//Opens the table that is currently selected using the given view.  Or, if the table
//is already open, brings it to the front.
void BeAccessibleWindow::OpenTable(int view)
	DBTabView* tab = (DBTabView*)fTabView->GetCurrentTab();
	BStringItem* selectedTable;
	//Find the currently selected table
	if (tab->fListView->CurrentSelection() >= 0)
		selectedTable = (BStringItem*)tab->fListView->ItemAt(
		  					        tab->fListView->CurrentSelection() );
		//No table is selected
	if (!WindowExists(selectedTable->Text()))
		//Open a new table window if it isn't already
		fNewGrid = new TableWindow(view, selectedTable->Text());
		//If the table is already open, bring it to the front
Пример #2
void cUIManager::WindowAdd( cUIWindow * win ) {
	if ( !WindowExists( win ) ) {
		mWindowsList.push_front( win );
	} else {
		//! Send to front
		mWindowsList.remove( win );
		mWindowsList.push_front( win );
Пример #3
void cUIManager::WindowRemove( cUIWindow * win ) {
	if ( WindowExists( win ) ) {
		mWindowsList.remove( win );
Пример #4
 * \param name Window name
 * \param type Window type (see constants.h for WT_*)
 * \param parent Parent ID (typically connection ID)
 * \param activate Activate window on creation
 * Creates a new subwindow.\n
 * Specify Parent 0 if it's a custom (scriptable window).\n
 * DCC windows sets their parent to the IConnection that created it. It won't be a child of this IConnection though.
 * \return -1 if failed, otherwise Window ID
int IdealIRC::CreateSubWindow(QString name, int type, int parent, bool activate)

    if (WindowExists(name, parent) == true)
        return -1;

    qDebug() << "Creating new subwindow type " << type << " name " << name;

    IWin *s;

    if ((type >= WT_DCCSEND) && (type <= WT_DCCCHAT)) {
        IConnection *c = conlist.value(parent, NULL);
        s = new IWin(ui->mdiArea, name, type, &conf, &scriptParent, c);

        parent = 0;
        s = new IWin(ui->mdiArea, name, type, &conf, &scriptParent);

    IConnection *connection = conlist.value(parent, NULL);
    if (type == WT_STATUS) {
        qDebug() << "Window is status, new connection added with id " << s->getId();
        connection = new IConnection(this, &chanlist, s->getId(), &conf, &scriptParent, &wsw);
        connection->setActiveInfo(&activeWname, &activeConn);
        connect(connection, SIGNAL(connectionClosed()),
                this, SLOT(connectionClosed()));
        connect(connection, SIGNAL(connectedToIRC()),
                this, SLOT(connectionEstablished()));
        connect(connection, SIGNAL(RequestTrayMsg(QString,QString)),
                this, SLOT(trayMessage(QString,QString)));

    qDebug() << "Connection added, setting pointers";

    if (connection != NULL)

    qDebug() << "Pointers set, setting up mdiSubWindow";

    QMdiSubWindow *previous = ui->mdiArea->currentSubWindow();
    QMdiSubWindow *sw = ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(s, Qt::SubWindow);

    qDebug() << "Pointer to subwindow: " << sw;

    qDebug() << "Icon...";

    // Add icon to window
    QString ico = ":/window/gfx/custom.png"; // Default to this.
    if (type == WT_PRIVMSG)
      ico = ":/window/gfx/query.png";
    if (type == WT_CHANNEL)
      ico = ":/window/gfx/channel.png";
    if (type == WT_STATUS)
      ico = ":/window/gfx/status.png";

    qDebug() << "Treeitem...";

    QTreeWidgetItem *treeitem = GetWidgetItem(parent);

    if (treeitem == NULL)
        treeitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->treeWidget);
        treeitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(treeitem);

    treeitem->setIcon(0, QIcon(ico));
    treeitem->setText(0, name);
    treeitem->setToolTip(0, name);

    qDebug() << "subwindow_t instance...";

    subwindow_t wt;
    wt.connection = connection;
    wt.parent = parent;
    wt.subwin = sw;
    wt.treeitem = treeitem;
    wt.type = type;
    wt.wid = s->getId();
    wt.widget = s;
    wt.highlight = HL_NONE;

    qDebug() << "Adding subwindow_t to winlist...";

    winlist.insert(s->getId(), wt);

    wsw.addWindow(type, name, wt.wid, parent);

    sw->setGeometry(0, 0, 500, 400);

    if (type == WT_STATUS) {
        qDebug() << "Adding connection to the list...";
        // The Connection class ID is the exact same ID as the status window ID.
        conlist.insert(s->getId(), connection);
        connection->addWindow("STATUS", wt);
        connect(connection, SIGNAL(RequestWindow(QString,int,int,bool)),
                this, SLOT(CreateSubWindow(QString,int,int,bool)));
        connect(connection, SIGNAL(HighlightWindow(int,int)),
                this, SLOT(Highlight(int,int)));