pos(0,0) );
			Graph_WritePNG( "1,paint_canvas.png", &paint->canvas );
			Graph_WritePNG( "2,self_graph.png", &self_graph );
		} else {
			Widget_OnPaint( w, paint );
	/* 计算内容框相对于图层的坐标 */
	content_left = w->base.box.content.x - w->base.box.graph.x;
	content_top = w->base.box.content.y - w->base.box.graph.y;
	/* 获取内容框 */
	content_rect.x = content_left;
	content_rect.y = content_top;
	content_rect.width = w->base.box.content.width;
	content_rect.height = w->base.box.content.height;
	/* 获取内容框与脏矩形重叠的区域 */
	has_overlay = LCUIRect_GetOverlayRect(
		&content_rect, &paint->rect, &content_rect
	/* 如果没有与内容框重叠,则跳过内容绘制 */
	if( !has_overlay ) {
		goto content_paint_done;
	/* 将换重叠区域的坐标转换为相对于脏矩形的坐标 */
	content_rect.x -= paint->rect.x;
	content_rect.y -= paint->rect.y;
	/* 若需要部件内容区的位图缓存 */
	if( has_content_graph ) {
		content_graph.color_type = COLOR_TYPE_ARGB;
		Graph_Create( &content_graph, content_rect.w, content_rect.h );
	} else {
		/* 引用该区域的位图,作为内容框的位图 */
		Graph_Quote( &content_graph, &paint->canvas, &content_rect );
	i = LinkedList_GetTotal( &w->children_show );
	/* 按照显示顺序,从底到顶,递归遍历子级部件 */
	while( i-- ) {
		LCUI_Widget child;
		LCUI_Rect child_rect;
		LCUI_PaintContextRec_ child_paint;

		child = (LCUI_Widget)LinkedList_Get( &w->children_show );
		if( !child->style.visible ) {
		/* 将子部件的区域,由相对于内容框转换为相对于当前脏矩形 */
		child_rect = child->base.box.graph;
		child_rect.x += (content_left - paint->rect.x);
		child_rect.y += (content_top - paint->rect.y);
		/* 获取于内容框重叠的区域,作为子部件的绘制区域 */
		has_overlay = LCUIRect_GetOverlayRect(
			&content_rect, &child_rect, &child_paint.rect
		/* 区域无效则不绘制 */
		if( !has_overlay ) {
		/* 将子部件绘制区域转换相对于当前部件内容框 */
		child_rect.x = child_paint.rect.x - content_rect.x;
		child_rect.y = child_paint.rect.y - content_rect.y;
		child_rect.width = child_paint.rect.width;
		child_rect.height = child_paint.rect.height;
		/* 在内容位图中引用所需的区域,作为子部件的画布 */
		Graph_Quote( &child_paint.canvas, &content_graph, &child_rect );
		Widget_Render( child, &child_paint );
	/* 如果与圆角边框重叠,则裁剪掉边框外的内容 */
	if( is_cover_border ) {
		/* content_graph ... */


	/* 若需要绘制的是当前部件图层,则先混合部件自身位图和内容位图,得出当
	 * 前部件的图层,然后将该图层混合到输出的位图中
	if( has_layer_graph ) {
		Graph_Init( &layer_graph );
		layer_graph.color_type = COLOR_TYPE_ARGB;
		Graph_Copy( &layer_graph, &self_graph );
			&layer_graph, &content_graph,
			Pos(content_rect.x, content_rect.y)
		layer_graph.opacity = w->style.opacity;
		Graph_Mix( &paint->canvas, &layer_graph, Pos(0,0) );
	else if( has_content_graph ) {
			&paint->canvas, &content_graph,
			Pos(content_rect.x, content_rect.y)
	Graph_WritePNG( "layer_graph.png", &layer_graph );
	Graph_WritePNG( "self_graph.png", &self_graph );
	Graph_WritePNG( "content_graph.png", &content_graph );
	Graph_Free( &layer_graph );
	Graph_Free( &self_graph );
	Graph_Free( &content_graph );
Пример #3
static int _Widget_ProcInvalidArea( LCUI_Widget w, LCUI_BOOL is_root, int x, int y,
			LCUI_Rect *valid_box, LCUI_DirtyRectList *rlist )
	int i, n, count;
	LCUI_Widget child;
	LCUI_Rect rect, child_box, *r;

	count = n = LinkedList_GetTotal( &w->dirty_rects );
	/* 取出当前记录的脏矩形 */
	for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
		LinkedList_Goto( &w->dirty_rects, 0 );
		r = (LCUI_Rect*)LinkedList_Get( &w->dirty_rects );
		/* 若有独立位图缓存,则重绘脏矩形区域 */
		if( Graph_IsValid(&w->graph) ) {
			LCUI_PaintContextRec_ paint;
			paint.rect = *r;
			Graph_Quote( &paint.canvas, &w->graph, &paint.rect );
			Widget_OnPaint( w, &paint );
		/* 转换为相对于父部件的坐标 */
		rect.x = r->x;
		rect.y = r->y;
		/* 如果当前是根部件,则不用加上自身坐标 */
		if( !is_root ) {
			rect.x += w->base.box.graph.x;
			rect.y += w->base.box.graph.y;
		rect.w = r->w;
		rect.h = r->h;
		/* 取出与容器内有效区域相交的区域 */
		if( LCUIRect_GetOverlayRect(&rect, valid_box, &rect) ) {
			/* 转换相对于根级部件的坐标 */
			rect.x += x;
			rect.y += y;
			DirtyRectList_Add( rlist, &rect );
		LinkedList_Delete( &w->dirty_rects );
	/* 若子级部件没有脏矩形记录 */
	if( !w->has_dirty_child ) {
		return count;
	/* 缩小有效区域到当前部件内容框内,若没有重叠区域,则不向子级部件递归 */
	if( !LCUIRect_GetOverlayRect(valid_box, &w->base.box.content, &child_box) ) {
		return count;
	/* 转换有效区域的坐标,相对于当前部件的内容框 */
	child_box.x -= w->base.box.content.x;
	child_box.y -= w->base.box.content.y;
	n = LinkedList_GetTotal( &w->children );
	/* 向子级部件递归 */
	for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
		child = (LCUI_Widget)LinkedList_Get( &w->children );
		if( !child->style.visible ) {
		count += _Widget_ProcInvalidArea(
			child, FALSE, child->base.box.graph.x + x,
			child->base.box.graph.y + y, &child_box, rlist
	return count;